Recherche chimique

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      Termes hiérarchiques

      Recherche chimique

        Termes équivalents

        Recherche chimique

          Termes associés

          Recherche chimique

          1 Description archivistique résultats pour Recherche chimique

          1 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
          GB 0074 B/WHF · Collection · 1752-1972

          Records of Whiffen and Son Ltd, manufacturing chemists, 1752-1972, including history of the company; articles of partnership and other contracts and agreements; legal documents relating to property; correspondence; circulars; financial accounts; papers relating to shares and shareholders; stock records; newspaper cuttings; photographs; staff wages books and pensions papers; records relating to staff associations and sports clubs including minute books; reports on chemical manufacture, laboratory notebooks and chemical analyses; papers relating to sales; papers relating to imports and foreign suppliers; advertisements; registers of product labels; samples of packaging; rules, regulations and legislation regarding factories and safety measures; papers regarding the Second World War including war damage to factories and papers relating to staff on active duty.

          Also records of Saint Amand Manufacturing Company Limited including ledgers, letter books and journals.

          Sans titre