Industrie électrique

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Industrie électrique

Terme générique Industrie énergétique

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Industrie électrique

4 Description archivistique résultats pour Industrie électrique

4 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
GB 0097 BURN · [1926-1981]

Papers of Duncan Lyell Burn, [1926-1981], relating to his economic, business and journalistic interests, including material relating to his post as industrial correspondent of The Times, [1940-1962], such as notes and interviews by Burn and others on subjects including post-war reconstruction, the German economy and rearmament, the Marshall Plan, and steel nationalisation; material collated by Burn on the UK iron and steel industries, [1926-1974], including documents, pamphlets, press cuttings, notes, correspondence and memoranda relating to steel and iron production, distribution and pricing, notably papers relating to steel supplies during World War Two; papers relating to foreign visits by Burn, 1946-1971, to the Federal Republic of Germany, Holland, Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Sweden, Italy and India; detailed notes on interviews by Burn with prominent industrial and political figures, [1963-1969], mainly relating to the heavy electrical industry, nuclear power, the steel industry, and industrial organisation; correspondence and papers relating to the writing and publication of The economic history of steelmaking, 1867-1939 (University Press, Cambridge, 1940), [1930-1939]; material concerning the work of the Economic Development Office, 1962-1965, notably comprising correspondence relating to the setting up of the EDO and its sponsors, notes on discussions and visits with electrical manufacturers, correspondence with the Gas Council, the International Electrical Association, the Board of Trade, the Electrical Council and the UK Atomic Energy Authority, and minutes and reports of the EDO; papers of the Select Committee on Energy, [1978-1981], including investigations into the generation of electricity by nuclear power; material relating to nuclear power, especially in the USA, [1965-1981], namely correspondence, papers and notes; general correspondence of Burn, [1940-1974].

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GB 0074 LMA/4192 · Collection · 1928-1969

Records of the London Electric Supply Corporation Limited and successor London Electricity Board, comprising plans of Main Transmissions Networks in the London, Essex and Kent areas, 1937 - 1951; and photographs of Grove Road Sub-Station, 195-; Carnaby Sub-Station, 1952; Neckinger Sub-Station, 1958; Horseferry Road Central Bank, 1959; Barnes Substation, 1960; Beech Station 'B' Sub-Station, 1969; Cable Tunnel under Surrey Canal, 195-; and Horseferry Road and Grove Street, 1928.

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GB 0097 CITRINE · Collection · 1924-1954

Citrine's diaries and diary notes, and original shorthand diaries; reference notebooks; correspondence and papers; general files and correspondence relating to the Trades Union Congress; papers relating to the National Coal Board and the Industrial Relations Bill, 1970; material relating to Citrine's honours and eminent contemporaries; press cuttings and printed material; and photographs.

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WHEATSTONE, Sir Charles (1802-1875)
GB 0100 KCLCA Wheatstone · 1757-1992

Experimental notes, working papers, correspondence and lecture summaries compiled by Charles Wheatstone, 1836-1875, and photographs collected by him in that period. Notably including papers relating to the development and testing of the telegraph, [1836-1960]; descriptions of experiments and test results concerning the measurement of electromotive forces and electrical potential, [1840-1875]; experimental observations on the nature of magnetism, electricity and thermodynamics, including electromagnet design, batteries and dynamos, [1834-1855]; working papers relating to optics including experiments into refraction, colouration of compounds and polarisation, [1850-1875]; drafts of lectures on sound and musical instruments prepared by Wheatstone, [1832-1837]; material relating to the management of the Wheatstone collection of scientific instruments and library, 1890-1992; biographical material relating to the life of Wheatstone, the invention of the telegraph and Wheatstone's musical instrument manufacturing business, with unrelated newspapers, 1757-1975; stereoscopic photographs and glass negatives taken by Roger Fenton, Samuel Buckle, Jules Duboscq and others, featuring landscapes, still lifes, panoramic scenes of cities including Paris and Moscow and the interior and exterior of the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, Sydenham, 1851, and especially the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1855, [1850-1901]; artefacts on loan from Department of Physics, King's College London, including telegraph apparatus, a nail fiddle and other prototype musical instruments, [1834-1875]; exhibition of scientific and musical instruments, [1834-1875].

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