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7 Archival description results for Capital

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0013 · 1916

One bound volume containing the papers relating to the Capital and Labour Committee, a sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee:
Item 1: Draft terms of reference to sub-committee folio 1.
Item 2: Enterance to trades (note) folio 2 - 3.
Item 3: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (memorandum, 8 May 1916) folio 4 - 10.
Item 4: Beveridge, Profit sharing between employer and trade union (corrected draft of above) folio 11 - 18.
Item 5: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (memorandum 13 Jun 1916) folio 19 - 27.
Item 6: Beveridge, Relations of capital and labour after the war (corrected draft of above) folio 28 - 38.
Item 7: Report to the Board of Trade on the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Canada 1907, by Sir George Askwith (1861-1942) folio 33.

Beveridge , William Henry , 1879-1963 , 1st Baron Beveridge of Tuggal , economist
GB 0096 MS 458 · [1746]

Manuscript list of 79 subscribers to the Company, usually giving their status or occupation, with the amounts subscribed, [1746].

British Linen Company
GB 0074 CLC/B/038-05 · Collection · 1960-1973

Records of Empire of India Holdings Limited, comprising Board of Directors' minutes, annual general meeting minutes and a ledger. The records are held off-site and therefore require 24 hours notice for access.

Empire of India Holdings Ltd
GB 0074 CLC/B/112-009 · Collection · 1908-1982

Records of Harrisons and Crosfield Limited relating to shares, including annual reports; share prospectuses; circulars to shareholders; financial records; correspondence; and papers relating to the Company's Stock Exchange listing.

Access to records less than 30 years old (or records less than 70 years old which relate to staff) should be sought from Elementis plc (contact details may be obtained from a member of staff).

Harrisons and Crosfield Ltd , traders in tea, coffee, rubber, timber, chemicals, and other agricultural products
GB 0097 LEAKE · 1909-1947

Papers of Percy Dewe Leake, 1909-1947, mainly comprising publications and working papers relating to British accounting theory and practice, notably capital, taxation, and industrial accounting.

Leake , Percy Dewe , d 1949 , accountant
GB 0074 CLC/B/038-09 · Collection · 1960-1970

Records of Singlo Holdings Limited, comrpising minutes of the Board of Directors and annual general meetings.

Singlo Holdings Ltd
GB 0097 WSOC · Collection · c1958-c2003

Papers of the Wider Share Ownership Council, c1958-c2003, including correspondence, minutes, conference papers, reports and publications, including material relating to the merger with Proshare. Also the personal papers of George Copeman, mainly relating to employee share ownership and business management.

Wider Share Ownership Council