
Elements area


Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

Equivalent terms


  • UF Ministers of religion
  • UF Missionaries
  • UF Priests
  • UF Ecclésiastique
  • UF Ministre du culte
  • UF Missionnaire
  • UF Pasteur
  • UF Prêtre
  • UF Clérigo
  • UF Eclesiástico
  • UF Misionero
  • UF Pastor
  • UF Sacerdote

Associated terms

183 Archival description results for Clergy

183 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 CLC/323 · Collection · 1937-1972

Registers of services at the Adelboden Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Adelboden Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
GB 0113 MS-ALST · [1979]

Unpublished paper entitled 'John Hawkins MD (?1721-1799) and his medical and clerical descendants'.

Alston , James Maxwell , b 1900 , pathologist
GB 0102 PP MS 60 · Created 1931-1990

Papers, 1931-1990, of Sir James Norman Dalrymple Anderson, comprising correspondence, articles and documents concerned with Islamic law in the Middle East and East Africa; sermons, lectures and notes on Christianity; personal correspondence including an exchange of letters with the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1960; and personal documents.

Anderson , James Norman Dalrymple , b 1908 , Knight , Professor of Oriental Laws
GB 0074 CLC/321 · Collection · 1920-1981

Records of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Finland, comprising:
minutes, 1922-67 (Ms 20884);
papers of the chairman and/or secretary, 1941-70 (Ms 20885);
financial records, 1949-67 (Ms 20886-7);
annual reports, 1923-52 (Ms 20888);
newsletters and other circulars, 1952-80 (Ms 20889);
registers of services, 1920-73 (Ms 20890);
roll of membership, [1900?]-1956 (Ms 20891);
registers of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials and cremations, 1920-61 (Ms 20892-2A);
papers relating to marriages, 1965-72 (Ms 20892B);
architect's drawings of proposed new church, 1928 (Ms 20893); and
correspondence and related papers, 1937-81 (Ms 20894-900).

Finland Anglican Chaplaincy
Bach, Thomas and Lucy
GB 0102 CWM/LMS India Personal Box 5 · 1894-1900

Papers, 1894-1900, of Thomas and Lucy Bach, comprising correspondence, 1894-1898, largely between Thomas and Lucy Bach and their families, including comments on Lucy's health, life in India, and missionary work; photographs, 1895-[1899], of people and scenes in India, including religious and educational subjects; printed papers, 1898-1900, relating to London Missionary Society (LMS) missionary work and the Bachs' life in India; St John's Gospel written on palm leaves in various languages and another palm leaf book, both undated.

Bach , Thomas William , b 1868 , missionary Bach , S H , fl 1894-1900 , née Mudie Smith , known as Lucy
Baldwin, Arthur
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 12-13 (Box 608) · 1889-1902

Papers, 1889-1902, of Arthur Baldwin, comprising diaries, 1889-1899, describing his journeys, work and life in Africa, including domestic activities and agricultural concerns; letters from Baldwin to his mother, 1889-1902, recounting his activities; letters from F Coillard to Baldwin, 1893-1895, concerning missionary work and concerns; undated manuscript notes on Coillard; undated map marked 'Proposal for a new mission Moomba'; letter to Mr Baldwin from F Pickering, 1897; letter to Mrs Baldwin from Mrs C Thackeray in New Zealand [1908]; nine photographs of southern Africa, mostly undated landscapes but including one of mission staff, 1899, among them some indigenous workers.

Baldwin , Arthur , 1864-1937 , missionary
Banks Photograph Collection
GB 0102 MS 380389 · Created c1897-1949

Papers, c1897-1949, of Alexander Banks, comprising photographs taken chiefly by Alexander Banks showing groups of missionaries, including the Banks, Hicks and Hodge families, Indian Christians, including the Das family, Hindus and Muslims, local festivals, buildings and views. Also included are copies of circular letters (1900-1902) and letters (1903-1906) from Alexander Banks; his diary (1899-1900); a record of orphanage children in India (1906) including photographs; and publications of the Regions Beyond Missionary Union.

Banks , Alexander L , fl 1897-1949 , missionary
Bargery, George Percival
GB 0102 MS 380516 · Created c1946

Papers, c1946, of George Percival Bargery, comprising Hausa grammar and vocabulary notes.

Bargery , George Percival , 1876-1966 , missionary and linguist
GB 0074 F/BAR · Collection · 1851-1936

Personal papers of Canon Samuel Augustus Barnett, social reformer. The papers comprise correspondence, sermons and lecture notes, and miscellanea. The bulk of the correspondence consists of weekly letters from the Canon to his brother, Francis G. Barnett and, after the latter's death, to his widow and her daughter and sons. For the years before 1883 there are no letters at all, and before 1889 there are fewer than for the later years of the correspondence. Normally the Canon wrote every Saturday, but there are frequent periods when there was no correspondence, when the Canon was in residence at Bristol during the summers of 1893-1906, and when the two families were holidaying together. There are also large groups of letters written by the Canon to his mother and family in the form of travel journals during his trips to Egypt in 1879-1880 and round the world in 1890-1891.

There are very few in-letters. The letters to F G Barnett are almost always four octavo pages in length. They were bundled in one or two year periods by Dame Henrietta when preparing her biography of her husband. On several letters there are editorial instructions, deletions and emendations by Dame Henrietta. These were made in pencil and were, at some subsequent period, erased. Within each bundle Dame Henrietta also numbered the letters. Her numbering has not been indicated in the list, nor has it been followed, as several of the letters were in fact misplaced.

There is a series of bound sermon notebooks and miscellaneous lecture notes amongst these papers. Although the sermon notes are basically complete for the St. Jude's period, 1875-1888, the lecture notes are only a fraction of the Canon's output.

Some miscellaneous documents and in-letters were kept by the Canon for their intrinsic importance, e.g. formal documents relating to his benefice at St. Jude's, and these have survived. There are, in addition, miscellaneous photographs, mostly of the Canon, but also of his wife and of his family.

These papers will be of interest to historians for the information they give on Canon Barnett's life, and for the frequent and lengthy discussions of the political, social and intellectual life of the day. They are enhanced in value by the fact that Dame Henrietta was avowedly unable to do them more than scant justice in her life of the Canon (see Canon Barnett: his life, work and friends vol I, p.377), and that the records of Toynbee Hall have been decimated by war damage and destruction.

Barnett , Samuel Augustus , 1844-1913 , Canon of Westminster Social Reformer
Beighton, Thomas and Abigail
GB 0102 MS 380698 · 1818-1821

Typescript transcript of letters and extracts of letters, and some photocopies of original letters, 1818-1821, from Thomas and Abigail Beighton to family and friends, recording problems encountered on the journey from England to Madras; local customs; and missionary work in Malacca and Penang, particularly their work in education; also including much discussion of family matters and of relationships among the missionary communities.

Beighton , Thomas , 1790-1844 , missionary Beighton , Abigail , 1791-1879 , née Tobitt , missionary
BELFIELD, Dorothea Edith
GB 106 7DEB · Fonds · 1930s

The archive consists of a certificate of appointment as Deaconess in the Parishes of Mere with West Knoyle in the County of Wiltshire and Diocese of Salisbury, 30 Jan 1933; correspondence with the Diocesan Registry, Salisbury to Deaconess Belfield; copy of her Assent to the 39 Articles, Jan 1937; press cutting relating to Dorothea Belfield's status and office and to the debate bout the status, role and office of deaconess, as opposed to deacon, within the Church.

Belfield , Dorothea Edith , fl 1933-1940 , deaconess
BENSON, Stella (1892-1933)
GB 0370 SB · [1930]-1947

Papers of and relating to Stella Benson, [1930]-1947, comprising 2 letters to Mrs Forster, 1932, concerning a model for a painter, a missionary and the purchase of a clock for a Chinese neighbour who nursed her illness; report of the Sub-committee of the League of Nations Society, Hong Kong, on an investigation into the traffic in women and children and prostitution in Hong Kong, with covering letter presenting the report to the Colonial Secretary, [1930]; article entitled 'Stella Benson goes to a Chinese Wedding' from the Radio Times by Stella Benson, 1932; letter from Mrs G H Forster to Miss White (later Professor Beatrice White), enclosing the papers and containing reminscences about Stella Benson, 1947.

Benson , Stella , 1892-1933 , afterwards Anderson , novelist
Bethnal Green Hospital
RLHBG · Fonds · 1913-1990

administrative records, Chaplain's records, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs and miscellaneous records.

Bethnal Green Hospital
GB 0074 CLC/424 · Collection · 1830-1889

The Bindloss family papers consist almost entirely of family letters and memorabilia of Reverend Edward Bindloss, his wife Maria Mathilda Bindloss, and Arthur Henry Bindloss. These include many letters from Russia, but little concerning Edward Bindloss' work as an Anglican chaplain.

Bindloss , Edward , d 1883 , chaplain
N/C/70 · Collection · 1858-1954

Records of Blackheath Congregational Church including deeds, 1858-1872; certificate authorizing solemnization of marriages at the church, 1855; Church meeting minute books, 1853-1969; register of baptisms, 1949-1969; Deacons' meeting minute books, 1869-1970; Sunday School teachers' meeting minute books, 1907-1935; correspondence and papers concerning pastors, 1874-1896; Church membership roll, 1967; account book, 1872-1887 and material relating to church property, 1886-1954.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
GB 0074 CLC/330 · Collection · 1887-1925

Service registers from the Bologna Anglican Chaplaincy, Italy.

Bologna Anglican Chaplaincy , Italy
ACC/1850-7 · Collection · 1828-1977

Records of the Bow Circuit (active 1861-1900), Poplar and Bow Mission (active 1900-1961) and Bow Mission (active 1961-date) including Quarterly meeting minute books, 1866-1977; Circuit Steward's account books, 1863-1961; Local Preachers' meeting minute book, 1865-1964; Circuit schedules, 1861-1892; Circuit trust schedule relating to the finance and material condition of each chapel and manse, 1941-1960; Circuit preaching plans, 1931-1966; War damage account book, 1941-1947; book of newspaper cuttings, 1933-1940; Bow and East End mission leaflets, 1887-1964; correspondence and certificates, 1828-1888.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/1850 · Collection · 1858-1940

Minutes, accounts, schedules and registers of Bow Methodist Mission Circuit and chapels within that Circuit, 1858-1940, including Elizabeth Street Church, Bow Common Church, Millwall Church, Old Ford Church, Old Mahogany Bar Church, Saint George's Methodist Church, Cable Street, Stratford Conference Hall, Tredegar Road Church, Bruce Road Church, Shirley Street Church, London Fields Church, Benledi Street School Chapel, Chrisp Street Church, Custom House Church, Driffield Road Church, Manchester Road Church, Maria Street Church, Mary Street Church and Plaistow Marsh Church.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
Brentwood Diocesan Archives
GB 2322 · 1791-2003

Archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brentwood comprising:

papers relating to the foundation of the Diocese including correspondence files concerning foundation, February-November 1917; Canon Burton's notes on the history of individual parishes in the diocese, 1917; general files relating to diocesan history, 1917-2003; files relating to Causes of Martyrs (beatification and canonization of local martyrs), 1917-2003;

Diocesan administrative papers relating to the Holy See, arranged by Vatican 'departments' including Propaganda Fide, Secretariat of State, Holy Office (Doctrine of the Faith), Congregation of the Council, Apostolic Penitentiary, Seminaries and Education, Bishops, Clergy, Religious, Liturgy (Rites), Sacraments, Saints, Varia (non-Christians, Christian unity, migrants, congresses/jubilees, communications, laity, miscellaneous) , and printed Papal documents, Apostolic Delegate/Nuncio (from 1938-), Bishops' Roman Agency/Dataria, Papal blessings, and Ad Limina Visits (regular visits of the Diocesan Bishop to Rome), 1917-2003;

general correspondence of the Bishops of Brentwood, and some biographical information, including Bernard Nicholas Ward, Apostolic Administrator 1917, Bishop 1917-1920; Arthur Doubleday, 1920-1951; George Andrew Beck, Coadjutor, 1948-1951, Bishop, 1951-1955 includes papers relating his work on Catholic education; Bernard Patrick Wall, Bishop 1956-1969, includes material relating to Vatican II; Patrick J Casey, Bishop 1970-1980; and Thomas McMahon, Bishop 1980-present;

administrative papers relating to Hierarchies, (national and international) including the Synods of Bishops; English and Welsh Bishops, 1917- present; other Bishops, 1917- present; military ordinary and chaplains, 1917-present; Hierarchy meetings (includes some printed minutes from 1867, but is mainly 1917-present); Hierarchy Commissions and Committees; Jubilees and celebrations; National Pastoral Congress, 1980; Papal visit, 1982;

papers relating to the Episcopal and Curial administration, including finance and property, Trust funds, Episcopal Registers/Bishop's House/Diocesan Offices, Chancery and Vicar General, Ad Clerum and circulars, 1917-present; Pastoral letters to clergy and peoples, 1917-present; Diocesan Synods, 1950s, and Synods of other Dioceses; Council of Priests and National Conference of Priests, 1960s-present; Diocesan Pastoral councils, 1980s-present; Deanery Conferences (including some minutes) 1980s-present; Diocesan publications including Brentwood Diocesan Magazine, 1920-1921, Diocesan Newsletters, 1970s-1980s; Diocesan Newspapers, 1980s-present; Diocesan Year Book, 1952-present; press cuttings, 1910-present;

files relating to clergy serving within the Diocese Pre-1917 Clergy; Diocesan Clergy: General; and Diocesan Clergy - deceased; non-Diocesan Clergy, on loan, Chaplaincies, temporary faculties and applications refused; Clergy Funds and Associations; [1875]-present; among the priests of the diocese were John Carmel Heenan (Bishop of Leeds 1951-1957, Archbishop of Liverpool 1957-1963, Archbishop of Westminster 1963-1975, Cardinal 1965), John Petit (Bishop of Menevia 1947-1972), Brian Foley (Bishop of Lancaster 1962-1985), and Alfred Gilby (1901-1998) (Catholic Chaplain to Cambridge University, 1932-1965);

papers relating to the Chapter of Canons, advisors to the Bishop, 1917-1984;

files relating to individual parishes within the Diocese including official documents such as reports and visitation returns, [1910]-present; general parish files; and history and correspondence, 1917-present;

administrative papers relating to other Diocesan Officials and Commissions including Diocesan Travelling Mission (to remote areas) and Private Chapels, 1952-1969; justice and peace, 1970s-present; ecumenism, 1970s-present; liturgy and music, 1970s-present; art and architecture/Historic Churches Commissions; pilgrimages, 1950s-present; Pastoral, Social Welfare and Youth, 1970s-present;

administrative papers relating to Roman Catholic education including the Director of Vocations, Ecclesiastical Education Fund; and students files for Students for the priesthood, 1917-present; dimissorials (non-diocesan subjects); Senior Seminaries, 1917-present; Junior Seminaries 1917-present; other institutions, 1917-present; administrative papers of the Schools Commission / Director of Education, 1930s-present; papers relating to primary, secondary and independent schools in London Boroughs and Essex, mainly 1917-present; and administration of the Brentwood Religious Education Services (BRES) and catechetics, 1974-present;

papers relating to Catholic societies, non-Catholic societies and social issues such as the Society of St Vincent de Paul, Catholic Women's League, Knights of St Columba, Legion of Mary etc, 1917-present;

papers relating to Religious orders within the Diocese, and their members, including men religious and women religious; secular institutes, religious: general, and abortive foundations;

papers relating to Diocesan buildings and architecture, including general files; files relating to the Cathedral; and files relating to war damage, 1940s-1950s;

maps and plans, mainly of the local area and diocesan buildings, [1900]-present;

photographs, 19th and 20th century, including portraits of clergy, and church and chapel buildings interior and exteriors;

video and audio recordings of ceremonies and events;

miscellaneous papers including manuscript writings of William Joseph Petre (1847-1893), 13th Baron Petre (Monsignor Lord Petre), priest, peer and educationalist;

published works including Catholic Directory, 1850s-present; Brentwood Diocesan Directory, 1952-present; Catholic Who's Who, 1915-1952; and copies of published histories of parishes of the diocese; and volumes from the libraries of the Bishops of Brentwood;

some material deposited with the Diocese by parishes includes of Harwich Roman Catholic Parish registers of Baptisms, 1864-1955; Confirmations, 1881-1947; Marriages, 1865-1952; deaths, 1864-1879; and parish notice books; Thorndon Park Roman Catholic Parish, (closed in 1946) registers including baptisms, 1791-1816, 1856-1882; and church marriages, 1857-1941; Witham Roman Catholic Parish register including baptisms, 1839-1957 and church marriages, 1841.

Diocese of Brentwood , Roman Catholic Church in England , 1917-
Brett family
GB 0096 MS 599 · 1743-1880

Bound volume containing laid down and loose letters, papers and memoranda of the Brett family of Spring Grove, Wye, Ashford, Kent, mostly relating to work on historical, liturgical and biblical subjects in France and England, mainly from a non-jurist viewpoint, [1743-1776], including the following items: a note signed by Nicholas Brett, 13 Jan 1759; a letter written from Spring Grove on 25 Jul 1743, but not in the previous hand, addressed to 'Thomas Williamson, chez...George Waters, l'aisnè, Rue de Savoye, a Paris'; extracts of two letters in another hand to Bishop Robert Gordon, Nov 1757 and Aug 1758; fragment of a letter dated 16 Mar 1758 concerning 'the learned dissertation in your last concerning the antiquity of written liturgies'; autographed letter of 26 May 1773 from William Jones of Nayland [Suffolk] to Nicholas Brett; a list of printed books, on paper watermarked 1800, endorsed 'Books at Crewe not put up, and a list of those sent down'.

Brett , family , non-jurors
Broadbent, Samuel
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Africa/FBN 10 ( Box 604) · 1815-1894

Papers, 1815-1894, of and relating to Samuel Broadbent, comprising his ordination certificate, 1815; notes for a sermon preached in Greetland before leaving for Ceylon, 1815; family letters, 1818-1872; printed Encyclopaedia of Knowledge [before 1826] belonging to Broadbent, vestige of his possessions destroyed at Maquassie in 1826, with a manuscript note by him [after 1826] concerning its history; volume containing manuscript English-Bechuana vocabulary and Lord's Prayer, undated, and other loose Bechuana texts; South African scalping knife; account [after 1832] of the life of Louisa Frances Broadbent; notes of Broadbent's journey to southern Ireland on missionary deputation with the Rev W Toase, 1833; printed article by Broadbent on agriculture in South Africa, 'Incidental results of Christian Missions', 1850; printed map of south-eastern Africa, 1857; various manuscript reminiscences by Broadbent, undated; photograph of Samuel Broadbent, unframed, and another, framed (with copy negative), both undated; manuscript copies [19th century] from letters of Miss Broadbent concerning the last hours of Samuel Broadbent, 1867; the Rev T A Chalker's 'The Story of an African Mission', from the Methodist Record (1894), mentioning Broadbent; undated photograph of the gravestone of Samuel and Sarah Broadbent; manuscript transcript [19th century] of the epitaph on the gravestone of Louisa Frances Broadbent.

Broadbent , Samuel , 1794-1867 , missionary
Brooking, Robert
GB 0102 MS 380587 · (1839-1859) [1980s]

Photocopy of a typescript transcript of the diary, 1839-1842, 1845, 1855-1859 (some gaps), of the Rev Robert Brooking, describing his missionary work, experiences, and local customs in west Africa and Canada, including transcript of a letter from T B Freeman, Cape Coast (west Africa), to Robert Brooking, 1855, describing the work of the mission there. With an article [1980s] by Helen Allen on the life of Robert Brooking.

Brooking , Robert , fl 1839-1859 , missionary
GB 0117 MS 251 · 1812-1902

Letters addressed to William Buckland (DD, FRS, Dean of Westminster and Reader in Mineralogy and Geology in University of Oxford) and other posthumous correspondence relating to his work.

Buckland , William , 1784-1856 , Dean of Westminster and geologist
GB 0074 CLC/337 · Collection · 1891-1911

Registers of services for Burgenstock Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Burgenstock Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
GB 0120 WMS/Amer.90a-90b · 1575-1600

The collection comprises two reports by Cadena seeking permission to transfer from Puebla (site of the cathedral of Tlaxcala) to the city of Mexico, on the grounds of ill-health.

Sotomayor , Melchior Antonio , de la , Cadena , y , 1539-1607 , ecclesiastic
GB 0074 F/CAL · Collection · 1698-1874

Records of the Calvert family of London, including papers relating to properties in Brixton, Kent, Tottenham Court Road and the City of London; genealogical notes on the family; and papers relating to the clerical career of William Calvert, rector of St Antholin with St John the Baptist, City of London.

Calvert , family , of London, Yorkshire and Kent
Calvert, James
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 33-36 (Boxes 645-648) · 1837-1910s

Papers, 1837-1910s, of James Calvert and his wife Mary, including James Calvert's journals, 1838-1886 (some gaps), including his experiences in Fiji and South Africa; Mary Calvert's journal, 1863-1866; certificates, 1838, including those for ordination and marriage; personal and family papers, 1839-1887, including baptismal certificates, 1839-1846, photographs of children, and poems; correspondence of James and Mary Calvert, 1837-1892, the correspondents including John Hunt and other ministers, and members of the Calvert and Fowler families; memoranda books on missionary conferences in Adelaide, 1866, Grahamstown, 1873, 1880, and Bloemfontein, 1874; printed proceedings of conferences at Pietermaritzburg, 1877, and Natal, 1878; manuscript notes and addresses, 1830s-1890s, including autobiographical notes, sermons, and anecdotes of mission life; c30 bills, 1870-1890; press cuttings and articles by or about Calvert, 1840s-1910s.

Calvert , James , 1813-1892 , missionary Calvert , Mary , 1814-1882 , née Fowler , wife of the missionary James Calvert
Campbell, John
GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 3, 5 · 1772-1840

Papers, 1772-1840, of and relating to John Campbell, concerning his family, life and work and comprising miscellaneous papers, including certificates and handbills, 1772-1829; miscellaneous correspondence, 1784-1818; correspondence on Campbell's death, 1840; notes for sermons, 1826 and undated; notes on Campbell from the Dictionary of National Biography and genealogy, undated; original sketches from his South African travels, 1813 and undated, and illustrations from his published accounts of his travels, 1815, 1822; proof copy of An Account of the London Missionary Society, c1823; a tract, A Brief Comparison ... of Popery and Protestantism [author unknown; after 1791], with a notebook cover containing odd notes, undated; notebook containing diary entries on an London Missionary Society (LMS) deputation to Norfolk, 1806; New Testament (Edinburgh, 1802) inscribed by John Campbell, 1803, and with a note by him, dated 1839, describing how he preached from it extensively, from Orkney to Cornwall and at the Cape of Good Hope; a tract for children, Cuff, the Negro Boy [by John Campbell, undated].

Campbell , John , 1766-1840 , Independent minister, philanthropist and traveller
GB 2254 HCV · sub-fonds · 1832-c1966

The collection comprises material and memorabilia of Cardinal Herbert Vaughan, including:
Papers from 1832 to 1903, including pastoral letters and correspondence relating to his acquisition of The Tablet and his notebooks and sermon notes.
Material relating to Vaughan and his family including books by, relating to and about Vaughan, books by and about the Vaughan family, biographical material, books of cuttings from local and national newspapers, collected by Vaughan's Mill Hill neighbour Caroline Hanmer and relating to Vaughan and his work, and other newspaper cuttings.
Artefacts and personal effects such as Vaughan's bishop's hat.
Other material such as material relating to the 1966 centenary of the founding of St Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart for Foreign Missions, and miscellaneous material such as publications on Westminster Cathedral, and information on 18th and 19th century English Catholics.

Publications include bound volumes of mission magazines left by Vaughan, such as: Annals of the Propagation of the Faith (1838-1902) and Illustrated Catholic Missions (a monthly publication that Vaughan helped to found in 1885; incomplete).

Vaughan, Herbert Alfred (1832-1903) Hanmer, Caroline (1868-1903) Vaughan family
Carpenter, John Baker
GB 0102 MS 380334 · Created c1899-1926

Letters, papers and photographs, c1899-1926, of John Baker Carpenter, relating to his service in China. They include letters written to Carpenter from Chinese students (c1899-1921).

Carpenter , John Baker , b 1874 , missionary
GB 0074 CLC/338 · Collection · 1910-1963

Records of Cartagena Anglican Chaplaincy, Spain comprising: minute books, 1910-27, 1933-6 (Ms 23635); miscellaneous chaplaincy corresponcence, accounts and other papers, 1911-40 (Ms 23636); cash book of the Seamen's Institute, 1913-40 (Ms 23637); and registers of services, baptisms, marriages and burials, 1910-63 (Ms 30863). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff in 1988 and 1997.

Cartagena Anglican Chaplaincy , Spain
GB 0074 CLC/339 · Collection · 1901-1967

Registers of services at the Champery Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

Champery Anglican Chaplaincy , Switzerland
GB 0074 ACC/2805/07 · Collection · 1913-1992

Records of Chief Rabbi Lord Immanuel Jakobovits, 1913-1992. The records of Lord Jakobovits are the single largest part of the archive, indicative of the large volume of work undertaken and the relative speed with which the records were passed onto London Metropolitan Archives.

Records relating to the Office of the Chief Rabbi and Chief Rabbi's Cabinet including papers relating to social functions and administration. Correspondence with the Board of Deputies, London Beth Din and United Synagogue. Papers relating to Jewish communal organisations including the Kol Nidre Appeal and the Joint Israel Appeal.

Papers relating to education and Chaplaincy Boards including general correspondence, the Education Reform Act 1988, Jews' College, individual schools, colleges and universities, the University Jewish Chaplaincy Board, and the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board. Papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust including administration, correspondence, financial records, trustees, donors, applications, fundraising and policies.

Papers relating to Jewish religious organisations including Reform, Liberal and Sephardi congregations and the Spanish and Portuguese Community. Papers relating to congregations and ministers in Great Britain including the registration of synagogues, the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board and provincial congregations.

Halacha [a legal decision regarding a matter or case for which there is no direct enactment in the Mosaic law, deduced by analogy from this law or from the Scriptures] and rulings on religious questions including correspondence, rulings relating to burial practices, the participation of women in communities, blasphemy, medical ethics, circumcision, bar mitzvah, marriage, conversions, get [divorce] legislation, High Holy Days and mikvaot. Papers relating to Shechita [slaughtering practices] and Kashrut [laws relating to food] including correspondence and minutes of the London Board for Shechita and the National Council of Shechita Boards of Great Britain, general correspondence, reports, and defence of shechita practices.

Papers relating to bills in the House of Lords. Correspondence with central Government departments and local authorities, including correspondence with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Correspondence with welfare organisations and papers relating to ageing, child abuse, crime, drugs, homelessness, hospice care, disabled people and individual welfare cases. Correspondence with religious leaders, individuals, and organisations relating to Israel, including the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Correspondence with overseas congregations including those in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America and correspondence with the Conference of European Rabbis. Papers relating to Soviet Jewry including correspondence, appeals and reports.

Papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews. Papers relating to medical ethics including abortion, sex education, AIDS, organ transplants, Tay-Sachs disease and abortion. Papers relating to social issues including business ethics, disarmament, homosexuality, inner cities, disasters, and race relations. Correspondence relating to the representation of the Chief Rabbi on various public bodies and patronage by the Chief Rabbi.

Copies of sermons, addresses, publications from the office of the Chief Rabbi, press and publicity, broadcasts and messages from the Chief Rabbi. Personal papers including household accounts, letters of thanks and messages of sympathy. Papers relating to the Chief Rabbinate Fund including the distribution of funds to various causes.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

Jakobovits , Immanuel , Baron Jakobovits , 1921-1999 , chief rabbi
GB 0074 ACC/2805/04 · Collection · 1899-1946

Records of Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, 1899-1946, including correspondence with various individuals and organisations including the Anglo-Jewish Association, Aria College, the London Beth Din, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers, the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women, the Jewish Chronicle, Jews' College, Central Committee for Jewish Education, the Jewish Historical Society, the Jewish Memorial Council, the Council for Christians and Jews, the Jewish Peace Society, London County Council, the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund, the Mizrachi Organisation, the Provincial Ministers Fund, the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation, associate synagogues of the United Synagogue, the War Graves Commission, Zionist groups, the Talmud Torah Trust and the War Victims Fund.

Also correspondence with Jewish congregations throughout the United Kingdom and in countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States of America; correspondence relating to matters including shechita, Jews in Ukraine, Germany and Poland, war orphans, rabbinical exams, mikvah, marriages, kabolohs, disarmament, the Coronation of King George VI (1937), and pastoral tours of Wales and Ireland; papers relating to World War One including services for Jewish soldiers, the Kosher Food Fund, correspondence with chaplains, distribution of kosher foods, prisoners of war and Palestine Relief Fund, and copies of publications and sermons.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

Hertz , Joseph Herman , 1872-1946 , Chief Rabbi
GB 0074 A/CHM · Collection · 1829-1968

Records of the Cholmondeley Charities, including deeds establishing and regulating Charities; minutes; correspondence; financial accounts; petitions; registers of applications; registers and lists of grants.

Cholmondeley Charities
GB 0074 CLC/342 · Collection · 1827-1950

Records of Christ Church, Trieste, Italy, comprising minutes, accounts and correspondence. They were catalogued in 1964 and 1988 by members of Guildhall Library staff.

Christ Church , Trieste, Italy
GB 0074 CLC/344 · Collection · 1865-1978

Records of the Church of the Ascension, Seville, Spain, comprise: registers of baptisms, marriages and burials, 1865-1936 (Ms 21028) and chaplain's book, 1948-78 (Ms 21029). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1984.

Church of the Ascension , Seville, Spain
ACC/3393/CR · Subfonds · 1921-1995

Records of Harrow Methodist Circuit, 1921-1995, including administrative papers; financial accounts; papers, correspondence, circulars and publications relating to Circuit Property Committee; circulars and leaflets; Circuit archivist's papers; Quarterly Meeting statements and agendas; correspondence; issues of Bulletin, newsletter of The Women's Fellowship of the Methodist Church; Circuit preaching plans and directories; issues of Harrow Circuit Outlook, newsletter of the Circuit; photographs of Ruislip Methodist Church, North Harrow Methodist Church, South Harrow Methodist Church, Pinner Methodist Church, Cannon Lane Methodist Church, Pinner, Eastcote Methodist Church and Circuit manses; agreements and correspondence regarding Performing Rights Society and correspondence regarding Manse Trust.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
GB 0074 CLC/046 · Collection · 1853-1856

Minute book of the City Clerical Society.

City Clerical Society
ACC/2330 · Collection · 1806-1970

Records of the City Road Circuit including Quarterly Meeting minute books, 1817-1852 and 1925-1952; Circuit Stewards account book, 1922-1922; Class book, 1806-1828; Class moneys and subscription lists, 1795-1898; Twentieth Century Fund account book, 1899-1903; schedule of Methodist Trust Property, 1938-1970; Education Schedule book; 1888-1893; Circuit Statement of income and expenditure, 1906-1916; notice of proposed amalgamation of Wesley's Chapel Circuit (i.e. City Road Circuit) and Highbury Circuit, 1916.

Records relating to Angel Alley Chapel, including agreement regarding Angel Alley Wesleyan Chapel and School, Bishopsgate Street Without, 1865; deed of appointment of new Trustees, and vesting of part of Trust property, 1882; schedule of deeds and documents, 1820-1882, compiled 1883.

Records relating to Chequer Alley Chapel including schedule of deeds and documents, 1801-1865, compiled 1867; schedule of sale of chapel, 1882.

Records relating to Wesley's Chapel, City Road, including registers of baptisms, 1838-1946; register of burials, 1779-1784; Trustees Meeting minute books, 1822-1874 and 1934-1973; Trustees Meeting account book, 1860-1892; Conference Commission on Wesley's Chapel minute book, 1972-1973; Leaders Meeting minute book, 1807-1894 and 1933-1955; Society Stewards account books, 1808-1912; Society Stewards book, including a reprint of The Duties of Wesleyan Stewards: with other information concerning their Office by Reverend E. Workman, 1906-1913; Missionary Committee minute book, 1877-1899; Christian Workers' Association minute book, 1887-1897; Conference Committee minute book, 1928-1961; Collection books, 1839-1869; Poor Fund account books, 1789-1964; Sunday School papers, 1912-1958; appeal letter relating to restoration of Wesley's Chapel, 1892; key plan showing layout of roof timbers of chapel, 1931.

Records relating to Hackney Road Chapel (formerly Middlesex Chapel), including register of baptisms, 1880-1954; Trustees Meeting minute book, 1820-1978; Leaders Meeting minute book, 1891-1953.

Records relating to Jewin Street Chapel including register of baptisms, 1842-1890; Trustees Meeting minute books, 1842-1962; documents relating to Jewin Street Trust, 1843-1886; legal documents relating to the Jewin Street property, 1843-1886; papers relating to the appointment of Trustees, 1891-1899; certificate for the solemnization of marriages, 1873; correspondence with Charity Commission, 1892; letter from Wesleyan Chapel Committee consenting to sale of Chapel, 1886.

Records relating to New North Road Chapel including register of marriages, 1851-1912; Trustees Meeting minute book, 1848-1919; Trustees Treasurers account book, 1917-1920; Leaders Meeting minute book, 1897-1919; Building Account, later incorporating Trust Account; 1848-1895; architect's report on buildings with sketch plans showing proposed alterations, 1916.

Records relating to Radnor Street Chapel comprising Trustees Meeting minute books, 1885-1940.

Records relating to Spitalfields Chapel comprising Sunday School Tract Society minute book, 1821-1829.

Records relating to Wilson Street Welsh Chapel including schedule for purchase of Chapel, 1881; leave of Chapel Committee to purchase chapel, 1881; contract for sale and purchase, 1881; requisitions on title and repairs, 1881; authority to pay Consideration Money, 1881; Return to Chapel Committee, 1883.

Records of Tavistock Square House comprising file containing correspondence, draft list of deeds and draft accounts, 1921-1928.

Records of Great Queen Street Chapel comprising Day School Committee minute book, 1871-1906.

Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist Church
ACC/2854 · Collection · 1798-1988

Records of the Clapham Congregational Church, 1798-1988, including Trustees papers; Deacons' Meeting minutes; Church Meeting minutes; papers of other Committees including Building Maintenance Committee, Missionary Committee and Magazine Committee; membership registers; correspondence relating to staffing; service sheets; financial accounts; papers relating to the Church buildings and property, including plans; papers relating to damage incurred during the Second World War; general correspondence; papers relating to Church societies including the Sunday School, the Ladies' Working Missionary Society, the Vestry Book Society and the War Relief Sewing Society (First World War); printed material including circulars; news cuttings and photographs including Dr James Guinness Rogers.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
GB 0074 CLC/437 · Collection · [1870]-1972

Personal papers of Reverend Philip Clayton including family correspondence; personal certificates and letters of appointment; research notes; diaries; papers relating to the parish of All Hallows Barking by the Tower including sermons, newsletters, correspondence, articles, press cuttings and administration; papers relating to Toc H including articles, reminiscences, correspondence, annual reports, press cuttings, talks, papers relating to overseas visits by Clayton, papers relating to charity work, sermons, leaflets, biographical notes on people associated with Toc H, photographs, and publications by Clayton on Toc H; articles, sermons and prayers by Clayton; and photographs of Clayton and various family members.

Clayton , Philip Thomas Byard , 1885-1972 , clergyman
GB 0114 MS0238 · Late 18th century-late 19th century

Papers relating to the Clift and Owen families, late 18th century-late 19th century, comprising a file of correspondence and papers between the Clift and Owen families. Including material relating to the parish placements of Sir Richard Owen's grandson, Richard Startin Owen, at St Giles Church, and the Parish of Mortlake; a manuscript copy of the inscription from Sir Richard Owen's great grandmother, Elizabeth Froysell's tomb; William Owen's certificate of admittance to the Royal Arch Masons, 1869; a manuscript settlement made between Sir Richard Owen's great grandparents, Richard Eskrigge and Elizabeth Froysell on their marriage, 1725; a letter from John Hunter to Brigadier Lambart, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces at Belle Isle, and Brigadier Lambart's reply, 1762; correspondence between Sir Richard Owen and his family; 2 pencil drawings by Mrs Clift; correspondence between William Clift and his family; correspondence of Sir Richard Owen from the Jessie Dobson estate; other letters to Sir Richard Owen; a diary belonging to William Clift recording activities in the museum, [1806-1816]; a letter from Antonio Scarpa, 1823 [including a transcription and translation]; sheet music for a song with lyrics by Eugenius Roche Esq and music by Gme Tronsson du Coudray, dedicated to Miss Caroline Amelia Clift; letter from Joshua Brookes to Nathan Pointer [1831]; 4 attendance cards for John W MacNee for lectures given by James Armour on Midwifery (1828), John Burns on Surgery (1827), the structure and diseases of the eye by William MacKenzie (1828), and lectures on anatomy by Robert Hunter (1826-1827); invitation card from E M van Butchell to view the embalmed remains of his wife, and a transcribed letter by William Clift from E M van Butchell regarding the display of his wife's remains, 1815; and various other Clift and Owen manuscripts.

Clift , William , 1775-1849 , museum curator and scientific illustrator Owen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , naturalist
GB 0074 ACC/1360 · Collection · 1451-1921

Records of the Clitherow family, including account books of merchant James Clitherow, 1642-1682, (ref ACC/1360/435-440) giving details of his investment in voyages to the East Indies and elsewhere, his loans to relatives and others, and the deposits of money which he held on their account, as well as his purchase of Boston Manor, New Brentford, in 1670 and other lands.

Papers relating to properties acquired by Christopher Clitherow, including the 1696 exchange of the manors of Nether and Upper Bilsington in Kent with Thomas Rider for Pinners Hall and other property in Austin Friars in the City of London (see ACC/1360/017-019 and ACC/1360/153/1-2); the 1720 sale of the Langham estate (see ACC/1360/444) and a 1723 detailed description and valuation of Boston Manor and other property (ACC/1360/444). Also included are Christopher Clitherow's personal financial accounts.

Papers of James Clitherow {III} relating to the bequest of Martha Heddin of property in Twickenham, Isleworth and Heston. A substantial proportion of the Clitherow papers relate to his activities on behalf of others, together with those of his son Colonel James Clitherow, and also of a few trusts administered by his father, James {II}, grandfather, Christopher, brother Christopher, and nephew, General John Clitherow. For James Clitherow's accounts of the complex Kemeys trust see ACC/1360/666 and ACC/1360/628.

Papers of Colonel James Clitherow {IV} including title deeds of Sir Thomas Ingram's Almshouses in Isleworth (ref ACC/1360/656/1-18), of which Colonel Clitherow was treasurer, being largely responsible for raising a subscription for their repair in 1816. They also include extensive correspondence, accounts, vouchers, and other papers relating to the Royal Westminster Regiment of the Middlesex Militia 1796-1826 (ref ACC/1360/736-778) of which James Clitherow {IV} was Colonel.

Papers of the Reverend William James Stracey-Clitherow. His account books, diary, correspondence and papers relate mainly to affairs in Norfolk, where he was Vicar of Buxton and Rector of Skeyton and Oxnead from 1855 to 1888, as well as managing both his own and his brother's property in Norfolk.

Amongst the Clitherow papers are the letters and telegrams sent by Thomas Gurney to his mother and stepfather while he was serving overseas in the South African War 1901-1902 (ACC/1360/555/1-173) and in the 1st World War 1917-1919 (ACC/1360/556/1-37).

Correspondence and papers of John Bourchier Stracey-Clitherow relating to the management of the Boston Manor estate, including road widening and building schemes, sale of land, and the development of Clitherow Avenue (ACC/1360/523-527).

Clitherow , family , of Boston Manor, New Brentford
GB 0074 A/CSC · Collection · 1273-1954

Records of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy (also known as The Charity for the Relief of Poor Widows and Children of Clergymen), including letters patent; minutes; agendas; administrative papers; letter books; papers of associatied charities; schemes and proposals; publicity; cases for legal counsel; financial accounts; subscriptions, donations and bequests; papers relating to the management of estates; and reference books.

These archives of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy were deposited in the London County Record Office on condition that all records for the past 100 years which contain reference to beneficiaries shall be regarded as confidential. Searchers who wish to consult such categories of record should first obtain the consent of the Registrar to the Corporation (Corporation House, 6 Woburn Square, London, W.C.1). Other categories of record and all records more than 100 years old are available for searchers without any special restrictions.

Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy The Charity for the Relief of Poor Widows and Children of Clergymen
Cousins, (Ethel) Constance
GB 0102 MS 380325 · Created 1865-1974

Papers, 1865-1974, of and relating to (Ethel) Constance Cousins, including correspondence with her family, photographs, press cuttings and the unpublished typescript biography by her niece Janet E. Cousins. Also includes letters dated 1893-1900 from her father, Rev. William Edward Cousins, chiefly from Madagascar.

Cousins , Ethel Constance , 1882-1944 , medical missionary
Crewe, P: letter (1699)
GB 0096 AL317 · Fonds · 1699

Letter from P Crewe of Aston, [Birmingham] to an unnamed clergyman 16 Sep 1699. 'I thnk God and Sr W A for my fie, and you for joyning us togather: excuse a trifle sent you on the occasion as thus - The unrepented yeare is past, / The parsons gloves are sent att last: / What Witam had, att Oxford are / On that account another paire. / On ye other side is ye originall and ye cause of this mean rime.' The writer tells the story of Mr Hodges, the Parson of Wytham, near Oxford, who had asked couples that he married to send him a pair of gloves if they had never regretted their marriage during its first year; he received only one pair in 40 years. Including short verses in Latin and English reportedly written by Hodges.

Autograph, with signature.

Crewe , P , fl 1699 , of Aston
DERING, Heneage (1665-1750)
GB 0113 MS-DERIH · 1739-1930 (1739; 1745; 1930)

Dering's autobiographical memoranda, covering the years 1550-1739, 1739; copy of his will, 1745; and letter regarding the transfer of the manuscript to the College, 1930

Dering , Heneage , 1665-1750 , antiquary and Prebendary of York
GB 0074 CLC/318 · Collection · 1855-1996

Records of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. The records mainly relate to the administration of the Diocese, the oversight of chaplaincies and relations both with other organisations working within the Diocese and with other churches on the Continent. The bishop established a Bishop's Council to act as an advisory body for the Diocese.

It should be noted that many of the files are general and contain information on a variety of topics e.g. administration, finance and chaplaincy. This is especially true of the large series of correspondence between the diocesan administration and the chaplaincies, Ms32699/1-624.

There is a 30 year closure period on the Diocese in Europe material except Mss 32667/1-12, 32687 and 32688/1-12 which have a 50 year closure period and Ms 32699/1-624 which are closed for 75 years.

Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe , Church of England x Diocese in Europe , Church of England