Identity area
Reference code
- 1782-1992 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
0.4 linear metres
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
The City of London was unique in evolving Common Hall as a separate electoral assembly for the choice of important municipal officers, including the Lord Mayor. At one time all freemen were entitled to attend but now only liverymen of the City Livery Companies or Guilds are present and only those liverymen of more than one year's standing are entitled to vote. No specific date can be supplied for the establishment of Common Hall, although its existence can be traced back to at least the 13th century. In 2008 Common Hall continues to meet on a regular basis.
The Livery Committee of 1782 had the terms of reference 'to take the most effectual Methods for obtaining a more equal Representation of the People in Parliament and a frequent Election of the Representatives, according to ancient usage, and for these purposes to confer and correspond with other Committees throughout the Kingdom', that is, to correspond with the Committees of several counties on the topic of economy, reform and Parliament.
The Livery Committee of 1864 was established to regulate the admission of liverymen to Common Hall.
Archival history
COL/CN/LVC 1782-1992 subfonds 0.4 linear metres Corporation of London
The City of London was unique in evolving Common Hall as a separate electoral assembly for the choice of important municipal officers, including the Lord Mayor. At one time all freemen were entitled to attend but now only liverymen of the City Livery Companies or Guilds are present and only those liverymen of more than one year's standing are entitled to vote. No specific date can be supplied for the establishment of Common Hall, although its existence can be traced back to at least the 13th century. In 2008 Common Hall continues to meet on a regular basis.
The Livery Committee of 1782 had the terms of reference 'to take the most effectual Methods for obtaining a more equal Representation of the People in Parliament and a frequent Election of the Representatives, according to ancient usage, and for these purposes to confer and correspond with other Committees throughout the Kingdom', that is, to correspond with the Committees of several counties on the topic of economy, reform and Parliament.
The Livery Committee of 1864 was established to regulate the admission of liverymen to Common Hall.
Corporation of London Records Office.
Records of the Livery Committee, Common Hall, including minutes, 1782-1783; minutes, 1864-1992 (closed from 1959 onwards); committee papers, 1941-1957 and notes on the history and terms of reference of the Committee, 1980.
In sections according to catalogue.
These records are available for public inspection, although records containing personal information are subject to access restrictions under the UK Data Protection Act, 1998.
Copyright: City of London.
Please see online catalogues at:
For records relating to Common Hall and the administration of livery companies, see COL/CN, COL/CN/LCN, COL/CN/LVC and COL/CP. Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section holds the original records of 85 City of London livery companies or related organisations.
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. February 2009 Government Public administration Local government Municipal government Organizations Associations Guilds Livery Committee , Common Hall , Corporation of London Europe City of London London England UK Western Europe
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Corporation of London Records Office.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Records of the Livery Committee, Common Hall, including minutes, 1782-1783; minutes, 1864-1992 (closed from 1959 onwards); committee papers, 1941-1957 and notes on the history and terms of reference of the Committee, 1980.
System of arrangement
In sections according to catalogue.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
These records are available for public inspection, although records containing personal information are subject to access restrictions under the UK Data Protection Act, 1998.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copyright: City of London.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
For records relating to Common Hall and the administration of livery companies, see COL/CN, COL/CN/LCN, COL/CN/LVC and COL/CP. Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section holds the original records of 85 City of London livery companies or related organisations.
Finding aids
Please see online catalogues at:
Access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English