
Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • The science of control and communication, specifically the interaction between automatic control and people.
  • La science du contrôle des systèmes et de la communication, de manière plus spécifique, l'interaction entre le contrôle automatique et l'homme.
  • Ciencia del control de sistemas y de la comunicación. Desde una óptica más específica se refiere a la interacción entre el control automático y el hombre.

Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms


1 Archival description results for Cybernetics

1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0120 GC/210 · 1985-1988

Records of the Bristol ethnic minorities health investigation including questionnaires, interview transcripts, cassette tapes, and published results of survey of concepts of illness, use of health services, etc, among Punjabi-speaking women in Bristol, 1986-1987.
