Impôt sur le revenu

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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Impôt sur le revenu

      Terme générique Fiscalité

      Impôt sur le revenu

        Termes équivalents

        Impôt sur le revenu

        • Employé pour Impôt sur les bénéfices

        Termes associés

        Impôt sur le revenu

        8 Description archivistique résultats pour Impôt sur le revenu

        Colonial Office Petitions, 1933-1950
        GB 0101 ICS 112 · 1933-1950

        Three petitions submitted to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, containing text of petition and names and details of signatories: Petition by members of the Legislative Council in Kenya Colony, and colonists of Kenya representing trade, commerce and agriculture, objecting to a Bill to impose Income Tax in the Colony, 1933; petition of individuals, companies and associations of the Straits Settlements, objecting to proposals to introduce Income Tax in the Colony, 1940; petition by members of the South Indian Community in Fiji for the freedom of teaching Tamil, Telegu and Malayam languages in schools instead of Hindustani only, and for the provision of training in the teaching of those languages. The signatories (numbering over 5000) give name, language, occupation, village, district, and signature or thumb mark.

        Sans titre
        Sayer, Benjamin (fl 1831-1833)
        GB 0096 AL 281 · Collection · 1832

        Papers of Benjamin Sayer, 1832, comprise a letter to [John Wilson] Croker MP. Covering letter accompanying a copy of Sayer's volume of observations and suggestions regarding income and property taxes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/2305/30-2 · Collection · 1875-1964

        Financial records of Harmans Uxbridge Brewery Limited, including ledgers; journals; estate accounts; cash books; bank passbooks; accounts; bank statements; credit balances; receipts; papers regarding investments; correspondence relating to financial matters including overdraft, stock and the Loan and Slate Club; income tax papers; audit papers; tax demands and brewery accounts.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/2305/31-4 · Collection · 1955-1964

        Staff records of R Halley Limited, brewers, including wages sheets; papers relating to taxation, including income tax; papers relating to the fidelity guarantee policy; correspondence about staff, accounts, remuneration and auditors; papers regarding compensation of staff on the closure of the brewery.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/536 · Collection · 1865-1950

        Records of the Income Tax Commissioners for the City of London comprising minutes, charge duplicates, submission appeals, certificates of repayment and register of charges in partnerships.

        Sans titre
        GB 0813 POST 7 Series · Série · 1813-1891

        Schedules of annual property and income tax assessments made upon the salaries, annuities, and pensions of employees in the General Post Office in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, with signed certificates of affirmation and verification by the GPO Assessors and Commissioners (senior officers in the GPO, notably from the offices of the Secretary and Receiver General).

        Accounts are arranged mainly by department or section and cover: establishments in GPO headquarters in London, Edinburgh and, from 1854, Dublin, including the Postmaster General, Secretary, Accountant General, Receiver General, Solicitor, Surveyors, heads of departments such as the Inland, Money Order, Returned Letter and Circulation offices, and their inspectors, clerks, sorters, stampers and messengers; letter carriers and receivers in London, under the General Post (up to 1856), Twopenny Post (up to 1844) and London District Post (from 1844); superannuated officers; provincial establishments in England, Wales, Scotland and, from 1854, Ireland, including postmasters, sub-postmasters, clerks, letter receivers and messengers; Colonial agents and postmasters; mail guards; officers of the railway or travelling post; telegraph and engineering establishments (from 1871); and Savings Bank staff (from 1862).

        Entries state the name of employee, office or position held, amount of income assessable, exempt amount of income, duty payable and rate, rebates allowed and total deducted.

        From POST 7/2 onwards, volumes consist of standard, printed schedule and certificate forms. POST 7/1 contains various pasted-in summary lists and certificates, covering 1813-1818. It is divided into Domestic and West Indies taxes assessed by the Receiver General.

        This series is a useful source for family historians, containing lists of staff employed in the GPO between 1843 and 1884 and in 1891, including their position and annual salary.

        Sans titre
        Tract relating to income tax
        GB 0096 MS 233 · 1798

        Manuscript volume containing an anonymous tract relating to the income tax proposed by William Pitt the younger, Prime Minister, 13 Dec 1798, entitled 'An humble attempt at removing one serious objection to Mr Pitt's new (intended) tax upon income', with particular reference to Bristol (where the manuscript is dated). The author counters the objection of many business men to disclosing their financial situation to commissioners, by suggesting that it should be optional for any person to elect to disclose his affairs to a Court composed of members not belonging to his district.

        Sans titre
        MXITC · Collection · 1959-1979

        Records of the Middlesex Advisory Committee on General Commissioners of Income Tax, 1959-1979, comprising committee papers.

        Sans titre