Chemical processes

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Hierarchical terms

Chemical processes

Equivalent terms

Chemical processes

  • UF Electrolysis
  • UF Électrolyse
  • UF Electrolisis

Associated terms

Chemical processes

10 Archival description results for Chemical processes

10 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0120 MSS.550, 3083-3086 and 6079-6080 · mid 15th century - mid 18th century

These papers comprise the manuscript collection of F[rederick] Bacon Frank (1827-1911). They include a medieval medical miscellany (MS.550), material by or relating to the 17th century Yorkshire physician Nathaniel Johnston (MSS.3083-3086 and 6080), and some Bacon family administrative documents (MS.6079). One item relating to Nathaniel Johnston that did not form part of the Bacon Frank collection has been catalogued with it for convenience (MS.3086).

Johnston , Nathaniel , 1627-1705 Bacon family
GB 0100 KCLCA Bloxam · 1832-1929

Collection comprises copies of correspondence, lecture notes and ephemera relating to the career of Charles Bloxam, including correspondence with other chemists such as John Frederic Daniell, Professor of Chemistry, King's College London, Sir Frederick Augustus Abel and Professor August Wilhelm Hofmann, Director of the Royal College of Chemistry, especially concerning the properties of electricity, the publication of chemistry text books by Bloxam and Abel, and the education received by Bloxam at the Royal College, 1834-1929; correspondence relating to the management of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and Bloxam's resignation as lecturer, 1856-1882; papers concerning Bloxam's tenure at King's College London, notably including reference to the reorganisation of the teaching of chemistry at King's, 1854-1873; working papers on the teaching of chemistry at King's, including outlines of the content of lectures and syllabuses, 1846-1871; lecture notes on the properties of allotropes of carbon, the calcium group of earth metals, metals in solution and solutions of acids and non- metallic bodies, 1870-1887; notebook compiled by Bloxam describing a wide variety of basic experiments including the the decomposition of water, distillation of coal and the fermentation of sugar, [1870-1887]; texts of various lectures delivered by Bloxam, 1858-1865; accounts relating to the supply of laboratory equipment to King's College and with John Churchill, Bloxam's publishing company, 1832-1890; school report for Bloxam, 1842-1846; documentation relating mainly to the funeral and marriage arrangements of family members, 1856-1872; obituaries and biography of Bloxam by David Ian Davies, published in Analytical Proceedings, August, 1981.

Bloxam , Sir , Charles Loudon , 1831-1887 , knight , Professor of Chemistry
GB 0098 B/BONE · Created 1890-1938

Papers of William Arthur Bone, 1890-1938, comprising analysis books, 1890-1920, containing record of work at Owen's College, Manchester, notes on experiments, records of trails, analyses of fuels; press cuttings and letters relating to Flame and Combustion in Gases, 1927-1938; papers relating to appointment at Imperial College, 1911-1913; obituary notice.

Bone , William Arthur , 1871-1938 , chemist
GB 0098 B/EGERTON · Created 1908-1958

Papers of Sir Alfred Egerton, 1908-1958, comprising research papers, notes and reports largely relating to explosives, manufacture of ammonia and hydrogen, [1916-1925], laboratory work at Oxford, 1919-1926, work for the Admiralty, 1940-[1950], papers relating to patents, 1928-1958; research notebooks, 1908-1937, including some correspondence and notably concerning vapour pressure of metals, amides of metals, residual gases in discharge tubes; lecture notes concerning combustion; papers on optical pyrometry, 1933-1938; correspondence and papers relating to research on the properties of steam, steam tables, international conferences on steam, 1930-1946.

Egerton , Sir , Alfred Charles Glyn , 1886-1959 , knight , chemist
GB 0117 AE · 1898-1970

Correspondence, diaries and other papers of Sir Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, including some personal papers but largely relating to The Royal Society and particularly to wartime activities and post-war research needs in Britain. The diaries form an almost complete record of Egerton's career during the period 1943-1959. Earlier diaries date back to 1917 and the period 1929-1930, but for the most part they relate to the period 1938-1941.

Egerton , Sir , Alfred Charles Glyn , 1886-1959 , Knight , chemist
FIELD, George (?1777-1854)
GB 1518 CI/GF · [1804-1825]

Papers of George Field, comprising photographs and colour slides of five notebooks, [1804-1825], covering all aspects of colour making.

Field , George , ?1777-1854 , chemist and artists' colourman Newton , Henry Charles , fl 1804-1825 , chemist and artists' colourman
Graham, Thomas (1805-1869)
GB 0120 MSS.2551-2584 · 1821-1868

Papers of Thomas Graham comprising notes, chiefly on chemistry, and some correspondence, 1821-1868.

Graham , Thomas , 1805-1869 , chemist
Lilly Papers
GB 0103 LILLY · 1957-2003

Papers of Malcolm Lilly, 1957-2003, comprising biographical papers including obituary; curriculum vitae; bibliography; list of theses supervised and an account of Lilly's efforts to secure membership of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.

Notebooks, 1962-1998 and research notes, 1965-1997, including on control systems, fermentation and progesterone conversion.

Papers relating to biochemical engineering at University College London (UCL), including on the history of development of biochemical engineering at UCL; the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering; the Interdisciplinary Research Centre; research grants, teaching, training and personnel.

Publications by Lilly, 1962-2003; manuscript and typescript drafts for publications and unpublished drafts and correspondence relating to journals with which Lilly was associated with as author, reviewer or editor.

Transcripts of Lilly's public and invitation lectures, 1966-1996, including on 'Immobilised Enzyme Reactors', Developments in Biocatalysis', 'Two-liquid phase biocatalytic reactors', 'Industrial use of Biocatalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis' and 'Biochemical Engineering - It's Contribution to Society.' Also untitled and draft lecture notes and visual material.

Papers relating to twenty four British and international organisations and societies including the European Commission, the European Federation of Biotechnology; the International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering and the Institute for Biotechnology Studies.

Papers relating to Lilly's consultancy work with twenty one commercial organisations including Beckman Instruments; Beecham Group Ltd and Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories.

Papers relating to visits and conferences, 1964-1998, including programmes, lists of participants; abstracts and Lilly's notes on proceedings.

Correspondence, 1966-1998, including references and recommendations.

Lilly , Malcolm Douglas , 1936-1998 , biochemical engineer
GB 0120 MSS.3773-3776, 5123-5131 · Collection · 1792-1927

Personal correspondence and papers of Louis Pasteur, 1792-1927. The papers also include Pasteur and Magnan family correspondence and a collection of newspaper cuttings papers relating to Pasteur. The correspondence includes letters from Pasteur to his assistant Fernand Boutroux; Jules Raulin; Jules Vercel; Eugène Viala. The papers relate to research and publications. Subjects covered in the correspondence and papers reflect his research in fermentation, his study of rabies and of inoculation. There are also papers re Pasteur's work on the diseases of silkworms.

Pasteur , Louis , 1822-1895 , chemist