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      • UF Física terrestre

      26 Archivistische beschrijving results for Geophysics

      GB 0064 GAB · Collectie · 1677-1873

      The manuscripts in the collection consist of fifty-two letters written by thirty-seven scientists. They are arranged alphabetically by writer and date between 1677 and 1873. Among those which discuss scientific projects and topics is a letter, written in 1772, from Edward Bancroft (1744-1821) to Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820) about preserving ships' timbers from the ravages of 'aquatic worms'. Another, 1823, from Sir John Herschel (q.v.) to Pierre Simon, Marquis de la Place (1749-1827) is concerned with Sir William Herschel's discovery of the distances and position of the double stars and the series of experiments, using binary systems, carried out by Sir John to verify the discovery. Astronomy is again the subject of a letter of 1854 from Sir George Airy (1801-1892) to Urbain Le Verrier (1811-1877) on the arrangement of an apparatus for the galvanic register of observations, simultaneously at Greenwich and Paris, for the determination of longitude. The majority of documents in this collection have, however, been collected for their autograph value. Other than the prominent scientists mentioned above, the letters include those by William Brouncker (1620-1684), 1677 and 1685; John Flamstead (1646-1719), 1695 and 1703; Nevile Maskelyne (1732-1811), 1784; Joseph Priestly (1733-1804), 1772; William Scoresby (1789-1857), 1827 and Michael Faraday (1791-1867), 1857.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 B/RUNCORN · 1936 - 1995

      Papers of Stanley Keith Runcorn, 1922 - 1995, comprising biographical papers, including papers relating to the various honours accorded; diaries, 1967 - 1984; papers on history of science and history of earth sciences; notebooks and loose notes from school and undergraduate period.

      papers relating to Runcorn's career at the University of Manchester, 1946, mainly teaching notes adapted from time at Cambridge.

      papers relating to Runcorn's career at the University of Newcastle, mainly concerned with University policies and administration.

      papers relating to research from 1940s to 1990s, notebooks from Runcorn's time at Radar Research and Development Establishment, University of Manchester and University of Cambridge, including details of work on the Earth's magnetic field; later research notes relating to work on continental drift, lunar magnetism and planetary science.

      papers concerning publications, comprising published and unpublished papers, [1950-1993], correspondences to scientific and national press on topics such as geophysics, university reform, book reviews, and request to write articles.

      papers relating to Lectures, public and invitation lecture, 1972 - 1993; support material.

      papers relating to societies and organisations, comprising correspondences, committee papers, draft reports, notes on meetings, reflecting Runcorn's involvement with 29 UK, international and overseas organisation, in particular material from services on Royal Society and it committees, including British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, the British National Committee for Geodynamics, the British National Committee for Space Research, the Planetary Sciences Study Group, Space Ranging Research Committee; material on concerns about inadequate facilities in British universities; papers deriving active work with COSPAR, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, European Science Foundation, European Space Agency.

      papers concerning visits and conferences, 1956 - 1964; material relating to attendance at conferences, meetings, lectures, informal visits in Europe, USA, Australia and Asia,; comprising of draft lectures, programmes, itineraries, travel arrangements.

      correspondences 1948-1995, short sequence of correspondences additional to those retained within other papers.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 KG · Created 1876-1996 (ongoing)

      Records of the Department of Geology of Imperial College, 1876-1996, including histories and notes on the department, [1851]-1996; papers relating to courses, 1878-1949, comprising notes, 1896-1942, including laboratory work, 1878-1883; courses for teachers, 1895-1908; lectures and addresses by Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1942-1949; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981, concerning grants, headship, transfer of the department, courses; newletters, 1969-1995; research report, 1988; papers of Professors' and Heads of Sections' Meetings, 1969-1988; papers of historical interest accumulated by the department, 1876-1964, including Professorial correspondence, 1876-1916; departmental reports, 1907-1930; financial papers, 1906-1936; war work, 1914-1919; papers of Professor Percy George Hamnall Boswell, 1932-1960; Professor Charles Gilbert Cullis, 1923-1937; Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1944-1964 (KG);
      papers relating to Geochemistry, concerning the opening of new laboratories, 1956; Wolfson Foundation grant, 1978 (KGC); items from the Murchison Museum, [1773-1825] (KGM); papers relating to Geophysics, including correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Royal Society concerning the foundation of a postgraduate school, 1929-1943; leaflet, 1956 (KGP3); papers relating to Oil Technology (KGO).

      Zonder titel
      SLATER, George (1874-1956)
      GB 0098 KGA SLATER · Created [1922-1949]

      Papers of George Slater, [1922-1949], comprising notebooks, containing drawings, photographs, maps, expenses and letters; notes on Leighton Buzzard, 1922, journals of field trips to Rügen, Germany, 1926, Switzerland, 1926, notes of trips to the Rhone Glacier, 1927, Capetown, South Africa, 1929; notes on a book and Geoloogical papers, 1929; reprints of papers, photographs of model glaciers; correspondence, [1925]-1949.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0117 IR · 1953-1989

      Correspondence and papers relating to the Royal Society relations with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), current files contain:

      a) British National Committee for Geodynamics (BNC Geodynamics) 8 files, 1970-1980

      b) International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 24 files, 1963-1980

      c) International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) loose papers, 1980-1982

      d) International Union of Radio Science (URSI) 6 files, 1968-1976

      e) International Biological Programme (IBP) 4 files, 1970-1975 (but a much larger collection of IBP papers from the Society's modern records centre has been microfilmed between 2001-2005 and the originals destroyed because of their poor physical condition). The archive holds mateial relating to the International Geophysical Year (IGY), 1957-1958, particularly the establishment, administration and scientific results from the Royal Society Base at Halley Bay, Antarctica.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 KMA · 1914-1940

      Papers of Sir Kenneth Mason on the Himalayas including copy of his journal on the Shaksgam expedition, 1926; copy of letter from Mason to F V Thompson, Mussoorie about a stereo plotter used in India, 3 May 1914; correspondence, 1927-1940 on the Karakoram map; calculation of rectangular co-ordinates for Shaksgam stereographic survey by A R Hinks and cuttings from the Geographical Journal relating to the Himalayas, 1927-1935.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 LJH · [1925-1998]

      Papers of Lord Henry Cecil John Hunt, [1925-1998], including Hunt's diary of the Mount Everest expedition, 10 Mar-12 Jun 1953; photographs, transcripts of letters and diaries from the 1953 Mount Everest expedition; papers relating to the administration of the Pamirs Expedition, 1962; climbing journals, 1925-1958; extracts from diaries, 1969-1986; papers relating to the celebratory events following the ascent of Everest and the Pamirs Expedition, 1962; papers relating to expeditions including peak 36, Salturo, 1935, Kangri, Zemu glacier, 1937, Kongor expedition, Caucasus, 1958, North East Greenland, 1960, Pamirs, 1962, Greece, Pindus, 1963, Yukon Alpine centennial expedition, 1967, Nepal, 1970s-1990s, the International Karakoram Project, 1980, China, 1980s, Peru, Andes, 1983 and Kulu-Lahul-Ladakh-Kashmir, 1990; maps of Kashmir, Nepal and Mount Everest; lectures, articles and essays on mountaineering; correspondence on mountaineering; papers on mountaineering training; papers relating to mountaineering organisations including In Search of Adventure, Adventure UK, National Association for Outdoor Education, the Foundation for Outdoor Adventure, Alpine Club, Mount Everest Foundation and the British Mountaineering Council; papers relating to the Royal Geographical Society and papers relating to the Empire and Commonwealth Museum.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 KGA JUDD · Created 1879-1914

      Papers of Professor John Wesley Judd, 1879-1914, comprising course lectures, 1879, report of the sub-committee on the National Science Collections, 1886 (co-authored by Judd); general correspondence, 1879-1914, comprising accounts and observations on field work, geological articles and issues, including volcanic eruptions, photographs of geological features, including the Stromboli volcano, correspondents include Sir James Hector, William Johnson Sollas, Joseph Paxson Iddings.

      Zonder titel
      Moray, Robert (1608-1673)
      GB 0117 MS/246 · sub-fonds · 1657-1673
      Part of Manuscripts General

      Letters from Sir Robert Moray to his friend Alexander Bruce, Earl of Kincardine, 1657-1673. Also known as 'The Kincardine Papers'. Bruce was sick of the ague in Bremen for part of this time, and the letters were written to alleviate the tedium of his illness, hence ranging over topics which might not otherwise have been the subjects of correspondence. They include accounts of chemical experiments in his laboratory, his interest in magnetism, medicine in all its aspects, horticulture, fuel, whale fishing, its risks and profits, coal mining, water wheels and tide mills, stone quarrying and the various qualities of different stones, the pumping works needed for undersea coal mines at Bruce's home at Culross in Fifeshire, even to the trees whose wood was best for pipelines, and the diameter of the bore best suited to the purpose. Familiarity is shown with mathematical and surveying instruments, with music, and all sorts of mechanical devices and especially clocks and watches, more particularly the taking out of a patent in respect of a clock for use at sea for finding longitude. Bruce is advised on the choice of books over a wide range of subjects. Moray includes anecdotes to amuse his ailing correspondent; he describes his quiet life and is enthusiastic about many of his chemical experiments. Notable at the end of the letters Moray added what he described as his Masonic signature - a pentagram which also occurs in his crest.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0117 MS 257 · 1818-1875

      Correspondence of Sir Edward Sabine, together with two volumes of correspondence on Terrestrial Magnetism by Sir Edward Sabine, Reverend Humphrey Lloyd and others.

      Zonder titel
      SHIPTON, Eric (1907-1977)
      GB 0402 ESH · 1921-1972

      Papers of Eric Shipton, 1921-1972, including correspondence, 1952-1967; exercise book containing notes on the Vulim Wolf party describing a visit to a volcanic crater, Galapagos Islands; drafts of publications by Shipton including That Untravelled World, Mountain Conquest and Land of Tempest; drafts of articles by Shipton and typescripts of talks for the BBC; photographic prints, negatives, postcards and press cuttings of Shipton and Shipton in group photographs and VHS cassette of an interview with Shipton, broadcast on Australian television, 1972.

      Zonder titel
      CAWLEY, Alan (fl 1930s)
      GB 0402 SSC/15 · 1938 - 1954

      Papers of Alan Cawley, comprise survey notes on his ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in 1938; notes on measuring altitude and a typescript report by P Wilkinson on the vulanicity of the mountain, 1954.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 SSC/30 · 1900-1912

      Papers of Sir George Howard Darwin, 1900-1912, comprise files of printed papers and correspondence on the International Geodetic Conference held in London 1909, concerning administrative and social matters, but also letters from Gen Ardagh and SG Burrard (Survey of India).

      Zonder titel
      GB 378 LDGSL/1092 · Reeks · 1902-1904

      Nine black and white photographs showing the aftermath of the eruption of Mount Pelée, Martinique, in 1902. Six of the photographs are of the town of Saint-Pierre. Also, manuscript sections of the volcano showing the various stages of the eruption, November 1902-October 1904, by Major W M Hodder, Royal Engineers, 27 October 1904.

      Zonder titel
      GB 378 LDGSL/26 · Bestanddeel · [1851-1874]

      Papers of Sir George Duncan Gibb, comprising:

      Manuscript volume entitled 'Geological Rambles around Montreal and its Vicinity. With an account of the history, physical geography and geology of the island. Illustrated with a coloured geological map and numerous wood engravings, by Sir George Duncan Gibb, Bart, MA, MD, LLD, FGS, London 1868'. According to the letter of transmissal (pasted into the front of the volume) and the preface, Gibb's intention was for the work to be published but it was never financially viable to do so. The volume is set out as if it were a published work, with chapters and 'woodcut' illustrations (mostly of fossils) which are in fact original ink drawings by Gibb. The descriptions contained in the volume were compiled between 1851-1853 (although at least one of the illustrations is dated 1855), before the Victoria Bridge and the Grand Trunk Railway were constructed, and prior to the area being covered by the Geological Survey of Canada.

      History of Montreal
      Physical Geography of Montreal
      Geology of Montreal

      Chapter 1 - To Mount Royal to examine the Trap of which is is composed

      Chapter 2 - To Côte-des-Neiges and McGill College to examine the Leda clay and Trap Dykes

      Chapter 3 - To Pampinean Road, to examine a broad band of intercalated trap and Ice grooves

      Chapter 4 - To Cadiuex Village to see Tertiary deposits in which were found bones of whales and seals

      Chapter 5 - To the Mile End quarries to see the limestones at the base of the Trenton formation

      Chapter 6 - To the Second Mile End quarries and La Chapelles Bridge, to examine the Chazy limestone

      Chapter 7 - To the Tanneries of St Henri and Lac St Pierre to see the Alluvial deposits

      Chapter 8 - To Côte St Michel, to explain Gibb's Cavern

      Chapter 9 - To Mount Royal to examine a Fissure in the Limestone Rock

      Chapter 10 - To Bouchette's Cavern, Kildare in the Laurentian limestones

      Chapter 11 - To St Anne's to examine the Potsdam sandstone

      Chapter 12 - To Beauharnois to examine the various beds of Foot-tracks

      Chapter 13 - To Pointe Cavagnol, Vaudreiul, to examine the locality of the broadest Protichnites or Foot-tracks

      Chapter 14 - To Lachute, Riviere du Nord, to examine the Track bed and its relations

      Chapter 15 - To Mont Calvaire, Lake of Two Mountains to examine the gneiss of which it is composed; and also sand hills

      Chapter 16 - To the Trap Mountain of Rigaud on the Ottawa River, with a multitude of small rounded boulders of trap on its summit

      Chapter 17 - To Montarville, to see the Boucherville Mountain and its two little crater lakes

      Chapter 18 - To Mount Rouville, otherwise called Chambly or Beloeil Mountain, and its crater lake

      Chapter 19 - To Rougemont, composed of Dolerite Trap

      Chapter 20 - To Yamaska Mountain, to see micaceous trachyte and diorite of which it is composed

      Chapter 21 - To Monnoir to visit Mount Johnson, formed of feldspathic diorite

      Chapter 22 - To Lachine and Caughnawaga [Kahnawake], to see multitudes of Boulders, Trap dykes, and limestones of the Chazy formation

      Chapter 23 - To Pointe Claire to examine the quarries of limestone and marble

      Chapter 24 - To Isle Bizard and White Horse Rapids to see two outliers of Dolomite conglomerate of the Upper Silurian Division

      Chapter 25 - To the Village and Seigniory of Terrebonne to examine the Upper Laurentian Rocks

      Chapter 26 - To St Helen's Island to examine the Dolomitic Conglomerate and its relations

      Chapter 27 - To the Fort and Basin of Chambly on the River Richelieu

      Chapter 28 - To the Pinnacle Mountain of St Armand formed of the Quebec group of rocks

      Chapter 29 - To Varennes to see the Mineral Springs arising from the Utica Shales

      Chapter 30 - To Grenville on the Ottawa River, to examine the serpentine and other Eozoic rocks

      Chapter 31 - To Chatham on the Ottawa to see the beds of syenite and enromous accumulation of boulders

      Chapter 32 - To Perth, to examine the Potsdam beds, containing Climactichnites associated with Protichnites

      Zonder titel
      GB 0117 MS/2 · sub-fonds · 1779-1794
      Part of Manuscripts General

      Daily written observations and pencil sketches of volcanic activity, kept by Father Antonio Piaggi, July 1779-August 1794, on behalf of Sir William Hamilton, Piaggi was based at the Madonna Pugliano near Resina at the western side of Vesuvius on the Bay of Naples. With an additional volume dedicated to the major eruption of 1779, (originally volume 1 of the sequence). The volumes have occasional inserted material.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0117 MS 808 · sub-fonds · 1940

      Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ion the University of London, 1940, 'The glacial deposits west of the Taff, South Wales' by John Cedric Griffiths.

      Zonder titel
      DYDE, Brian S (1935-)
      GB 0402 BSD · 1959-1973

      Papers of Brian S Dyde relating to the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty and to the hydrographic survey work of the Royal Navy, including surveyor's workbooks, 1959-1973, including astronomical observations for the position of a geodetic station on the Island of Arorae, Jun 1962; and papers relating to the history of the Hydrographic Department.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 JBF · 1820-1821

      Observations by James Baillie Fraser, 1820-1821, including astronomical observations on a journey from Bushire to Tehran, 1821 and observations for latitude time and longitude from Lucknow to Bombay, 1820-1821.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 JWA · Collectie · 1851-1895

      Correspondence of Gen James T Walker, comprising two volumes of correspondence, 1876-1882, to Walker from correspondants in India and Europe with some draft letters from Walker, principally concerning the Survey of India and pendulum apparatus, correspondents include: G B Airey, David Gill, W J Heaviside, J Herschel, Fr. A Hirsch, Clements R Markham, T G Montgomerie, Lord Roberts, O von Stubendorf, Richard Strachey, H L Thuillier, and Colonel Henry Yule. Copies of extracts from Walker's letters, 1867-1876, from the records held in the Geodetic Branch Library, Dehra Dun, transcribed by R Phillimore, 1964.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 SSC/11 · 1865-1952

      Papers of The British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1865-1952, comprise committee Minute Book of Section E (Geography and Ethnology), 1865-1873; correspondence of the geodetic committee of Section A, 1917-1919; minutes and correspondence of a committee for the making of a popular map of the British Isles, 1921-1947; minutes, notes and correspondence of the geographical glossary committee, 1950-52; photocopies of papers resulting from the work of a committee appointed in 1947 to 'collect of the revival of Geography in the British Isles dating from the later years of the nineteenth century'. (The papers provide biographical details about academic geographers.)

      Zonder titel
      MANNING, Thomas Henry
      GB 0402 TMA · 1936-1946

      Reports, observations, notes and photos of Canada by Thomas Henry Manning, 1936-1946, including descriptive report, Northern Manitoba and South-east Keewatin, 1945; descriptive report and technical report, east coast of Hudson's Bay, Ottawa Islands, etc., 1946 (duplicates of reports submitted to the Geodetic Service of Canada); astronomical observations, topological notes and rough sketch maps of Whale Point and surrounding area, 1936-1938.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/L/CD · Collectie · 1503-1992

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, 1503 - 1992, including copies of charters and bye-laws; Court and committee minute books; financial accounts; lists of liverymen; registers of freemen; registers of freedom admissions; registers of apprentice bindings; papers relating to duties and taxes on clocks and watches; papers relating to patents, hallmarks and foreign imports; letter books; Clerk's papers and papers relating to charities. Please note there is no public access to Ms 2710/17-20, Ms 20384 or Ms 22353 without permission from the Company.

      The collection includes a number of papers of John Harrison (1693-1776), describing his construction of longitude timekeepers and watches. These papers were catalogued at various dates from 1918 by members of Guildhall Library staff. The records include description, with plans, by John Harrison, of his first longitude timekeeper or"sea clock"; papers relating to the horological inventions of John Harrison, collected by Alexander Cumming (ca. 1732-1814), clockmaker, by virtue of his appointment by Act of Parliament to adjudicate on Harrison's explanation of the mechanisms of his longitude time keeper "H 4"; journal, 1761-6, relating to the testing of John Harrison's chronometer for the determining of longitude at sea in accordance with a statute of 12 Queen Anne, chapt. 15, by Walter Williams; essays, notes and calculations by John Harrison, and his son William Harrison; and letters mainly from William Harrison, statements, cases etc relating to the tests at sea of John Harrison's longitude watches and his efforts to win an award from the Board of Longitude. PLEASE NOTE: Permission is required from the Company for photocopies or photography of Harrison material (whether for private study or for publication). All requests for reproductions for the purposes of publication should also be referred to the Company. More information is available from staff.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0064 MKY · Collectie · 1787-1806

      Papers of Doctor Andrew Mackay, consisting of letters received including several from Maskelyne, 1787 to 1805, and a series, written between 1794 and 1806, by Francis Maseres (1731-1824), the mathematician. In addition, there are several papers relating to his career, a manuscript copy of 'The theory and practice of finding the longitude' and several of his printed works.

      Zonder titel
      PRATT, Geoffrey
      GB 0402 GJP · 1921-[1989]

      Papers of Geoffrey Pratt, 1921-1970, including scientific report by Pratt entitled 'Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1955-1958: Seismic Soundings Across Antarctica', 1960; lecture by Pratt entitled 'Physical Science on the Trans-Antarctic Expedition' delivered, 21 Jan 1959 and personal papers of Miss Pauline May Pratt.

      Zonder titel