Educational management

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Use to mean the management of educational establishments.
  • Utiliser quand il s'agit de la gestion d'un établissement éducatif.
  • Utilizar para referirse a la gestión de un establecimiento educativo.

Source note(s)


Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Educational management

    Equivalent terms

    Educational management

    • UF Academic management
    • UF School administration
    • UF School management
    • UF Administration scolaire
    • UF Gestion académique
    • UF Gestion scolaire
    • UF Gestión académica
    • UF Gestión educativa
    • UF Gestión escolar

    110 Archival description results for Educational management

    110 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
    GB 0074 A/BFY · Collection · 1851-1946

    Records of the Beaufoy Trust, including minutes, financial accounts and letters. Also minute book of the Hill, Eldon and Francis Foundation.

    Lambeth Ragged Schools Society The Beaufoy Trusts Eldon School , Lambeth
    GB 0074 A/ATG · Collection · 1682-1957

    Records of the Archbishop Tenison's Secondary School for Girls including deeds of title; leases; financial accounts; vouchers; plans; reports and returns on school by and to authorities e.g. Board of Education; Headmistress's reports to Managers; logbooks; reports; Headmistress's correspondence.

    Also papers of Lambeth Subscription Girls' School including deeds of title; minutes; financial accounts and voucher.

    Papers of the Lambeth Head Teachers' Conferences including minutes, financial accounts and correspondence.

    Archbishop Tenison's Secondary School for Girls
    GB 0074 ACC/2692 · Collection · 1693-1985

    Records of Archbishop Tenison's Grammar School (formerly known as Archbishop Tenison's Secondary School for Boys). Most important are the Trustees' and Governors' meetings minutes 1847-1953 (ref: Acc/2692/17-19). An unusual survival has been a number of evacuation records, which do not exist for many schools in London (ref: Acc/2692/142-148). Illustrations of the school and its life are present in a volume of plans of the school site at Kennington Oval dated 1927 (by A.H.R. Tenison, Architect, ref: Acc/2692/154), and in the large collection of photographs (ref: Acc/2692/155-205). Concerning the sale of the library in 1861 is a Catalogue from Sotheby's which records the prices fetched at auction for individual books (ref: Acc/2692/209). A history of the school, not entirely accurate, was written in 1928 and a transcript survives (ref: Acc/2692/240).

    Records include: Schemes and Parliamentary Acts, Deeds, Minutes, Finance, Correspondence, Examiners' reports, Headmasters' reports, Papers and letters relating to School and Library, Building work, Record of boys, school work and functions, Evacuation records, Plans, Photographs, Printed material, Letters and papers relating to Revd C.F. Milner.

    Archbishop Tenison's Secondary School for Boys Archbishop Tenison's Grammar School
    GB 0074 CLC/208 · Collection · 1748-1932

    Records of the Aldersgate Ward School. The records comprise minutes, admission and attendance registers, log books and report books, records of payments to children, accounts, deed of trust and inspector's reports and deeds and estate papers. They have been catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.

    Aldersgate Ward School
    GB 0098 MS/AD15-18, 29-93, 95; IC · Created 1898-1988

    Administrative records of St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1898-1988, namely financial records relating to students and fees, 1898-1987, comprising general ledger, 1898-1899; registers of pupils' cash accounts, 1888-1905; composition fees, 1903-1948; audited accounts of St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1982-1987;
    papers relating to the financial situation of the Medical School, 1900-1902, comprising reports, extracts from minutes; report of the Committee concerning financial relations between Hospitals and Medical Schools in London, 1905;
    papers relating to student numbers and entry, notably to London Medical Schools, [1870-1901]; summary of students refused admission to the School, 1921-1923; annual entry of students, [1852-1944]; notes on students accepted, 1940, 1941; selection of students, [1952]; financial summaries for 1916, including statistics for the teaching of preliminary subjects and organic chemistry; papers relating to the admission of women students, notably report concerning World War One, 1915; letter from male students against the admittance of women, 1924; notes concerning closing the Medical School to women, 1924; statistics on the medical education of women, 1929; history of women students at St Mary's, [1952];
    University Grants Committee returns, 1929-1965, and report, 1933; papers relating to the foundation stone ceremony of the rebuilt Medical School and Innoculation Departments, 1931; papers relating to scholarships, 1923-1933, including notes on Oxford and Cambridge University students, 1923-[1932]; list of scholarship holders from 1871, 1933; correspondence and notes concerning Epsom College Scholarship, 1942; papers concerning examination pass and failure rates, 1919-1935; patient beds at St Mary's, 1937; course in Physiology and Anatomy, 1940; academic and technical staffing and wage rates, 1936-1939; cost of medical curriculum and course, [1930s], 1941; World War Two arrangements, 1939-1941, including fees, effect of wartime conditions; papers concerning the Centenary fund, 1954-1957, including Centenary celebrations, correspondence relating to an exhibition on penicillin, commission of a portrait of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother; papers concerning the Fleming Memorial Appeal, 1955-1960; athletics ground, 1972-1982; development policy quinquennium, 1973-1982; St Mary's redevelopment, 1978; Fleming and Penicillin exhibition, 1978; Fleming Centenary, 1981; possible formation of a joint medical school, 1981; papers relating to the University of London, 1985-1988, including correspondence with the Court, future of medical education; merger with Imperial College, 1985-1987;
    plan, elevations and sections of St Mary's Recreation Centre, 1983, by the Fitzroy Robinson Partnership;

    records of Imperial College, 1988-1996, notably minutes of the Governing Body, 1988-1992; minutes of the Finance and Executive Committees, 1988-1991; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1991-1992; College Plan [1991-1995], 1991; annual reports and reviews, 1987-1993; prospectuses for 1990-1997, 1989-1996; calendars, 1990-1996; Imperial College Gazette, 1988-1993; Network newsletter, 1988-1994; Felix Student's Union newpaper, 1988-1993.

    St Mary's Hospital Medical School Secretary
    GB 0100 G/ GC G/AC G/AD · 1821-1992

    Administrative records of Guy's Hospital Medical and Dental School comprising
    Schools Secretary's copies of agendas, minutes and papers of Council of Governors, 1982-1983; Finance Committee, 1982-1986; Accommodation Committee, 1976-1984; Dental Academic Committee, 1982-1986; Dental Finance Sub Committee, 1976-1982; Academic Committee, 1984-1986; Academic Board, 1982-1986; various committees, 1958-1986;

    minutes of prize / scholarship / lectureship committees 1891-1954;

    files relating to academic departments and administration including teaching staff, 1962-1992; Dental School Tower Block dvelopmeent,1957-1976; Pathology Department, 1912-1934;

    Guy's Hospital Medical and Dental School Prize examinations lists 1900-1974; Guy's Hospital Dental School - prize examinations 1892-1985;

    files relating to school management including Medical and Dental School correspondence and Dean's files, 1850-1956; papers relating to deeds and insurance, 1888-1941; New School Building Fund, 1893-1935; School Secretary's and Dean's files, 1875-1943; Secretary's general files, 1920s-1980s; Secretary and Dean's files concerning the Guy's Hospital Tower Block development, 1960-1976; Secretary's files concerning research funding, 1950-1980; Secretary's files re Quinquennium applications, development proposals, and recurrent grants, 1947-1982; Secretary's Returns to University Grants Committee, 1930-1979; Astley Cooper Prize Fund minutes, 1850-1973; Guy's Hospital War Memorial Fund, 1918-1923; Davies-Colley Memorial Fund, 1900-1909; Guy's Hospital Festivals and Dinners, 1821-1984; Guy's Hospital Employees Association, 1923-1932.

    Guy's Hospital Medical School
    Accounts of Bedford College
    GB 0505 BC AR400-479 · 1849-1983

    Main financial registers of Bedford College, 1849-1965, including accounts ledgers, 1865-1964; records of student fees, 1849-1963; summary of student fees, 1965-1966; Journals, 1921-1963; Transfer Journals, 1965-1970; Grants Ledgers, 1900-1909; Cash Account Books, 1888-1963; Principal's Cash Book, 1894-1909; Petty Cash Books, 1904-1961; Cash Books and receipts, 1922-1969; Council Cheque Schedule Books, 1889-1965; College Account Book, 1891-1911. Early accounts of Bedford College (kept by the Lady Resident), including student fees, 1856-1866 and household bills, 1856-1866. Annual accounts, 1894-1977, notably balance sheets, 1894-1931; annual accounts and working papers, 1920-1983; estimates of receipts, 1899-1940; working papers and final figures for University Grants Council Returns, 1928-1977, with Quinquennial accounts, correspondence, and estimates, 1936-1972. Material relating to students' accounts and scholarships, 1861-[1965], including Students' Maintenance Grant Accounts, 1925-1956; Registration Fees Account Book, 1948-1958; Account Books for the Old Pupil's Scholarship Fund, 1861-1911; Accounts for various scholarships and funds, 1877-[1965]. Papers relating to Staff salaries and revisions, 1894-1976, including material on salary scales of and payments to teaching and administrative staff, research fellows and visiting lecturers, 1894-1973; wage and wage analysis books, 1945-1972, for Student Demonstrators, Visiting Lecturers, Laboratory Technicians, Household Staff and Junior Administrative Staff; letters of appointment to temporary and part-time staff, 1954-1957; monthly payroll computer printout, 1975-1976; wages signature books, 1912-1963, for Bedford College Household, Maintenance, Domestic, Laboratory and Administrative staff; papers relating to salary scales of lecturers, 1901-1906; Personnel Accounts, 1922-1949; material relating to the Bedford College Pension Scheme, 1907-1976, including ledgers, financial papers, Forms of Agreement, and tax sheets. Account books and legal papers for Capital Buildings Projects, 1903-1970, including a Day Book for the Building and Endowment Fund, 1904-1916; Accounts of the Extension fund, 1926-1932; and papers relating to war damage to the College buildings, 1945-1954. Household Accounts, 1910-1969, including Household Accounts, 1910-1938; Bursar's bills for payment by the Household Committee, 1941-1947, and Finance Committee, 1941-1955; Household Cash and Analysis Books, 1941; Wages Analysis Book for Household and Garden, 1941; Accounts of the Stationery Shop, 1959-1969; Account books for the Athletics ground, 1932-1944. Accounts for special funds, 1894-1968, including the Principal's Loan Fund, 1894-1955, the Geraldine Jebb Memorial Fund, 1961, and the Paterson Memorial Fund, 1943-1948.

    Bedford College
    GB 0505 BC AL200-900 · 1849-1985

    Material relating to Academic Departments of Bedford College, including papers of the German Department, 1973-1983; recollections of the Dutch Studies Department by Professor Theodore Weevers, 1985; Departmental files of the History Department, 1958-1985; papers of Professor C H Lawrence, History Department, 1970-1985; Departmental files of the Sociology Department, 1930-1984; papers relating to Nursing Studies Courses, 1896-1985, including the Public Hygiene Course; papers relating to the Bedford College Art School, 1900-1913; papers relating to the Training Department, 1902-1922, including reports, registers, correspondence relating to scholarships and Council grants, accounts and Board of Education papers; papers of the Mathematics Department, 1978-1982; papers of the Biochemistry Department, 1964-1978; papers of the Botany Department, 1908-1985, including material relating to the E N Thomas affair, 1908-1916, and papers collected by Dr Linna Bentley, 1918-1984; building plans for the Zoology Department, 1970. Papers relating to Staff Publications, 1926-[1969], including Minutes and papers of the Research and Publications Fund Committee.

    Bedford College , Academic Departments
    GB 0505 BC AL110-129 · 1928-1985

    Minutes of the Sociology Sub-Committee of the Academic Board, 1952-1953; Minutes of the Equipment Fund Committee, 1966-1985; [Minutes] of the Computer Services Committees, 1971-1981; Minutes, correspondence and papers of the Bedford College Group Committee (Training Colleges Scheme), 1928-1948; Minutes and papers of a Committee to Review the Structure of the Academic Board and its Sub-Committee, 1971-1978; Minutes of the Standing Joint Committee on Departmental Boards, 1969-1974; Minutes and papers of the Academic Structure Committee (CRAC), 1973-1975; [Minutes] of the Bedford/Westfield Joint Consultative Committee, 1977-1980; papers of the Academic Co-ordinating Committee, 1981; papers relating to the rotation of Departmental Headships,1973-1976; Minutes of the Arts Consumables Committee, 1975-1980; papers of the Audio-Visual Aids Committee, 1970-1980 and 1983; Minutes and correspondence of the Accommodation Sub-Committee (Use of Space), 1955-1961; papers and correspondence of the Space Utilisation Sub-Committee, 1969-1982.

    Bedford College , Academic Committees
    GB 0505 BC AL100-109 · 1909-1965

    Minutes of the Academic Board, 1909-1984; Committee papers and notices of the Academic Board, 1906-1929; Standing Orders of the Academic Board, 1915, 1916 and 1929; Minutes of the Board of Studies of the University, 1934-1939.

    Bedford College , Academic Board