European literature

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      European literature

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      European literature

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      European literature

      121 Descrição arquivística resultados para European literature

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      Thackery, William Makepeace: letter (forgery)
      GB 0096 AL148 · Arquivo · [1850]

      Forged letter pertaining to be from William Makepeace Thackery to an unknown recipient, [1850]. 'When I said that I could do no more for you for the present I meant it literally: I never once said it as a simple excuse... When I find that your views on hard work are different I may perhaps have something to say to you. Believe me a lazy life is a curse to any man.

      Written and signed in an unknown hand, as if by Thackeray.

      Sem título
      MacDonald, George: letter (1885)
      GB 0096 AL223 · Arquivo · 1885

      Letter from George MacDonald of 39 Melville Street, Edinburgh to Mr [Robert] Balgarnie, 21 Jun 1885. Thanking him for an invitation, which he hopes to accept. 'I suppose the month of August would do for Scarborough - but so far we are not even sure that we shall not be in Bordighera before the end of that month. We are getting very good gatherings here.'

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sem título
      GB 0096 AL358 · Arquivo · 1915

      (1) Address: Ritz Hotel, Piccadilly. From Glyn to Lord Northcliffe. 'You were kind enough to say that I might let you know when I was again going to cast a fly over the Fleet river! Well on 14th I am publishing a little set of papers called 'Three Things' ... there is an argument in the first paper on marriage which I feel sure you, and all men, will agree with me about! Just as I know all women will be enraged at it!' (8 October 1915). Autograph, with signature.

      (2) No address. Carbon copy of Northcliffe's reply. 'I will see that the book is dealt with in "The Times" and the "Daily Mail" ...' (12 October 1915). Typescript, unsigned.

      Sem título
      Wells, Herbert George: correspondence, [1894-1967]
      GB 0096 AL368 · Arquivo · [1894-1967]

      (i) 5 letters from Herbert George Wells to Stephen and Nell Hunter, [1894-1910]. Topics covered include illustrations and Isabel Wells, Wells's first wife. All items are autograph and 4 are signed; the signature from one has been cut away.

      (ii) Letter from Jack Stephen to Professor George Philip Wells (son of H G Wells) of the Department of Zoology, University of London, 19 Mar 1967. Forwarding H G Wells's correspondence. Typescript, with signature.

      (iii) Letter from H G Wells to [D T] Richnell of University of London Library, 4 Nov 1967. Forwarding the above letters as a gift to the library. Autograph, with signature.

      Sem título
      Galloway, Alexander: letter (1824)
      GB 0096 AL396 · Arquivo · 1824

      Letter from Alexander Galloway of West Street, [London] to Mr Applegarth, Stamford Street [recipient's name and address added in a different hand], 9 Jul 1824. He has received the letter about a press to mark Bath paper. Stating that he will engrave the seal to any design. The japanned press would cost £8 10s, the bright one £9, independent of the die.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sem título
      Woolf, Virginia: letter
      GB 0096 AL493 · Arquivo · [1924]

      Fragment of a letter from Virginia Woolf to an unknown recipient, [1924]. 'We [?Virginia and Leonard Woolf] are here [?in London] till October ... I'm so sorry about Lady Colvin' [?a reference to the death of Frances Colvin, the wife of Sir Sidney Colvin on 1 Aug 1924].

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sem título
      Symons, Arthur William (1865-1945)
      GB 0096 MS324 · Arquivo · c1900

      Manuscript of a poem, Catullus, c1900 (manuscript 324) by Arthur William Symons.

      Sem título
      FURNIVALL, Frederick James (1825-1910)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP132 Furnivall · 1760, 1841-1967

      Papers, 1841-1967, including: correspondence and papers relating to Furnivall's family, his inheritance and the family home, Great Fosters House, Egham, Surrey, 1865-1926; papers relating to Furnivall's university education, including notes of Professor Thomas Graham's lectures on chemistry and Professor Henry Malden's lectures on the Greek language, University College London, 1841-1842; personal accounts, invoices and receipts, 1863-1908; correspondence to and from friends and acquaintances, 1865-1910, including William Woodham Webb, Walter Brindley Slater, George Edward Cockayne, Thomas Arnold and Beatrice Harraden; Teena Rochfort-Smith. A Memoir, publication paying tribute to Furnivall's mistress, 1883; photographic images of Furnivall, 1876-[1910]; papers relating to the study of philology and the Philological Society, 1858-1909, notably letters and publications concerning the New English Dictionary, 1859-1909; journals, correspondence, lecture notes and printed material relating to the Working Men's College, education and social reform, 1842-1912; papers relating to the Early English Text Society, 1865-1910, notably letters from Walter William Skeat concerning the editing and publication of William Langland's Piers Plowman, 1866; correspondence, proofs, notes relating to the Chaucer Society, 1866-1900; papers relating to the Ballad Society, 1867-1875, principally correspondence and proofs concerning the publication of Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript, 1867-1868; correspondence and notes regarding the formation of the proposed Lydgate and Occleve Society, 1872; correspondence, publications and proofs relating to the New Shakspere Society, 1873-1886; articles and printed circulars relating to an acrimonious dispute with Algernon Swinburne, 1876-1881; notes of lectures on Shakespeare and Elizabethan literature given by Furnivall, John Llewellyn Davies, John Wesley Hales, George MacDonald and William Spalding, 1874-1876; papers relating to the Browning Society, 1881-1967, notably Woodburytype image of Robert Browning, 1881; Browning Society proceedings, entertainment programmes and papers, 1884-1892; two letters from Robert Browning, 1874-1888; letters from Alma Forman [Alma Murray] concerning the Browning Society's theatre productions, 1885-1888; correspondence relating to a lawsuit brought by Leonard Outram, 1886-1888; prospectus, reports, letters and newspaper cuttings relating to Shelley and the Shelley Society, 1886-1892; publications relating to Thomas James Wise's Ashley Library, 1887-1895; correspondence relating to fundraising for the Maurice Rowing Club, 1886-1887; correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to the debate over the superiority of sculls over oars, 1886; letters, memoranda and bills of sales relating to the purchase and repair of boats and sculls, 1886-1889; photographic postcards of the Hammersmith Girls Sculling Club [later the Furnivall Sculling Club], 1907; leaflets, prospectuses and letters relating to other societies, 1870-1910; obituaries and memorials to Furnivall, 1910-1949; miscellaneous material including Genuine and Curious Memoirs of the Famous Captain Thurot by John Francis Durand. (London: J Burd & J Williams, 1760) and Pigot & Co's New Map of the Environs of London Extending 14 Miles round St Paul's in Every Direction, 1832.

      Sem título
      Symons, Arthur William
      GB 0096 MS595 · Arquivo · [1924]

      Unpublished essay entitled 'Hotel Continental' by Arthur William Symons, c 1924.

      Sem título
      Lahr, Charles (1885-1971)
      GB 0096 SLV/36 · Arquivo · 1926-1967

      Mainly comprising letters sent to Charles Lahr by various writers.

      Sem título
      Mirsky Collection
      GB 0369 MIR · 1928-1929

      Articles by Prince Dmitry Petrovich Svyatopolk-Mirsky, entitled "Jane Ellen Harrison (died 15 April 1928)" and "Tolstoy Centenary Edition", 1929

      Sem título
      Pring Collection
      GB 0369 PRI · 1900-1955

      Translations from Russian literature by S W Pring including translations of short stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov; translation of the composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov's memoirs; correspondence relating to the possible publication in book form of Pring's translation of correspondence between Rimsky-Korsakov and Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev.

      Sem título
      Pushkin Collection
      GB 0369 PUS · 1937

      Photographs, with captions from an unidentified Soviet exhibition on Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The photographs depict Pushkin's literary entourage and title pages of Pushkin's works, illustrations of productions and sketches for productions of Pushkin's works and commorations of the centenary of Pushkin's death (1937) in schools and factories.

      Sem título
      Dumas, Alexandre (père)
      GB 0096 AL 179 · Coleção · [1830-1845]

      Papers of Alexandre Dumas, [1830-1845], comprise a letter To 'Mon bien cher Hugo' [Victor Hugo], regreting that he was out when Hugo called but hopes to see him the following day.

      Sem título
      Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894-1963)
      GB 0096 AL 525 · Coleção · 1918

      Papers of Aldous Leonard Huxley, 1918 , comprise a letter his brother, Julian Sorell Huxley, discussing books and society and literary figures.

      Sem título
      Palavestra Collection
      GB 0369 PAL · 1977-1980

      Translations by E D Goy of several works by Pedrag Palavestra and a critique of one of them, 1977-1980.

      Sem título
      Pesti Collection
      GB 0369 PES · 1956

      Photocopies of manuscripts of Jozsef Pesti's political poems from 1956, in Hungarian with English translations, together with an extract from the catalogue of the Manuscript Department of the Széchenyi Library relating to the manuscripts.

      Sem título
      Rogachevskaia Collection
      GB 0369 ROG · 1993

      Dissertation by Ekaterina Borisovna Rogachevskaia presented to the Mirovoi Literary Institute, Moscow, 1993 entitled "Molitvoslovnoe tvorchestvo Kirilla Turovskogo (problemy tekstologii i poetiki" [Prayer studies of Kirilla Turovskogo: problems of textual criticism and poetics]

      Sem título
      Stevens Collection
      GB 0369 STE · 1925-1972

      Correspondence relating to Horace C Stevens' work as a translator of Russian and Polish literature. The subject files include with individuals, publishers (including with Gollancz and about his translation of the work of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov) and the Polish Ministry of Information, 1925-1972.

      Sem título
      JENKINS, Harold (1909-2000)
      GB 0370 HJ · c1930-1994

      The collection contains the papers of Harold Jenkins,1909-2000, comprising of papers relating to his work as a literary scholar and university teacher, specialising in Shakespeare. It also contains some personal papers relating to his career, and his wife Gladys Jenkins.

      It comprises Hamlet Lecture Notes, 1965-1989; Other Shakespeare Lecture Notes, 1941-1988; Other Subject Lecture Notes, c.1945-1986; Hamlet Research Notes, Mid-Late 20th Century; Other Shakespeare Research Notes, c.1948-1990s; Benlowes Research Notes, c.1936-1963; Other Subject Research Notes, Mid-Late 20th Century; Papers relating to the Arden Hamlet, c.1970s-1986; Other Publications, 1948-1992; Career Papers, c.1930-1994; and papers relating to Gladys Jenkins, 1940-1950s.

      Sem título
      GARNETT, Richard (1835-1906)
      GB 0370 RG · 1907

      Letter to Sir Sidney Lee 17 January 1904, attributed to Richard Garnett (1835-1906). Refers to his views on Shakespeare, the plot of the Tempest, critical of Dr Anders publication 'Shakespeares Books' published 1904.

      Sem título
      Ker Papers
      GB 0103 KER · 1867-c1955

      The collection consists of published and unpublished works including lectures, essays, poems and reviews by Ker; notes for works and lectures covering the whole of Ker's career; correspondence collected by Chambers; and miscellaneous material including Chambers' notes and writings on Ker, Ker's personal and administrative papers, obituaries of Ker, and other papers.

      Sem título
      BATHURST, Sir Thomas (1622-1688)
      GB 0113 MS-BATHT · [1640s]-[1680s]

      Medical formulary, [1640s]-[1680s]. Includes collection of medical receipts in Bathurst's handwriting, and notes on Homer, Xenophon, and the Bible, mid-late C17th

      Sem título
      Morley, Henry: letter (1890)
      GB 0096 AL191 · Arquivo · 1890

      Letter from Henry Morley of Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight to Messrs Ernest Elliot and Arthur D W Cartin, 31 Dec 1890. Declining to prepare an edition of Shakespeare for publication in the Carisbrooke Library, since he has already done one for Cassell's National Library.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sem título
      Hocking, Silas Kitto: letter
      GB 0096 AL222 · Arquivo · [1880-1935]

      Final leaf only of a letter from Silas Kitto Hocking to Mr Kernshaw, [1880-1935]. Expressing the hope of seeing him at the Whitefriars Club to make arrangements for them to travel together to a lecture to be given by Hocking in the following week.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sem título
      Wells, Herbert George: letter, 19 Jun 1921
      GB 0096 AL338 · Arquivo · 1921

      Letter from Herbert George Wells of Easton Glebe, Dunmow, [Essex] to Mr [Frank T A] Ashton-Gwatkin, 21 Jun 1921. Commenting on Ashton-Gwatkin's work Kimono (1921) [published under the pseudonym John Paris].

      All letter are autograph, with signatures.

      Sem título
      Saintsbury, George E B: letters
      GB 0096 AL462 · Arquivo · 1929-1932

      5 letters and cards from George Edward Bateman Saintsbury of 1 Royal Crescent, Bath to Miss Brenda E Spender, 1929-1932.

      All items are autograph, with signatures.

      Sem título
      Masefield, John: Handwritten passages of poetry
      GB 0096 SLV/86 · Arquivo · [c1900-1967]

      Papers of John Masefield comprising brief handwritten passages, which appear to stand on their own rather than being extracts from longer works and are most unlikely unpublished. One is entitled 'The Ong of Highworth Ridden' and a note by the other descibes it as 'Lines for Mosquito Day, and in the Memory of Sir Reginald Ross, a patient observer of little things'. They are accompanied by letters from Geoffrey Handley-Taylor concerning depositing Masefield material at the University of London Library (now Senate House Library).

      Sem título
      Masefield, John (1878-1967)
      GB 0096 SLV/92-99 · Arquivo · 1910-1967

      Papers and correspondence of John Masefield, 1910-1967. SL V 92-7 are letters and SL V 98 are book tokens inscribed by Masefield. SL V 99 are proofs for Sea Life in Nelson's Time (1971).

      Sem título
      Closs/Priebsch Family Papers
      GB 0367 ACO/ECT/HCL/RPR · 1899-1990

      Papers of August Closs and his family, comprising:
      August Closs: Personal Papers
      Correspondence with Hannah and Elizabeth Closs (later Closs-Traugott);
      Diaries, 1915-1928;

      General Correspondence: correspondents include Stefan Andres, 1960-1972; Anthony Blunt, 1976; Albert Einstein, 1930; T S Eliot, 1953; E M Forster, 1955; Sigmund Freud, 1930; John Galsworthy, 1928-1932; Bernt von Heiseler, 1953-1965; Arno and Anita Holz, 1922-1932; F R Leavis, 1948-1953; Thomas Mann, 1929; Christoph Meckl, 1962; J R R Tolkien, 1955;
      Correspondence with UK/US based academics: correspondents include F W Bateson, 1956; Jethro Bithell, 1951-1957; Lord David Cecil, 1955; W E Collinson, 1944-1968; David Duckworth, 1972-1989; H G Fiedler, 1936-1944; Stanley Goodman, 1941-1942; G P Gooch, 1946-1963; Brian Keith-Smith, 1966-1982; Sir John Kingman, 1985-1988; Victor Lange, 1951-1973; Eudo C Mason, 1951-1963; Estelle Morgan, 1953-1987; Irene Morris, 1955-1957; Roy Pascal, 1948-1978; Ronald Peacock, 1945-1959; F P Pickering, 1937-1958; Siegbert and Helga Prawer, 1952-1987; Edna Purdie, 1953-1964; Hans S Reiss, 1964-1989; Hermann Salinger, 1963-1966; Paul and Vivian Salmon; David Scrase, 1964-1989; Ernst Stahl, 1963-1969; Ellisabeth and F J Stopp, 1946-1973; John Joseph Stoudt, 1945-1963; H M Waidson, 1960-1978; L A Willoughby, 1952-1977; Roy A Wisbey, 1980-1988; W E Yuill, 1967-1978; E H Zeydel, 1942-1961;
      Correspondence with German/Austrian/Swiss based academics: correspondents include Ernst Alker, 1952-1972; Felix Braun, 1942-1948; Hans Egon Holthusen, 1950-1961; Heinz Kindermann, 1949-1974; Frans Koch, 1946-1957; Manfred Lurker, 1968-1972; Horst Oppel, 1946-1985; Arthur Pfeiffer, 1953-1957; Hans Pyritz, 1933-1956; Kurt Schäfer, 1982-1986;
      Correspondence with other European based academics: correspondents include Jan Aler, 1946-1959 and Erik Lunding, 1953-1969;
      Correspondence with individual academics, Hans Bähr, Roger Loomis, Eirwen and Idris Parry, Friedrich Heinz and the Humboldt Gesellschaft;
      War diaries of Max Closs;
      Correspondence with L P Hartley, 1955-1972, and letters between Closs and publishers on the publication of the correspondence;
      Corrspondence, photos and papers on Theodor Däubler, 1930-1947 and undated;
      Correspondence and articles relating to Herman Pongs, 1946-1978;
      Notes, articles and reviews by Closs on German literature, 1915-1990;
      Papers relating to Bristol University, including correspondence and papers on award of Honorary D.Litt, 1987;
      Correspondence and papers on the Bristol/Hannover Link 1947-1987, particularly 40th anniversary celebrations, 1987;
      Correspondence with publishers on royalty payments, 1949-1983;

      Robert Preibsch papers, 1899-1934, including correspondence, notes on German literature and palaeography, correspondence about the Priebsch/Closs Collection;

      Hannah Closs papers 1934-1952, including correspondence, reviews and articles, writings on art, reviews of her work, obituaries and tributes;

      Elizabth Closs-Traugott papers, 1951-1988, including correspondence, notes for lectures, articles and reviews, and press cuttings;

      Acquired Papers:
      Medieval manuscripts: Das Leiden Christi, mss booklet describing a vision by a nun of the Passion of Christ [15th century], Pseudo-Clemens Romanus, early 9th century west German fragment; Heinrich Seuse: Buch der ewigen Weisheit six loose fragments [14th century], Predigten, by German wandering preacher, in Latin, c 1450; wooden cover with pressed calf leather, bearing arms of Pope Paul III Farinesi;
      Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century material: Hexenprozesse three folio booklets - original records of witchcraft trials of Catharina Stroblin, 1617; Appolonia Nueberin, 1623, bill to cover costs of difficulties caused by and rewards offered for executed magical persons during the years 1617, 1628, 1629 by Hans Schölern; title deed to land and farm sold by Nette, servant of Graf Dietrich von Plesse to a nunnery, Low German, 1516;
      Autograph letters and mss including poems Bittschrift by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, [undated], and Friedrich von Bodenstadt [undated]; letters from Wilhelm von Humboldt [c 1799], Theodor Storm, 1867, Friedrich and Caroline de la Motte Fourque, 1814, 1927, Eduard Devrient, 1839, August Heinrich Hoffman von Fallersleben, 1864, Friedrich Schlegrl, [undated], Ludolf Wienbarg, 1839, Christina G Rosetti, 1865, James Martineau - letter to J S Mill on the University of London, 1841, Stefan Zweig, 1909, Henriette Hendel-Schütz, 1807, Friedrich Karl von Savigny, 1856.

      Sem título
      English Goethe Society
      GB 0367 EGS · 1886-1995

      Archives of the English Goethe Gociety (EGS), 1886-1993, comprising:
      Business records including annual statements of accounts, 1930-1931, 1945, 1950-1953, 1966, 1981; receipts, invoices, bank statements, and details of the Society's investments, 1929-1931;
      Membership records including lists of Members and Council, 1886-1966, 1993?; proposal forms and related correspondence, 1936-1938; correspondence relating to resignations, 1932-1936;
      Council minutes and papers, 1962-1972, 1992;
      Annual Reports of EGS, 1886-1913 [incomplete]; the Goethe-Gesellschaft in Weimar, 1922-1923 and the Freies Deutsches Hochstift, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1911-1917;
      General correspondence on EGS business, 1926-1930 [Where correspondence is of direct relevance to a set of documents it has been placed with those documents rather than in this class];
      Correspondence and papers on EGS activities, including records of ordinary meetings, 1897-1993; records relating special events and anniversaries, 1899-1982, including 150th anniversary of the birth of Goethe, 1899; the dedication of the Goethe Memorial on Frankfurt-am-Main, 1904, the Goethe Centenary, 1932; EGS 50th anniversary, 1936; the Goethe Bicentenary celebrations, 1949; the 150th anniversary of the death of Schiller, 1955; and the 150th anniversary of the death of Goethe, 1982;
      Correspondence and papers relating th EGS Prizes, the English Goethe Society (later the Willoughby) Prize 1977-1995 and the Thmas Mann Prize, 1988-1992;
      Miscellaneous papers including book reviews, newscuttings, personal memorabilia of Goethe such as a lock of his hair, and two original contemporary signed and dated silhouettes of Goethe and Charlotte von Stein, printed and published items.

      Sem título
      Institute of Germanic Studies
      GB 0367 IGS · 1951-1993

      Papers of the Institute of Germanic Studies (IGS), 1951-1995, including
      Papers, 1951-1961 on repair of war damage and the conversion of 29 Russell Square for the IGS, including plans, correspondence with Surveyors, schedule of work, application for award under National Building Programme, tenders, and contact with the builders;
      Papers on production of a "Union List" of periodicals dealing with Germanic languages and literatures in the University Library and libraries of the Colleges and Institutes of the University of London, 1956;
      Minutes, correspondence and papers on the Medieval Studies Group project to compile a bibliography and commentary of Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1961-1963;
      Papers on Exhibitions at IGS, 1961-1893
      Papers on commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the death of Goethe, 1982;
      Papers on publication of Germanistik in Festschriften von den Sufängen (1877) bis 1973 IGS Friends Newsletter, 1987-1995;
      Visitors Book, 1956-1983.

      Sem título
      Leishman, James Blair (1902-1963)
      GB 0367 JBL · 1927-1962

      Papers of James Blair Leishman, 1927-1962, comprising:
      Correspondence mostly from Paul Obermüller (50 items) and Ernst Zinn (7 items) concerning his Leishman's translations of the works of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1955-1961;
      holiday postcards (12 items) written by Leishman and his wife from Switzerland and Austria to their children at boarding school, 1956-1957;
      Personal Diaries, 1927, 1930.

      Sem título
      Beare, Mary (1897-1985)
      GB 0367 MBE · c 1936-1983

      Correspondence and papers of Mary Beare, c 1936-1983, comprising:
      Teaching papers, including University of Cambridge Medieval and Modern Languages Tripos examination papers [c 1936-1947]; lecture and seminar notes on Hans Sachs; Reformation drama; Grillparzer, Sebastian Brant, Gryphius and 17th century drama, Luther, drama and satire in the 16th century, propaganda in the age of the Reformation, lyric poetry;
      Research notes and papers including notes for and typescript and illustrations of The German Popular Play [c 1938]; article Glimpses of Hamburg between War and Peace, 1946; notes on Hans Sachs, with texts of his plays and poems and typescript and proofs of The Later Dialogues of Hans Sachs; notes on Luther, Grisar, the Faust-Volksbucher, Lessing, Dutch 17th century poetry and Janssen;
      Personal papers including copy of curriculum vitae and miscellaneous correspondence.

      Sem título
      Majut, Rudolf (1887-1981)
      GB 0367 RMA · 1918-1966

      Papers of Rudolf Majut, 1944-1962, comprising:
      Annotated typescripts of works by Rudolf Majut, including broadcast Majut made for Austrian Radio in 1953, and of his controversial poem about the child victims of the Nazi death camps, 'Das Lied von den Schuhen' (enthusiastically praised by Thomas Mann); typescripts of poetry and prose by his brother Hans Majut (1892-1937), who suffered persecution under the Nazi regime for being of Jewish descent, despite being a protestant Christian like his brother.
      Correspondence, 1918-1966: correspondents include Jethro Bithell (1878-1962), head of the Department of German at Birkbeck College London; Rudolf Liechtenhan, Rt Rev George Bell, Bishop of Chichester, Fritz Bergemann, Alfred Bergmann, Theodor Bohner; Gustav Ehrismann, Bernt von Heiseler, Max Hermann, Thomas Mann, Rudolf Odebrecht, Wolfgang Stammler, Karl Viëtor and Günther Weydt.

      Sem título
      Rose, William (1894-1961)
      GB 0367 WRO · 1903-1961

      Research papers and correspondence of Professor William Rose, 1903-1961, comprising:
      School, Undergraduate and Postraduate notes, including exercise books from King Edward VI Grammar School, Birmingham, 1910-1911, undergraduate notes from Birmingham University, 1912-1915, and postgraduate notes from University College London, and King's College London, 1920-1922;

      Papers on Rose's service on World War One and World War Two, including accounts and photographs of service with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, the Machine Gun Corps and the RAF, 1915-1920, and official documents obtained in his capacity as an intelligence officer (1942-46), includes information digests for Germany and Austria on the Nazi War Trials, documents on post-war rehabilitation in Germany (particularly in education) and the German psyche;

      Papers relating to Rose's academic career, including lecture notes, examination papers, papers on the KCL German Society, and teaching methodology in universities; research notes on literary history, genres and movements, Psychoanalysis, Socio-historical and political influences, Jewishness and individual literary figures including Goethe, Schiller, Heinrich Heine, Rainer Maria Rilke; correspondence and papers on other academic acivities including reviewing and editing, speeches and broadcasts, and papers on Anglo-German organisations including the English Goethe Society and the PEN-Club;

      Collection of approximately 900 newscuttings and other ephemera, 1903-1961, arranged by theme and then chronologically, includes articles, publishers' catalogues and blurbs, obituaries, and book reviews, from a variety of sources but mainly newspapers and newssheets. Some of the items concerning German literary and other eminent figures have portraits. The content reflects Rose's wide range of interests, not all of them literary. Subjects include: art and architecture; 'Arbeiterdichtung'; bibliography; European culture; folklore; history; literary history, theory and criticism; the German military and General Staff; German poetry and prose; Goethe and Schiller; medieval themes; National Socialism and its influence; performing arts; the two world wars;

      General Correspondence, 1908-1958: correspondents include Max Hermann-Niesse, 1936-1938; Peter Huchel, 1956-1958; Leopold Jessner, 1934-1936 (with letters from Frank Wedekind to Jessner, 1908-1913); Alfred Kerr, 1945-1948; Else Lasker-Schüler, 1931-1939; Thomas Mann, 1934; Robert Neumann, 1934-1946; Kurt Pinthus, 1929-1937; Olga Schnitzler [wife of Arthur Schnitzler], 1938, and Stefan Zweig, 1934-1939;

      Miscellaneous papers including a collection of unwritten postcards, an essay on Birmingham and Soho, and an unidentified fragment of a play about Napoleon.

      Sem título
      DRAKE, Bernard (fl 1841-1853)
      GB 0100 KCLCA Drake · 1841-1844

      Copy of Demonsthenes' Oratio in Midiam cum annotatione critica et exegetica edited by Philip C Buttmann (Third edition, Augusti Mylii, Berolini, 1841), with manuscript notes by Drake, and inscribed 'Bernard Drake, Eton College, 1841'.

      Sem título
      BULLOUGH, Geoffrey (1901-1982)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP 173 · [1957-1975]

      Papers of Geoffrey Bullough, [1957-1975] contain typescript proofs of publications edited by Bullough. The collection contains annotated galley proofs from Bullough's Narrative and dramatic sources of Shakespeare (Columbia U.P, 1957 and later editions), notably including two copies of The Tradegie of Antonie by Robert Garnier, translated by Mary Herbert (1595) and two copies of The Troublesome raigne of King John (anonymous, 1591); carbon copy of The Taming of the Shrew [edited 1957-1975], which includes pencil annotation 'check this with original text'; annotated photocopy of Rosalynde. Euphues Golden Legacie by Thomas Lodge, (1592) [edited 1957-1975], perhaps suggesting that Bullough intended to edit this work; University of London BA examination paper for internal and external students in English, 1974 and University of London BA general examination paper for external students in Middle English 1300-1525, 1974.

      Sem título
      CARTER, John (1748-1817)
      GB 0100 KCLCA Leathes · 1700-1818

      The collection comprises manuscript notebooks on architecture and antiquarianism, correspondence and printed obituaries of Carter, 1700-1818, notably including a folder of loose manuscript notes relating to merchant ships on the Baltic route, papers on Latin verbs and translation, bill of expenses and proposals for improvements to the catalogue of the Harleian Collection, now housed in the British Library, 1700-1818; manuscript notes compiled during Carter's childhood on the importance of virtue, and commonplaces derived from the writings of King Charles I and King Charles II of England, among others, [1762]; folio day book by Carter describing chapel ornamentation, the role of the antiquarian and the architectural content of scenes from plays by William Shakespeare, including Richard III, 1771; autobiographical notebooks by Carter describing his architectural tours, with sketches and drawings, 1774-1778; sketch book with observations of landmarks such as Durham Cathedral, 1791-1803; correspondence with Leathes on Carter's health problems, his estate and collection of drawings and papers, [1799-1818]; printed obituaries and memorials of Carter published in Gentleman's magazine, 1817-1818; Sotheby's sale catalogue of the Carter collection, [1817-1818].

      Sem título
      PICKERING, Frederick Pickering (1909-1981)
      GB 0100 KCLCA Pickering · [1962]

      Manuscript notes (attributed to F P Pickering, [1962]) on Johannes Rathofer, Der Heliand: theologischer Sinn als tektonische Form (Koln, 1962).

      Sem título
      REICH, Dorothy (1921-2001)
      GB 0505 PP23 · Created 1892-1981

      The material in Dorothy Reich's personal papers covers the years from 1892 to 1981, although the majority relates to the 1950s and 1960s. Her papers include a great deal of material created by Professor Edna Purdie, her teacher and colleague. This is partly due to the fact that on Purdie's death in 1968, Reich took over the editing of 'A History of German Literature' by J.G. Robertson who had also been a Professor of German at Bedford College. Reich's papers therefore include a great deal of material relating to the 3rd and 4th editions of the book edited by Purdie. However, the papers also include material created by Purdie which is unrelated to the publication of the book. The material relating to the revisions of 'A History of German Literature' includes Edna Purdie's correspondence with W.I. Lucas, Professor of German at the University of Southampton, who contributed towards the revisions of the book, and Dr Mary Bearne who assisted Purdie with the section on the Early New High German period. There are also letters from the book's publishers, Blackwood and Sons, about the date of publication for the third edition and correspondence in German between Purdie and the German publishers, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, regarding a translation of the book into German. There is an extensive collection of handwritten notes and typed manuscripts relating to the revision of the book, including annotated copies of previously published editions. There is also material relating to Henry Handel Richardson, which would have also come into Dorothy Reich's possession through Edna Purdie. Henry Handel Richardson was the wife of J.G. Robertson and was a friend of Purdie's. Her real name was Ethel Florence Lindsey Richardson and she was an Australian author. 'Myself When Young' was her autobiography which she was in the process of writing when she died in 1946. The book was finished by her secretary Olga Roncoroni, with the help of Edna Purdie, and published in 1948. The other material relating to Handel Richardson concerns the publication of a book edited by Purdie and Roncoroni entitled 'Henry Handel Richardson; some personal impressions'. The collection includes material relating to Purdie's career at Bedford College, including papers and correspondence relating to both her teaching and research activities, as well as social aspects of her time at the College, such as her membership of the Wine Association. There are also a number of copies of lectures and publications on the subject of German Literature, which are presumed to have been collected by Purdie. There is a small collection of papers that appears to have been created by J.G. Robertson between 1900 and 1930. These include lectures he gave as well as manuscripts and notes for 'A History of the Romantic Movement', and notes relating to some of his other research topics.

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      GB 0102 ICCLA · 1920-1963

      Records, 1920-1963, of the Christian Literature Bureau for Africa and its succession by the ICCLA (International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa, part of the International Missionary Council), comprising early papers, 1920-1929, including correspondence; minutes, 1929-1958; records of the American Section, 1924-1959; accounts and related papers, 1928-1958; finance papers, 1948-1959; policy papers, 1929-1959, including its winding-up; papers relating to personnel, 1947-1956; papers relating to Secretarial travel by Margaret Wrong and C de Mestral in Africa, Europe and north America, 1933-1959; photographs of West Africa, 1933, and Southern Africa [1936]; papers of Margaret Wrong (Secretary), 1935-1947, including notes for addresses, reviews, articles on subjects including colonial development, personal photographs, letters, and papers, 1949-1965, relating to her death (c1949) and memorial fund; reports, surveys, etc, 1923-1957; papers relating to Books for Africa series and to Listen, 1931-1963; papers relating to the publication Daystar, 1948-1957; lists of books received, especially vernacular, 1930-1957; African language publications, 1930-1951; papers relating to Christian literature for Muslims, 1932-1959; papers relating to school service book, 1938-1953; manuscripts received, 1933-1957; papers relating to hymns publication, 1957-1963; papers relating to literacy [1935]-1959; papers on territorial series, 1927-1959; complete set of Books for Africa series, 1931-1963; complete set of Listen, 1932-1957; series (some incomplete) of published works: Little Books for Africa, African Home Library (comprising texts on the Bible and Christian faith, biography, allegories and stories, family, health and land, government and industry, countries and customs, science and education), and the French edition Bibliotheque de la Famille Africaine, and African Features; specimen periodicals published in Africa, 1950s; card index to titles for Books for Africa books reviewed and card index to titles and authors in the ICCLA library.

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      GB 0097 BOHM · Coleção · 1920s -1990s

      Papers, mainly relating to Dr Anne Bohm's post as External Relations Consultant to the London School of Economics, 1920s-1990s. The papers include reports on visits and correspondence regarding setting up associations and friends groups, 1970s-1980s. In addition, there are some programmes for plays, ballet and concerts, and some lecture notes on George Bernard Shaw, 1920s-1940s. Most files relate to an individual country and include: reports on visits; correspondence regarding policy, setting up associations, friends groups, and similar; lists of donors; programmes of visits.

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      Edward Thomas Collection
      GB 0347 D112 · Coleção · 1897-1917

      Letters from the poet, Edward Thomas, to Eleanor Farjeon, Ian McAlister, Irene and Hugh MacArthur and John Freeman. There is also a draft copy of Rowland Watson's book "Memories of Edward Thomas" and a copy of "Table Talk: being the discourses of John Selden". The correspondence to Eleanor Farjeon mainly discusses his work, both poetry and criticism, and he also comments on work she has sent him, as well as talking about his decision to join the Army and his worries over money. The letters to Irene and Hugh MacArthur are family letters, which give news of his own family and talk about their difficult financial situation. Thomas's letters to Ian McAlister cover his work, his family and his worries over his finances, but also discuss in detail his mental health, and refer to his struggles with depression and "nerves" in a very honest manner. The correspondence to John Freeman primarily relates to his work, and to Freeman's work, as well as to mutual friends.

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      Barker, Robert Edward (c 1820-1910)
      GB 0064 BRK · Coleção · 1794-1826

      The collection includes Robert Hammond's record of service and his survey, when Master of the Society of Pilots of the Cinque Ports, of the southern North Sea in the cutter GEM, 1841. The volumes collected by Barker himself consist mainly of logs of naval ships. They include that of the ORION, in home waters, kept by an Edward Barker in 1794, containing an account of the Battle of First of June; the Clyde, 1796 to 1800, kept by Lieutenant John Smith (fl 1780-1805), in home waters; of the CHALLENGER, 1828 to 1831, East Indies Station, kept by Commander John M R Ince (fl 1808-1850); the CALEDONIA, 1835 to 1836, Mediterranean station; the FLY, 1842 to 1846, surveying Australian waters, and the PILOT, 1850, East Indies station. There is also a journal of a voyage in the merchant ship VESTAL from North America to the West Indies, 1759 to 1760, by the author William Falconer (1744-1824); some of Falconer 's unpublished poems appear at the end of this journal.

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      Thackeray, Anne Isabella
      GB 0096 AL 294 · Coleção · [1863-1893]

      Papers of Anne Isabella Thackeray née Richie, [1863-1893], comprise four letters and one postcard to Mrs Jackson, Isabella [?Cole], Mrs James, Mrs Hugh Smith, Mrs Westlake. Items from both before and after Anne's marriage to Richmond T W Ritchie (1877) are included; the letters are dated with days of the week or dates and months, but the year is never given.

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      Printed Collections: Pamphlet Collection
      GB 106 PC/06 · 1930-[2008]

      The catalogued Pamphlet Collection comprises over 12,000 titles dating from approximately 1830 to the present. The Pamphlet Collection consists of printed material less than 60 pages in length and includes government policies, reports, annual reports and campaigning material, primary law, including Bills and Acts. The subject material of the collection reflects and enriches the wide range of topics held elsewhere in the Women's Library.The topics covered include: English fiction, children's stories, poetry, women's organisations, feminism, role of women in society - UK and abroad, nursing, sex discrimination law, divorce law, employment, occupations, careers, equal opportunities, labour law, pension law, social security, taxation, housing, health, pregnancy, abortion, birth control, domestic violence, mothers, one-parent families, children, family life, housekeeping, religion, ordination, arts, costume, suffrage. Organisations include Equal Opportunities Commission, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, National Union of Suffragettes, National Society for Women's Suffrage, US Women's Bureau, American National Red Cross, Union of Jewish Women, National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, National Federation of Women's Institutes, Fawcett Society, National Council for the Unmarried Mother and Her Child, British Federation of University Women, Association of University Women Teachers, Divorce Law Reform Union. Most of the material is in English, but there are also pamphlets in other languages, such as Italian, German and French.The pamphlets are arranged in two sections - one for standard sized pamphlets and one for oversized pamphlets.

      The 'UDC Pamphlet Collection' [Universal Dewey Decimal Classification]: In addition to the main Pamphlet Collection is the 'UDC Pamphlet Collection.' The UDC collection was the first pamphlet collection created by the Library and consists of approximately 10,000 pamphlets dating from mid nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries, covering all subjects. As the collection was gradually acquired during the Library's first 20 years of life, it was arranged by subject, using the Universal Decimal Classification system. The pamphlets were primarily deposited by organisations and individuals, although some purchases were made. There is a finding aid kept with the collection but the collection was never catalogued and therefore remained a hidden resource within the Library for more than 80 years. Unsurprisingly other libraries did not collect most of these pamphlets. In 2007 as part of a cataloguing funding bid preliminary sampling of the collection against Copac (the merged online catalogues of 24 university research libraries in the UK, plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland) found that over 60% of the UDC pamphlets were not listed in these major research collections. This is a very significant level of unique printed material.Cataloguing of the UDC collection started in 2007 and as the pamphlets are catatogued, they are transferred to the main pamphlet collection described above. As at 2009 the collection was partially catalogued and The Library was seeking additional funds to complete the project.

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      Weiner, Joyce (fl 1933-1980)
      GB 1556 WL 734 · Coleção · 1933-1934

      Papers of Joyce Weiner, 1933-1934, comprising copies of correspondence from Arnold Zweig to Weiner on the subject of his literary problems, 6 Sep 1933-30 Dec 1934; copy of a letter from Lola Sernau to Weiner, 3 Aug 1933 and a short biographical account of Weiner, 8 Apr 1934.

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