Coastal zones

Elements area


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Hierarchical terms

Coastal zones

Equivalent terms

Coastal zones

  • UF Coasts
  • UF Côte
  • UF Costa
  • UF Litoral
  • UF Región costera

3 Archival description results for Coastal zones

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Cook Navigation Manuscript
GB 0103 MS ANGL 7 · c1760

Manuscript, c1760, entitled 'Directions for sailing from the harbour of Halifax to Quebec, by James Cook, Master of His Majesty's Ship Northumberland'. The text is written in Cook's hand throughout. Pasted into the manuscript are a table showing latitude and longitude of capes etc (f 17r) and a list of names, mostly of native chiefs encountered in the Pacific on Cook's first and second voyages (f 18r).

Cook , James , 1728-1779 , explorer
GB 0402 JAS · 1921-1970

Papers of James Alfred Steers, 1928-1970, including diary of voyage to Australia and Great Barrier Reef Expedition, 14 Jun 1928-11 Jan 1929; reports prepared for the Ministry of Town and Country Planning on coasts of England, Scotland and Wales, 1943-1949; report and recommendations by Steers on the conservation of coasts in certain countries of Europe, 1969 and 'Protection of coastal areas', a paper by Steers prepared for the European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, May, 1970.

Steers , Professor , James Alfred , 1899-1987 , coastal geomorphologist
GB 0402 FCV · Collection · 1884-1886

Journals and logs of Foley Charles Prendergast Vereker, 1865-1886, relating to his service in RN Survey ships: Vol. 1, 1865-1867 as a midshipman in HMSs VICTORY, MUTINE, SUTLEJ, MALACCA, SCOUT and MUTINE again, home and South American (Atlantic and Pacific) stations; Vol. 2, 1867-1870 as a midshipman in HMSs MUTINE, NASSAU and DUKE OF WELLINGTON, Pacific and Home stations; Vol. 3, 1870-1872, as officer in HMS DUKE OF WELLINGTON, East Indies and China Seas; Vol. 4, 1873-1877, in HMSs NASSAU and THAMAR, Pacific; Vol. 5, 1878-1883, as lieutenant in HMS ALERT, South American Stations; Vol. 6, 1883-1884, as lieutenant in the P and O ships SS CLYDE, ROHILLA and BAUCA and as a lieutenant commanding HMS MAGPIE; 1884-1886, as lieutenant commanding HMS RAMBLER. Illustrated with watercolour drawings and charts, with mounted photographs at the end of each volume.

Vereker , Foley Charles Prendergast , 1850-1900 , naval commander