Decorative arts

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        Decorative arts

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        Camberwell College of Arts
        GB 0000 Camberwell College of Arts Archive · 1898-2002 (ongoing)

        Records of Camberwell College of Arts, comprising minutes of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1898-1938; reports of the Joint Advisory Printing Advisory Committee minutes, 1965-1973; minutes of meetings of the Governors, 1980-1981;Sub-Committee, 1917-1949; attendance books, 1898-1951; agenda books, 1906, 1913-1915;

        correspondence from London County Council Higher Education Sub-Committee concerning their decision on reports of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1921-1924;

        Secretary's account book, 1899-1901; accounts, including for the Sketch Club, 'Cambians' student association, students' union, exhibitions and examination expenses, 1930-1945; register of staff, [1898-1939]; papers relating to teaching staff, 1914-1962, including correspondence concerning appointments, memorandums; register of students, 1898-1900;

        minutes of meeting concerning the extension of the school, 1901, estimates for building alterations, 1903; address on the opening of the school extension, 1904; programme and press cuttings for opening of the new building, 1913; papers relating to the sculpture building extension, 1950-1954, including building plan, 1950; notes and minutes of site meeting, 1950; builders' estimates, 1951; programme for the opening of the new School for Sculpture, correspondence concerning the ceremony, text of speech and list of guests, 1953; press cuttings, 1953;

        papers relating to a school war memorial, 1919-1923; correspondence relating to gifts to the school, 1935-1954, including portraits, furniture, books and journals, equipment; plans, notes and invitations relating to exhibitions of students work at the South London Art Gallery, 1913-1914, 1928-1932;

        papers relating to Diploma of Art and Design at Camberwell, [1960]-1963; copy instrument of government of the London Institute, [1985]; correspondence and papers concerning proposed changes to Higher Education, 1977, including statement from Camberwell opposed to the changes;

        prospectuses, 1898-2002; exhibition catalogues and degree show catalogues, 1989-2002;

        press cuttings relating to the school, 1924-1937; students' exhibitions and work of students and staff, 1960-1967; private view cards of staff and students, [1980s-2002]; photographs, 1970s, of students and staff working at Camberwell;

        copies of 1st and 2nd editions of the Cambian, 1928, 1930, printed by the School Press containing examples of student work;

        ephemera relating to Camberwell School, art and the Camberwell area, 1950s-2002, including press cuttings and programmes for events; typed notes on the history of the School, 1990s.

        copies of the London Technical Education Gazette, 1900-1903; London County Council Technical Education Board minutes, 1904; London County Council circulars, 1931-1932.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/2706 · Coleção · 1946-1980

        Records of the Business Equipment Trade Association (BETA) and related organisations. The collection includes a complete run of 27 volumes of council minutes, from July 1951 to December 1980. The minutes reflect the association's preoccupation with its role as a public relations body, and with issues affecting its membership, such as VAT or decimalisation. Issues discussed reflect the changing commercial climate, illustrating the increased use of microelectronic technology, although individual products are seldom mentioned unless they are the subject of a dispute. Considerable time is also given over to general internal and administrative matters, and to the continued examination of BETA's aims and activities. Two divisional minute books provide a taste of the activities of the association's sections. Council working papers and correspondence include duplicate minutes of council meetings, reports to council on executive committee meetings, press cuttings, and correspondence relating to association luncheons. A sample of the association's journal is also included.

        Sem título
        MANSON-BAHR, Sir Philip Henry (1881-1966)
        GB 0809 Manson-Bahr · Coleção · 1925-1966

        Papers of Sir Philip Henry Manson-Bahr, 1925-1966, comprise correspondence relating to the 17th edition of Manson's Tropical Diseases, an important textbook on the subject, with Charles Wilcocks, President of Royal Society of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine, and relating to various matters including his retirement, the Manson lecture, the memorial to Sir Patrick Manson in Aberdeenshire; personal file including information on his work at the School and retirement and a copy of the publication The story of malaria: the drama and actors.

        Sem título
        KURTH, Bettina Dorothea (1878-1948)
        GB 1370 WIA, Betty Kurth · Coleção · [1922-1943]

        Notes and offprints of Betty Kurth, art historian, [1922-1943], on topics including the decorative arts and tapestries.

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        Holocaust Memorial, Vienna: Notes regarding design
        GB 1556 WL 1299 · Coleção · 1996

        Notes on an interview with Rachel Whiteread about her proposed design of a concrete bunker to commemorate the Holocaust at the Judenplatz, Vienna by Ernst Eisenmayer.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/0426 · Coleção · 1763-1772

        One ledger, including index of clients, details of clients, orders and payment, 1763-1772.

        Sem título
        HAWEIS, Mary Eliza (1848-1898) and family
        GB 106 7MEH · Arquivo · 1850s-1960s

        The archive consists of the papers of Mary Eliza Haweis and family. It includes:

        • Original correspondence and papers

        45 original family letters, 1857-1961, including between Hugh Reginald Haweis and his parents, Mary Eliza Haweis and her husband, children and aunt; c. 25 drawings and poems by Mary Eliza Joy before her marriage, including designs for her monogram; Haweis family memorabilia.

        • Bound volumes containing typescript transcriptions of letters and other writings from the period 1856 to 1900, collated by her son, Lionel Haweis, 1931-1941. The volumes also contain a small amount of original material, e.g. press cuttings, printed ephemera and letters. The commentary and annotations provided by Mary's sons Lionel and Stephen make these volumes more than mere copies, providing contextual personal information about their family life.

        The records document Mary's childhood and her relationship with her unfaithful husband and her family. Although the collection does not contain many references to Mary's work or publications it provides an interesting insight into the private and domestic life of one of the key female figures in the development of interior design.

        Sem título
        Peggy Angus Collection
        GB 1383 PA · [1904-1993]


        Papers and designs of Peggy Angus, comprising: Business papers and reference material including correspondence, Angus trade cards, Carter tile catalogues, sketch books and photographs of tiles, painted murals and wallpapers in situ. Printed ephemera, comprising cards (postcards, cigarette cards, greetings, advertising cards); booklets (programmes, guidebooks, exhibition catalogues, leaflets, maps); loose papers (handbills, cuttings, calendars, bookplates, posters). Design examples by Angus and others, including oil paintings, prints, collages; wallpapers and wallpaper samples; tiles and floor designs.

        Sem título
        BALY, William (1814-1861) and Family
        GB 0113 MS-BALYW · 1807-1878

        Correspondence and papers created by William Baly and his family; Francis Baly, his mother, William Baly, his father, Frances (Fanny) Shipp, nee Baly, and Elizabeth (Bessy) Baly, his sisters, 1807-1878. Includes correspondence between Baly and members of his family and friends, and between members of his family about Baly, spanning Baly's life and career. Also includes papers, notes and correspondence relating to Baly's professional career, his years as a student in London and then in France and Germany, 1831-36; his various appointments, from his early apprenticeship to a general practitioner in 1828 to his appointment as physician extraordinary to the Queen in 1859, such as indentures detailing appointments and a volume of testimonials supporting Baly's appointment as Assistant Physician at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1854; his licence and diploma for the Royal College of Physicians; a portrait of Baly by one of his sisters; photographs; obituaries; material relating to the Baly Memorial Fund; and genealogical notes on the Baly family.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/0415 · Coleção · 1778

        Memorandum on fires in London and other places, 1778; with inventory and valuation of furniture for Bydorp House, Hanwell, undated (late 18th century).

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/179 · Coleção · 1927-1972

        Records of the Plywood Chest Association including minutes; agreements; memoranda; correspondence; sales ledgers; financial accounts; monthly returns of shipments; price lists and lists of members' agents.

        Sem título
        HARRISON, Robert Haydon (fl 1950)
        GB 0074 CLC/252 · Coleção · 1950-1980

        Card index relating to the dispersal of fixtures and fittings from City of London churches. Compiled from c 1950 by Robert Haydon Harrison, with additional notes to c 1980 by Nicholas Redman.

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        WILSON, Henry (1864-1934)
        GB 1134 Wilson · [1864-1934]

        Papers of Henry Wilson, comprising correspondence, photographs and presscuttings [1864-1934].

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        Domestic Design collection
        GB 1383 BADDA · 1850-1950

        The Domestic Design Collection, 1850-1950, consists of 4,000 books, catalogues and brochures on mainly British domestic architecture and interior decoration. There is also a collection of journals and periodicals relating to many aspects of house building, buying and decorating over the same period.

        Sem título
        GB 1556 WL 1314 · [1970-1990]

        Copy letter (German) from Gerti Wachtel (26 May 1997) to her relatives, enclosing a short family history (English) of this well-to-do middle class Jewish family, who were well integrated into the small town of Wertheim, and the events following the Nazi takeover; copy cuttings, photographs and correspondence regarding the memorial to deported Jews at Wertheim and reunion of survivors, [1970-1990].

        Sem título
        GB 0366 ABB · Coleção · c 1940s-1980s

        Photographs, mainly covering the period 1940s-1980s, including black and white and colour prints, contact strips, negatives, glass plates, and slides. These document the exteriors and interiors of school and college buildings, both during construction and after completion, and include images of furniture and equipment, and of activities in schools; microfilms of plans and drawings; some related papers such as plans, schedules, notes and correspondence.

        Sem título
        E Atkins / Atcraft Ltd, furniture manufacturers
        GB 1432 Atcraft · 1881-1983

        Records of E Atkins and Atcraft furniture manufacturers of Wembley, London, comprising trade catalogues, 1913-1983; ledgers, private ledgers, day books and salary books, 1915-1960s (the run of each series is incomplete); sales summaries, 1933-1973; balance sheets, 1908, 1911, 1913-1915; articles of association, 1922; changes to articles of association, 1946; minutes of Directors' meetings, 1922-1946; designs of cartoons for nursery furniture; address book of staff and travellers; stocktaking book, 1881-1882; exhibitions accounts book, 1921-1963; address book of staff and travellers; tables of descendants of Edwin Atkins and George Clifton Sunley; papers relating to centenary celebrations of the firm, 1979; photographs of company vehicles, 1950s; press cutting of photograph of retired staff [1940s-1950s]. Many of the earlier trade catalogues bear the name of Claude Cyril Atkins, one of the Directors of the firm, and a son of Edwin Atkins the founder of the firm.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/0490 · Coleção · [1700-1799]

        Advertisement label, pasted on cloth, for Nathaniel Gladman, trunkmaker, 17--.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/112-035 · Coleção · 1941-1975

        Records of Chest Components Limited, manufacturers of plywood chests, including articles of association; board minute book; papers relating to annual general meetings; statements of manufacturing, trading, and profit and loss accounts; and correspondence with other Harrisons and Crosfield offices.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/3047 · Coleção · 1854-1881

        Records of Peyton and Peyton, bedstead makers, 1854-1881, comprising memorandum and articles of association of the Peyton and Peyton Tube Company Limited, and records relating to property leased by the company, particularly in Cheapside.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/3650 · Coleção · 1941-1979

        Records of Sheer Pride Limited, metal office furniture manufacturer, 1941-1979, including five directors' minute books, company annual returns and one file and one register relating to share transfers.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/180 · Coleção · 1720-1916

        Deeds and papers relating to property owned by the Port of London Authority, acquired in 1911 mostly in Crutched Friars and its immediate vicinity.

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        Central School of Art and Design
        GB 2753 Central School of Art and Design · [1896]-1987

        Records of the Central School of Art and Design, [1896]-1987, comprising minutes of the Advisory Council, 1915-1952; minutes and agendas of the Board of Studies, 1919-1937, 1962-1963; minutes of staff meetings, 1930-1932; annual reports of the Principal and Advisory Committee, 1911-1926; report by the Principal on the aims and organisation of the school, 1913; reports of the Advisory Council, 1926-1933; Advisory Council attendance book, 1915-1951; report of inspection of the Central School, 1920; Board of Education inspection reports of the Central School, 1920-1921; papers concerning aims and organisation of the school, including reports and correspondence, 1913-1956; papers concerning school inspections, including reports, 1929-1953; papers and correspondence relating to diplomas and fellowships, 1921-1953; papers concerning industrial art bursaries, 1947-1955; papers and correspondence relating to the Governing Body, including appointment of governors, 1955-1961;

        correspondence concerning the book William Richard Lethaby, 1857-1931 by A R N Roberts (published 1957), [1956]; notes concerning a television programme on the School, 1954; notes on W R Lethaby, with some correspondence of Lethaby, [1909-1930]; visitors book, 1914-1984; timetables, 1973-1977;

        photographs of Southampton Row building, [1908]-1970s; photographs of bomb damage to the school, [1942]; photographs of students, [1920s-1990s]; photograph album of students' work, [1950s]; photographs of Khartoum Technical College Department of Fine Arts depicting student life and work, 1963; photographs of life models, [1930s]; floor plans of the Central School building, [1950s];

        copies of prospectuses, 1896-1987; prospectuses for departments, 1970s; exhibition catalogues for Central School Book Production and lithography, 1912-1913; degree show catalogues, 1950s-1990s; invitation and publicity concerning students' exhibition of work, 1952;

        Students Union members' signature book, 1930-1932; rough lists of members of the Students' Society, 1959-1964; Central School of Arts and Crafts student magazines, 1919, 1920, 1923 (hand drawn and written); Book Production Class magazine (journals for the boys of the Day Technical School of Book Production and Silversmithing), 1912-1913; Printing Class Boys Magazine, 1916, 1926; student newspapers, 1970-1980; student handbook, 1974;

        sketch books of R B Neal, of interiors of Hatfield House, sketches and photographs of furniture and notes and sketches on historical furniture styles, [1912-1914]; student essays on interior design and etching, 1954; printed examples of typographical work at a summer school for teachers, 1933;

        articles and press cuttings relating to the history of Central School, including magazines and articles on the work of students, 1950s-1990s; press cuttings concerning the opening of the Jeanetta Cochrane theatre, [1962]; articles, obituaries, press cuttings, biographical information and papers relating to W R Lethaby, including his house designs, 1932-1980s; articles, press cuttings, exhibition catalogues, relating to Central School artists and designers, photographs and private view cards, compiled from the 1980s; press cuttings, publicity material concerning Central School exhibitions and fashion shows, 1987-1997;

        printed London County Council Education Department records, including reports on technical education, 1912, training and employment in the printing trades, 1914, trade and technical education in France and Germany, 1914; handbook on education visits, 1910; annual report of the Council on higher education, 1911; reports on teachers' conferences, 1909-1914; reports on the Education Act, 1918; Staff Gazette, 1900-1903; Technical Education Board minutes, 1908.

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        Crown Wallpaper collection
        GB 1383 SC · early 1950s-late 1960s

        Crown Wallpaper Archive, comprising 5,000 wallpaper samples and pattern books, early 1950s-late 1960s.

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        Silver Studio design practice collection
        GB 1383 Silver Studio · c1880-c1963

        Papers and designs of the Silver Studio design practice, comprising:
        Personal correspondence and papers of the Silver family, photographs and family albums, personal cards (Christmas, visiting etc).

        Business correspondence, business diaries and time books, staff records, studio trade cards, letter heads, order forms, notes and studio inventories, day books and financial records.

        Books, magazines and other printed ephemera collected as visual reference material by Silver Studio employees.

        Photographic records (glass plate negatives, reference photographs of designs etc); sketch books; printed ephemera, comprising cards (postcards, cigarette cards, greetings, advertising cards), booklets (programmes, guidebooks, exhibition catalogues, leaflets, maps), loose papers (handbills, cuttings, calendars, bookplates, posters).

        Silver Studio designs on paper (c40,000 designs for wallpapers, textiles carpets and other domestic furnishings); 5,000 textile samples (both of the Silver Studio and other designers/manufacturers); 5,000 wallpaper samples (loose sheets and albums, both of the Silver Studio and other designers/manufacturers).

        Studio objects (door plaque, lamp, paint boxes etc).

        Sem título
        GB 0366 ME · Coleção · c1940s-1990s

        Papers of David Medd relating to educational architecture and interior design including project files; architectural plans and drawings; published and unpublished papers; models of classroom furniture; photographs and slides; reports, pamphlets and publications; press cuttings; and lecture notes.

        Sem título
        COOK, James (1728-1779)
        GB 0402 SSC/24 · 1774-1971

        Papers of James Cook, 1774-1971, comprise a photograph of a letter to Captain John Walter of Whitby, 13 Sept 1774, describing his discoveries in the South Seas; photocopy of accounts for food purchased, headed 'Captain Cook on board the Resolution at Long Reach', June 8 1776 and correspondence, 1899-1937, relating to the Tahiti Memorial to Captain Cook.

        Sem título
        GB 1432 London College of Furniture · 1940s-1990s

        Papers of the Shoreditch Technical Institute, the Technical College for the Furnishing Trades and the London College of Furniture, comprising prospectuses, 1940s-1990s; press cuttings, 1951-1989; student magazines, 1960s-1980s; miscellaneous ephemera and photographs; quinquennial review reports, 1960s. A selection of musical instruments manufactured by students of the London College of Furniture.

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