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2 Descripción archivística resultados para Estonio

2 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
Matthews Collection
GB 0369 MAT · 1911-1958, mostly 1930-1958

Papers of William Kleesman Matthews on East European linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, comprising:
papers on Baltic languages, c 1926-1947, including drafts of an anthology of translated Baltic poetry and a Latvian calendar of Saints; notebooks on Bulgarian linguistics, 1921, 1947-1951, including notebooks on the grammar and phonetics of Bulgarian and Old Bulgarian; papers on Estonian literature, 1939-1950, comprising drafts of an anthology of Estonian poetry which Matthews began before the Second World War; papers on German lingusitics, 1943-1944; papers on Polynesian linguistics and the Marathi language in particular, 1945-1946; papers on Russian linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, including mss and proofs of published works, notes and translated poems some intended for publication, articles, minutes of meetings of the Kings College London Russian Society, Russian appointment diary and typescript by Emmanuil Kazakevich; notebooks on Slav languages, 1935-1958; notebooks on Ukranian linguistics, 1946-1954; general papers on the study of literature and linguistics, 1930-1958, including bibliographies, articles and notes on linguistics and literature, translated poetry and correspondence; typescripts and manuscripts of Matthews' (mainly) unpublished poetry, c 1935-1958

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Vincenz Collection
GB 0369 VIN · 1961

PhD thesis submitted to Paris University by André de Vincenz "Les noms de personnes du pays houtzoule" [The names of Estonian people], 1961.

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