Film makers

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Film makers

      Film makers

        Termos equivalentes

        Film makers

        • UP Film directors
        • UP Film producers
        • UP Producteur de films
        • UP Réalisateur de films
        • UP Cineasta
        • UP Productor de cine
        • UP Realizador cinematográfico

        Termos associados

        5 Descrição arquivística resultados para Film makers

        GB 0074 LMA/4462/M · Coleção · 1982-2002

        Records relating to the International Bookfair of Radical Black and Third World Books, including original programmes, stationery, correspondence and notes from members of The Alliance and from artists and those who attended the conferences. Also listings of families and individuals who provided accommodation for artists and rotas for the staffing of the Fairs.

        The programmes are an excellent resource for information about the social and political issues that were of concern to Black people living in London in the 1980s and 1990s. They show the international links and connections between individuals of different artistic disciplines.

        The development of the organisation and it's influence on diverse groups in the community are well documented in the correspondence and minutes; LMA/4462/M/01 and 02.

        The photographs are both formal and informal. They show the Fair in action and special guests and artists performing or speaking at the different events. One album was put together by a participant as a gift to the Huntleys.

        The press cuttings give valuable information on how the Fairs were being received by the Black community and others in London and internationally. There is an exclusive interview with Sonia Sanchez and an article by Margaret Busby which gives an historical overview of the Fair.

        The copyright to these records rests with the depositors, Race Today Publications and New Beacon Books. Permission for the use of images for publication must be sought from all three organisations.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4599 · 2009-2012

        'UG2LDN', Uganda to London Heritage Lottery Funded oral history project concerning refugee settlers: monthly reports, oral history tape recordings (raw and published DVD), rough log of interviews, photographs, flyers, postcards and T-shirt.

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        Stanley Kubrick Archive
        GB 3184 SK · Arquivo · c1945-2002

        The collection spans Kubrick's entire career from his time as a photographer in the 1940s and early 1950s until his last film in 1999 (Eyes Wide Shut). Kubrick died during the editing of Eyes Wide Shut and some items relating to the release/finished version were added by his staff. They have been included because they were held with the main collection, at the creator's home, following the pattern of what he kept and were deposited with the Archive.

        The collection covers the film making process from pre until post production and includes: production paperwork [including pre and post production]; letters; props; costumes; publicity materials, both finished posters etc and drafts; production photographs. stills and slides; research paperwork and photographs; plans etc for how to film scenes; books; audiovisuals; drawings and artwork; equipment and press cuttings.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4538 · Coleção · 1939-1941

        Short black and white silent amateur films made by Colin Gibson featuring Harrow Technical College, Within 5 miles of Harrow and boats on the River Thames.

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        Eisenstein Collection
        GB 0369 EIS · c 1931-1996

        45 copies of still photographs (some obtained from the National Film Archive) and 6 postcards of Sergei Mikhaylovich Eisenstein and taken from Eisenstein's films. Also 3 publicity pamphlets for Soviet films not directed by Eisenstein.

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