Educational guidance

Elements area



Bereik aantekeningen

  • Advising pupils or students on their educational progress, on career opportunities, or personal difficulties or anxieties.
  • Conseils donnés aux élèves ou aux étudiants à propos de leur évolution académique, leurs perspectives de carrière, leurs difficultés ou angoisses personnelles.
  • Consejos dados a los alumnos o estudiantes sobre su evolución académica, sus perspectivas laborales, sus dificultades o angustias personales.

ron aantekeningen


Toon aantekening(en)

    Hiërarchische termen

    Educational guidance

    Gelijksoortige termen

    Educational guidance

    • UF Educational counselling
    • UF Guidance service
    • UF School leaving guidance
    • UF Orientation éducative
    • UF Orientation en fin de scolarité
    • UF Orientation en fin d'études
    • UF Orientation scolaire
    • UF Service d'orientation
    • UF Orientación académica
    • UF Orientación educativa
    • UF Orientación escolar
    • UF Orientación estudiantil
    • UF Servicio de orientación

    10 Archivistische beschrijving results for Educational guidance

    GB 0074 LMA/4432 · Collectie · 1968-2002

    Records of London South Bank Careers, 1968-2002. This collection contains the records of the Chief Executive and Executive Director of Education (Operations). It includes management minutes, policy and correspondence files relating to the provision of independent Careers Services for young people in the London Boroughs of Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark, and the involvement of the LSBC in national developments in Careers Service provision. Correspondence also includes local projects including work on housing estates, with local schools, and 'Skills for the Millenium' which looked at the employment benefits brought to Greenwich by the Millenium Dome, and Government funded initiatives including the 'Learning Card' and projects such as 'New Deal' which sought to provide career 'Gateways' for disaffected young people.

    The Chief Executive and Executive Director's correspondence also highlights the importance which partnerships with local schools, employers, local authorities, other Careers Services and Training and Enterprise Councils, had in supporting bids for funding projects and developing careers provision across the London area.

    The collection includes publications and web site pages produced by the company showing the distinctive public image of the company, and the range of services which were available. The photographs cover career service company launch, outreach and party events

    The collection also covers former Careers Services which included the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) and South Thames Careers Limited, which operated in the four boroughs prior to the LSBC. The correspondence, photographs and publications detail their work and charts the establishment of LSBC through competitive bidding.

    Zonder titel
    LMA/4250 · Collectie · 1962-1997

    Memorandum and articles of association, 1993; minutes of the Regional Advisory Council for Technical Education (London and Home Counties), 1962-1973; Standing Conference of Regional Advisory Councils for Further Education, 1967-1980; London and South East Region (LASER) Advisory Council and Board minutes and agendas, 1991-1996; Regional Advisory Council for Further Education (London and South East) Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1985-1987; Inter Authority Recoupment Officers Forum, 1991-1993; Inter Authority Recoupment Schools Panel, 1991-1992; Board members correspondence, 1993-1996.

    Chief Executive's files, 1991-1997, on various topics including business planning, Health and Safety Policy, Special Needs Practitioners Network, Equal Opportunities Policy, Post Schools Officers, National Vocational Qualifications, British Accredited Council, British Association of Construction Heads Project, Charity Commission, City and Guilds Team, North London Colleges European Network, London First and the Flexible and Open Working Network.

    Reports and publications, 1988-1995, including annual reports, staff handbook and LASER newsletter. Accounts and budgets, 1983-1996.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP88 · 1842-1989

    The papers of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman comprise three classes of material: the private papers of the sisters and the Coleman family, 1842-1957; records relating to the National Children's Home, 1935-1981; and the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989. Personal papers include a diary and pharmacopoeias, correspondence, examination certificates, photographs and printed books, 1842-1957, notably including a detailed manuscript medical diary describing life on board ship and a medical practice in Africa, 1842-1844, probably compiled by John Albert Sidney Coleman, grandfather of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman; pharmacopoeias containing remedies and prescriptions, with printed pharmacopoeias, compiled by Mark Coleman and others, reflecting the transition of the Coleman family business from patent remedies to modern pharmacy, 1851-1894; correspondence with Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, mainly descriptions of daily life in the National Children's Home and describing psychological testing of the children, 1927-1948; family correspondence and legal documents including letting agreements and deeds of partnership, the will of Mathew Coleman, the sisters' great uncle, and relating to their father and his career, letters containing family news and gossip, 1845-1928; examination certificates and prize lists relating to the education of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, 1922-1933; photographs of the Coleman family during the 1890s, during World War One and of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman on holiday, [1928], of Lady Eleanor Holles School, 1921-1933, group photographs of students and staff in King's College London Department of History, 1929-1955, photographs of various National Children's Home establishments, 1934-1957; a small collection of printed books concerned with the history, customs and government of London and the Home Counties, [1945-1985] (Boxes 70-74, now on open access in the Archive reading room).

    The records of the National Children's Home, 1935-1981, notably comprising Vocational Guidance Record Sheets, consisting of files on individual children that included intelligence test results, memory tests and individual comments, arranged in alphabetical order, 1938-1964 (Boxes 1-23); test results and evaluations of named children for tests organised by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology including the Porteus Maze Test and scoring sheets, 1957-1960 (Boxes 24-28); psychological evaluations of children at different branches of the children's home, notably in Cardiff, Harpenden, Nottingham and Glasgow, including individual test results and assessments with broad statistics and educational recommendations by visitors, 1942-1963 (Boxes 29-40); pupil record cards containing biographical information, aptitude tests and psychological test results for children at various homes, [1948-1960] (Boxes 41-42); material relating to the Brentwood College of Education including a working party on syllabuses, staff lists, the relationship with the University of London Institute of Education, manuscript notes and some psychological test results of children engaged in the so-called Gifted Child Study, 1971-1974 (Boxes 43-44); material relating to vocational aptitude and the placement of older children in trades and professions such as the armed forces and Civil Service, notably including psychologists' reports, 1935-1965 (Boxes 45-56); questionnaires of 18 year-old former residents conducted in 1954-1956 (Box 57); material relating to European refugees resident in the NCH including named children and correspondence with the Central Committee for Refugees, 1942-1949 (Boxes 58-59); general correspondence with Millicent Coleman relating to local authorities, staff and the emigration of children to Australia, 1951-1962; manuscript visitation report book assessing particular homes, 1946-1949; report on the incidence of enuresis (incontinence) in homes, 1946-1950; publicity material mainly created at the time of the centenary and on other children's charities, 1951-1981; careers and apprenticeship literature, 1938-1954; photographs and negatives of students and buildings, 1938-1939 (Boxes 60-62); psychological testing materials including test cards displaying words and pictures, [1958] (Boxes 63-69).

    The records of the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989, comprise typescript notes compiled by Millicent Coleman, who served on its governing Council. These consist mainly of Council minutes and supporting material, 1948-1989; Committee minutes including Finance and Management Committees, 1953-1985; Annual Reports and Accounts, 1961-1974; policy reports on the development and strategic direction of the Village, 1959-1973; correspondence with Millicent Coleman regarding Trust business and liaison with the National Children's Home, 1953-1985.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0098 GD · Created 1912-1996 (ongoing)

    Records of committees of the Governing Body, Board of Studies and Rector of Imperial College, comprising papers of the Vacation Work Committee, notably annual reports, 1935-1956, introductory leaflets, [1957-1976], papers relating to the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Expertise, including correspondence concerning vacation training, 1956-1975, conference, 1962, Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1960, (GD1); papers of the Appointments Board, including minutes, 1912-1971, reports, 1920-1933, and correspondence, 1969-1971, statistics, 1926, 1954-1961, sub-committees papers 1953-1963, correspondence, 1920-1945, 1960-1961 (GD3); papers relating to careers, notably booklets, 1912-1956, talks, 1985, recruitment programme, 1986-1994, annual report, 1996 (GD4);
    Overseas Students Committee papers, including minutes, 1958-1970, introduction courses, 1961-1964, correspondence between Chairmen and the Rector, 1958-1963 (GDAA); Senior Common Room Committee minutes, 1956-1972 (GDAC); Exploration Board papers including minutes, 1955-1973, reports, 1955-1981, reports and correspondence relating to expeditions, 1936-1971, photographs and maps of expeditions, 1956-1966 (GDAE); Garden Committee minutes and correspondence, 1959-1967 (GDAG); Student Residence Committee papers, including minutes 1957-1988 (GDAH); Catering and Conference Services Management Committee minutes, 1985-1988 (GDAI); papers relating to Computing Committees, including minutes of the Computing Commitee, 1960-1980, Computing Policy Committee, 1971-1975, Computing Services Committee, 1971-1974 (GDAK); papers relating to Health and Safety, comprising Safety Committee (later the College Safety Council and Technical Advisory Safety Committee) minutes, 1966-1980, Safety Council minutes, 1975-1992, Safety precautions for the use of equipment and laboratories, 1970-1974, Safety Officer annual reports, 1964, Safety policy, 1976-1991, permits for students, 1937-1965; papers relating to accidents, 1975; papers relating to the Radiation Safety Committee, including codes of practice, 1957-1986, Rector's correspondence, 1960-1976, Health and Safety visits, 1972-1982 (GDAS); Parking and Traffic Committee minutes and correspondence, 1958-1988, papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, 1962-1966 (GDAT);
    papers of the Joint Committee of the Union, Rector and Governors, 1968-1970 (GDB); notes and correspondence relating to Rector's meetings with non-professorial staff, 1957-1971 (GDC); Dean's Committee minutes, 1954-1979 (GDD); papers of the Rector's Policy meetings, 1979-1987 (GDDE); Management and Planning Group papers, 1987-1992 (GDDM); Growth Points Steering Committee papers, 1969-1971 (GDDP); papers relating to Heads of Departments' meetings, 1968-1988, (GDK).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0097 NIIP · Collectie · 1919-1977

    Papers of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology, comprising records of committees, account books and registers; internal correspondence and correspondence with clients; staff files; papers relating to vocational guidance and intelligence testing, research projects, staff, procedures, and prizes; annual reports and ephemera; and photographs.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0366 HOL · Collectie · 1955-1995

    Papers of Bernard Holloway, Secretary of the Manchester University Careers and Appointments Service, relating to his work in careers education, 1955-1995, including published and unpublished articles and papers, 1955-1986; booklets about the Manchester University Careers and Appointments Service, 1977-1982; reports; papers presented to the Appointments Board, 1963-1984; papers relating to Index, a pre-university industrial training scheme, 1986-1987; material relating to a Business Graduate Survey undertaken, 1985-1986 and papers relating to a trip to the USA to visit university placement offices, 1967.

    Publications such as Manchester University's This Week, 1984-1987, Monash University Careers Weekly, 1977-1986, and Pheonix, (the magazine of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services), 1985-1995; and articles and press cuttings on the subject of careers education, [1971-1985].

    Zonder titel
    GB 0403 RSA · 1634-2002 (printed material from 1634, archival material from 1754)

    Archive, 1754 to date, of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA; formerly the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or Society of Arts), created by the Society in the course of its activities, and comprising records of its administration (Ref: AD), and records of its activities and events (Ref: PR), also including some printed material dating back to 1634.

    Administrative records of the Society include:

    Records of Miscellaneous Committees to discuss the programme and administration of the Society, including the Committee of Correspondence and Papers and the Committee of Miscellaneous Matters, 1754-1848 (Ref: AD.MA/104).
    Records of the Society from 1754, later the Council (established 1845) (Ref: AD.MA/100).

    Records concerning Chairmen of Council (from 1846) and Council membership (Ref: AD.MA/102).

    Records of Secretaries (administrative head of the Society), after 1994 known as the Director (Ref: AD.MA/101).

    Records of Presidents (Ref: AD.MA/103).

    Records of Membership/Fellowship, relating to subscribers to the Society, originally termed 'members', referred to as 'Fellows' from 1908 (Ref: AD.MA/900). (The archive does not include extensive biographical information on RSA Fellows, although dates of membership of Fellows are usually recorded.)
    Records concerning the Society's House in John Adam Street from its design and construction by the Adam Brothers, including correspondence, papers, notes, leases and other legal documents, relating to administration, management, alteration and repair of the building (Ref: AD.MA/300).

    Records of various House Committees set up at different times to look at the building, its use, function, administration and management (Ref: AD.MA/305).

    Accounting and financial records produced by various committees including the Accounts Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee (Ref: AD.MA/400).

    Annual Reports recording the Society's activities over the year, initially within the Journal (from 1852), but later as a separate publication (Ref: AD.MA/701).

    Records relating to general lectures (developed from the 1850s when the Society ceased the award of premiums for inventions), with correspondence mainly concerning administrative arrangements for speakers and publication of their texts (in the RSA Journal) and suggestions for topics for discussion (Ref: AD.MA/800).

    Records relating to the RSA Silver Medal awarded annually for the most interesting lecture over the preceding year (Ref: AD.MA/803).

    Records relating to production of the Journal and other publicity, promotion and communication (Ref: AD.MA/203).

    Donations and collections, comprising objects and artefacts donated to or bought by the Society (Ref: AD.MA/204).

    Records of the Society's activities (such as award schemes, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and lectures), including joint initiatives with a range of other organisations, include:

    Guard Books (30 volumes), 1754-1770, containing correspondence and papers about all Society activities and committees, on a range of subjects (Ref: PR.GE/110).

    Manuscript versions of the Society's Transactions, comprising draft versions of the printed Transactions, including drawings, plans and diagrams in support of claims for premiums and awards. Also general correspondence to the Society on various 19th century campaigns, conferences and committees, covering subjects including lectures (arrangements for dates, speakers, chairmen, participants; suggestions for subjects, submission of lecture texts, corrections to texts, requests for tickets/programmes, acceptances, apologies for non-attendance etc), examinations (requests for syllabus, copies of certificates, programmes, rules; complaints, arrangements, agreements with colleges, details of examiners etc), membership (requests for information, applications, replies to circulars, notes accompanying subscriptions, resignations, complaints), Council/committee chairmen (intention to attend meetings, acceptances, general arrangements for meetings, requests for information, dates, times etc), Journal (receipt/non-receipt of copies, reciprocal arrangements with other libraries, requests for extra copies, corrections to proofs, advertising, arrangements for making blocks, photogravures etc), House (letters from freeholders, solicitors, contractors; booking of rooms), staff (applications for employment, testimonials, sick notes etc - a very small number of items), general (invitations, letters from bankers, auditors, business circulars, requests for funding, suggestions for campaigns, policies, events etc), and including artistic copyright, uniform musical pitch, domestic economy, art workmanship, musical training, food committees, patent law reform, prevention of fires in theatres and education exhibitions (Ref: PR.GE/118-19, 121).

    Records relating to Premium and Programme committees (Ref: PR.GE/112); Albert Medal (founded 1863) (Ref: PR.GE/101); Memorial Tablet (blue plaque) scheme (founded 1866) (PR.GE/122); War Memorials Advisory Council (established 1944, disbanded 1948), concerning memorials of the Second World War (Ref: PR.GE/117); Exhibition of Exhibitions (1951), concurrent with the Festival of Britain, to commemorate earlier ground-breaking Society exhibitions on contemporary art (1760), industrial design (1847-1850), photography (1852), industry (1761), and the first international exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.GE/102); R B Bennett Commonwealth Prize (endowed 1944) for outstanding contribution to the promotion of the arts, agriculture, industries and commerce of the Overseas Empire (Ref: PR.GE/116); Commonwealth Committee (Ref: PR.GE/113); proposals and planning for the Festival of Britain (1951) (Ref: PR.GE/103); events for the RSA Bicentenary (1954) (Ref: PR.GE/107); Benjamin Franklin Medal (instituted 1956) (Ref: PR.GE/100); Trusts, bequests, fundraising and development (Ref: PR.GE/111).

    Records relating to manufacture and commerce, including the Paris Exhibitions (1844-1900) (Ref: PR.MC/109); Great Exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.MC/107); International Exhibition (1862) (Ref: PR.MC/108); Chicago Exhibition (World's Columbian Exposition, 1893), British Section (Ref: PR.MC/112); Industry Year/Industry Matters (1986) (Ref: PR.MC/100); Tomorrow's Company (begun 1994), concerning the role of business in a changing world (Ref: PR.MC/115); Redefining Work (launched 1995) (Ref: PR.MC/116); Forum for Ethics in the Workplace (1997) (Ref: PR.MC/117); Manufacturing, Wealth Creation and the Economy (1998) (Ref: PR.MC/118).

    Records of subject-based standing committees set up by the Society from 1754 to judge awards and premiums in particular areas, including minutes and correspondence about awards and attendance at and structure of committees: Agriculture (Ref: PR.MC/103), Chemistry (Ref: PR.MC/105), Colonies and Trade (Ref: PR.MC/104), Manufactures (Ref: PR.MC/102), Mechanics (Ref: PR.MC/101), and Polite Arts - including prints, drawings and other artwork submitted for award (Ref: PR.AR/103).

    Records relating to fine and applied arts, including exhibition of works of Ancient and Medieval Art (1847-1850) (Ref: PR.AR/105); exhibition of the works of William Etty and William Mulready (1848-1849), including general correspondence, printed matter, catalogues, press cuttings, tickets and notices about mounting of exhibitions, and attendance (Ref: PR.AR/112); British Art in Industry Exhibition (1935) to publicise good design in articles of everyday use (Ref: PR.AR/101); Humorous Art Exhibition (1949-1950) (Ref: PR.AR/100); Art for Architecture scheme (from 1990), aiming to enhance the urban environment by encouraging cross disciplinary approaches to building and landscape projects, and associated with the Jerwood Art for Architecture Award (introduced 1994) (Ref: PR.AR/110); Shakespeare in Schools (begun 1992), a pilot project to introduce Shakespeare to children (Ref: PR.AR/108).

    Records relating to promotion of design, including the Design Bursaries Board, Design Committee, the Design Board, Design Advisory Group and Design Section (Ref: PR.DE/106-7); Industrial Art Bursaries Competition (started 1924), succeeded by the Design Bursaries Competition, Competition of Industrial Designs and Student Design Awards (Ref: PR.DE/100); Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) scheme (created 1936) to encourage a high standard of industrial design (Ref: PR.DE/101); Bicentenary Medal (instituted 1954) for exceptional influence in promoting art and design in British industry (Ref: PR.DE/102); Presidential Awards for Design Management (instituted 1964) to recognise outstanding design policy (Ref: PR.DE/105).
    Records relating to education, including the RSA Examinations Board (PR.ED/100); the Education for Capability programme (initiated 1979) to counteract academic bias in British education and promote practical, organising and co-operative skills (Ref: PR.ED/107); the future of Technological Higher Education in Britain (1982), a study group to consider the problems facing Britain in the development of technological higher education (Ref: PR.ED/118); Home-School links (from 1988) (Ref: PR.ED/108); Parents in a Learning Society, a development project to involve parents in education and assess home-school work (Ref: PR.ED/104); the National Advisory Council for Careers and Educational Guidance (established 1994), to promote and advise on provision of guidance for learning and work (Ref: PR.ED/103); Education Futures (2000) (Ref: PR.ED/116).

    Records relating to the environment, including the Campaign for the Preservation of Ancient Cottages (begun 1926) to protect cottage architecture, establishing a fund which purchased or restored cottages near Worthing, at Bibury, Gloucestershire, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Chiddingstone, Kent, and elsewhere (Ref: PR.EN/100); three 'Countryside in 1970' Conferences (1963-1970) (Ref: PR.EN/104); Environment Committee (formed 1971) to identify and anticipate major environmental problems and provide a forum for discussion (Ref: PR.EN/107), which began the Pollution Abatement Technology Award Scheme (PATAS) (1983-1986) (Ref: PR.EN/103), succeeded by the Better Environment for Industry/European Better Environment Awards for Industry (BEAFI/EBEAFI) (1987-1991) (Ref: PR.EN/101); the Environment Committee's sub-committee the RSA-Cubitt Trust Panel (to 1991), devoted to the built environment and working with the Cubitt Trust to convene conferences, seminars and an annual Cubitt Lecture (Ref: PR.EN/106); After the Earth Summit - What Next? (1992) (Ref: PR.EN/128); RSA Environmental Management Awards (begun 1993) (Ref: PR.EN/102).

    The Early Library (Ref: SC/EL/1-5), comprising c500 printed works collected by the Society before 1830, including journals and periodicals, and c300 pamphlets and tracts covering broad-ranging topics relating to premiums and awards of the various sectional committees (Agriculture, Polite Arts, Chemistry, Manufactures, Mechanics, and Colonies and Trade), and including extracts from proceedings of other societies and learned institutions.

    Zonder titel
    GB 0096 UoL/CB · 1940-1993
    Part of University of London

    Completed employment registration forms by female graduates of the University; minutes and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Careers Advisory Board; papers relating to Hungarian refugee students including meeting papers of various committees, administrative papers, correspondence both with individual students and other academic institutions, case files, student records, reports, statements, notes and annual reports. (SOME RECORDS ARE CLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DATA PROTECTION ACT).

    Zonder titel
    BURDEN, Reverend Michael
    GB 0366 MB · Collectie · 1979-1992

    Papers of Rev Michael Burden, 1979-1992 comprising MEd Thesis, 1979: 'An experiment in humanistic education - a personal education curriculum for spiritual and moral development', (1 vol.); 'Your future in Hull', workbook and handbook for a scheme in conjunction with Humberside County Council, relating to the future employment of pupils at the Sir Leo Schultz High School, Hull, (2 vols); 'An investigation into spiritual development: being a short report of sabbatical study, Jan-Mar 1992', undertaken at the North of England Institute for Religious Education, Durham University; typescript draft of 'A curriculum for personal growth', (9pp)and typescript draft of 'What is meant by spiritual development?', (7pp).

    Zonder titel
    GB 0100 KCLCA Q/EPH/SYL, Q/EPH/RPT, Q/EPH/PBN, QSU, QOSA · 1909-1986

    Queen Elizabeth College publications, including prospectuses, handbooks and reports, 1909-1986. This class of material comprises printed literature describing the history of the College, its students and staff and the academic content of individual subjects and departments and consists mainly of brochures, guidebooks and reports. It comprises a set of the Department/College's prospectuses for prospective students, with brochures covering the work of particular courses and specific qualifications and degrees, including Nutrition, Biology, Physiology and Mathematics, 1909-1985 (Ref: Q/EPH/SYL); Annual Reports, 1916-1984, loose and some bound reprints, containing calendars of College events, staff changes and publications, clubs and societies, the first destination of former students, and lists of registered students in the reports between 1924-1965. Reports from 1966-1984 also contain student statistics and accounts (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT1); Annual Reports of the Principal covering examinations, benefactions and reports on teaching, 1925-1950 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT2); Dean's/Warden's Reports, containing examinations, benefactions and information on the destination of students, 1917-1923 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT3); Report of the auditors to the College Council, 1972-1980 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT4); a variety of booklets and brochures advertising appeals, careers information for students, descriptions of the work of departments for prospective students, health and safety issues and the facilities of the College Library, and describing the history of the College, 1919-1986 (Ref: Q/EPH/PBN); Students Union handbooks, 1954-1964 (Ref: QSU); Old Students' Association handbooks with a small quantity of editorial correspondence, the constitution and rules of the Association, its membership and finance (Ref: QOSA).

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