Family disorganization

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Family disorganization

      Family disorganization

        Termos equivalentes

        Family disorganization

        • UP Divorce
        • UP Family disintegration
        • UP Désagrégation de la famille
        • UP Désorganisation familiale
        • UP Divorce
        • UP Éclatement de la famille
        • UP Disolución de la familia
        • UP Divorcio
        • UP Separación

        Termos associados

        Family disorganization

        9 Descrição arquivística resultados para Family disorganization

        GB 0102 PP MS 74 · 1902-1977

        Records, 1902-1977 and undated, of and accumulated by the Restatement of African Law Project (RALP), School of Oriental and African Studies, comprising papers of RALP relating to administration, including minutes; and research material, such as notes, publications, theses, and other collected papers, on tribes and places including Basutoland (Lesotho), Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia and Zambia, Sierra Leone, the Sudan, Tanganyika, Zanzibar and Tanzania, and Uganda, relating to customs, aspects of law including succession, slavery, marriage and divorce, land tenure, legal systems, including customary law, legislation, courts, and particular legal cases.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 LMA/4262 · Coleção · 1992-1994

        This collection consists of working papers, publications, and ephemera relating to the International Year of the Family (1994).

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        Dienemann, Max: Divorce according to Civil and Jewish law
        GB 1556 WL 1047 · Coleção · [1928-1936]

        Papers of Dr Max Dienemann, [1928-1936], comprise cuttings including one from Jüdisch liberale Zeitung showing article by Dr Dienemann, 'Das jüdische Ehescheidungsrecht' (Jewish divorce right), 1928; typescript essay by Dr Dienemann concerning divorce, entitled 'Die Ehescheidung auf bürgerlichen und jüdischen Recht', containing corrections and annotations, undated, and manuscript notes on the subject of Jewish divorce, by Dienemann, undated.

        Sem título
        MCC/WE/FA · Coleção · 1948-1965

        Records of the Middlesex County Council Public Assistance and Welfare Department relating to homeless and problem families, 1948-1965, including statistics on homeless families; papers of the Assessment and Arrears Panel; reports; papers relating to temporary accommodation; admissions to council housing; homeless families case files and index cards.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 LMA/4006 · Coleção · 1953-1987

        Publications of the Christian Economic and Social Research Foundation, on subjects as diverse as drink offences; theft and the victims of crime; taxation; shopping centres; violence; social problems of youths; family problems; alcohol advertising; road safety; and licensing legislation. The majority of the publications are concerned with alcohol and the control of drinking.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/1888 · Coleção · 1919-1982

        Records of the London Council of Social Service and related organisations. The records reflect the variety and depth of activity undertaken by the LCSS. There is a good range of committee minutes, correspondence files and publications. The correspondence files approximate to the various departments although the contents of each one can be quite diverse.

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        Mothers in Action
        GB 106 5MIA · Arquivo · 1965-1989

        The archive consists of minutes, agendas, constitutions, circulars, working papers, publications, reports, correspondence, newsletters, and source material for publications including press cuttings and printed works from other organisations.

        The archive was transferred to The Women's Library by two members of the group, both active in the late 1960s to mid 1970s. As a result, survival of records is not uniform and reflects their interests, rather than being representative of MIA as a whole. Some non-MIA material was also present: this has been catalogued as 5MIA/13.

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        GB 0096 MS 764 · [1686]

        Transcript, probably made in the late 17th century, of the allegations made by Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of Stamford, against his wife for adultery before the Court of Arches, under 35 articles. Thomas Exton is given as the Dean of Arches. One page is blank except for: 'this side was skipt by the transcribers oversight'.

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        National Family Mediation
        GB 0097 NATIONAL FAMILY MEDIATION · Coleção · 1981-2000

        Papers, correspondence, reports and photographs concerning National Family Mediation and their work, 1981-2000. Includes material concerning the administration of central and local branches, training courses and workshops, involvement in the shaping of government legislation, casework material and the arrangements and proceedings of conferences. Also includes minutes of NFM committees, publications and photographs of staff and events.

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