Investigación económica

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      Investigación económica

      Término General Económicas

      Investigación económica

      Términos equivalentes

      Investigación económica

      • Usado para Étude économique
      • Usado para Estudio económico

      Términos asociados

      Investigación económica

      9 Descripción archivística resultados para Investigación económica

      9 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 463-493 · 1918-1941, 1986

      US Military Intelligence Reports: Japan, 1918-1941 is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Military Intelligence Division (MID) in Japan, 1918- 1941. Included in the collection are microfilmed copies of US MID reports from the military attaché and his staff, and correspondence and telegrams between the military attaché, his staff, US Army Headquarters and the Japanese Imperial Army Headquarters, and US and foreign diplomats throughout the Far East. These documents have been arranged into eight sections: general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, general conditions in Korea, army, field artillery, navy, and aviation. These sections are not mutually exclusive and all include a range of routine and special reports. Reports on domestic policy cover the rise of right wing, socialist, and communist organisations in Japan; the effects of the 1923 earthquake; Japanese industrial expansion, notably the securing of raw materials from neighbouring countries; the South Manchurian Railway Company; oil prospecting; and the iron and steel industries. Military and foreign policy reports concern the occupation of Korea, Siberia, Manchuria (Manchukuo), and the 1919 independence demonstrations in Korea. Specific military reports cover Japanese military tactics; military regulations; combat principles; training; organisation, the social attitude of officers; civil-military relations; aviation technology and statistics; the annual budgets of the Japanese War Ministry; naval building programmes; the scrapping of warships in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922; naval operations in World War One; the use of air power against China; and the construction of offensive airfields in Indo-China.

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      Miller Collection
      GB 0369 MIL · 1929-1975

      Papers of Margaret Stevenson Miller, 1929-1975, comprising:
      papers on research into the economy of the Soviet Union, 1929-1941, including pamphlets and cuttings on finance, papers on transport in the Soviet Union, c 1934, papers on transport, agriculture, finance and housing in the Soviet Union c 1939-1952, papers on the clothing industry in the Soviet Union, 1941-1950, papers on the economic regions of the Soviet Union, 1044-1947, papers on trade unions in the Soviet Union, 1945-1946, lecture notes on the economics of the Soviet Union, for lectures given by Miller at George Washington University, c 1946-1947, papers on town population in the Soviet Union, 1961-1964, papers ion agriculture in the Soviet Union, 1961-1964, papers on trade between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1970-1971, papers on economic reform in the Soviet Union, 1945;1961-1975, papers on Conference of representatives of the British and Soviet public, Armenia, 1974, papers on Miller's visit to the Soviet Union, Aug 1968;
      papers on School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Old Students' Association, 1951, 1950-1962,including "Memorandum of evidence: submitted on behalf of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies Old Students' Association - To the Committee of Enquiry into the future policy of the School", Apr 1971

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      Birmingham, Walter Barr
      GB 0102 MS 380661 · Created 1955-1977

      Papers, 1955-1977, of Walter Barr Birmingham, comprising bibliographies and publications relating to economics in West Africa including Migrations into the Gold Coast (1955) and The State and Labour Migration in the South African Political Economy, with Particular Respect to Gold Mining (1977). It also contains the Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of the West African Institute of Social and Economic Research (1956).

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      NEWMARCH, William (1820-1882): papers
      GB 1060 DP001 Newmarch · 1753-1880

      Papers of William Newmarch, 1847-1880, comprising: 1. Accounts, bills and receipts, 1753-1758, relating to prices and wages on the estates of James Buller of Morvall, Cornwall. 2. Papers re: Oxford and Cambridge examinations of W.J. Newmarch, son of William Newmarch, 1859-1862; Wm J. Newmarch letters to his father during a European tour, 1865; correspondence of Thomas Tooke with final proof of History of Prices vol.5 and other related papers, 1850s. 3. Papers and presscuttings re: electoral statistics, 1837-1857; papers and presscuttings re: trade and investments in Great Britain, France, Prussia, India and Australia, 1845-1860; notes and cuttings re: prices, circulation and exchange, 1848-1860, including text of General Prices, 1848-56; correspondence with James Pennington and Thomas Tooke, 1855-1856; banking papers and correspondence, especially with Joseph Hickson of the Grand Trunk Railway Co of Canada re: failure of Bank of Upper Canada, 1866-1870. 4. Letter from Bank of England re: gold coins, 1857, with other papers re: gold currency and circulation incl. Letters from the French Enquiry; letters, papers and legal documents re: establishment of Tooke Professorship of Economic Science and Statistics at King's College London, 1858-1860; papers re: Newmarch's election to the Royal Society, 1861, and his corresponding membership of Société de Statistique de Paris, 1861; correspondence re: Pacific Telegraph Co., 1863; correspondence and papers re: Bank of Upper Canada, 1870-1875. 5. Papers re: British Association Section F Economic Science & Statistics, 1856-61; notes for Newmarch's lectures at various meetings including Political Economy Club, Verulam and Oxford, 1870s-1880s.

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      Allen Papers
      GB 0103 ALLEN · 1895-1984

      Papers of George Allen, 1895-1984, including photographs of industrial processes in the Midlands (1920s); papers submitted to the Greene Committee on mining wages in 1942 (1926-1940); memoranda for the Monopolies Commission, including surveys for the Board of Trade (1944-1953); papers relating to Allen's wartime work on both British and Japanese economic matters, 1940-1944; papers relating to Allen's writings, in articles, lectures, and books, mostly on the Japanese economy (c1923-c1982) and papers, correspondence, etc of a more personal nature, including correspondence with Sir William Ashley (c1895-c1984).

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      GB 0097 MEADE · Colección · 1921-[1995]

      Papers of Professor James Edward Meade, 1927-[1995], comprising the following: Personal diaries, 1943-1952, covering Meade's visits to the USA and his wartime work within the Economic Section of the Cabinet Office. Correspondence and papers, 1927-1995, including correspondence between Meade and other economists, notably (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalton, (William) Maurice Allen, Edwin Cannan, Evan Frank Mottram Durbin, Lady Juliet Evangeline Rhys-Williams, John Maynard Keynes, Dennis Holme Robertson, Richard Ferdinand Kahn, Sir John and Lady Ursula Hicks, Roy (Forbes) Harrod, Lionel Charles Robbins, Alban William Housego (Bill) Phillips, Philip John Noel-Baker, Sir Ralph George Hawtree, Oliver Shewell Franks, and Harold Joseph Laski; papers by Meade and others on economic topics, with comments by him and other economists; papers and correspondence relating to institutions, including the Joint Sub-Committee of Accountants and Economists, Political and Economic Planning, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research , the International Monetary Fund, the International Institute for Labour Studies, the Royal Economic Society, the Overseas Development Institute, the Child Action Poverty Group and the Institute for Public Policy Research. Papers relating to Meade's Chairmanship of the Economic Survey Mission to Mauritius, 1950-1961, including drafts, the final report, and research papers, especially statistics concerning the Mauritian society and economy and papers created by the Mauritian Legislative Council. Papers, correspondence and news cuttings, 1975-1981, concerning Meade's Chairmanship of an Institute of Fiscal Studies Committee looking at the reform and structure of direct taxation in the UK, including research papers, the final report and correspondence with individuals. Working papers, notes and drafts relating to the Stagflation Project, 1976-1987, notably comments on drafts by other economists, applications for project funding, correspondence with publishers, reviews and press cuttings, texts of lectures, corrected drafts of chapters for Wage fixing (Allen and Unwin, London, 1982) and Demand Management (Allen and Unwin, London, 1983), as well as correspondence with his co-authors. Material relating to Agathotopia: the Economics of Partnership (Aberdeen University Press, 1989), 1988-1991, including working notes, printed drafts, related articles, press cuttings, texts of lectures on Agathotopia, letters relating to publication, correspondence, photographs and papers created at the League of Italian Cooperatives seminar in Rome (1988). Papers and notes by Meade on various economic topics, 1947-1995, including political economics, international economic policy and institutions, economic welfare, international trade, neo-classical economic theories, government finance, the European Common Market and Monetary Union, taxation and international monetary reform. This section also includes notes and drafts for published books, papers and articles. Papers by other economists, 1947-1994, mainly with comments by Meade, notably Stanley Dennison, and Don Patinkin. Material concerning conferences and academic panels, 1947-1995, notably the Royal Society Population Group, the Cambridge Economic Policy Review, the Atlantic Economic Society, the Bank of England Panel of Academic Historians, the Public Policy Centre, the Basic Income Research Group and the Borrie Commission on Social Justice. Texts of lectures by Meade, 1947-1994, mainly on economic subjects, given mostly at the London School of Economics. Published books by Meade, 1933-1995, many signed and annotated by him, and including copies of works translated into foreign languages. Material relating to the Social Democratic Party, the Liberal/SDP Alliance and the Liberal Democratic Party, 1981-1982 and 1991-1992, notably correspondence concerning Meade's letter to The Times regarding proportional representation, January 1981; papers of the SDP Policy Group on Poverty, Taxation and Social Security, 1981, and of the SDP Economic Policy Group, 1981-1982, including policy discussion papers prepared by Meade; papers and press cuttings regarding the environmental policy of the Liberal Democrats, 1991-1992. Papers relating to Alban William Housego (Bill) Phillips and the Phillips Machine, 1949-1995, including photographs of the original seminar at LSE in 1949, as well as the reopening of the Phillips Machine in 1989; correspondence with Bill Phillips and other economist regarding the machine and funding of the project; notes, diagrams and working papers relating to the building of the Phillips machine; biographical material for Bill Phillips; and general press cuttings, correspondence and papers concerning the reuse of the machine in the 1990s. Miscellaneous papers, 1921-1995, including correspondence with publishers, 1933-1995; Meade's notebooks containing writings on economics and reading lists, 1944-1975; Government economic reports, 1955-1956; reviews of Meade's publications, 1958-1970; correspondence and papers relating to the Eugenics Society, 1963-1969; papers relating to the Nuffield Foundation, 1968-1975; and student references, 1980-1994.

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      GB 0074 LMA/4585 · Colección · 2002-2010

      The collection consists of reports (discussion papers, research papers, technical papers, working papers, briefing papers and reference manuals) produced by the Pensions Policy Institute between Sept 2002 and Mar 2010. Some reports are only available in an electronic format as PDFs (currently held on two CDs).

      The series of reports have been arranged and numbered in the order they were published: if the reports had more than one part they listed under the same number and distinguished by a letter A or B. This numbering system has been used consistently across both formats.

      The series does not include the Pensions Policy Institute's first report Retire at 72 (Feb 2002), the mid-project review of Shaping a stable pensions solution (Oct 2005) (paper 22) or the participant paper outlining case studies for the TUC's Pensions Champion training programme (Jul 2009) (paper 47).

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      GB 0074 LMA/4006 · Colección · 1953-1987

      Publications of the Christian Economic and Social Research Foundation, on subjects as diverse as drink offences; theft and the victims of crime; taxation; shopping centres; violence; social problems of youths; family problems; alcohol advertising; road safety; and licensing legislation. The majority of the publications are concerned with alcohol and the control of drinking.

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      London and Cambridge Economic Service

      Papers of the London and Cambridge Economic Services, including minutes, accounts, and correspondence regarding publications.

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