Gender minorities

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Hierarchical terms

Gender minorities

Equivalent terms

Gender minorities

  • UF Bisexuals
  • UF Gays
  • UF Homosexuals
  • UF Lesbians
  • UF Sexual minorities
  • UF Transsexuals
  • UF Homosexuel
  • UF Homosexuales
  • UF Minorías sexuales

Associated terms

11 Archival description results for Gender minorities

11 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 LMA/4539 · Collection · 1971-1989

Records of the Southwark and Lambeth Group of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality. The records reflect a number of issues being dealt with by gay rights campaigners in the '70s including the trial of Gay News for blasphemy, the fight against fascism, and an involvement in women's and lesbian rights. Local matters touched on in the papers include the branch's deliberation over joining the Southwark Campaign against Rascism and Fascism, and application for recognition by the national council.

Campaign for Homosexual Equality , Southwark/Lambeth Group
Civil Partnership Collection
GB 106 8CPC · Fonds · 2003-2008

This collection consists of items relating to Civil Partnership ceremonies in 2006: photographs, invitations, audio-visual recordings, celebration menus, registration forms, council registrar booklets. It also includes the participants' answers to a questionnaire about their civil partnership. The documented ceremonies and celebrations include those held in Kent (on International Women's Day, 2006); at Bromley Town Hall in Bow; in Hertfordshire and at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London. It also includes one folder of Civil Partnership ephemera.

As at 2008 the collection contains records donated by:

  • Sarah Ingle and Carol Goulden

  • Jan Pimblett and Meg Davis

  • Bridget Leach and Susan Flanagan

  • Susan Crane and Karen Newman.

GB 0505 GS · 1974-1997

The collection consists of minutes of management meetings, 1974 - 1994; membership lists; internal correspondence; external correspondence concerning the reactions of the public to the productions; correspondence regarding funding; copies of scripts written by members of the company and outside authors; audition notes and CVs; correspondence and accounts relating to tour arrangements; tour reports; posters and programmes for productions; photographs, video cassettes and loose film reel of productions; promotional material; newspaper cuttings relating to specific productions and Gay Sweatshop in general; theses based on Gay theatre.

Gay Sweatshop Theatre Company
GB 106 7VJH · Fonds · 1900-c.1962

The archive consists of diaries, correspondence, photographs and memorabilia relating to Holme's activities as a suffragette; her work with the Women's Volunteer Reserve and the Scottish Women's Hospital Unit during the First World War; her visits to and relief work in Serbia / Yugoslavia; and her personal life and friendships. Many items across the collection relate to her girlfriend Evelina Haverfield.

Holme , Vera Louise , 1881-1969 , actress and suffragette
Kenric (lesbian group)
GB 0097 HCA/KENRIC · 1960s-2000
Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

Papers of Kenric, a lesbian social organisation founded in 1965. Comprises Management Committee papers, 1965-2005; AGM Papers, 1965-2004; constitutional papers, 1966-2003; charitable status papers; 1993-2003; membership papers, 1980s-2004; legal papers, 1990-2004; financial papers, 1966-2004; recruitment papers, 1985-2002; office holder files, 1994-2003; papers relating to sub-groups, 1991-2003; papers relating to publicity, profile development and events, 1968-2005; 25th anniversary papers and Kenric history, 1989-1999; newsletters, 1972-2004; information resources, 1968-2004; and photographs, c1960s-c2000.

GB 0372 LAGNA · Fonds · c1900-2014

Over 200,000 newspaper and journal cuttings from national and local press, 1930s-2000s, covering all aspects of gay life from the 1930s to the present time. The range of topics covered in the collection is very broad and includes arts and the media (film, television, theatre, literature, and entertainment), censorship and obscenity laws, counselling and sex education, employment, international and British lesbian and gay organisations, sexual law reform, trials, prisons, lesbian and gay politics, "the pink economy", religion, transsexuals, transvestism, sex education, health and biographies. The collection also includes a complete bound set of Gay News and its photograph collection, numerous other journals, a nearly complete set of Gay Times, and a collection of banners (including those of OutRage!), badges, T-shirts and other artefacts. The LAGNA Library also includes around 3,000 books and pamphlets on LBGT history and culture.

Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archive
GB 0074 LMA/4540 · Collection · 1991-1995

Papers of Lesbian London Publications, producers of the Lesbian London newsletter. The archive includes a file of over a hundred completed (anonymous) survey forms, relating to lifestyle, relationships and feedback on Lesbian London (LMA/4540/03/007). Other papers include minutes; correspondence; press releases; financial accounts; papers relating to advertising; issues of the newsletter and photographs.

Lesbian London , newsletter Lesbian London Publications
London Blues (gay club)
GB 0097 HCA/LONDON BLUES · 1978-2002
Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

The papers include the London Blues club's constitution, minutes, annual reports, financial records, newsletters, correspondence and material relating to the European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs and the Federation of United Kingdom Clubs, 1978-2002.

London Blues
GB 0097 HCA/POWER · 1970s-2000s
Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

Lisa Power's papers relating to her role as activist for lesbian and gay rights, and in HIV and sexual health matters, 1970s-2000. Included are papers relating to organisations such as the Gay Liberation Front, the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) and Stonewall. The collection includes scrapbooks, photographs and press cuttings.

Power , Lisa , b 1954 , gay activist
SPRAGGS, Gillian (b 1952)
LMA/4616 · Collection · 1980-199-

Records of Gillian Spraggs, 1980-199-, including numerous leaflets, pamphlets, magazines and posters produced, printed and publicised by various gay and lesbian action and support groups during the latter part of the 20th century. Many of them advertise the existence and need for such support groups, while others work to promote necessary information and advice for lesbians and gays who had either suffered from discrimination or wanted to help campaign against such discrimination. They document the campaign against the introduction of Clause 27 and the campaign to ensure equality and equal opportunities for lesbians and gays within the work place.

Spraggs , Gillian , b 1952 , teacher, gay and lesbian rights campaigner and academic
GB 0074 LMA/4666 · Collection · 1970s

Records of Westways Greetings including sale catalogues and unused greeting cards published by Lip Productions Limited, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America and imported by Westways Greetings for sale in the United Kingdom. The cards depict gay and Christmas themes mainly marketed to the gay and lesbian community. Some of the cards depict Black people / people of African descent and other ethnic origin.

No administrative records of the firm are known to survive.

This collection was catalogued by Ros Hamner, volunteer, as part of Speakout London project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, supervised by Sally Bevan and Richard Wiltshire, Senior Archivists.

Westways Greetings , Importer of greetings cards xx Westways Import-Export