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          1441 Description archivistique résultats pour Finances

          1441 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
          Alabaster, Sir Chaloner
          GB 0102 MS 380451 · Created 1845-1898

          Papers, 1845-1898, of Sir Chaloner Alabaster, including nine diaries, 1854-1875, which give accounts of his time in China. The later diaries are incomplete and contain far less detail than earlier volumes. Additional material, 1868-1898, includes papers and correspondence detailing his military service, accounts, obituaries and copies of 'A Chapter from the Chinese Gospel', by Alabaster, from Occasional Papers on Chinese Philosophy.

          Sans titre
          Serdang Central Plantations Ltd
          GB 0102 MS 380477 · Created 1909-1932

          Records, 1909-1932, of Serdang Central Plantations Ltd, comprising Articles of Association, correspondence, annual reports and agreements relating to the voluntary liquidation and reconstruction.

          Sans titre
          Blackburn, Jack F
          GB 0102 MS 380628 · 1927-1941

          Letters, 1927-1941, of and relating to Jack F Blackburn, mainly comprising his letters to his mother Margaret Blackburn in Guildford, 1927-1941, concerning his activities and discussing family affairs, describing visits as a naval officer to the ports of Singapore, Malaya, Cairo, and Aden, and including information on his work with the Chinese Maritime Customs; also including two letters from well-wishers to his mother congratulating her on Blackburn's behaviour on HMS LADYBIRD in 1941.

          Sans titre
          Paul Instrument Fund Grants
          GB 0117 MS 830 · sub-fonds · 1949-2002

          Record of grants paid to, for what, and amounts. Electronic system of grant tracking takes over in 2003.

          Sans titre
          RGS ADDITIONAL PAPERS: finance
          GB 0402 AP/18-30 · sub-fonds · 1830-1987
          Fait partie de RGS ADDITIONAL PAPERS

          Financial papers of the Royal Geographical Society, 1830-1987, including ledgers, 1831-1969; analysis of expenditure, 1867-1869; National Insurance payment's books, 1930-1933; papers relating to life insurance, 1953-1957summaries of audited accounts, receipts, balance sheets, correspondence, memoranda, deeds, cash books, 1830-1935; petty cash books, 1831-1921; bank books and deposit account books, 1831-1925 and report on the inadequacy of annual reviews of the RGS by J R Jackson, 2 Jan 1846.

          Sans titre
          Council of Legal Education Archive
          GB 1697 A.CLE · 1845-1997

          The Archive of the Council of Legal Education consists of minutes and papers of Committees of the Inns of Court, 1845-1962; minutes of proceedings of the Council of Legal Education, 1852-1997; duplicate minutes of Council meetings, 1856-1864; Council agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1997; Consolidated Regulations of the Four Inns of Court, 1852-1995; printed documents, 1852-1933; cash books, 1852-1915; records of vouchers for payments, 1864-1912; CLE payments by the Inns of Court, 1879-1912; ledger, lecture payments, 1897-1915; examinations performance records, 1861-1957; CLE letter book, 1866-1867; minute book of the Committee of the CLE on Education and Examinations, 1872-1881; Annual Reports, 1893-1967; CLE calendars, 1901-1992; draft joint report on Clifford's Inn and the sale of New Inn, 1902; register of attendance at periodic lectures, 1903-1922; minute books of the Board of Studies, 1907-1995; Board of Studies agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1996; exemption cases books, 1927-1951; minute books of the Finance (later Finance and Administration) Committee, 1915-1997; duplicate Finance Committee minute book, 1945-1950; Finance (later Finance and Administration) Committee agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1996; Finance Committee correspondence and papers, 1942-1971; New Inn and Common Fund abstracts of accounts, 1905-1940; New Inn Fund ledgers, 1915-1965; New Inn Fund cash book, 1916-1952; Common Fund ledgers, 1915-1961; Common Fund cash books, 1924-1950; petty cash book, 1927-1942; audit book, 1945-1964; submissions for payment book, 1948-1959; House Committee minute book, 1949-1951; income and expenditure books, 1950-1980; income and expenditure books, itemised accounts, 1969-1984; account book, special accounts, 1969-1980; payroll books, 1970-1984; audited annual accounts, 1971-1995; historical files, teaching and examinations, 1906-1967; historical files, CLE history and students, 1937-1984; historical files, miscellaneous reports and papers, 1951-1989; historical files, memoranda and reports on legal education, 1969-1984; historical files, miscellaneous correspondence, 1966-1986; Chairman's correspondence, 1967-1973; Dean of Faculty's correspondence, [1960]-1991; Dean's general correspondence and papers, 1980-1981; Dean's overseas correspondence, 1959-1994; Dean's correspondence with university law schools, 1972-1991; Dean's correspondence and papers relating to financial matters, 1973-1995; Special Committee on Legal Education/Legal Education Sub-committee records, 1962-1970; records relating to the Post Final Practical Training Course (PFPTC), 1950-1966; records relating to changes in part 1 of the Bar examinations, 1963-1966; examination papers, 1970-1991; Students' Welfare Committee records, 1967-1980; student appeals files (sample cases only), 1969-1982; report to the Inns of Court and the Council of the Law Society on the education of the two branches of the legal profession and easier transfer between them (Diplock Report), 1965; papers relating to the Report of the Lord Chancellor's Committee on Legal Education (Ormrod Committee), 1966-1975; Advisory Committee on Legal Education papers, 1972-1990; Common Professional Education Board records, 1973-1981; Incorporation Sub-committee records, 1970; submissions and papers relating to the Royal Commission on Legal Services (Benson Commission), 1976-1980; Practical Exercise Sub-committee (Potter Committee) papers, 1985-1988; Curriculum Development Working Party records, 1987-1990; Bar Vocational Course papers, 1989-1996; Bar Examination Staff Working Party records, 1991-1993; Further Education and Training for the Bar Working Party (Phillips Working Party) records, 1992-1994; papers relating to racial discrimination complaints, 1989-1996; Discrimination Awareness Group records, 1992-1995; papers relating to the CLE response to the Committee of Inquiry into Equal Opportunities on the Bar Vocational Course (Barrow Inquiry), 1992-1993; papers relating to the restructuring of the CLE, 1992-1996.

          Sans titre
          Polytechnic of Central London
          GB 1753 PCL · Fonds · 1968-1992

          Records, 1968-1992, of the Polytechnic of Central London:
          Minutes and committee papers comprise Court of Governors minutes, 1970-1992, and Annual Reports and Statements of Accounts, 1978-1988; Standing Committee of Academic Council minutes, 1972-1983; Academic Council minutes, 1972, 1977-1992; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1970-1989, Finance and Property Committee minutes, 1989-1992, and Audit Committee minutes, 1989-1992; Higher Degree Committee papers, 1973-1974, 1985-1987, Research Degree Committee papers, 1974-1983, Research Committee papers, 1976-1992, and other research papers; Staff Development Committee papers, 1976-1981; nursery management committee minutes and papers, 1978-1990; Committees of PCL Health and Safety, 1980-1988; Resources Committee papers, 1985-1992; Student Affairs Committee papers, 1984-1992; Committees of Directors of London Polytechnics, 1972-1986; and other committee papers.

          Other administrative papers comprise Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1970; certificate of incorporation, 1970; Instrument recording designation as a Polytechnic, 1970; correspondence and papers concerning the Instrument and Articles, 1968-1988; Structure Commission Report on Poly/Holborn amalgamation, 1970; file on designation ceremony and Holborn foundation stone, 1960-1970; papers and reports of J Eric Richardson, including 'The development of the Polytechnic 1957-1970' [1970]; programme of designation and opening of new buildings, 1971; report of the Working Party on Examinations and Assessment, 1971; accommodation strategy report, 1971; papers on organisation of the academic administration, 1972; proposals for the London Regional Management Centre, 1973; annual maintenance grant applications to ILEA (block grant), 1974-1989; papers relating to the CNAA, including its Institutional Review, 1978-1992; specimen certificates for award on successful completion of courses [1970s]; consultants' report on efficiency review, 1986; papers relating to the merger with Harrow College of Higher Education, 1987-1989; papers on the change to University status, 1989-1991; Charity Commissioners' scheme for the Quintin Hogg Memorial Fund, 1991; correspondence with the Privy Council concerning adoption of the title University, coat of arms and letters patent, 1991-1992; PCL Accommodation Strategy report by Touche Ross and Co, 1991.

          Financial records include balance sheet and accounts, 1969-1970, report and statement of accounts, 1971-1981, 1983-1985, 1988, and Enterprise in Higher Education Annual Report, 1990.

          Departmental records include file of the Library Development Officer, 1972-1973; Library handbooks, 1971-1972, and guide to services [1978]; Library Development Plan, 1980-1985; Department of Surveying proposals for submission of BSc in Quantity Surveying to the CNAA, 1974; American Studies Resource Centre teaching materials, including videos and maps [1980]; photograph album and course booklets for the School of Management; School of Photography handbooks and teaching materials; Poly Law Review, 1975-1982.

          Other records include Teaching Staff Association papers, 1970-1977.
          Material, including ephemera, relating to events includes telegram of thanks for the Polytechnic's message on the silver wedding of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, 1973; programmes of annual dinner at the Café Royal, 1974, 1976; programme of supper and concert for the silver jubilee, 1977; publicity material relating to the 150th anniversary, 1988.

          Publications, 1970-1992, include PCL prospectuses (general and departmental), leaflets, brochures and posters for courses and events, guides for applicants, student handbooks, and other information for students; programmes of presentation ceremonies, 1972-1974; Examination pass lists, 1974-1992; PhD student pass lists, 1968-1987; Polytechnic Institute Members' Magazine [1971]-1974; typescript Polytechnic Sports and Social Club monthly newsletter, 1974-1975, succeeded by the Newsletter of Polytechnic Members, 1976-1988; typescript Institute of Polytechnic Sports and Social Clubs newsletter, 1991-1992; publications for staff, comprising miscellaneous PCL staff information bulletins and magazines, 1970-1977, and Central Issue, the staff newspaper, 1977-1985, succeeded by Clarion, 1987-1992; McGarel, 1968/69-1992/93 (incomplete series), described as Polytechnic Students' Newspaper and later as Polytechnic Students' Union Newspaper; printed articles on Polytechnic buildings in Marylebone Road and New Cavendish Street, 1970-1971; Posters advertising the Poly Entertainment Committee concerts held in Portland Hall, 1965-1969; floor plans for Little Titchfield Street, 1971.

          Photographs and slides, 1970-1992, including buildings, students, activities and events, among them the designation ceremony, 1971.

          Sans titre
          Registry of Bedford College
          GB 0505 BC AR200-283 · Sous-fonds · 1849-1985

          Student records, 1849-1985, including student register books, 1849-[1985]; the Lady Resident's private Memoranda Book, 1867-1871; student files containing personal details on each student, 1890-[1985]; student register book, with courses attended, 1893-1900; alphabetical list of students (1938-1939 missing), 1936-1938, 1940-1984; printed pamphlets containing lists of students from 1849-[1985]; register of student courses, 1856-1872; lists of classes attended by students, 1872-1875 and 1895-1905; lists of students arranged by course, 1936-1968; student entrance forms, 1892-1905, and annual lists of students accepted for admission, 1947-1965; student reports, with notes on scholarships and grades, 1892-1969; lists of degree results and further training of students, 1947-1968; Students' Marriage Book, 1922-1967, 1970; list of female graduates of the University of London, 1879-1899; lists of students living in College residences, 1967-1985; correspondence relating to the award of the Associateship of Bedford College, 1896-1906. Examination Records, 1877-1985, including a register of University of London Graduates, 1879-1899; bound lists of examination results, 1898-1967; register book of Certificate Examinations taken by Bedford College students, 1892-1915; register book of Hygiene Certificate students, 1895-1915; University Gazette pass lists, 1919-1985; examination papers for various subjects, 1877-1878 and 1936-1982; papers relating to Entrance Examinations for Bedford College, 1936-1973. Papers relating to Scholarships and Prizes, 1886-1985, notably material relating to the Bedford College Entrance Scholarship, 1886, and 1908; papers relating to the award of College prizes, 1968-1985; papers relating to the award of bursaries to attend the Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1968-1984; papers relating to the award of scholarships, 1968-1985; papers relating to the College Board of Examiners, 1966-1983. College publications, notably prospectus leaflets, 1902-1908 and booklets, 1920-1984; printed timetables, 1893, 1947-1948 and 1953-1957; incomplete set of printed College Calendars, 1888-1968. Material relating to Visitation records and student statistics, namely Registrar's papers concerning University Grants Committee Visitations, 1969 and 1978; Registrar's papers relating to Quinquennial planning, 1977-1982; Universities Central Council on Admission Financial Statements, 1976-1982. Correspondence and committee papers, including material relating to Bedford College Union Society and student activities, 1969-1980, notably student representation on the Academic Board; Bedford College Council, 1955-1984; Bedford College Governors' Meetings, 1967-1984; Bedford College Secretary's Meetings, 1976-1982; the Academic Board, 1971-1973 and 1980-1981, including papers on its structure; Bedford College Faculties, 1956-1984; College Departments, 1968-1978; Council Standing Committees, notably the Library Committee, 1971-1982, the Finance Committee, 1972-1984, the House Committee, 1969-1972, the Premises Committee, 1969-1972, the Staff-Student Joint Committee, 1971-1983, and the Space Utilisation Committee, 1967-1983; Sub-Committees on Occasional Students, 1968-1971, Vacation Grants, 1970-1982, Student Counselling, Welfare and discipline, 1965-1985, General Services, 1979-1981, and Halls of Residence, 1968-1981; working parties, especially on the Development Appeal, 1977-1981, and teaching loads, 1969 and 1978; relations with the University of London, notably relating to the Academic Council, 1969-1982, and Committees, 1968-1975, and the University of London Joint Working Party on Decentralisation, 1982; relations with other University of London Colleges, and the merger with Royal Holloway College, 1972-1985, including Committees on academic co-ordination, administrative structure and joint planning.

          Sans titre
          CLA/053 · Collection · 1834-2005

          Records of the City of London School for boys, 1834 - 1998, including prospectuses, inspection reports, rules and regulations, scholarships and prizes, trust deeds, financial accounts, registers of pupils, lists of honours and distinctions gained by pupils, school magazines, Acts of Parliament relating to the school and some notes on the history of the school.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/BCN01 · sub-fonds · 1919-1971

          Corporate records of the reconstituted British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited including certificates of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association, insurance agreements, board of directors' and shareholders' meeting agendas and minutes including annual general meetings, directors' attendance book, annual reports and accounts and related correspondence, registers of directors and secretaries, and seal books.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/CLN01 · sub-fonds · 1956-1986

          Records of the City of London Insurance Company Limited comprising board of directors' minute book, annual reports and statements of account and correspondence regarding sale of shares.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/CT02 · sub-fonds · 1932-1975

          Share records of Cattle Traders' Insurance Company Limited comprising share certificates book, annual return of shareholders, and registers of directors' shareholdings.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/EA01 · sub-fonds · 1795-2001

          Corporate records of Eagle Insurance Company including articles of agreement on the foundation of company and deed of settlement; Eagle Act of Parliament; certificate of registration; memorandum and articles of association; Board of Directors: minute books, west end board agenda books, printed copy of resolutions of the founding meeting; finance committee agenda book and minute book; Eagle, Star and British Dominions securities committee minute book; annual reports and accounts, engravings, copy death certificates and wills and other papers relating to Eagle directors, amalgamation papers, liquidation minutes and papers.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/EA02 · sub-fonds · 1808-1916

          Shares records of Eagle Insurance Company including returns of shareholders and assignees of shares; receipts for shares; Fenn and Crosthwaite monthly list; and statutory returns.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/EA06 · sub-fonds · 1791-1882

          Staff records of Eagle Insurance Company including working papers of Charles Jellicoe, Henry Porter Smith and Francis Ernest Colenso.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/EA07 · sub-fonds · 1794-1891

          Records of Eagle Insurance Company relating to acquisitions and mergers, comprising papers of the following companies amalgamated with Eagle: Albion, Alfred, City of London, London Indisputable, London Mutual, Mentor, National Mercantile, Palladium, Protector, Solicitors' and General. Includes papers and correspondence relating to amalgamation; papers of directors, shareholders and trustees; accounts; and prospectuses.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/ES03 · sub-fonds · 1918-1994

          Financial and accounting records of Eagle Star Insurance Company, including revenue results books; close of year books; papers, reports, minutes and statements of accounts committee; actuarial valuations and close of year files; actuarial correspondence; papers relating to development of mechanised accounting, introduction of computers and decimalisation; and annual management reports.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/FH02 · sub-fonds · 1922-1966

          Corporate records of Fred Haigh and Company Limited comprising register of members, with transfers.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/NG01 · sub-fonds · 1921-1990

          Corporate records of Navigators and General Insurance Company Limited including indemnity agreement with Navigators' and Engineer Officers' Union; minutes of the board of directors' and joint managing directors' meetings; investment committee minutes; minute books of shareholders' meetings and annual general meetings with annual reports and accounts, and related correspondence; annual reports and accounts; registers of directors and secretaries, board of directors' correspondence; and seal book.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/NG04 · sub-fonds · 1925-1995

          Business records of Navigators and General Insurance Company Limited including proposal forms and flyer, specimen policies and related papers, policies issued, printed books and booklets, agency appointment, notes for brokers and agents, posters, advertisements, showcard and exhibition flyer, photograph illustrating salvage operations, and brochure about a boatyard near Ely.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/PMP01 · sub-fonds · 1919-1969

          Corporate records of Premier Motor Policies Limited including board of directors' minute books and agenda papers; auditors' final accounts and reports to directors; audited accounts, with annual reports; photographs, and motor show dinner programme.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/PMP02 · sub-fonds · 1945-1967

          Shares records of Premier Motor Policies Limited including combined register, directors, secretaries and members; and directors' shareholdings.

          Sans titre
          CLC/B/005/SC04 · sub-fonds · 1865-1966

          Business records of Sceptre Life Association Limited including policy registers, propectuses, policies issued, copies of Married Women's Property Act and report of related legal case, agency appointment and correspondence, and papers relating to fund.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/ACC · Sous-fonds · 1784-1785
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the Affairs of the Corporation Committee, Common Council, 1784-1785, comprising minutes, rough minutes and documents presented to the committee, the second report of the 'Committee to enquire about the assertions of Fidelio [Mr Josiah Dornford] regarding the affairs of the corporation', and correspondence published by Dornford.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/JTC · Sous-fonds · 1875-1945
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Minute books containing the minutes of various ad hoc Joint Committees:

          Joint Committee of the Officers and Clerks and the Law, (Parliamentary) and City Courts Committees regarding Admiralty jurisdiction in the City of London Court, 1875; the impact of the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts of 1870 and 1875 and reforms to the practice and pleading of the Mayor's Court, 1875; reform of the Mayor's Court and City of London Court, 1880; the duties of and the pension to be awarded to City of London Court judges, 1894-1895; the nature, duties and emoluments of the Secondary and elections in Common Hall, 1897-1898.

          Joint Committee of the Officers and Clerks and the Port of London Sanitary Committees regarding the salary of Harry Leach, Medical Officer of Health for the Port of London, 1875.

          Joint Committee of the General Purposes and the Special Tithes Committees regarding matters relating to livings and benefices, 1875.

          Joint Committee of the Coal, Corn and Finance and the Officers and Clerks Committees regarding the salary of William Payne, Chamber Principal Clerk, 1878; the nature, duties and emoluments of the Office of Chamberlain and his staff, 1892-1898; the nature, duties and emoluments of the City Solicitor and City Surveyor, 1895.

          Joint Committee of the Law and City Courts and the Local Government and Taxation Committees regarding taking action against the Toll Bridges/River Thames Bill which aimed to free the toll bridges, 1876-1877; and the Supreme Court of Judicature, 1883.

          Joint Committee of the Gas and Water and the Local Government and Taxation Committees regarding the progress of the Metropolis Waterworks Purchase Bill, 1880.

          Joint Committee of the City Lands and the Law and City Courts Committees regarding finding accommodation for the hearing of special jury cases, 1891

          Joint Committee of the City Lands and the Coal, Corn and Finance Committees regarding finding a site for the construction of a new British School of Art (Tate Gallery), 1891.

          Joint Committee of the Coal, Corn and Finance and the Billingsgate and Leadenhall Markets Committees regarding reduction of tolls on fish brought to Billingsgate market, 1894.

          Joint Committee of the Officers and Clerks and the and the Improvements and Finance Committees regarding the retirement of Principal Clerk of the Public Health Department, 1899.

          Joint Committee of the City Lands and the Improvements and Finance Committees regarding cooperation with the London County Council to preserve the historic building at 17 Fleet Street (Prince Henry's Room, part of an inn that was one of the few buildings to survive the Great Fire of London), 1899-1900.

          Joint Committee of Coal and Corn and Finance and Officers and Clerks Committees, ordered to enquire into the nature, duties and emoluments of the office of Chamberlain, to reconsider the terms and conditions of the appointment and to recommend any necessary reform, Sept 1943-Feb 1945.

          Sans titre
          COL/CC/TIC · Sous-fonds · 1804-1836
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Records of the Tithe Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes and committee papers, 1811-1836; rough minutes and papers of Committee appointed to consider a Bill before Parliament for the relief of certain Incumbents of Livings in the City of London, 1804 and rough report of Committee concerning the action of the Rector of St. Andrew, Holborn, who instituted proceedings in the Court of Exchequer to enforce the payment of 2/9 in the pound.

          Sans titre
          COL/SJ · Sous-fonds · 1216-1997
          Fait partie de CORPORATION OF LONDON

          Papers relating to railways, 1839-1983, including reports, evidence and petitions relating to the construction of new lines and stations; papers relating to fires, 1522-1974, including papers on the provision of fire fighting equipment, the introduction of fire insurance policies and the establishment of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade; papers relating to the Great Fire of London, 1667-1966, including acts, orders and financial accounts relating to the rebuilding of the City of London including receipts from Christopher Wren, papers relating to the investigation into the cause of the Fire, financial accounts of funds to relieve those affected, descriptions and accounts of the Fire; papers relating to Royal and Municipal Commissions, 1816-1969; papers relating to war 1692-1995, including papers relating to the Corporation's activities during World War One; air raid precautions and casualties, Roll of Honour of Civilian War Dead in the City of London and papers relating to the bombing of Guildhall, World War Two and City of London salute to the task force, Falklands Campaign, 1982.

          Papers relating to transport, 1663-1985, including hackney coaches and hackney carriages, carts and carmen, stage coaches, river traffic, tramways, omnibuses and buses, subways, Heathrow and Fairlop Airports, the London Underground and the Channel Tunnel terminal in London; papers relating to shipping, 1610-1989; papers relating to trades and crafts, 1510-1991, including bills, wages, regulations, acts and petitions regarding bricklayers, carpenters, carters, founders, glaziers, masons, painters, paviors, plasterers, plumbers, smiths, wireworkers, button makers, butchers, chimney sweeps, hairdressers, ironmongers, spoon makers, paper makers, tanners, tailors, rakers, midwives, engravers, clock makers and printers; papers relating to the Honourable Artillery Company, 1503-1967.

          Papers relating to the history of London, 1565-1994, including "An exposicion of the Kinges prerogative collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitz-Herbert and other olde writers of the lawes of England" by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, 1565, "Londinopolis: An Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, The Imperial Chamber, and chief Emporium of Great Britain: Whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster, with the Courts of Justice, Antiquities, and new Buildings thereunto belonging" by James Havel, 1657, and various other antiquarian and modern books, articles and pamphlets on the history of London; papers relating to health and medicine, 1657-1994, including bills of mortality, papers relating to the outbreak of plague in London, 1665-1666, letters, reports and conference papers relating to the control of cholera; papers regarding provisions, 1607-1990, including warrant authorising the Mayor to receive venison out of the Royal Parks, 1607 and papers of committees investigating the high price of provisions, 1767-1822; papers relating to the government of the City of London and Greater London, 1849-1993; papers relating to the provision and price of gas, 1828-1918; papers relating to the supply of water to the City, 1538-1992; papers relating to the placing, erection and upkeep of statues and monuments in London, 1680-1995; papers relating to weights and measures, 1678-1997, including records of action taken against those using false weights and measures and registers of weighed goods; papers relating to seals and medals, 1285-1995, including examples of medieval seals and register of documents sealed; papers relating to insignia and plate, 1650-1993, including information on the Collar of SS, Diamond Badge or Jewel, Mace, Crystal Mace, Swords, City Purse, Mayoralty Seal, Robes and Sceptre and inventories of City plate; papers relating to the population of the City of London, 1719-1982, including "A compu tation of the increase of London and parts adjacent; with some causes thereof, and remarks thereon", 1719, population returns, 1821-1897 and population studies and articles; papers regarding tolls, 1605-1833, including Acts, bonds, exemptions and leases; papers relating to the postal service, 1741-1938, including examples of early stamps and papers relating to the Penny Post; papers relating to the carrying out of writs, 1460-1965, including writs of habeas corpus, certiorari, subpoenas and jury summons; papers relating to the textile trade, 1674-1995, including orders, rates, inventories, petitions relating to the production of textiles including cloth, lace and wool, bonds of searches and sealers of tanned leather, 1699-1804, and articles on the history of textiles.

          Papers relating to probate, 1693-1786, including estate inventories, letters of administration and notes on legal customs; papers relating to the regulation of fireworks and bonfires within the City, 1673-1857; papers relating to archaeological investigations in the City of London, 1972-1989; extracts relating to archery in Finsbury Fields, 1521; reports and articles relating to the armorial bearings of the City, 1216-1973; bullion certificates, 1696-1819; licences issued for the right to use calcium carbide, 1897-1919; papers relating to convex lights, 1692-1694; papers relating to conveyancing, 1770-1948 and various other papers relating to aspects of the administration of the City of London including common soil, conservation, criminal prosecutions, city customs and liberties, the Customs House, erection of hoardings, gifts and presentations, regulation of gunpowder, income tax, the London Building Acts, licensing, lotteries, regulation and licensing of petroleum, precedent books, precepts issued by the Mayor or Common Council, bills for printing and stationery, the Olympic Games, pageantry, proclamations, brewers and public houses, the Shops Act, smoke abatement and clean air, street cleaning, theatres, the unemployed, Viewer's reports, wharves, woods and forests, newspapers and cuttings, fishing, the Festival of the City of London, coffee houses, coinage, the Bank of England and other financial institutions.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 A/LRS · Collection · 1940-1977

          Records of the London Regional Savings Committee. Minute books form the major part of the collection, minutes of the LRSC dating from 1965-1977. Also present are minutes of the various sub-committees that were set up, the earliest dating from 1946. Also papers relating to the London Regional Schools Advisory Committee and photographs of various savings campaigns.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 A/MWS · Collection · 1917-1918

          Records of the Metropolitan Committee for War Savings, comprising a minute book of the Committee, 1917-1918. The book had first been used (reversed) to record details of the war savings situation (local committee, local activities, facilities available, etc.) in 60 districts, one by one, in alphabetical order, in the metropolitan area, some as far afield as Barking and Kingston. The last seven entries, at the end of the alphabet, are covered by the later minutes of the executive committee (pasted in), running across them from the other end of the book.

          The meetings recorded in the minutes were held at the Mansion House and the Lord Mayor was normally in the chair. Attendance at the first two meetings was large and included a number of mayors and a sprinkling of senior council officers. Attendance at the executive committee meetings was usually nine or ten. It appears that this is the only main minute book of this body. It does not, however, contain the minutes of its various sub-committees and ancillary committees.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 A/RSD · Collection · 1747-2010

          Records of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts, including minutes; extracts of proceedings; Acts of Parliament; papers concerning J C Neild; financial accounts including legacy books, income books, general expenditure books, annual accounts and auditor's reports; papers regarding the disposal of surplus funds; bequests; press cuttings; correspondence; and histories of the Society.

          The minutes contain reports of visits of inspection as well as names and numbers of prisoners assisted. A number of the papers relate to the destruction of the book containing the minutes and accounts of the Society 4 Mar 1818 to 5 Apr 1826 by John Camden Neild, treasurer 1814-1827.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/0080 · Collection · 1807

          Document relating to a plea heard at Westminster, 1807: Crichton Horne and Edward Finch, (plaintiffs) v John Moore.

          Sans titre
          BACON FAMILY
          GB 0074 ACC/0260 · Collection · 1815-1855

          Papers relating to property owned by the Bacon family, including copy of Act of Parliament to partition real estate devised by will of John Bacon of Friern Barnet containing an inventory of lands in question; notes of judgements in cases of debt brought against member of the Bacon family and accounts of debts and insolvency of Bacon family; legal opinion of liability of estates to creditors; agreement and conveyance for land in Muswell Hill.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/0435 · Collection · 1600?-1936

          Records of the Child and Jersey families relating to their estates. Papers relating to the Manor of Osterley, Heston include wills, deeds, papers relating to the Jersey title to the manor, steward's accounts, fee books, quit rents, bailiffs bills, rent rolls, enclosure awards, plans, correspondence, sales particulars, court books, minute books, surrenders, licences to demise and warrants. Also papers relating to the Manor of Hayes with Norwood and Southall, including admissions, surrenders and enfranchisements, quit rents, and court papers; and "Isleworth Syon's Peace", volume of agreements dating to 1656.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/0581 · Collection · 1769

          Copy of certificate issued by Richard Hassell to William Spencer of South Mimms relating to the privileges of tenants of the Duchy of Lancaster (including exemption from tolls).

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/0655 · Collection · 1803-1896

          Papers of Crawter and Sons, estate agents, 1803-1896, including draft report and valuation of Mr. Cook's property at Edmonton; valuation, particulars and conditions of sale for premises in Enfield purchased by Newell Connop; memoranda of agreement between the Connop family and various tenants relating to the lease of properties; various plans of land in Edmonton and Enfield; letters relating to the work of Crawter and Sons, premises in Enfield and the management of the Connop estate and rental properties; notices relating to occupation of properties; receipts; report on value of underdraining completed in Churchbury Field, Enfield, surveyed by Henry Crawter; notices, plans and correspondence relating to appearance of Thomas Crawter and others to give evidence for prosecution in case versus John Fulford Owen of Enfield Chase, Enfield, for having made encroachments onto public highway at Enfield Chase.

          Papers relating to the New River Water Works, including letter from Mr. Edward Beldam, Royston, Hertfordshire to the Directors of the New River Company, Islington, requesting the removal of fences erected by the Company, which were encroaching onto Mr. Richard Vaughan's premises at Enfield; correspondence concerning the New River Water Works Bill and proposed works in Tottenham and Stoke Newington; instructions for engineers concerning drawing of plans and book of reference under New River Water Works Act; plans and rough tracings of lands on Middlesex side of New River from New River Head to Enfield giving acreages of parcels of land and their occupiers.

          Papers, including plan of estate at Hackney belonging to Miss Young; plans of Mr. Griggs premises at Tumbling Bay, Lea Bridge, Hackney; plan and rough copy of field at Maiden Lane, Islington; solicitors' bill of charges concerning lease of Ship public house and premises at Shepperton to Mr. Rowlls by John Connop; plan of premises at Grove Road, Mile End belonging to John and Edward Hatfield to be affected by building of Eastern Counties Railway; correspondence with Charles W. Cook, Vestry Clerk for parish of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire from Francis Shelton, clerk to Edmonton Guardians and the Local Government Board, Whitehall, concerning proposed separation of Hornsey from Edmonton Union, with minutes of meetings and accounts of rates levied and amounts apportioned to County rate, Metropolitan Police, School Attendance Committee, Burial Board, and so on; printed poster giving notice of local inquiry to be held, 1 Oct 1896, concerning wish of parishes of Hornsey and South Hornsey to be separated from Edmonton Union and formed into a distinct Poor Law Union.

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          GB 0074 ACC/0695 · Collection · 1619-1933

          Records of Tottenham Manor, 1619-1920, including court rolls; survey of the manor; account book; quit rental; and Reminiscences of Tottenham by Mrs J W Couchman. Records of Edmonton Manor, 1661-1933, including court books; minute books; survey of the manor; lists of copyholders, fines and rents; annual rentals; quit rentals; stewards' financial accounts and notebook; and manorial court rod. Also precedent book for the manors of Tottenham and Edmonton, 1830.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 ACC/0758 · Collection · 1638-1890

          Papers, 1638-1890, collected by Myers in the course of their work, comprising wills and a bond relating to Palgrave, Suffolk; Hampstead; Kensington (Old Brompton); West Twyford and Bloomsbury.

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