Book industry

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Book industry

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Book industry

      • UF Book production
      • UF Fabrication du livre
      • UF Production du livre
      • UF Fabricación del libro
      • UF Producción del libro

      Verwante termen

      23 Archivistische beschrijving results for Book industry

      GB 0074 LMA/4462/J · Collectie · 1977-1983

      Records of the Bookshop Joint Action Committee, including correspondence between bookshops and to the Home Office; witness statements of attacks on the Bogle-L'Ouverture bookshop and notes written at the time of the incidents; letters of support from organisations and bookshops in Britain, America and the Caribbean; press cuttings and magazine articles about the events; letters, stickers and publicity materials sent to or left on shops by the National Front and the Ku Klux Klan (LMA/4462/J/01/009), and copies of photographs of damage done to the bookshops.

      'Fourth Idea Bookshop' set up the 'Fascist Information Centre' to collect information about the attacks and to create a fund to assist the shops involved. A questionnaire was distributed to collate materials for a report and photocopies of documents are contained in the series. They aimed to compile a dossier of attacks and to start a security fund to assist with damage to bookshops.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 9/09 · Archief · 1902-1916

      The collection contains correspondence of Edith Palliser, Pippa Strachey, Eva Gore-Booth, Eileen Hughes and Edith Dimmock amongst others, notes on various professions such as journalism, bookbinding and fashion designing, and materials issued by the Women's Industrial Council, the Women's Labour League and the London Society for Women's Suffrage.

      Zonder titel
      Trout, Robert Ridgill
      GB 0096 MS 862 · 1921-1969

      Papers of Robert Ridgill Trout (1878-1969), including: material created or collected by Ridgill Trout relating to his support for the theory that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford wrote the poetry and plays attributed to William Shakespeare, including a biography of Edward de Vere, an examination of the Cornwallis Manuscript, copies of the Shakespeare Authorship Review featuring articles by and about Ridgill Trout and photographs, 1967-1969; typescript draft of work, Twenty Earls and Shakespeare by Ridgill Trout, espousing his support for the theory that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford wrote the poetry and plays attributed to William Shakespeare, c1967; typescript draft of Robert Ridgill Trout's work, Twenty Earls and Shakespeare. The background of the Historical Plays with the life story of Edward de Vere (a different, more lengthy and later work than Twenty Earls and Shakespeare held in MS862/2) giving a detailed history of the De Vere Family and espousing his support for the theory that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, wrote the poetry and plays attributed to William Shakespeare, c1967; material compiled by Robert Ridgill Trout during his career as a bookseller and valuer, including valuation catalogues for books, incunabula and manuscripts held by the Wellcome Foundation and in the library of Sir William Dugdale, an auction catalogue, and miscellanous notes and sale advertisements concerning books and manuscripts, 1921-1939.

      Zonder titel
      Bradley, John William
      GB 0096 MS 415 · 1874

      Notes from 1874 on the Woodcuts, Initials and other ornaments of early printed books with reference to the Italian and French renaissance.

      Zonder titel
      Unicorn Bookshop
      GB 0097 UNICORN · [1960-1970]

      Records of the Unicorn Bookshop, [1960-1970], a bookshop specialising in anarchist and sexually subversive publications.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0505 PP9 · [1903-1937]

      Manuscripts and typescripts of MacGregor's work, notably translations into rhymed English verse of The clouds and The knights by Aristophanes; and three essays entitled 'The touch of nature' on the relationship between modern and ancient Greek culture, 'The adventurous Methodist' on warfare in ancient Greece, and 'Fish, flesh and fowl' on Aelian's Historical diversions and On the peculiarities of animals. Material relating to the binding and publication of MacGregor's manuscripts following his death, 1937.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 B/WNR · Collectie · 1871-1882

      Records relating to property owned by Powell, Warner and Crowther, stationers, including lease of 101 High Street, Whitechapel; assignment of the business and all stock and books from Powell to Warner and Crowther; assignment of lease of a warehouse in Commercial Street, Stepney, with schedule of deeds of the warehouse. 1871-1882.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 AL 532 · 1852

      Papers of Augustus de Morgan, 1852, comprise a letter to John Chapman, discussing the regulation of prices by the book trade and moves toward an open market.

      Zonder titel
      Manuscript Fragments
      GB 0103 MS FRAG · 12th century-19th century

      Fragments of mainly medieval and early modern manuscripts, primarily leaves from liturgical texts including missals, breviaries, psalters, bibles and biblical commentaries, but also including fragments of popular medieval textbooks including the Codex Justinianus and Graecismus . Also includes fragments of medieval music including noted missals, antiphonaries, graduals and noted breviaries. The music section includes fragments from two incunabula.

      Zonder titel
      Rees Papers
      GB 0103 REES · c1920-1970

      Papers of the writer Sir Richard Rees, c1920-1970 and undated.

      Manuscripts and typescripts for Rees' published and unpublished work include material for an unpublished book of essays; a typescript of his unpublished novel; unpublished shorter pieces, including lectures on literary and cultural subjects, among them George Orwell and Simone Weil.

      Miscellaneous personal papers and writings, 1926-1960s, include notes on dreams; travel notes on the USA, 1929; a Russian diary, 1935; papers relating to the Spanish Civil War; typescript papers of the International Commission for War Refugees, 1941-1944, and other correspondence and papers on its work; papers relating to Rees' service in World War Two; correspondence concerning Rees' membership of the committee of the Pilgrim Trust; papers relating to sales of Rees' books; printed papers, comprising various articles and book reviews relating to Rees' interests.

      Correspondence, c1920-1970, comprises items to Rees and carbon copies or drafts of his letters, the correspondents including prominent literary and other public figures, for example David Astor, Vanessa Bell, Joseph Conrad, Victor Gollancz, Frieda Lawrence, Iris Murdoch, Sonia Orwell, Sir Herbert Read, Hugh Trevor-Roper, A L Rowse, John Sparrow, Stephen Spender, R H Tawney, and many others, and including letters relating to George Orwell, J Middleton Murry, R H Tawney, and Simone Weil; correspondence with his literary agents A D Peters and with publishers, on his publications and broadcasts; letters to the press; personal papers, including c100 letters from Rees to his mother, c1938-c1942, other family letters, and snapshots; correspondence with J Middleton Murry and his wife, 1936-1937, relating to personal matters leading to Rees' resignation from the Adelphi, and other papers relating to the Adelphi, 1935-1936.

      Other material includes a notebook including typescript reviews and letters to editors; memoranda of agreements with publishers for books, articles, etc, 1954-1969; press cuttings on various political, literary, artistic, and other subjects, including reviews of some works by Rees; typescript diary of a visit to Italy, 1959.

      Rees' papers on George Orwell, 1949-1963, relating to his role as literary executor include correspondence and papers, some relating to Orwell's death, adopted son Richard, and proposed posthumous publications, and including material relating to his wife Sonia; papers on the George Orwell Archive Trust; typescript transcripts of poems Orwell contributed to the Adelphi, 1933-1936; two book reviews by Orwell, 1943-1944.

      Rees' papers on Simone Weil largely comprise translations, typescripts and proofs for Rees' publications on Weil. There are also some writings by Weil; a photograph of her, 1942; letters to Rees from Weil's mother and brother, André, and other correspondence on Weil, 1958-1970; press cuttings on Rees' publications on Weil.

      Rees' papers on R H Tawney, relating to his role as literary executor, include correspondence and papers of Tawney; Rees' correspondence on Tawney, largely dating from 1960-1970; correspondence and papers relating to the sale of Tawney's belongings and his will, with other personal documents relating to Tawney and his wife; correspondence relating to the disposal of Tawney's collection of books on economic history, 1952. The correspondents include a number of prominent literary and other public figures.

      The later deposit comprises a typescript on Orwell and a typescript and corrected proofs on Murry.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0114 MS0098 · 1961-[1968]

      Papers of Richard wheeler Haines, 1961-c 1968, comprising original figures and illustrations from Handbook of Human Embryology by Haines and Ahmed Mohiuddin; copy of a supplement to the Journal of the Faculty of Medicine - Baghdad; editors draft of A Handbook of Human Embryology Part 1, 1961; print labelled 'figure 30', 1965; and 2 photographs of bones provided by the Medical Illustration Unit of the University of Lagos Medical School, where Haines was Professor of Anatomy.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP75 · 1874-1997

      Papers of and relating to Evelyn Underhill, 1874-1997 and undated, comprising personal correspondence of and concerning Underhill, 1888-1969 and undated, the correspondents including Baron Friedrich von Hugel (three letters, 1911-1916), Underhill's husband Hubert Stuart Moore (117 letters from Underhill to Moore, 1890-1912 and undated, and 30 letters from Moore to Underhill, 1898-1906 and undated), Rabindranath Tagore (typed transcripts of 10 letters from Underhill to Tagore, 1913-1914), and members of the Underhill family, the subjects ranging from Catholicism, travels in Italy, Switzerland and France, publications and lectures, spiritual matters and advice, mysticism, health, and World War Two; correspondence, 1907-[1954], with various publishers concerning Underhill's publications (some posthumous) and broadcasts, including copyright, costs, sales and royalties; manuscripts and typescripts containing proposed holiday itineraries and recording Underhill's impressions while travelling in Italy, Switzerland and France, 1898-1899, 1901-1907; poetry, 1917-1923 and undated, including some work which was published; a speech at King's College London on being elected a Fellow, 1927; an article on 'The Fountain of Life: an iconographical study', published in 1910; material relating to spiritual development, 1921-1939, mainly under the guidance of Baron Friedrich Von Hugel and including transcripts of his letters, 1921-1924, and other items on spiritual advice, confessions, goals and progress; papers relating to retreats and religious writings, 1924-1932 and undated, including notebooks and texts of addresses; printed material by and concerning Underhill, 1926-1941, 1990, including some of her publications; press cuttings, 1891-1949, mainly reviews of Underhill's work but also including early published pieces; sketchbooks and drawings, 1892-1911 and undated, including sketches and watercolours of marine scenes in Britain, ecclesiastical subjects, and Italian and French architecture; photographs, c1925-c1930s and undated, including a photograph and negatives of Underhill (one at Pleshey), a portrait of Baron Von Hugel, marine views, and views of French and Italian castles and towns; material relating to the Underhill family, 1874-1940, including the marriage certificate of Evelyn Underhill's parents, 1874, a family tree, c1891, a copy of Evelyn Underhill's will, 1940, and details of books in Dr Williams's Library, London, which originated from Underhill's library; obituaries of and articles about Underhill, 1941-1997, including theses, bibliographies, memoirs, biographical material and reflections on her work; newsletters of the Evelyn Underhill Association, 1992-1997.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0505 PP13 · 1889-1902, [1965]

      Papers, mainly relating to the publication of Corn and Poppies (E. Matthews, London, 1890), comprising letters, 1890-1901, to Cosmo Monkhouse from various discussing his poetry, notably William Blackwood, publisher and editor of Blackwood's Magazine, Edward Onslow Ford, Edmund Gosse, Hugh Stewart, Alfred Monkhouse, John Trivett Nettleship, L Solon, Richard Garnett, Alice Boyd, J M Davies, James Brander Matthews, E J Smilie, James Rustin, George Chester, M Eliot Hodgkin, S H Boughton, Walter Ashley, B Jowett, M J Linton, Edmund C Steadman, H D Cobban, J Foxhunter, George H Ellwanger, Rt Hon Anthony John Mundella, President of the Board of Trade, Alsager Hay Hill, Gertrude Vores, Agnes Elton, Violet (Vernon Lee) Paget, Euterpe Fraies, Alfred Earl, and William Sharp (pseudonym of Fiona Macleod); two signed illustrations for Corn and Poppies by William Strang, [1890]; a manuscript poem by Monkhouse about the Swan Inn at Littleworth, 22 May 1893. Biographical material for Monkhouse, including a typed copy of Sydney Lee's memoir, first published in the Athenaeum, 27 Jul 1901; a photocopy of an article by Edmund Gosse entitled 'Cosmo Monkhouse as an art critic', Art Journal, 1902; notes concerning the donation of the collection to Bedford College Library, [1964-1965].

      Zonder titel
      GB 1538 RCOG/A9 · Archief · 1979-2007

      Records relating to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Bookshop, 1979-2007, including bookshop catalogues, updates and bulletins (1979-2006), varied merchandise of the College (1994-2006) and blank copies of the RCOG diary (2000-2007).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 AL 11 · Collectie · 1856

      Letter from Baldassarre Boncompagni-Ludovisi, 1856, [To Augustus De Morgan], asking him to make arrangements with Mr Ashbee for making facsimiles of pages in early printed books.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2753 Central School of Art and Design · [1896]-1987

      Records of the Central School of Art and Design, [1896]-1987, comprising minutes of the Advisory Council, 1915-1952; minutes and agendas of the Board of Studies, 1919-1937, 1962-1963; minutes of staff meetings, 1930-1932; annual reports of the Principal and Advisory Committee, 1911-1926; report by the Principal on the aims and organisation of the school, 1913; reports of the Advisory Council, 1926-1933; Advisory Council attendance book, 1915-1951; report of inspection of the Central School, 1920; Board of Education inspection reports of the Central School, 1920-1921; papers concerning aims and organisation of the school, including reports and correspondence, 1913-1956; papers concerning school inspections, including reports, 1929-1953; papers and correspondence relating to diplomas and fellowships, 1921-1953; papers concerning industrial art bursaries, 1947-1955; papers and correspondence relating to the Governing Body, including appointment of governors, 1955-1961;

      correspondence concerning the book William Richard Lethaby, 1857-1931 by A R N Roberts (published 1957), [1956]; notes concerning a television programme on the School, 1954; notes on W R Lethaby, with some correspondence of Lethaby, [1909-1930]; visitors book, 1914-1984; timetables, 1973-1977;

      photographs of Southampton Row building, [1908]-1970s; photographs of bomb damage to the school, [1942]; photographs of students, [1920s-1990s]; photograph album of students' work, [1950s]; photographs of Khartoum Technical College Department of Fine Arts depicting student life and work, 1963; photographs of life models, [1930s]; floor plans of the Central School building, [1950s];

      copies of prospectuses, 1896-1987; prospectuses for departments, 1970s; exhibition catalogues for Central School Book Production and lithography, 1912-1913; degree show catalogues, 1950s-1990s; invitation and publicity concerning students' exhibition of work, 1952;

      Students Union members' signature book, 1930-1932; rough lists of members of the Students' Society, 1959-1964; Central School of Arts and Crafts student magazines, 1919, 1920, 1923 (hand drawn and written); Book Production Class magazine (journals for the boys of the Day Technical School of Book Production and Silversmithing), 1912-1913; Printing Class Boys Magazine, 1916, 1926; student newspapers, 1970-1980; student handbook, 1974;

      sketch books of R B Neal, of interiors of Hatfield House, sketches and photographs of furniture and notes and sketches on historical furniture styles, [1912-1914]; student essays on interior design and etching, 1954; printed examples of typographical work at a summer school for teachers, 1933;

      articles and press cuttings relating to the history of Central School, including magazines and articles on the work of students, 1950s-1990s; press cuttings concerning the opening of the Jeanetta Cochrane theatre, [1962]; articles, obituaries, press cuttings, biographical information and papers relating to W R Lethaby, including his house designs, 1932-1980s; articles, press cuttings, exhibition catalogues, relating to Central School artists and designers, photographs and private view cards, compiled from the 1980s; press cuttings, publicity material concerning Central School exhibitions and fashion shows, 1987-1997;

      printed London County Council Education Department records, including reports on technical education, 1912, training and employment in the printing trades, 1914, trade and technical education in France and Germany, 1914; handbook on education visits, 1910; annual report of the Council on higher education, 1911; reports on teachers' conferences, 1909-1914; reports on the Education Act, 1918; Staff Gazette, 1900-1903; Technical Education Board minutes, 1908.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1924 Bookbinders · 1866-1965

      Records of the London Bookbinders and Paperworkers, comprising:
      Bookbinders Consolidated Union: Minutes 1867-1882;
      Shop Secretaries Association: Minutes 1913-1922;
      London Consolidated Lodge of Journeymen Bookbinders: Minutes 1866-1868;
      Vellum Binders Society: Minutes 1892-1908; Benevolent and Reserve Applications, 1891-1913;
      National Union of Bookbinders and Machine Rulers (1911-1921), National Union of Printing, Bookbinding, Machine Ruling and Paper Workers (1921-1928), National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers (1928-1965) Vellum Binders Branch/London Bookbinders Branch: Minutes 1913-1914, West End (London) Branch: Minutes 1911-1913; London Bookbinders Branch: minutes 1919-1965; London Central Branch: Delegate Minutes 1908-1962, Committee Minutes 1912-1951 [the London Bookbinders and London Central Branches fused in June 1965].
      In addition to the minute books there are a large number of financial ledgers, 1909-1964, a NUPBW correspondence ledger, 1925-1952; a Labour Election Fund Ledger, 1924-1927, a file of Political Fund Exemption Notices, 1948-1966, and a file of miscellaneous papers, 1959-1965, including correspondence on insurance stamps and on social events.

      Zonder titel
      Publishing News Archive
      GB 2108 KUAS67 · [1950]- 2008

      Documents created during the publication of Publishing News magazine. This includes a complete run of the magazine, copies of other publications by Publishing News, research files on companies and individuals associated with the book trade pulled together by the editors of the magazine, photographs used in the magazine, documents relating to the British Book Awards, reference books on the book trade, and some digital records. Publishing New's website has also been archived and can be searched at .

      Zonder titel
      Lahr, Oonagh: letters
      GB 0096 AL524 · Archief · 1971

      2 letters from Oonagh Lahr of 9 Wilton Road, Muswell Hill, London to Mr Lewin. (1) Concerning the death of her father, Charles Lahr, 25 Aug 1971. (2) Discussing the book trade and arranging to meet Mairin Mitchell, 2 Sep 1971.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 AL80 · Collectie · 1881

      Papers of Alexander Macdonald, 1881, comprise a letter to John Salkeld, bookseller asking him to forward J Godkin's 'Land War in Ireland'.

      Zonder titel
      Grote Manuscript
      GB 0103 MS ADD 107 · c1856

      Portions of the manuscript of Grote's History of Greece, returned by the printer to the author and preserved by Mrs Grote. Covers chapters 91-93: 91/12-34, 92/17-29, 92/58-64, 93/1-3, 93/57-66, and list of marginals.

      Zonder titel
      Lahr, Charles (1855-1971)
      GB 0096 MS985 · Archief · 1917-1967

      Papers of Charles Lahr, documenting many of Lahr's activities, especially during the 1920s and 1930s. These include his involvement in the publishing business, and bookselling activities. Most of the correspondence is related to social and family matters. There are various typescripts related to the activities of the Blue Moon Press available, some of them with manuscript corrections and signed by the authors. A file of newspaper cuttings consisting mainly of reviews of published works provides additional information on the publishing activities in London at the time. Most of the correspondence lack important details such as dates or clear identification of writer. Some of the correspondence has been annotated for Ms Oonagh Lahr before she handed the collection to the University of London. Some of the annotations were written in pencil on the same documents while other notes are attached with the originals. Where these give added information to that in the documents, these notes have been kept with the originals. Some of the photographs have notes written on their reverse identifying some of the persons featuring in them. This was also done by Ms Oonagh Lahr.Esther Lahr clearly played a significant role in the running of both the bookshop and the various publishing ventures in which Charles Lahr engaged. Correspondence addressed to her is listed in a separate section of this catalogue.

      Zonder titel
      Hanley, James: letter (1933)
      GB 0096 MS1160 · Archief · 1933

      Letter from James Hanley to Frank Hollings, bookseller, offering to sell manuscript of his first novel Drift and also the manuscript of Captain Bottele, 6 Nov 1933.

      Zonder titel