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Descripción archivística
GB 378 GSL · 1807-

Records of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, notably comprising:

Minutes and papers of Annual General Meetings, 1840-current; minutes, correspondence and papers relating to meetings of the Council, 1810-current; minutes and papers of Ordinary Meetings, 1807-1998; minutes and papers of Special General Meetings; 1834-2001; Minutes and papers of Standing and Ad Hoc committees of Council, [1810-current] [section is currently undergoing revision]; Charter and Bye-laws, 1810-1993;

Correspondence and other administrative papers relating to the running of the Geological Society, including: Presidents' Papers, 1977-1997; Elected Officers' papers, 1956-1995; Executive Secretary's papers, 1950-2013; Financial records, including bequests, trust funds, 1820-2011; Letterbooks of the Assistant Secretary and other Officers, [1807]-1960;

Administrative records of departments, including: Membership, 1807-current; Conferences and scientific meetings, 1932-2006; Library, 1835-current; Archives and conservation, 1971-2004; Education Department, 1993-1998; Society's Museum, 1808-1911; Publications, 1906-2009;

Portraits and photographs of Fellows, 1792-2011; Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House, 1873-[1995]; Plans of the Society's apartments at Somerset House and Burlington House, 1828-[1982]; Obituaries and biographical information on Fellows, [1895]-current; Records of the Society's Centenary celebrations, 1907-1908; and Bicentenary celebrations, 1994-1998;

Records of the Geological Society Club, 1824-2006; Records of the Society's Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1964-[2009].

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GB 378 GSL/AGM · Serie · 1809-current
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Annual General Meetings of the Geological Society of London, 1809-current, comprising:

Rough manuscript minutes of the AGMs of the Geological Society of London, 1840-1891; Fair copies of the minutes of the AGMs of the Geological Society of London, 1844-current [incomplete]; Papers presented at AGMs, including President's agenda, ballot papers, scrutineer reports listing newly elected Council members, Officers and Fellows of the Society [pdf format after 2009], 1941-current; Printed ballot papers to elect Officers and members of Council, 1919, 1963-1996; Tickets, menus, programmes relating to the Anniversary Dinner, later President's Evening, 1853-1998; Printed notices and other ephemera regarding Annual General Meetings, 1809-1902.

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GB 378 GSL/F · Serie · 1807-current
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Fellowship and membership records of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, comprising:

Admission certificates for candidates accepted as members of the Society, including Foreign Members and Correspondents, 1810-current; Nomination books for Foreign Members and Correspondents, 1871-1999; Fellowship admission fee registers, 1829-1954; Obligation forms signed by new members agreeing to promote the aims of the Society, 1838-1954; Obligation signature books, 1807-1964; Fellowship annual subscription registers, 1829-1921; Annual Fellowship lists, usually listing date of election and current known address, 1807-current; Junior Associateship records, mostly application forms, 1945-1981;Records of Chartered Geologists, 1990-2012; Annual summary of newly elected and removed Fellows, arranged according to date of Council Meeting, 1951-1967.

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GB 378 GSL/LIB · Serie · [1829]-2007
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Library of the Geological Society, [1829]-2007, comprising:

Library accession registers, 1836-2006 [incomplete]; Catalogues and indexes to the Library collections, [1829]-1967; Library recommendations book, 1922-1939; Library ephemera, including greetings cards, newsletters and guides, [1970s]-2007; Correspondence of the Librarian, 1917-2001. [note: all series incomplete].

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GB 378 GSL/OM · Serie · 1807-current
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Ordinary Meetings of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, comprising:

Minutes of Ordinary Meetings, 1807-current; Printed notices and meetings cards giving dates of the forthcoming Ordinary Meetings and later other meetings organised by the Society and its specialist groups, 1810-1996 [incomplete]; Agendas for Ordinary Meetings, 1855-current; Attendance books containing signatures of Fellows and their visitors attending Ordinary Meetings of the Society, 1858-1991 [incomplete].

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GB 378 GSL/POR · Serie · 1792-2011
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Portraits, mostly of Members of the Geological Society of London, 1792-2011, comprising of oil paintings, portrait busts, prints and drawings and sculptures of individuals notably including:

Mary Anning; William Babington; James Scott Bowerbank; William Buckland; Thomas Henry De la Beche; Hugh Falconer; Archibald Geikie; George Bellas Greenough; Henry Thomas Huxley; Charles Lyell; John MacCulloch; Gideon Mantell; Roderick Impey Murchison; William Pengelly; John Phillips; Joseph Prestwich; Andrew Crombie Ramsay; Adam Sedgwick; William Smith; Abraham Gottlob Werner; Henry Woodward.

Also 1,042 black and white photographs of Fellows who were chiefly active between the 1850s and 1920s, including Foreign Members and Correspondents; images of groups, notably a meeting of 'The British Association at Newcastle in 1838' and 'Discussion on the Piltdown Skull', 1915; images of Presidents of the Society, 1833-2011; images of winners of medals and funds, 1947, 1980-2003; images of staff of the Geological Society, 1863-1997.

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GB 378 GSL/SGM · Serie · 1828-2001
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Special General Meetings of the Geological Society of London, 1828-2001, comprising:

Minutes of the Special General Meetings, 1834-2001; Papers of Special General Meetings, 1828-2000 [incomplete]; Audio recordings of two Special General Meetings, 15 February 1989 and 28 February 1990 [the latter concerning the reunification of the Institution of Geologists with the Society].

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Geological Society Club records
GB 378 GSL/GD · Serie · 1824-2006
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Geological Society Club, 1824-2006, including:

Geological Society Club meeting books, 1824-1964; Minutes of the Geological Society Club Committee, 1903-1999; Annual reports, 1903-1945; Rules of the Geological Society Club, 1824-1995; Membership lists, 1858-1926, 1983-1989; Attendance registers, 1884-2006; Financial records, 1824-2006; Menus, 1888-1927, 1974; Records of special or anniversary meetings, 1874-1974; Correspondence and administrative files of the Secretary and Treasurer, 1855-1995; Notes and statistics, compiled by Hilary Bauerman, on the history of the Geological Society Club, [1860-1904]; Printed histories of the Geological Society Club, 1973, 1995.

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GB 378 GSL/CEN · Serie · 1907-1908
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Papers and photographs relating to the Geological Society's Centenary celebrations, 1907-1908; including:

Printed lists of invited delegates, 1907; roll of attendance, [Sep 1907]; General programme and printed notices, 1907; Text of speeches made at the opening reception, 1907-1908; Invitation, menu, table plan and photograph of the Centenary Dinner, held at the Hotel Metropole, 26 September 1907; Application forms, attendance lists, tickets, programmes, itineraries and photograph of the field excursions and museum visits held as part of the celebrations, 1907; Menu and photograph of the special Geological Society Club dinner, held 27 September 1907; Menu, table plan and photographs relating to the special visits to Oxford and Cambridge Universities, which took place 30 September-3 October 1907; Press cuttings from magazines and newspapers of reports of the Society's Centenary celebrations, 1907.

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GB 378 GSL/EO · Serie · 1956-1995
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Administration files of Elected Officers of the Society, 1956-1995, comprising:

Peter Aubrey Sabine, Honorary Secretary, 1956-1965; Harold William Ball, Honorary Secretary, 1966-1982; Alec James Smith, Treasurer, 1970-1977; Richard Christopher Lane Wilson, Honorary Secretary, 1978-1981; Anthony Leonard Harris, Honorary Secretary, 1980-1982; Frederick Weir Dunning, Foreign Secretary, 1976-1986; Robert Graham Park, Honorary Secretary, 1984-1985; Leonard Robert Morrison Cocks, Honorary Secretary, 1986-1989; Bernard Elgey Leake, Treasurer, 1987-1996; Gilbert Kelling, Foreign Secretary, 1990-1995.

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GB 378 GSL/ES · Serie · 1950-2013
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Administrative files of the Executive Secretary of the Geological Society, 1950-2013, on functions comprising:

Revision of the Charter and byelaws of the Society, 1980-2001; Membership of the Society, 1968-2011; Library, conservation and archives, 1980-2006; Society's publications, 1950-2002; Hire of the Society's Apartments, 1972-2000; Permanent Staff and personnel, [1970s-1998]; Management Team meetings, 1991-2000 [incomplete]; Wills, bequests and donations, 1980-1997; President's annual programme, 1979-1996; Computerisation of the Society, 1979-1997; Council and Standing Committees, 1970-2008; Relations with other Societies/Organisations, 1973-2004; Hospitality, 1972-1997; Medals, Awards and Funds, 1952-1999; Relations with Parliament, 1981-1995; Alterations to the Burlington House apartments, 1967-2013; Occupation of the Burlington House apartments, 1981-2005; Representation on outside bodies, 1971-2005; Society sponsorship of external events, 1991-1993; International relations, 1979-2005; Finance, 1980-1999; Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1968-2009; Regional Groups, 1991-1997.

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GB 378 GSL/MUS · Serie · 1808-1911
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Museum of the Geological Society of London, 1808-1911, comprising:

Letters, lists and notes relating to the contents of the Geological Society's Museum, 1808-1897; Annotated mineralogy and palaeontology publications for use in the Museum, 1837-1855; Museum visitors' register, 1899-1911; Records relating to the disposal of the Museum collections, 1896-1911.

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GB 378 GSL/ARC · Serie · 1971-2004
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of relating to the Archives and Conservation Studio, 1971-2004, comprising:

Surveys and reports on the condition of the archives, 1974-[1986]; Reports and correspondence on the construction and maintenance of the archives store, 1980-1985; Archivist reports, 1980-1987; Historical articles and papers by John Thackray, Honorary Archivist, 1971-1984; material on Archive fundraising and appeals, 2003-2004;

Conservator's reports, 1981-1986; Records of the Joint British Library and Geological Society conservation facility, later Burlington House Conservation Project, 1983-1987; Records relating to the construction, equipment and work of the conservation studio, 1979-1985; Photographs of the work of the conservation studio, later photographs of items requested from the Society's collections, 1981-1999.

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GB 378 GSL/CFN · Serie · 1932-2006
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Papers relating to conferences, lectures, meetings and events organised or sponsored by the Geological Society, 1932-2006, comprising:

Correspondence, with some programmes, publicity and abstracts, relating to the organisation of the AAPG [American Association of Petroleum Geologists] International Conferences, 1991-1999; Minutes of the Organising Committee, circulars and programmes relating to the Applied Geoscience Conferences, later Geoscience Conferences, 1995-[1999]; Programmes, field guides and publicity for the Arthur Holmes European Conferences, 1990-1996; planning meeting notes, programmes, publicity and correspondence relating to the organisation of the Meetings of the Geological Societies of the British Isles, 1973-1993; Abstracts, programmes, circulars and correspondence relating to various Extractive Industries Geology conferences, 1984-1995; Correspondence, abstracts, delegate lists, publicity and programmes relating to the Fermor Lecture, later Fermor Meeting, 1980-1994; Correspondence and circulars relating to the arrangements for the 26th-30th International Geological Congresses, 1981-1996; Lists and publicity ephemera relating to the Society's scientific meetings, 1971-1996; Correspondence, programmes and publicity for the Lyell Meetings, 1987-1998; Correspondence, memoranda and circulars relating to the arrangements for the 1st-9th Meetings of European Geological Societies (MEGS), 1973-1994; Material relating to the organisation of the conference on Petroleum Geology of the Continental Shelf North-West Europe, later Petroleum Geology of NW Europe Conferences, 1980-2003, including papers on the establishment of 'Petroleum Geology '86 Limited', later Petroleum Geology Conferences Ltd the company with limited liability set up to organise the Conferences, 1984-2003; Planning meeting minutes, programmes, abstracts and publicity for Special and Joint Meetings of the Society, 1971-1998; Itineraries and field guides for the Student Instructional Tours, 1948-1960; Correspondence, publicity and other material relating to the organisation of the annual William Smith Lectures, later William Smith Meetings, 1966-1999.

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GB 378 GSL/CM · Serie · 1810-current
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Council of the Geological Society of London, 1810-current, comprising:

Minutes of the meetings of Council, 1810-current; Rough manuscript minutes of the meetings of Council, 1838-1905; Agendas for the meetings of Council, 1843-1979; Alphabetical subject indices to the minutes of the meetings of Council of the Geological Society of London, 1810-1981; Volumes containing of signatures of Council members attending Council meetings, 1882-2003; Annual reports, 1810-2010; Resolutions of Council, 1868-1931; Register of the letters presented at Council meetings, 1901-1912; Correspondence and papers relating to the meetings of Council, 1918-current.

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GB 378 GSL/COM · Serie · 1810-current
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Minutes, papers and correspondence mostly of the standing committees and sub committees of Council, 1810-current. Series includes some externally run committees which involve the Society's Officers and Executive Secretary. Comprises records of the:

Awards Committee, 1913-current; Accreditation Panel, previously Fellowship and Validation Sub-Committee on Continuing Education and Training, 1994-current; Research Funds Committee, later Sub-Committee for Research Funds, later Research Grants Panel, 1912-current; Alteration Committee, concerning alteration to the Society's apartments in Somerset House, Jul 1834; Appeal Committee, 1969-1983; Committees' attendance books, 1979-1999; Audit Panel, 2000-current; British Petrographic Nomenclature Committee, 1920-1921; Corporate Affiliates Committee, 2001-current; Conservation Committee, later Geoconservation Committee, 1979-1998, 2013-current; Courtyard Secretaries Meetings, 1982-2005; Development and Fundraising Committee, 2008-2013; various Education Committees, 1965-current; Elections Committee, 2001-current; External Relations Committee, previously External Relations Board, previously External Affairs Committee, 1991-current; Finance Committee, 1947-1997; Chartership Committee, previously Fellowship and Validation Committee; 1990-current; House Committee, 1828-1997; Investment Committee, previously Investment Panel, 1993-current; various Library Committees and working groups/reviews, 1919-current; Map Committee, 1839-1883; Management and Finance Committee, 1998-2011; Museum Committee Reports, 1848, 1891; Officers' Meetings, 1972-current; various Publications Committees, 1818-current; Promotions Committee, 1973-1995; Professional Committee, previously Professional Board, previously Membership Services Committee, 1995-current; Remuneration Committee, 2000-2012; Regional Groups Committees, 1991-current; Science Committee, 2001-current; Science and External Relations Committee, 2013-current; Secretaries Meetings, 1980, 1996-2010; Specialist Groups Committee, 1964-2000, 2013; Minutes and reports of Special Committees [ad hoc or working groups], 1810-2006; Sponsorship Committee, 1989-2000; Stratigraphy Commission, previously Stratigraphy Committee, 1971-2012; Vice Presidents Committees, 1981-2001; Web (working) Group, later Web Site Development Working Group, 1999-2005; William Smith Medal Committee, 1976-1996.

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GB 378 GSL/OBIT · Serie · 1895-present
Parte de Records of the Geological Society of London

Obituaries, orders of service and other biographical information, mostly of Fellows of the Geological Society but including some members of staff, taken from external publications, 1895-present. Includes:

Charles Geoffrey Adams, 1994; Derek Ager, 1993; Robert Appleby, 2004; George Brown Barbour, 1979; Herbert Basedow, 1932; Douglas Bassett, 2009; Humphrey Purnell Blackmore, 1929; Guy Bomford, 1996; Geoffrey Bond, 1983; Prof Thomas George Bonney, 1923; Stanley Bowie, 2008; Geoffrey Brown, 1993; Richard Edward Butler, 2006; John Callomon, 2010; John 'Jack' Challinor; 1990; Sir Frank Claringbull, 1990; Anthony Michael Clarke, 1997; Mike Coward, 2003; Charles Gilbert Cullis, 1941; Philip Dagger, 1989; Kenneth Davies, 1991; William Boyd Dawkins, 1929; Sir Frank Dixey, 1982; Ronald Dixon, 1903 [biography]; Louise Donovan, 2007; Richard Allen Downing, 2013; Harold Drever, 1976; Percy Evans, 1975; William David Evan, Lord Energlyn, 1985; Joan Mary Eyles (nee Biggs), 1987; Albert Fitch, 2005; Rt Rev William Launcelot Fleming, 1990; Robert Foote, 1994; Professor Ian Gass, 1992; Archibald Geikie, 1924; Prof Ronald W Girdler, 2001; Rudolph (Silas) Glossop, 1993; Lt-Col Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen, 1923; Arthur Greig, 1978; Robert John Lechmere Guppy, 1916; Beverly Halstead, 1991; Jake Hancock, 2004; Dr S H Haughton, 1982; Sir Henry Hubert Hayden, 1924; Hollis Hedberg [bibliography], 1989; Michael House, 2002; Arthur Hutchinson, 1937; Dan Ion, 1986; David Keen, 2006; Sir Peter Kent [including attendees, order of service and eulogy delivered at his memorial services], 1986; Robert Kidd, 1996; John Kirkaldy, 1990; Walter G Kuhne, 1991; Dr Joe McCall, 2013; Donald McIntyre, 2009; Stephen Martin, 1995; Richard Melville, 1993; Arthur A Meyerhoff, 1994; Edwin Turner Newton, 1873; Tressilian Charles Nicholas, 1989; Arthur Henry Noble, 1980; Edeltraud Rosa Nutt, 1998; Mike Pentz, 1995; James Phemister, 1986; Colin Phipps, 2009; Prof Wallace Pitcher, 2004; Prof Neville Price, 2005; Arthur Raistrick, 1991; Hugh Ranson, 1985; Dr Thomas Robertson, 1981; Prof Sir Nicholas Shackleton, 2006; Robert Milner Shackleton, 2001; Douglas Shearman, 2003; Frederick Shotton, 1990; William Scott Shrubshole, 1895 and 1927; Prof Scott Simpson, 1984; Dr Leif Størmer, 1979; Robert Stonely, 2008; Prof John Sutton, 1992; Thomas Griffith Taylor, 1963; John Thackray, 1999; Nancy Pearl Tupholme (née Morris), 2013; Cyril Walker, 2009; Prof George Walker, 2005; William Whitehead Watts, 1947; Janet Watson, 1985; William Dixon West [published tributes on his 75th and 90th birthday] , 1976 and 1992; George W White, 1985; Harry Whittington, 2010; Arthur Smith Woodward, 1944; Claud Wright, 2010.

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