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      • UP Shelter
      • UP Abri
      • UP Demeure
      • UP Domicile
      • UP Habitation
      • UP Hébergement
      • UP Refuge
      • UP Résidence
      • UP Domicilio
      • UP Habitáculo
      • UP Morada
      • UP Refugio

      137 Descrição arquivística resultados para Housing

      137 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
      Imperial College Expansion Scheme
      GB 0098 I · Created 1860-1992 (ongoing)

      Records of South Kensington Development Schemes, 1936-1948, and Imperial College Expansion Scheme, including proposed schemes for South Kensington, 1936-1945; minutes of the Sites Committee, 1945-1950; plans and correspondence relating to the South Kensington site, 1944-1947; notes and plan of the Chemical Technology extension, 1949; new biochemistry building, 1950; purchase of various properties on Queen's Gate, 1937-1969, including war damage compensation; papers relating to the development of Silwood Park Field Station, Sunninghill, Berkshire, 1954-1957; minutes of the Dean's Committee, later Development Committee, 1953-1970, with correspondence (IA);
      papers relating to academic posts, 1953-1962, including new chairs, 1953; postgraduate bursaries, 1955-1957 (IB);

      papers relating to Imperial College Expansion Scheme, including press cuttings, 1946-1970; early history, 1950-1955; reports and plans for the expansion scheme, 1958; correspondence concerning the proposed demolition of the City and Guilds College building, 1955-1956; notes concerning future Student Union facilities, 1955;
      papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, Rector, including correspondence concerning the expansion scheme, 1944-1966, notably the retention of the Imperial Institute building, 1955; the Collcutt (now Queen's) Tower, 1956-1957; 170, Queen's Gate, 1957-1963; accommodation for departments, 1959-1965; new hall of residence (Linstead Hall), 1963-1969;
      papers relating to the demolition programme and architects, including correspondence with the architects, 1951-1963; plans and finance, 1953-1967; demolition programme, 1954-1957; Imperial Institute, 1955-1956; building programme, 1957-1958; use, restoration and occupation of Queen's Gate and Prince's Gardens, 1957-1962; Royal College of Science adaptations, 1957-1962; correspondence relating to the Roderic Hill Building, 1949-1962; Biochemistry building, 1964-1967; adaptations to the Royal School of Mines, 1958-1970; papers relating to the Falmouth Gates, including the Memorial fund, 1962-1965; design of the gates, 1964-1969; report and correspondence relating to landscaping, 1958-1967; souvenirs from the demolished Royal College of Science building, 1956-1977;
      papers relating to halls of residence, including Prince's Gardens, development scheme, 1957-1962; acquisition, 1954-1960; architects, 1956-1976; occupiers of the site, 1860-1959; correspondence relating to Linstead Hall benefactions, 1963-1975, extension, 1976-1980 and building specification, 1964; correspondence concerning Southside Halls opening and maintenance, 1963-1966; papers concerning Weeks Hall, 1956-1975, including the opening, 1958-1959, structural failures, 1973-1975;
      papers relating to the Mechanical Engineering Building, 1956-1960, including contract documents, 1956-1957; papers relating to the Physics Building, 1953-1975, including planning, 1953-1964, opening of the Blackett Laboratory, 1975; correspondence and opening programme relating to the Huxley building 1966-1976; correspondence relating to the College Block, 1958-1969; papers relating to the Science Museum Library, 1953-1962; college estates development plan, 1992 (IC).

      Sem título
      GB 0097 GIFFEN · 1861-1910

      This collection consists of Giffen's correspondence on subjects including the national finances, currency and bimetallism (particularly in relation to India), wages and prices, free trade, and expenditure on the army and navy; articles by Giffen, on diverse subjects including the national finances and monetary laws, the Political Economy Club, and househunting and housebuilding; papers on subjects including war risks to British trade and shipping and 'The Statist'; and press cuttings concerning currency, trade, public finance, and Giffen himself.

      Sem título
      LANSBURY, George, 1859-1940, Labour politician
      GB 0097 LANSBURY · 1877-1940

      Lansbury's personal and political correspondence; correspondence between Lansbury's biographer, Raymond Postgate, and others after his death; correspondence and papers on subjects of interest to Lansbury, including schools, the Labour Party, unemployment, agriculture, India, the 1931 Cabinet Crisis, and the Metropolitan Police; photographs, personal and official, and caricatures from the press; press reviews of Lansbury's published works; printed matter, including articles, pamphlets, speeches and leaflets by or concerning Lansbury, election addresses, and personal ephemera. Volumes 1 - 26 consist of the personal and political correspondence and papers used by Lansbury's son-in-law, Raymond Postgate, in researching The Life of George Lansbury, published in 1951. These papers were presented to the British Library of Political and Economic Science by Professor Postgate in 1950. Volumes 27 - 30 were added to the collection some time later, and volume 31 consists of three files of personal correspondence which were added to the collection in 1994 and one file found in 1999.

      Sem título
      Oral Archive: Plain Tales from the Raj
      GB 0102 OA1 · (1876-1949) 1972-1974

      Cassette copies and transcripts of recordings of unedited interviews assembled, 1972-1974, for the radio series 'Plain Tales from the Raj', including material not included in the broadcast programmes, and comprising c200 hours of material. The 82 subjects interviewed, including men, women, adults and children, lived and worked in India from the late 19th century to Independence (1947) and the interviews cover a wide range of civilian and military experience between 1876 and 1949. Military personnel range from the Commander in Chief of the Army in India to Army privates. Civil servants of various ranks and members of the business and commercial world, for example tea planters, are also included. Women mainly comprise wives and daughters, but also include a few nurses and governesses. The project covered the lives of the British in India and, although the material touches upon the effect of the Raj on India and its indigenous inhabitants, only a small number of Indians and Eurasians were interviewed. Subjects covered include accommodation and living conditions; daily routine; social life and recreation; health and sanitation; the effects of India postings on family life; relations between the British, other Europeans, Indians and Eurasians in social and work environments; events such as riots and earthquakes; the fauna and landscape of India; and political events. Full typescript transcripts (including inaccuracies in some cases) exist for most, but not all, of the recordings.

      Sem título
      Max Lock Archive
      GB 1753 MLA · Arquivo · 1936-1988

      Papers of Max Lock, 1936-1988, produced and collected by Max Lock and the Max Lock Group, relate to Lock's career as a planner and architect and to wider issues in planning, particularly after World War Two, and comprise working papers (including survey papers) and finished material.

      They include correspondence; notes and card indexes; photographs (some aerial), slides, drawings, maps and plans; Bills, Acts, white papers and other official publications; books, articles, reports and other publications (some annotated); typescripts; press cuttings; and conference papers. The bulk of the material dates from the 1940s to the early 1970s. Material relating to Lock's career and projects within the UK includes papers on his time as a Watford councillor and his architectural practice in the 1930s, including a timber house he designed at Stanmore, Middlesex; Hull, 1939-1957, including conflicts between Lock and his superiors; Scalby, 1940-1941; Middlesborough, 1943-1970; Hartlepool, 1946-1970; Portsmouth, 1948-1973; Salisbury, 1949-1969; Sutton Coldfield, 1950-1967; Bedford, 1950-1971; Sevenoaks, 1954-1965; Aberdare, 1957-1959; Stratford (West Ham), 1957-1962; Hackney and Shoreditch, 1960-1971; Woodley, 1962-1969; Oldham, 1962-1971; Covent Garden, 1963-1971; Battle, 1964; Brentford and Chiswick, 1964-1970; Torbay, 1968-1969; Dunstable, 1968-1972; Greater London Development Plan Inquiry, 1969-1971, and other material on GLC planning and transport; Beverley, 1969-1972. Material on projects and visits overseas includes papers on Scandinavia, 1937-1939, 1946-1949; India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 1946-1955; the Netherlands, including the Town Planning Institute Tour (1946), 1946-1957; the Americas, including Brazil, the West Indies and the USA, 1952-1969; Italy, 1952-1970; the Middle East, including Iraq and Jordan, 1954-1958; Australia, 1959-1960; Aden, 1960-1961; Kuwait, 1961; Nigeria, including Kaduna and Maiduguri, 1962-1975.

      The collection includes a large volume of accumulated material, 1944-1987, largely printed material by other authors, including other planners, planning bodies and architects, some from architectural and planning journals and from the national and regional press, on planning and related issues both in the UK and overseas, such as planning law and procedures; central and local government and administration; public inquiries; housing; historic buildings; urban development; industry and retail; transport infrastructure, including roads and ports; traffic, noise, and the environment; social and economic issues including employment, labour, and social class; population levels and density; public amenities and utilities; land use and open space; and statistical data. Some papers relate to the affairs, including legal and financial matters, of the Max Lock Group; the architectural work of Max Lock and Partners; premises in Victoria Square, London; and the Max Lock Group Nigeria. Papers of or concerning Lock himself include his notebooks and other papers reflecting the development of his ideas; papers relating to publications and broadcasts; papers relating to professional bodies, including the TPI, RIBA, TCPA and UDAG; personal correspondence; photographs of him and his friends; papers on music and architecture, including lecture notes; articles about Lock, and his obituary in the Independent, 3 May 1988.

      Sem título
      BEAVER, Prof Stanley Henry (1907-1984)
      GB 0402 SBE · 1930-1980

      Papers of Prof Stanley Henry Beaver, 1930-1980, including papers on European railways; draft chapters for The British Isles; notes for Admiralty Handbooks on the Netherlands East Indies; papers on housing and planning and papers on British sand and gravel resources.

      Sem título
      FGSD · Coleção · 1854-1898

      Records of the Forest Gate School District, 1854-1898, including minutes of the Board; minutes of the training ship Goliath; annual reports of the managers; Superintendent's reports and journal; copies of out-letters; admission and discharge registers; creed registers; and list of officers.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 A/KNW · Coleção · 1936-1977

      Records of the Kensington Welfare Association and other related welfare associations, 1936-1977.

      Minute book of the Kensington Welfare Association, 1955-1966. Annual reports of the Kensington Association for Rescue and Preventative Work, 1936-1945. Annual reports of the Kensington Association for Moral Welfare, 1946-1966. Annual reports of the Kensington and Chelsea Deaneries Welcare Association, 1969-1977. Annual report of the Fulham Ruri-Decanal Council for Moral Welfare Work, 1949-1950.

      Circular of the Deanery Association for Moral Welfare Work, 1955. Annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare, 1959-1963. Annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Wel-care, 1972-1977. Annual report of the London Council for Welfare of Women and Girls, 1965-1966.

      Sem título
      ACC/1409 · Coleção · [1912]-1952

      London County Council register of tramway track lengths, recording description and lengths of route, street length, track length and remarks, such as "conversion to trolleybus", "abandoned" and so on, [1912-1952], with enclosures: photocopy of map of tramways in the London County Council area, revised to 1931; and diagrams of track lengths in Leyton and Hammersmith.

      Sem título
      GB 0120 MSS.7502-7514 · 1883-1900

      Medical case registers with numerous inserted letters and notes.

      MSS. 7502-7509 and 7511 form one chronological sequence, documenting cases from Williamson's general practice. 1883-1901.

      MS. 7510 consists chiefly of patients from Winchester and other localities in Hampshire and seems to document work for the Bonchurch convalescent home. 1895-1897.

      MSS. 7512-7513 consist of patients with tuberculosis and other diseases affecting the lungs, and presumably document work at the Royal National Hospital for Consumption. 1899-1900.

      MS. 7514 documents child cases at the Grange convalescent home, sent from a variety of London hospitals (Evelina Hospital providing most cases; also Great Ormond Street, Belgrave, St. Bartholomew's, London and East London Hospitals). 1897-1899.

      Numerous papers are inserted, either bound in between numbered folios or loose: these comprise temperature charts, correspondence, cuttings, photographs and so forth.

      Sem título
      Mental After Care Association
      GB 0120 SA/MAC · c1886-1994

      Papers of the Mental After Care Association (MACA), c 1886-1994, comprising the constitution and background, c 1886-1992; annual reports, 1887-1993; minutes, 1921-1982; financial records, c1880-1987; administrative records, 1891-c1990; records relating to homes and hostels administered by MACA, including property documents and registers of individual residential homes in the South of England, 1910-1992; case records, 1888-1986; publicity material, publications including Journal of Mental Science containing papers by Henry Hawkins, and ephemera including scrapbooks, c1880-1994; and photographs and audio-visual material, 1927-1989.

      Sem título
      MCC/WE/FA · Coleção · 1948-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Public Assistance and Welfare Department relating to homeless and problem families, 1948-1965, including statistics on homeless families; papers of the Assessment and Arrears Panel; reports; papers relating to temporary accommodation; admissions to council housing; homeless families case files and index cards.

      Sem título
      Records of the Borough of Barking
      BD2 · Arquivo · 1882-1965

      This collection comprises the following minute books, departmental records, financial accounts, correspondence, building plans and photographs of the Borough of Barking and its predecessors, including the Barking Town Local Board and Barking Urban District Council (1882-1965), relating to the management of the council, public health and housing, highways and town planning, parks, cemeteries and public buildings, education, public libraries, lighting, civil defence, transport, finance, welfare and rates.


      Minute books of the Barking Local Town Board, 1882-1894 (BD2/A/1/1)

      Committee minute books of the Barking Local Town Board, 1883-1895 (BD2/A/1/2)

      Minute books of Barking Urban District Council, 1895-1931 (BD2/A/2/1)

      Committee minute books of Barking Urban District Council, 1895-1931 (BD2/A/2/2)

      Minute books of the Borough of Barking, 1931-1965(BD2/A/3)

      Declarations and acceptance of office books of the Borough of Barking, 1931-1963 (BD2/A/4)

      Public health and housing

      Minute book of the Barking Town Local Board of Health, 1853-1866 (BD2/B/1/1)

      Reports of the Ilford and Barking Joint Sewerage Committee, 1935-1969 (BD2/B/2/1)

      General ledger of the Ilford and Barking Joint Sewerage Committee, 1956-1969 (BD2/B/2/2)

      Infectious diseases registers of the Public Health Department, 1915-1951 (BD2/B/3/1)

      Tuberculosis registers of notifications of the Public Health Department, 1916-1924 (BD2/B/3/2)

      Death registers of the Public Health Department, 1936-1965 (BD2/B/3/3)

      Research on diphtheria by the Public Health Department, 1958-1961 (BD2/B/3/4)

      Photographs of the Public Health Department, circa.1930-1965 (BD2/B/3/5)

      Correspondence and papers on housing of the working classes in Barking, 1901-1908 (BD2/B/4)

      Correspondence and papers on temporary housing in Barking, 1898-1907 (BD2/B/5)

      Correspondence and papers on sewerage and drainage in Barking, 1893-1905 (BD2/B/6)

      Correspondence and papers on water supply in Barking, 1895-1901 (BD2/B/7)

      File on the National (Coal Strike) Emergency, 1921 (BD2/B/8)

      File on population rates in each ward of Barking Urban District Council, 1928 (BD2/B/9)

      War damage and repairs ledgers of Borough of Barking, 1940-1945 (BD2/B/10)

      Highways and town planning

      Correspondence and papers on highways of the Borough of Barking, 1891-1905 (BD2/C/1)

      Correspondence and papers on street improvements of the Borough of Barking, 1892-1909 (BD2/C/2)

      Correspondence and papers on private street works of the Borough of Barking, 1905-1909 (BD2/C/3)

      Correspondence and papers on the Town Wharf of Barking Urban District Council, 1897-1908 (BD2/C/4)

      Parks, cemeteries and public buildings

      Minute book of the Barking Burial Board, 1884-1897 (BD2/D/1/1)

      Register of burials of the Barking Burial Board, 1886-1901 (BD2/D/1/2)

      Notices of internment of the Barking Burial Board, 1886-1904 (BD2/D/1/3)

      Reports of the Grounds Committee of the Barking Burial Board, 1893-1896 (BD2/D/1/4)

      Correspondence and papers on Rippleside Cemetery, 1906-1908 (BD2/D/1/5)

      Register of graves at St. Margaret's Churchyard, Barking, 1930 (BD2/D/2)

      Correspondence and papers on allotments in Barking, 1908-1910 (BD2/D/3)


      Minute books of Barking School Board, 1889-1903 (BD2/E/1/1)

      Committee minute books of Barking School Board, 1892-1903 (BD2/E/1/2)

      Financial accounts of Barking School Board, 1886-1903 (BD2/E/1/3)

      Registers of the Attendance Officer of Barking School Board, 1885-1897 (BD2/E/1/4)

      Minute books of Barking Education Committee, 1903-1928 (BD2/E/2/1)

      Minute books of Barking Education Sub-Committee, 1903-1922 (BD2/E/2/2)

      Minute book of Barking Education Children's Care and Kitchen Committee, 1912-1920 (BD2/E/2/3)

      Minute book of Barking Education Boot Committee, 1919-1927 (BD2/E/2/4)

      Minute book of Barking Higher Education Committee, 1921-1924 (BD2/E/2/5)

      Annual reports of the Barking Education Committee, 1934-1941 (BD2/E/2/6)

      Correspondence of the Barking Education Committee, 1903-1958 (BD2/E/2/7)

      Newspaper cuttings of Barking Education Committee, 1925-1941 (BD2/E/2/8)

      Public libraries

      Minute books of Barking Public Libraries Committee, 1888-1928 (BD2/F/1)

      Minute books of Barking Public Libraries Sub-Committees, 1890-1894 (BD2/F/2)

      Letter books of the Barking Public Libraries, 1889-1919 (BD2/F/3)

      Issue books of Barking Public Libraries, 1900-1961 (BD2/F/4)

      Junior issue books of Barking Public Libraries, 1924-1952 (BD2/F/5)

      Accounts ledgers of Barking Public Libraries, 1889-1969 (BD2/F/6)

      Statistics ledgers of Barking Public Libraries, 1956-1959 (BD2/F/7)


      Correspondence and papers on lighting of Barking Urban District Council, 1896-1906 (BD2/G/1)

      Revenue accounts ledger on the installation and analysis of electricity, 1935-1966 (BD2/G/2)


      Correspondence on Peace Week, 1936-1937 (BD2/H/1)

      File on the accession of King George VI, 1936 (BD2/H/2)

      Files on the Coronation of King George VI, 1936-1938 (BD2/H/3)

      File on entertainments in Barking, 1934-1940 (BD2/H/4)

      File on the Anglo-Soviet Pact Anniversary Celebrations, 1943-1946 (BD2/H/5)

      File on the V.E. Day Thanksgiving Service, 1945 (BD2/H/6)


      Correspondence and papers on tramways of Barking Urban District Council, 1898-1902 (BD2/J/1)

      Files on light railways in Barking, 1896-1908 (BD2/J/2)

      Files on the London, Tilbury and Southend Railway Bill, 1902-1908 (BD2/J/3)

      Petition on the nuisance caused by motor car and bus traffic signed by the residents of Rippleside,1908 (BD2/J/4)

      Correspondence with the Kearney Society, 1924 (BD2/J/5)


      General ledgers of the Borough of Barking, 1935-1965 (BD2/K/1)

      Rating and valuation

      Reports of the Rating and Valuation Committee, 1942-1950 (BD2/L/1)

      General and poor rate books for Barking, 1921-1933 (BD2/L/2-3)

      General rate demand summary books for Barking, 1934-1964 (BD2/L/4)

      Valuation lists of the Borough of Barking, 1930-1965 (BD2/L/5)

      Loans ledgers of the Borough of Barking, 1939-1965 (BD2/L/6)


      Minute book of the Distress Committee of Barking Urban District Council, 1908-1924 (BD2/M/1)

      Minute book of the Old Age Pensions Committee of the Borough of Barking, 1923-1934 (BD2/M/2)

      Sem título
      GB 0074 DRO/187 · Coleção · 1930-200-

      Records of the parish of All Hallows, Greenford, including baptism registers (1932-1952); marriage registers (1942-1968); banns of marriage registers (1942-1971); service registers; correspondence and photographs relating to the vicarage; licences for music and dancing in church hall; vestry minutes; parochial church council minutes; magazine committee minutes; guild of the sanctuary minutes; finance committee minutes; photographs of church events, clergy and parishioners; parish magazines; papers, correspondence, photographs and printed material relating to church and church hall.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4003 · Coleção · 1880-1978

      Records of J G Abraham and Company, property developers, 1880-1978. The records deposited include only a small proportion of the total bulk of records, but enough to represent the geographical location of the estates and the types of housing provided. The records consist of three deed books, a property register, ledgers and several plans. The plans particularly relate to developments in Leyton and Canning Town.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4178 · Coleção · 1962-1993

      Records of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare, 1962-1993, comprising annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare, annual reports of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare and annual reports of local branch associations in Westminster, Willesden, Brent, Camden, Hampstead and Hounslow.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4196 · Coleção · 1945-1969

      This collection consists of the working papers of Muriel Smith. They cover the period of the 1950's to the late 1970's when Muriel Smith was working at the London Voluntary Service Council and the Home Office before her retirement in 1979.

      The papers include Registry Files consisting of a series of subject files relating to the early work of Muriel Smith from 1952 to 1967 and include files on the Central Housing Committee, the Kenilworth Study Group, Housing, Playgrounds and the Association of London Housing Estates; Community Development Project Files which cover the period 1959-1974 and are mainly concerned with Muriel Smith's work at the Home Office; Voluntary Service Unit papers; correspondence including letters to Ilys Booker (a friend and fellow community development worker); papers relating to The North Kensington Project, Association of London Housing Estates, Tower Hamlets, and the Danilo Dolci Fund; and material produced by Ilys Booker relating to projects that Muriel Smith was also involved in.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4228 · Coleção · 1828-1984

      Records of the Metropolitan Benefit Societies Asylum, later known as the Metropolitan Benefit Societies Almshouses, including:

      Administrative Records include minutes of the General Committee 1828 to 1965, Donors and Subscribers half yearly meetings 1844 to 1861, Monthly meetings 1883 to 1902, the Management Committee 1959 to 1984, House Committee 1839 to 1973, and Building committees 1853 to 1866 and 1953 to 1955.

      Finance Records consist of Annual Statements 1963 to 1981, Accounts both income and expenditure 1831 to 1983, Registers of Donors and Subscribers 1835 to 1981, Annual returns 1975, 1979, 1980, and a rent book for Balls Pond Road 1905 to 1930.

      Printed Material contains publications such as rules of the Almshouses 1855, 1926 and 1955, The Almshouse Gazette 1965 to 1990, and typescript notes about the history of the MBSA, plans of the Almshouse 1956 to 1980's and some ephemeral items which include a Warden's Diary from 1945 and a schedule of deeds and documents handed to trustees on 17th December 1878.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 P87/EMM · Coleção · 1886-1990

      Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Harrow Road, Paddington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; orders of service; plans of the parish; papers relating to the benefice and the glebe; papers relating to church buildings including the church, vicarage and church hall; financial records; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; and parish magazines.

      Sem título
      H01/RW/K · Subarquivo · 1914-1924

      Records of the Kirchner Convalescent Home, Royal Waterloo Hospital, including Convalescent Home Committee rough minute and agenda book, 1914 - 1924; admission and discharge register giving name, address, age, date of admission, disease, date of discharge and result, 1914-1924 and financial records, 1914-1924.

      Sem título
      H02/CP · Subarquivo · 1945-1962

      Records of Chartham Park Convalescent Home, comprising minutes of the Board of Governors and House Committee, 1950-1962, papers relating to the closure of the Home, 1961-1962 and lease of premises at Chartham Park, Lingfield, with plan, 1945.

      Sem título
      H15/HH · Subarquivo · 1951-1969
      Parte de LAMBETH GROUP

      Records of the Holmhurst Home, comprising Managers' minutes, 1951-1969.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1378 · Coleção · 1882-1883

      Records of the United Land Company Limited, comprising plans of freehold building plots suitable for moderate sized villa property, off the Harrow Road, adjoining Sudbury Railway Station, Sudbury, property of The United Land Company, Limited, to be sold by auction 17 July 1882 and 1883.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1383 · Coleção · 1912-1976

      Papers of the Middlesex Memorial to King Edward VII Trust, including the trust deed of the Children's Fund; minutes, correspondence and administrative files relating to the Memorial Fund; and papers relating to Collington Manor, including plans of the house, Committee reports, budgets, and files relating to supplies, builders, equipment, doctors, staffing, and superannuation.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 P85/ALL3 · Coleção · 1892-1980

      Records of the parish of All Saints, West Dulwich, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; notices and orders of service; papers and maps relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to church income including the benefice, sequestration, and the Clergy Maintenance Fund; records of Dulwich College Chapel of Ease; financial records; papers relating to the church building and vicarage, including faculties, plans and correspondence; Churchwardens' records; and papers of parish charities.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/2983 · Coleção · 1894-2000

      Records of the Sutton Housing Trust, consisting of a fine series of minutes and accounts. In particular there are detailed registers of tenants (including information on income and employment), hundreds of photographs of estates and developments and correspondence giving advice from people such as Octavia Hill and Charles Booth.

      Sem título
      LCC/AR/GEN · Coleção · 1889-1934

      Records of the London County Council Architect's Department, including papers relating to the creation of the Valuer's Department, 1889, and the transfer of staff; strike arrangements, 1921-1934 and papers relating to the Staff Organisation for Housing, 1920.

      Sem título
      LCC/HSG/PP · Coleção · 1950-1965

      Housing Estate Plans from the London County Council Housing Department, 1950-1965, for the following estates:

      Ainsworth Estate, Hampstead

      Albion Street Areas, Bermondsey

      Ashburton Estate, Chartfield Avenue, Wandsworth

      Avebury Estate, Turin Street Site, Bethnal Green

      Avery Hill, Woolwich

      Barn Elms Park Site, Wandsworth

      Baxter Grove Areas, Islington

      Baylis Road, Lambeth

      Beckenham Hill Road, Lewisham

      Bellingham Estate Extension, Lewisham

      Besson Street Area, Deptford

      Blessington Road Site, Lewisham

      Boreham Wood Estate, Hertfordshire

      Regal Cinema Site, Bromley High Street and Bow Road, Poplar

      Bricknall Place areas, Lambeth

      Broadway Site, Hackney

      Bromley Road Extension, Lewisham

      Brook Lane Site, Greenwich

      Browning Estate, Townley Street Site, Southwark

      Burdett Estate Extension, Stepney

      Burlington Road Site, Fulham

      Butterswick Cottages, Hammersmith

      Campbell House Site, Woolwich

      Carnbrook Road Site, Greenwich

      Caroline Estate Extension, Hammersmith

      Castle House, Woolwich

      Cherry Garden Site, Bermondsey

      Church Crescent, Hackney

      Colebrook Row Area, Islington

      Cordelia Street, Poplar

      Creek Road Site, Lewisham

      Dartmouth Road Site, Lewisham

      Dodson Street Site, Southwark

      Dove Row Extension, Shoreditch

      East Dulwich Estate Extension, Camberwell

      East India Dock Road Site

      Eastman Street Site, Bethnal Green

      Elmington Estate

      Ember Street Site, Bermondsey

      Fayland Estate, Wandsworth

      Finchley Road Development, Hampstead

      Flamstead Estate Extension, Greenwich

      Frampton Park, Hackney

      Gauden Road Site, Wandsworth

      Giffrin Street Site Extension Reginald Road site, Deptford

      Glamis Road Site, Stepney

      Grove Street site, Deptford

      Hawgood Street site, Poplar

      Heathside Estate, Greenwich

      Hedgers Grove, Hackney

      Heston Street Area, Deptford

      Hilgrove Estate, Finchley Road, Hampstead

      Hilldrop Estate, Islington

      Hillside Gardens Estate Extension, Wandsworth

      Hobson's Place, Stepney

      Jackman Street site, Hackney

      Jamaica Road site, Bermondsey

      Kender Street Area, Deptford

      Kidbrooke Park Estate Extension, Greenwich

      King Henry Street, Islington

      Lancaster Street site, Southwark

      Lansbury Estate, Stepney and Poplar

      Lant Street site, Southwark

      Lawson Street Development, Southwark

      Lindley Estate, Camberwell

      Loampit Vale site, Lewisham

      Long Lane Areas, Bermondsey

      Longstaff Estate, Wandsworth

      Loughborough Street, Lambeth

      Lurgan Avenue Area, Fulham

      Malay Street Area, Stepney

      Maple Court, Acacia Grove, New Malden

      Mardyke Street Area, Southwark

      Maxey Road site, Woolwich

      Mill Gardens Area, Lewisham

      Milne Estate Extension, Woolwich

      Ocean Street site, Skidmore Street, Stepney

      Patmore Street site, Battersea

      Pearscroft Road, Fulham

      Pennyfields, Poplar

      Pitsea Street site, Stepney

      Polthorne Street Area, Woolwich

      Poplar High Street, Poplar

      Priory site, Wandsworth

      Prospect Estate, Farnborough, Hampshire

      Raglan Street Area, Saint Pancras

      Rapley Place, Bethnal Green

      Ravensbourne Estate, Lewisham

      Roehampton High Street site, Wandsworth

      Rowlett Street, Poplar

      Ruskin Park Estate Extension, Camberwell

      Saint George-in-the-East Hospital site, Stepney

      Saint Katherine's Way (Matilda House), Stepney

      Saint Luke's Housing Development, Old Street, Finsbury

      Saint Martin's Estate, Upper Tulse Hill Lambeth

      Saint Peter's Hospital site, Stepney

      Samuda's Wharf Site, Poplar

      Southend Lane Site, Lewisham

      Stockwell Gardens, Lambeth

      Stockwell Lane, Lambeth

      Stockwell Road Development, Lambeth

      Streatham Hill, Wandsworth

      Sydenham Hill Site, Lewisham

      Tabard Garden Extension, Southwark

      Teesdale estate, Bethnal Green

      Trafalgar Road Site, Greenwich

      Tyers Street Site, Lambeth

      Tyson Road Site, Lewisham

      Vauxhall Gardens Extension, Tate Street Site, Lambeth

      Wager Street Site, Stepney

      Wapping Estate Extension, Stepney

      Watermead Estate Extension, Lewisham

      Watson's Street, Deptford

      Welshpool Street Site, Hackney

      Weston Rise Site, Finsbury

      Whetstone Road Site, Greenwich

      White City Estate, Hammersmith

      Woodberry Down Estate, Stoke Newington

      York Hill Site, Lambeth

      Zangwill Road Sites, Greenwich

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      LCC/PH/GEN · Coleção · 1867-1967

      Records of the London County Council Public Health Department relating to organisational and general matters, 1867-1967, including copies of relevant Parliamentary legislation; reports on investigations by Council officials; legal cases; papers relating to the introduction of the National Health Service; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of buildings run by the Public Health department; conference and committee papers; statistics; papers relating to various public health issues including refuse disposal, drainage and sewers, air pollution, water supply, water quality and slum clearance. Reports and printed papers relating to public health, including booklets, posters and pamphlets produced by the LCC to advertise and explain their health services.

      Papers of Sir Allen Daley (Principal Medical Officer, 1929-1938; Deputy Medical Officer of Health, 1938-1939 and Medical Officer of Health, 1939-1952), consisting of a collection of extracts from medical and other journals, 1912-1938. Papers of Dr J. Letitia D Fairfield, CBE, a Medical Officer and, later, Senior Medical Officer in the Public Health Department, 1911-1948, consisting of memoranda and correspondence arising in the course of her duties, articles written by her and other articles from medical and other journals on subjects of interest in connection with her duties.

      Also collection of 360 files relating to the treatment of tuberculosis by the General Public Health Department of the London County Council, 1904-1950. Many of the files are concerned with particular hospitals and sanatoria in England, which specialised in the treatment and rehabilitation of tuberculous patients. The files contain descriptions of the sanatoria, reports of their management, correspondence, financial accounts and details of particular cases. These details include the welfare of patients, as well as arrangements for their travelling expenses. The files also relate to the provision of TB administration in war time, the treatment of service men and their families, and also of refugees. The files contain information relating to the treatment of diseases associated with TB, including lupus, syphilis, silicosis and asbestosis, osteomyetitis and poliomyelitis. Progress in the treatment of TB can be traced in the files relating to the value of treatment in Switzerland, and in the files concerned with Open Air Schools. Emphasis is also placed on the importance of mass radiography as an aid towards the detection of TB at an early stage, and file 360 contains a number of such X-Ray negatives.

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      LCC/PH/REG · Coleção · 1851-1965

      Records of the London County Council Public Health Department relating to registration and licensing functions and the enforcement of legal requirements, 1851-1965, including registers of common lodging houses (some registers transferred from the Metropolitan Police); proceedings at special meetings of the Public Health Committee for the purpose of licensing common lodging houses; register of seamen's lodging houses; register of Police Court proceedings relating to common lodging houses and seamen's lodging houses; Special Licensing Meetings of Public Health Committee relating to Common Lodging Houses; notices and posters for display in lodging houses; registers of Licensed Slaughterhouses; registers of Licensed Cowhouses, registers of Cowkeepers, Dairymen and Purveyors of Milk, register of Premises approved as Dairies; street index to Dairies, Cowsheds, and so on; special meetings of Public Health Committee for licensing slaughterhouses, knackers yards and cowhouses; report by the Medical Officer of Health on the provision of public slaughterhouses; card indexes of foster parents registered under the Children Act 1908; registers of lying-in homes; registers of nursing homes; register of intimations sent to the metropolitan boroughs of infringements of the Offensive Businesses by-laws and registers of complaints of insanitary conditions and action taken thereon.

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      LCC/WE/H · Coleção · 1896-1962

      Records of the London County Council Welfare Department relating to homes and institutions, 1896-1962, including reports, religious ministration, administration, nursing and medical, staffing, building works, finance, workshops, inventory, log-books and information about residents for homes including Alexandra House, Brockle Bank, Bromley House, Camberwell Reception Centre, Carisbrooke Lodge, Dale Mead Old People's Home, Fulham Road Hostel, Ladywell Lodge, Luxborough Lodge, Newington Lodge, Norwood House, Orchard Lodge, Princes Row, Southern Grove Lodge and Saint Peter and Saint Paul Home for Babies. Also case papers for small homes, large homes and out of county homes. Please note that files may be closed for Data Protection purposes.

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      GB 2133 Thorndale · 1905-1999

      These are the records of Thorndale Parent Assessment / Family Centre and its predecessor body, Wellington Park House Industrial Home, 1905-1999.

      The collection comprises books and minutes maintained by staff at Thorndale House, as well as administrative papers and correspondence relating to individual residents.

      The records are arranged in six series:

      THO/1 Industrial Home

      THO/2 Maternity services

      THO/3 Hostel

      THO/4 Hostel for Mothers with Children

      THO/5 Centre for Families

      THO/6 Administrative papers and correspondence

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      Printed Collections: Pamphlet Collection
      GB 106 PC/06 · 1930-[2008]

      The catalogued Pamphlet Collection comprises over 12,000 titles dating from approximately 1830 to the present. The Pamphlet Collection consists of printed material less than 60 pages in length and includes government policies, reports, annual reports and campaigning material, primary law, including Bills and Acts. The subject material of the collection reflects and enriches the wide range of topics held elsewhere in the Women's Library.The topics covered include: English fiction, children's stories, poetry, women's organisations, feminism, role of women in society - UK and abroad, nursing, sex discrimination law, divorce law, employment, occupations, careers, equal opportunities, labour law, pension law, social security, taxation, housing, health, pregnancy, abortion, birth control, domestic violence, mothers, one-parent families, children, family life, housekeeping, religion, ordination, arts, costume, suffrage. Organisations include Equal Opportunities Commission, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, National Union of Suffragettes, National Society for Women's Suffrage, US Women's Bureau, American National Red Cross, Union of Jewish Women, National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, National Federation of Women's Institutes, Fawcett Society, National Council for the Unmarried Mother and Her Child, British Federation of University Women, Association of University Women Teachers, Divorce Law Reform Union. Most of the material is in English, but there are also pamphlets in other languages, such as Italian, German and French.The pamphlets are arranged in two sections - one for standard sized pamphlets and one for oversized pamphlets.

      The 'UDC Pamphlet Collection' [Universal Dewey Decimal Classification]: In addition to the main Pamphlet Collection is the 'UDC Pamphlet Collection.' The UDC collection was the first pamphlet collection created by the Library and consists of approximately 10,000 pamphlets dating from mid nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries, covering all subjects. As the collection was gradually acquired during the Library's first 20 years of life, it was arranged by subject, using the Universal Decimal Classification system. The pamphlets were primarily deposited by organisations and individuals, although some purchases were made. There is a finding aid kept with the collection but the collection was never catalogued and therefore remained a hidden resource within the Library for more than 80 years. Unsurprisingly other libraries did not collect most of these pamphlets. In 2007 as part of a cataloguing funding bid preliminary sampling of the collection against Copac (the merged online catalogues of 24 university research libraries in the UK, plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland) found that over 60% of the UDC pamphlets were not listed in these major research collections. This is a very significant level of unique printed material.Cataloguing of the UDC collection started in 2007 and as the pamphlets are catatogued, they are transferred to the main pamphlet collection described above. As at 2009 the collection was partially catalogued and The Library was seeking additional funds to complete the project.

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      Mothers in Action
      GB 106 5MIA · Arquivo · 1965-1989

      The archive consists of minutes, agendas, constitutions, circulars, working papers, publications, reports, correspondence, newsletters, and source material for publications including press cuttings and printed works from other organisations.

      The archive was transferred to The Women's Library by two members of the group, both active in the late 1960s to mid 1970s. As a result, survival of records is not uniform and reflects their interests, rather than being representative of MIA as a whole. Some non-MIA material was also present: this has been catalogued as 5MIA/13.

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      Marie Celeste' Samaritan Society
      RLHSS · Arquivo · 1834-2006

      Administrative records, financial records, photographs.

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      TOWNSON, Ian (fl 1970s), gay activist
      HCA/TOWNSON · [1970-1992]

      Papers of Ian Townson, including: Bill Thornycroft: letters, 1976-1990; Brixton Faeries and other theatre groups: including play scripts, song sheets, programmes and flyers; Brixton Housing Co-operative: minutes, newsletters and other papers, 1980-1986; Communist Party Gay Rights Committee: includes statements and letters from Bill Thornycroft, 1976-1979; Gay Activists' Alliance: minutes and campaign papers, 1978-1979; Gay Pride: includes minutes of meetings, flyers and correspondence, 1978-1996; History of the Gay Community in Brixton, 1972-1982: interviews, correspondence and other papers regarding a proposed book, 1970s-1990s; Icebreakers: correspondence, leaflets, press cuttings, notes and other papers, 1970s-1995; International Gay Rights Congress: poster and papers, 1974; Lambeth Council: includes papers of a Working Party on Police and Community Relations in Lambeth and Working Party on services and employment for gays and lesbians, mainly 1984-86; National Council for Civil Liberties: papers on gay issues, 1975-1982; 'Nighthawks': papers regarding the film, 1979; papers regarding squatting and gay squats, 1970s; photographs, including gay activists, Brixton riots, demonstrations, Gay Pride marches, squats, squatters and plays; photographs of friends and colleagues of Ian Townson: including Colm Clifford, Julian Hows, Ken Livingstone (in 1976), Bill Thornycroft and many others; South London Gay Liberation Front: minutes, agendas and other papers, 1980-1986; various papers regarding gay events (including discos, dances, Pride), issues and groups (including Gay Liberation Front and Campaign for Homosexual Equality), especially in Brixton/South London: badges, flyers, leaflets, magazines, newsletters, posters, programmes and stickers; gay publications and press cuttings.

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