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  • Use to mean the subjects taught, the time allotted to each, and the sequence.
  • Utiliser pour signifier les matières enseignées, le temps alloué à chacune, leur enchaînement dans un programme.
  • Utilizar para referirse a las asignaturas impartidas, al tiempo dedicado a cada una y a su integración en un programa.

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    Gelijksoortige termen


    • UF Course content
    • UF Curriculum content
    • UF Programme of study
    • UF Syllabus
    • UF Contenu du cours
    • UF Contenu du curriculum
    • UF Programme d'étude
    • UF Syllabus
    • UF Contenido del curso
    • UF Plan del curso
    • UF Programa de estudios
    • UF Programa del curso

    56 Archivistische beschrijving results for Curriculum

    GB 0100 KCLCA C/PUB, C/RPT, C/HAN, C/SYL, CU/HAN, CSU/REG, CSU/F, C/REG · 1895-1985

    South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Prospectuses, Handbooks and other Publications, 1895-1985. This class of material forms the most readily accessible source of information on the academic and other historical development of the College from its inception until the merger with King's and Queen Elizabeth College in 1985, and notably contains sets of general undergraduate prospectuses for Chelsea courses, 1895-1985, and of general postgraduate syllabuses, 1967-1985; prospectuses for specific undergraduate and postgraduate component courses of study including physics, chemistry, electronics, pharmacy and science education, 1962-1985 (Ref: C/SYL); student information brochures including information on courses, facilities, regulations, Library readers' guides and other academic services handbooks and College histories, 1932-1996 (Ref: C/HAN, C/PUB); Student Union handbooks and related publications such as activities booklets and Union constitution, 1959-1984 (Ref: CU/HAN, CSU/REG, CSU/F); Annual Reports summarising College business, including departmental summaries, finances, academic awards, appointments and retirements and notable events, with statistics and some higher degree and professional examination results in reports prior to the incorporation of the College into the University of London, 1896-1983; a collection of ad hoc reports addressing specific issues concerning Chelsea such as the evolution of the Higher Education sector in the United Kingdom, reports on scientific expeditions to the Azores, Arctic and other locations, and progress reports on research projects undertaken at Chelsea, 1909-1983 (Ref: C/RPT); College rules and regulations including financial regulations, 1967-1982 (Ref: C/REG).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU, 1993/NUFF, 1994/CDD, 1995/CNU, 1996/CNU · 1949-1993

    Records of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP), 1949-1993 but mainly dating from the 1960s and 1970s, including general administrative papers, 1961-1974; the Secondary Science Education Programme, 1965-1974; the Junior Science Project, 1960-1974; the Combined Science Project, 1964-1970; A-level in Physical Sciences, 1955-1974; Physics A- and O-level, 1963-1972; Chemistry O-level, 1962-1974; Chemistry A-level, 1962-1974; Biology O-level, 1962-c1973; Biology A-level, 1963-1972; records relating to publications, also including material on NFSTP administration, 1949-1992; published texts, 1960-1993; and film loops and accompanying teaching notes, 1966-1978, for various subjects and age groups.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/ALPS · 1955-1974

    Records, 1955-1974, of the Nuffield Foundation A-level Physical Science (ALPS) course, comprising draft proposals for the A-level in Physical Sciences and contents of the course, 1966-1971, including report on general entry requirements to universities, 1967, progress report, 1968, information for pupils, 1968, and papers relating to course content, 1969-1971; Nuffield Foundation administrative papers relating to the A-level in Physical Sciences, 1964-1973, mostly correspondence; working party papers, 1965-1968, relating to structure of the course; papers relating to meetings and conferences, 1964-1970, including meetings of the Joint Committee on Physical Sciences and the Physical Sciences consultative committee and correspondence with the GCE (General Certificate of Education) Liaison Committee and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate; papers relating to trial schools, 1966-1968, including question papers, correspondence concerning admission to universities, and summary of comments received; correspondence with schools, Local Education Authorities and colleges of further education, 1965-1974, the subjects including different kinds of schools, feedback, and teaching materials; newsletters, 1967-1971, including information on the teacher's guide and student's workbook; schools questionnaire, 1971; papers relating to examinations, 1966-1971, including details of candidates, sample papers, result sheets and requirements for university entrance; papers on projects submitted by candidates, 1967-1971; papers relating to apparatus and scientific developments for the A-level in Physical Sciences, 1966-1971; correspondence with universities, polytechnics, and UCCA (later the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service), 1965-1972, including acceptance of ALPS for entry; introductory teachers' guides and course contents, 1967-1970; publications and articles, 1965-1971, including correspondence with publishers of textbooks and other materials; miscellaneous papers, 1955-1968, including correspondence with the Civil Service Commission and the armed forces concerning acceptance of ALPS candidates for entry; papers written by members of the Physical Sciences Group, 1965-1968 and undated, on various scientific topics, including preparatory material on their drafting; teachers' guides and papers prepared by teachers in trials schools, 1966-1967 and undated, on various scientific topics, with introductory sections and questions and answers.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/CAL · 1962-1974

    Records, 1962-1974, on the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project Chemistry A-level course with some papers relating also to the Chemistry O-level and to the Chemistry Project overall, comprising papers on Chemistry O- and A-level, 1964-1967, including papers on trials by schools and training courses; Chemistry A-level general files and correspondence, 1966-1971, including general framework of a proposed course, 1966, circulars to schools, and papers relating to meetings, including the headquarters team; correspondence files, 1963-1971, including team leaders and trials schools; administrative correspondence, 1964-1974, including finance and enquiries; teachers' courses and correspondence with schools offering A-level Chemistry, 1968-1974; papers relating to examinations, 1966-1972, including statistics, question papers, and marking schemes; papers relating to examinations, 1964-1974, including sample examination papers and correspondence with schools concerning examination papers and past pupils and with universities concerning admissions; papers relating to examinations, 1966-1972, including examinations meetings and reports; trial school briefing conferences and meetings, including agendas and minutes, 1966-1969; A-level Chemistry reports and documents, 1965-1966, including objectives, apparatus and materials, experiments, topics, teaching materials, training and trial schools; A-level chemistry correspondence and topic 17, 1966-1973, including correspondence with the Schools Council and papers relating to the topic on thermodynamics; papers on publications, apparatus and equipment, A-level Chemistry, 1965-1974; papers on Special Studies, 1965-1972, including papers of the working groups, outline and intention of Special Subjects, and correspondence with schools; files, 1965-1972, relating to various Topics; guides to Topics, A-level Chemistry, 1967, mostly Teachers' Guides, and Information for Pupils; other guides and programmed texts, on various Topics, c1967-1969; Chemistry O- and A-level general papers, 1962-1973, including papers relating to accommodation of the Chemistry section of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, 1962, papers relating to the establishment of the chemistry project, 1962-1964, and papers and correspondence on apparatus, the distribution of texts, and examinations; Chemistry Project Notes for Discussion, 1962; Chemistry Project Memoranda, 1962.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/PAL, CNU/POL · 1963-1972

    Records, 1963-1972, of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project Physics A-level (PAL) and Physics O-level (POL) courses, comprising papers and correspondence relating to PAL examinations, apparatus and publications, 1963-1972, including development of the course, teaching materials, recognition of Nuffield Foundation PAL by examining boards, requests for information, trial schools, examination papers, 1970-1972, and returns from ex-students in higher education evaluating the course, 1971; POL correspondence files, 1963-1970, covering universities and trials schools, questions, teaching materials, training for teachers, and comments on examinations; papers relating to POL examinations and apparatus, 1964-c1968; correspondence with schools concerning the Physics Project, 1963-1967, including some details of pupils.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/STP · 1961-1974

    General administrative and reference papers, 1961-1974, of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, comprising correspondence and other papers, 1962-1973, including progress reports relating to dependent projects, correspondence on trustees, circulars to schools, material on teachers and teaching materials, staffing, curriculum development and training, correspondence with other bodies including the Association for Science Education and the Schools Council, and papers on trials, coordinators, and budgets for projects; papers relating to meetings and conferences, 1961-1972, including sixth-form science teaching, educational aid overseas, training science teachers, and Nuffield O-levels and A-levels; papers relating to publications and films, 1963-1973, including correspondence on films with Unilever Ltd and the BBC and on text books, and correspondence with publishers; papers relating to apparatus and equipment, 1964-1974, including correspondence with manufacturers, orders, papers on safety, laboratory design and storage of apparatus, equipment trials, and lists of suppliers; papers relating to teaching materials and examinations, 1964-1973, including examination papers on O- and A-level physics, physical sciences, chemistry and biology, papers relating to CSE examinations, correspondence on the acceptance of pupils with Nuffield qualifications at universities, and papers on programmed learning, multiple choice testing, and pupils' responses.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP29 · Created 1988

    Copy notes and diagrams, 1988, on 'General theory of colour', and planetary motion, with diagrams and covering letters; paper, Jul 1988, on 'The foundations of knowledge', listing an ideal syllabus.

    Zonder titel
    GB 2108 GH · 1917-c1975

    Records, 1917-c1975, of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College and its successor, Gipsy Hill College of Education, including papers, 1917-1947, of the Principal, Lillian de Lissa, including correspondence, photographs, published material and artefacts; Governors' minutes, 1930-1947; staff ledger, 1920s; staff meeting minutes, 1930s-1940s; financial records, 1930s-1940s; correspondence, 1917-1918, 1943-1955, with the Board of Education, subsequently Ministry of Education; student records, 1917-1959; papers relating to examinations, 1917-c1925; syllabuses and inspectors' reports, 1920s; newsletter, 1940s-1950s; Old Students' Association correspondence, 1950s; photographs of buildings, staff, students and events, 1917-c1975; prospectuses; building plans; artefacts, including crockery and badges.

    Zonder titel
    GB 2108 KU · 1899-[2002]

    Records, 1899-[2002], of Kingston University and its predecessors, largely dating from the 1960s and after:

    Kingston Art and Technical Schools visitors' book, 1899-1909.

    Minutes and papers, 1970-[2002] (some series incomplete), of the Governors, Academic Board, and various committees relating to administration, academic matters, the library, student welfare, security, finance, employment, and staff, also including the Formation Committee, 1992.

    Other administrative papers include papers relating to the proposal for a polytechnic, 1960s, and the transition to Polytechnic status, including draft schemes, 1967, and scheme of government, 1976; CNAA Quinquennial Reports, 1974, 1979, and Institutional Review, 1984; various proposals, corporate plans and annual reports.

    Departmental records include Industrial Liaison Centre publications, including reports, 1960s, Industrial Liaison Topics newsletter, continued by Kingston Regional Management Centre (KRMC), 1966-1977, KRMC proposal document, mid-1970s, minutes and papers, 1977-1980, brochure, 1978, newsletter Kingston Topics, 1981-1983, and Director's Report, 1984/5; Library records, 1960s-1990s, including guides; Computer Services/IT Handbooks and newsletters, 1980s; syllabuses for various courses, 1960s-1970s; report of Board of Education inspection of School of Art, 1936, and College of Art papers relating to fashion design contest, 1965, and exhibition, 1984.

    Various reports include Jubilee and Inspectors reports, 1930s-1960s; Liberal Studies report of development, 1956-1967; joint report with Kingston Arts Council, 'An Arts Centre for Kingston', 1973; research reports, 1965-1984.

    Various publications include the Golden Jubilee (1899-1949) history [1949] (photocopy); published history of Kingston Polytechnic, 1980; various newsletters, 1970s-1990s; handbook on administrative practices and procedures, 1982; various general prospectuses and prospectuses for individual Schools and courses; and various departmental publications.

    Staff records include various job descriptions and advertisements, 1960s-1970s; Staff Association papers; and staff periodicals and articles.

    Papers relating to events include conference programmes, reports and proceedings, 1960s-1970s; exhibition catalogues, 1970s-1990s; programmes and other records relating to prizes and awards ceremonies, open days and presentation/graduation ceremonies, 1960s-1980s; Incorporation Celebrations papers, 1989.

    Student Union papers, 1960s-1970s, including constitution, minutes, handbooks, and magazines including Facet.

    Photographs and plans of buildings and sites, 1960s-1990s, including new premises.

    Miscellaneous photographs, loose and in albums, and slides, 1940s-1980s.

    Press cuttings, 1931-[1990s].

    Zonder titel
    GB 2108 KUAS113 · 1959-[1989]

    Records created or held by Dennis Berry while he was the Head of the Architecture department at Kingston School of Art/ Kingston College of Art/ Kingston Polytechnic (now Kingston University). Includes photographs, scrap books, notes on town plan exhibitions and projects, notes on curriculum and examinations, meeting minutes, diaries, leaflets and publications from the Architecture department, and posters for an Architecture talk 1959.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0098 KP · Created 1882-1985

    Records of the Department of Physics of Imperial College, 1882-1985, including a departmental history from 1851-1960; papers relating to courses, 1885-1982, including course syllabus, 1885, 1903, 1928; laboratory experiment papers, 1982; research on uranium, 1940-1941; laboratory notes, 1895; papers relating to a departmental photograph, [1893]; lecture notes, 1892;
    correspondence, including with the adminstration department, of Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, 1908-1929; Professor Robert John Strutt, 1908-1920; Professor Alfred Fowler, 1910-1924; Professor Frederic John Cheshire, 1917-1925; Professor Louis Claude Martin, 1917-1950; Professor Alexander Oliver Rankine, 1927-1937; relating to photography, 1945-1951; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1980; purchase of equipment, 1965-1974; examination papers, 1933-1969; inventories of apparatus, 1947-1969; students' newspapers, 1985;

    papers relating to Astronomical Physics, including reports of the Solar Physics Committee, 1882-1911; demonstrations and practical work, 1889-1931; Spectroscopic laboratory record, 1906-1936, equipment, 1912; examinations notebook, 1883-1921; Astronomical laboratory visitors' book, 1907-1914 (KPA);

    correspondence of Professor Herbert Dingle, 1928-1944, principally relating to the acquistion of a spectrograph (KPAB); correspondence of Reginald William Blake Pearse, 1931-1950 (KPAC); papers written by Sir William de Wiveslie Abney (printed), 1874-1917 (KPC);

    course booklet for Atmospheric Physics, [1977] (KPM); papers of the Applied Optics Section, including correspondence, 1912-1918; minutes and correspondence of the Technical Optics (later Applied Optics) Committee, 1918-1974; papers relating to events, including open day, 1961; Jubilee celebrations, 1968; 60th anniversary celebrations, 1978; general papers, 1943-1979 (KPT); inventory of apparatus, 1917-1960 (KPTA).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0098 UL · Created 1901-1989

    Records of Imperial College relating to the University of London, 1901-1989, including correspondence concerning syllabuses and examinations, 1901-1905; Principal's correspondence, 1910-1914; centenary celebrations, 1935; 150th anniversary, 1986; student accommodation, 1943-1944; Commissioners, 1927-1928; University of London Act and Statutes, 1926-1956; reports and proposed Act, 1975-1981; establishment of Imperial College as a University School, 1907-1908; correspondence with the Court concerning grants, 1930-1946; visitations and inspections, 1923-1985, including reports; papers relating to Quinquennial estimates, visits, developments and policy, 1946-1980, including Rector's papers, 1957-1969; academic plan, 1965-1970; governance of the university, notably Rector's correspondence, 1970-1983; reports, 1972-1982; Senate minutes, 1987-1989 (UL4-ULB);

    Military Education Committee and Officers' Training Corps correspondence and papers, 1908-1958, including D Company roll book, 1927-1936; University Air Squadron correspondence, 1935-1939 (ULC); Conference and Committee papers on Engineering, and award of degrees, 1909-1926; correspondence concerning the recognition of Imperial College courses, 1945-1969; entrance and pass requirements for BSc degrees, 1954-1963; papers relating to postgraduate courses, 1961-1987 (ULG); correspondence relating to examinations and curricula, 1908-1934; student registration, 1952; confidential theses, 1940-1945 (ULH); Boathouse Committee papers, 1934-1947; University of London Students' Union ephemera, 1989 (ULM);
    papers relating to the Nuclear Reactor Centre, Silwood Park, 1958-1980, notably opening, 1964-1965; purchase of the reactor, 1958-1965; Reactor Safety Committee, 1964-1974 (ULN);
    papers concerning University Chairs and Readerships, 1908-1968, including regulations, 1922; correspondence concerning proposed Chairs and appointments, 1943-1968; Chairs tenable at Imperial College, 1943-1957; conferment of title of Professor and Readerships, 1931-1965; endowment of a Chair and Readership in Electrical Engineering, 1953-1958; applications for Assistant Professorships in Mining and Botany, 1908-1910 (ULO); papers concerning appointments to Chairs, with some papers concerning funding and administration for the Departments of Aeronautics, 1943-1975; Biochemistry, 1955-1979; Biology, 1952-1953; Botany including Biochemistry and Plant Physiology, 1936-1979; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1935-1977; Analytical Chemistry, 1964-1975; Organic Chemistry, 1937-1978; Physical Chemistry, 1937-1977; Civil Engineering, 1945-1973; Computing and Control, 1974-1977; Electrical Engineering, 1944-1978; Geology, 1929-1975; Industrial Sociology, 1967-1978; Mathematics, 1946-1978; Mechanical Engineering, 1931-1978; Metallurgy, 1939-1976; Meteorology, 1933-1974; Mining, 1912-1980; Physics, 1937-1977; Zoology, 1930-1977 (ULP); appointments of readers in the Departments of Aeronautics and Aerodynamics, 1949-1972; Botany, 1942-1970; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1932-1970; Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, 1937-1965; Organic Chemistry, 1944-1971; Civil Engineering, 1946-1977; Computing and Control, 1967-1968; Electrical Engineering, 1947-1965; Geology, 1936-1976; Mathematics, 1932-1977; Mechanical Engineering, 1936-1967; Metallurgy, 1937-1970; Meteorology, 1938-1970; Mining, 1950-1975; Physics, 1938-1970; Zoology, 1937-1970 (ULR);
    correspondence concerning the recognition of college staff as teachers of the University, 1908-1949; establishment of the London Graduate School of Business Studies, 1963-1966; collaboration with Queen Elizabeth College, 1968-1981; with the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1968-1974; correspondence with Royal Holloway College, 1918-1974; with University College concerning a course on air navigation, 1936-1953 (UM).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 CA/G/M, CA/C/M, CA/S/M, CA/S/MP, CA/CS/M, CA/M, CA/CS/MP · 1888-1985

    South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, Chelsea College Governing Body, Council and Academic Board Minute Books, 1888-1985. This series of minute books comprises one of the most important sources of evidence of the strategic and academic development within the Polytechnic and College from the earliest subscription campaign for the new Institute to the closure of Chelsea when it merged with King's in 1985. It comprises the main class of College governance minutes with a duplicate set covering the years 1906-1966, and in particular the manuscript minutes of the Executive or Governing Body of the South Western Polytechnic (with index), 1881-1906; printed and bound minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1906-1918; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body and Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1919-1922; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body, 1923-1966; folders of typescript minutes of the Governing Body, 1966-1972 (Ref: CA/G/M); folders containing typescript Chelsea Council minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/C/M). Governing Body/Council minutes typically contain information on appointments and salaries, strategic and academic planning, academic services, scholarships and student numbers, the relationship with other Higher Education institutions and merger details. Incomplete manuscript and typescript Board of Studies and complete typescript Academic Board and Senate minutes, 1917-1931, 1962-1985 (Ref: CA/S/M), covering topics including departmental organisation, examinations, grants and student discipline; meeting papers relating to the Senate minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/S/MP). Minutes of Special Committees of the Governing Body/Council such as Non-Academic Staff Committee, 1966-1981, Sites and Buildings, 1966-1985; Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1967-1985; Residence and Refectories Committee/Amenities Committee, 1967-1985; Development Committee, 1971-1976; Staff Association, 1956-1976; Sports Ground Committee, 1972-1985; Joint Athletic Ground Committee, 1922-1939; Joint Policy Committee, 1973-1978 (Ref: CA/CS/M, CA/M); Special Committee meeting papers for the Academic Planning Committee and a working party on the College Library, 1965-1983 (Ref: CA/CS/MP).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA Bloxam · 1832-1929

    Collection comprises copies of correspondence, lecture notes and ephemera relating to the career of Charles Bloxam, including correspondence with other chemists such as John Frederic Daniell, Professor of Chemistry, King's College London, Sir Frederick Augustus Abel and Professor August Wilhelm Hofmann, Director of the Royal College of Chemistry, especially concerning the properties of electricity, the publication of chemistry text books by Bloxam and Abel, and the education received by Bloxam at the Royal College, 1834-1929; correspondence relating to the management of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and Bloxam's resignation as lecturer, 1856-1882; papers concerning Bloxam's tenure at King's College London, notably including reference to the reorganisation of the teaching of chemistry at King's, 1854-1873; working papers on the teaching of chemistry at King's, including outlines of the content of lectures and syllabuses, 1846-1871; lecture notes on the properties of allotropes of carbon, the calcium group of earth metals, metals in solution and solutions of acids and non- metallic bodies, 1870-1887; notebook compiled by Bloxam describing a wide variety of basic experiments including the the decomposition of water, distillation of coal and the fermentation of sugar, [1870-1887]; texts of various lectures delivered by Bloxam, 1858-1865; accounts relating to the supply of laboratory equipment to King's College and with John Churchill, Bloxam's publishing company, 1832-1890; school report for Bloxam, 1842-1846; documentation relating mainly to the funeral and marriage arrangements of family members, 1856-1872; obituaries and biography of Bloxam by David Ian Davies, published in Analytical Proceedings, August, 1981.

    Zonder titel
    MYERS, Professor Kate
    GB 0366 MYE · Collectie · 1970s-1990s

    Papers of Professor Kate Myers, 1970s-1990s, pricipally material related to jobs as Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) co-ordinator for the Schools Council sex differentiation project; ILEA advisory teacher for equal opportunities; SCDC equal opportunities project (which resulted in Genderwatch); and gender equality inspector in Ealing (which for a time was part of a consortium of boroughs involved in an Equal Opportunities project based at the Institute of Education), chiefly comprising original booklets, committee reports and a few handwritten responses/letters. Files include: sexual harrassment; sexism and gender difference in schools; women and work; women teachers and the NUT; special needs and sex equality; equal opportunities policies in London Education Authorities, especially the ILEA; curriculum and gender (science, maths, home economics, PE, geography, history, RE, exams); Australia; careers opportunities for women; copies of Equal Opportunities resources in the ILEA; and school governors.

    Zonder titel
    HANDS Family
    GB 0366 WH · Collectie · 1876-1949

    This collection mainly consists of personalia including educational certificates, school reports, examination papers, and notebooks of William Joseph George Hands' mathematical studies at Cambridge. It includes a small amount of ephemera relating to the Board of Education Exhibition which took place in connection with the Imperial Education Conference, 1923 and to the activities of the International Educational Society. Also included are a paper by Hands on 'A simplified curriculum based on occupations', 1925, and papers on experiments with English composition at St Mary's Boys' School, Weymouth and with the topical treatment of history and geography at S. Aldhelm's Girls' School, Branksome, c.1910.

    Zonder titel
    Royal College of Art Archive
    GB 1134 RCAA · Collectie · 1896-ongoing

    Records of the Royal College of Art, 1896-ongoing, comprising administrative records, including governing body minutes, 1896-ongoing; staff records, 1930s-ongoing and student records, 1898-ongoing; annual reports, 1937-1959 (incomplete) and 1968-ongoing (complete); prospectuses, 1898-2014 (incomplete); press cuttings, 1940s-1999; exhibition catalogues, 1930s-ongoing, including degree-show catalogues, 1972-ongoing; student magazines, 1896-ongoing, including the RCA Students' Magazine, 1911-1915 (first series), 1921-1924 (second series), and ARK magazine, 1950-1977; publications including the books of the Graphic Design department's Lion and Unicorn Press, 1952-c1984, the Illustration department's Inklings imprint, 1971-1995, and miscellaneous departmental publications, 1950s-ongoing. Manuscript material includes correspondence, minutes and accounts relating to the operations of ARK magazine and the Lion and Unicorn Press. A photographic collection contains images relating to the history of the College and examples of students' work, 1910s-ongoing, including over 5,000 prints; a separately administered photographic record of student work contains c40,000 slides of installation shots of student work exhibited in the degree shows, 1961-1978 (incomplete), 1979-2002 (complete), and upwards of 60,000 born-digital images, 2003-ongoing.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CA/SFB, CA/STATS, CA/REG · 1895-1938

    South-Western Polytechnic and Chelsea Polytechnic fees book registers for day classes, 1895-[1928], fees book registers for evening classes, 1897-1915 (Ref: CA/SFB), statistics books, 1907-1938 (Ref: CA/STATS), miscellaneous register, 1897-[1913] (Ref: CA/REG). Information contained in fees books typically includes name, age, occupation, classes, time per week and fees. Statistics books contain information on terms kept, student hours per registration, per subject and class entries per term. The miscellaneous register contains lists of certificates awarded to students, the wording on them and distribution details.

    Zonder titel

    Film loops and accompanying teaching notes, 1966-1978, produced for the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, on various subjects and for different age groups. Some were made in collaboration with university departments and companies. They comprise Biology O-level film loops, 1966-1967, and teaching notes, 1968-1977 where reprinted, published by Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, the Longman Group Ltd and Penguin Books Ltd and directed and edited by Ian Hills; Chemistry O-level film loops, 1966-1967, and teaching notes, 1968-1977 where reprinted, published by Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, the Longman Group Ltd and Penguin Books Ltd and produced by the Film Unit of the Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd with Denis Segaller as producer; Advanced Biology film loops, 1970, published by Penguin Books Ltd and produced by James Archibald and Associates Ltd; Advanced Chemistry film loops, 1970-1972, produced by World Wide Pictures Ltd; Advanced Physics film loops, 1971, produced by James Archibald and Associates Ltd; Secondary Science film loops, including some trial versions, 1970-1974, published by the Longman Group Ltd and produced by Halas and Batchelor Ltd with Dorothy Dallas as supervising editor; Combined Science film loops, 1970-1972, some with reprinted teaching notes, 1976-1978, published by Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, the Longman Group Ltd and Penguin Books Ltd and produced by Stewart Films Ltd, Malvern.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/COL, CNU/COL/NCR · 1962-1974

    Records, 1962-1974, of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project Chemistry O-level course, comprising general papers and correspondence, 1962-1974, including staff appointments, training, interested schools, teaching materials, and revision of the course; papers relating to committee meetings and conferences, 1963-1972, including the revision committee; papers relating to examinations, c1964-c1974, including examination entrants; papers relating to revision of the course, including questionnaire, 1971-1974; publications and films, 1964-1968; drafts for the teachers' guides, 1960s-1972; drafts for pupils' handbook, c1970-1972, on various topics; revision of topics, 1971-1974 and undated, including drafts and final papers on various topics.

    Zonder titel

    Records, 1905-1988, of Queen Elizabeth College, its predecessors at King's College London and King's College for Women, and King's College of Household and Social Science. They comprise Bursar's Records, consisting of correspondence, 1946-1977, and papers, 1966-1979, on subjects including safety, estates and accommodation, sports facilities, refectory, students' union, and hall fees (Ref: QAB); council and committee members' correspondence files, 1908-1957 (Ref: QA/CC); Principal's records, 1908-1985 (Ref: QAP); records relating to the Library, 1905-1986 and undated, comprising minutes of the Library committee, 1905-1977, published material on physiology, medicine, housing, cookery and domestic applications, 1912-1975, and on nutrition and health in Malawi, 1969-1973, Rhodesia, 1963-1965, and Nigeria, 1972, papers on administration, finance and accessions, 1962-1986, and a design report on the proposed new library, 1979 (Ref: QAL/PUB, 1992/QAL/F, QAL/M, QAL/F); minutes, 1911-1985, of the Executive Committee and Council and other College bodies (Ref: QA/C/M, QA/CS/M, QA/F/M, QA/FS/M, QA/AB/M, QA/TC/M, QA/CB/M, QA/LC/M, QA/AM/M, QA/TF/M, QA/OC/M, QA/HC/M, QA/MP, Q/AUT); Registrar's records, 1967-1988, on academic subjects, computing, timetabling, accommodation, curricula, award of degrees, constitutional matters, admissions and fees (Ref: 1989/QAR); Secretary's records, 1914-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF, 1987/QAS, QAS/FP/II-III); various title deeds and other formal legal documents, 1911-1985 (Ref: QA/T); financial records, 1913-1985 (Ref: QA/L, QA/J, QA/CB, QA/PCB, QA/WB, QA/SAB, QA/SFB, QA/ACC, QAF); personnel records (Ref: QA/FP, QA/RC).

    Zonder titel
    CULLEN, William (1710-1790)
    GB 0100 TH/PP18 · 1771

    Papers of William Cullen, comprising notes of his lectures, taken by an unidentified student, 1771, entitled 'Methodus medendi febrium', including lectures on arthritis and gout, malaria and measles.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0098 K · Created 1871-1996 (ongoing)

    Records relating to Imperial College academic departments, 1857-1996, principally concerning courses, scholarships, awards and prizes, comprising Rector's reports on departments, and reports from departments, 1908-1909 (K1); undergraduate syllabuses, 1993-1996 (K2); papers concerning courses at the Royal School of Mines and Imperial College, including pamphlets, 1923-1987, Preliminary Science Course, minutes and correspondence, 1955-1961, undergraduate research directories, 1980-1990 (K3);
    research reports of Imperial College, 1971-1980, Royal School of Mines, 1950-1972, Royal College of Science, 1950-1971, City and Guilds College, 1946-1973, Clothworkers' Company grant, 1932-1937; research reports and annual reviews for the Departments of Computing, 1984-1985, Biochemistry, 1991, Materials, 1985-1989, Chemical Engineering, 1981-1989, Aeronautics, 1981-1986, Physics, 1981-1985, Social and Economic Studies, 1981-1985, Civil Engineering, 1981-1985, Chemistry, 1981-1983, Humanities, 1981-1986, Electrical Engineering, 1985-1986, Geology, 1981-1983, Mineral Resources and Engineering, 1981-1983, Mathematics, 1981-1985, the Blackett Laboratory, 1985-1987 (K4);
    papers relating to postgraduate courses, including information booklets, 1963-1994, special lecture courses, 1924-1960, correspondence, 1955-1966 (K5);
    papers relating to undergraduate awards, including opportunities for women, 1956-1975, Royal School of Mines awards, [1980];
    papers concerning scholarships and prizes awarded by Shell Oil technology, 1963-1968, Institute of Petroleum, 1923-1947, Charles Douglas Wheeler Prize, 1944-1951, British Overseas Mining Association, 1958-1969, Bennett Hooper Brough medal, 1909-1911, Glorney scholarship, 1917-1978, William Selkirk scholarships, 1945-1951, Judd prize and Watts medal, 1932, Bessemer prize, 1881-1927, Forbes Memorial medal, 1857-1954, Frank Hatton prize, 1885-1956, Tyndall prize, 1878-1962, Federated Malay States Chamber of Mines award, 1936-1960, Clement Le Neve Foster prize, 1912-1921, Illing prize, 1955-1962, Charles Salter prize, 1956-1963, Perry medal and prize, 1914-1960, Faber prize, 1943-1944, Baker prize for Analytical Chemistry, 1945-1956, Mary Datchelor School prize, 1949-1959, Finsbury medal, 1952-1961, David Spurr memorial medal, 1952-1961, Callendar prize in Physics, 1961-1963, H V A Briscoe prize in Inorganic Chemistry, 1964, Hinchley medal, 1942-1947, Cullis testimonial fund, 1937-1948, Kackson prize, 1952-1968, Murchison medal, 1871-1967, Marshall scholarship, 1882-1972, Warrington Smyth memorial fund, 1894-1971, Ure bursary, 1942, Vickers Group scholarship, 1969-1971, Mining scholarships, 1936-1971, Liversidge scholarship, 1928-1934, Iron and Steel Institute prize, 1966-1971, Sir Alexander McRobert memorial prize, 1945-1971, Texaco Scholarship, 1959-1963, Grace Madeline Beatty scholarships, 1959-1967, J W Siddorn prize, 1971, Unwin scholarship in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 1935-1976, Harwood Prize, 1974-1976, Mitchell scholarship, 1975-1977, Pippard memorial medal, 1971-1972, Henry Ford II scholar award for Engineering, 1978-1981 (K6);
    papers relating to postgraduate awards, comprising Dominion Science scholarships, 1923-1934, Acland essay competition, 1926-1960, Rees Jeffreys Road fund bursaries, 1962-1966, British Aircraft Corporation scholarships, 1961-1968, British Association exhibitions, 1967-1973, Rothschild Foundation fellowships, 1977-1980, Marks and Spencer fellowship, 1977-1978, proposed Usmani scholarship, 1986-1990 (K7); Royal School of Mines postgraduate awards, comprising Frecheville Research Fellowships, 1913-1922, Andre Dorfman Fellowship in Mining, 1962, Royal Dutch scholarship in Geophysics, 1966-1981, Amoco scholarship in petroleum reservoir engineering, 1970-1976, RTZ Educational Trust awards, 1960 -1967, Matthey Prize, 1897-1968, Arthur William Groves bursary, Shell Scholarship, 1991 (K8); Royal College of Science postgraduate awards, comprising Huxley memorial medal, 1899-1962, Sir John Wolfe Barry studentship on Entomology, 1912-1914, Harold John Cotes Fellowship in Protein Enzymology, 1948-1951, Applied Optics bursary, 1955-1972, Henry George Plimmer Fellowship, 1918-1966 (K9); City and Guilds College postgraduate awards, comprising Leverhulme studentship in Chemical Engineering, 1938-1957, ICI fellowships, 1945-1956, Concrete structures bursaries, 1959-1986, Wakefield Scholarship, 1935-1953, Acheson Scholarship, 1934-1939, Goldsmiths' Company bursaries, 1925-1941, Soil Mechanics Ltd, bursary, 1957-1967, John and Frances Jones scholarship, 1935-1973, bursaries in structural steelwork, 1956-1974, Ronal Stewart Jenkins prize, 1976, City and Guilds prizes, 1969-1971 (K10); Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines inventories of apparatus, 1889-1907 (K12);
    papers relating to the organisation and administration of departments, 1962-1988, including administrative appointments, 1968, Departmental Visitors Panel, 1980-1988 (K13); departmental computer facilities, 1966 (K14); laboratory equipment and furniture, 1946-1979 (K15); proposed new departments and courses, including Applied Psychology, 1950-1951, Instrument Technology, 1953-1954, social relations of science, 1934-1936, Welding Engineering, 1953, possible establishment of a Geodetic Institute, 1917, proposed educational research unit, 1968 (K16); papers relating to a questionnare on undergraduate instruction, 1960-1961 (K17); memorandum on postgraduate courses, 1955 (K18); papers concerning work shops, 1955, glass blowing facilities, 1975 (K20); report on subjects other than science and technology, 1976, papers of the Huddie study group, 1974-1976 (K21); papers relating to a regional computer centre, 1965-1966, computing charges, 1970, 1979 (K22); future of the Royal School of Mines, 1975 (K23); working party reports and minutes on Bio-engineering developments, 1968-1971 (K24); surface science and technology, 1982 (K25); correspondence relating to a proposed centre of excellence for electric surface transport research, 1973-1974 (K26); proposed centre in Theoretical Physics, 1967-1968 (K27); Blacket chair of technology, 1976-1977 (K29).

    Zonder titel
    DUDLEY, Hugh (b 1925)
    GB 0098 MS/US · Created 1945-1988

    Papers of Professor Hugh Dudley, 1945-1988, comprising papers relating to the Department of Surgery of the University of Adelaide, 1975-1976; alterations to the Surgical Unit laboratories, 1966-1973; papers relating to the Joint Standing Research Committee, 1971-1978; research projects, 1974-1982; minutes of the Junior Surgical Staffing Committee and Senior House Officer/ Registrar Rotation Committee, 1971-1988; papers relating to the training and research of St Mary's Hospital Medical School students, 1973-1988; minutes of the Clinical Curriculum Committee, 1981-1988; papers of the Development Policy Committee, 1981-1982; papers relating to BSc in Clinical Science, 1982-1986; minutes and papers relating to St Mary's Hospital redevelopment, 1977-1987, including Academic Surgical Unit, Medical School accommodation, working group on bed distribution and theatres; photographs of Professor Learmonth, 1945, and group portrait.

    Zonder titel
    GB 2648 LBS · 1965-1998

    Administrative records of the London Business School, 1965-1998, comprising:
    Governing Body minutes and papers, 1976-1998, including copy of Royal Charter, lists of Governors and correspondence on Governing Body membership;
    Executive Committee minutes and papers, 1981-1983;
    Management Board minutes, 1989-1993
    Faculty Board minutes and papers, 1986-1989, including Doctoral Programme reports, 1986-1988; review of LBS subject areas by Academic Board, 1986; reports of the Sloan Programme, 1987-1988; reports of the Design Management Unit, 1987-1989; report of Masters' Programmes, 1987-1989; reports of Institute of Finance and Accounting, 1987-1988; reports of Centre for Business Strategy, 1987-1988; reports of Computing Services, 1987-1989; Library reports, 1987-1989; reports of the Centre for Management Development, 1987-1988; report of the New Enterprise/Extended Enterprise programmes, 1987; report of Information Systems and Computing Committee, 1987; report of London Executive Programme, 1987; report of Continuing Executive Programme, 1988; reports of the Alumni Association, 1988-1989; report of the Programme for Enterprise, 1988; report of the Centre for Marketing and Communications, 1988; report of the Audio-Visual Unit, 1989; report of the Financial Services Unit, 1989;
    Buildings and Estates papers, 1965-1997, including architects plans for Sussex Place, 1967; Land Registration original documents, 1965-1988; Park Road shops - correspondence and management report, 1989-1991; Taunton Place building, 1996-1997; Windsor Castle Public House, Park Road, 1982-1989; gardens and landscaping papers, 1990-1992; Park Road planning appeal papers, 1979;
    House Committee minutes and correspondence, 1969-1987;
    Appointments Committee: correspondence, applications and minutes, 1973-1976;
    Investment Committee: minutes and papers, 1983-1986, 1989-1995; Phillips & Drew Investment Reports, 1987-1989;
    Computing Service: papers, 1988-1992;
    Dean for Executive Education: correspondence 1989-1992;
    Library Papers, 1985-1992;
    Centre for Management Design: correspondence, 1975-1987;
    Paintings and Gifts: correspondence and photographs, 1965-1990;
    MBA Programme: correspondence and papers, 1972-1993;
    External Affairs: correspondence, 1989-1994;
    Personnel Department: papers, 1990-1994;
    Coopers & Lybrand (Chartered Accountants): correspondence, 1964-1998;
    University Grants Committee/Universities Funding Council/HEFCE: correspondence and papers, 1987-1994; HEFCE Auditors Visit, Apr 1995, correspondence and papers;
    George Bain (Principal 1989-1997): Report on Bain's visit to US business schools, 1989;
    Fundraising: Development Office reports and correspondence, 1990-1991; Development Advisory Board - Minutes and Papers, 1991-1993;
    Regent's College: papers on proposed purchase, 1994-1995.

    Zonder titel
    Digby Stuart College
    GB 99999 Digby Stuart · [1672]-2001

    Records of Digby Stuart College, comprising: Minutes of Governors' Meetings, 1874-1953; Student registers, 1874-1938; staff registers, 1886-1956; College Journal, 1911-1939, 1960-1968; Studies Journal, 1904-1968; papers relating to teaching practice and school visits, 1924-1953; papers relating to examinations, [1874-1939], including schedules and results; Inspectors' reports, 1874-1909; papers relating to the University of London Delegacy, 1932-1949, including the McNair Report, 1944; papers relating to the Missionary Sisters Course, 1931-1940, including the setting up and the running of the course, the syllabus, brochures, lecture material and a register of students; Warden's Book (West Hill), 1954-1967; papers relating to the Old Students' Association (later the Digby Stuart Association), 1874-1973, notably registers of old students, 1874-1957; rules and lists, 1874-1935; minutes, 1966-1975; material relating to Decade Lunches, 1956, 1969-1974; secretaries book, 1874-1961; newsletters, 1946-1954, 1970-1995; copies of St Charles' Chronicle, 1922-1945; copies of The Chronicle, 1920-1969; reports, 1946-1954; material relating to student activities, including copies of Prism, 1962-1966, Fleet, 1963, and Those Days, [1984]; papers relating to the Student Union, notably handbooks, 1972-1988; and press cuttings concerning student activity, [1980s-1990s]; papers relating to the College Centenary, 1974, including liturgies, committee papers, correspondence and press cuttings; scrapbook containing photographs and memorabilia, 1935-1946; material concerning conferences and meetings, 1982-1990s; material relating to buildings, notably Shaw House and the Jubilee Wing, [1994-1996]; papers relating to the College Chaplaincy, 1970-2000; material on the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1973-2001, including annual reports, 1980-1994, press cuttings, 1974-1999, trust deeds, 1977-1978, and prospectuses, 1975-1995; papers relating to the constituent colleges pre and post RIHE, [1970-2001].
    There are also working papers of several principals of Digby Stuart College namely:
    Papers of Sister Mary Kathleen Richardson (Principal 1948-1969), comprising papers on subjects including three year training, the Robbins Report, the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, the University of London visitations, and the Association of Catholic Teacher-College Students (ACTS); as well as Academic Board minutes, 1956-1967, and documents on the governance and maintenance of the College.
    Papers of Sister Dorothy Bell (Principal 1969-1989), including papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges; minutes and papers of the Academic Board and Academic Council, 1968-1988; correspondence on the governance of the College and the site, 1968-1982; papers relating to the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1975-1987; College staff lists, [1966-1987]; lists of student numbers, 1968-1974, student nuns, 1969-1983, and exam results, 1969-1988; Annual Reports, 1971-1977; papers relating to involvement in Provincial matters, 1968-1973; papers of College Governors meetings, 1971-1989; papers of the Senate, 1975-1984; papers of the RIHE Council, 1975-1986; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1976-1989.
    Papers of Sister Bernadette Porter (Principal 1989-1999), comprising papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, 1990-1992 and the Council of Church and Associated Colleges, 1988-1992; papers of the Senate, 1989-1992; papers of the Committee of Principals, 1990-1991 and the RIHE Collegiate Committee, 1990-1996; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1990-1993; papers of the RIHE Council, 1989-1999; and papers of College Governors meetings, 1989-1998.

    The College records are only a part of the English Provincial Archive of the Society of the Sacred Heart, which contains a large collection of archival material relating to convents, colleges and training schools founded by the Society. These records include papers of Cannington Priory Church and Convent, [1843-1975]; the convent at Roscrea, Ireland, [1842-1884], the first foundation in the British Isles; the convent at Woldingham, Roehampton, [1842-1992], including material relating to Woldingham School; the convent at West Hill, Wandsworth, 1874-1975, including papers relating to attached schools; the convent in St Charles' Square, 1905-1946, and Roehampton, 1946-1992, including papers relating to attached schools, [1906-1994]; the convent at Hammersmith, [1672-1994], including papers of the attached schools; the convents at Blackheath and Goodrington, [1903-1975], and Leamington, [1913]; the convent at Bonchurch, [1904-1975]; the convent at Tunbridge Wells, [1915-1973], with material relating to the training school; the convent at Oxford, [1902-1972]; the convent at Fenham, Newcastle, [1828-1998], including a history of the site and material concerning the attached schools and St Mary's Training College; and papers relating to small communities at Gateshead, Burnham, Bexhill, Blyth and Southall, [1984-2000]. The Provincial Archive also holds the papers of AMASC (World Association of the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart), NASHE (National Association of the Sacred Heart, England and Wales) and associated groups, 1957-1995.

    There is a large collection of photographs relating to all of the above, as well as historical material relating to the Roehampton area, [1724-1995], mainly relating to buildings owned and including plans, deeds, and specifications relating to 'Roehampton House' (now Queen Mary's Hospital) and 'Parkstead' (now Manresa House); historical material relating to Wimbledon and Putney.

    Zonder titel
    Froebel College
    GB 99999 Froebel College · 1884-1996

    Records of Froebel College, comprising:
    College Government records, including minutes of the Committee of Members of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1900-1953; minutes of the Governing Body of the Incorporated Froebel Educational Institute, 1953-1969; minutes of the Council of Management, 1970-[1993]; minutes and papers of the College Governing Body, 1970-1993; minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1946-[1995]; minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1948-1954, 1978-1983; Annual Reports, 1895-1933; lists of subscribers, [1899]; College regulations, 1953; and papers of the Academic Board, 1973-1984.

    Papers relating to relations of the College with outside bodies, comprising general correspondence and material concerning visitations and inspections, including the National Froebel Foundation, 1933-1951; the Board of Education (later the Ministry of Education), 1934-1944; London County Council, 1920-[1953], including papers concerning the LCC Nursery School, Grove House; Hertfordshire County Council, [1949-1950], mainly relating to the plans for College use of Offley; the Institute of Education, 1947-1960, including minutes of the Committee of Principals; the ATCDE, 1942-1946; the Nursery School Association (now BAECE), and other organisations concerned with early education, 1945-1946; and the Training Colleges Clearing House, 1951.

    Financial records including annual accounts, 1908, 1910; General Ledgers, 1928-1941; Cash Books, 1921-1954; Petty Cash books, 1935-1949; balance sheets, [1928-1940]; monthly accounts, 1926-1960s; Student Fee Books of Froebel College, 1905-1906, 1910-1911; files relating to College fees, 1950s; accounts for various scholarships and external grants, [1929-1949]; cash book for the Students Aid Fund, 1898-1956; salary books, 1940s-1953; ledger for the Common Room Fund, 1936-1950; and accounts of the Esther Lawrence Association, 1948-1966.

    Material relating to buildings, including correspondence and papers concerning building funds and appeals, [1891-1960]; correspondence and financial material with architects including John S Quilter, [1899-1914], and Norman and Dawbarn, 1954; legal papers and correspondence relating to Knebworth House, 1939; ground plans of the College, [1920s-1930s], including the new Science Block and the Lulham Extension; plans by Fernand Billerey plans for alterations and extensions during the 1920s; files relating to maintenance of the College buildings, 1920s-1960s; and Bursar's files, [1930s-1990s].

    Publicity material, including prospectuses, [1889]-1958; papers relating to Open Days, 1964-1970; advertisements, 1925-1933; and press cuttings, [1890s-1990s].

    Curriculum material, including syllabi and course descriptions, 1942-1975; papers relating to examinations, including correspondence with the National Froebel Foundation, 1940-1949, and the Institute of Education, 1957-1958; examination reports, 1940-1949; Froebel Educational Institute notes on the College curriculum, 1963-1975; and syllabuses, 1946-1963.

    Staff and student material, comprising staff registers, 1894-1929, including registers of visiting teachers, 1894-1901; visitors books for students and staff at Knebworth and Grove House, 1943-1962; student registers, 1913-1962; student records, 1940-1990s, relating to the PGCE course, 1975-1991, the Nursery Education Course, 1974-1976, the Diploma in Education, 1964-1984, and the Diploma in Music, 1970-1982.

    Material relating to student societies, including papers of the Guild of St Francis, the FEI Natural History Club, including accounts, 1901-1921 and minutes, 1907-1943; illustrated scrapbooks relating to College trips to Keston, [1924-1931].

    Papers of the Michaelis Guild, notably minute books, 1896-1992; printed notices, 1905-1981; financial material, 1955-1977; and historical material relating to the Guild.

    Papers relating to the Library including working papers and notes of actions for the Library Committee, 1939-1971; account books, 1922-1979; Annual Reports, 1908-1957; accession registers, [1920s-1980s]; various stock books, 1920s-1962; minutes of the Library Committee, 1930-1958; Library reports, 1925-1927; 'Meetings minute books', 1922-1930, 1969-1971; and accounts for Mary Bennett's Prize, 1943-1951.

    Materials relating to College events, including visitors books for the Spring Festival, 1925, and various exhibitions, 1948 and 1982; papers relating to vacation courses and conferences, 1925, 1948-1952; and material relating to the 1982 Bicentenary arrangements and 1992 Centenary celebrations, including correspondence, cuttings and brochures.

    Miscellaneous material relating to the history of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1892-1978, including reminiscences of students, staff and pupils; papers relating to the foundation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1974-1978, including instruments, draft deeds, and College by-laws; and material relating to the history of Grove House, [1920s-1930s], including correspondence and maps.

    Materials relating to the Demonstration Schools of the Froebel Institute, including prospectuses, fee books, student registers, annual reports, financial material and funding appeals for Colet Gardens Demonstration School (later Ibstock Place), [1894-1936]; prospectuses, magazines, student/staff registers, fee books for Challoner Street Practising School, [1905-1914]; prospectuses, financial material and staff salary book for Grove House School, [1920s-1940s]; Annual Reports for Redford House, [1989-1992]; prospectuses, Annual Reports and trust deeds for Michaelis Free Kindergarten (later Notting Hill Nursery School and St Anne's Nursery School); and minute books, Annual Reports and prospectuses for Somers Town Nursery, 1910-1946.

    Student work, [1894-1970s], including scrapbooks, handwork examples, drawing and lettering copybooks, notebooks covering the range of subjects taught in a Froebel College, including Nature Study and Handwork, and also Teaching Practice notes; there are also various wooden games such as Froebel's Gifts, jigsaw puzzles, ABC games, picture and word matching games and number games.

    Photographs, [1890s-1990s], of Froebel College buildings and grounds, notably Grove House, Templeton, Knebworth, Offley, Colet Gardens, and other colleges; students and staff, including student activities, teaching, and College social events; a separate box contains photographs of students at the Froebel Educational Institution Demonstration School in 1928-1929, including Iris Murdoch.

    Material relating to specific persons, notably Esther Lawrence (1862-1944), 1898-1931, including printed articles by her, mainly on kindergarten and preparatory school teaching; biographical material compiled by Jane Read; original correspondence including letters to Claude Montefiore and Arthur Symonds; personal notebooks and texts of speeches; and invitations to 'At homes', 1903-1907. Papers of Madame Michaelis (1834-1904), one of the founders of the Froebel Society, including lecture notes, 1884-1895, and a draft 'History of the founding of the new Education, 1831-52'. Research material mainly concerning the life and work of Friedrich Froebel, and consisting of photocopies, copies and transcripts of original archival documents, photographs, and extracts from printed works. Personal papers of Molly Root Brearley, [1940s-1980s], including volumes of notes for use in College assemblies, teaching material such as lecture notes and course papers, extensive printed materials on educational topics, including articles and pamphlets written by Brearley. Original writings of Dr Elsa Walters, including various short stories and an autobiography written in 1979.

    Publications: Copies of The Link, the journal of past Froebel College students, 1910-2002; Froebel Society pamphlets, 1878-[1967].

    Zonder titel
    GB 0505 BC GB140-144 · 1860-1928

    Minutes of the Committee of the Managers of the Residence, 1869-1899; financial material, including Account Book, 1860-1880, Bank Books, 1876-1927, bills and receipts, 1876-1891, and a tax forms, 1924-1926; legal documents, 1870-1894, including a Declaration of Trust, Tenancy Agreements, and lawyers' bills; letters, 1888-1892, from Elizabeth Ann Bostock and Eleanor Elizabeth Smith to Blanche Shadwell and Lucy Russell, Honorary Secretary of the Council, mostly concerning plans for building the Shaen Wing at York Place; general papers and correspondence, 1856-1905, including reports on the drainage at Bedford Square, notes on teaching and curriculum, notes concerning the winding up of the Trust, and the finances of Bedford College, letters concerning the administration of the Residence and the Reid Trust, and death certificates of Shaw and Eldebrook; Report and correspondence of the Residence Sub-Committee concerning the choice of a site for new buildings and the raising of funds, 1901-1907, including papers relating to an offer by the Trustees to give the capital of the Residence Trust to a fund being raised for the rebuilding of the College; correspondence and papers, 1873-1928, relating to the removal of Bedford College to Baker Street and Regent's Park. Plan for a tablet commemorating Sir Hildred Carlile, [1914].

    Zonder titel
    GB 1697 A.BARR · 1989-1994

    Papers of Ruth Deech, Principal, St Anne's College Oxford and a member of the Inquiry team, relating to the Committee of Inquiry into Equal Opportunities at the Inns of Court School of Law, chaired by Dame Jocelyn Barrow (Barrow Inquiry), 1989-1994. The records do not comprise the official papers of the Inquiry, which are held elsewhere, and do not form a complete set, but they do include the bulk of the material. Most secondary source material collected during the Inquiry, such as information comparing the BVC with other jurisdictions, is not included in the papers but is listed in the Final Report of the Committee. The records consist of terms of reference and background to Inquiry, 1993-1994; direct observations of teaching and assessment, 1993; background information collected by the Inquiry, 1992-1993; information on admissions policy and procedures, 1991-1994; student questionnaire, 1993; information on assessment and review, 1990-1993; information on course content, 1990-1992; documents relating to staff training, 1992-1993; documents relating to student welfare, 1989-1994; collection and analysis of teaching materials, such as course outlines, practical training exercises, instructors' teaching packs, ICSL manuals, and printed material, 1990-1993; consideration of complaints of individual students, 1993; Interim Report of the Committee of Inquiry, 1993; CLE/ICSL response to the Interim Report, [1993]; Final Report of the Committee of Inquiry, 1994.

    Zonder titel
    Schools Curriculum Award
    GB 0366 SCA · Collectie · 1982-1992

    Records of the the first four rounds of the Schools Curriculum Award, 1982-1992, including papers of Professor John Race Godfrey Tomlinson, founder and Chairman of the Trustees; submissions from schools; assessors' reports; administrative papers; examples of the works of art awarded to successful schools.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0074 ACC/3488 · Collectie · 1903-1992

    Records of Highbury Hill High School, Shelburne High School and Highbury Fields School, 1903-1992, including papers relating to the amalgamation of Highbury Hill High School and Shelburne High School to form Highbury Fields School, including the campaign against amalgamation; administrative records including Highbury Hill admission registers, Highbury Fields admission register, and log books for Shelburne School. Also general administrative papers; financial accounts; correspondence; papers relating to the curriculum; papers of Governing Bodies and Committees; publications; papers relating to Shelburne Youth Centre; and staff registers.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0120 MSS.2001-2025 and 6054-6060 · 1887-1948 and undated

    The material focuses chiefly upon bibliography, comprising notes on writings about gymnastics and manipulative treatment, and Cyriax's collations of authors cited in various works on the subject. In addition to this there are some writings upon manipulative treatment itself and related issues (MSS.2001, 2006-2007), a syllabus of lectures to be delivered by Cyriax at the Central Institute for Swedish Gymnastics (MS.6054), writings on massage by authors other than Cyriax (MSS.6056-6059) and an acknowledgement by the Museum of Practical Geology for specimens presented by another member of the Cyriax family (MS.6060).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0098 AB · Created 1853-1984

    Records relating to the Department of Science and Art, 1853-1984; comprising printed articles, annual reports of the Department, 1853-1899, Board of Education reports, 1907-1917; correspondence, notably relating to the School of Naval Architecture, 1864, accommodation for the Royal College of Science, 1890-1897, the possible incorporation of the Royal College of Science into the University of London, 1898-1899, inspection of the college, 1912, the transfer of staff, 1907-1909; correspondence relating to grants, notably for ex-service students, 1919-1921, government students, 1920-1929, the annual grant, 1910-1912, maintenance of buildings, 1912, reports from Universities and University colleges, 1906-1911; Board of Education regulations for the Royal College of Science and Royal College of Art, 1902-1905; precis of minutes of the Board of Education, 1863-1892; examination papers for science schools and classes, 1888-1892; correspondence relating to the use of the Eastern Apparatus Gallery, 1908-1909, the Chelsea Physic garden, 1935-1942, between the Rector and Sir William Pile of the Department of Education and Science concerning industrial management, 1975; papers and press cuttings concerning Higher Education, Government policies, women in science and technology, 1978-1984; reports from the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction, 1882, the Select Committee on Museums of the Science and Art Department, 1898 (AB);

    papers relating to the Departmental Committee of the Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines, notably correspondence, 1903-1908, press-cuttings and articles, 1906, evidence of the Council and Professors of the Royal College of Science relating to the curriculum, 1904, Royal School of Mines Committee of Old Students volume of signatures, 1905; deputation from the Senate of the University of London concerning the proposed technological institute, 1906, minutes of proceedings at the deputation from the City and Guilds of London Institute, 1906, minutes and report of the sub-committee on the Royal School of Mines, 1904, and the Royal College of Science, 1905, papers relating to the draft, preliminary and final reports of the Committee, 1904-1906, notes and outline scheme on the establishment of an engineering Institute, and an Imperial University at South Kensington, undated (ABC);

    papers relating to the Royal Commission on University Education in London, including the report of the Royal Commission, 1913, press cuttings, 1910-1913, and reports, including from the University of London Boards of Studies reports on the needs of faculties, 1910, report of the University of London Academic Council, 1910, Committee report on mathematics in Imperial College and the University of London, 1912, Governing Body sub-committee report, 1910-1914, notes by the College Secretary, Alexander Gow, 1914 (ABD); papers relating to the Board of Education Departmental Committee on the University of London, including the report of the Committee, 1926, press cuttings, 1924, evidence of Imperial College representatives, 1925, correspondence, 1923-1926, Governing Body sub-committee report, 1924, draft of proposed statutes under the University of London Act, 1926 (ABE).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA C/PC · 1895-1984

    South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Press Cuttings, 1895-1984, comprises one box of loose press cuttings, 1895-1903, and nine volumes of cuttings covering news on the strategic and academic development of the College, on the effects of major events such as the two World Wars, advertisements for Chelsea courses, features on the College with occasional photographs, and relating to individual students and staff, including announcements of prizes and obituaries, 1903-1984.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/BAL · 1963-1972

    Records, 1963-1972, on the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project Biology A-level course, comprising administrative files, 1965-1970, including minutes of meetings, notes on topics and project work, discussion papers and copies of letters; correspondence files, 1965-1972, the subjects including topics, trials schools, acceptance of pupils with BAL at universities, colleges of advanced technology and medical schools, and requests for information; papers relating to meetings and conferences, 1963-1971, including minutes of the consultative committee, 1964-1968, and papers of the working party, area meetings, and various committees; papers on course contents and Topics Reviews, 1965-1970; papers on publications, 1966-1972, including publishers' introductory pamphlets, correspondence with publishers, and reviews of publications; Teachers' Guide and related papers, 1964-1971; papers relating to examinations, students, and students' texts, 1964-1971, including comments on examinations and results; papers on apparatus and materials, 1964-1971, including correspondence with suppliers; papers relating to questionnaires, 1966-1967, including returns from pupils and teachers' comments on course topics, known as Chapter Feedback.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/SS · 1965-1974

    Records, 1965-1974, of the Secondary Science Education Programme of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, comprising general papers, 1965-1973, including correspondence, papers on meetings of the Secondary Science consultative committee, papers on the launch of the project, lists of schools participating, and enquiries; correspondence files of Hilda Misselbrook with individuals concerned with compilation of course materials, 1965-1974; papers on conferences, training courses and meetings for teachers, lecturers, school inspectors and others, 1965-1973; examination answer papers from two schools, 1969-1971; papers relating to apparatus, film loops and publishers, 1965-1974; correspondence with schools, including teachers' comments on the course, 1966-1973; papers relating to course themes, trials and evaluation, including questionnares, comments and reports, 1965-1972; final rewrite files on various subject fields and themes, including comments and additions, 1969; feedback and information from teachers on themes and fields, with comments including ability of pupils, apparatus, and level of difficulty of subjects, 1967-1968.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/TEXT · 1960-1993

    Published texts of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP), 1963-1993, and associated material, 1960-1991, including books for teachers and pupils, other teaching materials, trial material, and some publishers' brochures. The publications are Nuffield Primary Science (the SPACE project), Collins Educational, 1993; Nuffield Junior Science, William Collins Sons & Co Ltd, 1967; Teaching Primary Science, Macdonald Educational, 1975-1978; Nuffield Science 11 to 13, Longman Group Ltd, 1986-1987; Nuffield Science for Key Stage 3, Longman Group Ltd, 1990-1992; NFSTP Secondary Science, trials, 1968; Nuffield Secondary Science, Longman Group Ltd, 1970-1972; NFSTP Combined Science, trial editions, 1966; Nuffield Combined Science, Longman/Penguin Books, 1970; Nuffield Combined Science Themes for the Middle Years, Longman Group Ltd, 1977-1978; Nuffield Home Economics, Hutchinson Education, 1982-1985; Nuffield Science 13 to 16, Longman Group Ltd, 1979-1981; Nuffield Secondary Mathematics, Heinemann, 1991; NFSTP Biology, trial course, 1963-1968; Nuffield Biology, Longman/Penguin Books, 1966-1967; Revised Nuffield Biology, Longman Group Ltd, 1974-1975; NFSTP Chemistry, provisional editions, 1964-1965; Nuffield Chemistry, Longman/Penguin Books, 1966-1969; NFSTP Chemistry, provisional edition, 1964; Revised Nuffield Chemistry, Longman Group Ltd, 1975-1980; NFSTP Physics, draft and trial editions, 1964-1969; Nuffield Physics, Longman/Penguin Books, 1966-1969; Revised Nuffield Physics, Longman Group Ltd, 1985-1986; Nuffield Assessment in Science, Longman Group Ltd, 1988; Nuffield Co-ordinated Sciences, Longman Group Ltd, 1988; Nuffield Modular Sciences (Pathways Through Science), Longman Group Ltd, 1992-1993; Nuffield Working with Science Project, Longman Group Ltd, 1977-1978; Nuffield Working with Science for Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education, 1986; NFSTP A-level Physical Science, [1969-1971]; Nuffield Advanced Science: Physical Science, Penguin Books, 1972-1974; NFSTP A-level Biology, trial scheme, 1966-[1968]; Nuffield Advanced Science: Biology, Penguin Books, 1970-1971, Longman Group Ltd, 1981-1982; Revised Nuffield Advanced Science: Biology, Longman Group Ltd, 1985-1988; NFSTP A-level Chemistry, trial material, 1966-1969; Nuffield Advanced Science: Chemistry, Penguin Books, 1970-1971; Revised Nuffield Advanced Science Chemistry, Longman Group Ltd, 1984; NFSTP A-level Physics, trial version, 1969-1970; Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics, Penguin Books, 1970-1971; Revised Nuffield Advanced Science: Physics, Longman Group Ltd, 1985-1986; books on design and technology: P J Black and G Matthews, In place of confusion (Nuffield-Chelsea Curriculum Trust, 1980s) and P J Black and Robin Murray, Design and Technology across the curriculum (Heinemann, 1989); Investigating the Nature of Science, Longman, 1990; Nuffield Foundation Science Teacher Education Project (STEP) progress reports, 1964-1966, trial curriculum units, 1971-1972, and publishers' brochure, 1974; foreign editions of Nuffield texts, 1967-1985, including Spanish, Italian, Turkish, German, Hebrew, Dutch, French and Japanese; scientific publications by other bodies, 1960-1991, including the Royal Meteorological Society, Heinemann Education Books Ltd, Allyn and Bacon Inc, Boston, USA, Macdonald Educational, Crystal Structures Ltd, CEGB, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conneticut, USA, and Unilever Ltd.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 SCC · Collectie · c1966-1980

    Records of the Schools Council for Curriculum and Examinations, [1966-1980], comprising large series of registered files of the Council, including signed minutes of committees, papers relating to particular programmes and projects, administrative, subject and policy files

    Zonder titel
    Garnett College
    GB 2121 Garnett · 1946-1988

    Records of Garnett College, 1946-1988, comprising Governors' minutes, 1946-1987; Governors' papers, 1947-1987; minutes of the Academic Board, 1962-1987; papers of the Academic Board, 1975-1987; minutes and papers of the Boards of Studies, [1966-1987]; minutes and papers of the Academic Planning Committee, 1979-1987; minutes and papers of the Academic Services Committee, 1979-1987; minutes of the Selection Sub-Committee, 1970-1974; Admissions and Recruitment Committee minutes, 1978-1987 and papers, 1977-1987; minutes of the Admissions and Recruitment Committee Special Admissions, 1973-1987; Cultural and Community Affairs Sub-Committee, 1972-1987; Educational Disadvantages Unit minutes, 1977-1979; Equal Opportunities Committee, 1984-1987; minutes and papers of the Examinations Sub-Committee, 1970-1975; Finance Committee minutes, 1971-1987 and papers, 1971-1986; minutes and papers of the General Purposes Committees, 1971-1987; minutes of the Library Committee, 1972-1978;

    minutes and papers of committees on Short Courses, Further Courses and New Courses, 1972-1979; Research and Development Committee minutes, 1972-1986 and papers, 1973-1986; Joint Committee on Remission minutes and papers, 1981-1987;

    Staff Council minutes, 1978-1983 and papers, 1978-1984; Staff Development Committee minutes and papers, 1972-1987; Staff Meeting minutes, 1952-1978 and papers, 1954-1978;

    minutes of the Faculty of Commercial and Industrial Arts, 1978-1985; Faculty of Education, 1973-1985; Faculty of Humanities and Business Studies, 1975-1985; Faculty of Science and Technology, 1973-1985;

    minutes and papers of the Future Development of Garnett College Committee, 1975-1978; minutes and papers of the working party and Committee on Future of Diplomas, 1979-1986; minutes and papers relating to the merger of Garnett College with Thames Polytechnic, 1985-1987;

    examination papers, 1972-1986; papers and reports relating to courses, 1980-1985; account books, 1981-1988; scrap books, 1947-1971; prospectuses, 1951-1987; handbooks and information booklets, [1970s]; photographs of the College and students; student publications, [1950-1985].

    Zonder titel
    Southlands College
    GB 99999 Southlands College · 1851-2002

    Records of Southlands College, comprising:

    Records of government, including Annual Reports, 1919-1969; minutes of the Trustees, 1927-1968; minutes of the College Governing Body, 1911-1920, 1931-1939, 1965-1970, 1973-1975; minutes of the Governing Body of Southlands and Westminster Training Colleges, [1920-1930]; lists of Governors, 1973-1992; minutes and papers of various committees, including the House Committee, 1953-1962, Finance Committee, 1953-1970, Finance and House Committee, 1930-1940, College Advisory Council, 1973-1992, Estates Committee, 1977-1991, Publicity and Recruitment Committee, 1977-1989, Health and Safety Committee, 1979-1989, Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1978-1994; Faith and Providence Committee, 1966-1987; minutes of the Academic Board, 1967-1974, and the Academic Council, 1967-1975; papers relating to the Planning Group for the relocation from Wimbledon, 1970s-1980s; material concerning the formation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1975-1977.

    Financial material, including cash books, [1917-1982]; ledgers, [1939-1944]; House Committee bill book, 1915-[1932]; Wesleyan Education Committee accounts for Southlands, 1927-1983; housekeeping and bursar's accounts, 1979-1984; student fees, 1926-1939, 1950-1978; salaries, 1914-1946; catering accounts, 1930-1939; accounts and bills, 1930s-1950s; fees for student accommodation, [1990]; various financial material up to 2002, including budgets, invoices, banking schedules, and payroll.

    Student records, including student registers (some containing application forms, reports and testimonials), [1905-1910], 1918-1920, 1930-1939 and 1948-1990; student admission forms, 1932-1934; student testimonials, 1938-1946; student teaching reports, 1877-1882, 1891-1895, 1946-1948; entry lists, [1969-1997]; residence lists, 1968-1990; directory of students and teachers, 1923-1939; student log book, [1900-1910]; volume relating to the College giving lists of officers, staff and members of student groups, as well as staff at Southlands Girls School, [1910-1965].

    Staff register, 1895-[1939]; staff records for the Southlands Wesleyan Practising School, [1897-1908; minutes of staff meetings, 1940-1965; papers of the Southlands Staff Association, 1979-1983; staff records, 1950s-1990.

    Printed library catalogue, 1907; library accessions books, 1957-1988.

    Curriculum material, including timetable, 1910; examination papers, [1887-1911] and results, 1882-1927; and pass lists, [1930-2000].

    Material relating to inspections and visitations, notably inspection reports on the Southlands Wesleyan Practising School, 1893-1903; various papers relating to inspections and visitation, [1930-1984], including the Teacher Training Enquiry; papers and correspondence with Local Education Authorities, 1990.

    Records of student societies, notably papers of the Southlands Student Society, [1908-1969], including membership lists, reunion minutes and lists of branch meetings; and papers relating to the Student Union, including lists of officials, 1966-1991, and handbooks, 1959-1995.

    Material relating to College buildings, notably plans and drawings; contracts for building work, 1930s-1970s, at Wimbledon and Roehampton Lane; material relating to college buildings, including architects drawings, 1997 and 2002, including relocation of the college in 1997 and acquisition of Mount Clare Site, Roehampton; architects drawings, [1890-1970s].

    Personal ephemera donated by former students, including college badges, examples of sewing and embroidery, exercise books and essays, 1873-1960s; other student artefacts, paintings, prize books, college shields and gifts.

    Photographs, c1851-2002, of College buildings at Battersea, Dover, Wimbledon and Roehampton Lane, including interior and exterior details of buildings and grounds; other photographs including photo albums, framed photos and individual phots with run of student year groups, staff groups, drama productions, other student activities, sport, reunions, classrooms, lessons, teaching practice and parties, and related audio-visual material.

    Publications: Southlands Debating Society Magazine, 1902, 1908-1910; Southlander, 1923, 1927-1952; Focus, 1973-1989; Grapevine, 1990-1995; Scream, 1996-1999; Southlands Student Society Magazine, 1968-1998; Southlands Student Society newssheet, 1940-1973.

    Publicity material, including newspaper cuttings, 1932-present; College prospectuses, [1940s]-2000; RIHE newsletters, 1988-1999, Annual Reports, [1984-1999], and prospectuses and handbooks, 1976-2000; material relating to College events, including Foundation Day, 1978, and the Centenary, 1992.

    Material relating to the history of the College, including legal documents and deeds relating to the acquisition of the Belmont Estate and the creation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, [1850-1977].

    Zonder titel
    GB 0098 KEE · Created 1891-1980

    Records of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Imperial College, 1891-1980, including a departmental history from 1884-1963, press cuttings; papers relating to postgraduate courses, 1953-1972; laboratory work, including instruction sheets, 1930-1959; notes by Professor Cecil Lewis Fortescue, 1923; reports by students, 1891-1927; students' lecture notes and files, 1958-1960; correspondence with the administration department, 1908-1941, 1958-1969; correspondence concerning a Readership in Electronics, 1948-1959; Readership and bursaries in Electric Traction, 1956-1967; papers relating to projects, 1968, 1978; course syllabus, 1964-1970; Lucas fund, 1962-1970; reports of working parties, 1979-1980; examination papers, 1953-1970; departmental correspondence of Professor Arnold Tustin, 1951-1961, including research projects, research grants; papers relating to Engineering in Medicine, comprising Leverhulme Trust Fund bursaries, 1962-1967.

    Zonder titel
    Whitelands College
    GB 0347 S19 · Collectie · 1966-1982

    This collection relating to Whitelands College consists of minutes of meetings from 1966-1970, as well a copy of the annual report for 1966-1967, and two students handbooks.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA C/SCISP, C/SC, C/SCPT, C/SCI5-13 · 1968-1984

    Records, 1968-1984, of the Schools Council Integrated Science Project (SCISP), created by the senior members of the SCISP team, comprising papers of the SCISP consultative committee, 1969-1981, including minutes and other meeting papers, correspondence, comments on the trials course material, and publicity; papers relating to Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials schools, 1970-1979, largely correspondence with and feedback from individual schools; correspondence files concerning implementation of the scheme in schools participating in Phase 3 of the Project, 1970-1983, including correspondence of the Project Co-ordinator with the Area Co-ordinator, Area Local Education Authorities, and Area Schools; papers relating to Area Co-ordination, 1970-1982, including minutes and other meeting papers; correspondence and papers, 1968-1982, including material relating to the SCISP Advisory Group, financial and administrative matters, personnel files, the preparation of the course and teaching material, apparatus, correspondence with individual colleges of education requesting information and material, publicity, participants, the acceptability of the qualification, and SCISP overseas; papers relating to SCISP and other conferences, 1971-1979; papers relating to SCISP publications on Patterns (pupils' and technicians' manuals and teachers' guide), background books, Exploring Science and others such as SCISP leaflets and Newsletters, 1970-1983, including trial versions and supporting papers; papers on assessment, 1968-1984, including meeting papers of the SCISP Assessment Working Party and correspondence with the Associated Examining Board; papers on SCISP in Northern Ireland, 1969-1975, including feedback; papers on evaluation and feedback, 1970-[1982], including feedback from schools and pupils, data on their performance, and evaluation of course content; correspondence on acceptability of the SCISP O-level with professional and educational organisations, 1970-1984; papers on Mode 3 CSE based on SCISP, 1974-1982, including planning and reports; reports, 1977, of the Schools Council Syllabus Steering Groups on various subjects, relating to proposals for reform of sixth-form curricula and examinations and the replacement of A-levels with N- and F-levels; miscellaneous Schools Councils publications, 1971-1983, some including sections on Nuffield Science Projects; publications of the Schools Council's Project Technology, 1969-1971, offering guidance to schools wanting to include technology studies in their curriculum; publications, 1968-1973, and reports, 1971-1973, of Science 5/13, a project sponsored partly by the Schools Council and the Nuffield Foundation to assist teachers in helping children aged between five and thirteen to learn science; publications, 1965-1974, of miscellaneous bodies, including the British Petroleum Company Ltd, Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, the Peak Park Planning Board and Unilever Ltd, on various scientific topics.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CDC · [1940-1980]

    Chelsea Polytechnic/College Chemical Department 'locker forms', 1943-1968 (Ref: CDC/FP), Department of Chemistry student record cards, [1940-1980] (Ref: CDC/FPC). Locker forms for early years contain a greater quantity of biographical data. Information typically includes name, date of entry, examination date, course proposed, subjects, occupation, employer's name, address and business, exams passed, number of years in Chemistry, proposed career and country of origin. Occasionally they include a timetable of subjects taken, giving day and time, whether in the evening or part-time during the day. Information contained on record cards typically includes name, country of origin, session dates, field of study, course units and values, address, details on previous education, and some also include a photograph.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CDH · 1958-1983

    Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Department of the Humanities student and other records, 1958-1983. This class of material contains some student information on BSc and visiting BA undergraduate and DCC (Diploma of Chelsea College) students, 1967-1983. BSc and DCC information typically includes name, course work including aggregate marks, percentage marks, letter grading, honour points, degree, class and comments. The remainder of the collection comprises correspondence, accounts and financial data, timetables and printed programmes and handouts. This includes general correspondence on the administration of the College, with the Registry and notably concerning resource allocation, 1958-1983; correspondence with other College departments, 1958-1978; staff correspondence, 1968-1983; selective summary of Senate minutes, 1967-1981; accounts books, 1961-1982; finance yearly estimates, 1959-1983; administrative proposals and submissions relating to the strategic development of the College, 1959-1982; Humanities' Annual Reports, 1958-1982; examination question papers and related correspondence, 1969-1983; handouts describing the course content of the Diploma in Modern Social and Cultural Studies, 1969-1982, and visiting undergraduate BA programmes, 1975-1982; syllabuses and notices of liberal and arts events, 1958-1981.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/BOL · 1962-c1973

    Records, 1962-c1973, on the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP) Biology O-level course, comprising general papers and correspondence, 1962-1971, including course contents and Five Year Trial Course; papers relating to meetings and conferences, 1962-1971, including the consultative committee; correspondence with schools, 1964-1966; papers relating to publications and visual aids, 1964-1967; Nuffield Foundation Biology O-level Texts, published by Longmans/Penguin Books, and related papers, 1963-1973, including NFSTP progress reports, 1964-1966, NFSTP Biology Newsletter, 1963-1964, and students' textbooks, 1966-1969; papers relating to examinations and projects, 1963-c1973, including question papers and reports on examinations, marking schemes, analyses of results and data on pupils' ability; Teachers' Guides to courses and information/teaching papers, 1963-1972; questionnaires and comments on Biology O-level including papers relating to revision of the course, 1963-1971; papers relating to apparatus and equipment, 1964-1968.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/CSP · 1964-1970

    Records, 1964-1970, of the Nuffield Foundation Combined Science Project, including general correspondence and a preliminary survey, 1964-1965; synopsis of course contents, 1965; progress report, 1966; correspondence relating to trials schools; papers relating to a conference of 1966; apparatus lists; consultative committee minutes and correspondence, 1967-1970; lists of trial schools and teachers, 1968.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/JSP · 1960-1974

    Records, 1960-1974, of the Junior Science Project or Section of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, including teaching notes and materials, 1960-1967; paper on the teaching of science in primary schools, 1963; draft press announcement on the teaching of mathematics to pupils between the ages of 5 and 13, 1964; correspondence, including staff appointments, 1963-1964; papers relating to invitations to serve on the consultative committee, 1963-1967; papers relating to planning on subjects in the Primary Science project including teaching aids, 1964; correspondence on Junior Science, including textbooks, 1964-1967; pilot project; Junior Science consultative committee meetings papers, 1964-1966, including minutes; consultative committee policy papers and correspondence, 1964-1965; papers on safety procedure and storage of equipment, 1965; mathematics teaching, 1965-1966; report on pilot stage of Junior Science and proposals for continuation project, 1965-1966; correspondence relating to equipment and apparatus, 1965-1967; correspondence relating to publications, 1965-1967; papers relating to the Junior Science film 'Into Tomorrow', 1966-1967.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/PBN · 1949-1992

    Records, 1949-1992, largely originating from the Publications Department of the the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project (NFSTP) and concerning the planning and production of publications for various subjects but also originating from other sections and concerning the administration of the NFSTP and the operation of its various projects. The records include files, 1963-1979, on staff of the Publications Department and Project team members of NFSTP; files on finance and management of the NFSTP, 1964-1991; minutes and meeting papers of the Nuffield Continuation Fund Committee, 1969-1976, and the Nuffield-Chelsea Curriculum Trust, 1986-1989; agreements with publishers, 1964-1986; permissions granted by Nuffield to reproduce or quote material, 1982-1991; publicity and promotion materials for Nuffield courses, 1979-1983; index cards with publishing, production and sales information for Nuffield publications, 1966-1978; and correspondence and agreements relating to foreign publication rights, 1966-1976. The rest of the material comprises correspondence with authors, editors and publishers concerning preparation and production of material, drafts, proofs, photographs, artwork, and trial and final material including film loops, pertaining to publications on all O-level science subjects, 1963-1970s; O-level biology, 1964-1975; O-level Chemistry, 1966-1970s; Chemistry Background Books, including Stages 1, 2 and 3, Additional Option Books, and Background Books not published, 1949-1970; O-level Physics, 1963-1966; the production of film loops for various subjects, 1962-1982, and rights in them, 1963-1975; revised O-level Biology, 1970-1976; revised O-level Chemistry, 1969-1977; all A-level science subjects, 1963-1978; A-level Biology, 1965-1976; A-level Chemistry, 1963-1965; preparation and production of Chemistry books, 1966-1975; Chemistry book permissions, 1966-1972; a proposed booklet on A-level Chemistry in association with Texaco Ltd, 1983-1984; proposal for an experimental scheme to test the value and operational procedures for examining chemistry (Nuffield) at A-level in a modular structure, c1990; general papers on Physics, 1968-1988, including A-level examination papers, 1970-1988; papers relating to the revised Nuffield A-level examination, 1984-1988, including reports of the awarders, 1986-1988; Physics Trials Booklets on various topics, both teachers' guides and students' books, c1968-1970; permissions for Physics books, 1966-1975; permissions for Physics and the Engineer, 1965-1972; correspondence relating to the development of the A-level Physical Sciences course, 1966-1972; papers relating to film loops on all subjects except Physical Sciences, 1967-1973; revised A-level Chemistry texts, early 1980s; revised A-level Physics text, 1985; papers relating to an evaluation study of Revised Nuffield Advanced Physics, 1988; papers on the development of the Combined Science Project (for 11-13 year olds), 1965-1980; publications for Combined Science, 1966-1972; papers on the planning the Combined Science Continuation Project, including trial materials, 1970-1983; papers on publications for Secondary Science, 1966-1973; publications for Nuffield 13 to 16, 1976-c1982; publications for Science in Home Economics, 1964-1981; Nuffield Secondary Maths; files relating to smaller-scale Nuffield Science Teaching Projects, or Projects partly financed, sponsored or supported by Nuffield, 1970-1992, including a project on science for primary teachers, reform of curricula and syllabuses, and modular courses.

    Zonder titel