Théorie de l'éducation

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Théorie de l'éducation

      Terme générique Sciences de l'éducation

      Théorie de l'éducation

      Termes équivalents

      Théorie de l'éducation

      • Employé pour Principles of education
      • Employé pour Principe de l'éducation
      • Employé pour Principio educacional
      • Employé pour Principio educativo
      • Employé pour Teoría educacional
      • Employé pour Teoría educativa

      Termes associés

      Théorie de l'éducation

      7 Description archivistique résultats pour Théorie de l'éducation

      RUSSELL, John (1855-1937)
      GB 2179 RUSSELL · 1876-1937

      Personal papers of John Russell comprising:

      four volumes containing papers collected by Russell, including his printed articles, verse, photographs, letters, cuttings, certificates, testimonials, printed programmes, watercolours, play script arranged in Vol 1, [1877]-1901; Vol 2, 1901-1914; Vol 3, 1914-[1920] with appendix to Vol 2 1901-1914; and Vol 4 [1920-1936];

      manuscript notebook containing extracts, sayings, verses, [1908-1915]; bundle of verses both printed and manuscript; uncut volume of A book of the verses of 'JR' printed by and for his friends, 1914; scrapbook containing cuttings of Russell's verses printed in various publications, 1890-1934; scrap book, [1876], containing poems, verse, miniature sketches, cartoons and watercolours; music manuscript scrap book containing music and words for songs;

      volume of photocopied letters of John and Elizabeth Russell to Aneurin Williams MP (1859-1924) [1884-1921], (from the Williams Archive); photocopies of letters to John and Elizabeth Russell from James Ramsay Macdonald (1866-1937), 1925-1937 (8 letters); photocopies of letters to Dr and Mrs Horton from Ramsay Macdonald, 1917-1936 (1866-1937) (4 letters).

      Sans titre
      History of Education Society
      GB 0366 HES · Collection · 1967-2004

      Papers of the History of Education Society (HES), 1967-2004, including minutes of the Committee and Annual General Meeting, 1985-2003; papers relating to constitution, including the revisions of 1976, 1987 and 1990; papers on administration and finance, [1990-1995]; correspondence, 1989-2000; HES abstract book entitled, 'Breaking Boundaries: Gender, Politics and the Experience of Education', 3-5 Dec 1999 and papers on the Jubilee Essay Competition, including report, 2000 and rules.

      Publications comprising annual conference booklets, Dec 1990 and Dec 1994; History of Education Society, [1980s] and The New Era: The Review of New Education, Apr 1929.

      Papers relating to the HES Committee, 1993-2003 including reports, flyers, annual charity returns, papers relating to membership, financial information, correspondence with members, lists of members, contact directory, 1998; promotional material and details of the history of the Committee 2003.

      Papers relating to conferences 1988-2004 including proceedings of the Annual Conference on 'Education and Employment: Initiatives and Experiences 1780 to the Present', 1988; papers on the HES Conference in Liverpool, 1991, the Birmingham Conference on 'The Education Act - Fifty Years On', 1994; annual conference programme, 1997; list of conference participants and flyer, 1999 and 'International Standing Conference for the History of Education, the Spanish History of Education, and, the Universities of Alcala, Comillas, Complutense and UNED' booklet, 2000.

      Sans titre
      JARECKI, Hilde (1911-1995)
      GB 0366 HJ · Collection · 1945-1997

      Papers of Hilde Jarecki including biographical papers, material for publication and papers relating to the playgroup associations, 1945-1997.

      Sans titre
      MYERS, Professor Kate
      GB 0366 MYE · Collection · 1970s-1990s

      Papers of Professor Kate Myers, 1970s-1990s, pricipally material related to jobs as Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) co-ordinator for the Schools Council sex differentiation project; ILEA advisory teacher for equal opportunities; SCDC equal opportunities project (which resulted in Genderwatch); and gender equality inspector in Ealing (which for a time was part of a consortium of boroughs involved in an Equal Opportunities project based at the Institute of Education), chiefly comprising original booklets, committee reports and a few handwritten responses/letters. Files include: sexual harrassment; sexism and gender difference in schools; women and work; women teachers and the NUT; special needs and sex equality; equal opportunities policies in London Education Authorities, especially the ILEA; curriculum and gender (science, maths, home economics, PE, geography, history, RE, exams); Australia; careers opportunities for women; copies of Equal Opportunities resources in the ILEA; and school governors.

      Sans titre
      COOKE, Ebenezer (c 1837-1913)
      GB 0366 CO · Collection · [1860]-1911

      Papers of Ebenezer Cooke, mainly printed, including published articles and papers on the teaching of art and design; ephemera concerning Cooke's involvement with the International Art Congress for the Development of Drawing and Art Teaching and the Education Society; notes taken at lectures, including on physiology, 1869, and on a course of lectures given by James Sully on 'Art and Vision' in 1880; report book [possibly belonging to Ben M Jones of the Diocesan Training College, Chester] with criticisms of lessons given by various teachers, including on their use of illustrative drawings, 1900-1901; papers relating to the London County Council Report of the Conference on the Teaching of Drawing in Elementary and Secondary Schools and Training Colleges, 1907-1909. The collection also includes timed drawings done by elementary school pupils at Station Road Girls' School, Highbury, London in 1897, other examples of art work done by children, and a small amount of correspondence.

      Sans titre
      GB 0366 PES · Collection · 1964-1991

      Papers of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB), 1964-1991, including Executive Committee minutes, 1964-1980; Annual General Meeting minutes, 1964-1988 and working files of Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting , 1977-1991 (excluding 1980 and 1984). Papers relating to the PESGB constitution, 1983 and amended, 1986. Papers relating to workshops and conferences including Standing Conference on Studies in Education, 1974-1979; the World Congress on Philosophy, 1988; Day conference, 30 Nov 1984; Annual Conference, 1989-1990; Newsletter, 1989; National Conference for Philosophy, 1989-1990 and workshops 1985-1986. Correspondence, 1965-1990, including with the British Society of Aesthetics, 1975. Papers relating to surveys on the Philosophy of Education in Higher Education Departments, 1988 and the PESGB work and activities, 1984. Newsletters and related working papers, 1975-1990; membership files, 1983-1990; information sheets and application forms; papers relating to the Philosophy of Education Society, Australia; press cuttings, 1971; papers relating to London meetings, 1984 and papers relating to the Social Science Research Council, 1975-1976.

      Sans titre
      GB 0100 KCLCA C/SCISP, C/SC, C/SCPT, C/SCI5-13 · 1968-1984

      Records, 1968-1984, of the Schools Council Integrated Science Project (SCISP), created by the senior members of the SCISP team, comprising papers of the SCISP consultative committee, 1969-1981, including minutes and other meeting papers, correspondence, comments on the trials course material, and publicity; papers relating to Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials schools, 1970-1979, largely correspondence with and feedback from individual schools; correspondence files concerning implementation of the scheme in schools participating in Phase 3 of the Project, 1970-1983, including correspondence of the Project Co-ordinator with the Area Co-ordinator, Area Local Education Authorities, and Area Schools; papers relating to Area Co-ordination, 1970-1982, including minutes and other meeting papers; correspondence and papers, 1968-1982, including material relating to the SCISP Advisory Group, financial and administrative matters, personnel files, the preparation of the course and teaching material, apparatus, correspondence with individual colleges of education requesting information and material, publicity, participants, the acceptability of the qualification, and SCISP overseas; papers relating to SCISP and other conferences, 1971-1979; papers relating to SCISP publications on Patterns (pupils' and technicians' manuals and teachers' guide), background books, Exploring Science and others such as SCISP leaflets and Newsletters, 1970-1983, including trial versions and supporting papers; papers on assessment, 1968-1984, including meeting papers of the SCISP Assessment Working Party and correspondence with the Associated Examining Board; papers on SCISP in Northern Ireland, 1969-1975, including feedback; papers on evaluation and feedback, 1970-[1982], including feedback from schools and pupils, data on their performance, and evaluation of course content; correspondence on acceptability of the SCISP O-level with professional and educational organisations, 1970-1984; papers on Mode 3 CSE based on SCISP, 1974-1982, including planning and reports; reports, 1977, of the Schools Council Syllabus Steering Groups on various subjects, relating to proposals for reform of sixth-form curricula and examinations and the replacement of A-levels with N- and F-levels; miscellaneous Schools Councils publications, 1971-1983, some including sections on Nuffield Science Projects; publications of the Schools Council's Project Technology, 1969-1971, offering guidance to schools wanting to include technology studies in their curriculum; publications, 1968-1973, and reports, 1971-1973, of Science 5/13, a project sponsored partly by the Schools Council and the Nuffield Foundation to assist teachers in helping children aged between five and thirteen to learn science; publications, 1965-1974, of miscellaneous bodies, including the British Petroleum Company Ltd, Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, the Peak Park Planning Board and Unilever Ltd, on various scientific topics.

      Sans titre