Legal procedure

Elements area


Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

Legal procedure

Legal procedure

Equivalent terms

Legal procedure

  • UF Judicial procedure
  • UF Litigation
  • UF Trials
  • UF Contentieux
  • UF Litige
  • UF Procédure judiciaire
  • UF Procès
  • UF Contencioso
  • UF Juicio
  • UF Litigio
  • UF Procedimiento judicial
  • UF Proceso

Associated terms

Legal procedure

231 Archival description results for Legal procedure

231 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0096 MS 181 · 1858-1859

Manuscript volume containing an account of the discovery, trial and conviction of Antonio Calvocorressi and Thomas Moss for causing Turkish coin to be illegally made in Birmingham, 1858. Includes a prefaratory letter from the Turkish Consulate in Birmingham to the 'Monsieur Mussurus, Ambassador to the Sublime Porte, London', dated 15 Jun 1859.

AMBLER, John (fl 1695)
GB 0074 CLC/B/227-003 · Collection · [1671-1699]

Formulary and precedent book of a London law clerk or attorney's scrivener, possibly John Ambler.

Ambler , John , fl 1695 , law clerk or scrivener
Antisemitism in Denmark
GB 1556 WL 642 · 1937

Papers relating to a trial of six Danish Nazis for anti-semitic libel, in Copenhagen, 1937, including transcript of a declaration by the Chief Rabbi of Denmark, which takes the form of written answers to questions about the content of the anti-semitic publications produced by the defendants; copies of court documents, including indictment and notes about the Dänischer Verband gegen Rassenhass, including aims and objectives, dates, names of committee members.

Antisemitism in South Africa
GB 1556 WL 695 · 1929-1946

Papers concerning Antisemitism in South Africa, 1929-1946, reflect opinions concerning the Jewish presence within South Africa, the activities of South African nationalists and a law suit against a leading South African antisemite. The collection notably includes a typescript extract from the antisemitic encyclopedia, Sigilla Veri (Bodung Verlag, Erfurt, 1929), in which a South African describes the extent to which Jews have infiltrated every layer of society; leaflet reprinted from the Rand Daily Mail in which the Witwatersrand Church Council denounces antisemitism; letter documenting the activities of South African nationalists including the founding of a new newspaper, De Transvaler, their annual congress, and their connections with the ex-patriate German community; report concerning a law suit against a leading South African antisemite, Salomon Gerhardus Maritz (General Manie Maritz).

The collection also includes a memorandum entitled 'South Africa: Synopsis of memorandum on the in-roads of Nazism'; leaflet advertisng The Forum, South Africa's first national weekly review; copy of an extract from typescript letter reporting on the trial of von Moltke and his antisemitic activities and an extract from Sigilla Veri.

GB 0102 MS 380596 · 1949-1957

Papers, 1949-1957, of Sir Charles Noble Arden-Clarke, giving an insight into events during the transition of the Gold Coast to independent Ghana, including the State of Emergency (1950). The papers comprise typescripts of speeches to local clubs and societies, discussions with the Legislative Council, and some correspondence arranging meetings, 1949-1957, including two congratulatory telegrams received on the independence of Ghana, 1956, and speech when sworn in as Governor-General of Ghana, 1957; text of a radio broadcast on democracy and elections at the General Election, 1956; other papers, 1954-1957, comprising letters received congratulating him on his work, legal documents concerning a libel by the Ghana Nationalist newspaper, articles on Arden-Clarke from The Observer and The Ghana Evening News, and copy letter by Arden-Clarke concerning appointment of the next Governor of Ghana, 1957.

Clarke , Sir , Charles Noble , Arden- , 1898-1962 , Knight , colonial governor
GB 0074 CLC/B/227-012 · Collection · 1810-1837

Records of Benjamin and John Newton, notaries public, comprising memorandum book of legal documents drawn up, attested or certified by the brothers or their staff.

B and J Newton , notaries public
GB 1556 WL 897 · Collection · 1944-1957

Papers of Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, 1944-1957, notably include his personal papers including passport and notebook containing addresses and notes apparently taken during Baker-Byrne's time as investigator into war crimes in Kiel, 1948-1957; a memoranda from War Crimes Group (North West Europe) regarding the role and activities of Captain Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, 1947-1948; correspondence and papers regarding 'the Kiel Hassee case' in which 50 allied prisoners of war were summarily executed by Gestapo officers, 1948-1951 and correspondence including affidavits regarding an application for restitution money from the German government.

GB 0074 ACC/1761 · Collection · 1694-1787

Two legal documents, comprising an agreement allowing Thomas Earl of Stamford, Sir Henry Hobart and Sir William Rawlinson access to the law books of the late Sir John Maynard, which were being held by Maynard Colchester of the Middle Temple, London, 1694; and a renewal of Commission in bankruptcy against Charles Pearce and James Pearce of Castle Street, Leicester Fields, Middlesex, tailors and co-partners, 1787.

GB 0074 ACC/0549 · Collection · 1660-1920

Legal documents presented to Bankruptcy Courts, including mortgages, assignments, leases, abstract of title, wills and probates, grants, copies of court rolls, admissions, releases, conveyances, agreements, covenants to surrender, letters of administration, deeds of partnership, bills of costs, indentures of fines and marriage settlements; all for premises in Middlesex. Also records of pleas before the King's Bench, Queen's Bench, the Court of Exchequer and the Exchequer of Pleas; all for Middlesex.

Court of King's Bench x Court of Queen's Bench Court of Exchequer Court of Bankruptcy
Bath: Casualty Hospital
GB 0120 MSS.1094-1097 · 1788-1840

Four volumes of administrative documentation relating to the Bath Casualty Hospital: two volumes relating to the Hospital's rules and orders, an account book and a register of wills in the Hospital's favour, 1788-1840.

Casualty Hospital
GB 1556 WL 823 · 1936-1959

Papers, 1936-1959, relating to an application made by two Czech sisters, Hedwig and Pauline Beck, for compensation for possessions stolen by the Nazis from their sister, Sabina Bauml (née Beck), including translations of residency permits; inventories of possessions confiscated by the Nazis; affidavits from friends and acquaintances in support of the application for compensation and post war correspondence between the French authorities and the Beck sisters relating to compensation.

Beck family
Benson, Mary
GB 0102 MS 348942 · Created 1946-1974

Papers, 1946-1974, of Mary Benson, comprising drafts, research notes and transcripts for interviews she used for her publication The African Patriots: The Story of the African National Congress of South Africa (London, Faber & Faber, 1963). Also includes articles on famous African leaders written by Z K Matthews, and newspaper cuttings and pamphlets concerning political protest in South Africa.

Benson , Mary , b 1919 , civil rights campaigner and author
GB 0096 AL4a · Fonds · 1802

Letter from Jeremy Bentham of Queen's Square Place, Westminster to Rev Dr Ford, 1 Newgate Street, [London], 24 Dec 1802. Letter headed 'Unaccountable Pardons'. Autograph, with signature.

Bentham , Jeremy , 1748-1832 , philosopher
GB 1556 WL 815 · 1919-1976

Personal papers of Selmar Biener, 1919-1976, in support of an application for restitution from the German Democratic Republic including land registry documents and plans relating to the family business in Magdeburg.

Biener , Selmar , fl 1906-1976
Bill of expenses
GB 0096 MS 449 · [1673]

Bill of expenses incurred in the execution of a fine levied by Mr Stratford and Mr Hawkins against Ketford Brayne and his wife, presented at Easter, [16]73 by Mr. Ayleway (?). 22 items are listed, amounting to £7.10s., including one of 4s. 'for the Judges hand to passe the fyne', and expenses for a journey to Mr John Cox at Gloucester.

Ayleway , fl 1673 , solicitor?
GB 0074 ACC/0496 · Collection · [1700]

One volume comprising a formulary book of indictments, dating to the early eighteenth century.

GB 0074 ACC/0476 · Collection · 1702-1874

Papers of the Bore and Pugh families, including papers relating to properties in Stepney, Whitechapel, Tottenham, Limehouse, Shoreditch, Mile End and the City of London; papers of the family relating to their role as executors of various wills; legal papers including a Chancery case; receipts and rents.

Bore , family , of Stepney Pugh , family , of Dalston
Bourne Abortion Case
GB 0120 GC/150 · 1938-1993

Copies of papers relating to the Bourne Abortion Case and articles by Aleck Bourne's daughter and grandson, 1938-1993.

GB 0074 CCT/AK/15 · Collection · 1847-1962

Records of Bow County Court, 1847-1962, including minute books; plaint and minute books; Workmen's Compensation Act register; and default actions books.

Bow County Court
GB 0074 PS/BOW · Collection · 1724-2004

Records of Bow Street Magistrates Court, 1724-2004, including court registers; domestic proceedings registers; gaoler's records; applications for warrants; club licensing; matrimonial case registers; extradition registers; registers of applications for adoption abroad, adoption abroad procedural and case files; papers relating to magistrates' salaries; files of the Chief Clerk; Poor Box financial accounts, bequests and correspondence; papers relating to trust funds and bequests; Committee files and office administration.

Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate.
Matrimonal cases: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him.

Bow Street Magistrates Court
GB 0074 PS/B · Collection · 1840-1988

Records of Brentford Magistrates Court, 1840-1976 and Ealing Magistrates Court, 1919-1988.

Records of Brentford Magistrates Court comprise:

  • PS/B/B/01/001-246: Court Registers, 1880-1958, 1965-1976;
  • PS/B/B/02/001: Court Minute Books, 1840-1841;
  • PS/B/B/04/001-012: Juvenile Court Registers, 1933-1959;
  • PS/B/B/08/001-018: Court Administration, 1902-1976.

    Records of Ealing Magistrates Court comprise:

  • PS/B/E/01/001-576: Court Registers, 1919-1988;
  • PS/B/E/02/001-004: Justices' Attendance Books, 1919-1961;
  • PS/B/E/03/001-017: Juvenile Court Registers, 1933-1966.

    Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

Brentford Magistrates Court Ealing Magistrates Court
GB 0074 CLC/W/GF · Collection · 1670-1995

Records of the Broad Street Ward, Corporation of London. The records comprise wardmote minutes, accounts, rate assessments, presentments at inquests and details of officers, and other administrative papers. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.

Broad Street Ward , Corporation of London
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP47 · Created 1849-1921, 1958 (predominant 1910-1921)

Correspondence and notes, some in Greek, 1910-1918, including two letters to Burrows from Alex P Ralli about Greek translation, and one letter to Percy Neville Ure, Assistant Lecturer in Classics, University of Leeds; volume containing notes on an annotated copy of Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticum et ad Nationes Libri Duo ex fide Optimorum Codicum Manuscriptorum edited by Franciscus Oehler (Eduardi Anton, Halae Saxonum, 1849); Greek vocabulary notebook addressed to Burrows; volume containing printed cuttings, notes and shorthand, on books, poems, authors and the pleasures of reading, [1886-1892]; framed letter, 5 May 1920, from Burrows to Eleftherios Venizelos, (1864-1936), statesman, and Prime Minister of Greece, wishing Venizelos luck with his political struggle on his return to Greece; framed photograph of Venizelos, 1913; framed photograph [of Burrows]; typed list of books given to the Classical department of King's College London by Burrows, 1920; probate of the will and codicil of Burrows, 1920; deeds of appointment of new trustees of will and codicil, 1921, 1958.

Burrows , Ronald Montagu , 1867-1920 , Principal of King's College London
GB 0114 MS0286 · 1709-1971

Papers of John Menzies Campbell, 1709-1971, comprising a typescript catalogue of books given to the Royal College of Surgeons of England; an album of press cuttings, 1930-1931; a photograph album; a personal scrap book, 1911-1981; odontological advertisements, 1709-1850; scrap book of historical dental items, 1807-1971; Glasgow directory lists of dentists [missing - May 2008]; Edinburgh directory lists of dentists, 1773-1850 [missing - May 2008]; copy of notes taken at the first known British trial where dental surgeons gave evidence, 1814; and a certifcate awarded to Menzies Campbell on becoming a corresponding member of the Swedish Dentists Society, 1965 [missing - May 2008].

Campbell , John Menzies , 1887-1974 , dental surgeon and dental historian x Menzies Campbell , John Campbell , Margaret Williamson Menzies , 1893-1990 , nee Shirlaw , dentist x Menzies Campbell , Margaret Williamson
GB 0096 MS 988 · 1738

Certificate of burial in wool, 1738, for Mary Wilbey of the parish of St Benedict, Cambridge.

GB 0074 COR/WES · Collection · 1927-1928

Records of the City and Liberty of Westminster Coroner's District, comprising case papers, 1927-1928.

Coroner for the Jurisdiction of the City and Liberty of Westminster
CLA/041 · Collection · 1300-1995

Records of the City of London Coroner's Court, 1300-1995, including coroner's accounts; inquests; depositions; inquisitions; fire inquests; fire brigade daily fire reports and police reports sent to the City Coroner to inform him about City of London Fires under the provisions of the London Fire Inquests Act, 1888, and prison inquests for Bridewell, Newgate, Fleet and Ludgate Prisons and Whitecross Street, Poultry, Giltspur Street and Southwark (Borough) Compters.

Corporation of London
CLA/048 · Collection · 1520-2000

Records of the City of London Police, 1520-2000, including papers of the Chief officer and Police Commissioner; orders and regulations; papers relating to the building and maintenance of police stations; correspondence; press cuttings; reports; leaflets and brochures; issues of Citywatch, the City of London Police Magazine; papers relating to the City of London Police Reserve (Special Constabulary); papers relating to the Detective Division; manuals and orders; papers relating to the police force during World War Two, including Police War Duties Committee minutes; papers, including photographs and plans, relating to the Houndsditch murders, 1910-1911; record of the inquest held in 1888 by the Coroner of the City of London on Catherine Eddowes, one of the victims of 'Jack the Ripper', and other correspondence relating to the 'Jack the Ripper' murders; records of predecessors to the City of London Police including constables and watch and ward; and financial accounts.

Corporation of London
GB 0074 CLC/297 · Collection · 1570-1954

Collection of papers relating to the Corporation of London, including legal cases, legal opinions, and legal precedents; papers relating to the "Quo Warranto" proceedings against the City; papers relating to civil defence; property transactions such as deeds and leases; illuminated addresses; notes on the customs, privileges, constitution and history of the Corporation; reports and minutes; and translations of charters.

GB 0074 PS/CLE · Collection · 1893-1987

Records of Clerkenwell Magistrates' Court, 1893-1987, including court registers; registers of adoption applications; probation order applications; means enquiries; court minutes recording charges and summons; court note books; probation orders; domestic proceedings including matrimonial cases and bastardy orders; registers of endorsements of driving licences; cash books; gaoler's index of defendants and clerk's papers.

Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

Domestic proceedings: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

Clerkenwell Magistrates Court
GB 0074 CLC/W/HD · Collection · 1747-1885

Records of Coleman Street Ward, Corporation of London. The records comprise wardmote minutes, rate assessments and accounts, and lists of jurymen and inquest men. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.

Coleman Street Ward , Corporation of London
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP88 · 1842-1989

The papers of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman comprise three classes of material: the private papers of the sisters and the Coleman family, 1842-1957; records relating to the National Children's Home, 1935-1981; and the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989. Personal papers include a diary and pharmacopoeias, correspondence, examination certificates, photographs and printed books, 1842-1957, notably including a detailed manuscript medical diary describing life on board ship and a medical practice in Africa, 1842-1844, probably compiled by John Albert Sidney Coleman, grandfather of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman; pharmacopoeias containing remedies and prescriptions, with printed pharmacopoeias, compiled by Mark Coleman and others, reflecting the transition of the Coleman family business from patent remedies to modern pharmacy, 1851-1894; correspondence with Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, mainly descriptions of daily life in the National Children's Home and describing psychological testing of the children, 1927-1948; family correspondence and legal documents including letting agreements and deeds of partnership, the will of Mathew Coleman, the sisters' great uncle, and relating to their father and his career, letters containing family news and gossip, 1845-1928; examination certificates and prize lists relating to the education of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, 1922-1933; photographs of the Coleman family during the 1890s, during World War One and of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman on holiday, [1928], of Lady Eleanor Holles School, 1921-1933, group photographs of students and staff in King's College London Department of History, 1929-1955, photographs of various National Children's Home establishments, 1934-1957; a small collection of printed books concerned with the history, customs and government of London and the Home Counties, [1945-1985] (Boxes 70-74, now on open access in the Archive reading room).

The records of the National Children's Home, 1935-1981, notably comprising Vocational Guidance Record Sheets, consisting of files on individual children that included intelligence test results, memory tests and individual comments, arranged in alphabetical order, 1938-1964 (Boxes 1-23); test results and evaluations of named children for tests organised by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology including the Porteus Maze Test and scoring sheets, 1957-1960 (Boxes 24-28); psychological evaluations of children at different branches of the children's home, notably in Cardiff, Harpenden, Nottingham and Glasgow, including individual test results and assessments with broad statistics and educational recommendations by visitors, 1942-1963 (Boxes 29-40); pupil record cards containing biographical information, aptitude tests and psychological test results for children at various homes, [1948-1960] (Boxes 41-42); material relating to the Brentwood College of Education including a working party on syllabuses, staff lists, the relationship with the University of London Institute of Education, manuscript notes and some psychological test results of children engaged in the so-called Gifted Child Study, 1971-1974 (Boxes 43-44); material relating to vocational aptitude and the placement of older children in trades and professions such as the armed forces and Civil Service, notably including psychologists' reports, 1935-1965 (Boxes 45-56); questionnaires of 18 year-old former residents conducted in 1954-1956 (Box 57); material relating to European refugees resident in the NCH including named children and correspondence with the Central Committee for Refugees, 1942-1949 (Boxes 58-59); general correspondence with Millicent Coleman relating to local authorities, staff and the emigration of children to Australia, 1951-1962; manuscript visitation report book assessing particular homes, 1946-1949; report on the incidence of enuresis (incontinence) in homes, 1946-1950; publicity material mainly created at the time of the centenary and on other children's charities, 1951-1981; careers and apprenticeship literature, 1938-1954; photographs and negatives of students and buildings, 1938-1939 (Boxes 60-62); psychological testing materials including test cards displaying words and pictures, [1958] (Boxes 63-69).

The records of the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989, comprise typescript notes compiled by Millicent Coleman, who served on its governing Council. These consist mainly of Council minutes and supporting material, 1948-1989; Committee minutes including Finance and Management Committees, 1953-1985; Annual Reports and Accounts, 1961-1974; policy reports on the development and strategic direction of the Village, 1959-1973; correspondence with Millicent Coleman regarding Trust business and liaison with the National Children's Home, 1953-1985.

Coleman , Millicent Lucy , 1910-1990 , psychologist Coleman , Kathleen Mary , 1915-1996 , dietary consultant
GB 0096 MS 532 · 1807-1809

Drafts of letters and opinions of the Lord Advocate from 1807 to 1809.

Colquhoun , Archibald Campbell- , d 1820 , Lord Advocate of Scotland
GB 0096 MS 475 · 1646-1647

Legal papers created by the Committee for Plundered Ministers, 1646-1647, relating to the trial for delinquency of Dr. Henry Watkins, Rector of Sutton-upon-Brailes, Gloucestershire, including the following.

  1. Copy, certified by John Crisp, clerk, of depositions of witnesses taken at Banbury between January and March 1647. (8 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  2. Copy of depositions of witnesses taken at Gloucester between March and November 1647, with a copy of the answer of Dr. Watkins to the charge exhibited against him, 8 May 1647. (18 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  3. Copy, certified by Francis Harris, clerk of the court, of further depositions taken and cross-examinations made, October 1647. (2 leaves. 13¾ x 12").
  4. Copy, certified by John Phelpes, of a resolution of Parliament of 11 November 1647 that the wives and children of persons suffering sequestration shall have a fifth part allowed to them; signed by Henry Elsynge, clerk of the House of Commons. (Single sheet. 12" x 7¾").
  5. Interrogatories exhibited by Dr. Henry Watkins to certain witnesses produced by him before the Committee [of Plundered Ministers] appointed by ordinance of Parliament for the county of Gloucester. (4 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  6. Petition by the inhabitants of 'Sutton under Brayles, Co.Glos.', to the Committee for Plundered Ministers to take action in the matter of Dr. Henry Watkins. (2 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
  7. Second copy, certified by John Phelpes, of articles exhibited against Dr. Watkins at the Committee of Plundered Ministers, 18 December 1646. (2 leaves. 12" x 7¾").
Committee for Plundered Ministers
GB 0074 ACC/1031 · Collection · 1674

Estreat to deputy Sheriff of Middlesex Humfrey Wyrley, from roll 1274 of the Court of Common Pleas, in action between Gilbert Wharton of Shandois Street, Covent Garden and Curwen Rawlinson late of Grays Inn, relating to the provision of board and lodging for Rawlinson, his wife Elizabeth and his two servants.

Court of Common Pleas
GB 0074 ACC/0218 · Collection · 1849-1851

Brief for plaintiff in Court of Common Pleas (John Gandar, plaintiff, and Richard Henry Sheldrick, defendant), with note of fees in the case of Gandar v. Sheldrick, an action to recover damages for seizure of household goods and furniture under execution issued from Palace Court in action at suit of defendant v. William Charles Fisher, landlord of plaintiff; and letter from Gandar to attorney enquiring how the case is progressing and commenting on compensation to officers of the defunct Palace Court.

Court of Common Pleas
COL/CCS/SO · Subfonds · 1671-1939

Records of the City Solicitor, Corporation of London, including briefs for cases at the Old Bailey, Guildhall Sessions, Mayor's Court and other courts, 1802-1851; papers relating to various suits regarding the Metropolitan railway, police regulations, Holborn Valley Improvement, oyster metage, Thames Navigation, the Coal Exchange, London Bridge approach roads and other subjects, 1800-1870; papers regarding the Corporation decision to demolish All Hallows Church, Lombard Street, including photographs, maps, plans, petitions, reports, parliamentary debates, press cuttings and journals, correspondence and information on the proposed merger with St Edmund the King, 1926-1937; papers regarding William Ward's bequest including his will and documents relating to the creation of the City of London School for Girls, 1881-1892; papers regarding the case of the Mayor vs Lyons Son and Company, 1929-1939; papers regarding the case of Potter Oyler vs the Mayor, 1937; report books, 1797-1798 and 1863-1945; order books, 1764-1778, 1797-1803 and 1834-1837; bills, fees, payments and receipts, 1671-1862; notes on crown prosecutions, 1791-1797 and 1835-1847 and extracts regarding the office of solicitor, 1755-1776 and 1803.

Corporation of London
GB 1556 WL 1110 · Collection · 1942-1944

Papers of concentration camp inmates, 1942-1944, comprise copies of correspondence concerning concentration camps and the death of Jews and notably include a letter from the commandant of Gross Rosen concentration camp, Lower Silesia, to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf regarding the disposal of belongings of deceased Jew, Max Zobel, 1942; letter from Ernst Kaltenbrunner to all police chiefs stating that all executions are to be reported to the local justice department, with reasons for the executions withheld, 1942 and a letter from Stürmbahnführer, SD Latvia, suggesting a lack of concern about notifying the relatives of dead Jews, 1942.

GB 0074 COR/PA · Collection · 1878-1966

Records relating to the inquest on the victims of the wreck of the steamship "Princess Alice", 1878-1966. Records include inquisition giving names, ages, relationship and occupations of deceased; sworn statements of witnesses; verbatim report of inquest proceedings at Town Hall, Woolwich; indexes of witnesses; list of persons saved from the "Princess Alice"; correspondence; report of the Board of Trade investigation into the wreck of the "Princess Alice"; supporting documentation including maps of the area and navigation regulations.

Also items relating to the disaster including memorial cards, songs, press cuttings and notes made by Gavin Thurston in preparation for his book The Great Thames Disaster.

Coroner for the Jurisdiction of the Eastern District of the County of London
GB 0096 MS 441 · [1400-1425]

Copy of a Court Roll containing a grant to John Emyford, clerk, of 5 pieces of arable land of the lord's demesne, formerly in the farm of Thomas Dowe and recently in the farm of Gregory Brandon, by the annual farm of 10d. for each acre annually. The roll also includes livery of seisin to John Emyford, clerk, at the same court. The annual rent is 4s.9d. The document is dated 'Thursday after 6 October, temp. Henry [IV?]', probably [1400-1425].

Court Baron Roll, [1719]
GB 0096 MS 442 · [c 1719]

Copy of a Court Baron roll, containing a surrender by William Draper of all his messuages, lands, tenements, etc., to the uses of his will. Signed by Edmund Littler, deputy steward of the manor, and dated before 17 August 1719.

GB 0074 CLC/305 · Collection · 1671-1833

Records of the Court of Exchequer, comprising Exchequer bill; roll of estreats of fines and forfeitures at the sessions of the peace for London and Middlesex; and record book relating to the King's revenue.

Court of Exchequer
GB 0074 CLC/311 · Collection · 1747-1750

Records of the court of Quarter Sessions, London, comprising lists of jurors for Bridge Ward, Aldgate Ward, Bassishaw Ward and Farringdon Within Ward.

London Quarter Sessions of the Peace
GB 0074 CLC/310 · Collection · 1832

Calendar of gaol delivery for the Middlesex House of Correction, known as Cold Bath Fields Prison, 1832.

Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
Court of Wards
GB 0096 MS 194 · (1620), 1581-1622

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of documents relating to the Court of Wards, [1620], namely a selection of decrees from 1553 made by John Hare, headed 'Le Court des Gards', dated [12 Jul] 1581; reports of cases of the Court of Wards, dated 1605-1610; 'Instructions for the Master of our Wards and Liveryes', [by James Ley, 1st Earl of Marlborough, dated [Dec, 1618]; an account [by William Rastell] of procedure in the Court of Wards, with a table of fees and a table of contents, dated [1622].

Court proceedings
GB 0096 MS 751 · [1590-1600]

Manuscript volume of extracts from the record of the Court of Queen's (and King's) Bench, and also from the Court of Common Pleas, for proceedings from the 15th century to the reign of Elizabeth, probably compiled c1590-1600. The extracts include pleas, posteas and memoranda of the 15th and 16th centuries, with marginal notes describing the subjects of the pleas, and perhaps acted as a lawyer's precedent book. References to the original court rolls are sometimes given.

GB 0074 CLC/312 · Collection · 1684-1899

Records of the Quarter Sessions for London and Middlesex, including certificate of conviction; examination book of vagabonds apprehended in the City of London; Newgate gaol calendars; and petition for victualling licence.

London Quarter Sessions of the Peace Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
COL/CS · Subfonds · 1274-1699

Custumals including the Liber de Antiquis Legibus, an historical, political and domestic chronicle covering 1188-1274, compiled in 1274; the Liber Horn, made in 1311 under the direction of Andrew Horn, City Chamberlain, containing transcripts of charters, statutes, grants, customs, charters of companies and towns, precedents, oaths, writs and the "Laws of Oleron" [code of maritime regulation, written 1150]; the Liber de Assisa Panis containing the customs, regulations and punishments connected with the Assize of Bread, 1293-1438; the Liber Ordinationum, a volume of ordinances, customs, legal treatises and statutes from Magna Carta (1215) to 1330; the Liber Custumarum, a volume of City customs, laws, charters, proceedings and municipal regulations, 1324?; the Carte Antique, illuminated transcripts of charters and statutes, 1327-1498; the Statuta Antiqua Angliae, a copy of the Carte Antique covering the period 1327-1430; the Decretales Gregorii Papae, compilation of decretals [papal decrees] promulgated in 1235, with glosses upon the text; the Liber Dunthorn, containing transcripts of charters and extracts from Letter Books and other City records, compiled under the direction of William Dunthorn, Town Clerk, 1474?; the Liber Fleetwood, presented to the City by William Fleetwood, Recorder, 1576, containing information on the Courts of Law and the Mayor, Aldermen and other officers in the year 1576, as well as the liberties, franchises and customs of the City, the liberties, customs and charters of the Cinque Ports [Hastings, New Romney, Hythe, Dover and Sandwich], the Queen's prerogative in the salt shores and the liberties of Saint Martin le Grand; the Liber Albus, compiled under the direction of John Carpenter, Town Clerk, 1419, containing information regarding customs, laws, social conditions, trade and the general conduct of a municipality; the Liber Legum [or Liber Legum Civitatis], extracts from the City Letter Books, 1342-1590; the Liber Lynne, transcripts of deeds of the possessions of the families of Lawneye and Wyth in Lynne, London and Southwark, 1281-1452; proceedings in the Star Chamber with extracts from charters, statutes, inquisitions and other authorities as to the preservation of the navigation of the River Lea, particularly in relation to Waltham Bridge, 1524 and a book containing proceedings against the Hanse merchants of the Steelyard [Hanse merchants traded with foreign ports] resulting in loss of their privileges, 1551-1556, with papers added in relation to the exemption of the Steelyard from assessments and taxes, 1653-1699.

Corporation of London
Deeds relating to Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 476 · 1422-1716

Collection of deeds relating mainly to Yorkshire, 1422-1716, as follows.

  1. Quitclaim with warranty by John Robynson (Robinson) of Jolby (North Riding) to Sir John Clesby, rector of the church of Mersk (Marske, North Riding), Sir Thomas Topclyf (Topcliff), chaplain, and William Ellerbek (Ellerbeck), of his right in all lands, meadows and tenements which they have by gift in the town of Jolby. With witnesses. Signed at Jolby, 20 July, 1422. Seal of Robinson in red wax. Endorsements.
  2. Letters of attorney of Robert Conyers (d 1431) of Sokburn (Sockburn, County Durham), Sir Thomas Laton of Sexhow (North Riding), William, vicar of Covton (Cowton, North Riding), and William Nafferton of Ravynswathe (Ravensworth, North Riding), appointing Richard Mason, Hugh Mawnsell and John Boste to deliver seisin to William Boste and Alice his wife of three messuages in Joleby (Jolby, North Riding). Dated at Sokburne, 20 April, 1427. 4 seals in red wax. Endorsements.
  3. Counterpart bargain and sale indented with warranty by Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, to Richard Smythe (Smith) and John Dyott of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding). Consideration £180. Dated 28 June, 1555. 2 marks and 2 seals in red wax. Endorsement.
  4. Gift with warranty for a consideration in money by John Dyott and Richard Smyth (Smith) of the city of Lichefeld (Lichfield) to Walter Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding) which they had by conditional gift of Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith), the donee's father. Signed 22 Feb 1560. 1 mark and 2 seals. Endorsements.
  5. Agreement indented between (1) William Rookes, of Roides Hall (Royds Hall) Bradford, and (2) Robert Bradford, of Stanley, Yorkshire, and William Warde, of Bradford, Yorkshire, whereby (1) within one year will have made a deed of feoffment to (2) and will levy a fine to convey to them, for his own use during his lifetime and then for the use of his eldest son, William Rookes and his heirs male, or in default to Tempest Rookes and then to Richard Rookes, his other sons, his manor called Roides Hall in the parish of Bradford, also 100 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 160 acres of arable, 200 acres of wood, 400 acres of moor and heath, with all houses, barns, stables, orchards, gardens, dove-houses, etc., except Ryvey Wibsey (West Riding), the Neither Common next adjoining to Okenshaye (Oakenshaw, West Riding) and one tenement and lands in the tenure of Thomas Vyckars. Seal tag only. Signed 14 Apr 1575 by William Rookes. Endorsements.
  6. Quitclaim for a consideration in money by Matthew Tompson of Rowesby (Roxby) in the county of York, to Ralph Tankard, of Arden (North Riding) in the same county, of his right in all lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents, services and other hereditaments in Rowesby formerly of Robert Tompson his father, deceased, and given by Robert to Thomas Tompson, brother of Matthew, and his heirs male. Signed 20 July, 1602. Mark of Matthew Tompson. Seal. Endorsements.
  7. Lease indented for 60 years by George Kirke (d 1663), Gentleman of the Robes and a Groom of His Majesty's Bedchamber, and Thomas Metcalf (d 1655), of Nappay (Nappa, North Riding) in the county of York, of a messuage with one acre, a close of 20 acres called the Lery Crofte, 2 oxgangs of land, meadow and pasture, 2 acres called Forby Land or Acres, one close called Forty Acres, 2 parcels of ground, by estimation 8 acres, called The Flats, one close called Yewland with ground containing 30 acres lying without Humberbancke in Ottringham (East Riding) now in the occupation of Francis Cobb. Rent £26 p.a. Signed 30 Nov 1639 by George Kirke. Seal. Endorsements.
  8. Bargain and sale indented with warranty by Thomas Croftes, of Coverham (North Riding), to Edward Croftes of York, of a messuage with appurtenances situated within the liberty of Coverham Abbey and all the grounds thereunto belonging called Jobcroft House now in the tenure or occupation of Anthony Appleby. Consideration £30. Signed 13 Jan 1649 by Thomas Croftes. Seal. Endorsements. Annexed: Bond in £60 of Thomas Croftes to Edward Croftes. 13 Jan.1649. Condition: for the performance of all covenants specified in the bargain and sale of even date. Witnesses. Signed: Thomas Croftes. Seal.
  9. Defeasance indented by Sir Henry Griffith, Bt (d 1656), of Burton Agnes in the county of York, of a recognizance of statute staple, 4 May 1649, wherein he is bound to pay £2000 to Clement Spelman, of the Middle Temple, London, on condition that he pay Spelman £1040 on 4 October next following at the Middle Temple, London. Signed 4 May 1649 by Clement Spelman. Seal. Endorsements.
  10. Right-hand indenture of a final concord between Sir Griffin Boynton, Bt (1664-1731), Richard Hill and John Langstaffe, plaintiffs, and George Bradrick and Elizabeth his wife, John Sleightholme and Elizabeth his wife, and Philip Saunders, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 2 bakeries, 2 curtilages, 54 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 19 acres of pasture, common of pasture for all draught animals and common of turbary, with appurtenances, in Rexby Goatland (North Riding) in the parish of Pickering Growmont (Grosmont, North Riding) and Lythe. Acknowledgment of plaintiffs' rights and quitclaim to them. Warranty. Consideration £120. Dated 27 Oct - 3 Nov 1716.
GB 0101 PG.DQ · 1938-1976

Constitutions, pamphlets and appeals issued by the Desmond Trotter Defence Committee and the Dominica Peasant Proprietors' Union, 1938-1976.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies