Medicina forense

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Medicina forense

Término General Ciencias médicas

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Medicina forense

  • Usado para Legal medicine
  • Usado para Médecine judiciaire
  • Usado para Medicina judicial
  • Usado para Medicina legal

Términos asociados

Medicina forense

23 Descripción archivística resultados para Medicina forense

23 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
KEENE, Mary Frances Lucas (1885-1974)
GB 1530 D12 · 1911-1977

Papers and photographs of Mary Frances Lucas Keene, 1911-1994, comprising:
Personal papers, including diplomas and certificates awarded to Lucas Keene, 1904-1973; personal correspondence including letters from the RFHSM and the University of London, mainly concerning her retirement, and appointment as Emeritus Professor, 1950-1975; letters from Lucas keen to Prof John W S Harris and his wife, Sonia, 1971-1978; notes for speeches, mainly given at London (RFH) School of Mediicine for Women ceremonies, 1933-1954; papers on anatomy teaching and research, including notes, diagrams and photographs, 1921-1951; notebooks containing case notes on dissections of human embryos and foetuses, 1921-1951; Emphemera including Royal Free Hospital Pharmacopoeia and Journal of tje Medical Women;s Federation, July 1951, containing an appreciation of her work; photographs of Lucas Keene, her family and fiends, 1924-1974; group photographs of Anatomical Society meeting, Edinburgh, 1947 and Staff and Students of RFHSM, 1950; album of photographs of the medical school, staff and students, presented to Lucas Keene on her retirement as Professor of Anatomy, 1951

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Brunton, Sir Thomas Lauder (1844-1916)
GB 0120 MSS.1384-1386 · 1892-[1895]

Reports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].

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Lee, Henry (1826-1888)
GB 0120 MSS.5376-5401 · 1866-1887

Letters received by Henry Lee, naturalist, 1866-1887.

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BALY, William (1814-1861) and Family
GB 0113 MS-BALYW · 1807-1878

Correspondence and papers created by William Baly and his family; Francis Baly, his mother, William Baly, his father, Frances (Fanny) Shipp, nee Baly, and Elizabeth (Bessy) Baly, his sisters, 1807-1878. Includes correspondence between Baly and members of his family and friends, and between members of his family about Baly, spanning Baly's life and career. Also includes papers, notes and correspondence relating to Baly's professional career, his years as a student in London and then in France and Germany, 1831-36; his various appointments, from his early apprenticeship to a general practitioner in 1828 to his appointment as physician extraordinary to the Queen in 1859, such as indentures detailing appointments and a volume of testimonials supporting Baly's appointment as Assistant Physician at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1854; his licence and diploma for the Royal College of Physicians; a portrait of Baly by one of his sisters; photographs; obituaries; material relating to the Baly Memorial Fund; and genealogical notes on the Baly family.

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HEAVISIDE, John (fl 1792)
GB 0114 MS0013 · c1792

Papers of John Heaviside, c1792, comprising transcript of lecture by John Hunter on fractured patella, gunshot wounds, cancer, scrophula, locked jaw, mortification or partial death, undated; notes from poisons by John Hunter, c1790; notes on lecture by John Hunter on venereal disease;

notes on an introductory lecture to a course of 58 lectures on surgery; notes on a lecture on inflammation; notes on opium; accounts of cases and post-mortem examinations, 1792.

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SOLLY, Samuel (1805-1871)
GB 0100 TH/PP59 · [1828-1856]

Papers of Samuel Solly, [1826-1856] comprising surgical casebook containing notes on patients examined by him at St Thomas's Hospital, privately, and at Hanwell, including operative details and post mortem findings, [1828-1846], with some water colour sketches, mostly of the brain; letter to Solly from Sydney Jones, 1856; and two letters from John Sharpe (undated).

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VALANTINES, J William (fl 1802)
GB 0100 TH/PP75 · [1783]-1802

Manuscript volume comprising J William Valantines' 'fugitive extracts' and 'practical remarks' from Henry Cline's lectures on anatomy and surgery, 1802, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1783.

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GB 0120 GP/58 · 2000-2004

Transcripts of oral history interviews conducted by Dr Stefan Cembrowicz with elderly general practitioners in the Bristol area, Dr Freddie Morgan, formerly Morgenbesser, Oct 2000, and Dr Ivor Ernest Doney, 2004.

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Curet, Louis
GB 0120 MSS.1976-1977 · c 1875

Papers of Louis Curet including notes and extracts on various medical disciplines including Surgical Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology, Surgery and Materia Medica.

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London Hospital Pathological Institute
RLHPI · Fondo · 1907-2004

The Institute's records are arranged as follows: Director's books and associated records of post mortem examinations, 1907-200, including Bethnal Green and Mile End Hospitals autopsies, 1969 - 1978 and indexes 1907 - 1967; Surgical Department Director's books 1909 - 1995, including indexes 1909 - 1982; Cytology Department registers, 1966-1982; Bethnal Green Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1976; Mile End Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1982; Mile End Hospital Cytology Department records, 1969-1981; Specimen books, 1923-1934; Photographs and slides, 1959 - 1980; Classification schemes and indexes, 1907-1981; Publications, 1906 - 1979.

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Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children
RLHQE · Fondo · 1868-1998

Administrative records, chaplaincy records, clinico-pathological minute books, title deeds and other legal records, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs and records received from unofficial sources.

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WHITFIELD, Richard (c.1764-1837)
GB 0100 TH/PP81 · [1780]-1814

Manuscript volumes collected by Richard Whitfield comprising lecture notes taken either by Whitfield or unidentified pupils including:
one volume of notes on a course of anatomy lectures by Henry Cline including lectures on pathology and physiology, 1793, delivered 1787, taken by Whitfield;
one volume of notes on anatomical lectures of Joseph Else delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, [1780], including notes on John Hunter's lectures on anatomy, 1781, taken by an unidentified pupil;
six volumes of notes on Fordyce's lectures on medicine, delivered [1788-1789], taken by Richard Whitfield, [1792], containing lectures on material medica, natural history of the human body, doctrine of diseases, doctrine of fevers, doctrine of inflammations, particular inflammations, inflammation of the mucous membrane, lues venereal, eruptive fevers, chronic diseases, spasmodic disease;
three volumes of notes on lectures on the practice of physic of James Gregory, delivered at Edinburgh, 1814, taken by an unidentified student;
one volume of notes on William Herbeden's lectures containing observations on the history, nature and cure of poisons, delivered at the College of Physicians, 1749, with copy notes made by Whitfield, 1792;
two volumes of notes on surgical lectures by John Hunter, 1786;
four volumes of notes on anatomical and surgical lectures by Alexander Monro, [1788];
1 volume of notes on Percivall Pott's surgical lectures, delivered [1787], taken down [1794];
and one volume titled Pharmacopoeia Chirurgica vel Institutiones Chirugicae.

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WILLCOX, Sir William Henry (1870-1941)
GB 0113 MS-WILLC · 1896, 1911-1915, 1923-1924, 1932-1941

Papers of Sir William Henry Willcox, relating to a variety of topics: murder trials, criminal abortion, the use of insulin and the production of table salt.

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Clift, William (1775-1849)
GB 0114 MS0007 · Fondo · 1780-1849

The collection is divided into four main groups: The first group contains papers relating to William Clift's work as conservator of the Hunterian Museum. This is the largest of the four groups and contains a number of sub divisions such as explanation and display of specimens, expanding the collections, administration of the museum, and correspondence. This group also contains the transcripts made by Clift and others of the Hunterian manuscripts. The second group contains work carried out by William Clift as an illustrator for publications. The third group contains a small amount of personal material that is in the collection. The fourth group contains transcripts and copies of manuscript material by William Clift that is held in other repositories such as the Natural History Museum.

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NAPLES, Joshua (fl 1811-1812)
GB 0114 MS0024 · 1811-1812

Diary of a resurrectionist, 1811-1812, probably Joshua Naples, describing his activities supplying bodies to anatomists in London, including to St Thomas's and St Bartholomew's Hospitals.

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CLINE, Henry (1750-1827)
GB 0100 TH/PP CLINE · 1777-[1824]

Papers of Henry Cline, 1777-[1824], comprising three notebooks, 1777-[1824], labelled 'pathology and surgery', 'anatomy and physiology', and ' effects of the mind on diseases' containing notes on pathological conditions and contemporary surgical practice, with individual case histories, details of patients inoculated by Cline, 1778-1789, his post-mortem examination of Charles James Fox, account of influenza, 1782; notes on a course of lectures on anatomy, physiology and surgery, [1790]; notes on lectures on surgery, [1818], delivered 1805-1806.

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GB 0120 PP/KEB · 1863-1991

Papers of Richard von Krafft-Ebing, 1863-1991. The papers largely comprise clinical case histories which Krafft-Ebing amassed during his professional career with a view to working on them in retirement. In the event he died very shortly after retiring from practice and resigning his chair of Psychiatry at Vienna. As a result, the case histories remained in an undigested state, and more resemble the raw research materials that they in fact are than an ordered series of cases, although some have been arranged into thematic bundles (neurasthenia, hysteria, mania, dementia etc). Some two-thirds of the histories are in Krafft-Ebing's hand, the remainder written by assistants or other clinicians; many were evidently extracted from hospital case records. There are many subsidiary documents among them, such as referral letters, statistical abstracts and letters and reports from patients themselves, often prompted by reading Psychopathia sexualis. There is also a bundle of patient cards from Kraft-Ebing's sanatorium at Mariagrün, Graz, 1886-92. Many of Krafft-Ebing's manuscript notes are associated with case histories. Others are organised thematically (neurasthenia, hypnosis, electrotherapy etc), or are extracts from works by other specialists.

Likewise the correspondence in the collection often relates to particular recorded cases, but there are separate groups of letters to and from family, friends, colleagues, publishers and university officials: these include some 43 letters by Krafft-Ebing to his grandfather, Anton Mittermaier, a lawyer, 1864-66, and photocopies of letters to his parents written from Italy, 1869-70. There is also a file of letters from members of the German Imperial family. The collection includes a large quantity of printed material, mainly off-prints of articles by Krafft-Ebing and others in the professional and specialist literature, as well as monographs. Many of the former especially are difficult to find in library collections in the English-speaking world. There are also press cuttings, mainly relating to Krafft-Ebing and his work, apparently collected by his son, Hans, after his death. In addition there are several groups of personal/family items, including carte de visite photographs of colleagues, diplomas and certificates, and other personalia.

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GB 1556 WL 1411 · 1985-1991

Papers of Reginald Yarnitz Freeson, 1985-1991, comprise correspondence and cuttings regarding the death of Josef Mengele, including a copy of the original Brazilian police forensic report of the body exhumed in 1985 said to be that of Mengele (1411/44) and a descriptive list of the key letters (1411/1). Correspondents include the German Ambassador to Great Britain, the Frankfurt Public Prosecutors Office; the Director of the US Office of Special Investigations, Washington; the Brazilian Ambassador to Great Britain.

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SAVORY, William (fl 1788-1789)
GB 0100 TH/PP54 · 1788-1789

Papers of William Savory comprising notes on Henry Cline's lectures on anatomy and surgery, 1789 (missing the lectures on surgery), and including a few notes from the clinical lectures of John Rutherford;
also notes on William Saunders' lectures on the theory and practice of physic, 1788,

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SMART, Thomas (fl 1786-1845)
GB 0100 TH/PP57 · 1777-[1824]

Papers of Thomas Smart comprising lecture notes of 'Mr Cline's physiological, anatomical, and chirurgical lectures', [1790], delivered 1786-1787, taken by Smart when a student.

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PAGET, Sir James (1814-1899)
GB 0113 MS-PAGEJ · c.1844

Sir James Paget's index to references for medical biographies, intended for the Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (1842-44), c.1844.

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COOPER, Sir Astley Paston (1768-1841)
GB 0100 G/PP2/8-13 · [1800-1825]

Papers of Sir Astley Paston Cooper, [1800-1825], comprising volume of notes on his lectures on surgery, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, taken by an unidentified student, [1814-1825] (G/PP2/8), with loose manuscript notes ((G/PP2/9);

three volumes of notes on his lectures on surgery, taken by an unidentified student, [1813-1825] (G/PP2/10-12);
notes on his lectures on fungoid testis, taken by an unidentified student {G/PP2/13);
prescription for chilblains, attributed to Sir Astley Cooper, undated, with letter concerning authenticity, 1993 (G/PP2/13b).

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Abnormalities of Development
GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP20 · 1871-1917

Manuscript volume entitled 'Abnormalities of Development', comprising anatomical notes on a variety of foetal defects including Siamese twins, limb malformation, malformations of the blood vascular system and cyclopia, [1871-1917].

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