Photographs of Russian silver, porcelain, glass, ikons, paintings and other objets d'art; also offprint of Russian silver by R G Hare (in Ramsay, L G G "The Connoisseur Complete Encyclopedia of antiques" (New York, 1962, pp 60-65).
Hare , Richard Gilbert , 1907-1966 , Russian scholarElements area
Scope note(s)
- The branch of art history dealing with the identification, description, classification and interpretation of the subject-matter of the figurative arts.
- Branche de l'histoire de l'art ayant pour objet l'identification, la description, la classification et l'interprétation des sujets traités dans les arts figuratifs.
- Rama de la historia del arte que tiene por objeto la identificación, descripción, clasificación e interpretación de los temas evocados en las artes figurativas.
Source note(s)
Hierarchical terms
BT Art theory
Associated terms
- RT Art history
- RT Semiology