Cultural activities

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  • All types of activities tending to enhance cultural life through cultural animation and cultural values promotion. Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
  • Tout type d'activités visant l'épanouissement de la vie culturelle au moyen de l'animation culturelle et de la promotion des valeurs culturelles. Utiliser un descripteur plus précis quand c'est pertinent.
  • Todo género de actividades encaminadas a mejorar la vida cultural a través de la animación cultural y de la promoción de los valores culturales. Utilizar un descriptor más preciso cuando sea necesario.

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    Hiërarchische termen

    Cultural activities

    Cultural activities

      Gelijksoortige termen

      Cultural activities

      • UF Socio-cultural activities
      • UF Activité socio-culturelle
      • UF Actividad sociocultural

      15 Archivistische beschrijving results for Cultural activities

      H70 · Collectie · 1907-1951

      Records of Central Middlesex Hospital, 1907-1951, including record cards and a programme of a royal visit to the hospital.

      Zonder titel
      COL/SP · Deelarchief · 1406-1998

      Papers relating to the City of London, including plans, 1880-1949; article on "Life in the City in 1900", 1981; papers relating to the City Arts Trust, 1962-1964; correspondence regarding ward boundaries, 1957-1959; planning implications of the City's boundary changes, 1994; papers regarding the City and Guilds of London Institute, 1878-1989; articles, brochures, event programmes and certificates, 1952-1998 and papers and reports of the City Day Census, 1881-[1980]. Papers relating to Corporation of London property, including notices of auction, assessments of value and schedule of rentals, 1798-1934. Also records relating to the Guildhall, including histories, papers on the rebuilding of the Guildhall post Second World War, 1865-1997 and lists of preachers at the Guildhall Chapel, 1670-1717.

      Papers relating to London, including surveys, plans, maps, drawings, fundraising appeals, letters, reports, photographs, articles, financial accounts, orders of the Court of Aldermen, graphs, brochures, posters, bills and orders for payment, Parliamentary proceedings, presentments of Leet Juries and solicitor's papers, 1449-1993, relating to various subjects including fairs and markets, individual properties, churches and parishes, synagogues, docks, improvement and construction works, trades, the Great Fire of London, the Fleet Ditch, bridges, the Monument, artisan's dwellings, the Silver Jubilee Walkway and the Tower of London.

      Papers relating to Southwark, including papers relating to the Bailiff of Southwark, 1564-1844; papers relating to the Aldermen of the Ward of Bridge Without [Southwark], 1550-1957; copy charters relating to Southwark, 1406-[1680]; papers relating to the jurisdiction of the City of London in Southwark, 1462-1899; various petitions, reports, extracts, appointments, correspondence and indentures relating to Southwark, 1726-1845; official guide books to Southwark, [1940s-1965]; petitions to the Court of Aldermen, 1681-1755; papers relating to the Steward of Southwark, 1683-1836 and poor rate assessment, Southwark, 1777.

      Papers relating to the United Kingdom including claim of Aldborough, Suffolk for exemption from the duties of Waterbailage Eastward, 1536-1537; copy of a letter from W. F. Bayley, Prebendary of Canterbury, to Sir William Curtis asking for the support of the Lord Mayor in relation to the restoration of Archbishop Sudbury's Tomb, 1828; guide book to Chirk Castle, Wrexham, home of the Middleton family, including Sir Thomas Middleton, Lord Mayor 1613-1614, 1992; map of a freehold farm situated at Eltisley, Cambridgeshire, belonging to the governors of St Thomas Hospital and the trustees of the Freemen's Orphan School, 1870; "Ironbridge and the City Guilds", an illustrated brochure prepared by the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust to raise funds from the City Livery Companies, including various illustrations of items from the Ironbridge area to be found in the City of London or with a City association, [1981]; documents presented at the Mayor's Court relating to the bargain or sale, in consideration of £900, of an annual rent of 6 quarters of wheat, Joshua and Ely. Bonhorne, late of Jersey to John Poingdestre of Jersey, 1675; report of proceedings before arbitration between the Rector of Liverpool and the Corporation of London under the 1864 Liverpool Improvement Act, 1868; papers relating to a suit at King's Bench between the Borough of Queen borough, Kent and Edward Skey relating to the oyster fisheries, 1826 and petition 'to the benevolent and humane British Public,' from the Freemen and Inhabitants of Queenborough, being Oyster Fishermen whose trade is ruined, [1820].

      Papers relating to overseas matters, particularly addresses and thanks to the Mayor on the occasion of state visits, but also including letter from the Committee of the Association of New York to the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London, requesting their sympathy and protesting against the tax on tea, 5 May 1775; letter from the American Congress to the Lord Mayor and Livery of London, asking them to mediate in the War of Independence, read in Common Hall, 29 Sep 1775; scroll of friendship presented to the Mayor by the City of New York, 1947; greetings offered to Williamsburg and Richmond on the visit of Mayor Sir Cullum Welch, 1957; reply signed by Colonel Frank Borman, U.S.A.F., NASA Astronaut, to a telegram of congratulation sent by the Lord Mayor on the success of the Apollo VIII flight, 1969; article 'The City and American Independence' by Betty R. Masters in "City Festival" brochure, 1976; article 'The City and America 1776, The Story of the City of London's attempt to avoid the War of Independence', 1976?; notes on freedoms and entertainments connected with America, 1853-1945; article "Transatlantic Threads", paper concerning historical links between the City of London and America, by Alderman G.S. Inglefield, 1964; photograph album of New South Wales, presented to the Rt Hon the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of London by G H Reid Prime Minister of New South Wales as a souvenir of the visit of the Colonial Premiers to Great Britain, upon the occasion of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, 22nd Jun 1897; album of photographs of The City of London Pavilion at Brussels Universal and International Exhibition, 1958; order, dated 19 Mar 1672/73, from Charles II, specifying the wording of the discharge or acquittance to be given by the Chamberlain on receipt of each of four sums of £8,500 from the City of Hamburg, the King by his commission of 12 Mar having authorised the Chamberlain to receive £35,000 payable to the King in equal portions in satisfaction for the burning of several ships by the Hollanders in the River Elke on 24 Aug 1666; warrants of the King's Commissioners to the Chamberlain to pay several merchants their proportions of the monies, 1673; reply by her Majesty The Queen of the Netherlands, signed "Juliana R.", to an Address of Welcome at a Court of Common Council, 22 Nov 1950; papers of the Special Committee and Deputation to the International Exhibition, Paris, 1855-1856; visit to the City of Prague by Col Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield, Acting Lord Mayor, and a Deputation of the Corporation of London, 1920 and deposition of Henry Ferebrance as to two indentures made between Thomas Freeman and George Freeman in relation to estates in Jamaica, 1674.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0923 · Collectie · 1845-1965

      Records of the Royal Commercial Traveller's School, 1845-1965, including a photograph of a painting of John Robert Cuffley; copy of minutes of a Meeting held at the London Tavern on 30th December 1845 concerned with the founding of this school; a brief record of principal events from 1845 to 1905; press cuttings; papers relating to Royal patronage of the School; papers relating to fundraising; copy of a speech delivered by Charles Dickens about the Schools in December 1859; event programmes; copies of the rules of the Foundation; Memorandum of Articles of Association of the Royal Commercial Travellers Schools Trust Limited; annual reports 1945-1967; prospectus and photographs of the buildings at Hatch End, Pinner.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0505 RHC AS205-850 · 1889-1971

      Records of CHARD, 1913; the Tennis Club, 1889-1914; the Browning Society, 1890-1907; Hockey Club, 1890-1904; the Shakespeare Society, 1908-1945; the Lambeth Association, 1891-1939; the Science Discussion Society, 1892-1936; the Sharp Practice Society, 1896-1906; The Christian Union (later Student Christian Movement), 1900-1936; the Swimming Club, 1899-1938; the Boat Club, 1905-1944; the Fencing Club, [1935]; the Ping Pong Club, [1936]; the '47 Society, 1957; the Poetry Society, 1963-1964; and the Savoy Opera Society, 1970-1971.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4447 · Collectie · 1897-1999

      Records of the Grand Order of Israel and Shield of David Friendly Society. The records relate to the administration of the Society, property investments and the social aspects of the Society, for example, there are files relating to the Annual Dinner and Ball, quizzes and newsletters.

      Zonder titel
      COL/MH/LM · Collectie · 1544-1999

      Records relating to the Lord Mayor, including articles on the history and duties of the Mayoralty, 1972, 1986, 1988 and 1992; lists of the Lord Mayors, 1189-1951; notes and historical extracts on the appointment of a locum to stand in for the Lord Mayor, compiled 1960; papers relating to the election and admission of the Lord Mayor, 1546-1999, including ballot papers; affidavits sworn before the Lord Mayor, 1758-1805; papers relating to the Lord Mayor's chaplain, 1805-1807, 1953 and 1982; papers relating to the Lord Mayor's Coach, 1757-1990, including agreements with the coachmaker and information sheets about the coach; notes on the proceedings following the death of a Lord Mayor while in office, 1885?; duties of the Mayor, 1665; bill for a purple robe trimmed with fur made for the Lord Mayor, 1861; speeches given at the presentation of the Lord Mayor to the Judges of the Queen's Bench, 1803-1991; papers relating to State Visits by Lord Mayors, 1930-1991; lecture on the precedence of the Lord Mayor in State Ceremonies outside the City, in State Ceremonies within the City and in State Ceremonies within the City attended by a Member of the Royal Family but not the Sovereign, 1915; papers relating to the Mayoralty Seal, 1580-1980; diaries of various Lord Mayors, 1935-1972; invitation books for various Lord Mayors, 1890-1955; Swordbearer's diaries, 1872-1904; visitor's books, 1935-1963; extracts of orders from the Court of Aldermen relating to the Lord Mayor, 1544-1719; papers, including biographical information, articles and photographs, on individual mayors including Henry Fitz-Ailwyn, John Philipot, Sir Thomas Leigh, Sir William Turner, Frederick Bull, Sir William Plomer, Robert Peckham, Sir John Hopkins, Sir William Curtis, Sir Peter Laurie, Thomas Quested Finnis, Sir James Whitehead, Sir Joseph Dimsdale, Sir James Thomson Ritchie, Sir George Truscott, Sir James Roll, Sir William Robert Pryke, Sir Percy Greenaway, Sir Peter Vanneck, Sir Allan Davis, Sir Greville Spratt, Sir Brian Jenkins, Sir Francis McWilliams and Sir Peter Gadsen.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/274 · Collectie · 1785-1939

      This collection contains records which relate to the time in office of various Lord Mayors. They comprise:
      diaries 1785, 1836-1838, 1847-1848, 1893-1898, 1902-1903, 1905-1908, 1913-14, 1926-7;
      invitation books 1861-1862, 1886-1887, 1895-6, 1898-1899, 1905-1908, 1913-1914, 1922-1923, 1926-7;
      visitors books 1856-7, 1859-1860, 1862-1866, 1868-1870, 1878-1879, 1882-3, 1886-7, 1895-1896, 1905-1906, 1907-1908, 1913-1914, 1926-1927;
      autograph books 1926-7;
      lists of shrieval duties 1938-9;
      swordbearer's diary 1834-8.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/283 · Collectie · 1659-1879

      Records relating to Lord Mayors of the City of London, including lists of Mayors since 1189; the Lord Mayor's Autograph Book (containing the signature of every Lord Mayor since 1659); notes on the procedures for ceremonies; lists of the armorial bearings of the Mayors; minutes of committees for organising entertainment at Guildhall on Lord Mayor's Days; and visitors books.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1556 WL 1146 · 1938-1947

      Correspondence of Elise Steiner and other family papers, 1938-1940. The collection documents the day to day activities, hopes and aspirations of a Jewish family in Vienna on subjects including gratitude that at least one child was able to escape and moreover to continue with her education; efforts to find a place on the Kindertransport for Leo Steiner; news of the fate of other family members who had managed to emigrate to various countries and the takeover of the family business. Despite the increasing difficulties of life in Vienna exemplified by the occasional suicide of friends and the growing fear of being out on the streets, there is a sense that life has to go on. Mention is made of the celebration of Jewish festivals and of training for new occupations. Whilst the prospect of emigration recedes, the family continues to make preparations for a future departure by selling off possessions and studying English.

      There are descriptive summaries of all the letters (in German). Other papers comprise a typescript copy of the family tree, a copy of typescript notes on Steiner family history and a copy of a photograph.

      Zonder titel
      COL/MH/AD · Collectie · 1885-1992

      Administrative files from Mansion House, 1931-1962, on subjects including schools and hospitals; Mayoral receptions, lunches and dinners; the Armed Forces and Armed Services Associations; clubs and societies; exhibitions; the Guildhall; the King George VI Memorial Fund and other charitable funds, patronage; boroughs; the Commonwealth; social services; the Second World War; the unveiling of the Cenotaph; the City press; expenses; visits of Royalty and Heads of State; the Bishop of London and other matters relating to the clergy; the National Savings movement; the Police; refugees; the Royal Exchange; St Paul's Cathedral; sheriffs and state banquets.

      Also papers relating to charitable funds organised by the Mayor, 1885-1992. Funds include the National Memorial to General Gordon fund, 1885; the fund for the relief of widows and dependants of sailors and others on the HMS Victoria, sunk in 1893; the Transvaal War fund, 1899; the Queen Victoria memorial fund, 1901-1913; the Titanic Disaster fund (later the National Disasters Relief fund), 1912-1959; the St. Vincent Disaster Relief Fund in aid of Sufferers by Eruption, 1902; the Air Raid Distress fund, 1940-1953; the National Hungarian and Central European Relief Fund, 1956-1958; the Attlee Memorial Appeal, 1967; the Save St Paul's fund, 1971-1973 and the Gresford Colliery Relief Fund, 1988-1992 (the Gresford Colliery files are closed until 2022).

      Zonder titel
      CLA/081 · Collectie · 1893-2005

      This collection contains material relating to Sir Michael Savory's years as Lord Mayor of the City of London, (1984-2005); Sheriff (1996-2003); Alderman (1893-2005) and Common Councillor (1992-1995). It also contains material relating to his work with the Britain-Austrailia Bicentennial Trust (1988-2005) and HSBC's "HSBC in the Community" programme (2000-2002). There is also some material relating to his personal life (1996-2005).

      Records of particular interest are those relating to Michael Savory's mayoral year. There is a complete set of day files (CLA/081/A/03) documenting the events he attended; a large number of photographs (CLA/081/A/06) and files relating to his many visits, mostly overseas (CLA/A/04). The collection illustrates the preparation for the mayoral year and the planning involved in various activities and events (CLA/081/A/01). Press clippings (CLA/081/A/05) and the electronic records (CLA/081/A/07) illustrate the public side of the Lord Mayor.

      The collection also includes aspects of Sir Michael's shrieval year and mainly contains a selection of day files (CLA/081B/02) illustrating events attended. Papers and correspondence relate to major events (CLA/B/01) like the presentation of the shrieval chain.

      Zonder titel
      COL/CC/MYC · Deelarchief · 1952-1989

      Records of the Mayoralty Visits Committee, Court of Common Council, including minute book, 1969-1989; minutes and correspondence received by the Town Clerk, 1958-1965 and 1976-1979; resolutions of greetings, 1969-1979; reciprocal hospitality (state visits by the mayor), 1961-1975; mayor's overseas visits, 1952-1979 and 1982-1983. Please note that some of these records are closed.

      Zonder titel
      COL/SD · Deelarchief · 1660-1998

      Papers relating to the Royal Family, including papers relating to the organisation of coronations, including proclamations, financial accounts and extracts on precedent, 1714-1984; papers relating to royal funerals, including proclamations and extracts regarding mourning precedents, 1694-1952; notes of precedents as to ceremonial entries of Kings and Queens into the City, 1689-1814; accounts of money subscribed by the Companies and bills of expenses of the Coronation of King Charles II 1661, and accounts book detailing monies spent on royal entertainments and the building of the ship Loyal London, 1660-1665; bills for expenses incurred by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Common Councilmen on Committees attending upon the King at Newmarket, Windsor, Hampton Court, 1674; bills for expenses incurred carrying surgeons to Windsor, 1687; payments to nurses, the reader of the news and to the City's waits and music, for their service and performance on the thanksgiving day for the birth of the young Prince James Francis Edward, son of King James II, 1688; contemporary copy of the Prince William of Orange's letter to the Common Council 16 Dec 1688, with a copy of the answer of the Common Council, 17 Dec 1688; precept to the Aldermen "to cause their ward beadle to visit each house along the route to give notice to the inhabitants to decorate their balconies and windows and pave and amend and clean the streets and to give orders that no coaches or carts stand in the streets" for the passage through the City of William III, 1697; reception of George I on his way from Hanover to St James Palace as he passed through the City, 20 Sep 1714; extracts as to the visit of Her Majesty Queen Charlotte to the Mansion House at the annual examination of the children of the City of London National Schools, 1818; report to the Court of Mayor and Aldermen in relation to police arrangements for the public entry of the Princess Alexandra, 7 Mar 1863.

      Arrangements for the reception of Queen Victoria on the occasion of general thanksgiving, on 27 Feb 1872, for the recovery of Edward, the Prince of Wales, with newspaper cutting of 12 Dec 1871 concerning the Prince's illness and a chart of the progress of the Prince's illness with details of the bulletins issued, 23 Nov 1871 - 8 Jan 1872, also papers of Thanksgiving Committee; arrangements for George V Silver Jubilee week, 1935 and public relations material relating to celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee, 1977.

      Papers relating to individuals connected with the City of London, including certificates of a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and others relating to the poverty of Mary Murrey, daughter of Sir Mungo and Lady Anne Murrey, owing chiefly to the suffering of her father through his loyalty to King Charles 1, 1689; certificates demanding a poll on behalf of John Wilkes, 1776; answer to the defence of John Wilkes, by J Dumford, 1784; minutes of the proceedings of a Committee of the Whole Court of Aldermen to investigate the charges made against Alderman Thomas Wood in respect of the Talacre Mining Company, 1842-1843; minute book and papers of Committee to organise the funeral and monument of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1852-1857; diary of Lady Eliza Moore, Wife of Sir John Voce Moore, as Lady Mayoress, 1899; programmes for Corporation of London events attended by Committee Clerk R A Miller, 1953-1968 and articles relating to various London persons and families including extracts relating to the orphans of John Donne, citizen and ironmonger, died [1576], father of John Donne the poet, Dean of St Paul's, compiled 1952; The Tattered Flag by K.N. Marshall, 1985 article on the fragments of the flag supposedly torn up at Nelson's funeral in 1806; The Charles Lamb Bulletin, published by the Charles Lamb Society, 1998 and articles on Robert Hooke's work as Surveyor for the City of London in the aftermath of the Great Fire, 1998.

      Zonder titel
      Medical Pilgrims
      GB 0120 SA/PIL · 1928-1995

      Papers of the Medical Pilgrims, 1928-1995, comprising archives of the Medical Pilgrims, 1928-1995; notebooks, 1928-1978 and 1980; Scribes' reports, 1928, 1957 and 1959-1995; correspondence relating to a visit to China, 1970s; minutes, 1982-1995; publication The Medical Pilgrims 1928-1955 ; items from individual Pilgrims; scrapbook, possibly from John Hay; file relating to Sir Melville Arnott, 1967-1976; files relating to the history of the Medical Pilgrims by Dr Clifford Hawkins; biographical material relating to Sir Arthur Hurst; and slides.

      Zonder titel
      Jews in Berlin, early 1942
      GB 1556 WL 872 · Collectie · 1942

      Typescript report on conditions for Jews in Berlin at the beginning of 1942 covering such topics as food; work regulations; living conditions; deportations; confiscations of property; cultural activities; the yellow star and the relationship with the non-Jewish population.

      Zonder titel