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30 Descrição arquivística resultados para Church

30 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
DAVIS, Charles Alfred (1923-1999)
Davis · [1959-1994]

Papers of Professor Charles Davis, [1959-1994] including personal papers and notes on topics including ethics, conscience, prayer, Eucharist, penance, faith, anointing of the sick, meaning of history, magisterum, atonement, freedom, sexual morality, the devil, the church, contraception, John Milton, hypnotism, Christian reform, Jesus Christ, liturgy, the Virgin Mary, ecumenism, baptism, interpreting modern theology and celibacy; working papers and papers for taught courses on the following topics: Christian mysticism, living as a Christian, theories of religion, Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy, Leslie Milton, promise of critical theology, faith and the artist, doctrine and life, Bernard Lonergan, 'our bodily selves and God', religion and literature, psychoanalysis, William George Ward, early Christianity, unity, Paul Ricoer, transubstantiation, David Lodge, Graham Greene, Muriel Spark, Mary Gordon, John Updike, Johann Baptist, J F Powers, Marc P Lalonde, secularisation, political theology, Medieval Christianity, Christ and the world, parables, Ursula LeGuin, Flannery O'Connor, Callahan, Iris Murdoch, Margaret Drabble, Hermuenics, Christian modernism, Thomas Hardy, the human body, Herbert Hartley Dewart and religious experience.

Notes for PhD seminars including on Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegal, G E Moore, Reinhold Niebuhr, Friedrich Nietzsche, Godamer, William James and Richard Hare and other seminars including on Michel Foucault, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Max Weber, Buckminster Fuller and Woodstock College seminar, 1973.

Lectures including on the Vatican, CBC talks, 1967, the Wilson lectures, lectures at Huron College, Mar 1984 and the Simonsville talks; unpublished papers and articles by Davis; reviews, on and by Davis; papers relating to the Killam Research Fellowship; poems; press cuttings chiefly by or on Davis; obituaries; papers relating to conferences including the 'Critical theory and empirical method' conference and a report on the conference on 'The relevancy of organised religion', Oct 1969; diary of a visit to England, Aug 1975; draft manuscript 'The Presence of Christ, Reflections on the Eucharist'; papers relating to appointments including CVs and references; papers relating to academic institutions including Concordia University, Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Heythrop College, Lakehead University and the University of Alberta; Davis' personal financial and legal papers and other personal papers; offprints of articles and journals; PhD theses supervised by Davis and personal and professional correspondence on topics including leaving the Roman Catholic Church; the birth of his children; conferences and talks; his wedding; on 'becoming a liberated Christian'; ecclesiastical topics; royalties and correspondence with publishers, notably Cambridge University Press.

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GB 0074 A/LIB · Coleção · 1554-1956

Records of the British Anti-State Church Association, later known as the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State-Patronage and Control or the Liberation Society. Records include minutes of the Executive Committee and the Parliamentary Committee; reports and memoranda; annual reports; lists of members, officers and executive; correspondence relating to legacies; financial records; leases for offices; legal opinions; papers relating to burial grounds; copies of relevant Acts of Parliament; printed material such as publications, magazines, addresses, circulars and pamphlets; photographs; and press cuttings.

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HALL, Stuart George (b 1928)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP91 · 1970-1980

The papers of Professor Stuart George Hall comprise correspondence, journals and papers, 1967-1980; in particular a draft typescript paper on the origins of Easter, 1976; correspondence relating to lectureships in ecclesiastical history, the training for the ministry at King's and student assessment, 1978-1979; correspondence and papers relating to Hall's diocesan work in Nottinghamshire and as a Nottingham University Theology Faculty representative on various committees, 1970-1978; printed conference proceedings for conferences on patristic and biblical studies, 1971-1973.

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WILLIAMS, William Samuel (fl 1895-1938)
GB 0100 KCLCA Williams WS · 1934

Papers of William Samuel Williams, 1934, comprising a copy of his book The Case for the Lay Ministry of the Church of England: readers, evangelists and parish clerks, etc (Parrett & Neves, Chatham, 1934); papers originally enclosed in the book, 1934, comprising reviews from the Church Times, copy memoranda from Williams and others relating to the office of Reader, papers and correspondence relating to the Church Assembly Lay Readers Group.

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El Salvador: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 EN 320 PAM · 1976-

Reports, pamphlets, platforms, constitutions, conference proceedings, manifestos, newspaper advertisements, histories, testomonies and letters, 1976 onwards, issued by American Friends Service Committee, Amnesty International, Archbishop Oscar Romero Christian Legal Aid Service, Asociación de Trabajadores Agropecuarios y Campesinos de El Salvador (ATACES), Bloque Popular Revolucionario (El Salvador), Catholic Church, Catholic Institute for International Relations, Center for National Security Studies, Central America Human Rights Committee, Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador, Comité de Madres y Familiares de Presos y Desaparecidos políticos de El Salvador, Comité Mexicano de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Salvadoreño, Comisión de Refugiados Salvadoreños, Comité pro Libertad de los Presos Políticos de El Salvador, Conferencia Sindical Internacional de Solidaridad con los Trabajadores y el Pueblo de El Salvador (1981 : Bogotá, Colombia), Coordinadora Revolucionaria de Masas, Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (El Salvador), Faculty for Human Rights in El Salvador and Central America (U.S.), Frente de Acción Popular Unificada(FAPU), Foreign Policy Association, Frente de Acción Popular Unificada (El Salvador), Frente Democrático Revolucionario, Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, International Commission of Jurists, Law Union of Ontario, Movimiento de Liberación Popular (El Salvador), Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (El Salvador), Organization of American States, Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Partido Comunista de El Salvador, Partido de la Revolución Salvadoreña, Partido Demócrata Cristiano (El Salvador), Partido Union Democratica Nacionalista (El Salvador), Radio Farabundo Martí, Socorro Jurídico Cristiano, Unidad Nacional de Trabajadores Salvadoreños, United States Dept. of State, United States House Committee on Appropriations (Subcommittee on Foreign Operations), and World Council of Churches.

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Melanesian Mission
GB 0102 MEL M · Created 1848-1984

Records, 1848-1984, of the Melanesian Mission, including minute books; correspondence, journals and diaries of pioneer missionaries including R H Codrington and J C Patteson; correspondence of more recent missionaries; logs relating to the Mission vessels including the first 'Southern Cross' log book, 1855. Material relating to the Church of Melanesia includes the proceedings of the Provincial Synod from its inception in 1975, conference reports, and lists of missionaries from the Mission's beginnings to the 1920s. Printed materials include the Southern Cross Log, 1895-1954, 1963-1973, and Annual Reports, 1864-1939 (1917 and 1923 missing). There are also a large number of photographs and manuscript maps of the Diocese of the Melanesian Mission dating from 1875 onwards.

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Rawcliffe, Rt Rev Derek Alec
GB 0102 PP MS 61 · Created 1953-1986

Papers, 1953-1986, dating predominantly from the 1960s and 1970s, on Melanesian culture, government and geography and the work of the church in the New Hebrides, collected by the Rt Rev Derek Rawcliffe.

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GB 0074 A/NEA · Coleção · 1887-1959

Records of the National Education Association, including minutes; papers relating to the formation and endowment of the Association; financial accounts; annual reports; correspondence; case files; NEA publications; other publications; Parliamentary publications; circulars from the Ministry of Education; education pamphlets and reference papers.

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GB 1556 WL 558a · Coleção · 1930s-1958

Microfilm of correspondence and papers detailing the activities of the German Evangelical Church during the Third Reich, in particular the role of Eugen Gerstenmaier, [1933-1958]. Also included are a number of periodicals of German Evangelical organisations during the 1930s and other related reports and papers.

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DUGMORE, Rev Clifford William (1909-1990)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP97 · 1956-1978

The papers of Clifford William Dugmore contain correspondence relating to the Journal of Ecclesiastical History, and printed booklets, 1956-1978; notably including correspondence with a number of leading historians such as Professors Murray Tolmie and Alfred Cobban, William Cargill-Thompson, and Geoffrey Nuttall, relating to Dugmore's editorship of the Journal of Ecclesiastical History, remarking upon aspects of publication, proofs and the chasing-up of contributors, 1956-1978; correspondence concerning senior staff appointments, 1958-1977 (closed); press cuttings describing the career of Professor Dugmore, 1957-1971; text, reviews and correspondence concerning Professor Dugmore's inaugural lecture in the Chair of Ecclesiastical History, 'Ecclesiastical History. No Soft Option', 1959-1960; copies of printed booklets entitled 'Rome and the Churches', the inaugural lecture of Professor Stuart Hall of King's College, delivered in 1979; Grace Abounding. A Comparison of Frederick Denison Maurice and Karl Barth by Dr Ellen Flesseman-Van Leer (1978).

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Treatises on gallicanism and on French legislation
GB 0096 MS 588 · c1611-1639

Manuscript volume lettered 'Memoire de Finance' containing two works written in the same hand, probably mid 17th century, and attributed by an inscription on the fly-leaf to Charles de Marillac, Archbishop of Vienne (c 1510-1560) and his nephew, Michel de Marillac (1563-1632). The first section of the volume comprises three Gallican tracts, namely 'De patrimonio ecclesie', in Latin and French (latest date mentioned is 1646), arguing that secular patronage was the source of ecclesiastical wealth; 'Cura et authoritas in his quae pertinent ad fidem', defending control of the church by the Chritian prince, with much reference to the early church; and 'La Jurisdiction en generale est un pouvoir et autorite publique', arguing that independent ecclesiastical jurisdiction was confined to spiritual matters, citing papal and royal legislation up to 1639.
The second part of the manuscript contains a treatise entitled 'Du Conseil du Roy', in French and dated to [1611], being a discussion of the personnel, functions and rules of the King's Council (begins on folio 110 + 2, latest date 1629).
The attribution to the Marillacs is made in a later hand than that of the main text.

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Fragments relating to Scottish religion
GB 0096 MS 610 · [1609] or [1625-1638]

Two paper leaves, formerly pastedowns and much mutilated, relating to Scottish religion. The date of the fragments is uncertain, and Professor Gordon Donaldson of the University of Edinburgh, who examined these two fragments in Jan 1965, inclined to a date in the 1630s for both items - his opinion is contained in a letter now accompanying MS 610.
The first fragment is part of a letter from 'your disciples & se[rvants?] to suffer with you: EL, AD [Andrew Duncan?], IC [Isaac Casaubon?], et cet.', which may have been written to Andrew Melville while he was imprisoned in England, which would date the documents to c 1609. Donaldson states that the text makes reference to what seems to be the Act of Revocation of 1625 and could relate to the opposition of Scottish Presbyterians to Charles I in that year.
The second fragment is part of a draft of a petition from Scotland against the attempt to re-establish episcopacy in Scotland, c 1609. Donaldson's view is that the terminology used associates it with the National Covenant of 1638.

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Emperor Ferdinand I: letter (1562)
GB 0096 AL149 · Arquivo · 1562

Letter from Emperor Ferdinand I of Prague to the Judge and Councillor of Enns, 10 May 1562. Refusing a petition, sent by his son Maximilian, for the closing down of a church.

Written in another hand and signed by the Emperor.

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Bentham (Jeremy) Papers
GB 0103 BENTHAM · 1750-1885

Papers of Jeremy Bentham, 1750-1885, consist of drafts and notes for published and unpublished works, and cover many subjects including: Bentham's codification proposal, a plan to replace existing law with a codified system, an idea which manifested itself in Constitutional Code (London, 1830), a blueprint for representative democracy and an entirely open and fully accountable government, 1815-1832; penal code, which involved penal law giving effect to the rights and duties of civil law, [1773]-1831; punishment, to certain actions which, on account of their tendency to diminish the greatest happiness, would be classified as offences, [1773-1826]; Bentham's Panopticon, a way of maintaining and employing convicts in a new invented building, 1785-1813; Chrestomathia, the secondary school designed by Bentham, 1815-1826; evidence in law, [1780]-1823; religion, and the Church, 1800-1830; logic, ethics, deontology (the science of morality), morals, utilitarianism and the greatest happiness principle, 1794-1834; political economy, [1790]-1819; Supply without burthen or Escheat vice taxation, a proposal for saving taxes, 1793-1795; legislation, including law amendment and law reform, [1770-1843]; procedure, and procedure codes, [1780]-1830; law and issues in other countries, including Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium and Tripoli, 1810-1830; A Comment on the Commentaries, being a criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, also Bentham's and Blackstone's views on civil code, [1774]-1830; sexual nonconformity, [1774]-1816; Scotch reform, 1804-1809; Court of Lords delegates, 1807-1821; parliamentary papers, and parliamentary reform, [1790]-1831; poor law, and poor plan, 1796-[1845]; correspondence, 1761-1866, including a corrected draft letter to James Madison, President of the United States of America, in which Bentham made an offer to draw up a complete code of laws for the USA, 1811.

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Committee of Plundered Ministers
GB 0096 MS 475 · 1646-1647

Legal papers created by the Committee for Plundered Ministers, 1646-1647, relating to the trial for delinquency of Dr. Henry Watkins, Rector of Sutton-upon-Brailes, Gloucestershire, including the following.

  1. Copy, certified by John Crisp, clerk, of depositions of witnesses taken at Banbury between January and March 1647. (8 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  2. Copy of depositions of witnesses taken at Gloucester between March and November 1647, with a copy of the answer of Dr. Watkins to the charge exhibited against him, 8 May 1647. (18 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  3. Copy, certified by Francis Harris, clerk of the court, of further depositions taken and cross-examinations made, October 1647. (2 leaves. 13¾ x 12").
  4. Copy, certified by John Phelpes, of a resolution of Parliament of 11 November 1647 that the wives and children of persons suffering sequestration shall have a fifth part allowed to them; signed by Henry Elsynge, clerk of the House of Commons. (Single sheet. 12" x 7¾").
  5. Interrogatories exhibited by Dr. Henry Watkins to certain witnesses produced by him before the Committee [of Plundered Ministers] appointed by ordinance of Parliament for the county of Gloucester. (4 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  6. Petition by the inhabitants of 'Sutton under Brayles, Co.Glos.', to the Committee for Plundered Ministers to take action in the matter of Dr. Henry Watkins. (2 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  7. Second copy, certified by John Phelpes, of articles exhibited against Dr. Watkins at the Committee of Plundered Ministers, 18 December 1646. (2 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
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GB 0096 MS 859 · 1697-[1882]

Miscellaneous collection of manuscripts, comprising:

  1. Fragment of a printed receipt, completed in manuscript, issued to Admiral Sir Clowdisley Shovell by the Exchequer for 3 months interest for a loan at 8 %, 15 Apr 1697.
  2. Order by Shovell as Admiral to Philip Stanhope, Captain of HMS Milford, to receive a Lieutenant and 30 marines from [HMS] Tilbury, 29 Aug 1706.
  3. Printed receipt, completed in manuscript, for payment to Shovell by the Exchequer of a 6 monthly installment of an annuity, 20 Nov 1706.
  4. Map of Blakeney channel and Cley channel, Norfolk, mounted and coloured, from Greenvile Collins, Great Britain's Coasting Pilot (1693). With an engraved inscription by Collins dedicating the map to Shovell.
  5. Modern reproduction of a reduced plan of Soho Square, London, inscribed 'House of Sir Clowdisley [Shovell]'. The original plan, probably made in the 18th century, was that of 'the late Duke of Portland's estate in the neighbourhood of Soho Square'.
  6. Leaf from a letter-book, with copies of 5 letters initialled 'E.K.', dated 29 Aug 1797, Dublin, to Robert Eyre at Tallow (Co. Waterford); Thomas Osbourne at Fort Charles, Kinsale (Co. Cork); Edward Mapoller at 'Killeoan(?) near Roscommon'; William Hailey at 'Fore Park(?) near Athlone'; and 'Dr. Toves(?)'. The writer had just reached Dublin from London, and intended to travel to Roscommon and Galway. The letters to Eyre and Osbourne(?) mention payments to be made to John Kelly at the Treasury in the castle at Dublin; those to Eyre and Toves(?) refer to 'Davies (who is in custody in London)'. The leaf was formerly part of a binding.
  7. Fragment of a list of deeds concerning the property of Richard and Mary Chiswell at Finchingfield, Essex, written in the 18th century.
  8. Printed bill for an exhibition of the picture of the battle of Lodi of 1796 by Robert Ker Porter, with a sketch of the picture and explanatory notes.
  9. Printed matter including Rules and Regulations of the St James's Loyal Volunteers (1797).
  10. Recipes for 'Ginger Bread Nuts', various drinks, and for medicines; instructions for cleaning 'black straw hats', dating from the early 19th century.
  11. Three engraved certificates completed in manuscript for William Buchanan, (1) for training in midwifery by John Haighton, dated 18 Nov 1814, (2) for attendance of courses on anatomy, signed by John Abernethy, dated May 1815, and (3) for honorary membership of the London Vaccine Institution, dated 26 Aug 1816.
  12. Genealogies of families, endorsed 'Hussey, Barons of Galtrim, Feypo and Maurward, Barons of Scune', relating to the medieval period, written in the 19th century.
  13. Drafts of two essays by Edwin Hadlow Wise Dunkin, headed 'Our Satellite. Sent for insertion in the City of London School Magazine...January 1865' (ff. 1-12), and 'The Lesser Light [i.e. the moon]...August 1866. Sent to Chambers Journal, 4 Sep 1866' (ff. 15-19).
  14. 'A Short Tour on the Cornish Coast', with remarks on weather and monuments, historical anecdotes, and sketches in pencil and pastels, 1879.
  15. 'Voyage of the Lioness', from Scalloway, Shetland, to Foula and Fair Isle. The Lioness was commanded by Captain Robertson; the passengers were described as 'the doctor and the professor'. The journal describes the inhabitants of the islands, and birds and animals seen. Written in the early 20th century.
  16. Monologue in pidgin English, probably written for entertainment, in which Kassim Ali describes his activities during the bombardment of Alexandria, his going on board the Condor, his delivery of a letter to [Ahmed] Arabi, the flight from Alexandria to Cairo, and his prevention of the explosion of the magazine in the fort of Ras-el-Jin. The account probably refers to the bombardment of Alexandria by the British fleet on 11 Jul 1882; see The Times for 22 Jul 1882, p. 5. Written in the 20th century on note-paper addressed 'Kenley, Surrey'.
  17. Modern brass rubbing from the tomb of Thomas Potter (d 6 Jun 1531), taken from Westerham Church, Kent.
  18. Collection of miscellaneous printed ephemera dating from the early 19th to the early 20th century. Includes a receipt for a share in the 'Strand [i.e. Waterloo] Bridge', London, 1812; a card for the White Lion Hotel, Bala, Merioneth, early 19th century; a plan of the Great Exhibition of 1851; pictures of Plymouth pier, early 20th century; a birthday card of 1887; a prospectus for an auction of shares of the Ilford Gas Co., 1907; tickets for books from the Officers' Library of the Royal Marines at Woolwich and Forton, and from B.O. May's Circulating Library, Teignmouth; a book-plate (?) of H.C. Sharpin, Ripon, 19th century; and bank notes of the Republic of Argentina, late 19th or early 20th century.
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Slessor, Mary Mitchell
GB 0102 MS 380621 · (1877-1913) 1986

Typescript transcriptions, 1986, of letters of Mary Slessor in West Africa, written between 1877-1913 to various recipients, the subjects including her missionary work, life in Africa, religious reflections and Presbyterian church matters, fellow missionaries and other Europeans, and indigenous inhabitants.

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Hake, Andrew
GB 0102 PP MS 46 · Created 1949-1991

Papers and correspondence, 1949-1991, of Andrew Hake, accumulated during the course of his career in Kenya as an industrial missionary. The papers reflect the diversity of his work and interest in the urban and industrial community in Nairobi. The collection also includes publications collected by Hake, including Kenyan government publications and publications of the National Christian Council of Kenya.

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GB 0074 CLC/164 · Coleção · 1841-1859

Memorandum book of the English Church in Siena, including agreement concerning the Protestant cemetery (1843), abstract of receipts and payments (1841-1846), correspondence and notes.

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ROBERTS, Ursula (1887-1971)
GB 106 7URO · Arquivo · 1920-1965

The archive consists of correspondence with, inter alia, Dr Emil Oberholzer and Dr Maude Royden, arising out of Mrs Roberts' association with the Anglican Group for the Ordination of Women and the interdenominational Society for the Ministry of Women in the Church. Papers of these organisations include memoranda for submission to Lambeth Conferences. Also included are Press cuttings re the ordination of women, and manuscript extracts in English and Latin, from theological writings on the position of women in the Early Church.

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Women in the Church: (Autograph Letter Collection)
GB 106 9/06 · Arquivo · 1913-1963

The collection contains letters written to members of the Church League for Women's Suffrage, principally Ursula Roberts, connected with fact-finding and the organisation of a conference on the role of women in the Church and the general issue of women's ordination. Letters to Ursula Roberts in 1913 regarding reply to circular questionnaire from: Isabel Basnett (2 letters), Gertrude Francis, Ethel M Davis (2 letters), Miss Clare Portsmouth, William Temple, Edith Clarence, Dr Maude Royden, Mabel Day, Jessie C Barton, Janet B Allen, Ruth Cavendish Bentinck, Irene Batty, GM Gunter, Ethel Fennings, MEJ Taylor, Florence Canning, Mother Gertrude, Miss RL Taylor, Dorothea Layton, MB Alder, Edith de Burgh, EM Griffiths. Papers and letters to Ursula Roberts in 1914 regarding arrangements for a conference in Sep 1914, later postponed until 1917: from Ruth Cavendish Bentinck, Edith Picton Turberville, the Rector of Rampton College Cambridge, Isabel Basnett, Miss Z Fairfield, Janet B Allen (2 letters), GM Gunter, Ethel M Davis (2 letters), Miss Clare Portsmouth, Dr Maude Royden, Jessie C Barton, Janet B Allen, Ruth Cavendish Bentinck, MEJ Taylor, Florence Canning, MB Alder, E Maude Griffiths, Miss IB O'Malley, Agnes Aubrey Hilton, G Tollemache, Dr Jane Walker, Sister Ethel (2 letters), Mabel Fitzroy Hecht, Dorothea Jordan, Mrs Anne Warner Marsh. Papers and letters to Miss Corben in 1914 regarding arrangements for the same conference: Bishop of Kensington (2 letters), Board of Trade (in reply to letter from her also in the collection), Bishop of London. Letters in 1915: to Miss Corben from William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury (and reply); to Mrs Roberts from Anne Gilchrist, Rev. TB Allworthy. Letters in 1916: to Miss Corben from Bishop of Kensington, Bishop of Willesden, Dr Maude Royden; to Ursula Roberts from Anne Gilchrist (3 letters), Arthur W Robinson, JC Squire, Dr Jane Walker (2 letters), MEJ Taylor (2 letters), Maude Royden (2 letters), Miss Edith Picton Turberville; to Anne Gilchrist from Maude Royden; to Miss Corben from Maude Royden; Ursula Roberts to the Bishop of London, Lady Willoughby de Broke to Dr Maude Royden; paper by Miss MEJ Taylor. Letters in 1917: to Miss Corben from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London and Miss GE Hodgeson; to Miss Picton Turberville from the following - Bishop of Southwark, Bishop of Wakefield, Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Bishop of Lichfield (2 letters), Bishop of Newcastle, Bishop of Sheffield, Bishop of Oxford, Bishop of Gloucester (2 letters), Bishop of Ripon, Bishop of Norwich, Bishop of Lincoln, Bishop of St David's, Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop of Ely, Millicent Garrett Fawcett; letters to the Church league for Women's Suffrage from Mr Athelstan Riley and the Earl of Halifax; letters to Ursula Roberts from Rev. FM Green and Edith Picton Turberville; Alfred Fawkes to the Rev Roberts, Lady Montgomery to Miss Glichrist, J Outram Marshall to Rev. CG Langdon and reply, circular letter to all bishops from the Bishop of Willesden and timetable of Quiet Day and conference conducted by Agnes Maude Royden. Letters in 1918: to Church League for Women's Suffrage from Dean Inge of St Paul's (2 letters), Rev HJ Hall, Rev V Holt, Rev. AM Bolland; to Miss Corben from Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Bishop of Lincoln, Maude Royden. Letters in 1919: to Miss Corben from Maude Royden, the Bishop of Kensington, Rev HRL Sheppard, Bishop of Lincoln, Bishop of Oxford; to Miss Picton Turbeville from Rev S Proudfoot (6 letters) and Mrs Knox; to Ursula Roberts from Maude Royden. Letters in 1920: to Miss Corben from the Bishop of Winchester, the secretary of the Bishop of Lincoln, the bishop of Ely, the archbishop of Canterbury and Edward A Welch, the Rector of Southchurch; to Miss Picton Turberville from Rev JEC Welldon, and the Rev. Gage S Green; M Dorothea Jordan to Mrs Roberts, the Bishop of Norwich to the League (2 letters) and the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishop of London. Letters in 1921: Secretary of King's College London to the League, Dr Maude Royden to Miss Corben, the Rev. GKA Bell to Miss Corben and Miss Abadam to Mrs Acres. Letters in 1922: Rev GKA Bell to Mrs Acres (2 letters), Lawrence Housman to the CLWS, AG Robinson Archdeacon of Surrey to Mrs Acres. Letters in 1924: Rev Edward Paget to Mrs Acres, Mary Scharlib to Mrs Acres Letters in 1926: Father Lacey to Mrs Acres (2 letters). Letters in 1927: Rev Dick Sheppard to Mrs Acres. Letters in 1928: Sybil Thorndyke to Mrs Acres, Archbishop of Canterbury to Mrs Acres Letters in 1931: John Carl Flugel to Ursula Roberts, Helen Ward to Viscount Cecil, Rev. Alfred Fawkes to Ursula Roberts. Letters in 1932: JK Mozley, Cannon Matthews and SM Payne to Ursula Roberts. Letters in 1933: Marjorie Brierly, Evelyn Underhill, Canon Grensted and Leonard Hodgson to Ursula Roberts.

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Society for the Ministry of Women in the Church
GB 106 5SMW · Arquivo · 1938-2004

The archive consists of:

  • Administrative papers (1964-2004)

  • minutes of Annual General Meetings and related papers (1977-2004)

  • minutes of Executive Committee meetings (1938-2000)

  • Financial papers (1982-2004)

  • Papers relating to the Ecumenical Network of Women's Ministries (2003-2004)

  • Publications (1966-2004)

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TEMPLE, William (1881-1944)
GB 0370 WT · [1901]-1936

Letters of William Temple, later Archbishop of Canterbury, to John Leofric Stocks, [1901-1906], written whilst studying in Europe and considering his future career, discussing the failings of the contemporary church due to a lack of intellectual leadership, his studies, unsure of taking holy orders, doctrine, including the divinity of Christ and questioning of the virgin birth, opinions of artistic works seen in Europe, preference for Botticelli, discussion about honesty, disappointment at being refused as a candidate for ordination by the Bishop of Oxford, [1905-1906]; letters concerning the progress of publication of his Gefford lectures, 1934; comments on an article by Stocks and his opinion on heresy and orthodoxy, 1935; congratulations on Stocks' appointment as Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool University, 1936.

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Offor Volume
GB 0103 MS ADD 61 · 1846

Annotated copy of Offor's The triumph of Henry VIII over the usurpations of the church and the consequences of the royal supremacy with notes, newspaper cuttings and letters that were found in the volume.

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Valuation of tithes in Pickton, Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 679 · 1835

Manuscript 'Valuation of Pickton tithes to Michaelmas 1835', giving the property values of 9 farmers and the amounts for which they were liable. Includes 'Parish rates and cesses paid as per voucher to Michaelmas', and totals received from Kirk [Leavington] and Castle Leavington tithes to the same date.

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Proclamation concerning tithes
GB 0096 MS 425 · [1535]

Contemporary manuscript copy of a proclamation 'concernynge paymente of tythes and oblations as well wythin the Citie of london as ellys wher' wythin the realme', which was made in February 1535. The proclamation contains no date, but an endorsement assigns it, incorrectly, to 36 Henry VIII.

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Brett family
GB 0096 MS 599 · 1743-1880

Bound volume containing laid down and loose letters, papers and memoranda of the Brett family of Spring Grove, Wye, Ashford, Kent, mostly relating to work on historical, liturgical and biblical subjects in France and England, mainly from a non-jurist viewpoint, [1743-1776], including the following items: a note signed by Nicholas Brett, 13 Jan 1759; a letter written from Spring Grove on 25 Jul 1743, but not in the previous hand, addressed to 'Thomas Williamson, chez...George Waters, l'aisnè, Rue de Savoye, a Paris'; extracts of two letters in another hand to Bishop Robert Gordon, Nov 1757 and Aug 1758; fragment of a letter dated 16 Mar 1758 concerning 'the learned dissertation in your last concerning the antiquity of written liturgies'; autographed letter of 26 May 1773 from William Jones of Nayland [Suffolk] to Nicholas Brett; a list of printed books, on paper watermarked 1800, endorsed 'Books at Crewe not put up, and a list of those sent down'.

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MAURICE, Professor Frederick Denison (1805-1872)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP83 · c1830-1972

Correspondence and papers of and relating to Frederick Denison Maurice, c1830-1972, including a letter from Maurice to his mother, 1833; the manuscript, c1830-c1834, of Maurice's novel Eustace Conway (published in three volumes, Richard Bentley, London, 1834); ordination certificates and licences to preach, 1834-1871; various pamphlets by Maurice, 1841-1859, including a letter to Samuel Wilberforce on reasons for not joining a party in the church, 1841, one on education, 1847, and a plan for a female college, 1855; five manuscript letters, undated [? 1843], to Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, on religious subjects and bereavement and commenting on her Essay on Rationalism (1843); King's College London correspondence, comprising letters from Maurice, 1841-1853 and undated, pertaining to teaching, students, academic and College matters, including his professorship of Divinity, 1846, and correspondence between Maurice and Richard William Jelf, Principal of King's College London, to be laid before Council, 1853; printed material including copies of the correspondence between Maurice and Jelf, 1853; manuscript letter from Maurice to 'My dear Friends' via Brooke Lambert on leaving King's, 1853; manuscript letter from J[ulius] C Hare to [Derwent] Coleridge (son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1853, concerning a protest against Maurice's expulsion from his theological professorship at King's College; newspapers and news cuttings on Maurice's dismissal by the Council of King's College, 1853; a copy of Maurice's The Doctrine of Sacrifice (1854), inscribed by him; manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley, 1859, soliciting Maurice's help in finding a curate; engraving of Maurice, 1860; manuscript sermon by Maurice on Proverbs c XII v 20, 'Deceit is in the heart ... ', given at St Peter's, Vere Street, [1860s]; copy of Maurice's The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (1864), inscribed to his son J F Maurice. A scrapbook contains two letters from Maurice to Miss Duncan, one dated 1868 and thanking her for a gift; printed obituaries of Maurice, including news cuttings; portraits of Maurice, including a photograph; a printed catalogue of his works; a printed leaflet on the Working Men's College, London, 1872; manuscript notes (not Maurice's) on sermons preached by him; a printed sermon on Maurice by Charles Kingsley, 1873, for an industrial school for girls in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London (established by Maurice in 1867); manuscript extracts of letters from T[homas] Hughes (the author?) to Maurice. Other printed material comprises articles and sermons on Maurice's death in 1872, and items relating to a dinner held at Lincoln's Inn, 1972, for its centenary. A manuscript letter from Emily Hill to Mrs Shaen, 1872, describes Maurice's death and a manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley to Maurice's widow, 1872, thanks her for a Greek testament. Other memorabilia relate to Maurice, his family, and friends.

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Jerusalem Christians Correspondence
GB 0102 MS 380273 · 1841-1904, 1979

Correspondence of Christians in Jerusalem, 1828-1904, comprising a printed letter from William Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Prelates of the Eastern Churches, concerning the new Anglican Bishopric in Jerusalem, 1841, and article by A L Tibawi (The Muslim World, lxxix, no 1, 1979) concerning the letter; manuscript letter from the Agent of the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, 1868; manuscript letters from Arab Protestants, one to the Church Missionary Society and one to Bishop Barclay, 1880; correspondence and papers exchanged between George Blyth, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, and Khalil Sakakini, and Isa al-Isa, discussing activities of the Arabic Literary Club and various educational matters, 1903-1904.

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