Legal documents relating to the Reid Trust, 1860-1931, including a Declaration of Trust, 1860, between Mrs Reid, Bostock, Martineau and Smith, and deeds and correspondence relating to the appointment of new trustees, 1896-1931. Financial papers for the Reid Trust, 1859-1955, including details of the Reid Scholarship Fund, a Reid Scholarship Account Book, 1859-1906, bank books and share certificates. Papers relating to the Rachel Notcutt Travelling Scholarship, 1913-1939, including letters to Miss Lee from Bertha Tilley and D Bains describing their travels, 1931-[1936], letters of application and recommendation, 1919-1938, correspondence relating to the establishment and funding of the scholarship, 1918-1919, including correspondence from Rachel Notcutt, 1913-1918. Papers relating to the administration of the Reid Trust, 1867-1954, notably early material concerning the Trust, 1867-1939, including papers relating to the Bedford College School, 1867, the appointment of a Mistress of Studies in 1892, the removal of Reid Trust funding for higher education, 1895 and a grant for new buildings at Bedford College, 1903-1907; legal papers relating to the Scholarship Fund, 1871-1872; correspondence, 1898-1921, relating to the Bostock Medical Scholarship at the London School of Medicine for Women. Notebook for the Reid Trustees Memorial Fund, 1884-1885, to commemorate the work of Mrs Reid, including letters from Henrietta Busk to the Bedford College Council; book plate printing block for the Reid Trust, [1894]. Papers relating to the Reid Scholarships, 1871-1992, including correspondence concerning recommendations of scholars by the Staff and Council of Bedford College, [1901]-1922; official papers and correspondence, 1867-1984, including correspondence with Bedford Council announcing the decision of the Trust to end the Reid Scholarships in 1984; correspondence between the Trustees and Bedford College concerning the Reid Trustees Scholarship in Arts, 1967-1992.
Reid Trust , for the improvement of female educationCopies of the Certificates of Competency and Service, 1850 to 1890, as well as the application forms for examination submitted by the candidates. The copies of the certificates record the name, certificate number, year and place of birth of the candidate, rank examined for and the date and place of the certificate's issue. The application forms record the name, date and place of birth of the candidate, rank examined for, date and place of application and examination, together with a list of vessels with dates and the capacity in which the candidate served. When a candidate passed an examination for a certificate of higher rank than that which he already held, a new certificate number was not normally granted. The number of his existing certificate was retained and the new application form and copies of the new certificate were placed with those of the earlier date. Frequently, on the death of a master or mate, the number of his certificate was re-used and given to another candidate.
Registrar General Of Shipping And SeamenThis catagory contains examples of various types of ships' papers and documents relating to the operation of merchant ships. There are examples of Charter Parties, including one of 1322 between Walter Giffard, master of the cog OUR LADY of Lyme and Sir Hugh de Berham for a freight of wine; the remainder are twentieth-century examples. The earliest example of a Bill of Lading is for the TRIPLE CROWN of Bristol, 1689; there are others from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Among the examples of Bills of Sale of ships and shares of ships is one for the Dutch East India Company ship DEHELDWOITEMADE, sold to James Mather, a London merchant, 1782; and also one for the SPECULATOR, a French prize, formerly LE CARME, sold in 1810. Examples of documents relating to insurance include a Statement of General Average for the POLLY AND EMILY made after she had been damaged in a gale in 1895. There are also Muster Rolls and Articles of Agreement of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (see also entry no.13); Bills of Health, nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Safe Conducts, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; and various nineteenth-century passenger documents and papers relating to wreck and salvage, including an order issued by Sir Cyril Wyche (1632-1707) and Sir Henry Capel (d 1696), Lord Justices of Ireland, for the arrest of the pilot of the wrecked TALBOT pink, 1695.
UntitledRecords of Harrow Methodist Church, Welldon Crescent, including Trinity Church Harrow report on work at Welldon Crescent former Methodist church, 1980; The Welldon Centre (formerly Welldon Crescent Methodist Church) Annual Report, 1983; register of baptisms, 1949-1975; reports on inspections and general correspondence regarding a controlled parking zone outside the church, 1963-1968; draft copy of Renewal of Trust, agendas and accounts for Annual Trustees Meetings and estimates and specifications for work to be carried out, 1961-1969; plan of church grounds, plan of 'Easirect' garage, an artists impression of the church, order for fire extinguishers and related correspondence, 1948-1960; Local Youth Reports and correspondence, 1957-1971; Youth Council minute book, 1951-1963; applications to County Council of Middlesex for continued use of the scout hut with related correspondence, 1948-1970 and glass plate negative depicting church exterior, 20th century (please note: this item can only be viewed in the conservation studio).
Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist ChurchRecords of the British Bankers' Association, including General Council, Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting minute books; annual reports; financial accounts; papers of Committees including the Foreign Exchange Committee and the Fiscal Committee; public relations papers including press releases and circulars; papers regarding bank employees; papers regarding the EEC Banking Federation; rules, regulations and other papers relating to membership; and papers relating to various matters of interest to the banking community including income tax, security, fraud, liquidity, clearing house payments, inter-bank cooperation, legislation, bankruptcy, credit, audits and taxation.
Restricted access to later records.
British Bankers' Association , society promoting the interests of banks