Industrial areas

Área de elementos



Nota(s) de âmbito

  • Areas, usually urban, with a relatively high industrial concentration, either planned or unplanned.
  • Zone, généralement urbaine, à haute concentration industrielle, qui s'est développée de manière planifiée ou non planifiée.
  • Zona generalmente urbana de alta concentración industrial que crece de manera planificada o sin planificar.

Nota(s) da fonte


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    Termos hierárquicos

    Industrial areas

    Industrial areas

      Termos equivalentes

      Industrial areas

      • UP Quartier industriel
      • UP Área industrial
      • UP Barrio industrial
      • UP Parque industrial
      • UP Polígono industrial
      • UP Recinto industrial

      Termos associados

      3 Descrição arquivística resultados para Industrial areas

      GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/I · 1902-1963

      Microfiche copy of the joint archive of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1910-1945 with some material dating from 1902-1963, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in India, and comprising minutes and papers of the National Missionary Council (NMC) and its successor the National Christian Council (NCC), 1912-1963, and of provincial mission councils (including Burma and Ceylon), 1913-1947; NMC correspondence and papers, 1912-1922, including some relating to the NMC survey, 1914-1920; NCC correspondence and papers, 1922-1951, on missionary work and related issues; papers on the NCC and the Christian Medical Association of India, medical work and medical education, 1928-1943; NCC Review, 1926-1950; papers on Christian literature, 1918-1943, and statistics for Indian Christians, 1922-1945; papers on NCC surveys on conditions in rural and industrial work and post-war economic reconstruction, 1927-1948; NCC mass movement and evangelism, 1929-1941; comity between different missions, 1917-1945; devolution of mission property, 1937-1947; the Jacobite (Syrian) Church (Orthodox), Travancore, 1929-1942; Benares City Mission, 1928-1949; interdenominational Church Union in South India, 1928-1947; various printed material, 1919-1957; papers on Indian government, constitutional reform, political affairs and independence, including implications for the Christian minority, 1915-1950; general educational provision and educational policy in India, 1911-1925, 1940; the 'conscience cause' in education, 1902-1925; Village Education Commission (which reported in 1920), 1904-1922, and related subjects, 1924-1949; the '4 1/2 Colleges Appeal' for women's education, 1926-1930; the Lindsay Commission on Higher (Christian) Education, 1929-1931, and the resulting Central Board of Christian Higher Education, 1931-1948, British Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1939, and American Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education, 1931-1938; papers on the Indian Christian Colleges Appeal, 1928-1948; High Schools Survey and related subjects, 1916-1935; theological education, including individual colleges, 1919-1948; women's education, including medical education and missionary training, 1916-1949; various Colleges, 1920-1951; various printed papers on Indian education, 1938-1946. Some material relates to Pakistan, the Punjab, and Bengal, as well as to India as demarcated in the modern period.

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      Independent Force, Royal Air Force, Industrial Centres
      GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/7 · 1918-1919

      35-page typescript foolscap volume with photographs and plans pasted onto and between the pages.

      This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force's bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume records attacks and their affect on industrial targets including those at Thionville, Trier (Treves), Kaiserslautern, Coblenz, Saarbrucken, Wiesbaden and Bonn. Many of the photographs show bomb damage caused by specific raids and many of the town plans are marked to show where bombs exploded.

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      Hake, Andrew
      GB 0102 PP MS 46 · Created 1949-1991

      Papers and correspondence, 1949-1991, of Andrew Hake, accumulated during the course of his career in Kenya as an industrial missionary. The papers reflect the diversity of his work and interest in the urban and industrial community in Nairobi. The collection also includes publications collected by Hake, including Kenyan government publications and publications of the National Christian Council of Kenya.

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