Civil and political rights

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Scope note(s)

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      Equivalent terms

      Civil and political rights

      • UF Civil liberties
      • UF Civil rights
      • UF Freedom
      • UF Political rights
      • UF Right to dignity
      • UF Droit à la dignité
      • UF Droits civils
      • UF Droits politiques
      • UF Liberté
      • UF Libertés civiles
      • UF Derecho a la dignidad
      • UF Derechos políticos
      • UF Libertad
      • UF Libertades civiles
      • UF Libertades políticas

      423 Archival description results for Civil and political rights

      423 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0101 PG.SA · 1919-

      Speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, press releases and journals at national, local and youth levels issued by Action White Natal, the African Education Movement (South Africa), the African People's Democratic Union of Southern Africa, the African Peoples Organization, the African Resistance Movement (South Africa), the Afrikaner-Weerstandsbeweging, the All African Convention, the All-In-African National Action Council, the Alliance for Radical Change (South Africa), the Alliance of Radical Methodists, the Anti-Asiatic League (South Africa), Association for Rural Advancement (South Africa), the Athlone Students Action Committee, the Azanian People's Organization, the Azanian Students' Organisation, the Bantu Benevolent and Welfare Society (Port Elizabeth and District), the Black Consciousness Movement of Azania, the Black Parents' Association (South Africa), the Black Peoples' Convention, the Black Sash, the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination (South Africa), the Cape Action League, the Christian Institute of Southern Africa, the Citizen's Action Committee (South Africa), the Civil Rights League (South Africa), the Coloured Arts Association (South Africa), the Coloured People's Council of Action, the Coloured Welfare Association (Cape Peninsula Division), the Committee on South African War Resistance, COSAS (South Africa), the Council for Asiatic Rights (Johannesburg), Education for an Aware South Africa., the End Conscription Campaign (South Africa), the Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa, the Federation of South African Women, the Fourth International Organisation of South Africa, Grassroots (South Africa), the Information Centre on South Africa, Inkatha (Organization : South Africa), the Inter-Denominational African Ministers' Federation, Kwazulu Natal Indaba, the Methodist Church of South Africa, the Moderate Student Movement (Cape Town), the Mowbray Inter Racial Group, the Muslim Students Association (Cape Region), the Natal University Students' Union (Non-European Section), the Natal Workers Club, the National Anti-Coloured Affairs Department Committee, the National Committee Against Removals, the National Committee of Liberation (South Africa), the National Council of Coloured Welfare Organisations (South Africa), the National Forum Committee (South Africa), the National Union of Students Education Department (South Africa), the National Union of Students Welfare and Social Action Department (South Africa), the Native Recruiting Corporation (South Africa), the New Unity Movement (South Africa), the Non-European United Front, the Non-European Unity Movement, the Pondoland Anti-apartheid Movement, the Pretoria Indian Commercial Association, the Progressive Students Association (University of Cape Town), Project Vote (South Africa), the Socialist Forum for Southern African Solidarity, the Socialist League of Africa, the Society of Young Africa, the South Africa First Campaign, the South Africa United Front, the South African Catholic Bishops' Conference, the South African Coloured Peoples' Organisation, the South African Labour Education Project, the South African Non-Racial Open Committee for Olympic Sports, the South African Peace Council, the South African Students' Organisation, the Southern African Committee on Industrial Relations, the Southern African Freedom Foundation, the Springbok Legion (South Africa), the Student Representative Council (University of Cape Town), the Student Representative Council (University of Natal), the Students Democratic League (Cape Town), the Students Representative Council (Witwatersrand University), the Students for Social Democracy (South Africa), the Teachers' Educational and Professional Association (South Africa), the Teachers' League of South Africa, the Transvaal Indian Congress, the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress, the Transvaal Rural Action Committee, the United Anti-Peri-Urban Areas Action Committee, the United Women's Organisation, the Wages and Economic Commission (University of the Witwatersrand), Western Areas Protest Committee, the Western Cape Youth League, the Western Province Council of Churches, the Workers Democratic League (South Africa), the Workers' International League (South Africa), the Workers' Organisation for Socialist Action, the World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners, the Young South Africans for a Christian Civilization, and the Zulu Society (South Africa).

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies.
      GB 0101 TU.SA · 1927-

      Speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, posters, press releases and journals at national and local levels issued by the African Mine Workers' Union, the Cape African Teachers' Association, the Cape Peninsula Students' Union, the Cape Teachers' Professional Association, Cosatu, the Council of Non-European Trade Unions, the Council of Unions of South Africa, the Federation of South African Nurses and Midwives, the Federation of South African Trade Unions, the Food and Canning Workers' Union (South Africa), the Garment and Textile Workers' Unions' Consultative Committee (South Africa), the Garment Workers Industrial Union (Natal), the Garment Workers Union (South Africa), the Georgetown and District Bantu Land Owners Association, the Glass and Allied Workers' Union (South Africa), the I.C.U. (South Africa), the Kaaplandse Professionele Onderwysersunie, the National Union of Clothing Workers (S.A.), the National Union of Leather Workers (South Africa), the National Union of Mineworkers (South Africa), the National Union of South African Students, the South African Allied Workers' Unions, the South African Canvas and Ropeworkers' Union (Cape), the South African Congress of Trade Unions, the South African Federation of Leather Trade Unions, the South African Tin Workers' Union, the South African Trades and Labour Council, the Student Representative Council (University of Cape Town), the Textile Workers' Industrial Union (South Africa), the Trade Union Council of South Africa, the Western Province Meat Trade Employees Union (South Africa), and the Western Province Motor Assembly Workers' Union (South Africa).

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies.
      GB 0101 ICS 76 · 1917-1922

      Photocopies of papers of the South African Police on native meetings and affairs, 1917-1922: comprising file of reports of meetings of International Socialist League, the Bantu Womens' National League, the Transvaal Native National Congress and Industrial Workers of Africa, 1917-1918; file of correspondence on meetings of Africans organised by the International Socialist League, and on Native unrest and opposition to the Native Land Act Bill, 1917-1922; file of miscellaneous papers, including report of Inquiry into ill-treatment of natives by Police officers in Johannesburg, 1919 and inquest report on 11 Africans killed during a riot at Vrededorp, Feb 1920; file of papers on strike at the Meyer and Charlton mine, 1917; file of press cuttings relating to the International Socialist League, 1917-1920.

      South African Police
      GB 0074 LMA/4241 · Collection · 1734-1945

      Records of the Southampton Estate, including correspondence, registers, rental accounts, maps and plans; legal papers, particularly relating to the case Lord Southampton vs the Duke of Grafton; correspondence of the trustees of Lord Southampton; and title deeds and other papers relating to properties in Camden, Kentish Town, St Pancras and Kent.

      Manor of Tottenhall x Manor of Tottenham Court
      GB 0101 ICS 53 · 1961

      Memorandum by M D Matimba, M T Musarurwa, P P A Foya, E F C Sithole, K S Mhizha, J T Maululeke, and T A Chihota, (former political detainees), to Minister of Justice, Southern Rhodesia, 16 July 1961, concerning payment of allowances, the need for improvement of the 'shockingly insulting' conditions in which they were living, and the expulsion of the Native Commissioner, R S Powell.

      Matimba , M D , fl 1961 , political detainee, Southern Rhodesia Musarurwa , M T , fl 1961 , political detainee, Southern Rhodesia Foya , P P A , fl 1961 , political detainee, Southern Rhodesia Sithole , E F C , fl 1961 , political detainee, Southern Rhodesia Mhizha , K S , fl 1961 , political detainee, Southern Rhodesia Maululeke , J T , fl 1961 , political detainee, Southern Rhodesia Chihota , T A , fl 1961 , political detainee, Southern Rhodesia
      GB 0101 ICS 78 · 1961

      Typescript copy of memorandum, dated 7 Feb 1961, to Minister of Native Affairs, Southern Rhodesia concerning compensation for financial losses by 28 former political detainees and restrictees (released in 1961) during their two year detention, the failure of Native Commissioners to look after their property during their detention, the cancellation of the allowance paid to detainees families during their imprisonment, and their difficulty in obtaining employment.

      Southern Rhodesia , Ministry of Native Affairs
      GB 0074 ACC/2820 · Collection · 1827-1959

      Personal papers of Sir Alexander Young Spearman of Hanwell, including marriage settlement and related papers; appointment of trust funds; will and related papers; some papers relating to the Bracken family; and documents relating to property in Grosvenor Place, Mayfair and Hanwell.

      Spearman , Sir , Alexander Young , 1793-1874 , 1st Baronet Spearman
      GB 1556 WL 610 · Collection · 1936-1992

      Papers of David Spector, 1936-1992, including leaflets, periodicals and pamphlets of British right wing organisations and anti-Semitic propaganda.
      Correspondence on topics including anti-Semitism; right wing organisations; Lord Beaverbrook's alleged association with Hitler; the organisation of 'Moral Re-armament'; expropriated Jewish property; A K Chesterton's involvement in the National Front and Count Nicholas Tolstoy's views on the Cossacks' role during World War Two.

      Press cuttings and typescript article on right wing groups in Britain during World War Two including descriptions of the following groups: '18B Detainees'; British Aid Fund; People's Common Law Parliament; Social Credit; British National Party; Peace Pledge Union; Society of Individualists; National League of Freedom and 'Black Hundred' and copies of documents on the activities, interrogation and internment of Oliver Gilbert, prominent British Fascist of the 1930s and 1940s.

      Spector , David , fl 1930-1997 , anti-fascist campaigner
      GB 0074 E/PHI · Collection · 1587-1895

      Records of the Spencer-Philip family; primarily papers relating to property transactions, including extracts from court rolls, abstracts of title, leases, plans and rents, for premises in the Manor of Stepney (Whitechapel, Stepney and Mile End) and in Essex. Also building leases and agreements relating to the King David's Fort Estate, St George's in the East, and papers and plans concerning construction of London and Blackwall railway through that estate; an Act of Parliament relating to roads in St Leonard Shoreditch; and family certificates (baptisms, marriages, burials). The collection includes a manorial custumal for the Manor of Stepney, 1587.

      GB 0074 ACC/0564 · Collection · 1544-1849

      Papers of the Milner and Sperling families of Tottenham, including title deeds for properties purchased by James Milner in Tottenham including mansion and land built by Sir Richard Martin; deeds and inventories for properties owned by Henry Sperling the Elder and Henry Sperling the Younger in Tottenham; papers relating to the Manor of Tottenham and the Manor of Iver held by Henry Piper Sperling.

      Sperling , family , of Tottenham
      SPRAGGS, Gillian (b 1952)
      LMA/4616 · Collection · 1980-199-

      Records of Gillian Spraggs, 1980-199-, including numerous leaflets, pamphlets, magazines and posters produced, printed and publicised by various gay and lesbian action and support groups during the latter part of the 20th century. Many of them advertise the existence and need for such support groups, while others work to promote necessary information and advice for lesbians and gays who had either suffered from discrimination or wanted to help campaign against such discrimination. They document the campaign against the introduction of Clause 27 and the campaign to ensure equality and equal opportunities for lesbians and gays within the work place.

      Spraggs , Gillian , b 1952 , teacher, gay and lesbian rights campaigner and academic
      GB 0074 ACC/3477 · Collection · [1978-1988]

      Records of the Staines branch of the Citizens' Advice Bureau, including case files and administrative papers such as press packs, day sheets, correspondence and consumer sheets.

      Citizens' Advice Bureau , Staines branch
      GB 0074 ACC/0716 · Collection · 1683-1723

      Records of the Manor of Stanwell, comprising extracts from the court rolls relating to the ownership of property in Stanwell.

      Manor of Stanwell
      GB 0074 M/93 · Collection · 1584-1935

      Records of the Manor of Stepney, also known as the Manor of Stebunheath, including court baron books; abstracts of court baron rolls; homage books; enfranchisement books; quit rent books; surveys of manorial lands; maps and plans; records relating to property including leases, assignments, conveyances, abstracts of title, wills, marriage settlements and agreements; and correspondence.

      Manor of Stepney x Manor of Stebunheath
      GB 0074 ACC/1794 · Collection · 1761-1924

      Records of the Stooks family relating to their estates in England, Canada and Gibraltar.

      Stooks , family , of London
      Stop the War Coalition
      GB 0372 STWC · Fonds · 2001-2007

      Papers of the Stop the War Coalition, 2001-2007, including: posters, ephemera, flyers, newsletters and material produced by the Stop the War Coalition for its demonstrations and campaigns, 2001-2007; papers of Paul Mackney relating to his involvement with Stop the War Coalition and the anti-war campaign, including emails, newsletters, correspondence and ephemera, 2001-2005.

      Stop the War Coalition
      GB 0074 ACC/1393 · Collection · 1700-1791

      Papers relating to the property of the Earl of Strafford in Twickenham, Isleworth, Whitton, South Mimms, Millwall, Isle of Dogs [Poplar] and St James's Square.

      Wentworth , Thomas , 1672-1739 , Baron Raby and 3rd Earl of Strafford , diplomat
      STRUDWICK, James (d 1855)
      GB 0074 ACC/0956 · Collection · 1778-1916

      Records of the Strudwick family relating to property in Ealing.

      Strudwick , family , of Ealing
      STUART LANE, Richard
      GB 0074 E/SL · Collection · 1783-1920

      Records relating to property owned by the Lane family in Grosvenor Square and Eaton Square, Westminster; Caterham; Croydon and Hove; and papers relating to a suit in Chancery.

      Lane , family , of Westminster
      GB 0074 ACC/2096 · Collection · 1829-1922

      Records of William Edward Sumpner relating to his property, 53 Pennyfields, Poplar. The property was later renumbered 37.

      Sumpner , William Edward , fl 1866-1916 , currier
      GB 0074 ACC/0250 · Collection · 1611-1778

      Title deeds and other legal documents for properties in Old Brentford, Chiswick, Ealing, Enfield, Finchley, Hampton Court, Harrow, Hendon, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Stanwell, Tottenham, and Twickenham.

      GB 0074 ACC/1368 · Collection · 1775-1925

      Title deeds and records of property transactions for the estate of John Samuel Tanqueray in Hendon, Finchley and Golders Green.

      Tanqueray , John Samuel , fl 1854-1870 , landowner
      Tappe Collection
      GB 0369 TAP · 1946-1979

      Correspondence and papers of Eric Ditmar Tappe, 1946-1979, comprising:
      Correspondence and papers of Maria Golescu, 1946-1979, including correspondence with Tappe and other correspondents, publications sent to Golescu by Stefan Nenitescu and notebook containing excerpts from her correspondence. The correspondence is mainly personal in nature but some references to Romanian people and politics particularly the fate of political prisoners
      Correspondence between Tappe and Professor Emil Turdeanu, Professor of Romanian Language and Literature at the Sorbonne, Paris, 1948-1972
      Correspondence with other Romanian academics and exiles and general correspondence (1948-c1985)
      Papers relating to the Romanian language, literature and history
      General background notes on Romania
      Papers relating to Tappe's publications and public lectures
      Papers relating to SSEES and the University of London and Tappe's visits to Romania and international conferences

      Tappe , Eric Ditmar , d 1992 , professor of Romanian studies Golescu , Maria , 1897-1987 , Romanian political prisoner and exile
      GB 0074 ACC/0312 · Collection · 1296-1784

      Papers relating to the Breakspears Estate in Harefield and the families who lived there, particuarly the Ashby family and Joseph Partridge. The papers include legal documents relating to property transactions in Harefield and maps and photographs of the Breakspears estate.

      There are also papers relating to property transactions in other parts of Middlesex including Edmonton, Enfield, Ickenham, Ruislip and Teddington; and other counties including Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Bedfordshire and Berkshire.

      TATCHELL, Peter (b 1952)
      GB 0074 LMA/4466 · Collection · 1971-2004

      The papers of Peter Tatchell includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, posters, leaflets and publications on the following topics: Aids/HIV research, vivisection and animal rights, homophobic violence and policing, the age of consent, media portrayal of homosexuality, negative comments on sexuality by 'personalities', homophobic lyrics and the music industry, international politics, green socialism, Labour and politics, Members of Parliament and 'outing', the Bermondsey By-election, the Greater London Assembly, Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders' stances on homosexuality, the law and sexuality, the prosecution of homosexual acts, and the employment of homosexuals in the armed forces.

      Tatchell , Peter , b 1952 , gay and HIV/AIDS activist, social worker, journalist and author
      GB 0097 HCA/Tatchell papers · Subfonds · 1966-2007
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of Peter Tatchell, 1966-2007, including press cuttings, articles [by Tatchell] and letters to the press, 1984-[2000], on subjects including government policy on AIDS, lesbian and gay equality, ethnic minorities, green socialism, European strategies for socialism, South Africa, the Church of England, Clause 28, relations between the police and the gay community, and papers relating to Stonewall, OutRage! and Act Up; material relating to campaigns and protests, 1983-[2000], notably the Bermondsey by-election of 1983, AIDS research, lesbian and gay rights in Europe and South Africa, gays and the military, the homosexual age of consent, psychiatric treatment of lesbians, gays and bisexuals, gay marriage, Clause 28, Labour Party policy on gay rights, homophobic violence, and Tatchell's trial at Canterbury Magistrates Court following OutRage!'s Easter Sunday protest in 1998; writings, interviews, press cuttings, texts of speeches and correspondence relating to Tatchell's activism, 1971-2007, especially relating to his work for gay rights.

      Tatchell , Peter , b 1952 , gay and HIV/AIDS activist, social worker, journalist and author
      GB 0074 ACC/0815 · Collection · 1822-1940

      Papers of the Tatem family relating to the Weir Hall estate, Edmonton. The documents relate mainly to the partial sale of the estate in the 19th Century and gradual urban development in the early 20th century.

      Tatem , family , of Weir Hall, Edmonton
      GB 0074 ACC/0606 · Collection · 1572-1903

      Family papers of the Taylor family, including property ownership documents such as leases, releases, bonds, assignments and grants; financial papers such as bills and receipts; legal papers and counsel's opinions; and family papers such as letters, inventories, wills and marriage settlements. The papers relate to various locations including Harlesden, Chiswick, Staines, Ealing, Hounslow and the City of London.

      Taylor , family , of Harlesden
      GB 0074 ACC/1382 · Collection · 1853-1941

      This collection contains mostly personal and property papers of Silas Thatcher, carpenter, and his son Albert George Thatcher, teacher, as well as general family papers and photographs.

      Thatcher , family , of Hammersmith
      THORNBURY, John (fl 1462)
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-183 · Collection · 1462 Apr 28

      Letters of attorney by John Thornbury, knight and William Thornbury, clerk for Robert Billesdon, gentleman to deliver seisin of two shops with upper rooms in Walbrook, to Robert Ferbras, surgeon, John Dayvile, surgeon, William Sipnam, grocer and Walter Bartlot, fishmonger.

      Thornbury , John , knight
      THURLAND, John
      GB 0074 ACC/0058 · Collection · 1496-1629

      Records collected by John Thurland, including court rolls for the manors of Isleworth Syon, Twickenham and Hampton Court; memorandum from Christ's Hospital; indentures of fine; bargain and sale and bond.

      GB 0074 ACC/1289 · Collection · 1683-1894

      Records of Topsfield Manor, Crouch End, Hornsey, including court book, 1683-1885, including tenants names and steward's notes; plan of the manor house, gardens, out buildings, demesne lands and fields, 1781; conveyance of the manor and lordship of Topsfield Hall, 1855 and particulars of sale for the Harringay Arms and other premises in Crouch Hill and Crouch End Broadway.

      Manor of Topsfield , Crouch End
      GB 0074 ACC/1068 · Collection · 1340-1653

      Title deeds, leases and other property documents relating to the Manors of Mockings, Pembrokes, Bruces and Dawbeneys, Tottenham.

      A document of wide interest is the will of Richard Turnaunt of 1486, leaving, amongst other bequests, 80 worth of silver and gilt to his daughter. The silver is described in detail and includes, for example, a silver gilt cup with a cover in the shape of a columbine with pearls on the knop (a term used to describe a knob or boss on silver plate), weighing 43 ounces troy, a little gold salt with a cover decorated with a stag, and a standing cup and cover of silver parcel gilt chased with feathers or plumes. The documents are in good condition. Most have been numbered on the dorse in what appears to be a nineteenth century hand, as for example "Mx No.4"

      Many of the title-holders, trustees and witnesses concerned with these deeds were City of London drapers. John Gedeney used an interesting seal (see Nos. 8,9,17,20) showing a device which may also have been a trade mark. Another draper, John Bederenden, used one of a somewhat similar style (see No. 22). there are a number of interesting and well-preserved seals in this collection, although some are forms of initial letters, or obvious devices such as the shell of Michell (No.22). Standard forms of seals were also used, such as the commonly found mother and child.

      Manor of Tottenham
      HCA/TOWNSON · [1970-1992]

      Papers of Ian Townson, including: Bill Thornycroft: letters, 1976-1990; Brixton Faeries and other theatre groups: including play scripts, song sheets, programmes and flyers; Brixton Housing Co-operative: minutes, newsletters and other papers, 1980-1986; Communist Party Gay Rights Committee: includes statements and letters from Bill Thornycroft, 1976-1979; Gay Activists' Alliance: minutes and campaign papers, 1978-1979; Gay Pride: includes minutes of meetings, flyers and correspondence, 1978-1996; History of the Gay Community in Brixton, 1972-1982: interviews, correspondence and other papers regarding a proposed book, 1970s-1990s; Icebreakers: correspondence, leaflets, press cuttings, notes and other papers, 1970s-1995; International Gay Rights Congress: poster and papers, 1974; Lambeth Council: includes papers of a Working Party on Police and Community Relations in Lambeth and Working Party on services and employment for gays and lesbians, mainly 1984-86; National Council for Civil Liberties: papers on gay issues, 1975-1982; 'Nighthawks': papers regarding the film, 1979; papers regarding squatting and gay squats, 1970s; photographs, including gay activists, Brixton riots, demonstrations, Gay Pride marches, squats, squatters and plays; photographs of friends and colleagues of Ian Townson: including Colm Clifford, Julian Hows, Ken Livingstone (in 1976), Bill Thornycroft and many others; South London Gay Liberation Front: minutes, agendas and other papers, 1980-1986; various papers regarding gay events (including discos, dances, Pride), issues and groups (including Gay Liberation Front and Campaign for Homosexual Equality), especially in Brixton/South London: badges, flyers, leaflets, magazines, newsletters, posters, programmes and stickers; gay publications and press cuttings.

      Townson , Ian , fl 1970 , gay activist
      GB 0120 PP/HCT · 1928-1989

      The majority of papers in this collection concern Trowell's work on fibre, carried out in close cooperation with Denis Burkitt, exploring its role in the prevention of obesity, diabetes and coronary heart disease. There are no primary sources from the period Trowell spent as Senior Physician at the Mulago Hospital, Uganda, 1930-1958, where he was one of the key researchers into the protein-calorie malnutrition disease kwashiorkor. However, publications can be found at C.1 and the work is discussed in transcripts of taped reminiscences (A.2), and in Trowell's biography (A.5).

      Section D of this list consists of papers generated by Trowell's engagement in the debate on the interface of religion and medicine.

      Trowell , Hubert Carey , 1904-1989 , physician, paediatrician, and nutritionist
      GB 0074 ACC/0747 · Collection · 1290-1931

      Records of the Tubbs family relating to property owned by them, primarily in Acton, Harlesden, and Willesden, but also in Fulham, Marylebone, Hammersmith, and Soho. The papers include deeds, leases, maps, financial accounts, bills, legal papers, family certificates (births, marriages, deaths), school reports, letters and wills.

      Tubbs , family , of Harlesden
      TURNBULL, John
      GB 0074 O/428 · Collection · 1801

      Conveyance of the de Leifde coffee plantation on the Island of Wakenaam, Guyana.

      GB 0074 ACC/0526 · Collection · 1651-1885

      Legal documents relating to property ownership for premises in Chiswick, Cowley, Ealing, Edmonton, Enfield, Feltham, Finchley, Hampton, Harmondsworth, Hayes, Hendon, Heston, Hillingdon, Ickenham, Isleworth, Ruislip, South Mimms, Staines, Stanmore, Sunbury, Tottenham, Twickenham, Uxbridge, Stanwell, Harrow, and Northolt. Also copies of wills and probates and papers relating to legal proceedings.

      TUROK, Benjamin (b 1927)
      GB 0101 ICS 143 · 1961-1984

      Papers of Benjamin Turok, South African educationalist and politician, relating to his political involvements in South Africa (1961-1981) and biographical tapes and transcripts (1983-1984): including African National Congress (ANC) speeches, publications, press releases, and other material, 1971-1981; papers of the Institute for Industrial Education, Durban, 1974-1978; papers of the Communist Party of South Africa, 1978 and undated; papers of the South African Congress of Trade Unions, 1971-1973; correspondence, 1971-1980, with Oliver Tambo and others, mainly on ANC activities; transcripts of audio tapes of biographical material.

      Turok , Benjamin , b 1927 , South African politician
      GB 0074 ACC/0422 · Collection · 1724-1894

      Records relating to property owned by the Twining family in Alperton and Twickenham, including fines, grants, leases, releases, probates, covenants, extracts from court rolls, inventory, certificates and articles of partnership.

      Twining , family , dealers in tea
      TYRWHITT, Sir John (fl 1693)
      GB 0074 ACC/0626 · Collection · 1691-1694

      Records relating to the Manor of Sunbury, owned by Sir John Tyrwhitt, comprising property transactions (lease and releases, fines, and a settlement).

      Manor of Sunbury
      GB 0074 E/TD · Collection · 1548-1846

      Records of the Tyrwhitt-Drake family of Amersham including financial transactions; papers relating to property transactions including abstracts of title, correspondence, bonds, leases, tithes, repair estimates, tradesmen's bills and inventories; family papers including wills, bequests, annuities, funeral records, legal papers and opinions of counsel. Properties mentioned are in diverse locations across London, primarily Fetter Lane in Holborn, Deptford, Chelsea, and Grosvenor Square and South Audley Street in Westminster.

      Drake , Tyrwhitt- , family , of Amersham x Tyrwhitt-Drake
      TYSSEN, Francis
      GB 0074 M/79 · Collection · 1548-1940

      Records of the manors of Lordshold, Kingshold and Grumbolds, Hackney and of the Tyssen Amherst estates. Manor of Lordshold records include court books; indexes to court books; draft court books; minutes of courts and presentment books; register of officials; papers entered into court books; surrenders and admissions; deeds; rentals, surveys and other documents.

      Manor of Kingshold records include court books; indexes to court books; draft court books; minutes of courts and presentment book; papers entered into court books; deeds.

      Manor of Grumbolds records include index to court books; minutes of courts and other volumes; papers entered into court books; deeds.

      Papers relating to the Tyssen Amherst Estates include marriage settlements; conveyances; building agreements; land tax records; rental; surveys and plans. The collection also includes a minute book of Henry Norris and letters patent regarding Downing College, Cambridge.

      The covering dates of the court books are the dates of the actual courts, or proceedings before the steward, as distinct from enrolments of transactions out of court. The original numbers of the volumes are given in inverted commas in the description column and will be needed if use is made of the original indexes. Since the manors of Lordshold, Hackney and of Stepney were held in conjunction until 1652, a few records relating to Stepney are included in this collection, for example M79/LH/128/4. Similarly court books for Lordshold, 1654-1659, 1661-1664 and extracts of Court Baron rolls, 1652-1717, can be found in the list of Stepney manor records (Refs. M93/1-2, 4, 89-92) as well as some deeds (e.g. W93/439-441).

      Many of these records were damaged by flooding due to enemy action in the second World War and cannot be consulted in their present state. However where the court books are unfit for consultation, draft court books and papers entered into the court books can be used as an alternative.

      Tyssen-Amherst , family , of Hackney and Norfolk
      Uruguay: Political Pamphlets
      GB 3032 R 320 PAM · 1970-

      Pamphlets and reports, 1970, issued by Amnesty International, Facultad Latinoamerica de Estudios Teológicosm, Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (Uruguay) and the World University Service (UK).

      Institute for the Study of the Americas
      GB 0074 ACC/0873 · Collection · 1440-1794

      Collection of legal documents relating to property ownership, including properties owned by the Uthwat family. Locations include Barking, Edgware, Kingston-upon-Thames, Tower Hamlets, and Highgate.

      GB 0074 ACC/1711 · Collection · 1781-1951

      Trustees papers relating to the will of William James Bonser with deeds and abstracts of title for land and premises in Harrow, (1781)-1930.

      Also trustees papers relating to property held by William G Venn and his executors, including deeds and papers relating to premises in Clive Road, West Dulwich, 1899-1934; deeds relating to 34 Locket Road, Wealdstone, 1901-1951; and deeds relating to 2 Chandos Parade, Ealing and 170 Ealing Road, South Ealing, 1904-1922.

      Voluntary Euthanasia Society
      GB 0120 SA/VES · 1931-1990

      Papers of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society, 1931-1990, comprising administrative papers, publicity materials, films, minutes, annual reports, publications, press cuttings and microfilm of press cuttings, correspondence, and the papers of Dr Charles Killick Millard.

      Voluntary Euthanasia Society x Voluntary Euthanasia Legalisation Society x Euthanasia Society x EXIT: the Society for the right to die with dignity x Dignity in Dying
      GB 0101 ICS 105 · 1958 (covers 1901-1958)

      Memoir dictated by Philip Qipu Vundla, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa, 1958: covering his childhood and family background and details on South African politics, trade unions and moral rearmament, 1901-1958; including account of strike by African mineworkers in 1946, the tram boycott in the native townships of Johannesburg, in 1948, a demonstration by African teachers for higher wages and better working conditions, the School Boycott and protests against the Bantu Education Act, 1953-1955, and the bus boycott by Africans in Johannesburg in 1957.

      Vundla , Philip Qipu , 1901-1969 , journalist, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa
      GB 0074 E/WRD · Collection · 1636-1898

      Records of the Ward family comprising title deeds for property on Long Acre, Garden Lane and Hart Street, Covent Garden, and in St Martin in the Fields, Westminster.

      Ward , family , of Covent Garden
      WARWICK, Stephen (d 1869)
      GB 0074 O/009 · Collection · 1717-1870

      Papers relating the the estate of Stephen Warwick, including deeds for property in Bow, Poplar and Stepney; wiils; correspondence; bills; and judicial records for Chancery case Thomas and Sarah Eames v. Louisa Warwick.
