Freedom of the press

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Hierarchical terms

Freedom of the press

Equivalent terms

Freedom of the press

  • UF Freedom of the media
  • UF Liberté des médias
  • UF Libertad de los medios
  • UF Press freedom
  • UF Media freedom

Associated terms

Freedom of the press

4 Archival description results for Freedom of the press

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0101 ICS 150 · 1979-2003

The collection comprises papers relating to training courses and workshops run by the CJA for journalists in Africa, the Pacific, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malta, Malaysia, Cyprus, Belize, Hong Kong and the Caribbean with supporting correspondence with various organisations including the Commonwealth Secretariat, The Commonwealth Relations Trust, The Commonwealth Foundation, The Thomson Foundation, the University of Western Ontario and the Commonwealth Press Union including details of arrangements for courses and instructors and requests for funding and video and audiotapes tapes featuring conferences, a sub-editors course and a skills updating course; correspondence with organisations such as The Commonwealth Foundation and the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and general correspondence regarding issues such as fundraising, operational costs, Commonwealth Foundation and Nuffield Press fellowships, freedom of the press and the withdrawal of government funding for the Commonwealth Institute; conference papers including speeches, transcriptions of audiotapes, records of sessions and arrangements for travel, accommodation and expenses; minutes and agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee, the London Management Committee, the Training Committee, the Steering Committee, the Finance and Membership Committee and various conference committees; membership correspondence, application forms and subscription details (SOME OF THESE RECORDS ARE CLOSED); the CJA "Newsletter" including correspondence and articles for inclusion; information about the formation of an organisation for Commonwealth journalists and correspondence regarding travel bursaries awarded by the Commonwealth Relations Trust and the CJA.

Commonwealth Journalists Association
Commonwealth Press Union
GB 0101 ICS 121 · 1909-1998

Records and publications of the Empire Press Union, later (from 1950) called the Commonwealth Press Union. Includes a limited number of official records relating to the administration of the organisation (reports, financial statements, rules, correspondence etc., several items being mounted in a volume entitled 'The Empire Press Union Guard Book') 1909-1998; circulars and bulletins covering the periods 1911-1924, 1929-1939 and 1964-1986; a good series of Conference papers and reports, 1909-1973, together with associated albums of news cuttings, 1919-1946, and photographs, c.1950-1985; a few publications, 1911-1978; a small series of Fellowship Scheme leaflets, 1965-1970; and papers relating to Sir Harry Brittain (the founder of the Empire Press Union) with other papers on the history of the organisation.

Empire Press Union Commonwealth Press Union
HOGGART, Richard (b 1918)
GB 2603 Hoggart · 1976-1988

Papers of Richard Hoggart, 1976-1988, mainly comprising correspondence files relating to his work with organisations including the British Association of Former UN Civil Servants, 1978-1982; the Broadcasting Research Unit, 1981-1983; the proposed Broadcast Resource Centre, 1979; the Campaign for Press Freedom, 1979-1984; the Channel 4 Group, 1978-1984; a proposed Research and Study Centre on Communications and Society, 1976-1983; the Education, Science and Arts Select Committee, 1984; the European Economic Community (EEC), 1976-1982, regarding its cultural and educational policy; the European Museum of the Year Award, 1978-1984; the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Enquiry into the Economic Situation of the Visual Artist, [1976-1985]; the National Centre for Orchestral Studies, [1978-1988]; the National Theatre Inquiry, 1978; the New Statesman, 1977-1981; UNESCO Communication Advisory Committee, [1976-1980]; the Royal Society of Arts, 1977-1980; the Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education, 1977-1983; and the Arts Council of Great Britain, 1977-1984, including the Drama Panel, the Opera and Dance Working Group, and the Working Party on Photography.

Hoggart , Richard , b 1918 , academic and writer
GB 0097 ROLPH · Collection · 1930-1988

This collection is divided into two sections. Section one contains material on capital punishment and the death penalty, against which Hewitt campaigned. Section two covers material concerned with obscene publications and other forms of media, including censorship, Obscene Publications Acts and other allied topics. The papers contain many printed examples of C H Rolph's articles and materials by organisation such as the Howard League for Penal Reform and the National League for the Abolition of the Death Penalty. Infamous legal cases such as the obscenity trials in the 1960s relating to 'Oz' magazine and Hubert Selby's novel 'Last Exit to Brooklyn' are discussed.

Hewitt , Cecil , Rolph , 1901-1994 , journalist and criminologist , pseudonym Cecil Hewitt Rolph