Performing arts

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Equivalent terms

Performing arts

  • UF Acrobatics
  • UF Circuses
  • UF Acrobatie
  • UF Cirque
  • UF Acrobacia
  • UF Circo

Associated terms

247 Archival description results for Performing arts

247 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0505 RHC AL256-736 · [1901]-1972

Brochures and syllabuses relating to various departments, 1968-1972, notably Physics, Chemistry and German. Record Book of the Zoology Department, 1936-1952, giving lists of students and notes on developments in the department. Departmental records of the Faculty of Music, notably Registers, 1915-1969, of members and music played by Royal Holloway College orchestra and choirs, lists of musical events and meetings of music societies, and lists of performers and music performed at music examinations and festivals; Organist's Handbook, [1904-1915], including details of procedure for various musical events; minute books of the Music Club, 1916-1949, and the Music Association, 1934-1954; Concert Programmes and invitations, 1908, 1915-1970.

Royal Holloway College , Academic departments
Actresses' Franchise League
GB 106 2AFL · Fonds · 1909-1916

Papers of the Actresses' Franchise League including annual reports 1909-1914; annual statements of accounts; leaflets including lists of officers and league's objects and list of members and programme.

Actresses' Franchise League
Adam International Review
GB 0100 KCLCA KC/ADAM, Adam International Review · c1903-1995

Records of the magazine Adam International Review and its editor, Miron Grindea, 1941-1995, and associated papers dating back to c1903, consisting of a wide range of material dealing with aspects of British and European cultural activity, particularly since the 1930s, and relating to art, literature, music, literary criticism, and the history of ideas. The archive includes the Adam International Review, issues 152-499 (wanting 186, 210-211, 218, 224-228, 331-54), 1941, 1946-1988, and indexes; microfilm copies of nos 13-14, 65, 148-149, 151, and issues dating from 1936 and 1938; and published copies of Christopher Fry, 'Genius, Talent and Failure: the Brontes' (The Adam Lecture 1986); Yehudi Menuhin, 'Tolerance' (The Adam Lecture 1987); Frances Stern, 'A Concordance to Proust' (Adam Books, 1987); 'Miron Grindea 1909-1995: a Celebration'. Unpublished papers of the Review were created by or relate to many prominent writers, artists and musicians of the 20th century including Natalie Clifford Barney, Samuel Beckett, Max Beerbohm, Nicolas Bentley, Isaiah Berlin, Edmund Blunden, Agatha Christie, Jean Cocteau, Ivy Compton Burnett, Cyril Connolly, Benedetto Croce, Cecil Day-Lewis, Lawrence Durrell, T S Eliot, George Enescu, E M Forster, Christopher Fry, William Golding, Duncan Grant, Robert Graves, Graham Greene, L P Hartley, Storm Jameson, Augustus John, Arthur Koestler, F R Leavis, Rose Macaulay, Compton Mackenzie, Thomas Mann, Katherine Mansfield, Walter de la Mare, John Masefield, Somerset Maugham, Yehudi Menuhin, Arthur Miller, Henry Miller, Joan Miro, Henry Moore, Iris Murdoch, Pablo Picasso, Anthony Powell, J B Priestley, Marcel Proust, Herbert Read, Jean Rhys, Ralph Richardson, Vita Sackville-West, Jean Paul Sartre, Siegfried Sassoon, Ronald Searle, George Bernard Shaw, Georges Simenon, the Sitwell family, C P Snow, Stephen Spender, Frances Stern, August Strindberg, Dylan Thomas, Arnold Wesker, Angus Wilson, Stefan Zweig, and others. Other material relates to the management of the magazine and includes editorial material (notes, proofs, preparatory research material, and correspondence required for production of an issue) and papers relating to circulation. The material is varied in form and comprises correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, proofs with author's and editor's corrections and printed documents, including poems, stories, and criticism, both published and rejected for publication; photographs; original drawings and illustrations; news cuttings and other ephemera such as programmes for events; tape recordings including the Adam lectures, 1985-1987; and interview transcripts.

Adam International Review , magazine
GB 0120 MSS.846-853 · c 1890-1926

Papers of John George Adami on bacteriology and pathology including notes on the development of the embryo of a chick, c 1890; drafts of Principles of Pathology c 1905-1910; 'Myelins, and experiments with Ludwig Aschoff', 1906; record of Inspections of Canadian Hospitals in France, 1915; diary, 1916 and Presidential Address to the Section of Bacteriology, Brussels Congress, 1920. Drawings concerning 1918 influenza pandemic, 1925.

Adami , John George , 1862-1926 , pathologist
GB 0102 AFRICA95 · [1957]-1996

Archives, [1957]-1996, of Africa95, including material from the festival administrators, producers and participants.

Various deposits, c1980-1996, on individual artists or on planning Africa95 include correspondence, printed material, photographs, and slides of the work of artists from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

Records of the central administration, 1991-1996, comprise planning papers and correspondence, 1991-1993; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1993-1995, Board of Trustees, 1995-1996, Funding Committee, 1993-1994, and Annual General Meeting, 1995; Chairman's correspondence, 1993-1996; research materials on non-western arts in Europe; Executive Council records, comprising correspondence, 1992-1995, reports received, 1993, 1995, and Trustees' report and financial statements, 1995; contracts, information and correspondence of the Co-ordinator, 1993-1994; International Council of Artists proposals, contact lists and correspondence, 1993-1994; brochures, 1993-1995; legal papers concerning incorporation, lease of premises, and charitable status, 1993-1995.

Records relating to arts management, 1980-1996, cover funding and sponsorship, 1993-1995; publicity, 1994-1995; press activity, 1994-1996, including cuttings; posters, 1993-1995; general administration, including personnel and finance, 1994-1995; arts organisations and other festivals, 1991-1995; subject files, 1985-1996, including exhibition catalogues on people and places including Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and Zimbabwe; videos, 1980-1995, including artists and their work; publications and exhibition catalogues, 1980-1995, for Algeria, Angola, France, Korea, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the UK.

Records relating to finance and development, 1991-1996, cover budgets and funding, companies and sponsorship, and Trusts.

Records on receptions and launches, 1993-1995, relate to events in various locations.

Records relating to Africa95 Nigeria, 1994-1995, include correspondence and photographs.

Records relating to arts events across the UK cover visual arts (photography, fine art, sculpture, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, and architecture), 1991-1996; cinema, 1993-1995; music, including classical, traditional, gospel, world, jazz, reggae, and popular music [1957]-1996 (including videos, sound recordings and scores); performing arts, including dance, theatre, and puppetry, 1989-1996 (including videos); literature, including poetry, 1993-1995.

Records relating to other activities cover conferences on African arts, including events at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal African Society, and Courtauld Institute of Art, 1993-1996; education and young peoples' events, 1993-1996; international workshops and residencies, including events in Senegal, Zimbabwe, London, and Yorkshire, 1990-1996; television and radio, 1992-1995 (including sound recordings of programmes on Radios 1, 3 and 4).

Records relating to post-festival administration, 1994-1996, cover evaluation, celebratory concert, finance, and archive arrangements.

Africa95 , arts festival
GB 0074 ACC/0803 · Collection · 1915-1916

Records of the Alexandra Palace Concert Society of German Internees, including concert programmes, retrospect of the Concert Society including names of musicians, lists and analysis of works performed, and watercolour portrait by a prisoner.

Alexandra Palace Concert Society of German Internees
GB 0096 MS 1088 · Collection · 1875-1892

Papers concerning American theatre and opera scrapbooks, 1875-1892, comprise to scrapbooks containing programmes of plays, concerts and operas performed in the USA, with particular reference to New York and the Metropolitan Opera House, from 1875 to 1892. MS1088/2 includes postcards of members of singers performing in the Metropolitan Opera 1890 to 1891 season, posing in some of their operatic roles. The volumes contained two loose inserts, which have now become MS1088/3 and MS1088/4.

GB 0074 CLC/001 · Collection · 1637-1974

Records of the Ancient Society of College Youths, including membership books, peal books, minutes, and notes on the history of the Society.

The records were microfilmed in 1985 and 2003. Mss 21656-7A and 33992 are positive copy microfilms and microfiche presented to the Archive by the Society, which has retained the master negatives and the original manuscripts. Permission to take reproductions from the films or to publish extracts from the records should be sought from the Society's Hon. Secretary (please ask staff for further information).

Ancient Society of College Youths
GB 1249 Andrews · 1950-1965

Papers of Herbert Kennedy (H K) Andrews, 1950-1965, comprising typescript and proofs of his The Technique of Byrd's Vocal Polyphony (Oxford University Press, London, 1966); papers, 1957, relating to 'Fourteenth-Century Polyphony in a Fountains Abbey MS Book', Music and Letters, 39 (1958) by Andrews and Robert Thurston Dart, with offprints of article, correspondence between Andrews, Dart and Eric Blom, editor of Music and Letters, and including photographs of Fountains Abbey Ms 23; typescript notes and correspondence, 1963-1965, regarding the music publications of William Byrd and library sources of the same, with offprints and notes relating to Andrews' article, 'Printed Sources of William Byrd's ''Psalmes, Sonets and Songs''', Music and Letters, 44 (1963), and including a photocopy of the superius part book of Cantiones sacrae by Thomas Tallis and William Byrd (1575); notes and correspondence with Dart, 1960, regarding A ballet on the death of the cardynall', manuscript in Ripon Cathedral Library, with transcriptions and photographs of the manuscript; typescript of his articleCounterpoint, harmony and tonality' for the Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia, with related correspondence on the withdrawal by Andrews on its publication, 1953; typescript of his The formation, fulfilment and decline of the classical language of music', Cramb lectures, University of Glasgow, 1954; manuscript of hisThe interpretation of 16th century polyphony', Crees lectures, 1963; manuscript and typescript of `The editing and perfomrance of English vocal polyphony of the late 16th century and early 17th century, first chapter only of an unpublished book.

Andrews , Herbert Kennedy , 1904-1965 , musicologist, teacher, organist and composer
GB 2108 KUAS192 · Fonds · [1960-2015]

Tony Arnell is a casting director, who worked for well known television companies including LWT. Prior to this he worked at Spotlight, alongside talent spotter Cary Ellison, to encourage actors and actresses to sign up to be included in the publication. Throughout his career, Mr Arnell visited theatre productions to spot actors to either encourage to join Spotlight, or that he might want to cast in the shows he was working on. The Tony Arnell Theatre Programme Collection consists of programmes for theatrical productions seen by Tony Arnell from 1960s- 1980s, with his notes inside detailing his thoughts on the cast, production and play. The programmes are predominantly for shows in the South-East of England, and also include annotated programmes for performances by Drama School and as part of the London Fringe Festival. The collection also includes some from programmes from the 1990s and 2000s, although these are not annotated.

Also included in the collection are items related to the '12' group- founded in 1958 by Cary Ellison as a gathering of casting directors, theatrical agents and other leading figures in the theatre industry. Tony Arnell took over as president in 1988 and continued to run the group until its closure in 2004. Items in the collection include a history of the group, and albums of photographs of 12 members taken at their annual garden parties from 1988 onwards.

Arnell , Anthony , fl. 1960- , casting director
Arnott, David Whitehorn
GB 0102 PP MS 73 · 1950s-1980s

Papers, 1950s-1980s, of Professor David W Arnott on West African languages, comprising papers, including notes and questionnaires, from his study leave (1955-1956) spent travelling from Nigeria through Niger, Dahomey (Benin), Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), French Sudan (Mali), Senegal and Gambia to Guinea and Sierra Leone; copies (photocopied and photographic) of manuscripts; translations and transcriptions; transcriptions of language recordings; seminar and conference papers; teaching material; offprints of articles by Arnott; typescripts or corrected proofs of articles; and reviews of books by other authors. The papers relate largely to Nigeria but also to Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal, relating mainly to Fulfulde, Fula and Fulani (language of the Fulani people of West Africa), and also to Tiv and to Hausa poetry and songs. The subjects include literature, including poetry (religious and non-religious), oral literature and folklore, proverbial lore, Islamic influences on African literary cultures, grammar, including morphology, verbal and nominal systems, nouns, vocabulary, and the distribution of dialects.

Arnott , David Whitehorn , fl 1955-2000 , linguist
Avery Hill College
GB 2121 Avery Hill College · (c1750-1906) 1894-1998

Records of Avery Hill College, 1894-1989, comprising minutes of the Governing Body, 1945-1985; agendas and papers of the Governing Body, 1971-1985; minutes of the Academic Board, 1963-1985, with indexes, 1974-1981; agendas and papers of the Academic Board, 1977-1985; minutes and papers of Academic Board Sub-Committees, namely the Resources Committee, 1977-1985; Courses Committee, 1977-1985; Staff Development and Research Committee, 1982-1985; Strategic Planning Committee, 1982-1985; Equal Opportunities Committee, 1984-1985; Programme Committee, 1974-1985; minutes of the House Committee, 1958-1979; Principal's Consultative Committee, 1958-1962; College Council, 1963-1977; Joint Halls Committee, 1980-1985; Breakages Committee, 1969-1982; Catering Committee, 1972-1975; College Safety Committee, 1980-1985; Staff Conference, 1958-1984;

examination papers, 1908, 1910; information and regulations for students, 1906-1908, 1968; papers relating to Miss Emily Maria Julian, Principal, 1902-1922; timetables, 1909, 1935-1936; applications for admission to Furzedown Training College, 1925-1931; correspondence relating to Furzedown Training College students, 1938-1942; reports on students' teaching practice, 1932-1933; correspondence, 1938-1985, relating to students, 1938-1942; Governing Body, 1943-1985; evacuation to Huddersfield, 1941-1945; report on war damage, 1945; analysis of student admissions, 1945-1969; papers relating to post-war building programmes, 1951-1952, 1960-1973; college expenditure, 1960-1972; expansion of Avery Hill College, 1960s-1970s; Avery Hill Students' Union, 1966-1985; constitution and membership of committees and the Academic Board, 1968-1972; lecturers' posts, 1945-1970; courses, 1950-1982; reports relating to the College's future, 1971-1977; restructuring College administration, 1975-1980; merger with Thames Polytechnic, 1983-1985; external examiners' reports, 1980-1984; proposals for the three year course, 1956-1959; student numbers and recruitment, 1961-1981; Mile End Annexe, 1968-1985; teaching practice, 1966-1976; Chislehurst hostels, 1969-1980; Principals' reports, 1970-1981; College's response to the threat of closure, 1976-1977;

student lists, 1963-1983, giving names of details of students; staff register, giving names and details of staff, 1906-[1927];

College prospectuses, 1927-1928, 1943, 1966-1984; leaflets and booklets about courses and Avery Hill, [1978-1985]; College handbook, 1968-1985; Avery Hill Reporter magazine, 1907-1964; programmes of concerts, plays and formal occasions at the College, 1923-1986, including re-opening of the College in 1949 by Princess Margaret; College Jubilee celebrations, 1957; Going-Down Dinners, 1967-1986; scripts and photographs of Avery Hill College plays, 1908-1960;

publications and circulars from the Ministry of Education, Inner London Education Authority, and related bodies, 1899-1984;

minutes of other bodies, namely the Inner London Education Authority Education Committee, 1970-1985; meetings of Principals of Further and Higher Education Institutions in the London Borough of Greenwich to discuss an education service for the whole community, 1975-1982; meetings of Inner London Education Authority Senior Administrative Officers, 1967-1985;

Student publications, notably copies of the Bulletin, 1964-1966, Students' Union weekly newsletter; Witch 1966-1968, Students' Union magazine; Public Ear, 1972-1976, newssheet; Endor, 1960s, Avery Hill Writers' Group magazine; Students' Union handbook, 1966-1986;

records relating to former students, comprising Avery Hill Old Students Association registers of members, 1930-[1934]; minutes of meetings of representatives, 1933-1937; London Branch register, 1906-1912; programmes for Jubilee reunion, 1957; letters from former students with photographs, 1957; circular letters, newsletters, 1960s; letters and questionnaires from former students who attended Avery Hill from 1912 to 1949, 1984-1985; photographs and curriculum vitae of students for a reunion, 1989;

photographs and postcards relating to Avery Hill mansion and College, notably albums containing postcards and photographs of external and internal views of Avery Hill mansion and College buildings, [1890s-1963]; portrait and group photographs of staff and students, sports teams, casts of plays, [1906-1924]; postcards of Eltham and London, [1900s-1930s]; album of photographs of internal and external views of Avery Hill mansion whilst owned by Colonel North, 1894; photographs of College buildings, including the Mile End Annexe, 1950s-1970s; photographs of Southwood halls of residence (Fry, Bronte, Grey, Somerville and Consitt Halls), 1930s-1960s; photograph album of Avery Hill College early years of academic staff, student classes, resident students, prefects, 1906-1915; portrait photographs of principals, 1906-1938 and staff, 1908-1923; photographs of College life, 1950s-1970s, including group photographs, swimming galas, student classes; photographs of College Jubilee celebrations, 1957; presentation of awards ceremonies, 1979-1982; retirement dinner for the Principal Mrs K E Jones, 1981; student sports teams, 1953-1955; albums donated by students, containing photographs and postcards of the College buildings, group and individual portraits of students and staff, sports teams, plays, 1907-1930; photographs of Princess Margaret's visit to the re-opening celebrations of Avery Hill College, 1949;

copies of documents assembled from various sources, notably maps and plans of Avery Hill College and area, including map of Eltham, [c1750]; tithe map for Avery Hill area, 1839; maps of Avery Hill area, 1903, post 1945; plans of Avery Hill mansion, 1889-[1950s]; typescripts of census returns for Avery Hill area, 1841-1891, and Eltham, 1861, 1871; articles and press cuttings relating to Colonel North and Avery Hill, 1889-1998; copies drawings of window designs of Avery Hill for Colonel North, 1890; articles and press cuttings relating to Avery Hill College, 1949-1996; notes on James Boyd, owner of Avery Hill 1859-1882, with marriage certificate, 1849; plan of Avery Hill, 1859; inventory of Avery Hill House, 1884; articles of agreement with plan conveying land to Colonel North, 1889; illustrations of views of Avery Hill Mansion from British Architect 1890; copy sale catalogue of Avery Hill, 1896; copy conveyance of Avery Hill from London County Council to the Education Committee to establish a training college for women, 1905-1906.

Avery Hill College Avery Hill College of Education
Baké, Dr Arnold Adrian
GB 0102 PP MS 21 · Created c1932-1961

Papers, c1932-1961, of Dr Arnold Adrian Baké, comprising notes on Indian music and folklore, in addition to songs in various Indian languages and translations in English and Dutch.

Baké , Arnold Adrian , 1899-1963 , Sanskrit scholar
CLA/072 · Collection · 1954-1998

Records of the Barbican Committee, Corporation of London, 1954-1998, including papers relating to the development and building of the Barbican complex, speeches, reports, committee papers, brochures, newsletters and concert programmes. Please note that access to some of the reports is restricted.

Corporation of London
BATE, Stanley (1913-1959)
GB 1249 MS 5946-5948 · 1940-1956

Papers of Stanley Bate, 1940-1956, comprising letters received and written by Bate, mainly in regard to the publication or performance of his music, particularly his Second Sinfonietta at the festival of the International Society for Contemporary Music in California, 1941-1943, 1947-1948, 1954; programmes of concerts featuring Bate's music, c1948-1958; newspaper cuttings on Bate and his music, 1940-1956, largely consisting of reviews of the first performances of Bate's Third Symphony at the Cheltenham Festival, 1954, and his Fourth Symphony at the Royal Festival Hall, London, 1955.

Bate , Stanley , 1913-1959 , composer and pianist
GB 0096 MS 435 · 1934

Musical scores in manuscript of two versions of A Lyke-Wake: Border Ballad 1934.

Bax , Sir , Arnold Edward Trevor , 1883-1953 , Knight , composer
GB 1249 Bechstein Hall · 1880-1951

Records of Bechstein of Berlin and London, piano-makers, 1880-1946, and of the Bechstein Hall and Wigmore Hall, 1901-1951, comprising sales books of Bechstein, giving names of purchaser and details of instruments purchased, 1880-1927; wages book of Bechstein staff, 1890-1912 and stock book, 1946; sales ledger, 1916-1921; instrument hire account book, 1912-1917. Bechstein Hall, day book, 1901-1916 (also includes day book of Arts Council of Great Britain, 1916-1951); hire day book, 1911-1916; cash book, 1912-1916 (and Wigmore Hall, 1934-1916). Wigmore Hall cash book, 1917-1924; daybook, 1930-1946; ledger, 1938-1946.

Bechstein , piano-makers Bechstein Hall , London , 1901-1916 , concert venue Wigmore Hall , London , 1917- , concert venue Arts Council of Great Britain
GB 1249 MS 4221, 4222, 4223, 4243, 4249 · 1800-1823 (predominant 1815-1817)

Letters (16) from Ludwig Van Beethoven to Kajetan Giannatasio del Rio, in regard to the education and maintenance of Beethoven's nephew Karl at the school run by Giannatasio del Rio, 1816-1817 (Ref: MS 4221). 'Hochzeitlied für Anna' (known as woo 105 'Auf Freunde, singt dem Gott der Ehen') a piece for four male voices in the manuscript of Beethoven, written for the wedding of Anna Giannatasio del Rio to Leopold Schemerling, 6 Feb 1819 (Ref: MS 4222). Two letters to Beethoven, comprising draft letter from Fanny Giannatasio del Rio, 9 Aug 1817 and letter from Friedrich Matthisson (facsmile only), 4 Aug 1800 (Ref: MS 4223). Letter from Beethoven to his brother Johann Von Beethoven, requesting the return of a book, 13 Jul 1825 (MS 4243). Letters from Beethoven to Sigmund Anton Steiner, Dec 1815, requesting the score of the opera Fidelio to produce a version for a quartet, and to Antonio Diabelli, Apr 1823, regarding the copying of Beethoven's 33 pianoforte variations on waltz by Diabelli for publication (Ref MS 4249).

Beethoven , Ludwig Van , 1770-1827 , German composer
GB 1249 MS 6914 · 1858-1882

Letters (44), 1858-1882, mostly to Doyne Courtenay Bell, mainly in regard to music, concerts and social gatherings, including letters from Hamilton Aidé, Lucy Anderson, Sir Julius Benedict, William H Cummings, Pauline Lucca, Cipriani Potter, Anton Rubinstein, Adelaide Sartoris (formerly Adelaide Kemble), Sir George Thomas Smart and Auguste Vianesi.

Bell , Doyne Courtenay , 1830-1888 , Permanent Secretary to Privy Purse , antiquary
Bellini, Vincenzo
GB 0096 MS 1075 · Collection · 19th century

Papers of Vincenzo Bellini, comprise a manuscript musical score, excerpt from the opera 'Beatrice di Tenda' (1833) by Vincenzo Bellini; copy, in unidentified hand, entitled 'Romanza, Ah! non pensar, nell' Opera Beatrice di Tenda'.

Bellini , Vincenzo , 1801-1835 , Italian composer
GB 1249 MS 4992 · c1894-1900

Manuscript notes by James Robert Sterndale Bennett on the history of the Bach Society (1849-1870) for his biography of his father Sir William Sterndale Bennett (1816-1875) The Life of William Sterndale Bennett (Cambridge University Press, 1907), comprising 'Short history of the Bach Society' by Charles Steggall; 'Diary of the Bach Society' made with the assistance of Steggall, 1900; various biographical notes on members of the Society.

Bennett , James Robert Sterndale , fl 1890-1920 , composer , author
GB 0505 PP26 · 1871-1943

Correspondence, 1892-1943, between Benson and various academic colleagues, mainly on subjects relating to botany, and the reading and publication of papers by women to scientific societies, notably with Professor Francis Wall Oliver, Professor of Botany at University College London, Professor Sir Albert Charles Seward, Professor of Botany at Cambridge University, and Dukinfield Henry Scott, President of the Linnean Society. Papers, 1871, 1906 and [1936] relating to Benson's death, including her childhood exercise book, 1897, given to Professor Elizabeth Marianne Blackwell, Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, various copies of the obituary notice written by Blackwell, [1936], and material relating to a bequest by Benson to the Botanical Laboratory at Royal Holloway College, [1936]. Photographs, [1893-1922] of staff and student life at Royal Holloway College, including boating scenes, costume tableaux in the College quad, formal portraits of Benson in academic dress, and laboratories in the College.

Benson , Margaret Jane , 1859-1936 , botanist
GB 1556 WL 616 · 1919-1981

The diaries and personal papers of George Francis Jack Bergmann, dated 1919-1981, notably comprise a set of typescript transcripts of diaries which document in detail Bergmann's experiences in the Foreign Legion and in prison. They also provide a full report on the infamous trial of French officers and guards at Hadjerat M'Guil. In addition there are newsletters, bulletins and correspondence, 1919-1981, which reflect Bergmann's interest in, and membership of, a Jewish student organisation, 'Kartellverband jüdischer Studenten'.

Bergmann , George Francis Jack , 1900-1979
GB 0505 PP25 · 1880-1977

Papers, 1887-1977, relating to Blackwell's time as Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, University of London, notably correspondence with her parents, 1922-1945, discussing life at Royal Holloway College; letters of congratulation on her appointment as Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, 1922; correspondence and notes, 1928-1949, relating to gifts to Royal Holloway College; personal correspondence, 1941-1970, notably with Ellen Charlotte Higgins, former Principal of Royal Holloway College, (Elsie) Marjorie Williamson, Principal of Royal Holloway College, and John Cameron; papers, 1887-1969, relating to the Royal Holloway College Botany Department, including Botany Lunches, 1949-1977, Botany School Record Books, 1887-1969, and correspondence relating to field trips, 1930-1944; Blackwell's copies of the Royal Holloway College Boat Club Rules, 1914-1918, and the Royal Holloway Rules and Regulations, 1925; notes, memoranda, correspondence, minutes and reports of the University of London Botanical Supply Unit, 1944-1952; invitations and Christmas cards, 1922-1963; autograph books, 1922-1950, including one presented to Blackwell by her old students and staff at a luncheon at the Forum Club, [London], 1950. Records, 1897-1971, relating to the history of Royal Holloway College and the Botany Department, including press cuttings, photographs, memoirs, correspondence and draft articles, notably and article by Blackwell entitled '75 years of Royal Holloway College Botany Department', copies of College songs, and obituaries of old colleagues and students. Publications, 1902-1949, mainly comprising histories of the Botanical Departments of Liverpool and Manchester Universities. Photographs, 1880-1970, including the Botany Department staff and students, 1898-1962; Botany Department field trips, 1898-1948; Royal Holloway College staff, buildings and grounds, 1908-1952; Botany laboratories and gardens, 1912-1949; social and botanical activities at Royal Holloway College, 1927-1955.

Blackwell , Elizabeth Marianne , 1889-1973 , Professor of Botany
BÖNTEN, Augusta (1858-1930)
GB 1249 Bonten/MS 6926 · 1882-1930

Papers of Augusta Bönten, 1882-1907, including two scrapbooks containing cuttings and printed ephemera relating to the musical activities and death of her father Sir August Manns, 1882-1907; her commonplace book, containing mainly late 19th century German poety; her Memoirs, proof copy published posthumously by her daughter Louise Bönten [1930]; Catalogue of the principal instrumental and vocal works performed at the Saturday concerts from 1855 to 1876 (Charles Dickens and Evans, Crystal Palace, 1876), with inscription by Manns, 1877; Catalogue of the principal instrumental and choral works performed at the Crystal Palace Saturday concerts from October 1855 to May 1895 (F M Evans, Crystal Palace, [1895]), two copies, one with numerous annotations [some by Manns]; The Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra, twenty-one years of municipal music, 1893-1914 by Hadley Watkins (Bournemouth, 1914). Letters (8) to Augusta Bönten, 1913-1914, mostly relating to her father's work: correspondents include Dr Frederick G Shinn, in regard to his lecture 'What the Crystal Palace has done for music in England' and Sophie Campbell, in regard to the recent death of her husband Sir Francis Joseph Campbell, former Principal of the Royal Normal College for the Blind.

Bönten , Augusta , 1858-1930 , daughter of Sir August Manns, composer
GB 1249 MS 6905 · 1920-1954

Papers of Sir Adrian Boult, comprising letters (9), 1920-1954, including from Sir Hugh Allen, thanking for Boult's conducting of rehearsals; from Sir Edward Elgar, in regard to his arrival at Boult's rehearsal; from Ethel Smyth on the possible performance of her works; from Adam Carse, sending score of his latest composition. Typescript programme and repertoire lists, mainly 1920s-1930s.

Boult , Sir , Adrian Cedric , 1889-1983 , Knight , conductor
GB 0096 MS 1078 · Collection · 19th century

British Library music manuscripts, 19th century, comprise manuscript transcriptions of music manuscripts held at the British Library, in several unidentified hands. Contains copies of the following: - Harleian 4664: codex containing a wide variety of liturgical music, principally antiphons, of various dates - Harleian 2954: 15th century Sarum hymnary - Unidentified Harleian ms. - Lansdowne 460: 15th century Gregorian antiphonary - Lansdowne 462: late 14th century Sarum antiphonary - Lansdowne 463: late 14th century Sarum antiphomary and Kalendar - Harleian 978: antiphons for Easter and Saint's Days from mainly English sources.

GB 0074 LMA/4578 · Collection · 1958-2009

The focus of much of this collection is the academic work published by the British Music Therapy Society, chiefly the scholarly work delivered at Society conferences and published in the Society newsletter, later journal. This work mainly consists of research into possible uses of music in various therapeutic contexts with a variety of different potential patients. Research is mainly of a practical or observational nature, usually consisting of case studies of individuals or groups, though there is some research into the philosophical under-pinnings of music therapy. One of the main committees of the organisation was the Management Board of the Society Journal (LMA/4578/01/02), which deals with the content and editorial direction of the journal.

Other records deal with the administration and decision making of the Society in the form of minutes of the executive committee, which ran the Society, and the minutes of other committees that were formed as required. One of these committees, the Fund Raising Sub-committee, later the Juliette Alvin Music Therapy Fund Sub- committee (LMA/4578/01/03/002), established the Juliette Alvin Trust to provide support for trainee music therapists.

The Administrative Officer files deal with much of the day to day running of the Society, including correspondence records and files that deal with its charitable status.

The collection also includes records of the internal and external communication of the Society (including newsletters for members, and information booklets and press articles to boost their profile).

Society for Music Therapy and Remedial Music x British Society for Music Therapy
GB 0074 LMA/4569 · Collection · 2007-2015

Brent Black Music History and NARM (Naming and Role Models) Heritage Lottery Funded projects published booklets and DVD recordings (the latter are available by prior appointment). Also African Histories Revisited's published 'Race/Racism Primer' (2014).

BTWSC , voluntary organisation promoting social inclusion
GB 0505 BC AR500-885 · 1873-1985

Papers relating to fundraising for the buildings of Bedford College, 1897-1981, notably minutes, 1897-1905, and correspondence, 1905-1917, of the Endowment and Buildings Fund Committee; minutes and papers of various Appeals Committees, 1906-1916; correspondence, 1910-1933, concerning financing of building schemes at the Regent's Park site; papers of the Extension Fund Committee, 1919-1932, including committee minutes, minutes and correspondence of the Publicity Sub-Committee, appeal letters, programmes and leaflets for fundraising plays. Material relating to building and development at the Regent's Park site, 1910-1947, including architects' correspondence, mainly from Basil Champneys, concerning plans for the new Bedford College buildings at Regent's Park and the progress of the building work, 1910-1917; Champney's plans, 1913, for the Administrative Block, Senior Common Room, and Science Blocks A and B; plans by Haddocks of the Bursar's Office, 1922; plan and elevations of South Villa, 1926, by Simpson and Maxwell Ayrton; engineer's plans for the Botany Greenhouse and the heating system in the Physiology Laboratory, 1925; plans and watercolour impressions of the Tate Library, 1910, by J R Smith; coloured plans for the layout of rooms in the Physiology Laboratories, [1913]; Maxwell Ayrton's plans, 1925-[1930], for the Tuke Building; correspondence and plans relating to the drainage system at Bedford College, 1920-1947. Papers concerning post-war rebuilding of the Regent's Park site, 1942-1980, notably plans, 1942-1957, by Maxwell Ayrton of Oliver Block, the Herringham Building, the North Science Block (Darwin Building), and extensions to the Tuke Building; correspondence, papers and plans relating to the Tuke-Darwin Infill, 1966-1972; correspondence and plans relating to the Development Programme, 1964-1980, including a report on future library accommodation in the Acland Building, 1971, and proposed plans for an Oliver Infill, a Bedford College Union Society Building and a North Spur, 1979-1980; correspondence concerning the purchase of land for sports facilities, 1922-1925 and 1969-1971. Bursar's papers, 1924-1985, relating to the maintenance of Bedford College buildings, including minutes of the Premises Sub-Committee (Bursar's Meetings), 1965-1976, and minutes and papers of Special Bursar's meetings, 1982-1984; minutes, papers and accounts, 1966-1981 of the Refectory; Bursar's correspondence, 1924-1959; Bursar's working papers, 1978-1981; Bursar's copy of a management study on the efficiency of the Bedford College Administration, 1971, and the Peat-Matwick Report on the financial implications of the merger with Royal Holloway, 1983; minutes and papers of the Safety Committee, 1974-1985, and the General Services Sub-Committee, 1979. General material relating to the Bedford College Halls of Residence, 1873-1982, including legal correspondence concerning the lease and purchase of residential properties, 1922-1953; minutes and papers of the Lodgings Sub-Committee, 1892-1921, formed to vet accommodation offered to students; bound volume of letters offering lodgings to students, 1934-1937; correspondence concerning general policy matters, 1956-1974, and financial management, 1974-1982, of residential Halls; minutes and papers of the Halls of Residence Sub-Committee, 1976-1978; Boarding House accounts, 1873-1901. Correspondence and papers relating to the purchase, lease and maintenance of specific properties used as Halls of Residence, 1895-1985, namely 7, 8, 9, 10 and 28 York Place; South Villa; 17, 20, 35, 36 and 37 Dorset Square (Notcutt House); Bedford College House (Adamson Road and Buckland Crescent), later Lindsell Hall; Hanover Lodge, including plans and Warden's papers; Tennyson Hall; York Gate and Nottingham Terrace; The Holme; Broadhurst Gardens; Nottingham Place (Rachel Notcutt Hall); and St John's Lodge.

Bedford College
Bulgarian Theatre Collection
GB 0369 BUL · undated

Photographs from an exhibition The 100th anniversary of the Bulgarian Theater, with list of captions

Not known
GB 0074 CLC/240 · Collection · 1782-1883

Letters and papers of and concerning Maria Hackett (of 8 Crosby Square, Bishopsgate, 1783-1874), and letters relating to church music. 1782-[1910]. Compiled and collected early 20th century.

BURNEY, Charles (1726-1814)
GB 0100 KCLCA Burney · 1797-1798

Two letters addressed to 'Mrs Chambers', 3 Nov 1797, 19 Jan 1798, concerned with works on composition.

Burney , Charles , 1726-1814 , musician and author
BURRA, Edward (1905-1976)
GB 0070 TGA 771 · Fonds · 1901-1970s

Edward Burra was an English painter, illustrator and stage designer. This collection includes a wide variety of material reflecting Burra's eclectic interests. There is a small amount of correspondence; artwork including sketchbooks and mounted pages from sketchbooks; and proof illustrations for Humbert Woolfe's 'ABC of Theatre'. There are photographs of some of Burra's stage designs; material sent to Burra by Paul Nash; and a wide range of presscuttings, some relating to Burra, others collected out of interest. The two card indexes of books were made at the time of the inventory of his possessions at his home, soon after his death. Many of the books and other printed items are stored in the Tate Library. There is also a collection of Burra's 78s, jazz, blues, swing, Latin American and Spanish records. There is a further collection of Burra's papers, notebooks, diaries, artworks, photographs, exhibition catalogues, sound recordings and postcards at TGA 939.

Burra , Edward , 1905-1976 , painter
BUSK, Henrietta (1845-1936)
GB 0505 PP1 · 1891-1936, 1967

Correspondence and reports, 1891-1892, relating to a proposal to include Bedford College as one of the Schools of the University of London, including drafts and printed copy of a petition sent to the House of Commons and the House of Lords, 1891. Correspondence and reports, 1891-1898, relating to the establishment of the teaching University of London, notably resolutions and reports, 1892, by the Council and Staff of Bedford College giving their opinions on the proposed teaching University; copy of a speech by J Spencer Hill, Honorary Treasurer of the Chelsea Centre of the London University Extension Society, entitled 'A few words concerning the draft charter for the new teaching University for London', given at Gresham College, London, Nov 1891; letters and reports from the Committee for Opposing the Grant of the Albert University Charter, outlining the Committee's objections, Jan-Mar 1892; a printed copy of 'London University Commission Bill: arrangement of clauses' (1897); a pamphlet by members of the Convocation of the University of London, entitled Note on the occasion, effect and expediency of the compromise embodied in the London University Commission Bill, 1898. Correspondence, 1894-1895, comprising letters from William Bruce, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education, to Henrietta Busk, thanking her for help given to the Commission. Text of lecture on 'The position of women in the University of London, the provincial universities and the University of Wales', [1910], given by Professor Beatrice Edgell, Head of Philosophy at Bedford College, to the Council of the National Union of Women Workers. Papers, 1903-[1911] and 1967, relating to Busk's post as Honorary Secretary of the Bedford College Building and Endowment Fund, notably reports, 1903-1906, relating to proposals for a new site for Bedford College, including recommendations for fundraising and outlines of accommodation needs; two plans, [1908-1911], relating to the Regent's Park site and showing the proposed and actual development of the site by the architect Basil Champneys; correspondence, programmes and financial records, 1906-1911, relating to the performances of Greek plays by students and staff to raise money for the move of Bedford College to Regent's Park, including correspondence, 1967, between Doris Bains, Bedford College Librarian, and Kathleen Spears, Secretary of Bedford College, concerning material for use in the Granville Bantock Centenary Exhibition at the Barber Institute, Birmingham. Letter, Dec 1923, from Ethel Hurlbatt, Principal of the Royal Victoria College for Women, Canada, to Henrietta Busk, mainly concerning Canadian views of the League of Nations, and the Canadian Federation of University Women. Correspondence and notes, 1908-1936, relating to the history of Bedford College, mainly comprising accounts by Busk, [1934-1936], of the origins and early history of the College, notable early students, the roles of the Honorary Secretary of Bedford College Council, the Lady Resident and the Committee of Management in the running of the College, courses offered by the College in the 1850s, and reminiscences of Busk's mother concerning the early days of Bedford College; notes, [1933-1936], made by and for Dame Margaret Janson Tuke during her research for A History of Bedford College for Women, 1849-1937 (Oxford University Press, London, 1939), including handwritten notes of informal interviews with Busk.

Busk , Henrietta , 1845-1936 , educationalist
GB 0505 PP28 · 1906-1968

Articles, 1941-1968, mainly by Helen Maud Cam on historical topics, also including biographical articles and obituaries; report on 'The objections of the University of London Graduates Association to the scheme proposed by the Royal Commission on University education in London', Dec 1913, with notes by Cam on a meeting held by the students, 12 Nov 1913; items found in the Cam book bequest, 1918-1959, notably correspondence on literature, newspaper cuttings, especially relating to George Bernard Shaw, handwritten notes, and invitations; photographs, [1906-1918], mainly of groups of students at Royal Holloway College, including performances of College plays, and of Bryn Mawr College, USA.

Cam , Helen Maud Cam , 1885-1968 , historian
GB 1249 MS 6894 · 1934-1962

Papers of Graham Carritt, comprising letters to Carritt, 1935-1962, mainly relating to his recitals, including letters from Gerald Finzi, Finn Hoffding, Yrjö Kilpinen, Jan Masaryk, Robin Milford, Edmund Rubbra; programmes and cuttings of Carritt's lecture-recitals, 1934-1937.

Carritt , Reginald Graham , d 1980 , musician and lecturer
Catch Club, London
GB 0096 MS 970 · 1821-1832

Lists of the several catches, glees and canons to which gold medals have been adjudged by the Catch Club, from the year of its institution in 1761; with the names of the respective composers and the dates of their compositions. The awards for 1821-32 are added in manuscript.

Catch Club, London
GB 0120 PP/EBC · 1906-1980

The papers are very extensive though there are some lacunae, probably attributable to Chain's many changes of workplace. The early biographical period is sparsely documented, there are sporadic gaps in the correspondence files, and there is no original documentation of the penicillin research at Oxford (although there are many historical accounts and much correspondence about the history of penicillin). The surviving biographical material provides documentation of the arrangements for Chain to live and work in Britain, later honours and awards and his musical interests, and family correspondence, photographs and press-cuttings. There are very substantial records of his later career at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Imperial College, London, including his continuing contributions to biochemical problems such as carbohydrate metabolism, ergot alkaloids, edible proteins and aeration studies. The Imperial College material also contains records of the creation, administration, finance and architectural design of the Biochemistry Department, and developments in the Department after Chain's statutory retirement in 1973. Additional information about Chain's research is available in the documentation of his very extensive consultancy agreements and collaborative work with industrial firms such as Astra, Beechams and Rank Hovis McDougall, and records relating to government, grant-giving and charitable bodies such as the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research Campaign and Medical Research Council which contributed to the funding of his research. There is much material on Chain's lectures, addresses and broadcasts, and on his extensive travel on visits and conferences, which includes a substantial number of unpublished talks.

An exceptional feature of the Chain papers is the documentation of the large number of Israel and Jewish organisations with which he was associated, especially the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he was a governor for many years and had at one time considered taking up an appointment.

Chain , Sir , Ernst Boris , 1906-1979 , Knight , biochemist
GB 0074 DRO/107 · Collection · 1845-1969

Records of the parish of Christ Church, Barnet, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, and confirmations; registers of church services; working papers of the incumbent; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; papers of the Sunday School; magazines, publications, newspaper cuttings, historical notes and photographs; papers relating to tithes, glebes and terriers; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings and fittings, including faculties, correspondence, plans, specifications and architect's reports; and plans of the churchyard.

Parish of Christ Church, Barnet , Church of England
GB 0074 P93/CTC2 · Collection · 1842-1947

Records of the parish of Christ Church, Watney Street, Shadwell, including registers of baptisms and marriages; papers relating to parish boundaries and the benefice; and papers regarding the refurbishment of the organ.

Parish of Christ Church, Shadwell , Church of England
GB 0074 CLC/047 · Collection · 1853-1953

Records of the City Glee Club comprise: minutes, accounts, registers of members and performances, and records relating to the centenary.

City Glee Club
City Music Society
GB 0372 CITY MUSIC SOCIETY · Fonds · 1939-2005

Papers of the City Music Society (1939-2005), including: typescript minutes of the City Music Society, 1944-1994; administrative correspondence between the City Music Society and various organisations and individuals concerning various matters including membership, concert arrangements, musicians, concert pieces and other general matters, 1945-1999; programmes for City Music Society concerts, predominantly at the Bishopsgate Institute and Goldsmith's Hall, 1943-2002; annual reports of the City Music Society, 1943-2002; promotional leaflets and lists of City Music Society concerts, c1949-2005; two scrapbooks of press cuttings and typescript transcriptions of reviews of City Music Society concerts and advertisements, 1949-1981; cash account book of the City Music Society, 1943-1948; duplicate loose copies of `Westerham Press' City Music Society programmes, c1950-1969; invitations for City Music Society concerts, 1948-1999; early Society invoices and accounts, 1947-1962; rules and accompanying correspondence between and regarding founder members, 1949-1988; papers and correspondence regarding the 21st and 50th anniversaries of the City Music Society, 1964-1993; photographs of the City Music Society 50th anniversary concert at Goldsmith's Hall, 1993; papers, press cuttings and other material regarding Ivan Sutton's death and memorial service, 1996; non-City Music Society concert programmes, 1939-1963; members circulars, newsletters and publicity material, 1944-2005; handwritten alphabetical list of musicians who appeared at City Music Society concerts, n.d; annual general meeting, membership and subscription papers, 1949-2000; correspondence regarding works commissioned by the City Music Society with various composers, including correspondence files with Peter-Paul Nash, John McCabe and Geoffrey Burgon, 1970-1988; musical scores commissioned by and performed at City Music Society concerts, c1950-c1999; miscellaneous papers, including artist photographs, invitations and programmes, 1948-2001.

City Music Society
Classified Papers
GB 0117 Cl.P · 1660-1741

Scientific and other papers sent to the Royal Society, presented at meetings of Fellows, or commissioned by the Society. They form a complementary series to the Early Letters, both of which were superseded by the Letters and Papers. Many of these items, referred to as the 'Guard Books', are duplicated in the Register Book of the Society. The classification is a simplified form of the 'Philosophical Transactions' abridgment by John Lowthorp. This arrangement was completed in 1741 by Thomas Birch. The majority of the papers in these volumes are manuscript, but a few printed documents occur throughout the series. Some of the papers are earlier in date than the grant on 15 July 1662 of the First Charter to the Society. The Committee of Trades seems to have been associated with the earlier meetings of those philosophers who subsequently became Fellows, and produced a number of practical papers, some of which were written in 1639 and which are mostly found in Volume 3(i). There are still earlier documents, mostly in Volume 25, which may have been included in the gift, in 1667, of the Arundel Library.

CLIFFE, Frederic (1857-1931)
GB 1249 MS 6870-6871 · 1889-1929

Papers of Frederic Cliffe, comprising cuttings and correspondence, Feb 1908, regarding Cliffe's letter to The Daily Telegraph, advocating the performance of opera in the English language, and the establishment of a national opera house, 11 Feb 1908; Cliffe's reports as examiner on compositions of students at the Royal College of Music, 1907-1908; agreement with Novello & Co for publication of his 'Ode to the North East Wind', 1905; marriage certificate, 1897; Freemason's certificates, 1895 (MS 6870). Letters (c25) to Cliffe, 1889-1929, including from Sir George Grove and August Manns on performance of Cliffe's symphony for Crystal Palace, 1889; from C V Stanford, regarding submission of Cliffe's work for the Leeds Festival, 1901; from Hubert H Parry recommending Cliffe for appointment as Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, 1910; from Sir Hugh Allen, on Cliffe's retirement from the RCM, 1929 (MS 6871).

Cliffe , Frederic , 1857-1931 , musician, composer and teacher
GB 0114 MS0238 · Late 18th century-late 19th century

Papers relating to the Clift and Owen families, late 18th century-late 19th century, comprising a file of correspondence and papers between the Clift and Owen families. Including material relating to the parish placements of Sir Richard Owen's grandson, Richard Startin Owen, at St Giles Church, and the Parish of Mortlake; a manuscript copy of the inscription from Sir Richard Owen's great grandmother, Elizabeth Froysell's tomb; William Owen's certificate of admittance to the Royal Arch Masons, 1869; a manuscript settlement made between Sir Richard Owen's great grandparents, Richard Eskrigge and Elizabeth Froysell on their marriage, 1725; a letter from John Hunter to Brigadier Lambart, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces at Belle Isle, and Brigadier Lambart's reply, 1762; correspondence between Sir Richard Owen and his family; 2 pencil drawings by Mrs Clift; correspondence between William Clift and his family; correspondence of Sir Richard Owen from the Jessie Dobson estate; other letters to Sir Richard Owen; a diary belonging to William Clift recording activities in the museum, [1806-1816]; a letter from Antonio Scarpa, 1823 [including a transcription and translation]; sheet music for a song with lyrics by Eugenius Roche Esq and music by Gme Tronsson du Coudray, dedicated to Miss Caroline Amelia Clift; letter from Joshua Brookes to Nathan Pointer [1831]; 4 attendance cards for John W MacNee for lectures given by James Armour on Midwifery (1828), John Burns on Surgery (1827), the structure and diseases of the eye by William MacKenzie (1828), and lectures on anatomy by Robert Hunter (1826-1827); invitation card from E M van Butchell to view the embalmed remains of his wife, and a transcribed letter by William Clift from E M van Butchell regarding the display of his wife's remains, 1815; and various other Clift and Owen manuscripts.

Clift , William , 1775-1849 , museum curator and scientific illustrator Owen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , naturalist
GB 0505 BC AS210-215 · 1894-1974

Papers relating to the Athletics Union, comprising correspondence concerning the purchase and equipping of College sports grounds, 1919-1934, and an accounts book, 1937-1944; correspondence of the Sports Club, 1912 and 1942; minutes of the Architectural Society, 1894-1919; programmes and posters relating to the Bedford Light Opera Group, [1960-1970]; copies of Bots Up, the magazine of the Botany Department, 1972-1974; copy of Bio-Log, the magazine of the Biological Society (and successor to Bots Up), 1977; copies of Ho, the magazine of the Psychology Department, 1972-1974; minutes and member lists of the Geological Society, 1910-1944.

Bedford College
Cole, Maurice (1905-1984)
CLA/059 · Collection · 1905-1984

Correspondence, 1905-1984, of Maurice Cole, pianist and former student of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, relating to musical matters, particularly concert performances.

Cole , Maurice Arthur , b 1902 , concert pianist and Professor of Pianoforte, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
GB 1249 MS 6916, MS 6924 · c1897-1903

Letters (16) from Samuel Coleridge-Taylor to Edith Carr, (one dated 1897, remainder undated) mainly relating to his musical activities, publication of his recent works, repertoire for violin and orchestral parts for Carr's performance, the Handel Society; photocopy of photograph of Coleridge-Taylor, with dedication to Carr, 1902; printed letter (signed by Coleridge-Taylor) to a Mrs Prince inviting subscriptions for the Coleridge-Taylor Orchestral Concerts, Croydon, 1903-1904, with receipt for same, and photocopy of handbill for Central Croydon Choral Society concert featuring Coleridge-Taylor's cantata Meg Blane, 28 Mar 1903.

Taylor , Samuel Coleridge- , 1875-1912 , composer
GB 1249 Colles · 1938-1939

Papers of Henry Cope Colles, 1938-1939, as editor of the Fourth edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Macmillans, London, 1940), comprising correspondence with contributors of articles and subjects of articles, including particular accumulations of correspondence with Eric Blom: Alfredo Casella: Sir Henry Walford Davies; Richard Capell; Alfred Einstein; Edwin Evans; Arthur Henry Fox Strangways; Francis William Galpin; Anselm Hughes; Macario Santiago Kastner; Alfred Loewenberg; Gustave Reese; Percy Alfred Scholes; Marion Margaret Scott; John Brande Trend.

Colles , Henry Cope , 1879-1943 , musician and historian Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians