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          1441 Archival description results for Finance

          1441 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          CLC/B/005/AL01 · sub-fonds · 1805-1843

          Corporate records of the Albion Fire and Life Assurance Company comprising deeds and Act of Parliament.

          Eagle Insurance Co Albion Fire and Life Assurance Co
          GB 0074 O/522 · Collection · 1884-1887

          Records of the Albert Palace Association Ltd, consisting of a prospectus for purchase of debentures and two newspaper cuttings relating to entertainment, 1884-1887.

          Albert Palace Association Ltd
          Alabaster, Sir Chaloner
          GB 0102 MS 380451 · Created 1845-1898

          Papers, 1845-1898, of Sir Chaloner Alabaster, including nine diaries, 1854-1875, which give accounts of his time in China. The later diaries are incomplete and contain far less detail than earlier volumes. Additional material, 1868-1898, includes papers and correspondence detailing his military service, accounts, obituaries and copies of 'A Chapter from the Chinese Gospel', by Alabaster, from Occasional Papers on Chinese Philosophy.

          Alabaster , Sir , Chaloner Grenville , 1838-1898 , Knight , Consul-General at Canton
          GB 0074 CLC/B/017-03 · Collection · 1919-1937

          Financial records of the Aircraft Insurance Committee.

          Aircraft Insurance Committee
          GB 0096 MS 225 · c1785

          Manuscript volume containing the rules of the Agreeable United Fair (Friendly Society), a women's society intended to provide relief in the event of sickness or old age. The Society was held near Fetter Lane, Holborn, London. The rules are signed by fifteen members, six of whom give a mark in place of a signature, c 1785.

          Agreeable United Fair Friendly Society
          Aglen, Sir Francis Arthur
          GB 0103 MS 211355 · 1921-1926

          Manuscript and typescript letterbook containing letters from Sir Francis Arthur Aglen in Peking (Beijing) to Guy Francis Hamilton Acheson, 1921-1923, and Cecil Arthur Verner Bowra, 1924-1926, in London, including some enclosures, also including letters to Bowra from A F H Edwards, 1926.

          Aglen , Sir Francis Arthur , 1869-1932 , Knight , Inspector-General of Chinese Maritime Customs
          GB 0074 CLC/B/207-1 · Collection · 1890-1963

          Records of the African Banking Corporation comprising financial accounts, agreements, correspondence and scrapbooks.

          Access to records less than 45 years old should be sought from the depositor (contact details may be obtained from a member of staff). 24 hours notice is required for access to these records.

          African Banking Corporation
          GB 0102 AFRICA95 · [1957]-1996

          Archives, [1957]-1996, of Africa95, including material from the festival administrators, producers and participants.

          Various deposits, c1980-1996, on individual artists or on planning Africa95 include correspondence, printed material, photographs, and slides of the work of artists from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

          Records of the central administration, 1991-1996, comprise planning papers and correspondence, 1991-1993; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1993-1995, Board of Trustees, 1995-1996, Funding Committee, 1993-1994, and Annual General Meeting, 1995; Chairman's correspondence, 1993-1996; research materials on non-western arts in Europe; Executive Council records, comprising correspondence, 1992-1995, reports received, 1993, 1995, and Trustees' report and financial statements, 1995; contracts, information and correspondence of the Co-ordinator, 1993-1994; International Council of Artists proposals, contact lists and correspondence, 1993-1994; brochures, 1993-1995; legal papers concerning incorporation, lease of premises, and charitable status, 1993-1995.

          Records relating to arts management, 1980-1996, cover funding and sponsorship, 1993-1995; publicity, 1994-1995; press activity, 1994-1996, including cuttings; posters, 1993-1995; general administration, including personnel and finance, 1994-1995; arts organisations and other festivals, 1991-1995; subject files, 1985-1996, including exhibition catalogues on people and places including Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and Zimbabwe; videos, 1980-1995, including artists and their work; publications and exhibition catalogues, 1980-1995, for Algeria, Angola, France, Korea, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the UK.

          Records relating to finance and development, 1991-1996, cover budgets and funding, companies and sponsorship, and Trusts.

          Records on receptions and launches, 1993-1995, relate to events in various locations.

          Records relating to Africa95 Nigeria, 1994-1995, include correspondence and photographs.

          Records relating to arts events across the UK cover visual arts (photography, fine art, sculpture, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, and architecture), 1991-1996; cinema, 1993-1995; music, including classical, traditional, gospel, world, jazz, reggae, and popular music [1957]-1996 (including videos, sound recordings and scores); performing arts, including dance, theatre, and puppetry, 1989-1996 (including videos); literature, including poetry, 1993-1995.

          Records relating to other activities cover conferences on African arts, including events at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal African Society, and Courtauld Institute of Art, 1993-1996; education and young peoples' events, 1993-1996; international workshops and residencies, including events in Senegal, Zimbabwe, London, and Yorkshire, 1990-1996; television and radio, 1992-1995 (including sound recordings of programmes on Radios 1, 3 and 4).

          Records relating to post-festival administration, 1994-1996, cover evaluation, celebratory concert, finance, and archive arrangements.

          Africa95 , arts festival
          GB 0100 TH/M, TH/C, TH/AD, TH/AC, TH/FR · 1836-2001

          Administrative records of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, 1836-2001, comprising minutes of meetings of St Thomas's Hospital Medical & Surgical School 1836-1845; St Thomas's Hospital Collegiate Establishment Committee 1847-1852; Committee of Lecturers 1849-1979; Medical and Surgical Staff Officers 1864-1901; Obstetric Physicians 1866-1879; Surgeons' Meetings 1867-1924; Physicians Meetings 1871-1879; Museum Committee 1865-1879; Registration Sub-committee (and Publication Committee) 1867-1896; Medical School Committee 1871-1879; various committees 1880-1909; School Council 1913-1921; Medical Council 1929-1939; Combined Hospitals Committee 1934-1939; St Thomas's Hospital Gazette Committee 1953-1968; House Committee 1973-1974; School Academic Board 1978-1982 (copies); School Council 1978-1982 (copies); Finance Committee 1980-1982 (copies); Index 1971-1881; Committee members 1937-1947; Rules and Regulations 1874-[1886];

          Dean's and Secretary's Files 1929-1946; General administrative files 1870-1873, 1938-1975; Anatomy Catalogues c.1904; Museum Catalogues 1829; Library Committee Minutes 1888-1985; Library Suggestions Book 1935-1957; Library Accessions Register 1952-1972; Library Annual Reports 1939-1979; Lambeth Hospital Medical Library Subcommittee 1964-1976; History of Works of Art committee 1984-1990; Librarian's administrative files 1945-1990; Biographical Information 1960s-1980s; Research Subject files (A-Z) 1825-1990; Material relating to Archive collections 1933-2001; Library Financial Accounts 1955-1989;

          Departmental Records 1945-1955; St Thomas's Hospital Medical School timetables and notices 1932-1940; Examinations question papers, 1909-1976;

          Building estimates 1867; War Memorial Fund Committee 1919-1932; War Memorial Fund files 1919-1927; Cash books 1953-1979; Ledgers 1934-1972; Journal of payments 1980-1981; Working papers for annual accounts 1974-1978; Register of Benefactors 1963-1981; Richard Dimbleby Cancer Fund 1967-1982; Wages books 1908-1910; Publications Ledger 1936-1938; Annual Accounts 1842-1845; Deeds 1892-1895.

          St Thomas's Hospital Medical School
          Administrative records
          GOS/1 · 1852-2008

          Great Ormond Street Hospital administrative records, comprising GOS/1, Annual Reports of the Committee of Management and Board of Management, 1852-1947 (containing many duplicates, and reports bound in year volumes throughout).

          Minutes of Hospital Committees, comprising GOS/1/2 Minutes and associated papers of the Committee of Management and Board of Management, 1850-1948; GOS/1/3, Minutes of Board of Governors’ Meetings, 1869-2008; GOS/1/4 Administrative and Executive Committee Minutes, 1938-1952; GOS/1/5 House Committee Minutes, 1867-1938.

          GOS/1/6 Medical Committee Minutes, 1852-1971; the Joint Medical Executive Committee Minutes, 1968-1982; the Medical Executive Committee Minute Book, 1981-1982; the Medical Advisory Committee, 1982-2010; Division of Physicians Minute Book, 1981-1990; Division of Surgeons Minute Book, 1971-1990; Division of Radiologists Minute Book. 1971-1989; Division of Anaesthetists Minute Book, 1971-1989; Division of Pathologists Minute Book, 1971-1989.

          GOS/1/7, Joint Committee on Medical Appointments Minutes, 1894-1965 (from 1950, renamed the Medical Appointments Committee); GOS/1/8 Finance Committee Minutes, 1858-1982 (known from 1952 to 1982 as the Finance, Establishment and General Purposes Committee).

          GOS/1/9 Building Committee Minutes, 1876-1981; GOS/1/10 Nursing Committee Minutes, 1922-1981; GOS/1/11 Policy and Development Committee Minutes, 1964-1977; GOS/1/12, Research Committee Minutes, 1946-1977; GOS/1/13 Medical Ethics Committee, 1969-1984; GOS/1/14, General Medical Staff Committee Minutes, 1971-1983; GOS/1/15 Establishment Committee Minutes, 1948-1951; GOS/1/16/1 Junior Staff Committee Minutes, 1930-1933; GOS/1/16/2 Junior Staff Training Committee Minute Book, 1972-1977; GOS/1/17 Doctors’ Clinical Club Minutes (membership not exclusively Great Ormond Street), 1875-1896.

          GOS/1/18/1, Private Nursing Committee Minutes,1917; GOS/1/19/1 Private Wards Administrative Committee Minutes,1938-1947; GOS/1/20, Advisory Committee on Nursing Education Minutes,1970-1976.

          GOS/1/21 Cross-Infection Sub-Committee and Group Infection Committee Minutes, 1964-1983; GOS/1 /22/1, Organ Transplant Sub-Committee Minutes,1964; GOS/1/23 Tumour Committee Minutes, 1965-1969; GOS/1 /24/1, In-Patients After-Care Trust Minutes, 1913-1938; GOS/1/25 Social Services Committee Minutes, 1949-1968; GOS/1 /26, Almoner’s Committee Minutes, 1918-1949.

          GOS/1/27/1 Committee of Chairmen Minutes, 1951-52; GOS/1/28, Pensions Committee Minutes and Standing Orders, 1931-1945; GOS/1/29/1 Investment Sub-Committee Minutes, May 1958; GOS/1/30, Medical Workshop Committee Minutes, 1959-1968; GOS/1 /31, Catering Committee Minutes, 1945-1967; GOS/1/32, Laundry Committee Minutes, 1952.

          GOS/1 /33, Fund Raising Managing Committee Minutes, October-December 1885; GOS/1/34 New South Wing Reception Committee Minutes, February 1892-June 1893; GOS/1 /35, Imperial Coronation Bazaar Committee Minutes, January – May 1902; GOS/1/36, Sub-Committee for the Management of Festival Dinners Minutes, 1857-1863; GOS/1/37 Appeal Committee Minutes, July 1908-June 1909; GOS/1/38 Appeals Council Minutes, 1935-1941.

          GOS/1 /39, Peter Pan Sub-Committee Minutes, January 1954-June 1966; GOS/1 /40, Special Appeal Committee Minutes, 1930-1931; GOS/1/40/2, Special Appeal Committee Minute Book, 1932-1937; GOS/1/41, Centenary Sub-Committee Minutes, 1948-1952.

          GOS/1/42, Local Government Committees on Hospital Reconstruction Minute Books, 1931-1934; GOS/1/43, 1939-1945; GOS/1/44, Law and Publicity Committee Minutes, 1931-1939; GOS/1/45, Minutes of the London School of Paediatrics, 1941-1945.

          GOS/1 /46, League of Remembrance Minutes, 1946-1982 ; GOS/1/47 Institute of Child Health Staff Case Conference Minutes, October 1947-December 1962; GOS/1/47/2 ICH Case Conference papers and GOS/ICH Training prospectus, circa 1980 to circa 1990s (these records came from Professor Aynsley-Green’s office); GOS/1/48, Miscellaneous Sub-Committee Minutes, 1961-1963.

          GOS/1/49 Minutes of the Select Committee on Metropolitan Hospitals, 1889.

          GOS/1/50 Kampala (Assistance to hospitals in Uganda) Sub-Committee Minutes, 1957-1969; GOS/1/51 Committee Agenda Books and Membership Lists, 1908-1956; GOS/1/52, GOSH Health Records Committee Minutes/reports 1998-2000.

          Great Ormond Street Hospital x Hospital for Sick Children , Great Ormond Street x Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust x The Hospital for Sick Children x The Hospital for Children
          Addis, Sir Charles Stewart
          GB 0102 PP MS 14 · Created 1881-1945

          Papers, 1881-1945, of Sir Charles Stewart Addis, comprising diaries kept by Addis, 1881-1945; correspondence with his family, colleagues and friends including Alexander Michie, 1886-1902, and Montagu Norman, 1921-1943; business papers, 1886-1945; speeches and articles, 1880-1941; newspaper cuttings, c1860-1949; and photographs. In addition to documenting Charles Stewart Addis's role as a leading financial adviser and negotiator, the collection gives an important insight into the development of international finance and monetary policy.

          Addis , Sir , Charles Stewart , 1861-1945 , Knight , banker
          GB 0102 MS 211354 · 1921-1924

          Manuscript and typescript letterbook containing letters from Guy Francis Hamilton Acheson, 1921-1924, and Cecil Arthur Verner Bowra, 1924, in the London Office of the Inspectorate General of Chinese Maritime Customs, to Sir Francis Arthur Aglen in Peking (Beijing), including some enclosures.

          Acheson , Guy Francis Hamilton , fl 1921-1924 , Chinese Maritime Customs official Bowra , Cecil Arthur Verner , 1869-1947 , Chinese Maritime Customs official
          GB 0096 MS 184 · (1344-1350), [1550]

          Manuscript volume concerning the expenditure of the royal household of King Edward III, [1550], namely an abstract from the accounts of Walter Wentwage of 'the rates of wages of peace and warre, expenses necessarie of officers and other charges concerning the household', dating from 21 Apr 1344-23 Nov 1374 and mainly relating to armed forces. Includes a statement of the costs of diplomatic, military and naval activity taken from the accounts of William Norwell, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, for the period 15 Jul 1348-25 May 1350.

          GB 0096 MS 18 · 1597-1601

          Manuscript volume containing accounts of butlerage and prisage from 26 July 1597 to 29 September 1600, and for half a year ending at Easter 1601.

          Accounts of Bedford College
          GB 0505 BC AR400-479 · 1849-1983

          Main financial registers of Bedford College, 1849-1965, including accounts ledgers, 1865-1964; records of student fees, 1849-1963; summary of student fees, 1965-1966; Journals, 1921-1963; Transfer Journals, 1965-1970; Grants Ledgers, 1900-1909; Cash Account Books, 1888-1963; Principal's Cash Book, 1894-1909; Petty Cash Books, 1904-1961; Cash Books and receipts, 1922-1969; Council Cheque Schedule Books, 1889-1965; College Account Book, 1891-1911. Early accounts of Bedford College (kept by the Lady Resident), including student fees, 1856-1866 and household bills, 1856-1866. Annual accounts, 1894-1977, notably balance sheets, 1894-1931; annual accounts and working papers, 1920-1983; estimates of receipts, 1899-1940; working papers and final figures for University Grants Council Returns, 1928-1977, with Quinquennial accounts, correspondence, and estimates, 1936-1972. Material relating to students' accounts and scholarships, 1861-[1965], including Students' Maintenance Grant Accounts, 1925-1956; Registration Fees Account Book, 1948-1958; Account Books for the Old Pupil's Scholarship Fund, 1861-1911; Accounts for various scholarships and funds, 1877-[1965]. Papers relating to Staff salaries and revisions, 1894-1976, including material on salary scales of and payments to teaching and administrative staff, research fellows and visiting lecturers, 1894-1973; wage and wage analysis books, 1945-1972, for Student Demonstrators, Visiting Lecturers, Laboratory Technicians, Household Staff and Junior Administrative Staff; letters of appointment to temporary and part-time staff, 1954-1957; monthly payroll computer printout, 1975-1976; wages signature books, 1912-1963, for Bedford College Household, Maintenance, Domestic, Laboratory and Administrative staff; papers relating to salary scales of lecturers, 1901-1906; Personnel Accounts, 1922-1949; material relating to the Bedford College Pension Scheme, 1907-1976, including ledgers, financial papers, Forms of Agreement, and tax sheets. Account books and legal papers for Capital Buildings Projects, 1903-1970, including a Day Book for the Building and Endowment Fund, 1904-1916; Accounts of the Extension fund, 1926-1932; and papers relating to war damage to the College buildings, 1945-1954. Household Accounts, 1910-1969, including Household Accounts, 1910-1938; Bursar's bills for payment by the Household Committee, 1941-1947, and Finance Committee, 1941-1955; Household Cash and Analysis Books, 1941; Wages Analysis Book for Household and Garden, 1941; Accounts of the Stationery Shop, 1959-1969; Account books for the Athletics ground, 1932-1944. Accounts for special funds, 1894-1968, including the Principal's Loan Fund, 1894-1955, the Geraldine Jebb Memorial Fund, 1961, and the Paterson Memorial Fund, 1943-1948.

          Bedford College
          GB 0096 MS 671 · [1775]

          Manuscript volume containing accounts for the Généralité of Caen, France, for 1772-1773, headed 'Recette Généralle des Finances. Exercice 1772' and beginning 'Etat au vrai des recettes et depenses faites par Pierre Oursin, Ecuyer, Seigneur de Digoville, Conseiller du Roy, Receveur Général des Finances de la Généralité de Caen'. The accounts include financial details for the 'élections' of Caen, Bayeux, Saint Lo, Vire et Condé, Coutances, Carentan, Valognes, Avranches and Mertain. Each section of the accounts is signed by [Charles Gabriel] des Hommets [de Martainville] who was appointed 'commissaire pour verifier le present etat' on 19 Oct 1775, with the words 'Vu par nous', sometimes with further comment. The sums are listed under various headings, the individual items being entered against a place, a person, or the personnel of an office. The total expenses are given as 2,912,200 livres, 16 sols, 6 deniers; receipts as 2,948,734 livres, 9 sols, 6 deniers. The whole account was signed by Louis XVI and seven members of the Conseil Royale des Finances at Versailles on 28 Nov 1775. Each page is stamped 'Gen[eralité] de Paris Extraordinaire' in a decorative frame.

          Oursin , Pierre , fl 1773-1775 , French financial official
          GB 0096 MS 608 · 1827-1840

          Accounts and rental kept by John Humphries for the estates of Thomas Lodington Fairfax in Steeton, Bilbrough, Newton, Kyme, Aughton, 'Ruddings' and Ellerton, all in Yorkshire, and in Bracebridge, Cantley, Washingborough and Heighington, Lincolnshire, 1827-1840.

          Humphries , John , fl 1827-1840 , estate manager
          Accounting Records
          GB 1697 A.IALS 7 · 1947-1950

          Institute of Advanced Legal Studies accounting records, 1947-1950, comprising accounts book, Oct 1947-Jan 1949; Library accounts book, Feb 1949-Jan 1950; monthly accounts other than Library, Feb 1949-Jan 1950; petty cash accounts and credits, Feb 1949-Jan 1950.

          University of London , School of Advanced Study , Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
          Account of royal revenue
          GB 0096 MS 34 · 1642

          Manuscript containing an account of the revenue of King Charles I, entitled 'A briefe view of the State of his Majesties ordinary Receipte for the yeare ensueing 1642 together with the ordinary paymente unprovided for, for the said yeare', 1642.

          Account of public debts
          GB 0096 MS 94 · 1716

          Manuscript volume containing an account of the public debts at the Exchequer, exclusive of the deficiencies of parliamentary grants, 14 Mar 1716, prepared for [Spencer Compton, Viscount Pevensey] Speaker of the House of Commons, from material in various Finance Acts.

          GB 0096 MS 181 · 1858-1859

          Manuscript volume containing an account of the discovery, trial and conviction of Antonio Calvocorressi and Thomas Moss for causing Turkish coin to be illegally made in Birmingham, 1858. Includes a prefaratory letter from the Turkish Consulate in Birmingham to the 'Monsieur Mussurus, Ambassador to the Sublime Porte, London', dated 15 Jun 1859.

          Account Books
          GB 0117 AB · 1660-2004

          Royal Society account books, 1660-2004, falling into two chronological groups; the first series contains the early accounts for the Royal Society, 1660-1768. Much of this material deals with the financial state of the Society during the term of office of James West, and represents the administrative work of the two Library Keepers/Clerks, Francis Hauksbee and Emanuel Mendes da Costa. The second group consists of cash-books and ledgers of the 19th and 20th centuries, 1867-1976. These deal with the Society's general finances, as well as its administration of the Government Grant and various Trust Funds. A third section contains copies of the Royal Society's Annual Accounts - both signed and unsigned.

          Royal Society
          GB 0096 MS 385 · [1625-1675]

          Manuscript volume containing the accounts of a farm in Warwickshire, apparently near Bedworth, [1625-1675], including a note from [Sir] B[artholomew] Hales (of Snitterfield, d 1668) mentioning Sir Cornelius Fairmeadowe (of Fulham, Middlesex).

          Account book, Sussex farm
          GB 0096 MS 688 · 1811-1821

          Manuscipt volume, consisting of an account book for a farm near Funtington, Sussex, giving expenses for building, 1811-1813, farming expenses, including poor rates, land tax and tithes, 1814-1821, and 'Profits of Farm', 1814-1821.

          Account book, Norfolk farm
          GB 0096 MS 621 · 1820-1829, 1842-1845

          Incomplete farm account book relating to a farm at Calthorpe, Norfolk, kept by an unidentified tenant famer, who also had a farmhouse at Aylsham. The account book gives details of crops and acreage planted between 1820 and 1827, and accounts of receipts and expenses from 1 Nov 1820 to 15 Aug 1829, which show that the farmer sold mostly cereals, eggs and butter, mainly at Erpingham market. There are also notes relating chiefly to the harvest of cereals in 1843 with 'Pegg's Pig Account' for 1834, a list of fields totalling 25 acres headed 'Glebe', and a note of the assessment of Calthorpe for the poor rate in 1842.

          GB 0096 MS 742 · 1806-1817

          Account book, Jan 1806-Feb 1817, containing details of the sale of wheat, wool and the raw materials needed for tanning leather and leatherworking, as well as wages to servants and workmen, loans and rents. Among nine loose items enclosed in the volume are a letter stamped at Roanne on 1 Jul 1831 to Claude Marie Chartre, 'Proprietaire a Cremeaux', and a fragment of another letter to the same person, who may have been the compiler of the accounts.

          GB 0096 MS 524 · [1810-1826]

          Account and memoranda book relating to a farm in Lancashire, including details of servants' wages. An inscription at the end of the manuscript reads 'Elizabeth Coulston Book 1779'. Apart from this the manuscript is written in one hand throughout, probably that of Henry Faithwaite of Littledale, Caton, Lancashire.

          Faithwaite , Henry , fl 1810-1826 , farmer
          Account book, farm work
          GB 0096 MS 659 · 1816

          Manuscript volume of accounts lettered 'Farm Work 1816' giving daily rates paid to labourers, boys and women from 5 Jan to 27 Dec 1816 on a farm probably near Stockbridge, Hampshire, and followed by a weekly 'abstract of farm work for the year 1816'. The volume is signed by Thomas Beazly and inscribed 'This account balanced in the book of 'Stock bought & sold', on page 62.

          Beazly , Thomas , fl 1816 , farmer
          Account book, farm labourers
          GB 0096 MS 250 · 1766-1770

          Manuscript volume entitled 'Laborers Book', containing accounts of the wages paid to agricultural and building workers on an unidentified estate (possibly in Wales or on the Welsh border) between December 1766 and December 1770. The account states the days worked by each man and his total weekly wage, and the amount paid each week to the bailiff or similar official in settlement of wages. Between December 1766 and September 1767, the men are divided into 'Laborers in Husbandry' and 'Laborers in Building'. After this date, the lists are combined, and a footnote is added each week giving the cost of husbandry, medicines and repairs.

          Account book, domestic
          GB 0096 MS 492 · 1766-1848

          Manuscript volume containing a record of housekeeping expenses, 1766-1848. The account book contains annual expenses from 1766-1768, weekly expenses from Jan 1769-Aug 1787, mostly for food and washing clothes, and weekly household expenses from Aug 1837 to Nov 1847 with details of servants' wages from Nov 1837 to Nov 1848. The expenses for Aug 1837 are headed '10 Avenue Road, Regent's Park'. Includes a list headed 'Books in Library in Margaret's Room', dated 7 Sep 1837; the works are mainly religious. Some pages have been used for notes and jottings.

          GB 0096 MS 580 · 1792-1799

          Account book of a private bank, probably that of Messrs James Montagu of Chippenham, Wiltshire, May 1792-Nov 1799. Many of the entries record subscriptions to the Berkshire and Wiltshire Canal and the 'Western Canal'. People and families frequently mentioned include the Fludyers of Chippenham, Robert Ashe, the Gabys of Chippenham, Matthew Humphreys, Messrs Whitehead and Howard [of Shipston-on-Stow, Warwickshire], and William Knight.

          Possibly: Messrs James Montagu , bankers of Chippenham, Wiltshire
          GB 0096 MS 526 · 1779-1794

          Butcher's account book, 1779-1794, recording the buying of sheep, cows, etc, and the sale of skins, within the Market Harborough area of Leicestershire. Three recipes, for 'green ointment', 'eye water' and gooseberry vinegar, are included at the end of the manuscript. On the inside front cover are inscribed in a modern hand the names of John and Mrs Coleman of Lubenham Lodge, Market Harborough, Leicestershire.

          Account book of debtors
          GB 0096 MS 689 · 1830-1834, 1856, 1873-1883

          Manuscript volume of accounts containing half-yearly lists of debtors, chiefly in Penrith, but also in Whitehaven, Cumberland, with amounts due and when paid, 1830-1834. Also includes accounts for groceries and other personal expenditure, 1856 and 1873-1883, and a loose bill rendered to Lady Morshead for malt, dated 1830-1831, and made out in the name of John Robinson, who may also have kept the account book.

          GB 0074 CLC/B/017-01 · Collection · 1937-1974

          Records of the Accident Offices Association (Overseas), association for insurers of accidents abroad, comprising minute books of general meetings, Motor Committee meetings, Workmen's Compensation Insurance committee meetings, Emergency Power Committee meetings, and Standing Committee for the Republic of Ireland meetings.

          Accident Offices Association (Overseas) , association for insurers
          GB 0074 CLC/B/017-02 · Collection · 1894-1981

          The records of the Accident Offices Association largely comprise minutes (mostly unsigned) with some accounts. The latter also relate to some of the other bodies with which the association was concerned. Initially, the business of the association was conducted through its chairman, the General Purposes Committee and the Rating Committee (from 1907). Committees were subsequently established to deal with particular areas of business, for example the Motor Offices Committee and Fidelity Offices Committee (in 1913). The work of these main committees was often carried out by standing committees; sub-committees were set up to deal with particular issues and aspects of the areas of business concerned. Additional committees were established as time went on, such as the Employers' Liability Committee (in 1947). An Emergency Powers Committee was set up in August 1939 to run the association during the Second World War; it functioned until June 1947. This explains the gaps in the main series of committee minutes between 1939 and 1947.

          Accident Offices Association , professional association for insurance companies
          GB 0074 CLC/B/055-02 · Collection · 1870-1907

          Board minute books of the Accident Insurance Company Limited.

          Accident Insurance Co Ltd
          GB 0074 CLC/B/003 · Collection · 1914-1989

          The Accepting Houses Committee did not keep minutes of its meetings until 1920 "owing to the secrecy of many of the matters dealt with" (Ms 29295/1). Business was mainly carried out by the executive committee (Ms 29295), although annual general meetings were held for a short time, from 1939 to 1944 (Ms 29294). A number of standing and sub-committees were set up subsequently. The earliest was the Technical or Experts sub-committee in 1940 (Ms 29298); other committees, concerning such matters as export finance and computers, were established in the 1970s (Mss 29298-305).

          Apart from minutes and associated papers, the main series of records of the Committee comprise reports and accounts (Mss 29306-7), circulars (Mss 29308-9) and membership files (Ms 29310). Among the remaining records (Mss 29311-327) there are a number of files relating to the role and future of the Committee at various points in its existence, and discussions about the criteria for membership.

          Access to records less than 30 years old should be sought from the London Investment Banking Association (contact details may be obtained from staff).

          Accepting Houses Committee x British Merchant Banking and Securities Houses Association
          GB 0505 BC AL200-900 · 1849-1985

          Material relating to Academic Departments of Bedford College, including papers of the German Department, 1973-1983; recollections of the Dutch Studies Department by Professor Theodore Weevers, 1985; Departmental files of the History Department, 1958-1985; papers of Professor C H Lawrence, History Department, 1970-1985; Departmental files of the Sociology Department, 1930-1984; papers relating to Nursing Studies Courses, 1896-1985, including the Public Hygiene Course; papers relating to the Bedford College Art School, 1900-1913; papers relating to the Training Department, 1902-1922, including reports, registers, correspondence relating to scholarships and Council grants, accounts and Board of Education papers; papers of the Mathematics Department, 1978-1982; papers of the Biochemistry Department, 1964-1978; papers of the Botany Department, 1908-1985, including material relating to the E N Thomas affair, 1908-1916, and papers collected by Dr Linna Bentley, 1918-1984; building plans for the Zoology Department, 1970. Papers relating to Staff Publications, 1926-[1969], including Minutes and papers of the Research and Publications Fund Committee.

          Bedford College , Academic Departments
          GB 0074 CLC/B/101-03 · Collection · 1928-1981

          Records of the Aberdeen, Edinburgh and London Trust Limited. The records comprise the memorandum and articles of association, minutes and members' files, which include correspondence, copies of reports and cuttings.

          Aberdeen, Edinburgh and London Trust Ltd , investment trust
          GB 0074 CLC/B/101-02 · Collection · 1929-1965

          Records of Aberdeen, Ceylon and Eastern Trust Limited, comprising minutes and directors' annual reports and accounts.

          Aberdeen, Ceylon and Eastern Trust Ltd , investment trust
          LMA/4575 · 1852-1985

          Abbey National Building Society, records from 192- - 1985 including:

          General meeting minutes, 1944-1982; board meeting minutes, 1944-1978; finance committee minutes containing customer account details and cases, 1944-1962; mortgage accounts committee minutes, 1953-1954; instruments of union, rules and memorandum 1943-1985; annual returns, 1944-1974; mortgage account register, 1946-1948; deposit account register, 1939-1949; no main series of staff records: employee rules and magazines, 1944-1977 and records for individual named staff only (1928-1976); press adverts, leaflets and photographs 1944-1970, with history display 192- -194-; premises plans, 1965-1975.

          National Permanent Mutual Building Society (see LMA/4575/G - K), records from 1852-1943, with some letters to 1945 including:

          Members' annual general meeting minutes, 1862-1943; finance committee meeting minutes containing customer account details and cases, 1933-1941; property committee minutes, 1852-1854; merger meeting minutes, 1942-1943 with some letters to 1945; balance sheets, 1931-1943; general ledger, 1914-1929; deposit accounts decisions book, 1937-1940; no main series of staff records, except staff newsletters, 1935-1943; 'Freeholders' Circular', 1852-1943 including plans and details of estates for purchase by members, and proceedings of annual general meetings. No records of subsidiary British Land Company are held although references appear in minutes and circulars prior to 1878.

          Abbey Road Building Society (see LMA/4575/L - R), records from 1875-1944 (includes personal share account record booklets to 1979):

          General meeting minutes, 1929-1940; board meeting minutes, 1883-1943; advertising/finance committee meeting minutes containing customer account details and cases, 1921-1939; premises committee meeting minutes, 1938-1941; publicity committee meeting minutes, 1938-1943; mortgage accounts committee minutes, 1937-1940; survey and arrears committee meeting minutes, 1920-1927; correspondence relating to Josiah Stamp (President), 1924-1942; correspondence, minutes and other papers related to merger, 1942-1944; balance sheets, 1905-1943; annual reports and accounts, 1875-1942; no main series of staff records except salary books for two branches, staff rules and newsletters, 1930-1943; 'Abbey Road Journal', 1932-1939.

          Documents relating to the merger of Abbey Road and National Building Societies and impact of wartime can be found in both the National (LMA/4575/G/05) and the Abbey Road (LMA/4575/L/10) sections of the catalogue.

          Building Society Association, records from 1904-1986: London section co-operation group meeting minutes, 1930-1933; correspondence, 1931-1941, subscription papers and printed material 1904-1986.

          ACCESS: note there is a 100 year closure concerning records containing information on staff and customers. London Metropolitan Archives has interpreted this as a closure of 85 years from the end date of each document, given the likely minimum age of 16 years for most staff and customers.

          Abbey National Building Society National Permanent Mutual Benefit Building Society x The National Freehold Land Society x The National Freehold Land and Building Society x The National Building Society Abbey Road Building Society x Abbey Road and St. John's Wood Permanent Benefit Building Society x Abbey Road Permanent Benefit Building Society