
Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • The branch of art history dealing with the identification, description, classification and interpretation of the subject-matter of the figurative arts.
  • Branche de l'histoire de l'art ayant pour objet l'identification, la description, la classification et l'interprétation des sujets traités dans les arts figuratifs.
  • Rama de la historia del arte que tiene por objeto la identificación, descripción, clasificación e interpretación de los temas evocados en las artes figurativas.

Source note(s)

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept2961

Hierarchical terms


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2 Archival description results for Iconography

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Hare Collection
GB 0369 HAR · c 1961

Photographs of Russian silver, porcelain, glass, ikons, paintings and other objets d'art; also offprint of Russian silver by R G Hare (in Ramsay, L G G "The Connoisseur Complete Encyclopedia of antiques" (New York, 1962, pp 60-65).

Hare , Richard Gilbert , 1907-1966 , Russian scholar
GB 2108 KUAS80 · 1977-2000

Letters written from Iris Murdoch to Harry Weinberger from 1977 to 1996. The letters are in files grouped by the drawer in which Harry Weinberger kept them in his desk. The letters discuss subjects such as their shared interest in the arts and religious iconography, and both of their work. Their are over 300 letters in total.

The collection also contains a number of additional items relating to Iris Murdoch's friendship with Harry Weinberger, collected by Weinberger. This includes exhibition catalogues for Weinbergers work, and copies of drawings of Murdoch by Weinberger.

Murdoch , Dame , Jean Iris , 1919-1999 , author Weinberger , Harry , 1924-2009 , artist