Social problems

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148 Archival description results for Social problems

148 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0109 MU · Fonds · [1790-2000]

Records of the headquarters of the Mothers' Union, Mary Sumner House, Westminster. The majority of the archive dates from when the Mothers' Union established a centralised structure in the 1890s, and contains a small number of papers from members who, although not always based at Mary Sumner House, played important roles within the MU (see MU/MSS/2). Although some files run into the 1990s, many of the series stop in the early 1980s, which coincides with a survey undertaken of the archive in Mary Sumner House (see MU/CO/1/127).

The foundation of the Mothers' Union is dated to the publication of the first membership card in 1876. The society was established by Mary Sumner, wife of the Rector of Old Alresford in the Diocese of Winchester, to defend the institution of marriage and promote Christian family life. This concern broadened over time to consider all factors affecting the morality of society, within the home and without.

Initially a network of meetings in parishes in the Diocese of Winchester, by the mid 1890s, the MU had established a centralised governing body in London, and had a number of branches overseas; from the early twentieth century, departments were established to deal with specialised tasks in the society's work. Although the society was primarily concerned with the role of the mother and the upbringing of children, married women without children and unmarried women were allowed to join as Associate Members from the outset. Throughout the twentieth century the MU addressed a variety of contemporary social issues (such as runaway children, drug dependence, venereal disease, housing conditions and birth control), but reserved particular efforts for campaigning against divorce and marriage breakdown.

Faced with a need to address a liberalisation in both society and the Church in the decades following the Second World War, the Mothers' Union revised its constitution in 1974 giving greater autonomy to the MU overseas and no longer excluding divorcées. Further reassessment took place in the early 1990s when the need to comply with charity regulations prompted a restructuring of the organisation.

Mothers' Union
ASKANASY, Anna Helene
GB 0106 7AHA · Fonds · c 1950

The archive consists of a typescript 'The Catastrophe of Patriarchy', volume 1. Described as a 'critical study of the manner in which women under Matriarchy and men under Patriarchy have sought to solve the problems of Earth, Labour and Love', this volume forms Part I of a work whose complete scope is not indicated. In its six chapters, the 'problems' are set out in historical, biological, religious and economic contexts, with the patriarchal solutions found heavily wanting.

There is an extensive contents list and bibliography: many of the works cited are originally in German.

Askanasy , Anna Helene , fl 1930-1970 , feminist and writer
GB 160 3AMS · Fonds · 1824-2006

The archive consists of:

GB 160 AMS/A - Administrative records (1897-2006): Executive Committee minutes; Minutes of Sub-committees; Minutes of Annual General Meetings; Financial records; Constitutional and organisational papers; Correspondence; Papers relating to the Josephine Butler Collection.

GB 160 AMS/B - Enquiries and Campaigns (1824-1999): Memorial of the Contagious Diseases Acts; Canvassing Parliamentary candidates regarding solicitation laws; Ten Towns Enquiry; Solicitation (papers and publications on amending solicitation laws eg Street Offences Act 1959); Venereal diseases; Procuration; Armed Forces; Seamen in ports; Sexual morality; Women in the Colonial Office / Colonies Service Committee; Traffic in Women; Employment of Women Police; Russian Women's Hostel in Shanghai; Executive Committee Correspondence; Sexual offences and age of consent; Prostitution; Mrs Bligh Scrutton's papers; Female circumcision; Human rights (majority of papers relate to Human Rights Year 1968); Women's Action Group; Correspondence and reports of W Moody; Press cuttings

GB 160 AMS/C - International work : India (1867-1979): Acts, Regulations and Parliamentary Papers; Correspondence and papers of Henry J Wilson; 1893 Cantonments enquiry; Secretary's India files 1913-1925; Meliscent Shephard: correspondence 1928-1946; Organisation of the work in India 1929-1937; Papers relating to work in Bombay (1878-1934), Ceylon (1899-1955), Madras, Mysore, Delhi, Calcutta (1929-1939); Association for Moral and Social Hygiene in India (1943-1979)

GB 160 AMS/D - International work : other countries (1869-1970): Papers concern the international work of the Association for Moral and Social Hygiene in opposing the state regulation of prostitution (apart from India). Material consists of fact-finding (reports, enactments and press cuttings) and action (memoranda, articles and correspondence). Countries: Africa, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, British Guyana, Canada, China, Colonies, Congo, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Ireland, Ethiopia, Germany, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Mui Tsai in Hong Kong and Malaya, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel [Palestine], Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Rangoon (Burma), Romania, Seychelles, Singapore and Malaya, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tangier, Turkey, Uganda, USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), United States of America, Uruguay, West Indies

GB 160 AMS/E - Papers relating to the International Abolitionist Federation (1876-1999): Minutes of meetings of the International Committee and of the Executive Bureau of the International Abolitionist Federation; Reports; Papers relating to Congresses of the Federation and other related conferences; Correspondence concerning the publication of Congress proceedings; Papers relating to Constitutional reform; Publications

GB 160 AMS/F - Other organisations (1948-1997): Papers relating to: Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights and their relations with Minority Rights Group, Interights, Liberty, Human Rights Network; British Council of Churches; British Federation against the Venereal Diseases; British Social Biology Council and British Social Hygiene Council (both formally the National Council for Combatting Venereal Diseases); Commonwealth Countries' League; Commonwealth Secretariat; European Parliament; International Council of Women; Mothers' Union; National Council for Voluntary Organisations; National Council of Women; Status of Women Committee; United Nations including the United Nations Status of Women Commission and United Nations Association (UNA) Women's Advisory Council (WAC); Wel-Care; The Women's Council (co-operating with Women of Asia); Women's Freedom League; Women's National Commission; Papers relating to French organisations; publications

GB 160 AMS/G - Photographs (c 1850-1997): Portraits of Josephine Butler; Representations of Josephine Butler; Photographs of the Butler family; Individual portraits; Group portraits; Photographs of buildings associated with Josephine Butler

GB 160 AMS/H - Memorials and centenaries (1882-1983): Josephine Butler Centenary Memorial at Westminster Abbey in 1928; Josephine Butler Memorial Appeal and setting up the Josephine Butler Fellowship; post-centenary memorials (Chrystal MacMillan Memorial, Centenary Dinner of Association for Moral and Social Hygiene, 150th anniversary of birth of Josephine Butler in 1978); Alison Neilans's anniversary and memorials

GB 160 AMS/I - Publicity (1947-2006): Papers relating to the Josephine Butler Society publications 'Newsletter' and 'News and Views'; papers relating to articles written about the Josephine Butler Society in journals or newspapers; material concerning radio and television broadcasts about the Josephine Butler Society or film proposals about the life of Josephine Butler

GB 160 AMS/J - Josephine Butler miscellanea (1873-1993): Manuscript material by Josephine Butler; Printed material by Josephine Butler; Material relating to death of Josephine Butler; Articles about Josephine Butler; Material about the Grey Family; Representations of Josephine Butler; Play and screenplay about Josephine Butler; Audio cassette

GB 160 AMS/K-L Objects and Paintings are uncatalogued

GB 160 AMS/M - Publications (1847-1960) (Please note that publications can be found throughout this collection): Acts and statutory instruments; various pages from House of Commons Parliamentary Debates: Hansard; 3 volumes 'Social Evil Extracts'; 3 volumes of reports, press cuttings, flyers and posters

GB 160 AMS/N - Press cuttings (1950-1970) (Please note that press cuttings can be found throughout this collection): These press cuttings are uncatalogued

This catalogue includes material previously referenced as 3/AMS2 and 3/JBS/2.

This archive contains many publications. Any duplicates have been removed and can be consulted in The Women's Library Printed Collection. A note to this effect is made in the archive description.

Association for Moral and Social Hygiene [from 1962 The Josephine Butler Society]
GB 0074 LMA/4244 · Collection · 1987-1995

Subject files of the Association of District Councils (ADC), comprising:

  • the Council of the ADC's Reviews of the Structure of the ADC, 1987-1989, 1993;
  • files of the Environmental Health committee, on AIDS, 1990-1995, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Issues, 1990-1995, and Genetic Manipulation, 1990-1992;
  • files of the Housing committee, on Homelessness, 1991-1995;
  • files of the Planning committee, on Gypsies, 1990-1995;
  • files of the Selection committee, on the Rights of Way Review Committee, 1992-1995, and Common Land, 1990-1992.
Association of District Councils
LMA/4613 · Collection · 1980s-2012

Records of the Association of Greater London Older Women (AGLOW), 1980s - 2012, including minutes and reports; papers and correspondence; newsletters; publications and articles; received publications; audio-visual material; and records relating to the Older Women's Project.

Association of Greater London Older Women , 1993- xx Older Women's Project , c 1984-1993
GB 106 10/44 · Fonds · 1936-1938

Scrapbook of press cuttings, 1936-1938, concerning women's work in a wide variety of occupations and general employment issues such as equal pay and insurance contributions; also deals with the employment of women outside Britain.

Provenance unknown
GB 0372 BARNES · Fonds · 1971-1989

Papers of Michael Cecil John Barnes (b 1932), including: handwritten notes and photographs taken by Barnes during War-on-Want mission to India and West Bengal shortly after the Pakistani 'crackdown', May 1971; handwritten notes and photographs taken by Barnes on a Parliamentary Delegation visit to Bangladesh, November 1973; miscellaneous papers relating to Bangladesh and Bengali politics, including newsletters, photographs of a visit by Sheikh Hasina to the United Kingdom Immigrant Advisory Service (UKIAS) and press cuttings, 1971-1989.

Barnes , Michael Cecil John , b 1932 , politician
BARTLEY, C W (fl 1969-1987)
GB 0100 TH/PP6 · [1960-1980s]

Papers of C W Bartley comprising typescript copies of 'Lambeth Poor Law and Workhouse Infirmary, 1552-1878 - a study in the evolution of the National Health Service'; and a different version of the same work 'Lambeth Hospital - from Poor Law Workhouse to Teaching District Health Authority - a study in the evolution of the National Health Service'.

Bartley , C W , fl 1969-1987 , physician.
BELFIELD, Dorothea Edith
GB 106 7DEB · Fonds · 1930s

The archive consists of a certificate of appointment as Deaconess in the Parishes of Mere with West Knoyle in the County of Wiltshire and Diocese of Salisbury, 30 Jan 1933; correspondence with the Diocesan Registry, Salisbury to Deaconess Belfield; copy of her Assent to the 39 Articles, Jan 1937; press cutting relating to Dorothea Belfield's status and office and to the debate bout the status, role and office of deaconess, as opposed to deacon, within the Church.

Belfield , Dorothea Edith , fl 1933-1940 , deaconess
BENSON, Stella (1892-1933)
GB 0370 SB · [1930]-1947

Papers of and relating to Stella Benson, [1930]-1947, comprising 2 letters to Mrs Forster, 1932, concerning a model for a painter, a missionary and the purchase of a clock for a Chinese neighbour who nursed her illness; report of the Sub-committee of the League of Nations Society, Hong Kong, on an investigation into the traffic in women and children and prostitution in Hong Kong, with covering letter presenting the report to the Colonial Secretary, [1930]; article entitled 'Stella Benson goes to a Chinese Wedding' from the Radio Times by Stella Benson, 1932; letter from Mrs G H Forster to Miss White (later Professor Beatrice White), enclosing the papers and containing reminscences about Stella Benson, 1947.

Benson , Stella , 1892-1933 , afterwards Anderson , novelist
Bentham (Jeremy) Papers
GB 0103 BENTHAM · 1750-1885

Papers of Jeremy Bentham, 1750-1885, consist of drafts and notes for published and unpublished works, and cover many subjects including: Bentham's codification proposal, a plan to replace existing law with a codified system, an idea which manifested itself in Constitutional Code (London, 1830), a blueprint for representative democracy and an entirely open and fully accountable government, 1815-1832; penal code, which involved penal law giving effect to the rights and duties of civil law, [1773]-1831; punishment, to certain actions which, on account of their tendency to diminish the greatest happiness, would be classified as offences, [1773-1826]; Bentham's Panopticon, a way of maintaining and employing convicts in a new invented building, 1785-1813; Chrestomathia, the secondary school designed by Bentham, 1815-1826; evidence in law, [1780]-1823; religion, and the Church, 1800-1830; logic, ethics, deontology (the science of morality), morals, utilitarianism and the greatest happiness principle, 1794-1834; political economy, [1790]-1819; Supply without burthen or Escheat vice taxation, a proposal for saving taxes, 1793-1795; legislation, including law amendment and law reform, [1770-1843]; procedure, and procedure codes, [1780]-1830; law and issues in other countries, including Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium and Tripoli, 1810-1830; A Comment on the Commentaries, being a criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, also Bentham's and Blackstone's views on civil code, [1774]-1830; sexual nonconformity, [1774]-1816; Scotch reform, 1804-1809; Court of Lords delegates, 1807-1821; parliamentary papers, and parliamentary reform, [1790]-1831; poor law, and poor plan, 1796-[1845]; correspondence, 1761-1866, including a corrected draft letter to James Madison, President of the United States of America, in which Bentham made an offer to draw up a complete code of laws for the USA, 1811.

Bentham , Jeremy , 1748-1832 , philosopher
Bentham, Mrs: letters
GB 0096 AL376 · Fonds · 1816-1818

3 letters from Mrs Bentham of Ryde, [Isle of Wight], 3 letters to Richard Wilson, Esq, of 47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, 1816-1818. Enquiring about payments of money to her as she has very little, and her rheumatism is the cause of heavy expenditure on doctors' bills; the doctor had charged 10s 6d a visit and had advised her to move to Bath rather than risk another winter on the Isle of Wight. She had received a quarterly payment of £25 from a Charles Bacon, withdrawn for the year 1817-1818. Enquiring about payment from Mr Bentham [?her husband], to be arranged through Sir James Graham, and about money owing to her from 3 shilling stock, for which she has apparently waited 10 years. Autograph, with signature.

Bentham , - , fl 1816-1818 , wife of T Bentham
GB 1556 WL 616 · 1919-1981

The diaries and personal papers of George Francis Jack Bergmann, dated 1919-1981, notably comprise a set of typescript transcripts of diaries which document in detail Bergmann's experiences in the Foreign Legion and in prison. They also provide a full report on the infamous trial of French officers and guards at Hadjerat M'Guil. In addition there are newsletters, bulletins and correspondence, 1919-1981, which reflect Bergmann's interest in, and membership of, a Jewish student organisation, 'Kartellverband jüdischer Studenten'.

Bergmann , George Francis Jack , 1900-1979
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0014 · 1911-1915

Papers relating to the Unemployment Insurance Committee.
Item 1: "The character of the scheme".
Item 2: "The scheme in practice".
Item 3: "The scale of work".
Item 4: "The Offices of the Unemployment Fund".
Item 5: "Courts of Referees and Umpire".
Item 6: "Provision for Fluctuations of Work".
Item 7: "Total staff for unemployment insurance and labour exchanges and certain heads of expenditure".
Item 8: "Other items of expenditure".
Item 9: "Summary of Expenditure and Conclusion".

Beveridge , William Henry , 1879-1963 , 1st Baron Beveridge of Tuggal , economist
GB 106 7TBG · Fonds · 1903-1964

The archive consists of two parts.

Part 1 consists of records collated during Billington-Grieg's membership of a large number of international women's organisations, associated correspondence, drafts of papers presented at conferences, as well as publications received from the organisations. In addition there are papers related to her unpublished biography of Charlotte Despard.

Billington Grieg was a keen suffrage historian, and her historical writings on suffrage (as well as papers reflecting her own suffrage activism) are represented in her archive.

Subjects covered include: women's suffrage, post-suffrage campaign period, status of women, equal pay, women workers, women's education, war and peace, sex and prostitution, international women's activism.

Formats include: correspondence, drafts and notes of speeches and articles, photographs and printed material (press cuttings, newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, journals and books).

Part 2 contains leaflets, circulars, election papers and reports of meetings of the Central Women's Electoral Committee established by the Women's Freedom League (1937-1939); papers of the Women's Freedom League itself including incomplete executive committee minutes (1937-1941), papers of conferences (1937, 1938, 1952, 1953, 1955), publications and circulars; files, publications, committee papers and other official papers of the Women for Westminster group and Teresa Billington Greig's notes and related correspondence (1938-1950); minutes, related correspondence and official papers of the Married Women's Association (1937-1961); publications of the Fawcett Society (1937-1961); publications, notices of meetings and agendas of the Women's Council (1948-1959); publications and papers of the Six Point Group (1959-1961); the Women's Publicity Planning Association (1942-1949); the International Alliance of Women (1946-1961); the British Commonwealth League (1947-1961), periodicals, invitations and news sheets (1950-1960); minutes, conference agendas, correspondence and papers of the National Women Citizen's Association (1939-1961); notes and quotations for articles, miscellaneous leaflets, pamphlets and government publications (1905-1961); notes and press cuttings related to the Commonwealth and the 'Third World' (1949-1961); and materials collected by Teresa Billington Greig for articles and a biography of Charlotte Despard including notes, a draft memoir and essays, list of interview questions and replies, pamphlets by Despard, correspondence and photographs.

Greig , Teresa , Billington- , 1877-1964 , suffragist
Blatch, Gledhill Stanley
GB 0102 PP MS 28 · Created 1927-1986

Papers, 1927-1986, of Gledhill Stanley Blatch, comprising correspondence, press cuttings, reports and political propaganda material collected by him. The material relates largely to the Ethiopian situation in the 1970s and 1980s and covers topics such as the famine and refugee situation, questions of religious discrimination and the Mengistu regime.

Blatch , Gledhill Stanley , 1916-1987 , archaeologist
GB 0096 MS 797 · 1799-1967

The correspondence in this collection is largely concerned with domestic and personal details of the lives of the Macaulay and Booth families. There are some letters, particularly between Charles and Alfred Booth that relate to the business of their Company. The covering dates of the papers are 1799 to 1967. Most of the Macaulay papers fall within the years 1800-1850 and most of the Booth papers fall within 1860-1916.

The collection contains items of correspondence from 359 identified people. The letters were sent by and sent to members of the Macaulay (mainly between 1800 and 1850) and Booth (mainly between 1860 and 1916) families and cover a multitude of different subjects.

The miscellaneous papers comprising the second part of the collection includes family deeds, indentures, genealogical information, newspaper cuttings, and fragments and copies of further correspondence. The papers also include: a retrospectively compiled diary of Hester Emily Booth (Charles Booth's sister), dated 1842-1905; notes and drafts of essays by Charles Booth relating to religious questions, political economy, social welfare, Irish land laws and Home Rule, and Life and Labour; obituaries of Charles Booth; drafts of essays and novels by Mary Catherine Booth; papers relating to the Thringstone Trust, founded by Charles Booth in 1911; travel diaries by Charles Booth, 1862; and sketches and drawings made by Charles Booth, 1852-1884. There are also fourteen family photographs and negatives. The collection also contains seven volumes of a family magazine, The Colony, that aimed to represent high-standards of social conscience and discussed issues such as universal suffrage and religion, 1866-1871.

Booth , Charles , 1840-1916 , shipowner and sociologistBooth , Mary Catherine , 1847-1939 , nee Macaulay , writer
GB 0097 BOOTH · 1885-1905

Working papers of the Survey of 'Labour and Life of the People' and 'Life and Labour of the People in London' by Charles Booth 1886 - 1903 comprising the original survey notebooks and papers: interviews, questionnaires, statistics, reports and colour coded maps describing poverty.
The papers and the original survey notebooks reflect the three areas of investigation undertaken in the survey: poverty, industry and religious influences.
The poverty series interviewed School Board visitors about levels of poverty in households and streets. The survey also investigated trades of East London connected with poverty: tailoring; furniture and women's work.
The industry series comprises interviews of employers, trade union leaders and workers for each trade and industry and questionnaires concerning rates of wages, numbers employed, details of trade unions and domestic details (food, dress and circumstances etc) which were completed by employees and trade union officials. The following trades and industries are covered by the survey: building trade; wood workers; metal workers; precious metals, watches and instruments; sundry manufacturers printing and paper trades; textile trades; clothing trades; food and drink trades; dealers and clerks; transport and gardeners; labourers; public service and professional classes; domestic service. Case histories of the inmates of Bromley and Stepney workhouses during 1889 and people who received outdoor relief from the union were also transcribed.
The religious survey includes reports of visits to churches and over 1450 interviews with ministers of all denominations including Church of England, Methodist, Presbyterian, Jewish, Roman Catholic. Salvation Army officers and missionaries were also interviewed. The reports of the interviews contain printed material relating to the churches. Questionnaires were also completed as part of the survey. The investigation went beyond documenting religious influences and incorporates a description of the social and moral influences on Londoners' lives.
The Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899 are probably the most well known documents which survive from the survey. The Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899 are twelve sheets colour coded by social class and poverty from black [semi-vicious] to yellow [middle and upper class, well-to-do]. The maps cover an area of London from Hammersmith in the west, to Greenwich in the east, and from Hampstead in the north to Clapham in the south. The working and printed copies of the maps are contained within the archive.
The social investigators accompanied police around their beats in London in order to update the existing street-level information for the Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899. The reports of the walks are known as the 'police notebooks' and contain descriptions of London streets. All the notebooks have been digitised.
Other papers include an inventory undertaken in 1925 by Thomas Macaulay Booth, son of Charles Booth; additional manuscripts concerning the survey: circulars, statistics etc and booklets collected during the survey.

Booth , Charles , 1840-1916 , shipowner and social commentator
BOWREY, Thomas (d 1713)
GB 0074 CLC/427 · Collection · 1666-1714

Papers of Thomas Bowrey, sea captain and merchant, including ledger; correspondence; diaries; drawings; charts; and maps; relating to travel and trade in India, Africa, Holland, France, Batavia (Jakarta) and Persia (Iran); the "Coffree" language of Delagoa and the Telenga language; shipping insurance and Lloyd's coffee house; whaling; and piracy.

Bowrey , Thomas , d 1713 , sea captain and merchant
Boyd, Jean
GB 0102 PP MS 36 · (1789-1934) c1900-1992

Papers, c1900-1992, collected by Jean Boyd, relating to northern Nigeria from the late 18th century to the 1990s.

Papers on Nana Asma'u include copies of her manuscript poems (1820-1865) and later papers relating to her work, including translations, 1976-1984. Papers on works by Shehu dan Fodio include copies of his poems on male-female relationships (1789 and undated) and later papers relating to his work, 1975-1981. Papers on works by Asma'u's female relatives and descendants include copies of poems and writings by various authors (c1860-1934 and undated) and later papers relating to the subject, c1950-1990. Other material comprises field notes on the remnants of Asma'u's disciples, the Yan Taru, 1973-1990; papers on the milieu in which Asma'u lived in Gobir, c1900-1984, including Gobir chiefs; papers, including press cuttings, on the situation of women in northern Nigeria in the 1980s, the subjects including Muslims, prostitution, women's organizations, medical matters, and women's education.

Papers, 1903-1992, including articles, reports and press cuttings, on Sokoto relate to geological history, prehistory, palaeontology, archaeology, pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial history, the subjects including the social and economic history of the city of Sokoto, colonial administration, British fears over Mahdism, and local government and economic issues in Sokoto state in modern Nigeria.

Three volumes contain over 500 postcards, many in colour, relating to Nigeria, including images of people, cultural events, various places, and other aspects of Nigerian life [late 20th century].

Boyd , Jean , fl 1978-2000 , author
GB 106 3BGF · Fonds · 1874-1915

The archive consists of Annual Reports (1875-1880), Executive Committee (1887-1888) and British Committee (1890-1915) minutes with British Committee Chairperson's Book and Log (1897-1903), circulars (1909), pamphlet (1896), indexes to pamphlets (1874-1909) and indexes to Henry J Wilson files, an 'inwards' letter-book including an envelope containing copies of correspondence with government (1893), a letter-book of correspondence from India and a report compiled by Dr Kate Bushell and Mrs Andrews during a visit there (1891-1896).

British Committee of the Continental and General Federation for Abolition of Government Regulation of Prostitution
GB 0097 COLL MISC 1021 · 1995-1996

British National Party election ephemera, De Beauvoir Ward, London Borough of Hackney, Jun 1996, and British Nationalist, Apr 1995.

British National Party
GB 106 4BVA · Fonds · 1923-1971

The archive consists of records, mostly originating from the General Secretary, of the British Vigilance Association, 1923-1971. These include campaign and resource files (prostitution, immoral earnings, and conditions of employment for au pair girls), correspondence with individuals and organisations, fragments of other administrative series and files relating to the final winding up of the British Vigilance Association (BVA), International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons (IBS) and their associated organisations in 1971.

The minutes of the British Vigilance Association, including those of the Sub-Committee on the Welfare of Irish Girls in England (renamed the Irish Girls' & Related Problems Sub-Committee) are also held by the Women's Library but within the National Vigilance Association Archive (see 4NVA).

British Vigilance Association
GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/PP8 · [1984]-2001

The collection consists of working papers relating to Buchanan's professional career as a forensic psychiatrist in the UK, [1984]-2001, chiefly research papers relating to the Special Hospitals Service Authority and psychiatric reports relating to Maudsley Hospital patients.
Section 1 comprises papers arising from the daily administrative operations of Maudsley Hospital London. Section 2 contains research notes, questionnaires and criminal record 'multiple enquiry forms' produced from the Home Office Offenders Index. This material relates to an unpublished study conducted by Buchanan from 1992-1995 of discharged special hospital patients convicted of violent re-offences. The findings, intended to inform the decision making of those entrusted with the care of special hospital patients, were funded by the Special Hospitals Service Authority. There are also confidential psychiatric reports (see ref 3/1 to 3/6), produced by forensic psychiatrists at Maudsley Hospital, London. The reports evaluate an individual's competency to stand trial, defences based on mental diseases or defects (for instance the "insanity" defence), and sentencing recommendations. Section 4 contains questionnaires relating to a project funded by the John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation focused on developing the Maudsley Assessment of Delusions Schedule to provide a more accurate and effective way of assessing patient's delusions. Section 5 consists of papers relating a psychiatric case assessed by Buchanan in his capacity as a member of the Serious Untoward Incident Panel of the Hounslow and Spelthorne Community and Mental Health NHS Trust. The collection also includes photocopies of articles from medical publications and on-line resources compiled by Buchanan which relate to the ethical connotations of patient confidentiality in connection with medical trials and research (see ref 6/1).

Buchanan , Alec William , b 1958 , forensic psychiatrist
GB 106 3JBL · Fonds · c 1816-1907

This archive consists of letters primarily by Josephine Butler, but also by key members of her family (such as her husband) and by colleagues and friends (such as Henry Wilson). Josephine Butler was a Victorian social reformer who campaigned against prostitution and the Contagious Diseases Acts (1864,1866 and 1869). In addition to the original letters held by The Women's Library, this archive includes photocopies of correspondence held at the University of Liverpool Special Collections.

At some point (probably in the 1960s) the correspondence held at The Women's Library was placed in chronological order. Prior to the collection being copied to microfiche (possibly in the 1980s), the photocopies from Liverpool were interleaved. Also interleaved and copied to microfiches were abstracts and administrative history notes made by Miss Burton, a member of the Fawcett Library.

The online catalogue includes the index of who the letters were to and from; the date of the letter; abstracts of each individual letter; and the administrative history and biographical notes made by Miss Burton.

The catalogue supercedes the original finding aid, a card index of correspondents that was available in The Women's Library Reading Room. The collection is available on microfiche in the Reading Room.

Henry J Wilson was Honorary Secretary of the Northern Counties Electoral League For The Repeal Of The Contagious Diseases Acts. There are a number of letters in the Josephine Butler Letters Collection which relate to the Northern Counties Electoral League. These letters bear Henry J Wilson's usual stamp for those files and his reference numbers (marked in blue pencil). At some stage his copies of letters were removed from his personal archive and placed in the Josephine Butler Letters Collection. Readers should also look at 3HJW for further records re the Northern Counties League.

Some of the copy letters are very faint, both on the microfiche and in the original. These are primarily letters that were copied using a 'wet' process. A thin sheet of tissue paper was damped and blotted over the original letter. This took a pale, often fuzzy copy of the letter, which was read 'through' the tissue. As well as being very faint these copies are very fragile.


CD / CDA Contagious Diseases Act

'RR' in the notes refers to 'Rough Record' a copy of which is available in the library, [search Printed Collections Catalogue for 'Keyword' for 'Rough Record'.]

Butler , Josephine Elizabeth , 1828-1906 , nee Grey , feminist and social reformer
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0994 · Collection · 1900-1923

Papers concerning relations between Britain and Russia 1922-1923, with particular reference to the recognition of the USSR by the United Kingdom, trade relations and famine relief, collected by Charles Roden Buxton MP. The include circulars by the Union of Democratic Control, including ED Morel's reports on his visit to Russia and of the National "Hands off Russia" Committee.

Buxton, Charles Roden, 1875-1942, politician
GB 0120 SA/CCA · 1963-1979

Papers of the Camberwell Council on Alcoholism including Minutes 1963-1980; annual reports, 1970s; reports and research papers, 1973-1979; files on alcoholism, homelessness, licensing laws, drunken driving, etc, and papers relating to liaison with related bodies, 1961-1980.

Camberwell Council on Alcoholism
Campaign Against Pornography
GB 106 5CAP · Fonds · 1985-1997

The archive consists of minutes, financial records, campaign files, policy files, press cuttings, petitions and correspondence, 1985-1997.

Campaign Against Pornography
GB 0097 CARR-SAUNDERS · c1930-c1940

Sections A and B consist of papers found in the Old Dead Registry of the London School of Economics in 1980. Section A files have LSE Registry numbers and concern School affairs. Section B files were not registered, and relate to his research interests and public service, including outgoing letters, general correspondence and subject files. These include some confidential School business. The general correspondence files (B2) include material relating to organisations such as For Intellectual Liberty and the Eugenics Society, and the subject files include material concerning juvenile delinquency, populations, and the Commission on Higher Education in the Colonies. A small quantity of additional material, listed as Section C comprise engagement diaries and letters of congratulation to Sir Alexander on becoming Director of LSE.

Saunders, Sir Alexander Morris Carr-, 1886-1966, Knight economist and educationist
Chadwick Trust Archives
GB 0103 CHADWICK TRUST · [1820s]-1984

Records, [1820s]-1984, of the Chadwick Trust. Administrative papers comprise legal papers setting up the Trust, 1890-1896; minute books, 1895-1983; annual reports, 1962-1978; lists of securities, 1914-1917; corrected booklet The Chadwick Trust, 1926-1937; script of a proposed film treatment of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1958; signing-in book for meetings, 1972-1980. Financial papers comprise account books, 1958-1979; tax claims, 1972-1976; financial files, 1972-1980; correspondence on tax reclaimed, 1980. Papers on lectures given under the auspices of the Trust comprise announcements of lectures, 1913-1935; printed copies of lectures held under the Trust's auspices, 1930-1967, the subjects including public health and buildings, sewerage, nutrition, disease, air quality, training and public health, medical provision, and public health work overseas; other printed lectures and writings, 1896-1932, the subjects including aspects of sanitation, disease, and Sir Edwin Chadwick. Correspondence comprises general correspondence, 1913-1924, 1971-1982; correspondence of the Clerk of the Trust, 1969-1979; correspondence of G M Binnie, 1944-1980; Charity Commission correspondence, 1962-1978; correspondence relating to medals and a memorial prize, 1966-1978; Trustees, 1969-1977; receptions, meetings and lectures, 1970-1978; blue plaque, 1972-1976; costing of activities, 1974; annual reports, 1974-1979; transfer of the Trust to University College London, 1974-1984. Miscellaneous items pertaining to Edwin Chadwick, [1820s]-1889, include his diary [1820s] and patents of his inventions, 1871-1872. Other acquired papers comprise printed ephemera including circulars against inoculation [1914-1918] and undated printed extracts from a hymn on sanitation. Photographs include undated prints of Edwin Chadwick and other eminent scientists; undated slides for a lecture, including various 19th-century public figures, 19th- and 20th-century mortality rates, and various London hospitals; and photographs, 1980, of a plaque to Chadwick at his birthplace in Longsight, Greater Manchester.

Chadwick Trust
GB 0370 DC · [1906]-1991

Papers of Donald Piers Chesworth, [1906]-1991, comprising family papers, including photograph album of scout camp attended by his father, Frederick Chesworth, [1929-1936]; diaries of his mother, Daisy Chesworth, 1942-1981, giving brief entries; family holiday photograph album, [1936], stamp albums; files relating to Daisy Chesworth's death and estate, 1987;

volume of notes and lectures relating to the National Fire Service, [1939-1945];
papers relating to Chesworth's standing as a Parliamentary candidate, 1945, 1950, including posters, press cuttings, photographs with Clement Attlee campaigning in Rangoon; notes on rallies of Oswald Mosley (standing for Parliament in North Kensington), 1959;
correspondence, reports and papers relating to Notting Hill housing and social conditions, [1957-1963], including interviews with tenants and local people, housing waiting lists, minutes of Notting Hill Social Council, 1963; population survey of Kensington, [1961]; rent tribunals; papers, probably preparatory notes for a book by Chesworth, "Anatomy of Notting Hill"; paper entitled "Community Struggles in North Kensington 1966-1974";
correspondence and papers of the Association of Neighbourhood Councils, 1971, (a local government pressure group), particularly with MPs;
correspondence, reports, photographs and papers relating to Chesworth's work with War on Want, 1963-1986, including the Mahiwa project, Tanzania, 1970-1973; Bangladesh War of Independence, 1971;
minutes and papers relating to the World Political Action Trust, 1970-1973;
reports and papers relating to wage fixing in Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika), [1961-1967]; reports and correspondence, 1962-1989, relating to the Sugar Wages Council and education in Mauritius; correspondence and papers relating to the assassination of the vice-president of Zanzibar, 1973 (Zanzibar Treason Trial);
papers relating to the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) Labour group, including correspondence relating to secondary schools, 1973; papers relating to his work in Tower Hamlets, including Tower Hamlets Training Forum, [1962], 1986-1989; Tower Hamlets ILEA Tertiary Education Council, [1987-1990]; Spitalfields Heritage Centre, 1983-1991; papers relating to the opening of the Thames Children's Beach (Tower Hill), [1980s];
correspondence, reports and papers relating to Chesworth's work as Warden of Toynbee Hall, [1906-1987], including papers of the Management Committee, articles on the history of the Hall, annual reports, [1970-1988];
papers and correspondence relating to his work as Consultant to Kumagai Gumi UK, 1987-1991.

Chesworth , Donald Piers , 1923-1991 , politician and administrator
GB 0120 PP/CHI · 1906-1974

Papers of Dame Harriette Chick: this collection represents a relatively limited record of Chick's long and active career. It is particularly strong on the period around her important work in Vienna, 1919-1921, and includes some material relating to other research on nutritional questions.

Chick , Dame , Harriette , 1875-1977 , nutritional scientist
Child Labour Committee

This collection is divided into 3 sections:

  1. Local Bye-laws, 1904 - 1913: copies of local bye-laws governing child labour made under the provisions of the Employment of Children Act (1903), which were sent to the Committee by local authorities, including several licences and some correspondence and ephemera.
  2. Questionnaires, 1913: responses to the questionnaire entitled 'Employment of Children Inquiry', distributed to every local authority in Britain in 1913.
  3. Miscellanea, c1885 - 1914: the bulk of the material collected by the committee for the report on child labour, including correspondence with local government officials, copies of local bye-laws, sample street trading licences and certificates, statistics on street trading, child labour and juvenile crime, and cuttings from local newspapers relating to the regulation of working children.
Child Labour Committee
Christian Aid
GB 0102 CA · Created c1946-1985

Records, c1946-1985, of Christian Aid and its predecessors, comprising correspondence, minutes and reports concerning aid projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean; papers of the Directorate including constitutional material, committee minutes of the British Council of Churches, and Christian Aid Board papers; organisational material including correspondence with other fund-raising bodies such as Oxfam, the Red Cross, and a selection of Christian Aid publicity material including Annual Reports.

Christian Reconstruction in Europe British Council of Churches , Inter-Church Aid and Refugee Service
Christian Aid
GB 0074 ACC/0981 · Collection · 1814-1907

Records of the Church Commissioners, 1814-1907, including a glebe exchange award, Ruislip, with map [a glebe is a portion of land assigned to a clergyman as part of his benefice]; documents relating to altered apportionments of corn rents, Ruislip; plans of the Parish of Enfield and the Parish of Edmonton; architect's drawings of houses and shops-cum-residences on Hornsey Clebe Estate; "Plan of Land near Harrow on the Hill, adjoining the Station on the London and North Western Railway, showing the proposed arrangement of the Sites for Villas, the Roads, etc." and plan of the District of the Hornsey Local Board.

Church Commissioners , Church of England
GB 0114 MS0080 · 1829

Papers of James Fernandez Clarke, 1829, comprising a volume titled Notes of a Reader Volume I containing information relating to topics including drunkeness; stammering; the nervous system; travels in Turkey and Palestine; classification of the animal kingdom; painters and painting; idiosyncracies; the pursuit of knowledge; poetry; juvenile delinquency; and natural history.

Clarke , James Fernandez , bap 1812-1875 , medical writer and surgeon
GB 0074 ACC/1230 · Collection · 1793-[c. 1814]

Records of Patrick Colquhoun, police magistrate, comprising letter to Henry Dundas, Home Secretary, relating to a salary dispute, 1793; letter to Richard Ford, magistrate, relating to apprehension of a criminal, 1797; letter to William Wickham, Under-secretary of State for the Home Department, relating to the river police, 1798; letter regarding the Wapping riots, 1798; letters relating to expenditure, 1799.

Also autobiographical notes giving an account of 'family and public services', including a detailed chronological account of his public services, beginning with his early career in Glasgow, where he was Chief Magistrate. He accepted the position of a police magistrate in London "not so much on account of the salary which was small; but from a strong impression on his mind that by great attention to the duty he had undertaken to perform he would be able after a time to suggest measures for the improvement of a System(?), than which nothing could be worse." His various activities have included regulating public houses, and establishing the river police office, soup kitchens and a public school in Westminster. He has published treatises on these and other subjects which have been read widely, and many of his suggestions have been implemented. In many connections he has been styled a "public benefactor".

This document appears to have been composed with a view to publication. In 1818 Colquhoun's son-in-law contributed to the European Magazine "an exhaustive account of his useful and disinterested labours," (Dictionary of National Biography, Vol IV, p.860), and it is possible that this was written for that article. However, as the account of his services ends at 1814 (although he was a police magistrate until 1818), and the watermark is 1814, the earlier date seems the more probable.

Colquhoun , Patrick , 1745-1820 , economist, statistician and police magistrate
GB 1556 WL 502 · 1933-1959

Mostly microfilm and 1 file of papers of the Comité voor Joodsche Vluechtlingen and predecessor organisation consisting of reports, memoranda and correspondence mostly on the subject of emigration of German Jews to the Netherlands from 1933 to 1940 and conditions for Jews still in Germany.

Comité voor Joodsche Vluechtlingen
GB 0102 MCF/CPN · Created 1967-1969

Records, 1967-1969, of the Committee for Peace in Nigeria, including records of membership; minutes; correspondence, including that between Lord Brockway and the Prime Minister, and that conducted with Colonel Ojukwu and General Gowon; reports and statements on official visits; press releases; publications, pamphlets and publicity material.

Committee for Peace in Nigeria
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0372 · Collection · 1957-1958

Evidence presented to the Committee on children and young persons, also pamphlets concerning children and young persons.

Committee on children and young persons
GB 0096 AL43 · Fonds · 1855

Letter from Thomas Cooper of 10 Devonshire Place, Stoke Newington Green, Middlesex to Edward Smith, 30 Jan 1855. 'I can do no more than sympathise with you - for I am sometimes at my wits end to know how the week's bread is to [be] purchased.'

Autograph, with signature.

Cooper , Thomas , 1805-1892 , Chartist and religious lecturer
COOTE, Anna (fl 1998-2012)
GB 0372 COOTE · Fonds · 1954-1983

Papers concerning the personal archive of Anna Coote (1954-1983), including: notes about a reappraisal of a case of a woman's dismissal from work and the industrial tribunal hearing; the labour situation; papers concerning various cases of dismissial of female employees from various employers, including testimonials; articles on a range of topics, including industry and the law, women at work, outside work schemes, the duties of a Personnel Officer; transcripts of interviews with various secretaries and employers, as well as letters describing personal experience of being a secretary; and typescripts of chapters from a proposed book on secretaries (1954-975). Also included are government publications and documents that relate to the personal archives (1971-1983), including: material relating to a decision of industrial tribunals and court cases; documents relating to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975; copies of parliamentary debates on the Sex Equality Bill, 1983; Social Security Pensions Act 1975; second review of the Race Relations Act 1976; documents relating to the Abortion Act 1967, and the Abortion (Amendment) Bill 1975; "How M.P.s vote on abortion"; Abortion, 1976; Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Bill; Matrimonial Causes Act 1973; Equal Pay Act 1970; Anti-Discrimination Bill 1971; Employment Protection Bill 1975; Children Bill 1975; report on the circumstances of families 1967; survey of women's employment 1968; proposals for a tax-credit system, 1972; proposals for a new pensions scheme 1974; government proposals on employment and training, 1973; equality for women, 1974; the select committee on violence in marriage, 1975; select committee on the Anti-Discrimination (No 2) Bill, 1972-1973; sixth report from the expenditure committee on the employment of women, 1972-1973; and the report of the committee on one-parent families, 1974.

Coote , Anna , fl 1998-2012 , writer
GB 0100 KCLCA Q/PP4 · 1921-1985

Papers of Alice Mary Copping, 1921-1985, relating to nutrition, comprising correspondence, research papers and publications. Correspondence notably includes letters regarding Dame Harriet Chick, including a letter from P M Victory at The British Nutrition Foundation, thanking Copping for forwarding Chick's introduction to a lecture and for Copping's participation in a lecture, 1975; a letter from Dr George Pitt of The British Journal of Nutrition thanking Copping for a photograph of Chick, enclosed with the letter, 1978; correspondence also includes letters from A N Duckham of University of Reading, 1973-1978 and Sue Papworth of ASP Biological and Medical Press B V, 1976 both regarding the publication of 'Food production and consumption: The efficiency of human food chains and nutrient cycles', which contains a chapter written by Copping.

The collection also includes published articles by Copping notably including 'Planning Nutrition Education in Developing Countries', 1968 and 'Nutrition and Growth', 1964; publications from institutions including Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine, including 'Monkey welfare' by E M Hume, 1956 and copies of Nutrition History Notes, 1979-1985 and other newsletters. The collection also includes glass slides labelled 'pantotheine', housed in envelopes addressed to Copping. Pantotheine is a derivative of pantothenic acid (vitamin E), these slides reflect Copping's interest and research in vitamins and nutrition.

The collection also contains publications regarding nutrition worldwide including dietry surveys of Indians and Fijians and a section concerning Vienna, comprising an article entitled 'Ætiology of Rickets in infants: Prophylactic and Curative Observations at the Vienna University Kinderklinik', by Harriette Chick and others, 1922 and 'Hunger- Osteomalacia in Vienna, 1920. Its relation to diet', by Elsie J Danyell and Harriette Chick, 1921 and four black and white photographs depicting undernourished children in Vienna, [1921-1922].

Copping , Alice Mary , 1906-1996 , lecturer at Queen Elizabeth College , alias Molly Copping
GB 106 10/32-33 · Fonds · 1912-1929

These scrapbooks consist of press cuttings and ephemera.

One volume relates to Maud Crofts' education and legal career, including press cuttings and ephemera.

The other volume of press cuttings relates to reviews of Women under English Law by Maud I. Crofts published by the National Council of Women of Great Britain in 1925; and a few articles about the general position of women under the law.

GB 0120 GC/113 · Collection · 1943

Papers of Dr David Dobbie, 1943, comprising notes on tropical medicine, made in Army Field Message Book, 1943. Divided into sections on Malaria; Amoebiasis; Relapsing Fever; Leishmaniasis; Typhoid; Vitamin B deficiency; Ancylostomiasis; Schistosmiasis; Infective hepatitis; Smallpox; Typhus; Virus diseases (CNS); Effort syndrome; Plague; Deficiency malnutrition and Differential diagnosis of certain fevers. Possibly compiled while taking a course on the subject.

Dobbie , David Noble , d ?1987 , doctor
GB 2108 KUAS49 · Collection · [1977-1984]

Papers of Scott Dunbar, [1977-1984], largely comprise letters from Iris Murdoch to Dr Scott Dunbar and copies of his work. Letters from Iris Murdoch to Dunbar raise issues including religion, politics, structuralism, philosophy and also more personal matters including her mother's illness. The collection also includes an itinerary listing a series of ten lectures to be given by Iris Murdoch in October 1982 at the University of Edinburgh, the Gifford Lectureship in Natural Theology entitled 'Metaphysics as a guide to morals', possibly attended by Dunbar and a photocopy of a letter from Scott Dunbar to Murdoch answering a question at length: 'why are gay bars so sad?'.

The collection also contains letters from other individuals to Dunbar including Duncan Averbach, 1989, discussing Dunbar's thesis and the difference between the human being and person; letter from Theodore Brotsis, enclosing a photograph of Theodore, 1986; published works by Dunbar including 'On art, morals, and religion: some reflections on the work of Iris Murdoch', Scott Dunbar, Religious Studies, Vol 14, No 4, 1978; typescript copies of works including 'Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcohol Dependency' Part One and Part Two and handwritten notes, presumably by Dunbar, including notes titled 'IVF and all that' and lecture notes including 'The Iliad Lectures'.

Dunbar , Scott , d 2006 , philosopher, theologian and teacher