Identity area

Reference code





  • 1777-1981 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

14.2 linear metres

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

The concept of the Court of Common Council grew from the ancient custom of the Folkmoot, when the assent of the citizens to important acts was obtained. This custom was continued by the Mayor who consulted the Commons several times during the 13th century. From 1376 the assembly began to meet regularly and was referred to as the Common Council. It was decided that the Council should be made up of persons elected from each Ward. By 1384 a permanent Common Council chosen by the citizens was established for all time. The Council assumed legislative functions and adopted financial powers, confirmed by Charters of 1377 and 1383. The Council has often used these powers to amend the civic constitution, regulate the election of Lord Mayor and other officials, and amend the functions of the City courts. The Council was judged so successful in the conduct of its duties that it was the only Corporation unreformed by Parliament following the Municipal Corporations Commission report of 1837, while the Corporation Inquiry Commission of 1854 suggested only minor reforms. The work of the Council is conducted by a number of committees, while the whole Council has the right to approve policy, confirm major decisions and sanction expenditure. The committees handle many aspects of the running of the City including land and estates, finance and valuation, open spaces, street improvement and town planning, public health, police, Port of London, civil defence, airports, libraries, markets, education, and law. The Town Clerk has held responsibility for recording the minutes of the Council and its committees since 1274.

The General Purposes Committee was constituted in 1789 and was responsible for the administration and regulation of all the business of the Corporation, with the exception of the letting of City Lands and Bridge House Estates.

Archival history

COL/CC/GPC 1777-1981 subfonds 14.2 linear metres Corporation of London

The concept of the Court of Common Council grew from the ancient custom of the Folkmoot, when the assent of the citizens to important acts was obtained. This custom was continued by the Mayor who consulted the Commons several times during the 13th century. From 1376 the assembly began to meet regularly and was referred to as the Common Council. It was decided that the Council should be made up of persons elected from each Ward. By 1384 a permanent Common Council chosen by the citizens was established for all time. The Council assumed legislative functions and adopted financial powers, confirmed by Charters of 1377 and 1383. The Council has often used these powers to amend the civic constitution, regulate the election of Lord Mayor and other officials, and amend the functions of the City courts. The Council was judged so successful in the conduct of its duties that it was the only Corporation unreformed by Parliament following the Municipal Corporations Commission report of 1837, while the Corporation Inquiry Commission of 1854 suggested only minor reforms. The work of the Council is conducted by a number of committees, while the whole Council has the right to approve policy, confirm major decisions and sanction expenditure. The committees handle many aspects of the running of the City including land and estates, finance and valuation, open spaces, street improvement and town planning, public health, police, Port of London, civil defence, airports, libraries, markets, education, and law. The Town Clerk has held responsibility for recording the minutes of the Council and its committees since 1274.

The General Purposes Committee was constituted in 1789 and was responsible for the administration and regulation of all the business of the Corporation, with the exception of the letting of City Lands and Bridge House Estates.

Corporation of London Records Office.

Records of the General Purposes Committee, Court of Common Council, including journals, 1789-1858; minutes, 1789-1981; rough minutes, 1791-1842; committee papers, 1789-1957; proceedings from various subcommittees including the Compter Committee, By Law Committee, Mansion House Committee, State Coach Committee, Marshale Committee, Blackfriars Bridge Committee, Shop Tax Committee, Court of Requests Committee, and investigations including the Sheriff's Court, regulation of unlicensed Carts, riots at Knightsbridge, regulating elections within the City, conduct of staff and proposal to alter the date of the annual wardmotes, 1777-1924; standing orders, 1826-1841 and summary of powers and duties with a list of Chairmen and standing orders of the Committee, 1880-1920.

In sections according to catalogue.

Available for general access.

Copyright City of London.


Please see online catalogues at:

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. February 2009 Municipal government Organisation and management Administrative history Administration Management Business management Business practice and regulation Regulation Law Legislation Local government legislation Management operations Policy making People People by occupation Personnel Local government personnel Government Public administration Local government General Purposes Committee , Court of Common Council , Corporation of London Europe City of London London England UK Western Europe

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Corporation of London Records Office.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Records of the General Purposes Committee, Court of Common Council, including journals, 1789-1858; minutes, 1789-1981; rough minutes, 1791-1842; committee papers, 1789-1957; proceedings from various subcommittees including the Compter Committee, By Law Committee, Mansion House Committee, State Coach Committee, Marshale Committee, Blackfriars Bridge Committee, Shop Tax Committee, Court of Requests Committee, and investigations including the Sheriff's Court, regulation of unlicensed Carts, riots at Knightsbridge, regulating elections within the City, conduct of staff and proposal to alter the date of the annual wardmotes, 1777-1924; standing orders, 1826-1841 and summary of powers and duties with a list of Chairmen and standing orders of the Committee, 1880-1920.

System of arrangement

In sections according to catalogue.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Available for general access.

Conditions governing reproduction

Copyright City of London.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Finding aids

Please see online catalogues at:

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

London Metropolitan Archives

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


  • English