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      Termes hiérarchiques


      Terme générique Christianisme


        Termes équivalents


        • Employé pour Religión católica

        Termes associés


        951 Description archivistique résultats pour Catholicisme

        951 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        GB 0074 P83/AND2 · Collection · 1886-1970

        Records of the parish of St Andrew, Whitehall Park, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; maps and plans of the parish; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of the church including photographs; correspondence; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minute books.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/AUG · Collection · 1864-1979

        Records of the parish of St Augustine, Highbury, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, banns of marriage, and church services; records of the choir; papers relating to the benefice, the church fabric, the church organ, and the church room; financial records; Parochial Church Council meeting minutes; annual reports; papers relating to parish charities and societies; and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/BAN · Collection · 1856-1947

        Records of the parish of St Barnabas, Hornsey Road, Holloway, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; financial documents; parish magazines; general correspondence.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/JSA · Collection · 1875-1987

        Records of the parish of St James the Apostle, Prebend Street, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marraiges and banns; church services registers; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; reports; and papers relating to the repair of church buildings.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/JUD · Collection · 1855-1973

        Records of the parish of Saint Jude, Mildmay Grove, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; church service registers; records relating to parish boundaries; benefice documents; papers relating to the maintence of the church fabric; financial records; and papers relating to parish charities and schools.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/LUK · Collection · 1819-1982

        Records of the parish of Saint Luke, West Holloway, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; church services registers; map of the parish; photographs; parish magazines; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of the church; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minute books; financial records; and papers relating to church societies and clubs.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/MRK · Collection · 1854-1980

        Records of the parish of Saint Mark, Tollington Park, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services and preachers; Churchwardens' accounts and other financial records; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings, fixtures and fittings including faculties, drawings and designs; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; correspondence and other administrative records; annual reports; papers relating to parish societies and schools; and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/MTS · Collection · 1886-1975

        Records of the parish of Saint Matthias, Caledonian Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and confirmations; registers of preachers and church services; minute books of Vestry and Parochial Church Council meetings; Churchwardens' financial accounts; papers relating to repairs to the church buildings, and photographs of the church.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/SAV2 · Collection · 1879-1973

        Records of the parish of Saint Saviour, Hanley Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; financial accounts and Committee minute books.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/TMS1 · Collection · 1862-1946

        Records of the parish of Saint Thomas, Hemingford Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; and a parish magazine.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P84/ALL · Collection · 1861-1951

        Records of the parish of All Saints, Notting Hill, comprising registers of baptisms; registers of marriages and memoirs Thirty Years at All Saints Notting Hill by Reverend JHC Twisaday.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P84/LUK · Collection · 1872-1965

        Records of the parish of Saint Luke, South Kensington, including registers of baptisms and marriages; church services registers; curates' licences; papers relating to church income including the benefice; papers relating to parish properties and to the church building including faculties; financial accounts; Parochial Church Council minutes; and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P85/ALL1 · Collection · 1874-1949

        Records of the parish of All Saints, South Lambeth, including registers of baptisms, marriages and confirmations; registers of church services; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; orders of service; parish magazines; papers relating to parish boundaries; and records relating to church buildings.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P85/ALL3 · Collection · 1892-1980

        Records of the parish of All Saints, West Dulwich, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; notices and orders of service; papers and maps relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to church income including the benefice, sequestration, and the Clergy Maintenance Fund; records of Dulwich College Chapel of Ease; financial records; papers relating to the church building and vicarage, including faculties, plans and correspondence; Churchwardens' records; and papers of parish charities.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/3218 · Collection · 1920-1921;1952-1955

        Records of the Parish of St James, Edmonton, comprising photocopied register of banns, 1952-1955; and St James Edmonton Boys School, comprising penny bank ledger, 1920-1921.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/3248 · Collection · 1829-1836

        Records of the church of Saint George in the East, Stepney, comprising churchwarden's accounts and vouchers.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/325 · Collection · 1885-1938

        Register of baptisms, marriages and burials for the Aix-les-Bains Anglican Chaplaincy, France.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/336 · Collection · 1827-1955

        Records of the British Protestant Church of Saint George, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal; comprising register of baptisms, 1827-1902 (Ms 23643), register of marriages, 1827-62 and 1945 (Ms 23644), register of burials, 1827-1955 (Ms 23645), and interment certificates, 1905-6 and civil registrations of death, 1911-42 (Ms 23645A). They were catalogued in 1988 by a member of Guildhall Library staff.

        Readers are requested to use the photocopies of the registers (Ms 23643/1A, 23644/1A, 23644/1A) rather than the originals.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/339 · Collection · 1901-1967

        Registers of services at the Champery Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/341 · Collection · 1825-1984

        Records of Christ Church Anglican church, Naples, Italy, including burial registers; service books; title deeds; minute books; churchwarden's books; correspondence files; annual reports; financial accounts; and a history of the church.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/342 · Collection · 1827-1950

        Records of Christ Church, Trieste, Italy, comprising minutes, accounts and correspondence. They were catalogued in 1964 and 1988 by members of Guildhall Library staff.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/344 · Collection · 1865-1978

        Records of the Church of the Ascension, Seville, Spain, comprise: registers of baptisms, marriages and burials, 1865-1936 (Ms 21028) and chaplain's book, 1948-78 (Ms 21029). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1984.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/347 · Collection · 1924-1935

        Service register for the Church of the Holy Ghost, Genoa, Italy.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/349 · Collection · 1862-1986

        Records of the Church of the Resurrection, Bucharest, Romania, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; banns book; service registers; and financial accounts.

        The register MS23634 refers to baptisms, marriages and burials in places outside Bucharest. It is possible the ceremonies recorded in the registers MS24118, MS24119 and MS24120 likewise took place outside Bucharest, although this is not clear from the volumes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/353 · Collection · 1874-1946

        Records of the English Church in Bruges, Belgium, comprising minute books and account book.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/359 · Collection · 1883-1918

        Records of the English Church, Odessa, Ukraine, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and burials.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/367 · Collection · 1858-1949

        Records of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Calais, France, comprising register of burials, register of services and register of baptisms.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/368 · Collection · 1865-1984

        Records of the Holy Trinity Anglican church, Corfu, Greece. The records comprise: notebook of information about the chaplaincy, [1975]-1983 (Ms 23728); chaplains' books, 1974-1984 (Ms 23729); chaplains' diaries and log books, 1972-1984 (Ms 23730); regulations, 1883 (Ms 23878); list of subscribers to the church endowment fund, c 1910 (Ms 23879), a register of baptisms 1865-1977 (Ms 38969), a register of marriages 1866-1946 (Ms 38970) and a register of burials 1865-1912 (Ms 38971). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1989 and 2008.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/379 · Collection · 1957-1975

        Records of the North West France Anglican Chaplaincy comprising register of services and register of baptisms and burials.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/382 · Collection · 1906-1952

        Service register for the Saas Fee Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/384 · Collection · 1955-1962

        Service register for Spiez Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/387 · Collection · 1820-1918

        Records of Saint George the Martyr Anglican Church, Pisa, Italy, including register of marriages, minutes of the trustees, papers relating to the building of the chapel, Churchwarden's papers, and financial accounts.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/403 · Collection · 1897-1953

        Records of the church of St John the Baptist, Parame, France, comprising a history of the chaplaincies at Saint Malo and Parame with records of episcopal visitations.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/404 · Collection · 1881-1998

        Records of the church of Saint John the Evangelist, Alassio, Italy, including transcripts of the church registers; registers of services; Church Council minutes; correspondence; and papers relating to the church building and fittings.

        Please note that the correspondence is subject to a 30 year closure period.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/412 · Collection · 1903-1909

        Register of services for the Vitznau Anglican Chaplaincy.

        Sans titre
        MILNER, Anthony Francis Dominic (b 1925)
        GB 1249 MS 5866, MS 6995 · 1951-1985

        Programmes, press cuttings, articles and transcripts relating to the composer Anthony Milner, used by James Siddons in his Anthony Milner: a Bio-Bibliography (Westport, CT, 1989), comprising scrap books of reviews of Milner's music and articles by or on Milner, 1951-1960; press cuttings relating to Milner's liturgical compositions in regard to the introduction of English in the Roman Catholic liturgy, and Milner's views of the translation of the order of mass into English, 1964-1970; music programmes (with some reviews) of concerts featuring Milner's works, 1958-1985; reviews and press cuttings of Milner's work and performances, c1958-1979; brief biographical notes on Milner, and schedules and itineraries of his lecture tours of Canada and USA, 1964-1985; transcript of 'Anthony Milner on his 50th birthday', a talk on 'Music weekly', BBC Radio 3, by Hugh Wood, 11 May 1975; 'Anthony Milner - a comment on his work' typescript article by Stephen Dodgson (MS 5866). Three published articles by Milner, with covering to Sir Keith Falkner, on the problem of the vernacular in the Roman Catholic liturgy, 'Music in a vernacular Catholic liturgy' paper read to the Royal Musical Association, 4 Jan 1965; 'The instruction on sacred music', Worship vol 41 no 6 Jun-Jul 1967; 'Music and liturgy', The Month, 1965-1966 (MS 6995)

        Sans titre
        FEENY, Everild
        GB 106 7EMF · Fonds · 1977-1999

        The archive consists of:

        • press cutting album (1977-1994) and index

        • UK research material relating to St Joan's Alliance, Catholics for a Changing World, Women in Ministry, Distinctive Dioconate, the Society of St Margaret, etc (1988-1995)

        • United States of America and Canada research material relating to Priests of Equality and the Women's Ordination Conference (1992-1995)

        • correspondence re Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1993-1995)

        • campaign file for Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1994-1995) and Vatican II and Planet Earth; further resource material (1994-1995)

        • books and photocopy manuscript by Feeny (1995-1996)

        • scrapbook by Feeny (1937-1999).

        Sans titre
        St Audoen alias St Ewin parish
        SBHSAU · Fonds · [1495]-1533

        Comprises: memorandum relating to churchwardens' account book and parish ordinances, [1495]; memorandum of expenses for an obit mass 'for the good benefactors and all Christian souls', 1507; ratification regarding the observance of the feast day of St Audoen alias St Ewin, 1533.

        Sans titre
        Offor Volume
        GB 0103 MS ADD 61 · 1846

        Annotated copy of Offor's The triumph of Henry VIII over the usurpations of the church and the consequences of the royal supremacy with notes, newspaper cuttings and letters that were found in the volume.

        Sans titre
        Smith (Patrick) Papers
        GB 0103 SMITH, PATRICK · 1942-c1970

        Papers, 1942-c1970, of Patrick Smith, largely typescript dispatches or transcripts for broadcasts for the BBC on foreign affairs from various locations where he was stationed, and including material on World War Two, and on affairs in the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

        Sans titre
        Sermons about the Blessed Virgin Mary
        GB 0096 MS 269 · Mid 15th century

        Manuscript volume containing a collection of treatises and sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary, dating from the mid-fifteenth century, and comprising a treatise beginning 'Caritatis radix flos et fructus est eternitatis fundamentum'; Speculum Beatae Mariae Virginis by Conrad of Saxony; a sermon by Saint Augustine of Hippo on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; a homily by Saint Anselm on the Feast of the Assumption; a sermon by Saint Augustine of Hippo for the Feast of Assumption; a note on the seven privileges of the Blessed Virgin Mary (possibly taken from the Speculum Beatae Mariae Virginis); and an incomplete copy of a sermon by Saint Ambrose on the Virgin Mary. The manuscript was written by various scribes in a mixture of book-hand and business-hand, probably in Germany.

        Sans titre
        Fragment of a treatise on the Mass
        GB 0096 MS 575 · 14th century

        Two fragments of a medieval Dutch manuscript, subsequently used to re-inforce a binding, and containing part of a treatise on the Mass. The manuscript dates from the 14th century and is written in Flemish.

        Sans titre
        Whitelands College
        GB 0347 S19 · Collection · 1966-1982

        This collection relating to Whitelands College consists of minutes of meetings from 1966-1970, as well a copy of the annual report for 1966-1967, and two students handbooks.

        Sans titre
        GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/A · 1910-1945

        Joint archive, largely dating from 1910-1945, of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in Africa (chiefly British Africa, but also including areas under Belgian, Portuguese and French control).

        General files on Africa include records on missionary work and related issues including land rights, colonial administration, diet, co-operative organizations, customs including polygamy, initiation, and witchcraft, medical work, and alcohol traffic; the IMC and its relation to African mission councils; International Institute of African Languages and Cultures; population and health in Africa; Africa Education Group, relating to educational policy, provision and finance, including women's education, training of educational missionaries, African marriage customs and their relation to Christian practice, adult education, and missionary work in rural areas; High Leigh (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire) Conference (1924) on educational missionary work in Africa; Le Zoute Conference (1926) on missionary work in Africa; educational policy; Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies, relating to Colonial Office policy (including British colonies outside Africa), the topics including women's education, use of the vernacular and bilingualism, teacher training, language teaching, social and economic development, finance, indigenous art, biology, superannuation, English examinations, and higher education teaching materials, with sections relating to particular African colonies.

        Files on East Africa include general records on British colonial policy and administration, agriculture, and Swahili; and education in East Africa. Files on Kenya include records on the Kenya Missionary Council and Christian Council of Kenya; the political situation and land question; indigenous labour and slavery; Indian population; and educational policy, practice, finance, the conscience clause in religious education, women's education, and educational advisor; and correspondence on missionary work and related issues. Files on Tanganyika include records on the Tanganyika Missionary Council, relations between different missionary societies, indigenous life, colonial administration, German and other missions; Tanganyika Mission Property Trust; and education in Tanganyika. Files on Uganda include records on land tenure, education, including women's education, and Swahili; and missionary societies in Ruanda-Urundi. Files on Abyssinia comprise records on missionary work and religious freedom, including the Italian occupation.

        Files on West Africa include general records on education, including the Phelps Stokes Commission. Files on the Gold Coast include records on education, colonial administration, the Basel Mission, the Bremen Mission and other missionary societies, the Christian Council of the Gold Coast, medical and educational missionary work. Files on Sierra Leone include records on education. Files on Nigeria include records on the Christian Council of Nigeria and other Christian and missionary organisations and on education. Files on the Cameroons include records on various missionary societies. Files on French Africa include records on education.

        Files on French West & Equatorial Africa include records on missionary activity and education. Files on the Congo include records on the Congo Protestant Council, missionary activity and conferences, religious freedom and interdenominational relations including Roman Catholicism; Belgian government policy regarding missions and the Brussels Bureau representing Belgian missions; education; and missionary work of various nations.

        Files on Portuguese Africa include records on missionary work, including medical work, and interdenominational relations; religious liberty, Portuguese government policy, and the Lisbon Centre for liaison. Files on Portuguese West Africa include records on the Angola Evangelical Alliance, Portuguese colonial administration, and various missionary societies. Files on Portuguese East Africa include records on the Portuguese East Africa Evangelical Missionary Association, work of various missionary societies, religious liberty and Portuguese government policy.

        Files on Central Africa and Nyasaland include records on colonial administration, work of missionary societies, land tenure, indigenous labour and slavery, and on colonial educational policy in Nyasaland. Files on Northern Rhodesia include records on the General Missionary Conference of Northern Rhodesia, colonial administration, mining, and education; and on the United Missions in the Copperbelt, including its foundation, policy, annual reports, finance, miners' unrest, property, education policy, women's work, social welfare, literature and literacy, British Committee, correspondence with other societies, reorganisation, Team/Field Committee, and personnel. Files on Southern Rhodesia include records on the South Rhodesia Missionary Conference, indigenous affairs including land tenure, education, indigenous preachers, and colonial administration. Files on South Africa include records on the General Missionary Conference of South Africa and the Christian Council of South Africa, missionary work, indigenous affairs including land tenure, interethnic relations, and education. Files on South and South West Africa includes records on German missions and indigenous affairs. Files on the protectorates of Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechuanaland include records on education and the transfer of the protectorates to South Africa.

        There are also files on the Egypt Mission Property Trust.

        Sans titre
        Jerusalem Christians Correspondence
        GB 0102 MS 380273 · 1841-1904, 1979

        Correspondence of Christians in Jerusalem, 1828-1904, comprising a printed letter from William Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Prelates of the Eastern Churches, concerning the new Anglican Bishopric in Jerusalem, 1841, and article by A L Tibawi (The Muslim World, lxxix, no 1, 1979) concerning the letter; manuscript letter from the Agent of the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, 1868; manuscript letters from Arab Protestants, one to the Church Missionary Society and one to Bishop Barclay, 1880; correspondence and papers exchanged between George Blyth, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, and Khalil Sakakini, and Isa al-Isa, discussing activities of the Arabic Literary Club and various educational matters, 1903-1904.

        Sans titre
        Collins, Walter
        GB 0102 MS 380566 · 1891-1892

        Photocopies of papers, 1891-1892 and undated, of Walter Collins, comprising his journal, 1891-1892, covering his journey by sea and the overland journey to Lake Victoria, and his work around Kampala delivering goods to various missions, also describing the political situation and fighting between tribes, and the homeward journey; notebook, 1891, containing poems by Collins inspired by Biblical verses; undated notebook containing notes by Collins on Uganda; two books produced by the Church Missionary Society, 1892 and undated, on Uganda and its history, including published sketches; undated printed songs or hymns.

        Sans titre
        GB 0102 PP MS 49 · Created 1893-1940

        Papers, 1893-1940, of the Rev Charles Perry Scott and the Rev Percy Melville Scott, together with those of fellow missionaries of the North China and Shantung Mission. Also included is a continuous series of the North China and Shantung Mission Quarterly Papers (January 1893-October 1936), and the correspondence and diaries of Maurice Woodforde Scott dating from his time in China with Butterfield & Swire (1934-1937).

        Sans titre