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          1441 Archival description results for Finance

          1441 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          CLA/038 · Collection · 1595-1853

          Records of the Court of Requests, City of London, 1595-1853, including committee reports; petitions; regulations; appointment of Commissioners; accounts ledgers; cash books; record of fees; summons books; warrant books; bonds and promissory notes, and other administrative papers.

          Corporation of London
          GB 0074 ACC/0374 · Collection · 1636-1826

          Records of the Manor of Cowley Peachey, Colham, Hillingdon; comprising court book for views of frankpledge with courts baron; rental and survey; and statement of quit rents.

          Manor of Cowley Peachey
          GB 0120 MSS.1899-1901 · 1746-1773

          Account books. Vol. I. 2/2/1746-17/10/1756. With odd entries at the end to 1765; II. 9/7/1756-22/10/1765. Some leaves torn out at the end; III. 1/1/1766-22/12/1773.

          Coyney , William , fl 1746-1780 , surgeon and apothecary
          GB 0096 AL288 · Fonds · 1888, [1925-1935]

          (a) Letter from Robert F Crawford of 55 College Place, Camden Town, [London] to Sir James Hannen, president of the Parnell enquiry, 6 Feb 1888. Covering letter accompanying copies of Crawford's published writings, including A political essay on money and Letters on usury.

          (b) Covering note from Sir Henry Cunynghame, Probate Division, Royal Courts of Justice, [c1925-1935]. Forwarding Crawford's letter and works to Professor H S Foxwell, [University of London Library].

          Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

          Crawford , Robert F , fl 1888 , writer on economics Cunynghame , Sir , Henry David St Leger Brooke Selwyn , 1905-1978 , 11th Baronet of Milncraig x Cunynghame , Sir , David St Leger Brooke Selwyn
          GB 0074 ACC/0655 · Collection · 1803-1896

          Papers of Crawter and Sons, estate agents, 1803-1896, including draft report and valuation of Mr. Cook's property at Edmonton; valuation, particulars and conditions of sale for premises in Enfield purchased by Newell Connop; memoranda of agreement between the Connop family and various tenants relating to the lease of properties; various plans of land in Edmonton and Enfield; letters relating to the work of Crawter and Sons, premises in Enfield and the management of the Connop estate and rental properties; notices relating to occupation of properties; receipts; report on value of underdraining completed in Churchbury Field, Enfield, surveyed by Henry Crawter; notices, plans and correspondence relating to appearance of Thomas Crawter and others to give evidence for prosecution in case versus John Fulford Owen of Enfield Chase, Enfield, for having made encroachments onto public highway at Enfield Chase.

          Papers relating to the New River Water Works, including letter from Mr. Edward Beldam, Royston, Hertfordshire to the Directors of the New River Company, Islington, requesting the removal of fences erected by the Company, which were encroaching onto Mr. Richard Vaughan's premises at Enfield; correspondence concerning the New River Water Works Bill and proposed works in Tottenham and Stoke Newington; instructions for engineers concerning drawing of plans and book of reference under New River Water Works Act; plans and rough tracings of lands on Middlesex side of New River from New River Head to Enfield giving acreages of parcels of land and their occupiers.

          Papers, including plan of estate at Hackney belonging to Miss Young; plans of Mr. Griggs premises at Tumbling Bay, Lea Bridge, Hackney; plan and rough copy of field at Maiden Lane, Islington; solicitors' bill of charges concerning lease of Ship public house and premises at Shepperton to Mr. Rowlls by John Connop; plan of premises at Grove Road, Mile End belonging to John and Edward Hatfield to be affected by building of Eastern Counties Railway; correspondence with Charles W. Cook, Vestry Clerk for parish of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire from Francis Shelton, clerk to Edmonton Guardians and the Local Government Board, Whitehall, concerning proposed separation of Hornsey from Edmonton Union, with minutes of meetings and accounts of rates levied and amounts apportioned to County rate, Metropolitan Police, School Attendance Committee, Burial Board, and so on; printed poster giving notice of local inquiry to be held, 1 Oct 1896, concerning wish of parishes of Hornsey and South Hornsey to be separated from Edmonton Union and formed into a distinct Poor Law Union.

          Crawter and Sons , estate agents
          GB 0074 CLC/W/HH · Collection · 1625-1967

          These records are exclusively for the part of Cripplegate Ward lying inside the City wall. The records comprise wardmote minutes, accounts and rate assessments. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.

          Cripplegate Within Ward , Corporation of London
          GB 0074 CLC/W/HI · Collection · 1732-1966

          These records are exclusively for the part of Cripplegate Ward lying outside the City wall. The records comprise wardmote minutes and accounts, rate assessments, presentments and returns, plans of the ward and other administrative papers.

          Cripplegate Without Ward , Corporation of London
          GB 0074 LMA/4467 · Collection · 1830-2003

          Records of Crosse and Blackwell Limited, food manufacturers, 1830-2003. The records include business agreements; correspondence; published histories; financial records; papers relating to shareholders; papers relating to production including agreements, ledgers, notebooks, reports, and labels; price lists; papers relating to staff organisations and staff photographs; property records including inventories, leases and photographs; papers relating to advertising including newscuttings, publications, adverts, correspondence and photographs.

          Also papers of subsidiary companies including British Vinegars Ltd, Elizabeth Lazenby Ltd, James Kellier and Sons and Allards Wharf Ltd.

          Crosse and Blackwell Ltd , food manufacturers
          GB 0074 CLC/B/192-14 · Collection · 1825-1892

          Crown Life Assurance Company records comprise: deed of settlement, 1853; conveyance of assets, 1867; agreement for amalgamation, 1891; rules and regulations, 1825-1873; minutes, 1825-92; and report books, 1870-1890.

          Permission to publish any material must be obtained: ask a member of staff for further information.

          Crown Life Assurance Co
          GB 0074 CLC/B/134-03 · Collection · 1943-1947

          Private ledger of Cruikshank and Company, stockbrokers.

          Cruikshank and Co , stockbrokers
          GB 0074 CLC/B/163-02 · Collection · 1935-1944

          Records of Cull and Company, private bankers, comprising minute books, financial accounts and register.

          Please note that access to these records requires written permission from Morgan Grenfell and Company: details are available from a member of staff.

          Cull and Co Ltd , private bank
          Customs account of London
          GB 0096 MS 745 · 1672

          'An accompt of his Majesties customes in the Port of London inwards and outwards from Lady-day 1672 to Midsumer following'. The document names John Thorpe, Philip Marsh, Michael Wicks and Euclid Speidell, and shows the sums paid on Spanish and sweet wines, French and Rhenish wines, currants, vinegar, cloth, calf-skins and leather, to a total of £78,391 1s. 3d. On the dorse is 'An accompt of the new impost coynage duty and petty farmes in the Port of London from Lady-day 1672 to Midsumer following'. Imposts are shown as being levied on many of the same articles, but include also coinage duty, wood, salt and spice farms, potashes, to a total of £23,015 13s. 0½d.

          GB 0096 MS 784 · 1801

          Tables headed 'An Account of the revenues of the British Empire collected in the year 1800, distinguishing the gross and net produce, charges of management etc., and payments into the Exchequer of each respective branch Together with a general view of the revenues from the first stage of collection, with the various deductions therefrom, until the several sums were paid into the Exchequer', organised under the main headings of Customs; Excise; Stamps; Taxes; Post Office; Hackney coaches; 'Hawkers & Pedlers'; and 'General View'.

          GB 0074 LMA/4675 · Collection · 1816-1983

          Records of the Customs Annuity and Benevolent Fund Incorporated including minutes of Court with expenditure accounts; 'T,MandS' Committee minutes; balance sheets and Board of Trade Returns; Benevolent grants; Rules and rates, and Register of assurances and profit (with separate index volumes).

          The records document benevolent payments to individuals and their families. The main series which can be used are the Court minutes (1816-1983) (LMA/4575/01/01) and the indexes to insurance holders (1891-198-) (LMA/4675/02/03).

          The Court minutes contain letters to Committee and presentations to the Board giving proposals for insurance received from individuals; life losses; surrenders; mortgages and reversions; cash statements and expenditure and details of benevolent loans including amounts advanced, paid and outstanding.

          The records provide an insight into the types of proposals for support received and whether these met with success. In minutes of 5 Sep 1889 a Benevolent Grant is ordered to be paid to the widow of John Fox of Liverpool, being the amount of Poundage contributed (£5.8.10). In minutes of 10 Apr 1890 an application is shown to have been received from Henry Casserley for a loan of £20 in consideration of his being insured No.1318 (for repayment by instalments). Decision recorded that there is no power to make such a loan but that he may commute under Rule 6. An Index of insurance holders [LMA/4675/02/03/001] confirms just the one insurance number 1318 for Henry Casserley.

          Customs Annuity and Benevolent Fund Incorporated x Customs Fund
          GB 0096 MS 645 · 1890-1893

          Customs declarations certificates, 1890-1893, comprising two certificates in Portuguese of a personal history nature (perhaps for emigration purposes), one dated 4 Sep 1890 and certified by Charles O'Donnell, British Consul in Lisbon, as being in the hand of Emygdio José da Silva, notary public of Lisbon, and the second of similar date in the same hand; and a third certificate in Spanish of 20 Dec 1893 relating to a cargo of soap from London on the Spanish vessel Molina, certified by John W. Witty, British Pro-Consul in Barcelona, as bearing the true signature of M. Martinez, Chief Collector of Customs, Barcelona.

          GB 0074 CLC/B/227-062 · Collection · 1920

          Liquidator's accounts for DL Thomson and Company, stockbrokers.

          DL Thomson and Co , stockbrokers
          GB 0074 ACC/0373 · Collection · 1680-1823

          Papers collected by the antiquarian dealer in the course of his work, comprising article of agreement, assignment and surrender of leases relating to premises in Saint Mary, Whitechapel, 1680-1694; receipts for rates for paving, lighting, cleansing and watch, and demand for poor rate, for premises in Saint Dunstan in the West, Fleet Street, City of London, 1822-1823.

          Danish royal finance deed
          GB 0096 MS 763 · 1822

          Deed relating to Danish royal finances, 15 Feb 1822, entitled 'Acte hypothécaire sur plusieurs revenus des finances royales', by which revenues were assigned to secure a loan of 3 million pounds at 5% raised on the London market by C.J. Hambro and Sons of Copenhagen through A.T. Haldimand and Sons on terms settled on 16 Oct 1821 and ratified by Frederick VI on 10 Nov 1821. The loan was to be secured on tolls from the Sound, and on mortgages and revenues from plantations on West Indian islands. Includes the signature of Frederick VI.

          Darley Estate, Yorkshire
          GB 0096 MS 254 · 1813-1826

          Manuscript account book for an estate at Darley, Yorkshire, 1813-1826, including prices for materials, repairs and labour for an estate comprising a house, garden, cottages, stables, farmlands, and St Catherine's Chantry. Some of the leaves have notes and figures in pencil.

          GB 0074 ACC/2305/04-1 · Collection · 1897-1970

          Corporate records of the Dartford Brewery Company Limited, including board meetings minutes; annual general meeting minutes; stockholders' meetings minutes; registers of directors, secretaries, members, shares, mortgages and deeds; share records; articles of association; annual and half-yearly reports, statistics and accounts.

          Dartford Brewery Co Ltd
          GB 0074 ACC/2305/04-3 · Collection · 1926-1957

          Property records from the Dartford Brewery Company Limited, comprising insurance register for licensed premises; premises repair order book and tenants' dilapidations ledger.

          Dartford Brewery Co Ltd
          GB 0096 MS210 · Fonds · 1705

          'A memoriall concerning the free-trade now tolerated between France and Holland', addressed to Sidney Godolphin.

          Davenant , Charles , 1656-1714 , political economist
          GB 0096 MS1129 · Fonds · 4536

          Letter to Mrs Peel regarding his writing on insurance, 1912.

          Dawson , William Harbutt , 1860-1948 , journalist and civil servant
          GB 0074 CLC/B/067 · Collection · 1885-1959

          Minutes of the Debenture Corporation Limited, investment company.

          Debenture Corporation Ltd , investment company
          GB 0074 CLC/B/017-09 · Collection · 1941-1947

          Minute book of the Debris Clearance Pool Committee.

          Debris Clearance Pool Committee
          GB 0096 MS 426 · 1717-1725

          Bound volume containing file copies of decrees relating to commerce collected between 1717 and 1725 by a Paris office of the Compagnie des Fermiers-Généraux, which was a company trading with the Levant. All are printed excepting the following manuscript transcripts concerning the regulation of trade: 1)An extract of the declaration given to the Ministers of Holland and England by the Plenipotentaries of the King, 4 January 1717, including a note that 'this copy was given to the Company on 11 March 1718, in consequence of a letter written by M. Piquet, Keeper of the Seal at the Council of Foreign Affairs'. 2) A decree, dated 7 October 1717, on the laws governing duties on butter and cheeses. 3) Decree headed 'Cires', 1719, beginning 'The King wishes to treat favourably the manufacture established at Limoges...', and transcribed on the last page of a printed decree of 30 March 1719. 4) Decree, dated 1 August 1720, relating to the sawing and merchandising of merain wood, transcribed on the last page of a printed decree of 9 July 1720. 5) Copy of a letter written by the Companie des Fermiers-Généraux to Sr. Savalette, Receiver at St Valery concerning the liability of duty to goods imported from the Levant.

          Compagnie des Fermiers-Généraux
          DENCE, THOMAS (fl 1876)
          GB 0074 ACC/2832 · Collection · 1876-1923

          Records of Thomas Dence and family, 1876-1923, including investment ledger and papers relating to investments such as certificates; cash books, registers of deeds and legal documents relating to properties; register of insurance policies; wills, powers of attorney and documents relating to the Dence Trust; cheque books; letter book, mostly letters to tenants; ledger listing documents regarding the Ferme Park Estate, including building agreements, leases issued and deeds.

          Dence , Thomas , fl 1876 , property developer and investor
          GB 0103 TARIFF · 1917-1974

          Tariff information contained in press cuttings relating to Latin American trade, with separate volumes on Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

          Department of Trade
          GB 0096 MS 9 · [1522-1536]

          Manuscript volume, [1522-1566], containing a description of the offices of the King's Remembrancer's and Lord Chamberlain's Departments of the Upper Exchequer, and an account of their duties, with an enumeration of grudges and complaints and a suggestion of remedies for them. A second memorandum, possibly written between 1531 and 1533, discusses the problems of financial administration.

          GB 0120 PP/JWD · 1959-1992

          Medico-legal reports compiled by John Wanless Dickson, at the request of solicitors acting for clients, or for insurance companies, on individuals claiming compensation for injuries, usually from road accidents; complete run for 1959-1992, except for the year 1960.

          Dickson , John Wanless , 1920-2001 , orthopaedic surgeon
          GB 0074 CLC/318 · Collection · 1855-1996

          Records of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. The records mainly relate to the administration of the Diocese, the oversight of chaplaincies and relations both with other organisations working within the Diocese and with other churches on the Continent. The bishop established a Bishop's Council to act as an advisory body for the Diocese.

          It should be noted that many of the files are general and contain information on a variety of topics e.g. administration, finance and chaplaincy. This is especially true of the large series of correspondence between the diocesan administration and the chaplaincies, Ms32699/1-624.

          There is a 30 year closure period on the Diocese in Europe material except Mss 32667/1-12, 32687 and 32688/1-12 which have a 50 year closure period and Ms 32699/1-624 which are closed for 75 years.

          Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe , Church of England x Diocese in Europe , Church of England
          GB 0074 CLC/319 · Collection · 1825-2006

          The records of the Diocese of Gibraltar are concerned with the administration of the Diocese, the oversight of chaplaincies and relations with other organisations working within the Diocese and with other churches on the Continent.

          Material relating to the 1970s when John Satterthwaite was Bishop of Fulham and Gibraltar has been catalogued as part of the Diocese in Europe. Also series (such as confirmation registers, G.L. Ms 32690/1-6) which begin before 1970 but continue beyond that date have been catalogued as Diocese in Europe records.

          It should be noted that many of the records are general files and contain information on a variety of topics, e.g. administration, finance and chaplaincy. This is especially true of the large series of correspondence between the diocesan administration and the chaplaincies, Ms 32699/1-624. This correspondence relates to the Diocese in Europe and Jurisdiction of North and Central Europe as well as the Diocese of Gibraltar but has been grouped as one series for convenience.

          Note, Ms 32568/1-12 are closed for 50 years.

          Diocese of Gibraltar , Church of England
          GB 0074 DL · Collection · [1271]-2011

          Records of the Diocese of London, 1467-1976, held at the London Metropolitan Archives include:

          • records of the Archdeaconry of Hampstead (induction mandates, visitation papers)
          • records of the Archdeaconry of Hackney (visitation papers)
          • records of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex (assignation books, churchwardens' presentments, financial papers, calendars, probate books and probate inventories, caveat books, registers of wills, administration bonds, renunciations, warrants, original wills, visitation books)
          • records of the Consistory Court of London (Acts of Court, assignation books, deposition books, Vicar General's books, registers of wills, original wills, matrimonial and testamentary cause papers, appointments of proctors, caveat books, Chancellor's notebooks, statistics)
          • papers of various rural deaneries (Paddington, Spitalfields, Bethnal Green, Saint Pancras, Enfield, Chelsea, Tottenham, Shoreditch, Saint Marylebone)
          • bishop's transcripts from the County of Middlesex and the County of London
          • papers relating to tithes (maps, apportionments, altered apportionments, certificates of capital value, awards of exchange, redemption certificates).

            Records of the Diocese of London, 1306-1996, (held at the Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section but currently accessible through the LMA) include:

          • Bishops' registers
          • Vicar Generals' books
          • Bishops' Act books
          • Ordination papers and Ordination registers
          • Licensing papers for curates, lecturers, institutional chaplains, parish clerks, midwives, physicians and surgeons, schoolmasters
          • Marriage allegations and marriage bonds
          • Parish files (of church deeds, consecration papers, plans and so on.)
          • Faculty papers, by parish.
          • Subscription books.
          • Parish register transcripts
          • Episcopal visitation records
          • Records of jurisdiction:-
          • Commissary Court records including court books, probate records, original wills, probate and administration act books, probate inventories
          • Estate records for property and manors in the City of London, Essex, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Surrey, Sussex, Westminster and Worcester.

            Also papers relating to the Bishop of London's jurisdiction overseas. The Bishop of London was held to exercise responsibility for Anglican churches overseas where no other bishop had been appointed. He retained responsibility for churches in northern and central Europe until 1980, but his jurisdiction in southern Europe ceased in 1842 on the creation of the diocese of Gibraltar. In 1980, the Bishop of London divested himself of all overseas jurisdiction and a new diocese of 'Gibraltar in Europe' was established. Records include:-

          • Ordination and licensing records
          • Consecration papers and chaplaincy deeds
          • Foreign register transcripts
          • issues of the "Gibraltar and Fulham Diocesan Gazette"
          • Foreign chaplaincy archives for the chaplaincies of:
            Adelboden, Switzerland
            Aix les Bains, France
            Alassio, Italy
            Archangel, Russia
            Athens, Greece
            Balestrand, Norway
            Biarritz, France
            Bologna, Italy
            Bordighera, Italy
            Boulogne, France
            Bucharest, Romania
            Bucharest and Lower Danubian ports, Romania
            Burgenstock, Switzerland
            Calais, France
            Cannes, France
            Cap d'Antibes, France
            Cartagena, Spain
            Champery, Switzerland
            Chantilly, France
            Corfu, Greece
            Davos, Switzerland
            Ferrol, Spain
            Florence, Italy
            Fray Bentos, Uruguay
            Geneva, Switzerland
            Ghent, Belgium
            Grindelwald, Switzerland
            Haarlem, Netherlands
            Hamburg, Germany
            Helsinki, Finland
            Hughesovka, Russia
            Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
            Leghorn, Italy
            Leysin, Switzerland
            Libau, Latvia
            Lisbon, Portugal
            Lucerne, Switzerland
            Lyons, France
            Messina, Sicily, Italy
            Minas de Riotinto, Spain
            Monte Carlo, Monaco
            Moscow, Russia
            Nantes, North West France
            Odessa and South Russia
            Oporto, Portugal
            Ostend, Belgium
            Palermo, Italy
            Pisa and Bagni di Lucca, Italy
            Ponta Delgada, Azores
            Riga, Latvia
            Rigi-Kaltbad, Switzerland
            Saas Fee, Switzerland
            St Servan, France
            Seville, Spain
            Spiez, Switzerland
            Stockholm, Sweden
            Stresa, Italy
            Syra, Greece
            Tamaris sur mer, Toulon, France
            Taormina, Sicily
            Trieste, Italy
            Ulvik, Norway
            Versailles, France
            Viareggio, Italy
            Vitznau, Switzerland
            Wengen, Switzerland
            Zermatt, Switzerland
          Diocese of London , Church of England
          GB 0074 DR · Collection · 1620-1905

          Records of the Diocese of Rochester, 1620-1905. This collection contains faculties* and visitation records providing information about church buildings and lands; bishops transcripts and marriage warrants providing information about the work of the church; and orders in council and office papers, providing information about the administration of the diocese, especially reorganisation of administrative units within the diocese.

          *faculty in this sense refers to pecuniary ability, means, resources, possessions and property.

          Diocese of Rochester , Church of England
          GB 0096 MS 44 · 1671-1678

          Manuscript volume containing transcripts of directives issued by the Treasury Board and the Board of Customs, 1671-1678, including warrants petitions and legal documents relating to the customs. The documents are signed by statesmen including Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury; Thomas Clifford, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh; Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds; Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington; Sir John Coventry; and Charles Bertie.

          GB 0074 CLC/B/227-063 · Collection · 1779-1784

          Current account ledgers of a merchant banker, perhaps a predecessor of Samuel Dobree and Sons.

          Dove, Matthew: letter (1744)
          GB 0096 AL45b · Fonds · 1744

          Letter from Matthew Dove of Execution Dock Brewhouse, [London], 15 Sep 1744. Outlining a scheme for a lottery on survivorships for 99 years [apparently relating to some form of insurance or annuity dependent on certain people outliving others].

          Autograph, with signature.

          Dove , Matthew , fl 1744 , survivorship scheme originator
          DOWGATE WARD
          GB 0074 CLC/W/IA · Collection · 1761-1940

          Records of Dowgate Ward, Corporation of London. The records comprise wardmote minutes, rate assessments and accounts, and petitions. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library at various dates.

          Dowgate Ward , Corporation of London
          GB 0074 ACC/0140 · Collection · 1739-1883

          Legal documents, acquired by the solicitor's office in the course of their work, relating to the manor of Hanwell, 1739-1869, including deeds and copies of deeds, extracts from court rolls, and mortgage agreements; copies of wills and administrations, mainly for residents of Hanwell; copies of land tax redemption certificates for land in Hanwell; copies of orders in Chancery relating to Hanwell.

          Also papers relating to the Coleraine Park Estate, Tottenham, 1880-1883 and Ponders End, Enfield, 1861-1873.

          Druces and Attlee , solicitors
          Drury Lane Dispensary
          GB 0113 MS-DRURD · Fonds · 1782-1952

          Minutes and accounts of the Drury Lane Dispensary, 1782-1952.

          Drury Lane Dispensary
          GB 0074 CLC/B/071 · Collection · 1880-1894

          Letter books of the Dunaburg and Witepsk Railway Company, later known as the Dvinsk and Vitebsk Railway Company Limited.

          Dunaburg and Witepsk Railway Co x Dvinsk and Vitebsk Railway Co Ltd
          DUNCH, Edward (1602-1678)
          GB 0074 ACC/0447 · Collection · 1639

          Royal Writ of Privy Seal proclaiming Edmund Dunch a rebel because of his non-appearance at the Court of the King's Council at Whitehall, and ordering that he be arrested, 1639.

          Privy Council
          GB 0097 DURBIN · 1918-1948

          Papers of the Rt Hon Evan Frank Mottram Durbin, 1918-1948, comprising lectures and notes on miscellaneous subjects, 1935-1944, including English politics, socialism, social history, peace and war, Russia, sociology and economics; secondary historical material, 1931-1944, namely working and research notes by Durbin; correspondence collected by Elisabeth Durbin from his papers and correspondents, 1928-1961, including Reginald Bassett, Sir (Henry) Roy (Forbes) Harrod, John Maynard Keynes, the Rt Hon Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell, the Rt Hon Clement Richard Attlee, (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalton, Baron Dalton, and the Rt Hon Sir (Richard) Stafford Cripps, as well as papers and correspondence relating to his political work, his election as an MP, and his appointment to the Ministry of Works; material relating to monetary and trade cycle theory, 1935-1948, mainly comprising lecture notes on economics, psychology, causes of war, political theory, and general politics, with associated correspondence; galley proofs of articles by Durbin on economics, 1935-1946, with royalty statements, 1940-1946; copies of The Times relating to the Colonial Education Committee, 1945; working materials, drafts and transcripts of 'The economics of democratic society' by Durbin, 1942-1943; press cuttings of reviews of published works, 1932-1942; papers relating to Oxford University, 1918-1940, mainly comprising notes, essays, letters and examination papers; drafts and manuscripts of Purchasing power and trade depression: a critique of under-consumption theories (Jonathan Cape, London and Toronto, 1933); material relating to Taunton School, 1918-1939, including school exercise books, correspondence and notes; notes, research and texts for lectures on economics, [1938-1947], notably monetary theory, economic history, industrial fluctuations, taxation and land tenure; drafts and notes for research articles, mainly unpublished, [1937-1939]; personal financial material, 1935-1948.

          Durbin , Evan Frank Mottram , 1906-1948 , economist
          Dutch coinage instructions
          GB 0096 MS 16 · [1580]

          Manuscript volume, [1580], containing instruction for all (Dutch) Exchangers for the alteration of coinage books and manuals following a proclamation that the fortieth part of all golden moneys is to be reserved for their salaries. The manuscript gives translations of the mottoes on various coins in place of the engravings of the coins found in the printed book.

          GB 0074 CLC/B/207/ES03 · 1927-1955

          Records of E D Sassoon and Company Limited including correspondence files relating to business links and investment in South Africa; and copy judgement.

          E D Sassoon and Company Limited xx D K Investments (Crosby Square) Limited
          GB 0074 CLC/B/207/ES01 · 1920-1979

          Records of E D Sassoon and Company Limited including records relating to the foundation of the company such as memoranda and articles of association, certificates of incorporation and special resolutions; a board minute book and power of attorney.

          E D Sassoon and Company Limited xx D K Investments (Crosby Square) Limited
          GB 0074 CLC/B/207/ES02 · 1972-1978

          Records of E D Sassoon and Company Limited including combined register of shares.

          E D Sassoon and Company Limited xx D K Investments (Crosby Square) Limited
          GB 0074 CLC/B/207/ED04 · 1920-1971

          Records of E D Sassoon Banking Company Limited including balance sheets, accounts, and profit and loss statements; profit and loss books, general, nominal and real account ledgers; house accounts, deposit and current accounts (including those belonging to the Sassoon family) and other accounts; journals, cash books, bills receivable and payable, sundry creditors and debtors and investments.

          E D Sassoon Banking Company Limited , E D Sassoon and Company Limited xx Wallace Brothers Sassoon Bank Limited xx D K Investments (Crosby Square) Limited