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Archival description
Brixton School of Building
GB 2110 BSB · 1902-1979

Contains the records of the Brixton School of Building. The collection has been arranged into the following categories:

BSB/1 Works in Converting the Baths in Ferndale Road into a Technical Institute, 1902;

BSB/2 Prospectuses, 1936-1971;

BSB/3 Historical Publications: three publications charting the history of the School, 1955-1979;

BSB/4 Magazines: issues of the School's in-house magazine, 1955-1958;

BSB/5 Distribution of Prizes and Exhibition Work: programmes listing the students receiving awards in different categories of study, 1948-1960;

BSB/6 Syllabuses, Course Notes and Examination Papers: syllabus information for courses in Public Health Engineering, course notes for teachers on a variety of subjects and exam papers for internal and external examination, 1953-1970;

BSB/7 Administration: papers on various courses provided by the School, 1960s;

BSB/8 Professional Publications: a booklet regarding metrication of the UK construction industry and journal articles regarding Public Health Engineering written by a staff member 1963-1977;

BSB/9 Photographs, c.1910-1930s.

Brixton School of Building London County Council School of Building
GB 0100 KCLCA C/PH · 1891-1986

South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Photographs and Illustrations, 1891-1986. These comprise photographs of interiors of the Manresa Road buildings including chemistry and biology laboratories, library, gymnasium, cookery classroom and engineering workshops, [1895-1985]; exteriors of Chelsea buildings, 1891-[1985]; College events and student activities including outings, theatre productions, geology field trips, opening ceremonies, retirement drinks and sporting fixtures, [1920]-1986; portraits and group photographs of students and staff, notably departmental group photographs, photographs of successive Principals and other senior staff, sporting teams, 1900-[1985]; 12 boxes of 16mm film loops of electronics-related lecture material, [1970].

South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
CHERRY, Colin (1914-1979)
GB 0098 B/CHERRY · Created [1928]-1982

Papers of Professor Colin Cherry, [1928]-1981, comprising biographical papers, 1935-1981, notably index of reports on experiments at Northampton Polytechnic, 1935-1936; press cuttings, 1961-1974;
work diaries, 1962-1977; scientific notes and diagrams, [1928]-1950, mainly relating to elastic field analogies, periodic structures, transformers, electric and magnetic circuits;
papers whilst with Imperial College Electrical Engineering Department, 1953-1977, comprising papers relating to lectures, tutorials, seminars, symposiums, minutes and correspondence relating to an undergraduate group project scheme; papers relating to postgraduate lectures, 1950-1979, notably concerning circuit theory, communication; correspondence with staff, lectures for the London School of Economics, and Imperial College groups, 1951-1978; correspondence and reports relating to research projects and grants in the Communications Section, 1949-1977, including for stammering, communication developments and population, telephone services; research papers and notes of students, 1968-1978, correspondence with students, 1947-1971, concerning higher degrees, 1957-1967; correspondence and papers, largely concerning outside lectures, conferences and visits, 1948-1979, with professional, technical and educational institutions, societies, clubs, publishers, companies and some individuals; correspondence with the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1946-1976, including notes and scripts;
unpublished papers, 1952-1962; correspondence relating to book publications, 1952-1978; published scientific papers and articles, 1940-1977; typescript of chapters of The Age of Access: Information Technology and Social Revolution , correspondence with the publishers, 1978-1979; recordings of talks and lectures, 1963-1976.

Cherry , Edward Colin , 1914-1979 , Professor of Telecommunication
GB 0102 CGPC · 1926-1951

Records, 1926-1951, of the Chinese Government Purchasing Commission (CGPC), including information on the state of Chinese communications; the workings of the Chinese Ministries of Communications, Railways and Industries; Chinese banking; construction and engineering technology and the work of British manufacturers; and some information on Chinese educational and cultural institutions in receipt of subsidies from the Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government.

Records, 1926-1951, relating to the foundation and constitution of the CGPC comprise printed report of the Anglo-Chinese Advisory Committee (China Indemnity Advisory Committee), 1926; correspondence, largely letters from the Board of Trustees to the CPGC, 1931-1950, concerning the constitution of the Commission, procedural issues, personnel and financial matters; file on procedure on appointment of a new member of the Commission, 1947-1948; correspondence concerning events preceding the winding-up of the Commission, 1951.

Financial records, 1931-1951, comprise papers on the Board Account, 1937-1950; papers on the Chin Fund (apparently a grant paid to Constance Chin, a patient of the Bethlem Royal Hospital), 1945-1951; summaries of expenses relating to purchase orders made by Chinese ministries, 1931-1951; Indemnity Fund cash books, 1937-1950; invoices and receipts relating to CGPC business, 1937-1951; financial statements and correspondence relating to banking matters with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, 1931-1951, the subjects including investments and tax.

Operational records, c1928-1951, relating to the administration of purchase orders, comprise register of tenders/purchase orders, 1942-1946; contract registers (not comprehensive), 1931-1949, recording the management of contracts for the supply and delivery in China of plant, machinery and other materials manufactured in the UK for the Chinese government, and over 1,000 related contract files for engineering companies and manufacturers for industrial, construction, railway and other projects; tender forms, 1934, issued to contractors by the CGPC; specifications and standards, c1928-1937 and undated, largely for the construction of railways and carriages; correspondence concerning administration of purchase orders, 1932-1951, relating especially to delivery of locomotive spare parts and related materials; registers of export licences issue to British manufacturers under wartime regulations, 1941-1946; applications for export licences, 1939-1945; registers of shipments, insurance, freight and inspection fees, 1931-1951; shipping letters, 1937-1950, issued for CGPC shipments; general correspondence concerning the administration of the CGPC, 1931-1951, including correspondence with solicitors and correspondence concerning the CGPC premises in Tothill Street, London.

Annual reports and accounts, 1931-1950, comprise typescript accounts and reports, 1931-1950, of the CGPC and published annual reports, 1931-1950, including summaries of receipts and payments; and annual reports of the Board of Trustees, 1931-1938.

Miscellaneous records, c1932-1950, comprise one file including papers on subjects including railways, training Chinese students, Japanese imperialism, and CGPC records, a photograph of ships in harbour, and maps of China and the Far East.

Records, 1939-1943, of the China Purchasing Agency Ltd comprise standing regulations of the Board of Directors, undated; correspondence, 1939-1943, concerning various purchase orders; miscellaneous items, c1939-1940, including list of tenders passed for acceptance, 1939, and an undated schedule of materials shipped.

Chinese Government Purchasing Commission
China Purchasing Agency Ltd
City and Guilds College
GB 0098 FC-FS · Created 1876-1985

Records relating to the City and Guilds College (formerly the Central Institution of the City and Guilds Institute), 1876-1995, comprising a history, 1896; printed reports and schemes for the new institution, 1876-1884; speeches and accounts of the opening of the Central Institution, 1884; correspondence relating to the Jubilee, 1933-1935; programmes of the Central Institution, 1884-1931; letter books of the Secretary to the City and Guilds College Delegacy, 1911-1927; papers relating to the City and Guilds College Centenary, 1885-1985, and visitor's book (FC);
minutes of the Board of Studies, 1885-1913; report on equipment, 1889 (FE);
papers relating to the Engineering Board, notably minutes, 1915-1965, 1980-1984; correspondence and papers, 1911-1935; conference on postgraduate courses, 1962-1965; Chairman's notes and correspondence, 1955-1961; correspondence of the Research Committee, 1932-1951; senior appointments, 1913-1933 (FF);
papers of the Delegacy, notably minutes and reports, annual reports of the Dean of the Central Institution, 1911-1968; correspondence, 1910-1937, including research grants, 1915-1921; appointment of members, 1936-1970; minutes and accounts of the Finance and Special Committees, 1911-1924; correspondence and reports of the Organisation Committee, 1930-1931; chairmans' notes and correspondence, 1954-1968, donations, 1934-1936 (FG);
papers relating to links with Imperial College and the University of London, notably history of the City and Guilds London Institute, 1910; joint meetings and committee relating to the Delegacy, 1907-1910, 1955; correspondence of the Delegacy concerning the University of London, 1911-1921; degree and diploma examinations, 1926-1930; suspension of the Delegacy, 1966-1976 (FH);
papers relating to staff roles, including staff conference with Imperial College, 1911-1912; powers and duties of the Rector, 1918 and Deanship, 1931-1936; organisation and administration, 1918; papers relating to the Chemistry department, comprising regulations, examination papers and course notes of Professor Henry Edward Armstrong, 1884-1897; papers relating to the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department, comprising notebook of Professor William Ernest Dalby on courses, 1904-1908; notes on lectures given by Professor William Cawthorne Unwin, 1885-1887; lecture and laboratory notebooks of C E H Salmon, 1894-1896; examination papers, 1913; correspondence relating to the Unwin Library, 1933-1934; papers relating to the Mechanics and Mathematics department, comprising notes on lectures given by Professor Olaus Henrici, 1885-1889; examination papers, 1888-1929; papers relating to the Electrical Engineering department, comprising notes on lectures given by Professor William Edward Ayrton, 1885-1887, notebooks of C Percy Taylor, 1892-1895 (FK);
records relating to students, 1884-1913 (FP); matriculation and entrance examination results; 1905-1938, examination results, 1887-1913 (FQ); registers of students, 1884-1948, tuition fees ledgers, 1911-1918, attendance registers, 1919-1940 (FR); Central Gazette and other journals, 1889-1906 (FSG).

City and Guilds College
GB 2107 Marquand · 1923-1924

Notebooks of Philip de la Hay le Marquand, 1923-1924, relating to his work on telegraphy, magnetism and electricity at City University, London.

Marquand , Philip , de la Hay le , fl1924 , electrical engineering student
Departmental records
GB 2107 Departments · 1927-2000

Departmental records of City University and predecessors, including Dept of Aeronautics course details and syllabuses, conference reports and other papers, 1957-1986; Centre for Arts and Related Studies, later Dept of Continuing Education, prospectuses and some examination papers, 1972-1984, and prospectuses and programmes, 1983-1990s; Business School papers, 1960s-1970s; Dept of Chemistry examination papers, students' marks, and syllabuses, 1948-1986, with Heat Engines Laboratory stockbook, 1927-1938; Royal Institute of Chemistry examination papers and reports, 1969-1973; Dept of Civil Engineering, including Nuclear Power Plant, syllabuses and progammes with other papers, 1957-1988, and papers of design course, 1960, and International Conference on Behaviour of Slender Structures Proceedings, 1977; Centre for Educational Technology programmes and other papers, 1969-1990; Dept of Electrical Engineering syllabuses and other papers, 1969-1990; Health Sciences annual reports, 1989-1990, 1995-1996; Dept of Information Science papers, 1960s; Dept of General Studies examination papers, 1984; Dept of Mathematics syllabuses and other papers, 1962-1995; Dept of Mechanical Engineering Board of Studies meetings, 1961-1984, student handbooks, syllabuses, course details and research reports, newsletters, 1957-1990, with G. Haley's Engineering Dept course work file on Theory of Machines, 1943; Dept of Music prospectuses, leaflets and other papers, 1975-1989; Dept of Optometry and Visual Science prospectuses, syllabuses and other course information, 1953-1996; Dept of Physics syllabuses and other papers, 1957-1979, with summer school proceedings, 1954; Dept of Social Science and Humanities Board of Studies minutes, syllabuses and other course details, 1962-1983; Dept of System Science and dependent centres syllabuses and other course details, 1957-1990, with summer school proceedings, 1979; Details of conferences, courses, summer schools, Open Days, lectures and other events, 1957-2000; Music and Drama events, 1960s-1970s; Public lectures, 1950s-1990s.

Departmental research reports: City Consultancy Service Reports, 1990-1992; Aeronautical Engineering, 1966-1975; Business School, 1968-1981; Chemistry, 1956-1984; Civil Engineering, 1967-1977, 1983-1988; Centre for Clinical Communication Studies research programme, 1986-1987; Computer Science, 1984-1989; Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1952-1957, 1963-1970, 1990-1991; Centre for Information Science, 1979; Mathematics, 1966-1985; Mechanical Engineering, 1966-1988; Music, research and performances including Advanced Composition Research Group, 1988; Opthalmic Optics and Visual Science, 1966-1970; Dept of Physics, 1966-1985; School of Community Planning, 1970-1982; Social Science and Humanities, 1968-1980; System Science, 1969-1988.

Departmental promotional literature, 1960s-1990s for all departments as above and Arts Administration; SBH School of Nursing and Midwifery; Business School; Centre for Banking and International Finance; Adult Education; School of Informatics; Dept of Journalism; Centre for Legal Studies; Studies in Property Valuation and Management; Validated Courses: Ashridge Management College; City Literary Institute; Cordwainers College; Gyosei International College in the UK; Guildhall School of Music and Drama; Inns of Court School of Law; Laban Centre London; Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Centre; School of Psychotherapy and Counselling; City Innovation Centre, 1988; Halls of Residence; Industrial Liaison Centre, 1968-1973.

Departmental publications, including TCU Business School Economic Review, Spring 1983-Summer 1988; Informaniac, undated, Information Science Society publication; Islington Angel and City Star with other CU Journalism students publications, 1980s-1990s; Insight, 1992-1997, newsletter of CU Business School; Evening MBA Newsletter, 1990-1991; Research News, 1970-1976; GEORGE, PROBE and Newsheet, 1974-1976, newsletters of the Dept of Social Science and Humanities; Journal of Arts Policy & Management 1-3, 1984; TCU Computer Unit Bulletin/Newsletter, 1972-1982, 1992-1997; Careers Service Newsletters and Bulletins, 1970s, 1990s.

Northampton Polytechnic Institute Northampton Polytechnic Northampton College of Advanced Technology City University
Fleming Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 122 · c1841-1954

Papers of Sir Ambrose Fleming, including extensive sets of laboratory notebooks which include accounts of experiments on carbon filaments carried out by Fleming when he was adviser to the Edison and Swan Electric Light Company, of tests on electrical and photometric standards carried out in the Pender Laboratory at University College London, and of experiments on valves and other aspects of wireless telegraphy; notes of lectures attended by Fleming and notes for lectures given by Fleming; patent specifications and papers on litigation over them; newspaper cuttings and other compilations by Fleming; papers on awards and distinctions; biographical notes; and correspondence. 500 of the 521 volumes are printed works associated with the collection.

Fleming , Sir , Ambrose , 1849-1945 , Knight , engineer
Hall Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 389 · 1908-1910

Manuscript record of experiments labelled 'Laboratory Notes', kept while studying engineering at University College London.

Hall , W Howard , fl 1908-1910 , engineering student
GB 0098 B/JACKSON · 1916-1970

Papers of Lord Willis Jackson, 1916-1970, comprising papers transferred from his office in Imperial College, namely personal and biographical papers, 1923- 1970, including student notebooks, [1923], visits abroad, 1961-1968, speeches and addresses, 1950-1970, family correspondence, Parliamentary correspondence, 1957-1970, photographs [1916]-1967, mainly of official events, laboratories and apparatus, Willis Jackson; papers relating to Associated Electrical Industries and Metropolitan-Vickers, 1951-1969, notably appointment as Director of Research and Education, 1953, correspondence and press cuttings, 1951-1969, engineering and staff courses, 1954-1959; papers relating to Imperial College, 1950-1969, notably lectures and speeches, 1950-1968, correspondence, 1953-1970, including with Professor Colin Cherry, 1950-1969, the Rector, Lord Penney, 1967-1970, papers concerning academic matters, 1955-1968, Committees, 1963-1969, societies and associations, 1950-1970, Electrical Engineering Department, 1964-1969; correspondence with Ministers, reports and papers relating to Government Departments, principally concerning committees and advisory councils, 1944-1970, notably the Admiralty (later Ministry of Defence), 1950-1968, Ministry of Education, 1954-1969, Ministry of Technology, 1965-1970, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1944-1965, Ministry of Overseas Development, 1965-1969, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (ORCD), 1961-1969, University Grants Committee, 1953-1969, Royal Commission on the Civil Service, 1953-1958, Delhi Institute of Technology, 1957-1970; correspondence, reports and committee papers relating to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1950-1968; correspondence, 1950-1970, notably with professional institutions and associations, such as the Association of Supervising Engineers, 1960-1968, Educational establishments, notably the University of London, 1953-1970, Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 1951-1970, Sir Eric Ashby, 1959-1966, Bertram Vivian Bowden, 1958-1968, Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, 1957-1969, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1961-1969, Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, 1953-1964, Dennis Gabor, 1951-1969, Sir Harold Hartley, 1961-1968, Eric Balliol Moullin, 1953-1958, Kathleen Mary Ollerenshaw, 1958-1964, John Arthur Saxton, 1960-1967, Joseph Sidney Weiner, 1967-1968.

autobiographical scrapbooks, 1916-1970, from Lady Jackson, comprising 91 loose-leaf binders compiled from 1952, containing heterogeneous papers, including photographs, biographical material such as letters of appointment, comments and narratives, manuscript and published texts of lectures and speeches, press cuttings, social correspondence, travel schedules and reports on visits.

Jackson , Willis , Baron Jackson of Burnley , 1904-1970 , electrical engineer
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP24 · Created 1935

Presentation volume of signatures of past and present members of the Engineering Faculty, University of London, presented to Jameson on his retirement from the Chair of Civil Engineering, Dec 1935; menu and ticket, Dec 1935, for the 38th Annual Dinner of the Engineering Society, where the above presentation was made.

Jameson , Alexander Hope , 1874-1952 , Professor of Civil Engineering
GB 1432 KEVII · 1950-1969

A selection of prospectuses from the 1960s (with a few, possibly earlier ones, undated) and student record cards* ca. 1950s and 1960s.

*Note: Requests involving personal data will be handled in accordance with GDPR (Data Protection) and on a case-by-case basis.

King Edward VII Nautical College
GB 2108 KUAS163 · 1951-1970s

Records relating to the Geology Club of Kingston College of Technology, later Kingston Polytechnic. The club was established in 1951 and held regular meetings. Collection includes minute books of meetings, registers of attendance, newsletters, photographs and other items.

Kingston College of Technology Kingston Polytechnic Kingston University
GB 2108 KU · 1899-[2002]

Records, 1899-[2002], of Kingston University and its predecessors, largely dating from the 1960s and after:

Kingston Art and Technical Schools visitors' book, 1899-1909.

Minutes and papers, 1970-[2002] (some series incomplete), of the Governors, Academic Board, and various committees relating to administration, academic matters, the library, student welfare, security, finance, employment, and staff, also including the Formation Committee, 1992.

Other administrative papers include papers relating to the proposal for a polytechnic, 1960s, and the transition to Polytechnic status, including draft schemes, 1967, and scheme of government, 1976; CNAA Quinquennial Reports, 1974, 1979, and Institutional Review, 1984; various proposals, corporate plans and annual reports.

Departmental records include Industrial Liaison Centre publications, including reports, 1960s, Industrial Liaison Topics newsletter, continued by Kingston Regional Management Centre (KRMC), 1966-1977, KRMC proposal document, mid-1970s, minutes and papers, 1977-1980, brochure, 1978, newsletter Kingston Topics, 1981-1983, and Director's Report, 1984/5; Library records, 1960s-1990s, including guides; Computer Services/IT Handbooks and newsletters, 1980s; syllabuses for various courses, 1960s-1970s; report of Board of Education inspection of School of Art, 1936, and College of Art papers relating to fashion design contest, 1965, and exhibition, 1984.

Various reports include Jubilee and Inspectors reports, 1930s-1960s; Liberal Studies report of development, 1956-1967; joint report with Kingston Arts Council, 'An Arts Centre for Kingston', 1973; research reports, 1965-1984.

Various publications include the Golden Jubilee (1899-1949) history [1949] (photocopy); published history of Kingston Polytechnic, 1980; various newsletters, 1970s-1990s; handbook on administrative practices and procedures, 1982; various general prospectuses and prospectuses for individual Schools and courses; and various departmental publications.

Staff records include various job descriptions and advertisements, 1960s-1970s; Staff Association papers; and staff periodicals and articles.

Papers relating to events include conference programmes, reports and proceedings, 1960s-1970s; exhibition catalogues, 1970s-1990s; programmes and other records relating to prizes and awards ceremonies, open days and presentation/graduation ceremonies, 1960s-1980s; Incorporation Celebrations papers, 1989.

Student Union papers, 1960s-1970s, including constitution, minutes, handbooks, and magazines including Facet.

Photographs and plans of buildings and sites, 1960s-1990s, including new premises.

Miscellaneous photographs, loose and in albums, and slides, 1940s-1980s.

Press cuttings, 1931-[1990s].

Science, Art and Technical Institute , St James's Road, Kingston-upon-Thames Kingston Technical College Kingston College of Technology Kingston Polytechnic Kingston University Kingston School of Art Kingston College of Art
LAUGHTON, Michael (1934-)
GB 0370 ML · c1938-1987

Box 1. Photographs of Professor Giffen 1985; Professor John c 1980s; Faculty of Engineering correspondence concerning obtaining photographs of the staff of the faculty, 1983-1987; Electrical Engineering photographs 1938-1939, including high voltage laboratory, electrical engineering laboratory, communications laboratory.

Bundle 2. (Outsize items) Photographs of Electrical Engineering Staff, Group photograph of Engineering Faculty 1950.

Loughton , Michael , 1934- , Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of London
GB 0101 ICS 135 · c1955-c1978

Research notes and papers of John Michael Lee on Africa, 1956-1967: subjects include statistics on African Officer Cadets training in Britain, 1953-1967; rates of pay for army and police in Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Zambia and Nigeria, 1960-1968; notes on the Nigerian officer cadre, 1960-1966; papers on the introduction of the Ministerial system in Uganda, 1955-1962; papers on Colonial Social Science Research Council Working Party on Colonial Elections, 1956; copies of official correspondence on Banyaruanda refugees, 1961-1962; copies of official correspondence on strike of students at the Nakawa Engineering School, Uganda, 1957-1958; documents on scheme for 300 scholarships, offered by the Government of Uganda, 1961-1962 and documents on the integration of the Department and Ministry of Education, Uganda, c1957-1962.

Lee , John Michael , fl 1956-1997 , political scientist
LEETE, David L (1918-2011)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP42 · Created 1929, 1937-1941, 1957, 1990-1992

Two scrapbooks, 1938-1940, relating to student life at King's College London and at Bristol University during the evacuation of the College there, containing photographs, newspaper cuttings, programmes and Christmas cards; material relating to a 1990 reunion and a special degree presentation ceremony in 1992; bound copies of The King's Engineer, 1937-1941, and the King's College Review, 1937-1941; mounted photographs showing the Engineering finalists, 1940-1941, and the Engineering students returning from a parade to the Daily Herald offices with Reggie [the lion and King's College mascot], 1938, with a medallion presented to Leete for rescuing Reggie from kidnap by Bristol students during a Union Society debate, Nov 1940. Books relating to the history of King's College, namely King's College Engineering Society, 1847-1957 (Private, London, 1957), by William Oswald Skeat, and The Centenary history of King's College London, 1828-1928, 1929, by Fossey John Cobb Hearnshaw.

Leete , David L , 1918-2011
Leyton Technical Institute
GB 2381 LEY · 1898-1938

Records of the Leyton Technical Institute, later Leyton Technical College, 1898-1938, comprising:

Press cuttings, 1898-1907, 1932 [note: currently closed due to poor condition]; prospectus for the Evening Classes, winter session, 1923-1924; invitations and programmes for prize giving ceremonies, 1921-1932; invitation and programmes for exhibitions of work by the students from the School of Art, 1928-1930; 'LETS Review', nos 2-3, 1924, magazine of the Leyton Engineering and Trade School; 'Leyton Technical College Magazine', July 1938; annual sports day programmes, 1924-1932; booklet containing football fixtures for season 1933-1934.

Leyton Technical Institute Leyton Technical College
GB 0098 KMET · Created 1887-1992

Records of the Department of Materials of Imperial College, formerly the Department of Metallurgy, 1887-1990, including a departmental history from 1851-1963; course information, [1940]-1984; leaflets relating to assay of bullion, 1895; lecture notes, 1887-1888; Professorial correspondence with the administration department, 1908-1939; papers relating to proposed course, 1931-1939; Committee on metallurgists' training, 1943-1944; post of Professor of Metallurgy, 1908, Chair of Metallurgy, 1913; transfer of the department during World War Two, 1939-1943; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981; British Steel Corporation Fellowship, 1970; Nuffield Foundation Fellowship, 1948-1970; future of the department, 1976-1977; change of name, 1985; annual reports, 1988-[1990] (KMET);
papers of the London Centre for Marine Technology, comprising research review, 1990-1992 (KMETM).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
McCOMBIE, Frederick Walter
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP079 · 1919-1922

Notebooks, Oct 1920-Feb 1921, of Frederick Walter McCombie compiled as part of his engineering degree at King's College, University of London comprising one notebook containing notes on brickwork and stonework and one notebook containing notes on practical electrical technology.

McCombie , Frederick Walter , fl 1919-1922 , Engineering student
GB 0100 TH/PP43 · 1845-1879

Papers of Charles Murchison, 1845-1879, comprising school essays, 1845-1846; notebook containing notes and extracts on anatomy and zoology, 1846-1847, including an account of a meeting of the Edinburgh Botanical Society, 1847; notes on the New Testament, 1846; notes on Homer's Iliad, 1846 (3 vols); notes on the skin and subcutaneous cellular structure, with sketches, 1847; notes entitled 'observations on the spleen', with pencil sketches, 1849; note book entitled 'observations on temperature';

lecture notes taken by Charles Murchison as a student, comprising notes on Professor John Hutton Balfour's lectures on botany, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847, including ink and pencil sketches; notes on Sir Robert Christison's lectures on vegetable material medica, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847-1848, including diagrams and some notes on electricity (2 vols); notes on Professor James David Forbes' lectures on heat, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846, with diagrams (2 vols); notes on John Goodsir's lectures on comparative anatomy, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846-1847, including sketches (5 vols); notes on Robert Jameson's lectures on natural history, including geology and zoology, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848, including ink diagrams (3 vols); notes on Professor Allen Thomson's lectures on the institutes of medicine, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848;

case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, containing details of six cases and an autopsy; case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, of fifty cases, and at Westminster General Dispensary, 1854-1855, of one hundred and fifty six cases; four volumes of case notes of (mainly male) patients at St Thomas's Hospital, 1871-1879, including temperature charts and letters, written in a variety of hands (4 vols); case books, 1877-1878 containing case notes of female patients at St Thomas's Hospital (4 vols);

Letter to Murchison from [R Cokam] relating to a report of operations (undated); manuscript notes on Metals, 1847; black and white photograph of letter from Mr Snow to Murchison relating to presentation of a book by the late brother of William Snow.

Murchison , Charles , 1830-1879 , physician
GB 2110 NC · 1944-1970, 2007

Contains the records of the National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering, comprising:

NC/1, Governance, including minutes of the Board of Governors, Financial and General Purposes Committee and the Education Committee, deeds of trust and correspondence on the future of the college, 1948-1970;

NC/2, Publications, including prospectuses, annual reports and anniversary publications and presentation ceremony programmes, 1948-1971, 2007;

NC/3, Photographs, including photos of official openings, students, staff, the library and laboratories,1950-1960s;

NC/4, Student Activities, including student publications and exam results, 1949-1969;

NC/5, National College Building, including material on the building of the National College Building (now the Faraday Wing), 1950s;

NC/6, External Publications, including trade magazines, press cuttings and adverts 1947-1963;

NC/7, Education Board of the Heating and Ventilating Industry, including minutes, annual reports and publications 1944-1962.

National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering
PERCY, John (1817-1889)
GB 378 LDGSL/914 · Item · 1864-1888

Scrapbook of cuttings collected and notes made by Dr John Percy between 1864 and 1888, including transciptions of a series of twelve lectures given at the Royal School of Mines in December 1863 and January 1864, as published in 'Chemical News' between January and August 1864. The lectures, entitled 'Chemical Geology', are annotated and cover subjects such as silicon, alumina, sulphur and diamond.

These cuttings from 'Chemical News' are interspersed with those from several other publications, primarily the 'Engineering and Mining Journal', 'Mining Journal', and 'The Times' newspaper, as well as handwritten notes by Percy. Content mostly involves diamonds, diamond mining, and other mining activities.

PERCY , John , 1817-1889 , metallurgist
GB 0370 QMC · 1887-1989

Archives of Queen Mary College, 1887-1989, containing records of the People's Palace, 1887-1939, East London Technical College, 1896-1909, East London College, 1909-1934, and Queen Mary College, 1934-1989. Comprising of sub-collections: (QMC/PP) Records of the People's Palace c1885-1987; (QMC/HR) Personnel Records of Queen Mary College c1911-1990; (QMC/PS) Principal's records of Queen Mary College 1910-1990; (QMC/Realia) Archives Realia consisting largely of photographs, memorabilia and ephemera, dating from c1900-1989. (QMC) The main series includes the following.

Governance and management papers: East London College Committee indexes to meetings 1907-1913; Governing Body minutes books and indexes 1913-1989; Registrars letter books regarding academic staff, 1911-1921; Academic Board minutes, 1913-1985, with Standing Committee papers, 1987-1989; Faculty Board minute books, Committee of Deans minute books c1935-1986; Faculty of Arts Board minutes and papers, 1933-1987; Faculty of Science Board minutes and papers, 1933-1977; Faculty of Science minutes and papers, 1948-1980; Committee for Medical Studies minutes, 1934-1961; Faculty of Engineering minutes and papers, 1935-70; Joint Committee on Staffing and Staff Reductions Sub-board, 1980s; Queen Mary College Committees and Staff lists 1980-1989; Strategy Planning documents 1985-1989; Finance and Planning papers 1970-1989; University Grants Committee 1985; Engineering administation papers 1920-1940; Library Committtee minutes and accession lists 1934-1990; Jarratt Report response 1986; AUT papers 1990-1994; Appeal for funds 1935-1937.

Reporting and information dissemination: Calendars c1897-1989; Prospectuses 1930-1989; Annual reports 1949-1989; Accounts annual reports 1977-1989; Directory of courses 1980-1989; Magazines, East London College and Queen Mary College Magazine, Mole, Leapardess, Cub, 1910-1989; Students' Union Society minutes, 1932-1935; Hobbies and Interests Club 1988-1989; Alumni magazines, College News Bulletins and Newsletters, c1964-1989; Condensate (Chemistry Department Magazine) 1972-1989; Press cuttings 1917-1989.

Subject files containing ephemera and photographs regarding events and celebrations; societies and associations; people; faculties; buildings, c1900-1989.

Student records including student cards arranged alphabetically by surname, c1906-1989.

Nuclear reactor log books, papers and correspondence c1963-1984.

Photographs, negatives slides, and promotional materials: 2 photograph albums 1938-1962; Publicity photographs 1970-1990; Negatives for magazines and printed materials c1980-1990; Cinefilm of events and other films produced concerning the College c1930-1960; Promotional videos 1960-1980s; Negatives with index covering all subject areas, events and key staff members, c1970-1989.

Memorabilia: Graduation gowns c1930-1940s; 2 College flags c1940-1950; 3 blazers c1913-1920s; Medals, gifts, College shields, c1880-1989.

People's Palace East London College Queen Mary College
GB 378 GSL · 1807-

Records of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, notably comprising:

Minutes and papers of Annual General Meetings, 1840-current; minutes, correspondence and papers relating to meetings of the Council, 1810-current; minutes and papers of Ordinary Meetings, 1807-1998; minutes and papers of Special General Meetings; 1834-2001; Minutes and papers of Standing and Ad Hoc committees of Council, [1810-current] [section is currently undergoing revision]; Charter and Bye-laws, 1810-1993;

Correspondence and other administrative papers relating to the running of the Geological Society, including: Presidents' Papers, 1977-1997; Elected Officers' papers, 1956-1995; Executive Secretary's papers, 1950-2013; Financial records, including bequests, trust funds, 1820-2011; Letterbooks of the Assistant Secretary and other Officers, [1807]-1960;

Administrative records of departments, including: Membership, 1807-current; Conferences and scientific meetings, 1932-2006; Library, 1835-current; Archives and conservation, 1971-2004; Education Department, 1993-1998; Society's Museum, 1808-1911; Publications, 1906-2009;

Portraits and photographs of Fellows, 1792-2011; Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House, 1873-[1995]; Plans of the Society's apartments at Somerset House and Burlington House, 1828-[1982]; Obituaries and biographical information on Fellows, [1895]-current; Records of the Society's Centenary celebrations, 1907-1908; and Bicentenary celebrations, 1994-1998;

Records of the Geological Society Club, 1824-2006; Records of the Society's Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1964-[2009].

Geological Society of London , 1807-
GB 378 IG · 1973-1991

Records of the Institution of Geologists and its predecessors, 1973-1991, comprising:

Minutes, papers, sample questionnaires, correspondence and reports of the Working Party on Professional Recognition, 1973-1975;

Minutes, correspondence and papers of the Committee and sub committees of the Association for the Promotion of an Institution of Professional Geologists, 1975-1978; Membership lists of the APIPG [incomplete], 1974-1977; Documents relating to the incorporation of the APIPG as the Institution of Geologists, 1976-1977; Draft rules and regulations of the proposed Institution of Geologists, 1977;

Annual reports, agendas and other papers relating to the Annual General Meetings of the Institution of Geologists, 1978-1991; Minutes and papers of the IG Council, 1977-1991; Correspondence of the IG Council [incomplete], 1977-1984; Correspondence and minutes of committees, sub committees, working groups and regional groups of the IG, 1977-1991; Minutes, correspondence and papers of the joint Co-operation Committee, 1985-1991; Annual accounts, 1977-1991; Membership lists (incomplete), 1977-1986; Rules and regulations, 1979-1986; Correspondence, citations and speeches relating to the recipients of the Aberconway Medal, 1980-1989; Obituaries, 1982-1985.

Working Party on Professional Recognition Association for the Promotion of an Institution of Professional Geologists (APIPG) Institution of Geologists Geological Society of London
Registry of Imperial College
GB 0098 GR · Created 1909-1998 (ongoing)

Records created by the Registry of Imperial College relating to students, 1909-1998, notably correspondence concerning Intercollegiate courses, 1948-1956; fees, 1909-1966, including student's apparatus fees, 1939-1973; Rector's correspondence, 1959-1962; alphabetical list of students, 1970-1998; correspondence relating to students, 1964; Committee on education for engineers, including minutes, 1959-1952; papers of the Board of Studies Committee relating to conditions of admissions, 1945-1947; undergraduate courses in Mathematics, 1962-1966, Geology, 1965-1967, Chemistry, 1964-1969, Physics, 1961-1969; London County Council and Board of Education scholarships, 1925-1940; students' loan fund account ledger, 1921-1942; liason with schools, 1964-1977; student statistics, [1920-1987]; papers relating to student surveys, 1933-1934, 1960, 1963.

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 1753 RPI · Fonds · 1837-1881

Records of the Royal Polytechnic Institution (RPI), 1837-1881 and undated, comprising:

Leases of premises, 1838-1876, including no 5 Cavendish Square; prospectus, 1837; correspondence and papers concerning the foundation of the Institution, its provisional committee, shares, status and affairs, 1837-1839 and undated, including its charter, 1839, and papers on arbitration on a dispute between W M Nurse and the Institution; correspondence and papers relating to activities and affairs of the Institution, 1838-1842 and undated, including documents on the alleged infringement by the Institution of a patent for a diving dress, 1838, and an agreement with W H F Talbot permitting the use of his patented photographic process, 1841; photocopy of a letter from Robert Longbottom, RPI Secretary, to Samuel Morse, 1846; copy of charter, 1852; letter concerning a school visit to the RPI, 1858;

Catalogues of the Polytechnic Institution (copies), 1838-1840, and Royal Polytechnic Institution, 1844-1845; programmes for 1861, 1876, 1878 and 1881; bound volumes of RPI programmes, 1873-1878; reports, 1879-1880; particulars and conditions of sale of the RPI premises, 1881;

Books by authors associated with the RPI, including various publications by John Henry Pepper: The Boy's Playbook of Science, 2nd edition, 1860.; Popular Lectures for Young People and Half Hours with the Alchemists, 1st edition, 1855; The Playbook of Metals, 1st edition, 1869 and Cyclopaedic Science Simplified, 1st edition, 1869; The Book of The Lantern by T C Hepworth, 2nd edition, 1889; Memory by William Stokes, 2nd edition, 1888 and Rapid Writing by William Stokes, 4th edition, 1873; issues of various contemporary journals containing information on or advertisements for the Institution [1839]-1845, some with illustrations, among them scientific equipment, including four parts of the London Polytechnic Magazine, 1844, six parts of its continuation, The Polytechnic Review and Magazine, 1844, and five parts, 1845; advertising poster, 1840;

Book of press cuttings relating to the Institution from 1842, many lacking details of their source; five tokens bearing the name of the Institution, 1840; photogenic transfer made at the Institution, 1840; a ceramic plate fired at the RPI, 1866;

Illustrations and photographs of illustrations from 1840, some undated, including the great hall and other shots of the interior and exterior, 1843, and demonstrations, including the diving bell.

Polytechnic Institution , London Royal Polytechnic Institution , London
GB 0403 RSA · 1634-2002 (printed material from 1634, archival material from 1754)

Archive, 1754 to date, of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA; formerly the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or Society of Arts), created by the Society in the course of its activities, and comprising records of its administration (Ref: AD), and records of its activities and events (Ref: PR), also including some printed material dating back to 1634.

Administrative records of the Society include:

Records of Miscellaneous Committees to discuss the programme and administration of the Society, including the Committee of Correspondence and Papers and the Committee of Miscellaneous Matters, 1754-1848 (Ref: AD.MA/104).
Records of the Society from 1754, later the Council (established 1845) (Ref: AD.MA/100).

Records concerning Chairmen of Council (from 1846) and Council membership (Ref: AD.MA/102).

Records of Secretaries (administrative head of the Society), after 1994 known as the Director (Ref: AD.MA/101).

Records of Presidents (Ref: AD.MA/103).

Records of Membership/Fellowship, relating to subscribers to the Society, originally termed 'members', referred to as 'Fellows' from 1908 (Ref: AD.MA/900). (The archive does not include extensive biographical information on RSA Fellows, although dates of membership of Fellows are usually recorded.)
Records concerning the Society's House in John Adam Street from its design and construction by the Adam Brothers, including correspondence, papers, notes, leases and other legal documents, relating to administration, management, alteration and repair of the building (Ref: AD.MA/300).

Records of various House Committees set up at different times to look at the building, its use, function, administration and management (Ref: AD.MA/305).

Accounting and financial records produced by various committees including the Accounts Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee (Ref: AD.MA/400).

Annual Reports recording the Society's activities over the year, initially within the Journal (from 1852), but later as a separate publication (Ref: AD.MA/701).

Records relating to general lectures (developed from the 1850s when the Society ceased the award of premiums for inventions), with correspondence mainly concerning administrative arrangements for speakers and publication of their texts (in the RSA Journal) and suggestions for topics for discussion (Ref: AD.MA/800).

Records relating to the RSA Silver Medal awarded annually for the most interesting lecture over the preceding year (Ref: AD.MA/803).

Records relating to production of the Journal and other publicity, promotion and communication (Ref: AD.MA/203).

Donations and collections, comprising objects and artefacts donated to or bought by the Society (Ref: AD.MA/204).

Records of the Society's activities (such as award schemes, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and lectures), including joint initiatives with a range of other organisations, include:

Guard Books (30 volumes), 1754-1770, containing correspondence and papers about all Society activities and committees, on a range of subjects (Ref: PR.GE/110).

Manuscript versions of the Society's Transactions, comprising draft versions of the printed Transactions, including drawings, plans and diagrams in support of claims for premiums and awards. Also general correspondence to the Society on various 19th century campaigns, conferences and committees, covering subjects including lectures (arrangements for dates, speakers, chairmen, participants; suggestions for subjects, submission of lecture texts, corrections to texts, requests for tickets/programmes, acceptances, apologies for non-attendance etc), examinations (requests for syllabus, copies of certificates, programmes, rules; complaints, arrangements, agreements with colleges, details of examiners etc), membership (requests for information, applications, replies to circulars, notes accompanying subscriptions, resignations, complaints), Council/committee chairmen (intention to attend meetings, acceptances, general arrangements for meetings, requests for information, dates, times etc), Journal (receipt/non-receipt of copies, reciprocal arrangements with other libraries, requests for extra copies, corrections to proofs, advertising, arrangements for making blocks, photogravures etc), House (letters from freeholders, solicitors, contractors; booking of rooms), staff (applications for employment, testimonials, sick notes etc - a very small number of items), general (invitations, letters from bankers, auditors, business circulars, requests for funding, suggestions for campaigns, policies, events etc), and including artistic copyright, uniform musical pitch, domestic economy, art workmanship, musical training, food committees, patent law reform, prevention of fires in theatres and education exhibitions (Ref: PR.GE/118-19, 121).

Records relating to Premium and Programme committees (Ref: PR.GE/112); Albert Medal (founded 1863) (Ref: PR.GE/101); Memorial Tablet (blue plaque) scheme (founded 1866) (PR.GE/122); War Memorials Advisory Council (established 1944, disbanded 1948), concerning memorials of the Second World War (Ref: PR.GE/117); Exhibition of Exhibitions (1951), concurrent with the Festival of Britain, to commemorate earlier ground-breaking Society exhibitions on contemporary art (1760), industrial design (1847-1850), photography (1852), industry (1761), and the first international exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.GE/102); R B Bennett Commonwealth Prize (endowed 1944) for outstanding contribution to the promotion of the arts, agriculture, industries and commerce of the Overseas Empire (Ref: PR.GE/116); Commonwealth Committee (Ref: PR.GE/113); proposals and planning for the Festival of Britain (1951) (Ref: PR.GE/103); events for the RSA Bicentenary (1954) (Ref: PR.GE/107); Benjamin Franklin Medal (instituted 1956) (Ref: PR.GE/100); Trusts, bequests, fundraising and development (Ref: PR.GE/111).

Records relating to manufacture and commerce, including the Paris Exhibitions (1844-1900) (Ref: PR.MC/109); Great Exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.MC/107); International Exhibition (1862) (Ref: PR.MC/108); Chicago Exhibition (World's Columbian Exposition, 1893), British Section (Ref: PR.MC/112); Industry Year/Industry Matters (1986) (Ref: PR.MC/100); Tomorrow's Company (begun 1994), concerning the role of business in a changing world (Ref: PR.MC/115); Redefining Work (launched 1995) (Ref: PR.MC/116); Forum for Ethics in the Workplace (1997) (Ref: PR.MC/117); Manufacturing, Wealth Creation and the Economy (1998) (Ref: PR.MC/118).

Records of subject-based standing committees set up by the Society from 1754 to judge awards and premiums in particular areas, including minutes and correspondence about awards and attendance at and structure of committees: Agriculture (Ref: PR.MC/103), Chemistry (Ref: PR.MC/105), Colonies and Trade (Ref: PR.MC/104), Manufactures (Ref: PR.MC/102), Mechanics (Ref: PR.MC/101), and Polite Arts - including prints, drawings and other artwork submitted for award (Ref: PR.AR/103).

Records relating to fine and applied arts, including exhibition of works of Ancient and Medieval Art (1847-1850) (Ref: PR.AR/105); exhibition of the works of William Etty and William Mulready (1848-1849), including general correspondence, printed matter, catalogues, press cuttings, tickets and notices about mounting of exhibitions, and attendance (Ref: PR.AR/112); British Art in Industry Exhibition (1935) to publicise good design in articles of everyday use (Ref: PR.AR/101); Humorous Art Exhibition (1949-1950) (Ref: PR.AR/100); Art for Architecture scheme (from 1990), aiming to enhance the urban environment by encouraging cross disciplinary approaches to building and landscape projects, and associated with the Jerwood Art for Architecture Award (introduced 1994) (Ref: PR.AR/110); Shakespeare in Schools (begun 1992), a pilot project to introduce Shakespeare to children (Ref: PR.AR/108).

Records relating to promotion of design, including the Design Bursaries Board, Design Committee, the Design Board, Design Advisory Group and Design Section (Ref: PR.DE/106-7); Industrial Art Bursaries Competition (started 1924), succeeded by the Design Bursaries Competition, Competition of Industrial Designs and Student Design Awards (Ref: PR.DE/100); Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) scheme (created 1936) to encourage a high standard of industrial design (Ref: PR.DE/101); Bicentenary Medal (instituted 1954) for exceptional influence in promoting art and design in British industry (Ref: PR.DE/102); Presidential Awards for Design Management (instituted 1964) to recognise outstanding design policy (Ref: PR.DE/105).
Records relating to education, including the RSA Examinations Board (PR.ED/100); the Education for Capability programme (initiated 1979) to counteract academic bias in British education and promote practical, organising and co-operative skills (Ref: PR.ED/107); the future of Technological Higher Education in Britain (1982), a study group to consider the problems facing Britain in the development of technological higher education (Ref: PR.ED/118); Home-School links (from 1988) (Ref: PR.ED/108); Parents in a Learning Society, a development project to involve parents in education and assess home-school work (Ref: PR.ED/104); the National Advisory Council for Careers and Educational Guidance (established 1994), to promote and advise on provision of guidance for learning and work (Ref: PR.ED/103); Education Futures (2000) (Ref: PR.ED/116).

Records relating to the environment, including the Campaign for the Preservation of Ancient Cottages (begun 1926) to protect cottage architecture, establishing a fund which purchased or restored cottages near Worthing, at Bibury, Gloucestershire, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Chiddingstone, Kent, and elsewhere (Ref: PR.EN/100); three 'Countryside in 1970' Conferences (1963-1970) (Ref: PR.EN/104); Environment Committee (formed 1971) to identify and anticipate major environmental problems and provide a forum for discussion (Ref: PR.EN/107), which began the Pollution Abatement Technology Award Scheme (PATAS) (1983-1986) (Ref: PR.EN/103), succeeded by the Better Environment for Industry/European Better Environment Awards for Industry (BEAFI/EBEAFI) (1987-1991) (Ref: PR.EN/101); the Environment Committee's sub-committee the RSA-Cubitt Trust Panel (to 1991), devoted to the built environment and working with the Cubitt Trust to convene conferences, seminars and an annual Cubitt Lecture (Ref: PR.EN/106); After the Earth Summit - What Next? (1992) (Ref: PR.EN/128); RSA Environmental Management Awards (begun 1993) (Ref: PR.EN/102).

The Early Library (Ref: SC/EL/1-5), comprising c500 printed works collected by the Society before 1830, including journals and periodicals, and c300 pamphlets and tracts covering broad-ranging topics relating to premiums and awards of the various sectional committees (Agriculture, Polite Arts, Chemistry, Manufactures, Mechanics, and Colonies and Trade), and including extracts from proceedings of other societies and learned institutions.

Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
Society of Arts
RSA , Royal Society of Arts
GB 1432 SJC · 1902-1970

Papers of the Sir John Cass Technical Institute and Sir John Cass College, comprising:

Publications, including syllabuses, 1902-1936; calendars, 1936-1940, prospectuses and course handbills, 1946-1970.

Administrative records, including Principal's reports, 1902-1932; annual reports, 1902-1967; Governors of Sir John Cass Foundation minute books, 1901-1964; College Council minute books, 1965-1969; Board of Studies/Academic Board/University Board minutes, 1917-1970; Consultative Committee on Petroleum Technology minutes, 1920-1953; Consultative Committee on Fuel Technology minutes, 1930-1945; Nautical School entry book, 1913-1950; Department of Navigation enrolment book, 1950-1969; staff records, 1916-1960s; Library Committee papers, 1953-1970; School of Art correspondence, 1936-1969; School of Navigation, Board of Studies papers, 1940-1970; Soirée minute book, 1902-1911; building work, plans and correspondence, 1941-1960s.

Papers of the Teaching Staff Association, Sir John Cass College Association and Students' Union, 1950s-1960s.

College journals, including Red Quill, 1921, 1959-1967; Cassowary, 1961-1967; The Bookcase, 1950-1956.

Papers relating to college history, 1880-1970, including charity schemes papers (including report of the Royal City Parochial Charities Commission, 1880, and papers relating to the Aldgate Freedom Foundation, City Parochial Foundation, Sir Thomas Gresham, Wyndham Deedes Memorial Fund, 1946-1972; opening pamphlet, 1902; visitors' book, 1903-1934; institute history, c1939.

Papers relating to conversion to polytechnic status, 1950s-1970, including proposals and college committee minutes.

Sir John Cass Technical Institute, 1902-1950 Sir John Cass College, 1950-1970
GB 2381 SEET · 1936-1970

Records of the South East Essex Technical College, later Barking Regional College of Technology, 1936-1970, comprising:

Prospectuses, 1936-1969 [incomplete]; records of the Social and General Studies, Commercial and Science Departments, 1949-1970, notably manuscript lecture notes of Frederick A Filby, lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Biology, [1954-1965]; joint reports of the Association of Technical Institutions, the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions and the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions, relating to the design of technical colleges, 1935,1938; programmes for opening ceremonies and prize giving, 1936-1966; photographs mostly of the exterior of South East Essex Technical College, [1940s-1960s]; press cuttings, [1947-1970]; reports and histories relating to the formation of North East London Polytechnic, 1962-1969; Borough of Barking Council minutes, 1938-1965; County Council of Essex Health Committee minutes, 1952.

South East Essex Technical College South East Essex Technical College and School of Art Barking Regional College of Technology
GB 2381 SWET · 1938-1977

Records of the South West Essex Technical College and School of Art, later Waltham Forest Technical College and School of Art, 1938-1977, comprising:

Minutes and reports of boards and committees (very incomplete), 1938-1970; Annual Reports, 1939-1965; Constitution of the new Waltham Forest Technical College and School of Art, 1965; Constitution of the Students' Union, 1954; Armorial bearings of the South West Essex Technical College and School of Art; [1959]; Programmes and invitations for ceremonies and events, 1939-1963, notably the official opening ceremony of the College in 1939; Prospectuses and course handbooks (incomplete), 1938-1969; Publications, student magazines and staff articles, 1938-1977; Press cuttings, 1945-1977; Photographs of students, classrooms and the College building, [1950s]-1973; Prints, drawings and maps which were once framed and decorated the walls of the College, 1648-[1950s]; Staff and Student Theses, [1941]-1963.

South West Essex Technical College and School of Art Waltham Forest Technical College and School of Art
GB 2109 University of Surrey Archives, Guildford · 1890-2003

Archives of the University of Surrey and its predecessor institutions, 1890-2003. The archives include papers connected with the original foundation, 1890-1894; minutes of Governing Body, Council, Senate, and their Committees, 1891-2003; reports of the Governing body, 1893-1926; of the Principal, 1910-1965, and of the Vice Chancellor, 1966-2003; building and accommodation papers and plans, 1960s-2003; records of academic departments and research institutes, including electronic and environmental engineering, education, languages and law, health, human sciences and the performing arts; prospectuses and calendars, 1894-2003, and details of postgraduate courses and research studies, 1968-2003; Students' Union records; financial records including accounts and funding bodies; legal and property records; schemes of government; staffing records and biographical notes of some members of staff; student and university magazines, 1908-2003, including Battersea Polytechnic Magazine, 1908-1930; Polygon, 1931-1963; and Battersea College of Technology Magazine, 1964-1966; Battersea Polytechnic student cards, c1894-1957 (microfiche); photographic collection covering buildings, events and people,1889-2000.

Battersea Polytechnic Institute Battersea Polytechnic Battersea College of Technology University of Surrey
GB 2381 WTC · 1920-1938

Records of the Walthamstow Technical Institute, later Walthamstow Technical College, 1920-1938, comprising:

Prospectuses, 1920, 1932; 'The Anvil', Magazine of Walthamstow Technical College, 1936-1938.

Walthamstow Technical Institute Walthamstow Technical College
GB 378 LDGSL/1078 · 1923-1985

Papers relating to the life and work of Janet Vida Watson, 1923-1985, comprising:

Biographical material, including: obituaries of Watson and her own autobiographical notes for her Royal Society personal record, 1985; records of her career, honours and awards, from early childhood, 1923-1985; letters of condolence to John Sutton, many with recollections of Watson, 1985; poems and short stories by Watson (possibly including some by her sister and mother), [1940s]; family and personal correspondence, 1944-1985; photographs of Watson including some from visits to East Germany in connection with the International Geological Correlation Programme, 1923-[1980s].

Thirty-six notebooks covering Watson's research, chiefly in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, from undergraduate research in 1946, through her Ph.D. research in the Scourie area during the late 1940s and the 1950s research in Banffshire and central Rosshire, to her work on the Lewisian granite of the Outer Hebrides from the later 1960s and later work in Orkney during the early 1980s.

Drafts, annotated off-prints and other material relating to Watson's research activities and publications, the bulk of which concerns her work in Scotland during the 1970s, including drafts prepared in the course of compiling a memoir on the geology of the Outer Hebrides in collaboration with the Institute of Geological Sciences; correspondence relating to Watson's scientific research, 1968-1985.

Annotated maps, mostly of the Outer Hebrides, 1960s; maps relating to Watson's PhD research in the Scourie area and work in southern Skye, 1947-1962.

Watson , Janet Vida , 1923-1985 , scientist and geologist
GB 2381 WHM · 1898-1970

Records of the West Ham College of Technology and its predecessors, 1898-1970, comprising:

Minutes of the Board of Governors, 1959-1965; Minutes of the Board of Studies, 1924-1960; Minutes of the Academic Board, 1964-1969; minutes and report of the University Board, 1933-1958; Board of Education circulars, 1911-1919;

Correspondence and general administration, 1911-1970, notably the establishment of the new Polytechnic, 1968-1970;Annual Report, 1966-1967;

Day student lists (incomplete),1914-1961; Sessional reports for evening and part-time courses (incomplete), 1905-1957; Fee Registers, 1949-1955; Exam results (incomplete), [1914]-1957;

Exam papers, 1951-1956; Prospectuses and Course Handbooks (incomplete), 1899-1970;

Records of the Engineering Department, 1904-1962; Financial records (incomplete), 1948-1970; Records of the Students' Union and its Clubs (incomplete), 1930-1970; Staff and student publications, 1963-1970; Student Laboratory Reports, 1955-1964;

Minutes of the Technical Instruction Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1898-1918; Minutes of Council and Reports of Committees of the County Borough of West Ham, 1946-1964; Minutes of Education Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1954-1963.

West Ham College of Technology West Ham Municipal College Municipal Technical Institute
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP 151 · 1936-1939

Seven manuscript notebooks compiled by student at King's College London, Kathleen Williams, 1936-1939; comprising: botanical notes in a ring binder with drawings and sketches of toadstools, flowers and seeds, 1936; notebook on crystals and crystalline rocks showing drawings of crystals through a microscope and rock strata, 1936; notebook on types of rocks with colour sketches of microscopy, 1937; notebook with sketches, of fossils, sponges and seashells, 1937; geography field trip book on an expedition to Herne Bay, Torquay and elsewhere, with sketches of rocks and landscapes, 1937; geography field book showing expeditions to Helmsley, Yorkshire, Dorking, Surrey, Windsor, Berkshire and elsewhere, with sketches of rock strata and landscapes, 1938-1939; geography field book, Helmsley, Yorkshire, with photographs and hand-drawn maps showing topographical features, 1938-1939.

Williams , Kathleen Mary Frances , fl 1936-1939 , natural sciences student
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP9 · Created 1914-1931

Offprints of articles by Wilson, 1914-1931, on subjects relating to electrical engineering, from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1914-1924, Experimental wireless and the wireless engineer, 1929-1930, The wireless world, 1921, The proceedings of the Physical Society, 1922-1931, The electrician, 1913-1915, and the Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1917-1931, including an article on 'The contribution of King's College to the advancement of engineering during the century, 1829-1929' printed as a supplement to The King's Engineer, Jun 1931. A list of 'Original papers issued from the Sir William Siemens Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, 1891-1928'. Photograph of a string galvanometer, 1924.

Wilson , Ernest , 1863-1932 , Professor of Electrical Engineering
GB 2121 Woolwich Polytechnic · Fonds · 1890-1989

Records of Woolwich Polytechnic, comprising minutes of the Trustees, 1891-1895; minutes of the Governing Body, 1894-1970; minutes of Committees of the Governing Body, 1895-1970; minutes of the Education and Finance, General Purpose Committee, 1896-1941, including sub-committees, building, recreation, schools, equipment; minutes of the Polytechnic Council, 1891-1903; minutes of the Polytechnic Trustees and Friends, 1891-1895; minutes of the Young Man's Christian Institute Social and Recreative Committee, 1895-1901; minutes of the Woolwich Polytechnic Social and Recreative Committee, 1901-1903; minutes of the Technical Board of Studies, 1923-1934; minutes of the Technical and Trade Board, 1937-1945; minutes of the Board of Studies, 1932-1934; minutes of the Academic Board, 1935-1960; registers of members of the Governing Body, 1895-1961; Governors' attendance books, 1935-1989; Governing Body handbooks, 1898-1970;

Woolwich Polytechnic sundry reports, 1890-1902; Principal's reports, 1900-1903; Principal's Report on the Social Side, 1905; Principals' reports, 1905-1950; reports of the Governing Body, 1905-1970;

administrative records, comprising Secretary's files, 1907-1973, notably applications for recognition to the Board of Education, 1907-1913; letters to T A Denny concerning buildings for Woolwich Polytechnic, 1890; licences to erect buildings, 1898-1902; minutes of meetings of Secretaries of London Polytechnics, 1939-1960; minutes of Head's meetings, 1953-1963; papers relating to the refectory and Refectory Advisory Sub-committee, 1940-1961; technical education, 1956-1961; teaching staff, 1959-1964; administrative staff, 1962-1972; financial records, comprising report and financial statements, 1892-1969; block grant files, 1911-1971; City Parochial Reports, 1927-1937, on the work of London Polytechnics; papers relating to trusts and prizes, comprising declarations of trusts and trust deeds, 1901-1931, Charity Commissioners order, 1960;

annual reports, 1904-1925, 1967-1970; prospectuses, 1891-1971, including for schools associated with Woolwich Polytechnic; calendars of classes, 1895-1934; information leaflets, including calendars of dates, 1953-1971; Students' Handbook, 1904-1933; albums of press cuttings, 1894-1907, 1958-1968; photographs of student classes, 1899; photographs for prospectuses, 1901-1905; internal views of the Polytechnic, including cookery school, laundry, club rooms, engineering workshop, ladies tailoring, playing fields; albums of staff photographs, 1950s-1960s, presentations, staff cricket matches, coats of arms; photographs of Governors, 1891-1970; Chairmen of the Governing Body, 1891-1973; Principals, 1893-1970;

magazines of Woolwich Polytechnic and Day Schools, 1905-1970, comprising The Pom-Pom, 1905-1906; The Polytician; The Probationer; Secondary School magazine, 1923; The Polygon, 1933-1954; Polly, Cycling Club magazine, 1948-1952; Chanticleer, 1948-1959; Proceedings of Woolwich Polytechnic Engineering Society, 1908-1914; Broadsheet, 1965; Principal's newsletter, 1969; staff bulletins, 1934-1953; staff journal, 1970; minutes, 1952-1957, and correspondence, 1950-1957, of the Magazine Board;

student records, comprising student record cards, 1900-1910; registers of attendances, 1905-1912; students' schedules, 1932-1945; class attendance books, 1908-1912, 1932-1964; student record sheets, 1912-1932; teachers' class reports, 1912-1976; class reports, 1953-1954; course reports, 1957-1961; examination results and reports, 1948-1957; statistics relating to students and student hours, 1946-1967; School of Art student record sheets, 1914-1932; School of Arts and Crafts record sheets, 1941-1943;

minutes of Woolwich Polytechnic Union of Clubs and Societies, including Woolwich Polytechnic Association, 1891-1903, 1929-1933, 1943-1968; annual accounts, 1960-1970; correspondence, not dated; Woolwich Polytechnic Students' Union handbooks, 1960-1970;

student theses and dissertations, [1929-1970];

Woolwich Polytechnic Lodge Ladies Festival programme, 1978.

Woolwich Polytechnic