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Scope note(s)

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      Hierarchical terms


        Equivalent terms


        • UF Criminal courts
        • UF Judiciary
        • UF Supreme courts
        • UF Tribunals
        • UF Cour criminelle
        • UF Cour suprême
        • UF Magistrature
        • UF Tribunal criminel
        • UF Tribunaux
        • UF Corte de justicia
        • UF Corte suprema
        • UF Magistratura
        • UF Tribunal criminal

        289 Archival description results for Courts

        289 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0074 M/95/BEC · Collection · 1394-1888

        Records of Tooting Bec Manor, including views of frankpledge; court baron proceedings; and volumes of extracts from the court rolls.

        Manor of Tooting Bec
        GB 0074 ACC/3185 · Collection · 1543-1709

        Records of the Manor of Tooting Graveney, comprising court roll for courts baron with view of frankpledge.

        Manor of Tooting Graveney
        GB 0074 ACC/1289 · Collection · 1683-1894

        Records of Topsfield Manor, Crouch End, Hornsey, including court book, 1683-1885, including tenants names and steward's notes; plan of the manor house, gardens, out buildings, demesne lands and fields, 1781; conveyance of the manor and lordship of Topsfield Hall, 1855 and particulars of sale for the Harringay Arms and other premises in Crouch Hill and Crouch End Broadway.

        Manor of Topsfield , Crouch End
        GB 0074 ACC/0695 · Collection · 1619-1933

        Records of Tottenham Manor, 1619-1920, including court rolls; survey of the manor; account book; quit rental; and Reminiscences of Tottenham by Mrs J W Couchman. Records of Edmonton Manor, 1661-1933, including court books; minute books; survey of the manor; lists of copyholders, fines and rents; annual rentals; quit rentals; stewards' financial accounts and notebook; and manorial court rod. Also precedent book for the manors of Tottenham and Edmonton, 1830.

        Manor of Edmonton Manor of Tottenham Manor of Balliols , Tottenham x Manor of Daubeneys , Tottenham Manor of Bruces , Tottenham Manor of Hastings , Tottenham x Manor of Pembrokes , Tottenham Manor of Mockings , Tottenham
        GB 0074 PS/TOW · Collection · 1889-1953

        Records of Tower Bridge Magistrates Court, 1889-1953, comprising court registers and court minute books. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

        Tower Bridge Magistrates Court
        GB 0096 MS 764 · [1686]

        Transcript, probably made in the late 17th century, of the allegations made by Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of Stamford, against his wife for adultery before the Court of Arches, under 35 articles. Thomas Exton is given as the Dean of Arches. One page is blank except for: 'this side was skipt by the transcribers oversight'.

        GB 0074 ACC/0782 · Collection · 1724-1928

        Records of the Manor of Twickenham, including court books (courts baron); lists of tenants; and plans of the boundary of the manor.

        Manor of Twickenham
        TYSSEN, Francis
        GB 0074 M/79 · Collection · 1548-1940

        Records of the manors of Lordshold, Kingshold and Grumbolds, Hackney and of the Tyssen Amherst estates. Manor of Lordshold records include court books; indexes to court books; draft court books; minutes of courts and presentment books; register of officials; papers entered into court books; surrenders and admissions; deeds; rentals, surveys and other documents.

        Manor of Kingshold records include court books; indexes to court books; draft court books; minutes of courts and presentment book; papers entered into court books; deeds.

        Manor of Grumbolds records include index to court books; minutes of courts and other volumes; papers entered into court books; deeds.

        Papers relating to the Tyssen Amherst Estates include marriage settlements; conveyances; building agreements; land tax records; rental; surveys and plans. The collection also includes a minute book of Henry Norris and letters patent regarding Downing College, Cambridge.

        The covering dates of the court books are the dates of the actual courts, or proceedings before the steward, as distinct from enrolments of transactions out of court. The original numbers of the volumes are given in inverted commas in the description column and will be needed if use is made of the original indexes. Since the manors of Lordshold, Hackney and of Stepney were held in conjunction until 1652, a few records relating to Stepney are included in this collection, for example M79/LH/128/4. Similarly court books for Lordshold, 1654-1659, 1661-1664 and extracts of Court Baron rolls, 1652-1717, can be found in the list of Stepney manor records (Refs. M93/1-2, 4, 89-92) as well as some deeds (e.g. W93/439-441).

        Many of these records were damaged by flooding due to enemy action in the second World War and cannot be consulted in their present state. However where the court books are unfit for consultation, draft court books and papers entered into the court books can be used as an alternative.

        Tyssen-Amherst , family , of Hackney and Norfolk
        GB 0074 PS/U · Collection · 1855-1986

        Records of Uxbridge Petty Sessional Division, 1855-1986, including court registers; court minutes; juvenile court registers; minutes of Probation and After-Care Committee and of Justices' Meetings and committals registers. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

        Uxbridge Petty Sessional Division
        GB 0074 ACC/2385 · Collection · 1881-1961

        Calendars of prisoners for various Courts of Law, 1881-1961, including:

        Rochester Sessions;
        Central Criminal Court;
        Middlesex Sessions;
        Surrey Sessions;
        Surrey Assizes;
        Kent Sessions;
        Kent Assizes;
        County of London Sessions;
        Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire Sessions;
        Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire Assizes;
        Essex Sessions;
        Essex Assizes;
        Gravesend Sessions;
        Maidstone Sessions;
        Tenterden Sessions;
        West Ham Borough Sessions;
        Croydon Borough Sessions;
        Guildford Borough Sessions;
        City of London Sessions;
        Hertford, Saint Albans and Saffron Walden Assizes.

        Please note that some of these calendars are closed under the Data Protection Act.

        Veere Magistracy
        GB 0096 MS 4, MS 5, MS 6, MS 7, MS 8 · 1471-1476, 1547

        Five items dating from 1471-1476 and 1547 from the Veere Magistracy concerning the payment of monies. Manuscripts 4-7 are concerned with the parties John van Zantgaten and John Belt; manuscript 8 concerns a Scottish Conservator, John Moffat, and the Councillors of Veere.

        Veere Magistracy , Zeeland
        GB 0099 KCLMA Von Manstein · Created 1949, 1973

        Papers relating to the proceedings of the trial of von Manstein for war crimes by a British Military Court, Curio House, Hamburg, Germany, Aug-Dec 1949, including typescript 'Index of the proceedings upon the trial of Fritz Erich von Lewinski, called von Manstein', 1949; typescript index of the summing-up by Judge Advocate Hon Charles Arthur Collingwood, Dec 1949; typescript charge sheet listing the seventeen charges of war crimes against von Manstein, amended as served, 14 Jul 1949; typescript opening speech for the prosecution by Sir Arthur Strettell Comyns-Carr, KC, 24 Aug 1949; typescript proceedings for the sixty one days of von Manstein's trial for war crimes (two days proceedings excluded as they were held in camera), 23 Aug-16 Dec 1949; twelve bound indexed volumes of typescript documents referred to by counsel and used as evidence in von Manstein's trial, 1949; typescript bound transcript of Commission Hearing, Landsberg Prison, Landsberg, Germany, by Special Commissioner Lt Col W St John C Tayleur, Barrister at Law, Office of the Deputy Judge Advocate General, Headquarters BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), appointed by Lt Gen Sir Charles Keightley, Commander-in-Chief, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), to take evidence on commission relating to von Manstein, 10 Jan 1949; forty four printed maps relating to Wehrmacht operations on the Eastern Front against the USSR, Jun 1941-Mar 1944; typescript 'Synopsis of the retreat of the German Army (Army Group South) from southern Russia with regard to operations of Field Marshal von Manstein', with copies of fourteen printed maps relating to the Eastern Front, USSR, 1941-1944; typescript copy of letter from B Acht, Polish Military Mission, Berlin, Germany, to Lt Gen Sir Frank (Ernest Wallace) Simpson, President of the Court, relating to his withdrawal as Polish official observer to von Manstein's trial due to his perception of the defence counsel's positive portrayal of von Manstein's character, Nov 1949; typescript copies of papers relating to evidence taken and presented at the trial, 1949; four copies of sketches of the court and of von Manstein in court, 1949; article by Cyril Bentham Falls, Chichele Professor of the History of War, Oxford, entitled 'The trial of Field Marshal von Manstein' from The Illustrated London News, 13 Aug 1949; newspaper cuttings relating to the trial, 1949; obituary for von Manstein from The Times, 13 Jun 1973.

        British Military Court, Hamburg, Germany, Jul-Dec 1949.
        GB 0074 CCT/AK/56 · Collection · 1858-1875

        Records of Waltham Abbey County Court, comprising register of orders for the protection of property of deserted married women.

        Waltham Abbey County Court
        GB 0074 CCT/AK/21 · Collection · 1911-1968

        Records of Wandsworth County Court, 1911-1968, including ordinary summons books; default summons books; defended default books; judgement summons books and funds ledgers.

        Wandsworth County Court
        GB 0074 PS/WAN · Collection · 1870-1950

        Records of Wandsworth Petty Sessional Division, 1870-1950, comprising court minute books; court registers; licensing registers and licensing transfers. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

        Wandsworth Petty Sessional Division
        GB 0096 MS 221 · 1740

        Manuscript volume containing an Order of the Warwickshire Quarter Sessions, 15 Jul 1740, fixing allowances for the conveyance of rogues and vagabonds. It is addressed to the Rev John Ingram [of Little Wolford, Warwickshire].

        Warwickshire , Quarter Sessions
        GB 0074 M/76/WB · Collection · 1557-1784

        Records of the Manor and Prebend of Wenlocks Barn, comprising court book (courts leet), 1753-1784; and survey and rental, 1557.

        Manor of Wenlocks Barn , Shoreditch
        GB 0074 CCT/AK/43 · Collection · 1847-1948

        Records of West London County Court, 1847-1948, including minute books; ledger of equity proceedings; plaint book; default summons books; ordinary summons books; bankruptcy administration ledger; Workmen's Compensation Act register; judge's register; register of agreements and committal summons book.

        West London County Court
        GB 0074 PS/WLN · Collection · 1877-2001

        Records of West London Magistrates Court, 1877-2001, including court registers; registers for means enquiries, Small Tenement Act cases, civil debt cases, ex-parte cases, and licence renewals; Married Women Act orders; bastardy orders; domestic court proceedings; maintenance registers and Guardianship of Infants Act orders.

        Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate.

        Domestic proceedings: a married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

        West London Magistrates Court
        Westington Manor, 1579
        GB 0096 MS 446 · 1579

        Copy of a Court Roll made at the Court Baron of Sir John Brokett (Brockett), Lord of the Manor of Westington, containing a Surrender of copyhold by Richard Adams, customary tenant, of a tenement with croft adjacent containing one acre, another close containing about three acres, also three acres of arable land lying in Fynceley Churche Fylde, to the use of John Adams, his elder son. Also contains the Admission of John Adams for an annual rent of 7s.9d.

        Manor of Westington Court Baron
        Westington Manor, 1589
        GB 0096 MS 445 · 1589

        Copy of Court Roll made at the Court Baron of Sir John Brokett (Brockett), Lord of the Manor of Westington, containing a surrender by John Clerke (by the hands of John Cony and William Clerke, customary tenants) of a copyhold property and the admission of John Adams, his heir, for a fine of 16s. The property consists of 3 acres known as Grene Croft. Signed by Thomas Walkenden, steward.

        Manor of Westington Court Baron
        GB 0074 O/579 · Collection · 1739-1746

        Documents relating to the Westminster Bridge inquisitions, 1739-1746. The documents relate to the acquisition of land in Westminster. For each case there is a precept for summoning a jury, a list of jurymen and their resulting inquisition. The list records the general location of the property and the owner or leaseholder concerned.

        Westminster Bridge Commissioners
        GB 0074 PS/WES · Collection · 1896-1943

        Records of Westminster Magistrates Court, 1896-1943, including court registers; rates registers; means enquiry summonses; summonses indexes; Married Women Act orders; bastardy complaints and letter book.

        Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

        Domestic proceedings: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

        Westminster Magistrates Court
        GB 0074 ACC/0080 · Collection · 1807

        Document relating to a plea heard at Westminster, 1807: Crichton Horne and Edward Finch, (plaintiffs) v John Moore.

        GB 0074 ACC/2583 · Collection · 1728

        Letter from Charles, 2nd Viscount Townsend, to Lord Delaware, chairman of the sessions of the peace for Westminster, announcing the decision that the Treasury Solicitor will in future defend all constables and other peace officers of Westminster in actions brought against them 'for searching houses where Felons and other disorderly Persons resort' by warrant of the justices. Dated 26 October 1728.

        Charles, 2nd Viscount Townsend
        GB 0074 WA · Collection · 1713-1883

        Papers of the Westminster Quarter Sessions of the Peace relating to administration, 1713-1883. Records relate to the House of Correction, Tothill Fields (also known as Westminster Bridewell and the Westminster House of Correction), including reports, letter book and minute books of the Visiting Justices; papers relating to the Governor of the House of Correction and other staff, including bonds, financial accounts and petitions; bills for maintenance and repair works; inventories; reports; returns of the number of prisoners; lists of prisoners; regulations; warrants and orders; correspondence and plans of the building.

        Also minute book of the Committee of Accounts for City and Liberty of Westminster, 1839-1844.

        Note on the Quarter Sessions records: Although Westminster has fewer surviving records than Middlesex, the City's sessions would have produced similar records to those of the County, but they would have been smaller in quantity, and have included less administrative material. Also, as with all Quarter Sessions records, "seeing that the Custos Rotulorum was a private gentleman or nobleman and the Clerk of the Peace an attorney with a private practice it is likely that many county records were (if not lost or destroyed) handed down to their families or their professional successors" and many may still remain to be found in private hands (Emmison and Gray, County Records, 1987). Those records that have survived are often difficult to read or understand because of the handwriting, use of Latin (until 1733), or legal jargon and abbreviations; although standardised legal formats were used and printed pro formas introduced by the nineteenth century.

        For the Middlesex and Westminster records there may also be confusion over the records' arrangement resulting from the attempts at classification by previous generations of archivists which have left many records split up into unnatural groupings. Originally they would not have been sorted into any cohesive arrangement. These were records that were "kept for administrative convenience rather than as sources for future generations" (G. Jones, Quarter Sessions records in the Leicestershire Record Office).

        Because of this overlapping between many classes of record, any study of the Westminster records should include consultation of those for Middlesex. There was in any case a lot of co-operation between the two courts during the period covered by the records. Judicial (Gaol Delivery Sessions for example) and administrative functions were shared, as were court personnel (including justices). Westminster prisoners could elect to be tried at the Middlesex sessions, as these were held more frequently than their own.

        The sessions records are a very useful source for family history, studying trends in law and order, and the life of the City and its inhabitants over a relatively long period of time. The capital was an area with high levels of crime, the natural place for riot and conspiracy, and attracted a wide variety of people from the whole country and abroad. The main record of proceedings at the sessions will be found in the sessions rolls (MJ/SR and the uncatalogued WJ/SR - index in WJ/CB); the (partially uncatalogued) sessions books (WJ/SB, MJ/SB); and the (partially uncatalogued) sessions papers (WJ/SP, MJ/SP). City administrative work is in the records of the County Day sessions (WJ/O), and for one particular type, in the records of the street surveyors (WJ/SS). Records of judicial procedure are in the records of court fines (WJ/E), writs to summon juries (WJ/W), and the trial process (WJ/Y); Lists of prisoners made at various times during the trial process are in WJ/CC and WJ/CP.

        Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster Westminster House of Correction x Westminster Bridewell
        GB 0074 WC · Collection · 1665-1807

        Records of the Clerk of the Peace for the Westminster Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1665-1807. Records comprise one volume containing the following: copies of orders of Privy Council to the Justices of the Peace of Middlesex and Westminster as to measures to be taken to prevent the spread of plague - including an order to erect a pest house; copies of resultant orders of the Justices to high constables, Churchwardens, etc including orders for removal of lay stalls and repair of an offensive lane; lists of suspected papists and instructions from the Privy Council and others to the Justices of the Peace in connection with them; lists (indexed) of persons who have taken oaths of allegiance and supremacy and subscribed the declaration under Act of 1 Wm and Mary, or who have refused to do so; lists (indexed) of persons convicted of profane cursing and swearing according to the Act of 627 Wm III, 1665-1708.

        Also one volume containing the following: register of the names of persons who have been granted Game Certificates at the Westminster Sessions; Commissioners' Certificates under the Property Act, filed at Westminster Sessions; register of certificates of Freemans Lodges, filed at Westminster Sessions; register of the names of persons who carry on the trade of Press and Type Makers, and who have given notice to Westminster Sessions; register of names of persons who carry on the trade of Printer, and who have given notice to Westminster Sessions; register of Surveyors Certificates files at Westminster Sessions; 1799-1807.

        Also a booklet containing standing orders, with appendix, 1840.

        Note on the Quarter Sessions records: Although Westminster has fewer surviving records than Middlesex, the City's sessions would have produced similar records to those of the County, but they would have been smaller in quantity, and have included less administrative material. Also, as with all Quarter Sessions records, "seeing that the Custos Rotulorum was a private gentleman or nobleman and the Clerk of the Peace an attorney with a private practice it is likely that many county records were (if not lost or destroyed) handed down to their families or their professional successors" and many may still remain to be found in private hands (Emmison and Gray, County Records, 1987). Those records that have survived are often difficult to read or understand because of the handwriting, use of Latin (until 1733), or legal jargon and abbreviations; although standardised legal formats were used and printed pro formas introduced by the nineteenth century.

        For the Middlesex and Westminster records there may also be confusion over the records' arrangement resulting from the attempts at classification by previous generations of archivists which have left many records split up into unnatural groupings. Originally they would not have been sorted into any cohesive arrangement. These were records that were "kept for administrative convenience rather than as sources for future generations" (G. Jones, Quarter Sessions records in the Leicestershire Record Office).

        Because of this overlapping between many classes of record, any study of the Westminster records should include consultation of those for Middlesex. There was in any case a lot of co-operation between the two courts during the period covered by the records. Judicial (Gaol Delivery Sessions for example) and administrative functions were shared, as were court personnel (including justices). Westminster prisoners could elect to be tried at the Middlesex sessions, as these were held more frequently than their own.

        The sessions records are a very useful source for family history, studying trends in law and order, and the life of the City and its inhabitants over a relatively long period of time. The capital was an area with high levels of crime, the natural place for riot and conspiracy, and attracted a wide variety of people from the whole country and abroad. The main record of proceedings at the sessions will be found in the sessions rolls (MJ/SR and the uncatalogued WJ/SR - index in WJ/CB); the (partially uncatalogued) sessions books (WJ/SB, MJ/SB); and the (partially uncatalogued) sessions papers (WJ/SP, MJ/SP). City administrative work is in the records of the County Day sessions (WJ/O), and for one particular type, in the records of the street surveyors (WJ/SS). Records of judicial procedure are in the records of court fines (WJ/E), writs to summon juries (WJ/W), and the trial process (WJ/Y); Lists of prisoners made at various times during the trial process are in WJ/CC and WJ/CP.

        Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster
        GB 0074 WJ · Collection · 1619-1860

        Records of the Westminster Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1619-1860, including lists of prisoners awaiting trial; lists of prisoners already tried; lists and rolls of fines; court minutes; lists and registers of charges; sessions papers; sessions rolls; writs of venire facias and trial process records.

        Note on the Quarter Sessions records: Although Westminster has fewer surviving records than Middlesex, the City's sessions would have produced similar records to those of the County, but they would have been smaller in quantity, and have included less administrative material. Also, as with all Quarter Sessions records, "seeing that the Custos Rotulorum was a private gentleman or nobleman and the Clerk of the Peace an attorney with a private practice it is likely that many county records were (if not lost or destroyed) handed down to their families or their professional successors" and many may still remain to be found in private hands (Emmison and Gray, County Records, 1987). Those records that have survived are often difficult to read or understand because of the handwriting, use of Latin (until 1733), or legal jargon and abbreviations; although standardised legal formats were used and printed pro formas introduced by the nineteenth century.

        For the Middlesex and Westminster records there may also be confusion over the records' arrangement resulting from the attempts at classification by previous generations of archivists which have left many records split up into unnatural groupings. Originally they would not have been sorted into any cohesive arrangement. These were records that were "kept for administrative convenience rather than as sources for future generations" (G. Jones, Quarter Sessions records in the Leicestershire Record Office).

        Because of this overlapping between many classes of record, any study of the Westminster records should include consultation of those for Middlesex. There was in any case a lot of co-operation between the two courts during the period covered by the records. Judicial (Gaol Delivery Sessions for example) and administrative functions were shared, as were court personnel (including justices). Westminster prisoners could elect to be tried at the Middlesex sessions, as these were held more frequently than their own.

        The sessions records are a very useful source for family history, studying trends in law and order, and the life of the City and its inhabitants over a relatively long period of time. The capital was an area with high levels of crime, the natural place for riot and conspiracy, and attracted a wide variety of people from the whole country and abroad. The main record of proceedings at the sessions will be found in the sessions rolls (MJ/SR and the uncatalogued WJ/SR - index in WJ/CB); the (partially uncatalogued) sessions books (WJ/SB, MJ/SB); and the (partially uncatalogued) sessions papers (WJ/SP, MJ/SP). City administrative work is in the records of the County Day sessions (WJ/O), and for one particular type, in the records of the street surveyors (WJ/SS). Records of judicial procedure are in the records of court fines (WJ/E), writs to summon juries (WJ/W), and the trial process (WJ/Y); Lists of prisoners made at various times during the trial process are in WJ/CC and WJ/CP.

        Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster
        GB 0074 WR · Collection · 1552-1885

        Records enrolled or filed with the Clerk of the Westminster Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1552-1885. The records classified as WR/A are concerned with the registration of foreigners; WR/B are records produced by Building Surveyors; WR/F are returns of those eligible to serve on juries; WR/L/P covers the licensing of printing presses; WR/LV relate to Licensed Victuallers; WR/ML are concerned with Militia and Lieutenancy; WR/O are Oaths of Office; WR/P are papers concerning Parliamentary Elections; WR/PLT Land Tax; WR/R contains the records produced from the control and recording of all non-conformists; WR/S contains records concerned with Societies; and WR/U records deposited with the court concerning Public Undertakings.

        Note on the Quarter Sessions records: Although Westminster has fewer surviving records than Middlesex, the City's sessions would have produced similar records to those of the County, but they would have been smaller in quantity, and have included less administrative material. Also, as with all Quarter Sessions records, "seeing that the Custos Rotulorum was a private gentleman or nobleman and the Clerk of the Peace an attorney with a private practice it is likely that many county records were (if not lost or destroyed) handed down to their families or their professional successors" and many may still remain to be found in private hands (Emmison and Gray, County Records, 1987). Those records that have survived are often difficult to read or understand because of the handwriting, use of Latin (until 1733), or legal jargon and abbreviations; although standardised legal formats were used and printed pro formas introduced by the nineteenth century.

        For the Middlesex and Westminster records there may also be confusion over the records' arrangement resulting from the attempts at classification by previous generations of archivists which have left many records split up into unnatural groupings. Originally they would not have been sorted into any cohesive arrangement. These were records that were "kept for administrative convenience rather than as sources for future generations" (G. Jones, Quarter Sessions records in the Leicestershire Record Office).

        Because of this overlapping between many classes of record, any study of the Westminster records should include consultation of those for Middlesex. There was in any case a lot of co-operation between the two courts during the period covered by the records. Judicial (Gaol Delivery Sessions for example) and administrative functions were shared, as were court personnel (including justices). Westminster prisoners could elect to be tried at the Middlesex sessions, as these were held more frequently than their own.

        The sessions records are a very useful source for family history, studying trends in law and order, and the life of the City and its inhabitants over a relatively long period of time. The capital was an area with high levels of crime, the natural place for riot and conspiracy, and attracted a wide variety of people from the whole country and abroad. The main record of proceedings at the sessions will be found in the sessions rolls (MJ/SR and the uncatalogued WJ/SR - index in WJ/CB); the (partially uncatalogued) sessions books (WJ/SB, MJ/SB); and the (partially uncatalogued) sessions papers (WJ/SP, MJ/SP). City administrative work is in the records of the County Day sessions (WJ/O), and for one particular type, in the records of the street surveyors (WJ/SS). Records of judicial procedure are in the records of court fines (WJ/E), writs to summon juries (WJ/W), and the trial process (WJ/Y); Lists of prisoners made at various times during the trial process are in WJ/CC and WJ/CP.

        Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster
        GB 0074 WJP · Collection · 1687-1887

        Records of the Justices of the Peace for the Westminster Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1687-1887. WJP/C contains the original Commissions of the Peace issued to the Justices of the Peace; WJP/L are lists of the justices in those commissions; WJP/D contains names of justices who had paid subscriptions for dinners held at the Sessions House; WJP/O contains a record of oaths taken by justices upon their appointment to the commission; and WJP/R is a record of the qualifications needed by justices in order to be eligible for appointment

        Note on the Quarter Sessions records: Although Westminster has fewer surviving records than Middlesex, the City's sessions would have produced similar records to those of the County, but they would have been smaller in quantity, and have included less administrative material. Also, as with all Quarter Sessions records, "seeing that the Custos Rotulorum was a private gentleman or nobleman and the Clerk of the Peace an attorney with a private practice it is likely that many county records were (if not lost or destroyed) handed down to their families or their professional successors" and many may still remain to be found in private hands (Emmison and Gray, County Records, 1987). Those records that have survived are often difficult to read or understand because of the handwriting, use of Latin (until 1733), or legal jargon and abbreviations; although standardised legal formats were used and printed pro formas introduced by the nineteenth century.

        For the Middlesex and Westminster records there may also be confusion over the records' arrangement resulting from the attempts at classification by previous generations of archivists which have left many records split up into unnatural groupings. Originally they would not have been sorted into any cohesive arrangement. These were records that were "kept for administrative convenience rather than as sources for future generations" (G. Jones, Quarter Sessions records in the Leicestershire Record Office).

        Because of this overlapping between many classes of record, any study of the Westminster records should include consultation of those for Middlesex. There was in any case a lot of co-operation between the two courts during the period covered by the records. Judicial (Gaol Delivery Sessions for example) and administrative functions were shared, as were court personnel (including justices). Westminster prisoners could elect to be tried at the Middlesex sessions, as these were held more frequently than their own.

        The sessions records are a very useful source for family history, studying trends in law and order, and the life of the City and its inhabitants over a relatively long period of time. The capital was an area with high levels of crime, the natural place for riot and conspiracy, and attracted a wide variety of people from the whole country and abroad. The main record of proceedings at the sessions will be found in the sessions rolls (MJ/SR and the uncatalogued WJ/SR - index in WJ/CB); the (partially uncatalogued) sessions books (WJ/SB, MJ/SB); and the (partially uncatalogued) sessions papers (WJ/SP, MJ/SP). City administrative work is in the records of the County Day sessions (WJ/O), and for one particular type, in the records of the street surveyors (WJ/SS). Records of judicial procedure are in the records of court fines (WJ/E), writs to summon juries (WJ/W), and the trial process (WJ/Y); Lists of prisoners made at various times during the trial process are in WJ/CC and WJ/CP.

        Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster
        GB 0074 LMA/4067 · Collection · 1629-1840

        Records relating to the Wild family, including mid 18th century presentments at the Manorial Court, assessments for land tax and house tax and deeds and indentures for the manors of Harmondsworth, Harlington, Hamworth, Cranford and Colham dating from 1550 to 1840.

        Wild , family , of Harmondsworth
        GB 0074 PS/W · Collection · 1873-1986

        Records of courts within Willesden Petty Sessional Division, 1873-1986. Records include court registers for Harlesden Magistrates Court; court registers, juvenile court registers and court minute books for Willesden Magistrates Court; court registers, juvenile court registers and court minute books for Acton Magistrates Court and licensing registers for Willesden, Acton and Chiswick.

        Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

        Willesden Petty Sessional Division Harlesden Magistrates Court Willesden Magistrates Court Acton Magistrates Court
        GB 0074 ACC/0758 · Collection · 1638-1890

        Papers, 1638-1890, collected by Myers in the course of their work, comprising wills and a bond relating to Palgrave, Suffolk; Hampstead; Kensington (Old Brompton); West Twyford and Bloomsbury.

        GB 0074 ACC/0386 · Collection · 1645-1887

        Papers, 1645-1887, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, including leases, copies from court rolls of courts baron, letters of administration and copy will and probate relating to property in Ealing, Edmonton, Chiswick and Sutton.

        Withers and Company , solicitors
        GB 0074 ACC/0262 · Collection · 1542-1815

        Papers of the Wood family, including records relating to properties in Laleham, Littleton and Shepperton including title deeds, tax assessments, legal papers, rentals, court rolls and plans; family letters, particularly between Edward Wood and his London agent John Pack; family papers such as legal opinions, marriage settlements, wills, and financial accounts; and papers relating to court cases including the Chancery case of Sir Richard Lane versus Charles Wood, 1733, and the Chancery case of Wood versus Wood, 1738-1746.

        The material as a whole provides a fascinating picture of the Wood family in the seventeenth century, their personal letters and papers complemented by the deeds of the property they acquired. The material is also interesting from a wider point of view. There are, for example, various references to the Elections of Members of Parliament for Middlesex, including a letter from Henry Spiller of Laleham in 1695 saying, "I have this day sent to particularly and spoken to myself every person in this parish that I thought a freeholder" (March 4th, 1695?). The results of his canvassing are given in detail. Less information has survived on the plague, however, than one might expect. Pack was apparently in the habit of sending down to Littleton the current Bills of Mortality, but unfortunately none of these have survived, although Edward Wood frequently makes pious and sententious comments on them. There are also interesting sidelights on the political scene, including two detailed accounts of the background of the 1688 deposition, and four political and satirical ballads. It is surprising, however, to see how little the family were affected by the enormous political changes taking place. Edward Wood, for example, made his fortune during the Interregnum but did not suffer from the Restoration when he set himself up as a wealthy landowner in Middlesex.

        Wood , family , of Littleton
        GB 0074 ACC/0538 · Collection · 1281-1960

        Records of Woodbridge and Sons, solicitors, 1281-1960, including:

        *Official records, with papers of the Uxbridge Poor Law Union, Rural Sanitary Authority and Rural District Council, and of the Uxbridge Petty Sessions (members of the firm being clerks to these bodies) and also of the Harlington Tithe Commissioners, whose clerk was William Mercer, a solicitor with no apparent connection with the Woodbridge firm;

        *Charity records, comprising account books, minutes, letter books, deeds and papers of the Lords in Trust of the Manor and borough of Uxbridge, later known as the Uxbridge United Charities;

        • Administrative records of the firm including account books, salaries books and partnership agreements; and

        • Practice papers, which themselves fall into several groups, namely, deeds of property of which the firm became mortgagee, Woodbridge family deeds and private papers, and clients' papers, by far the largest section. A large number of probates, letters of administration and unproved wills were preserved by the firm as a separate class. The rest of the clients' papers are preserved in separate personal or family groups (covering in many cases two or three generations); since many of the documents are title deeds, these bundles have been arranged according to the parish in which their property lay, although where a family owned property in more than one parish, the whole group has been listed under the parish in which the clients resided. An index of places is provided. Original bundling has been preserved although this has sometimes interfered with the logical arrangment. Where necessary for clarification, family trees have been included; although as accurate as possible these do not claim to be comprehensive.

        Woodbridge and Sons , solicitors x Riches and Woodbridge
        GB 0074 CCT/AK/23 · Collection · 1872-1995

        Records of Woolwich County Court, 1872-1995, including minute book; ordinary summons books; ordinary actions books; judges' note books; bills of sale and court service expenditure ledger.

        Woolwich County Court
        GB 0074 PS/WOO · Collection · 1898-1979

        Records of Woolwich Magistrates Court, 1898-1979, including court registers; court minute books; Married Women Act orders; Guardianship of Infants Act orders and bastardy complaints.

        Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

        Domestic proceedings: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

        Woolwich Magistrates Court
        GB 0074 CLC/L/BA · Collection · 1491-1949

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Bakers, 1491-1949. Records include copies and abstracts of the charters; copies and abstracts of ordinances; ordinance, oath and memorandum books; Court minute books; registers of freedom admissions; lists and registers of apprentice bindings; quarterage books; Masters and Wardens' accounts and other financial accounts; papers relating to assize of bread, baking on Sundays, and other affairs, comprising rough committee minutes, briefs, memoranda and correspondence; weekly wheat returns on the London Corn Exchange; Clerk's letter books; papers relating to property owned by the Company including the manor of Pellipar, Londonderry. Please note some records are available to view only on microfilm.

        Also records of the Bakers' Company almshouses, 1828-1931, (8 production units). Records comprise: minutes, 1828-36 (Ms 05193); accounts, 1828-1931 (Ms 05194-4B); report of the Almshouses Committee, 1871 (Ms 07805); papers relating to the sale of the almshouses in Lyme Grove, Hackney, 1901-32 (Ms 35644); and correspondence concerning 19 St Bride's Street, 1904-15 (Ms 35645). Further references may be found in other Bakers' Company records such as minutes and accounts.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

        Worshipful Company of Bakers