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41 Archival description results for Fuels

41 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 CLC/B/009 · Collection · 1910-1949

Papers of the Anglo-Maikop Group, oil mining company, and subsidiaries as follows:
Anglo-Maikop Corporation Ltd. (Mss 24054-62);
Kuban Black Sea Oilfields Ltd. (Mss 24063-8);
Kuban Refining Co. Ltd. (Mss 24069-74);
Black Sea Amalgamated Oilfields Ltd. (Mss 24075-7);
Levanovskoe Petroleum Co.Ltd. (Mss 24078-83);
Maikop Combine Ltd. (Mss 24084-90);
Maikop Midland Oilfields Ltd. (Mss 24091-6);
Maikop Pipeline and Transport Co. Ltd. (Mss 24097-103);
Maikop Refineries Ltd. (Mss 24104-9);
Maikop Valley Oil Co. Ltd. (Mss 24110-15).

The records include memoranda and articles of association; minutes; financial records and accounts; agreements; and reports.

Anglo-Maikop Group , oil mining company
GB 0074 CLC/B/178-02 · Collection · 1912-1958

The records of Arbanash (Roumania) Oil Company comprise: memorandum and articles of association, 1912 and 1929; minutes of board and general meetings, 1928-1955; annual balance sheets and accounts, 1939-1948, final accounts for 1948 and correspondence regarding winding up, 1950; cash book and private ledger, 1939-1958.

Arbanash (Roumania) Oil Co
GB 0074 CLC/B/014 · Collection · 1867-1947

Records of Arthur Brown and Company, comprising ledgers and financial material, wage books and sketch books of staff caricatures.

Arthur Brown and Co x ABCO Petroleum Ltd
Bald, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL243 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Robert Bald of Edinburgh to Joseph Hume MP, 27 Apr 1826. Excusing his silence 'but ... I have been uncommonly pressed with mineral surveying and reporting thereon arising in a great degree from the conflicting elements which arise betwixt master and servant. Coals rise in price to an exorbitant rate, and the great manufacturing interests of Glasgow & chief consumers of coal there agreed to have the districts surveyed as to the means of supplying the City with abundance of coal at a moderate rate, and to lay rail ways into the coals fields which were the best'. He encloses "two copies of the treatise I wrote regarding the coal trade of Scotland and the slavish system of bearing coals by women. I have been attacked and run down for doing so: this I care nothing about ...'. Autograph, with signature.

Bald , Robert , 1776-1861 , mining engineer
GB 0074 CLC/B/046 · Collection · 1900-1951

Records of the Chinese Engineering and Mining Company Limited, comprising minutes of the board of directors; cash books; share ledgers; mining ledgers and shipping ledgers.

Chinese Engineering and Mining Co Ltd
GB 0074 CLC/B/051 · Collection · 1702-1984

Records of the Coal Factors' Society, beginning in 1761 and consisting of minutes, attendance books, letter books, rules and regulations, an account of market dues at the Coal Exchange, financial records including ledgers and cash books, factors' day and entry books, factors' and meters' postage books, an alphabetical list of ships giving gross and net tonnage, lists of named ships with total monthly cost to each factor, comparative lists of the highest prices of best house coals taken for each, contracts made with various persons for the supply of barges, beams, weights, a Tilbury signal code book, and newspaper cuttings. There are no records for the period 1790-1831.

The collection also includes a register of names, destinations and owners of ships, and weight of coal shipped from Newcastle, 1702-4, Ms 30689, which had been found amongst the archives of the Coal Factors' Society and Coal Meters' Committee. It predates both bodies and appears to have been collected as a curio.

Coal Factors' Society
GB 0074 CLC/B/052 · Collection · 1702-1990

Papers of the Coal Meters' Committee, including minutes, letter books, cash books, ledgers, books of notices and orders, ships' registers, records of coal exports and imports, and papers relating to the reorganisation of the Coal Meters' Office.

The records of the Coal Meters' Benefit Society, the Coal Meters' Provident Club and the Coal Meters' Office Protection Branch also form part of the archives of the Coal Meters' Committee. The Benefit Society records consist chiefly of minutes, resolutions touching amendments to the constitution, statements of account and correspondence relating to the Coal Meters' Benefit Society and Widows' Aid Fund. The Provident Club records contain a copy of rules, nomination form counterfoil book and account book. The Protection Branch records consist of annual reports, ledger accounts and cash books.

Coal Meters' Committee
Cook, Thomas A: letter
GB 0096 AL410 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from Thomas A Cook of Newcastle upon Tyne to H B Jordan, Esq of the Alkali Works, Bristol, 8 Dec 1845. Acknowledging Jordan's letter of 4 Dec 1845. Discussing at length the relative efficiency of stone stills [for manufacturing alkalis] used by Cook [at Walker, Newcastle], by Jordan and by Lee and Co; advising Jordan to visit Lee and Co and copy their stills exactly. Mentioning a Mr Bell's patent, the surprising cheapness of coal, and a meeting of masters [i.e. factory owners] which he was unable to attend. Noting that the returns show an increase of stock.

Autograph, with signature. A note [in Jordan's hand] on page 3 states: 'Ansd. 5 Jany'.

Cook , Thomas A , fl 1845 , chemical manufacturer
GB 0074 CLC/B/112-038 · Collection · 1911-1939

Records of Cowie Harbour Coal Company Limited, including articles of association; ledger; and report on coal produced at Borneo.

Cowie Harbour Coal Co Ltd
GB 0097 DEVONS · c1930-c1970

This collection consists predominantly of notes, correspondence, press cuttings and printed matter on subjects such as British industries (including aviation, tin, steel, cotton and coal), prices and wages, restrictive practices, and economic development overseas. The collection also contains some personal papers including bank books and university notebooks.

Devons , Ely , 1913-1967 , economist
Dixon, John (1832-1930)
GB 0120 MSS.2135-2195, 5191, 5950 and 6794 · 1848-1903

Notes by John Dixon on medical matters and on things of personal interest to him such as astrology and photography spanning his entire career, 1848-1903. MS.5191 comprises more formal material, namely certificates and indentures.

Dixon , John , 1832-1930 , physician
GB 1446 MS 54 · 1912-1920

Papers of Mary Edith Durham, 1912-1920, comprise album of newspaper cuttings, largely taken from The Nation, on various subjects including World War One, Christianity, and mainly by W.H. Nevinson and including letters to the editor of The Nation, and other publications by Durham. Loose items include a typewritten copy of a 'Memorandum for His Excellency the Minister of Foriegn Affairs, The Consulta, Rome' concerning Albania's supply of copper and coal, Foriegn Affairs: A Journal of International Understanding (No 8, Vol 1, 1920) and Yllit Mengjezit (The Morning Star) (No 6, Vol 2, 1917).

Durham , Mary Edith , 1863-1944 , Balkan traveller and author
FORD, James [fl 1890s-1920s]
GB 378 LDGSL/1061 · Series · 1900-1926

Various papers relating to the search for coal and oil in the Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire area of the Midlands between 1900 and 1926, and the presence of oil in England more widely. They include maps, correspondence, reports, proofs of articles and publicity literature, legal documents, and newscuttings.

They mostly cover the period from 1911 to 1919, and relate to the discovery of oil in August 1911 at Kelham, Nottinghamshire, with one file covering a later peiod (1920s) and focusing on coal borings in Lincolnshire.

FORD , James , [fl 1890s-1920s] , mining engineer and colliery agent The Newark Collieries Newark Coal and Oil Company Lincolnshire Coal Boring Syndicate
General Strike, 1926
GB 1924 General Strike · 1926

Trades Union Congress correspondence and papers relating to the Miners' Dispute and the General Strike, 1926, comprising:
TUC reports of meeting with the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, Apr 1926, and other notes;
Letters from individuals, trade unions and labour organisations to the TUC, May 1926;
Circular letters and printed leaflets issued by the TUC, May 1926;
Local reports and bulletins sent to the TUC by Strike Committees, Trades Councils, and Trade Unions, arranged by region, Greater London, North West, Yorkshire and Humber, Northern, Wales, Scotland, South East, South West, East Anglia, West Midlands and East Midlands;
Correspondence and papers on production and distribution of the TUC's daily strike bulletin; The Daily Worker, May 1926;
TUC Intelligence Committee correspondence and papers, May 1926;
TUC summaries of wireless bulletins on the Miners' Dispute and the General Strike, May 1926;
TUC Progress of Strike Reports, 6-10 May 1926;
TUC General Council Bulletin, 4-14 May 1926;
TUC Publicity and Communications Committee correspondence and papers, 2-14 May 1926;
TUC special committee papers, particularly Powers and Orders Committee and Food and Essential Services Committee;
TUC Speakers' notes on the Miners Dispute and the General Strike;
Copies of TUC Despatch Rider codes;
Official and contemporary reports including copies of the TUC's daily strike bulletin, The British Worker and the Government's British Gazette, May 1926; Foreign press articles; international trades union reactions; Sunday Worker news bulletins, Non trade union circulars including the Manchester Evening News, Foyles News Bulletin, the London Tramway Workers, the Independent Labour Party, and the Food Education Society.

TUC , Trades Union Congress
Graham, Thomas (1805-1869)
GB 0120 MSS.2551-2584 · 1821-1868

Papers of Thomas Graham comprising notes, chiefly on chemistry, and some correspondence, 1821-1868.

Graham , Thomas , 1805-1869 , chemist
HUTTON, William (1797-1860)
GB 378 LDGSL/54 · Series · [1827-1831]

Papers of William Hutton, [1827-1831], comprising:

Two ink drawings of Coal Measure plants, by William Hutton, from the Northumberland and Durham coal-field, [1827]; draft of paper 'On the Stratiform Basalt associated with the Carboniferous formation of the North of England' by William Hutton, accompanied by 12 ink sketches of sections, [1831].

Hutton , William , 1797-1860 , geologist and palaeontologist
GB 0101 ICS 59 · 1976

Administrative papers and conference papers for ICS Conference on Nigerian Government, 10-11 June 1976: including programme; list of participants; conference paper 'The Oil Industry and the Nigerian State' by Terisa Turner (Graduate Student, LSE); conference paper 'The Theory and Practice of Corrective Government: an attempt to see the Experience of Military Rule in Nigeria in Perspective' by Martin Dent (Department of Politics, Keele University); conference paper 'Problems of Disengagement, Gowon and Declamatory Demilitarization' by Valerie Bennett; conference paper 'Civil Servants Under Military Rule in Nigeria' by Henry Bienen (Department of Politics, Princeton University); conference paper 'Back to Civilian Rule in Nigeria: Alternatives, Blueprints and Timetables' by Anthony H M Kirk-Greene (St Anthony's College, Oxford); conference paper 'Nigeria: The Politics of Revenue Allocation - Recent Trends amd Future Prospects' by Sam Oyoubaire.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0074 ACC/2944 · Collection · 1797-1954

Records of the Jewish Bread Meat and Coal Society, 1797-1954. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, correspondence, reports, copies of the Laws of the Society and other general material.

Jewish Bread Meat and Coal Society
GB 0096 AL388 · Fonds · 1800-1801

(1) Letter from William Manning of 14 New Street, Spring Gardens, [Westminster] to Thomas Tyrell, Esq, 29 Nov 1800. Concerning proposals for the regulation of a new coal market. Asking whether Tyrell sees any difficulty in it being managed by the Lord Mayor of London and whether the Corporation interferes with any market in the City. The building in Mark Lane is open to all on market days, but the Coal Exchange is open to subscribers only; the first buyers do not exceed about one hundred.

(2) Letter from William Manning of Totteridge, Hertfordshire to Thomas Tyrell, Esq, 4 Apr 1801. Discussing the fees to be incurred in passing the Coal Bill through the two Houses of Parliament [ordered Mar 1801; order for second reading discharged 12 May 1801], and the means of paying them. Asks Tyrell to show the letter to Mr Stracey, 19 Fludyer Street, and to confer with him about it.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures, and headed 'private'.

Manning , William , 1763-1835 , merchant
GB 0099 KCLMA McGeoch · 1946-1996

Papers of Vice Admiral Sir Ian McGeoch, 1946-1996, including papers from McGeoch's naval career including his time as commander of Royal Navy Base Portsmouth, 1955; as Naval Liaison Officer, RAF Coastal Command, 1955-1956 and as Flag Officer, Submarines and Northern Ireland and Scotland, 1965-1970.

Research notes, essays and transcripts of talks by McGeoch on naval topics including research notes for The Princely Sailor: Mountbatten of Burma; editorials and articles by McGeoch for Naval Forces; correspondence including with Vice Admiral Sir Louis Le Bailly, 1993-1994; Sir John Hackett and Michael Howard, 1971; papers relating to the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies including correspondence regarding submissions and talks by McGeoch, newsletters, annual reports, articles by McGeoch, council minutes, charter, bye-laws and standing orders, 1950-1991 and printed books and journals on military history.

Papers and correspondence on topics including party politics in McGeoch's local area, particularly the Conservative Party, 1971-1974; the British Atlantic Council, 1974-1994; national security, disarmament and arms control, 1974-1986; the security of North Sea oil rigs, 1975-1981; fisheries and pollution in the North Sea, 1976; the Baltic and Mediterranean protection of the marine environment; UK defence policy, 1981; the British Atlantic Committee, 1983-1984; the Atlantic Treaty Association Assembly, Toronto, 8-13 Oct 1984; House of Commons Defence Committee, 1986-1988; the future of the Royal Navy Engineering College, Manadon, and McGeoch's campaign to keep it open, 1993; McGeoch's letter to The Times and on whether Polaris submarines should have a Christian launching service and the education of Royal Navy officers, 1993-1994.

McGeoch , Sir , Ian (Lachlan Mackay) , 1914-2007 , Knight , Vice Admiral
GB 0098 KMIN · Created 1908-1992 (ongoing)

Records of the Department of Mineral Resources Engineering of Imperial College, 1908-1992, including departmental history from 1851-1964; course leaflets, 1923-[1989]; newsletters, 1990-1991; reports and reviews, 1938, 1987-1992; Professorial correspondence, 1908-1935; papers of the Merricks Committee, 1930-1932; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981; correspondence relating to the headship of the department, 1967-1979; change of name, 1965-1975 (KMIN); papers relating to the new course of Environmental and Earth Resources Engineering, 1992 (KMIN/E);
papers relating to Tywarnhale mine, Cornwall, 1908-1971, including correspondence concerning its purchase, 1908-1912; general administration, 1909-1939; with the Duchy of Cornwall, 1910-1922, 1950-1951; purchase of land, 1946-1965 (KMIN/M);
papers relating to the Petroleum Engineering Section, 1973-1978, including working party papers on proposed course; Chair of Petroleum Engineering, 1974-1975; course leaflets, 1975-1978 (KMIN/P);
papers relating to the Rock Mechanics Section, comprising MSc course details, [1968]; research reports, 1967, 1969, 1975 (KMIN/R);
report on the Royal School of Mines examination, 1924 (KMIN/S);
papers relating to the Mineral Technology Section, comprising brochures, establishment of the section, 1949-1950 (KMIN/T).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 49 · 1939-1944

German armed forces maps, gazetteers, and geographic charts of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944. Includes detailed study produced by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force concerning the organisation of the RAF, the strengths and locations of British aircraft production facilities, the location of RAF flight schools, airfields and anti-aircraft facilities, the location and strengths of RN facilities in Britain and the North Sea, and British aircraft carrier strengths, 1939; German harbour atlas and gazetteer produced and distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Seehafensatlas Großbritannien, detailing in 1:50,000 maps and aerial photographs, naval harbours and ports in Britain, 1940; German Navy High Command map books of naval ports and harbours in the United Kingdom, their associated agricultural and heavy industries production rates, defence facilities, and geographical locations, 1940; map books issued by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Luftgeographisches Einzelheft Großbritannien, detailing the location of British heavy industry, gas works, water works, aircraft and naval production facilities in Britain, including 1:21,120 maps, 1940; German Army High Command book, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, and detailing in photographs the towns, cities and countryside of Ireland and Northern Ireland; German Army Command gazetteer of Ireland and Northern Ireland, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, listing county sizes, numbers of inhabitants, population densities, industries, and harbour and port facilities in Ireland and Northern Ireland, 1940; German Army High Command gazetteers of Britain, listing alphabetically towns and cities, their longitude and latitude co-ordinates, their respective counties, numbers of inhabitants, industrial and agricultural production rates, and trains station facilities, 1941; map book distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Britische Flugrüstungsindustrie, detailing the location, size, and production rate of ship-building and aircraft production centres in Great Britain, 1941; map books distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force including detailed photographs, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 maps, longitude and latitude co-ordinates, population density statistics, and points of reference notes for town and cities in Britain, 1943-1944

German Army General Staff; Commander in Chief German Air Force; German Navy High Command
Moray, Robert (1608-1673)
GB 0117 MS/246 · sub-fonds · 1657-1673
Part of Manuscripts General

Letters from Sir Robert Moray to his friend Alexander Bruce, Earl of Kincardine, 1657-1673. Also known as 'The Kincardine Papers'. Bruce was sick of the ague in Bremen for part of this time, and the letters were written to alleviate the tedium of his illness, hence ranging over topics which might not otherwise have been the subjects of correspondence. They include accounts of chemical experiments in his laboratory, his interest in magnetism, medicine in all its aspects, horticulture, fuel, whale fishing, its risks and profits, coal mining, water wheels and tide mills, stone quarrying and the various qualities of different stones, the pumping works needed for undersea coal mines at Bruce's home at Culross in Fifeshire, even to the trees whose wood was best for pipelines, and the diameter of the bore best suited to the purpose. Familiarity is shown with mathematical and surveying instruments, with music, and all sorts of mechanical devices and especially clocks and watches, more particularly the taking out of a patent in respect of a clock for use at sea for finding longitude. Bruce is advised on the choice of books over a wide range of subjects. Moray includes anecdotes to amuse his ailing correspondent; he describes his quiet life and is enthusiastic about many of his chemical experiments. Notable at the end of the letters Moray added what he described as his Masonic signature - a pentagram which also occurs in his crest.

Moray , Sir , Robert , 1608-1673 , Knight , natural philosopher
GB 0117 MS 246 · 1657-1673

Letters from Sir Robert Moray to his friend Alexander Bruce, Earl of Kincardine, also known as 'The Kincardine Papers'. Bruce was sick of the ague in Bremen for part of this time, and the letters were written to alleviate the tedium of of Bruce's illness, hence ranging over topics which might not otherwise have been the subjects of correspondence. They include accounts of chemical experiments in his laboratory, his interest in magnetism, medicine in all its aspects, horticulture, fuel, whale fishing, its risks and profits, coal mining, water wheels and tide mills, stone quarrying and the various qualities of different stones, the pumping works needed for undersea coal mines at Bruce's home at Culross in Fifeshire, even to the trees whose wood was best for pipelines, and the diameter of the bore best suited to the purpose. Familiarity is shown with mathematical and surveying instruments, with music, and all sorts of mechanical devices and especially clocks and watches, more particularly the taking out of a patent in respect of a clock for use at sea for finding longitude. Bruce is advised on the choice of books over a wide range of subjects. Moray includes anecdotes to amuse his ailing correspondent; he describes his quiet life and is enthusiastic about many of his chemical experiments. Notable at the end of the letters Moray added what he described as his Masonic signature - a pentagram which also occurs in his crest.

Moray , Sir , Robert , 1608-1673 , Knight , natural philosopher
GB 0101 PG.SX · 1976-

Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, conference reports, histories, speeches, appeals, letters and newsletters, 1976 onwards, issued by Afrikaans-Duitse Kultuurunie (Namibia), the Campaign Against the Namibian Uranium Contracts, Interessengemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger Südwester, the Namibia Support Committee, the South West Africa Volunteer Enterprise, the SWA/Namibia Information Service and the SWAPO Women's Solidarity Campaign.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0074 CLC/B/178-03 · Collection · [1918?]

Records of Orion SAR de Petrol, petroleum company, comprising report on war damage sustained in 1916 and the resulting compensation claim.

Orion S.A.R. de Petrol , petroleum company
GB 0074 CLC/B/178 · Collection · [1900]-1958

Records of Phoenix Oil and Transport Company Limited and its subsidiaries Unirea S. A. R. de Petrol; Arbanash (Roumania) Oil Company; Orion S.A.R. de Petrol; Roumanian Consolidated Oilfields Limited and Phoenix Oil Products Limited. The records include minutes, annual reports, financial accounts, correspondence, reports, maps, photographs, papers relating to sales, and papers relating to war damage.

GB 0074 CLC/B/178-04 · Collection · 1924-1952

The records of Phoenix Oil Products Limited comprise: memorandum and articles of association, 1924, 1926 and 1947; minutes of board meetings, 1926-50 and general meetings, 1927-50; financial statements, 1927-47; directors' annual reports and accounts, 1927-46; ledgers, sales ledgers, journals and cash book, 1926-51; papers regarding the nationalisation of Roumanian industry, 1950; papers regarding liquidation, 1950-2; annual balance sheets and accounts of Runo-Everth Treibstoff und Oel A. G., 1939-49; reports on visits to offices of Runo-Everth Treibstoff und Oel A.G., 1947.

Phoenix Oil Products Ltd
GB 0074 ACC/1195 · Collection · 1901-1971

Minute book and an account book for the Poors Piece Charity, Hanwell.

Poors Piece Charity , Hanwell
MCC/PC · Subfonds · 1904-1965

Records of the Middlesex County Council Public Control Department, 1904-1965, including personal papers of Chief Officer John O'Keefe (1950-1960) including files on the foods and food standards commission, food labelling, weights and measures regulations, Consumer's Advisory Council, samples sent to the public analyst, articles on food and drugs legislation, correspondence, photographs of the work of the department and examples of labels and forms used by the department.

Papers relating to food standards including files on coffee, gelatine, fish paste, ice cream, margarine, mustard, salad cream and mayonnaise, jams and jellies, beverages, wines, spirits and liquors, bread, milk, butter, cream, yoghurt, confectionary, vegetables, meat, eggs, soups, herbs and spices, cakes, pies and biscuits, slimming foods, vinegars and condiments, cheese, cereals, crisps, honey, soya products, vitamins. Also files on drugs, cosmetics, pollen tablets, and animal fats.

Papers relating to merchandise marks including legislation; notes regarding legal points; and files regarding honey, fruit and vegetables, meat, poultry, butter, turpentine, bleach and fabrics. Papers relating to the interpretation and labelling of poisons.

Papers relating to weights and measures including regulations; notes for the guidance of inspectors; correspondence and enquiries relating to sand and ballast; files regarding coke, coal, liquid fuels and lubricating oils; files regarding weighing equipment and measuring instruments including weighbridges.

Also registers and index cards of infringements; reports of infringements and legal appeals.

MCC , Middlesex County Council x Middlesex County Council
LCC/PC/PET · Collection · 1872-1960

Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to the storage of petroleum, celluloid and explosives, 1872-1960, including correspondence with the Home Office as to necessity for an amendment of the Petroleum Acts; report of the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Petroleum Bill; the London County Council (Celluloid, etc.) Act, 1915 and Code of Practice; report of the Departmental Committee on Celluloid; suggested Legislation for control of storage of manufactured celluloid articles; conferences at the Home Office on adequacy of existing celluloid law; increase in size of cine reels; projectors; Celluloid Storage Committee papers and report; pamphlets and abstracts concerning celluloid; wartime measures for celluloid storage; notices regarding manufactured celluloid articles; fires involving celluloid; Explosives Registers and street index to premises registered for storage of explosives.

LCC , London County Council x London County Council
LCC/PC/WM · Collection · 1888-1972

Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to weights and measures and gas testing, 1888-1972, including records of Daily Gas Testing; Gas Testing Weekly Returns; reports and conferences relating to gas supply; quarterly reports of the Chief gas examiner; quarterly reports by the LCC chemist and reports regarding the Weights and Measures Acts.

Samples of records including journal of weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments submitted for verification and fees received by the inspector of weights and measures; journal of fines; certificates of measures verified; certificates of weighing on a public weighbridge; certificates for weighing mechanically propelled vehicles; receipts of glassware for testing; glass-testing book; public notice concerning Publicans' Glass Measures; public notice concerning Sale of Bread; standards and testing of gasholders testing sand-blast machines; papers relating to the re-verification of local standards, scale-beams, and so on with the Board of Trade.

LCC , London County Council x London County Council
GB 0117 Robinson papers · c1902-1983

Robinson's volatile temperament and his impatience with administration and routine have seriously affected the survival of material. Thus little survives of his correspondence which he usually wrote in longhand and without copies, or of his public life, service on committees, advisory boards, learned societies, and in the launching of new journals. There are, however, many manuscript notes in varying lengths of sequence and a few notebooks relating to research topics. Examples are a sequence of ideas on the possible structure of strychnine, tentatively dated 1945-1947 by J.W. Cornforth, and from a later period two relatively extensive sequences of research and correspondence, on the origins of petroleum and on drug research. Lacunae in the collection are to some extent compensated for by the autobiographical material. There are the background material and corrected proofs for the first volume of his memoirs published in 1976, and substantial typescript drafts of the second volume which was unfinished at his death together with narratives, correspondence and photographs sent to him by colleagues. There are also tape-recordings of conversations with colleagues covering similar types of recollections.

Robinson , Sir , Robert , 1886-1975 , Knight , organic chemist
GB 0074 CLC/B/178-05 · Collection · 1912-1941

The records of Roumanian Consolidated Oilfields Limited comprise: memorandum and articles of association, 1912; papers regarding amalgamations with other companies, 1912-3; minutes of board meetings, 1912-41; directors' annual reports and accounts, 1912-38 and accounts for 1937; ledger, journal and cash book, 1918-39; reports on company property, 1912; accounts of destruction of company oilwells, 1917.

Roumanian Consolidated Oilfields Ltd
GB 0117 FS · 1919-1956

Working papers and correspondence of Sir Francis (Franz) Eugene Simon. Scientific notebooks in the collection date from 1919-1934, largely the period of Simon's researches on low temperature physics at the Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut of Berlin University, and subsequently at Breslau. Other notes and manuscripts for lectures and articles are post 1930, while a large group of correspondence files are from the years 1922-1956, providing a full account of Simon's dealings with many fellow scientists and scientific organisations. Individual letter files concern V.M. Goldsmidt, Max Born, Gwyn Owain Jones and Nevill Mott among many other notable figures. Details of Simon's involvement in atomic energy development are to be found in papers on uranium isotope separation (MAUD Committee notes) and UK Atomic Energy Authority correspondence. Simon's professional appointments as head of the Clarendon Laboratory and as science correspondent to the Financial Times are represented by substantial groups of letters. There are twelve notebooks with some associated papers; the series also includes files of lectures, articles, cuttings and souvenirs, including photographs, with files of correspondence. Two later additions to the collection consist of correspondence and files highlighting Simon's contacts with industrial firms, universities and international organisations.

Simon , Sir , Francis Eugene , 1893-1956 , Knight , physicist
GB 1432 SJC · 1902-1970

Papers of the Sir John Cass Technical Institute and Sir John Cass College, comprising:

Publications, including syllabuses, 1902-1936; calendars, 1936-1940, prospectuses and course handbills, 1946-1970.

Administrative records, including Principal's reports, 1902-1932; annual reports, 1902-1967; Governors of Sir John Cass Foundation minute books, 1901-1964; College Council minute books, 1965-1969; Board of Studies/Academic Board/University Board minutes, 1917-1970; Consultative Committee on Petroleum Technology minutes, 1920-1953; Consultative Committee on Fuel Technology minutes, 1930-1945; Nautical School entry book, 1913-1950; Department of Navigation enrolment book, 1950-1969; staff records, 1916-1960s; Library Committee papers, 1953-1970; School of Art correspondence, 1936-1969; School of Navigation, Board of Studies papers, 1940-1970; Soirée minute book, 1902-1911; building work, plans and correspondence, 1941-1960s.

Papers of the Teaching Staff Association, Sir John Cass College Association and Students' Union, 1950s-1960s.

College journals, including Red Quill, 1921, 1959-1967; Cassowary, 1961-1967; The Bookcase, 1950-1956.

Papers relating to college history, 1880-1970, including charity schemes papers (including report of the Royal City Parochial Charities Commission, 1880, and papers relating to the Aldgate Freedom Foundation, City Parochial Foundation, Sir Thomas Gresham, Wyndham Deedes Memorial Fund, 1946-1972; opening pamphlet, 1902; visitors' book, 1903-1934; institute history, c1939.

Papers relating to conversion to polytechnic status, 1950s-1970, including proposals and college committee minutes.

Sir John Cass Technical Institute, 1902-1950 Sir John Cass College, 1950-1970
Slight, Lewis: letter (1839)
GB 0096 AL406 · Fonds · 1839

Letter from Lewis Slight of the Town Hall, Brighton to the Clerk to the Commissioners for Lighting, [King's] Lynn, Norfolk, 6 Jul 1839. Printed circular explaining that the Commissioners under the Brighton Improvement Act [6 Geo.4. c.clxxix (22 Jun 1825)] are about to enter into a new contract for lighting the town with gas; asks the recipients to supply the information specified on the accompanying half sheet [missing], and any other useful particulars.

Signed by Lewis Slight.

Slight , Lewis , fl 1839 , clerk to the commissioners under the Brighton Improvement Act
Sokolov Collection
GB 0369 SOK · c 1917

Typescript by B K Sokolov, entitled "Kamennougol'naia promyshlennost' Rossii v 1914-1917 godskh" [Coal and oil industry of Russia 1914-1917]

Sokolov , B K , fl 1917 , Russian author
GB 0074 CLC/B/178-06 · Collection · 1919-1948

The records of Unirea S.A.R. de Petrol comprise: memorandum and articles of association, 1921 and trust deed, 1940; annual balance sheets and accounts, 1937-8 and notes on accounts of 1939; petroleum and crude oil stock valuation, 1939; reports on company organisation and methods, 1932-3; reports on internal and external sales departments, 1940-4; papers of Major E. Boaden including correspondence and reports, 1942-8; maps and plans of oilfields, 1919-38 and photograph of royal warrant of appointment, 1930.

Unirea S.A.R. de Petrol , petroleum company
GB 0074 CLC/L/FK · Collection · 1983-1984

Records of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers, 1983-1984. The records comprise letters patent confirming livery status 1984 (Ms 36960) and a grant of arms 1983 (Ms 36961).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

Worshipful Company of Fuellers
GB 0074 CLC/L/WE · Collection · 1661

Record of the Worshipful Company of Woodmongers, comprising copy order of the court authorising Thomas Wright to occupy a carroom in his possession.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

Worshipful Company of Woodmongers