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      • UP Botanical research
      • UP Plant biology
      • UP Biologie des plantes
      • UP Recherche botanique
      • UP Biología de las plantas
      • UP Investigación botánica

      118 Descrição arquivística resultados para Botany

      118 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
      Thoüin Family, botanists, France
      GB 0120 MSS.4787 & 7598 · 1774-1828

      Personal and professional papers relating to the family, specifially: André Thoüin (1747-1824), 16 items including correspondence and reports by him; André's 3 younger brothers: Jacques Thoüin (1751-1836), 4 items of correspondence an items signed by him; Gabriel Thoüin (d.1829), 3 letters signed by him; Oscar Leclerc [Thoüin] (1798-1845), 2 items by him.

      Also, 35 items, primarily correspondence, addressed to Thoüin family members.

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      GB 0074 CLC/B/103-10 · Coleção · 1920-1954

      National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers records comprise: general meetings minutes, 1920-1927 (Ms 23237); executive committee minutes, 1920-1926 (Ms 23238); and Hull area members minutes, 1939-1954 (Ms 23239).

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      HUTTON, William (1797-1860)
      GB 378 LDGSL/54 · Série · [1827-1831]

      Papers of William Hutton, [1827-1831], comprising:

      Two ink drawings of Coal Measure plants, by William Hutton, from the Northumberland and Durham coal-field, [1827]; draft of paper 'On the Stratiform Basalt associated with the Carboniferous formation of the North of England' by William Hutton, accompanied by 12 ink sketches of sections, [1831].

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      GB 0370 MS/1 · Item · January-April 1846

      Primarily comprises of botanical specimens in the form of pressed flowers and plants accompanied by manuscript descriptions giving the date and location at which the specimen was collected, with biblical, historical and personal context sometimes provided. References are made to 'quarantine quarters' in Malta, and going 'on shore with our guns' in Egypt, indicating that the author may have been working for the Royal Navy.

      Locations visited by the author of the journal include:

      Egypt (January-March 1846), including a scrap of papyrus found in the 'catacombs of Sioul', a parrot feather and fabric from 'a child mummy', Luxor (13 February), Cairo (28 February 1846); Palestine and Israel (March), including Rafah (18 March), Gaza (19 March), Jerusalem (23-28 March, 30-31 March 1846), Bethlehem (28 March 1846); Bethany (31 March 1846); Jordan (1 April 1846); Bethel (2 April 1846); Ephraim (2 April 1846); Schechem (2 April 1846); Sychar (3 April 1846); Samaria (4 April 1846); Nazareth (4-6 April 1846); Mount Fabor (7 April 1846); Cana of Galilee (7 April 1846); Mount Carmel (8 April 1846); Caipha (9 April 1846); St Jean de Acre (9 April 1846); Tyre (10 April 1846); Sidon (11 April 1846); Beyrout [Beirut] (16 April 1846); Malta (27 April 1846).

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      GB 0370 WFD · early 16th century - 2010

      This collection contains the archives of Westfield College, University of London, from its pre-history to its merger with Queen Mary College in 1989.

      It comprises records relating to the pre-history and constitution of the College, c.1881-1976, including Trust deeds and charters; Council records, 1882-1992, including Council minutes, reports, Committee minutes, and correspondence; annual reports, 1883-1989; financial records, 1892-1989, including account balance sheets, ledgers, cash books, mortgages, and appeals; records relating to the administration of Westfield College through the University of London, 1900-1982, including inspections, quinquennium development plans, University Grants Committee visitations, and papers relating to the Murray Report and the Swinnerton-Dyer Committee; Academic Board and its Committee minutes, 1903-1989; Principal's College papers, 1917-1989; Principal's personal papers, mid 19th century-late 20th century; staff administration records, 1929-1996, including starters and leavers books, appointments, and minutes of the Westfield College branch of the Association of University Teachers; student administration records, 1882-1993, including student registers, index cards, examination papers, scholarships papers, wartime arrangements, and testimonials; records relating to student and staff residences, 1946-1992; records relating to College sites and buildings, c.1890-1996, including the Kidderpore Estate, wartime tenancies, halls of residence, the Queen's Building, and Caroline Skeel Library; Faculty records, 1921-1989, including minutes of Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts, correspondence, photographs, and reports; records relating to Non-Degree courses, 1901-1983, including papers and correspondence of the Divinity Faculty, Citizenship course, and International Foundation Year; records relating to the College's international links, 1915-1984, including the Women's Christian College in Madras, American universities, and the I Fang Girls' Collegiate School in China; Westfield College Union Society records, 1907-1985, including Union and Committee minutes, and the Union constitution; records relating to student societies, 1894-1970, including the Debating Society, Glee Club, Tennis Club, Dramatic Society, and Boat Club; records relating to the Senior Common Room, 1931-1988, including minutes, and events and activities; Library records, c.1905-1990, including minutes, account books, accession register, visitors books, correspondence, and photographs; Chapel records, c.1910-1992, including service books, prayer books, correspondence, and photographs; records relating to negotiations and proposed mergers, 1964-1991, including negotiations with Birkbeck College, Bedford College, Royal Holloway College, Central School of Speech and Drama, and Imperial College; records relating to negotiations, planning, and implementing merger with Queen Mary College, 1933-1992; publications produced by or relating to Westfield College, 1892-1997, including brochures, prospectuses, Hermes, College magazines, Rag Mag, student handbooks, publications by individual departments and societies, Westfield Bulletin, and Hampstead Harrier; records relating to College events, c.1891-1980s, including presentation day and banquet, posters and programmes, lectures and conferences, royal visits, the College Jubilee, the College Centenary, and the Visiting Artists Programme; photographs of staff and students, c.1885-c.1986; records relating to College Alumni, 1887-1980s, including budget letters, directory of old students, photograph albums and scrapbooks, and reminiscences and memorabilia; staff reminiscences and memorabilia, 1907-1993; obituaries and memorials relating to former students, staff and members of Council, 1917-2004; and artefacts and collected memorabilia, 1769-1988, including medals, coins, badges, portraits, and the College Coat of Arms.

      This collection also contains the Westfield Print Collection, early 16th century-1968; the records of the Westfield College Association, 1900-1991; and the records of the Westfield Trust, 1908-2010.

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      Stopes (Marie) Papers
      GB 0103 MS ADD 382 · Created 1910-1917

      Manuscript and typescript research papers of Marie Stopes, including journal articles on botany, and photographs.

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      Lindley Lectures, notes
      GB 0103 MS ADD 50 · Created 1830

      Notes on a course of lectures on botany, delivered by John Lindley, Professor of Botany at London University. The notes were taken by Thomas Howitt, with pencil sketches in the text. Six pages of notes are of a later period, probably not by Howitt.

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      ROXBURGH, William (1751-1815)
      GB 0113 MS-ROXBW · Arquivo · [1793]

      A botanical description... of a new species of Swietenia or Mahogany by William Roxburgh, [1793].

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      RODD, Francis James Rennell (1895-1978)
      GB 0402 FJR · 1921-1945

      Papers of Francis Rodd, including typescript copies of journals and astronomical and hypsometric records on expeditions to Air and the southern Sahara, 1922 and 1927. Seven folders of notes and correspondence relating to the same expeditions: notes on the Sahara from authorities of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; journal of route in 1927, with geographical and meteorological notes; drawings, unused chapters of Rodd's book People of the veil; copies of rock drawings, drafts for book lectures; diary, 1927; correspondence concerning the planning and conclusion of the expedition; papers on special subjects arising out of the 1927 expedition including botanical, anthropological and archaeological; survey notes; notes on instruments and chronometer ratings and letters from Francis and Peter Rodd to their parents, May-Jun 1927.

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      GB 0098 KZF · Created 1616-1990 (ongoing)

      Records of Imperial College Field Research Stations, comprising papers relating to Slough Field Station, Berkshire (Hurworth), including correspondence concerning purchase, 1927-1929; stored products research, with the Ministry of Agriculture and Empire Marketing Board, 1930-1933; building development scheme, 1936-1938; sale of land at Hurworth, Berkshire,1931-1949 (KZFA); correspondence concerning grants for fumigation research, construction of fumigation chamber, 1931-1938 (KZFB); correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research relating to Slough Field Station, 1939-1954, including research and accommodation arrangements (KZFD);
      papers relating to Silwood Park Field Station, Berkshire, 1838-1990, including history, 1947-1990; sale particulars of the estate, 1838 (KZF); correspondence concerning purchase, 1944-1945; academic development, 1947-1953; purchase and letting of Silwood Park Farm, 1951-1957; land development, 1956-1968; Botany Department laboratory space, 1957-1958; Rectors' correspondence, 1965-1976; Sirex Biological Control Unit, 1963-1966; radar tower, 1962-1965; general files, 1971-1986; lease of land for an astronomical observatory, 1948-1959 (KZFG); papers relating to Silwood Park Open Days, 1972, 1989 (KZFH); expansion, 1955-1965, including Shell Parasitology building, 1959-1961; Nematology building, 1955-1961; Rectors' papers, 1955-1965 (KZFK); sale catalogues for Silwood Park, 1944; Ashurst Lodge, Berkshire, 1939 (KZFL); reports on the Overseas Spraying Machinery Centre, Silwood Park, 1955-1980 (KZFO); Silwood Centre for Pest Management, 1984-[1986] (KZFP); correspondence on the purchase of Sandyride House, 1969-1970 (KZFS); development schemes for Silwood Park, 1984 (KZFT);
      manorial records for Silwood Park, including court roll of the manor of Sunninghill, 1616-1790 (KZFM);
      papers relating to Harlington athletics ground, Middlesex, 1937-1957, including the Development Committee, 1937-1944; purchase and sale of land, 1936-1956 (KZFG7).

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      Bawden, Sir Frederick Charles (1908-1972)
      GB 0117 Bawden papers · 1934-1973

      The papers include laboratory notebooks dealing with Bawden's research on various plant viruses, and in particular his collaborative work with N.W. Pirie and with A.A.P. Kleczkowski. There is also a detailed exchange of correspondence with Pirie on research in progress, 1937-1940. (Pirie moved to Rothamsted as Virus Physiologist in 1940 when Bawden became Head of the Plant Physiology Department.) There is a wide range of correspondence, with individuals and institutions. It deals with scientific research and problems including viral nomenclature, lectures, conferences, publications, Bawden's reports on research projects, grant applications and appointments. The correspondence relating to Bawden's overseas visits as adviser or lecturer is mainly after 1958 and is sometimes accompanied by Bawden's reports.

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      Classified Papers
      GB 0117 Cl.P · 1660-1741

      Scientific and other papers sent to the Royal Society, presented at meetings of Fellows, or commissioned by the Society. They form a complementary series to the Early Letters, both of which were superseded by the Letters and Papers. Many of these items, referred to as the 'Guard Books', are duplicated in the Register Book of the Society. The classification is a simplified form of the 'Philosophical Transactions' abridgment by John Lowthorp. This arrangement was completed in 1741 by Thomas Birch. The majority of the papers in these volumes are manuscript, but a few printed documents occur throughout the series. Some of the papers are earlier in date than the grant on 15 July 1662 of the First Charter to the Society. The Committee of Trades seems to have been associated with the earlier meetings of those philosophers who subsequently became Fellows, and produced a number of practical papers, some of which were written in 1639 and which are mostly found in Volume 3(i). There are still earlier documents, mostly in Volume 25, which may have been included in the gift, in 1667, of the Arundel Library.

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      GB 0117 MS/13 · sub-fonds · 1770-1771
      Parte de Manuscripts General

      Works on botanical classification [by Nathaniel Matthew Wolf] in two parts comprising 1. 'Tentamen botanicae characteristicae sistens genera plantarum perfectiorum' , pp.1-117 and 2. 'Article d'une leavee de l'auteur, addressee a JHM, au sujet de sa botanique characteristique, pp.119-128.

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      Walton, Sir Albert James (1881-1955)
      GB 0114 MS0182 · 1904-1945

      Papers of Sir Albert James Walton, 1904-1945, comprising a notebook on Botany and Zoology, early 20th century; notebook on Anatomy and Embryology, 1904-c1911; and an album of drawings of gall stones, bile ducts, and stomal ulcers, 1928-1945.

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      WILLIAMS, Kathleen (fl 1936-1937)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP 151 · 1936-1939

      Seven manuscript notebooks compiled by student at King's College London, Kathleen Williams, 1936-1939; comprising: botanical notes in a ring binder with drawings and sketches of toadstools, flowers and seeds, 1936; notebook on crystals and crystalline rocks showing drawings of crystals through a microscope and rock strata, 1936; notebook on types of rocks with colour sketches of microscopy, 1937; notebook with sketches, of fossils, sponges and seashells, 1937; geography field trip book on an expedition to Herne Bay, Torquay and elsewhere, with sketches of rocks and landscapes, 1937; geography field book showing expeditions to Helmsley, Yorkshire, Dorking, Surrey, Windsor, Berkshire and elsewhere, with sketches of rock strata and landscapes, 1938-1939; geography field book, Helmsley, Yorkshire, with photographs and hand-drawn maps showing topographical features, 1938-1939.

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      GATES, Professor Reginald Ruggles (1882-1962)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP65 · 1896-1969

      Papers of Reginald Ruggles Gates, 1896-1969, including diaries and research notebooks, papers relating to Botanical Biology; Gates' research files; photographs; appointment diaries; correspondence; papers relating to professional memberships and conference material; press cuttings and published articles on his research interests.

      Including diaries and research notebooks, 1906-1962. Papers relating to Botanical Biology, an unpublished work by Gates, including manuscript notes, statistics, photographs and plant seeds. Research files, including draft papers by Gates such as notes from publications, articles, lecture transcripts, lecture notes, chapters of books, book reviews and others. Also photographs, articles, tables of data on physical characteristics of various peoples, graphs and charts, press cuttings and correspondence, on a variety of subjects including botany, oenothera, ethnic groups, race, genetics, biology, anthropology and Gates' anthropological studies in Australia, Canada, Cuba, India, Japan, Mexico, New Guinea, Okinawa, South Africa and Taiwan. Photographs from Gates' travels to Algeria, the Amazon river, Andamanese Islands, Australia, California, Canada, Canadian Arctic, Cuba, England, Gibraltar, Italy, India, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, New Guinea, Russia, Sicily, South Africa, South Rhodesia, Spain, Swedish Lapland and Tunisia; photographs of plant life, particularly oenothera; lecture slides; photographs used for publication in various books and articles by Gates; photographs of human and ape skulls and skeletons, photographs of people suffering from genetic diseases and personal photographs. Appointment diaries, 1921-1962. Personal and professional correspondence, including personal financial papers, 1903-1962. Papers relating to professional memberships and conference material, 1922-1962; press cuttings collected by Gates, 1915-1962 and printed material collected by Gates and his widow, 1928-1966, on subjects relating to his research including oenothera, botany, race, blood groups, physical anthropology, human biology, genetics, prehistoric man and population.

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      Banana Industry in Cameroon
      GB 0102 MS 380640 · 1954-[1982]

      Papers, 1954-[1982], relating to the banana industry in Cameroon and in particular to organisations representing banana growers, comprising microfiche copies, undated, of papers relating to companies including Elders and Fyffes Ltd and United Fruit Shippers Ltd; meteorological statistics (1929-1982) for Tiko, Loum, Mbanga and Nkongsamba [1982]; British Cameroons Co-operative Department printed reports, 1954-1958, including statistics relating to bananas and other products, and related issues; BCUF (Bakweri Co-operative Union of Farmers) and Contracts file, 1957-1965, comprising typescript and printed papers and contracts with Elders and Fyffes Ltd relating to banana production and sales; typescript papers by David Philip on Sigatoka disease and the BCUF, 1958, and Cameroon Banana Industry, c1980; selected typescript minutes and papers of SDIBC (Syndicat de Defense de Interêts Bananier du Cameroon), 1959-1980; selected typescript minutes, 1962-1965, of FEBACAM (Federation Bananiers du Cameroon) and UGECOBAM; typescript extracts from IFAC (Institut Français de Recherches Fruitières) Programme de Reconversion Bananiere and agreements with smallholders, 1967; typescript papers on land tenure, 1967-1976.

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