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Archival description
BD2 · Fonds · 1882-1965

This collection comprises the following minute books, departmental records, financial accounts, correspondence, building plans and photographs of the Borough of Barking and its predecessors, including the Barking Town Local Board and Barking Urban District Council (1882-1965), relating to the management of the council, public health and housing, highways and town planning, parks, cemeteries and public buildings, education, public libraries, lighting, civil defence, transport, finance, welfare and rates.


Minute books of the Barking Local Town Board, 1882-1894 (BD2/A/1/1)

Committee minute books of the Barking Local Town Board, 1883-1895 (BD2/A/1/2)

Minute books of Barking Urban District Council, 1895-1931 (BD2/A/2/1)

Committee minute books of Barking Urban District Council, 1895-1931 (BD2/A/2/2)

Minute books of the Borough of Barking, 1931-1965(BD2/A/3)

Declarations and acceptance of office books of the Borough of Barking, 1931-1963 (BD2/A/4)

Public health and housing

Minute book of the Barking Town Local Board of Health, 1853-1866 (BD2/B/1/1)

Reports of the Ilford and Barking Joint Sewerage Committee, 1935-1969 (BD2/B/2/1)

General ledger of the Ilford and Barking Joint Sewerage Committee, 1956-1969 (BD2/B/2/2)

Infectious diseases registers of the Public Health Department, 1915-1951 (BD2/B/3/1)

Tuberculosis registers of notifications of the Public Health Department, 1916-1924 (BD2/B/3/2)

Death registers of the Public Health Department, 1936-1965 (BD2/B/3/3)

Research on diphtheria by the Public Health Department, 1958-1961 (BD2/B/3/4)

Photographs of the Public Health Department, circa.1930-1965 (BD2/B/3/5)

Correspondence and papers on housing of the working classes in Barking, 1901-1908 (BD2/B/4)

Correspondence and papers on temporary housing in Barking, 1898-1907 (BD2/B/5)

Correspondence and papers on sewerage and drainage in Barking, 1893-1905 (BD2/B/6)

Correspondence and papers on water supply in Barking, 1895-1901 (BD2/B/7)

File on the National (Coal Strike) Emergency, 1921 (BD2/B/8)

File on population rates in each ward of Barking Urban District Council, 1928 (BD2/B/9)

War damage and repairs ledgers of Borough of Barking, 1940-1945 (BD2/B/10)

Highways and town planning

Correspondence and papers on highways of the Borough of Barking, 1891-1905 (BD2/C/1)

Correspondence and papers on street improvements of the Borough of Barking, 1892-1909 (BD2/C/2)

Correspondence and papers on private street works of the Borough of Barking, 1905-1909 (BD2/C/3)

Correspondence and papers on the Town Wharf of Barking Urban District Council, 1897-1908 (BD2/C/4)

Parks, cemeteries and public buildings

Minute book of the Barking Burial Board, 1884-1897 (BD2/D/1/1)

Register of burials of the Barking Burial Board, 1886-1901 (BD2/D/1/2)

Notices of internment of the Barking Burial Board, 1886-1904 (BD2/D/1/3)

Reports of the Grounds Committee of the Barking Burial Board, 1893-1896 (BD2/D/1/4)

Correspondence and papers on Rippleside Cemetery, 1906-1908 (BD2/D/1/5)

Register of graves at St. Margaret's Churchyard, Barking, 1930 (BD2/D/2)

Correspondence and papers on allotments in Barking, 1908-1910 (BD2/D/3)


Minute books of Barking School Board, 1889-1903 (BD2/E/1/1)

Committee minute books of Barking School Board, 1892-1903 (BD2/E/1/2)

Financial accounts of Barking School Board, 1886-1903 (BD2/E/1/3)

Registers of the Attendance Officer of Barking School Board, 1885-1897 (BD2/E/1/4)

Minute books of Barking Education Committee, 1903-1928 (BD2/E/2/1)

Minute books of Barking Education Sub-Committee, 1903-1922 (BD2/E/2/2)

Minute book of Barking Education Children's Care and Kitchen Committee, 1912-1920 (BD2/E/2/3)

Minute book of Barking Education Boot Committee, 1919-1927 (BD2/E/2/4)

Minute book of Barking Higher Education Committee, 1921-1924 (BD2/E/2/5)

Annual reports of the Barking Education Committee, 1934-1941 (BD2/E/2/6)

Correspondence of the Barking Education Committee, 1903-1958 (BD2/E/2/7)

Newspaper cuttings of Barking Education Committee, 1925-1941 (BD2/E/2/8)

Public libraries

Minute books of Barking Public Libraries Committee, 1888-1928 (BD2/F/1)

Minute books of Barking Public Libraries Sub-Committees, 1890-1894 (BD2/F/2)

Letter books of the Barking Public Libraries, 1889-1919 (BD2/F/3)

Issue books of Barking Public Libraries, 1900-1961 (BD2/F/4)

Junior issue books of Barking Public Libraries, 1924-1952 (BD2/F/5)

Accounts ledgers of Barking Public Libraries, 1889-1969 (BD2/F/6)

Statistics ledgers of Barking Public Libraries, 1956-1959 (BD2/F/7)


Correspondence and papers on lighting of Barking Urban District Council, 1896-1906 (BD2/G/1)

Revenue accounts ledger on the installation and analysis of electricity, 1935-1966 (BD2/G/2)


Correspondence on Peace Week, 1936-1937 (BD2/H/1)

File on the accession of King George VI, 1936 (BD2/H/2)

Files on the Coronation of King George VI, 1936-1938 (BD2/H/3)

File on entertainments in Barking, 1934-1940 (BD2/H/4)

File on the Anglo-Soviet Pact Anniversary Celebrations, 1943-1946 (BD2/H/5)

File on the V.E. Day Thanksgiving Service, 1945 (BD2/H/6)


Correspondence and papers on tramways of Barking Urban District Council, 1898-1902 (BD2/J/1)

Files on light railways in Barking, 1896-1908 (BD2/J/2)

Files on the London, Tilbury and Southend Railway Bill, 1902-1908 (BD2/J/3)

Petition on the nuisance caused by motor car and bus traffic signed by the residents of Rippleside,1908 (BD2/J/4)

Correspondence with the Kearney Society, 1924 (BD2/J/5)


General ledgers of the Borough of Barking, 1935-1965 (BD2/K/1)

Rating and valuation

Reports of the Rating and Valuation Committee, 1942-1950 (BD2/L/1)

General and poor rate books for Barking, 1921-1933 (BD2/L/2-3)

General rate demand summary books for Barking, 1934-1964 (BD2/L/4)

Valuation lists of the Borough of Barking, 1930-1965 (BD2/L/5)

Loans ledgers of the Borough of Barking, 1939-1965 (BD2/L/6)


Minute book of the Distress Committee of Barking Urban District Council, 1908-1924 (BD2/M/1)

Minute book of the Old Age Pensions Committee of the Borough of Barking, 1923-1934 (BD2/M/2)

Borough of Barking
GB 1968 · Collection · 1851-

The Architectural Association Archives comprise of the administrative and educational records of the Architectural Association Inc. (1847-), encompassing material related to the AA's governance, legal and financial operations, property holdings and educational activities. To date, less than one quarter of all the AA's archival records have been formally catalogued, with the focus of phase one of the cataloguing having been upon basic administrative records, including Council and committee minute books and agendas, constitutional records, Registers of Directors, property leases and vital company documents. Phase two of the cataloguing process is ongoing and is focused upon the educational records of the AA school, its staff and its students.

Architectural Association (Great Britain)
GB 2738 RCPCH/001 · sub-fonds · 1928-2013

This collection is comprised of records of the Annual General Meeting of the British Paediatric Association and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. It includes: Programmes, agendas and minutes of meetings; Scientific papers and presentations;Photographs and films of meetings.

British Paediatric Association Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health
GB 2180 TCS/F/02/022 · sub-fonds · [1893]-1938
Part of The Children's Society

Records created and used by St Nicholas', Upper Tooting; St Nicholas', West Byfleet; St Nicholas', Pyrford; St Martin's, Surbiton; St Martin's, Pyrford; and St Nicholas' and St Martin's, Pyrford. Includes the following: Annual reports for St Martin's Home For Crippled Boys, Surbiton, Surrey, 1902; Annual reports for St Nicholas' and St Martin's Orthopaedic Hospital and Special School, Pyrford, Surrey, 1937-1938; Plans of St Nicholas' Home, West Byfleet, Surrey, c1893; An order of service for the laying of the foundation stone of of St Martin's Orthopaedic Hospital And Special School, Pyrford, near Woking, Surrey, 1915.

St Nicholas' Home for Crippled Children, Upper Tooting St Nicholas' Home, West Byfleet, Surrey St Nicholas' Orthopaedic Hospital and Special School, Pyrford, near Woking St Martin's Home For Crippled Boys, Surbiton, Surrey St Martin's Orthopaedic Hospital And Special School, Pyrford, Surrey St Nicholas' and St Martin's Orthopaedic Hospital and Special School, Pyrford
GB 2180 TCS/F/02/081 · sub-fonds · 1947-1972
Part of The Children's Society

Records created and used by St Agnes' Home, Pevensey Bay, Sussex. Includes the following: Minutes of the local committee, 1952-1968; Admissions registers, 1947-1972.

St Agnes' Home, Pevensey Bay, Sussex
GB 2180 TCS/F/02 · sub-fonds · [1866-1994]
Part of The Children's Society

These records are those created by The Children's Society's children's homes and by the local management of the Homes (called variously Home, Local and House Committees). In addition to establishing Homes, the organisation also took over the management of existing Homes and so some of the records predate the founding of The Children's Society.The survival of records is variable. Often no records survive for Homes which were open a comparatively short space of time or which closed before the 1970s. Record series which are found amongst this material include:House Committee Minute books and papers; Admissions and Discharge Registers; Visitors' books; Dietary Diaries; Plans and photographs; Gift Books and Pound Day books; Annual Reports.

Children's Society
GB 1697 A.RLEP · 1994-1998

The Archive of the Records of Legal Education Project comprise the entire administrative and research archive of the Co-ordinator, and consist of administrative records, 1994-1998; correspondence files, 1994-1998; progress reports, 1994-1998; background papers on legal education, 1994-1998; papers relating to the Guide to Records of Legal Education and Law Schools, 1994-1998; records relating to the publicising of the Project and its findings, 1994-1998; Records of Legal Education Archives, policy files, 1994-1998; Records of Legal Education Archives, individual record collection files, 1994-1998.

Records of Legal Education Project
GB 1697 A.RLEA · 1845-2000

The Records of Legal Education Archives, 1845-2000, consist of:-
A.ACLEC: Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct: press cuttings, 1991-1999.
A.ALT: Association of Law Teachers Archive, 1965-1997.
A.BARR: Barrow Inquiry Papers (papers of Ruth Deech, Principal, St Anne's College Oxford and a member of the Inquiry team, relating to the Committee of Inquiry into Equal Opportunities at the Inns of Court School of Law, chaired by Dame Jocelyn Barrow, 1989-1994).
A.CHULS: Committee of Heads of University Law Schools Archive, 1974-2000.
A.CLE: Council of Legal Education Archive, 1845-1997.
A.CLEA: Commonwealth Legal Education Association Archive, 1971-1995.
A.CLRP: Commonwealth Legal Records Project Archive, 1984-1993.
A.LSRG: Legal Skills Research Group, 1987-1994.
A.MARSH: Dr Stan Marsh, law teacher, papers 1968-1995.
A.READ: Professor James S Read, law teacher, papers 1972-1983.
A.RLEP: Records of the Legal Education Project Archive, 1993-1998.
A.SALS: Society for Advanced Legal Studies papers, 1997-1999.
A.SCLE: Standing Conference on Legal Education Minutes, 1991-1994.
A.SLSA: Socio-Legal Studies Association, 1989-1996.
A.SPTL: Society of Public Teachers of Law Archive: 1908-1998.
A.TWIN: Professor William L Twining, law teacher, papers 1965-1994.
A.UKNCCL: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law Archive, 1960-1989.

Records of Legal Education Archives
BD24 · Fonds · 1872-1970

This collection comprises the minute books, articles of association, account ledgers, financial journals, wages books, cash books, newspaper cuttings and liquidation papers of Lawes Chemical Company (1872-1970), as well as records of subsidiary companies, including: Acides et Superphosphates Standairt Societe Anonyme (1929-1938), Gwalia Fertilisers (Briton Ferry) Limited (1934-1969), Jersey Trading Company (1948) Limited (1914-1963), Alfred Nightingale and Sons Ltd (1937-1963) and Thomas Fenn Limited (1947-1961).

Lawes Chemical Company
Records of Joint Committees
GB 2087 RCPSYCH/K · Fonds · 1941-1995

The archive comprise records of the following committees:

RCPSYCH/K1 - Medical Planning Committee, 1941-1945

RCPSYCH/K2 - British Geriatrics Society/RCPSYCH Joint Liaison Committee, 1979-1990

RCPSYCH/K3 - Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry/British Geriatrics Society Liaison Committee, 1996-2000

RCPSYCH/K4 - British Paediatric Association (BPA)/RCPSYCH Joint Liaison Committee, 1980-1988.

RCPSYCH/K5 - British Psychological Society/RCPSYCH Joint Liaison Committee, 1975-1995

RCPSYCH/6 - College of Occupational Therapists/RCPSYCH Liaison Committee, 1988-1993

Royal College of Psychiatrists
Records of Hospital Premises
GOS/4 · 1869-2003

Records of properties held by Great Ormond Street Hospital, 1869-2003 covering Hospital buildings, plans, budgets, correspondence and reports. Comprising: GOS/4/1: Plans of first purpose-built Hospital building, and correspondence with the architect, E. M. Barry, 1869-1875, including details of proposed alterations; press-cuttings, and correspondence with Dr West about the buildings; GOS/4/2: Volume, "Building and Sanitary Reports", 1873-1895, including correspondence, bills, plans and reports; some relating to Cromwell House; GOS/4/3: Box file, 'Buildings', including sub-files on new buildings, 1887-1949, namely i. General correspondence on Guilford Street property, 1931-1936, ii Plans of North Block by Charles Barry Jnr, 1890, iii. Cromwell House, 1895-1910, iv. Alterations to buildings and boilers, 1899-1947, v. Cleaning of premises, 1887-1921, vi. The Astor Memorial, 1903-1922, vii. Existing buildings, 1912, viii. Valuations, 1914-1916, ix. Proposed convalescent home, 1931-1932, x. Miscellaneous, 1921-1927, xi. St Christopher's Chapel, 1936, xii. Foundling Hospital site, 1924-1929.

GOS/4/4: Schemes for annual cleaning of Hospital premises, 1900-1915; GOS/4/5: Correspondence concerning new boiler house and redevelopment of Powis Place, 1907; GOS/4/6-8: Correspondence concerning new Out-Patient's Department, 1904-1910; GOS/4/9: Works Manager's correspondence, 1914; GOS/4/10: Works Manager's Electricity and Power Readings for Hospital premises, 1918-1923; GOS/4/11: Works Department Estimates, 1922-1923; GOS/4/12: Oliver Chadwyck-Healey's (Vice-Chairman) papers concerning attempted acquisition of the Foundling Hospital site, 1929.

GOS/4/13: Specification and Plans for the Princess Royal Nursing Home, 1932; GOS/4/14: Designs and correspondence for the Warburton-Lee Memorial, 1934; GOS/4/15: Specifications for new Hospital block (Southwood Building), 1936; GOS/4/16: Reports on, and estimates for, new Hospital block, 1938; GOS/4/17: Maps of Foundling Estate and Hospital properties, with attached schedule of Leases, 1955-1956; GOS/4/18: Reports and Plans relating to proposed office accommodation redevelopment, 1956.

GOS/4/19: Plans of Out-Patients Department area and adjacent play shelter site, Almoner's Office; Tennis Courts and Playground, c 1960; GOS/4/2O: Plans for alterations to Casualty Department entrance, 1961-62 ; GOS/4/21: Site Development Steam Generation plan, 1961; GOS/4/22: Sample French Window design, obtained (? by Dr West) from the 'Hospital Napoleon', Paris, c 1870; GOS/4/23: Building reports and related papers of proposed Joint Development (National Hospital, Morbid Anatomy), 1968-1975.

GOS/4/24: Floor-plan of original Hospital premises (48-49 Great Ormond Street), 1872; GOS/4/25: Correspondence concerning leasing and site development of Hospital premises on the Foundling Hospital estate, 1925-1942 (Guilford Street and Lansdowne Yard): i General correspondence on Guilford Street property, 1931-1936, ii. Proposed purchase of Foundling Estate property in Guilford Street, 1925-1927, iii. Correspondence with King's Fund concerning purchase of Foundling Estate property and developments at Tadworth Court, 1926-1927, iv. Correspondence concerning tenancies of property in Guilford Street and Lansdowne Mews, 1930, v. Legal papers concerning tenancy of properties in Guilford Street and Lansdowne Mews, 1927-1932, vi. Correspondence concerning properties in Lansdowne Yard and nos. 40, 42, 45 and 46 Guilford Street, 1930-1932, vii. Plans and Memoranda concerning Guilford Street, Lansdowne Yard, Dolling's Timber Yard site and related land-usage resolutions, 1927-1929, viii. Correspondence concerning tenancies of 34-36 Guilford Street, 1929-1937, ix. Correspondence concerning usage of Hospital's Guilford Street frontage for removal of deceased patients from Mortuary, 1932, x. Correspondence concerning Guilford Street tenancies and move of tenant Mr Bernhard 1932, 1930-1942.

GOS/4/26-109: Records of the building, furnishing and operation of the Southwood Building and the Guilford Street Nurses' Home , 1930-1955; GOS/4/ 26: Sale of Leases of Guilford Street properties, 1930; GOS/4/27: Architect's Report, 'Why the New Hospital is Necessary', 1934; GOS/4/ 28: Correspondence with Stanley Hall, Architect, 1932-1939; includes plan of possible Hospital redevelopment on the Foundling Hospital site; GOS/4/29: Papers concerning the effect of LCC Building Regulations on the Hospital's redevelopment, including site plans, 1935-1944; GOS/4/30: LCC Questionnaire on Hospital rebuilding, 1937; GOS/4/31: Enquiries concerning the GOS Redevelopment Scheme by other hospitals and institutions, 1937-1938; GOS/4/32: Architects' Reports, Plans, Questionnaires for the Building Committee, 1930-1938; GOS/4/33: Plans and correspondence concerning extension to the existing Astor Out-Patients Building, 1932-1946; GOS/4/34-35: Building contracts with, and records of payments to, Sir Robert McAlpine, Contractors, 1936-1940; GOS/4/36: Use of advertising hoardings on the Guilford Street site, 1936; GOS/4/37: Extension to Hospital Laundry, 1937-1938; GOS/4/38: Master-keys for new building, 1937-1938; GOS/4/39: Pathology Laboratory in new Hospital, 1939; GOS/4/40: Obituaries of Stanley Hall, Architect, 1940.

GOS/4/41: Architect's Report and summary description of new Nurses' Home, 1932; GOS/4/42: Correspondence concerning costs of new Nurses' Home, 1932-1936; GOS/4/43: Clerk of Works' Reports on new Nurses' Home building, 1934-1935; GOS/4/44: Matron's Temporary Flat in new Nurses' Home, 1938-1939; GOS/4/45 Nurses' Home 'Sanitary Annexes', 1936; GOS/4/46: Nurses' Home Electricity Supply, 1937-1938; GOS/4/47: Nurses' Home, Architects' Fees (Messrs Hall and Leslie), 1932-1935; GOS/4/48: Nurses' Home Painting and Decoration, 1933-1938; GOS/4/49: Nurses' Home, Maids' Quarters, 1936-1938; GOS/4/50: Nurses' Home Reception Office, 1954; GOS/4/51: Nurses' Home, Nurses and Sisters' Servery, 1951-53; GOS/4/52: Miscellaneous correspondence on Nurses' Home, and part of the site (36 Guilford Street); GOS/4/53: Nurses' Home, Mural Paintings by the Byam-Shaw School of Art, 1934-1937; GOS/4/54: Nurses' Home, Naming after Princess Royal and RIBA Award, 1937-40; GOS/4/55: Nurses' Home, Staff Recreation Room, 1938; GOS/4/56: Nurses' Home site, Dangerous Structures notice on existing properties, 1933.

GOS/4/57: Correspondence with Royal Standard Benefit Society, Guilford Street, concerning light/access effects of new Hospital buildings; GOS/4/58: Temporary transfer of Dresden and Cohen Wards to Nurses' Home building, 1937; GOS/4/59: Splint Store in new Hospital, 1937; GOS/4/60: Temporary accommodation in Nissen Huts during Hospital rebuilding, 1948; GOS/4/61: Resident Medical Superintendent's Quarters in new Hospital, 1935; GOS/4/62: Re-accommodation of Staff during Hospital rebuilding, 1936-1937; GOS/4/63: Ward Units in new Hospital, 1935-1949; GOS/4/64: Architect's correspondence on miscellaneous design details of the new Hospital, 1938; GOS/4/65: Accommodation/space allocation in new Out-Patients Building, including comments by Clinical Staff, 1938-1946; GOS/4/66: Plans of temporary Out-Patients Deptartment in the old Hospital, 1938; GOS/4/67: Equipment for new Out-Patients Dept., 1939; GOS/4/68: Overtime arrangements for construction of new building, 1936-1939; GOS/4/69: Miscellaneous correspondence on equipment and maintenance of the Southwood Building/Nurses' Home, 1937-1950; GOS/4/70: Schedule of Out-Patient accommodation, c 1939; GOS/4/71: Out-Patients Deptartment keys/security, 1954; GOS/4/72: Nurses' home, plans of new bathrooms/WC, 1953; GOS/4/73: Nurses' Home, Matron's Flat, 1951; GOS/4/74: Rubber Furnishings for Southwood Building/Nurses' Home, 1947-1949; GOS/4/ 75: Nurses' Home, furnishings, decoration, Dispensary and Kitchen, 1936-1953, including set of general floor-plans.

GOS/4/ 76: Skin Therapy Dept. in new Hospital, 1936; GOS/4/77: General furnishings for new Hospital, 1939; GOS/4/ 78: Clocks and paging system in new Hospital, 1933-1938; GOS/4/79: Offices and telephone exchange in new Hospital, 1951-1953; GOS/4/80: Out-Patient Dept., repair of damaged walling, 1947; GOS/4/81: Staff Canteen, 1951; includes general plans of new Institute of Child Health and Out-Patients Deptartment buildings; GOS/4/82: Water softener for new building, 1948-1954; GOS/4/83: Hospital workshops during redevelopment, 1935-1950; GOS/4/84: Sterilising equipment for new Hospital, 1937-1950; GOS/4/85 Ward temperatures in new Hospital, 1946; GOS/4/ 86: Building regulations authority correspondence, 1945; GOS/4/87: Equipment and operation of Hospital kitchens, 1937-1948; GOS/4/88: X-Ray Film Storage, 1936.

GOS/4/89: War-Damage; repair of bomb-damage to 5th-7th floors of Southwood Building, 1947-1958; GOS/4/ 90: Solution Room, 1947; GOS/4/91: Ventilating pipes, 1946-1947; GOS/4/92: Museum and Pathology Laboratory in new Hospital, 1946-1949, file also includes general floor-plans of 2nd-4th floors of Southwood Building; GOS/4/93: Operating Theatres, Equipment and Maintenance, 1947-1954; GOS/4/94: Staircases and fire-escape provision in Southwood Building, 1947-1948; GOS/4/95: Traffic Barrier in Hospital Drive, 1954;GOS/4/96: Wall opposite Southwood Memorial, 1953; GOS/4/97: Ventilation Plant on Balconies, 1952; GOS/4/98-99: Treatment Room floors, 1948-1952; GOS/4/100 Temporary Out-Patients' Deptartment, Bills of Quantities, 1948-1953; GOS/4/101: Redecoration, 1947-1948; GOS/4/102: Conversion to Oil Fuel, 1951-1952; GOS/4/103: Oxygen Mains Supply, 1935-1948; GOS/4/104: Ramp and Linen Store, including plans, 1953; GOS/4/105: Ward screens, 1948-1949; GOS/4/106: Refrigerated centrifuge, 1950-1955; GOS/4/107: Repair of Powis Place, 1945-1953.

GOS/4/108: Financial papers relating to costs of war damage repair, School of Nursing building and Barrie Wing, 1955-1963; GOS/4/109: Correspondence concerning Royal Standard Benefit Society premises, 40 Great Ormond Street, 1950-1953; GOS/4/110: Lists and related correspondence of Hospital residential properties, 1948-1973, including list of title deeds, 1948; GOS/4/111: Sketch plan of room usage in the basement of the surviving Victorian Hospital buildings, 1961; GOS/4/112: Old Building accommodation, 1979, Survey and floor plans, also site plan of whole 'Island Site'; GOS/4/113: 1960 Site plan, insurance valuations of Trust Fund properties, 1970, 1978 security report; GOS/4/114: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England report on the Hospital's buildings, including the Italian Hospital, 1994; GOS/4/115: Illustrated project on parental accommodation 'Great Ormond Street Project', by Sydney Sykes, March-September 1985; GOS/4/116: GOSH NHS Trust Site Plan and staff update literature c 2003.

Great Ormond Street Hospital
GOS/6 · 1852-2010

Records of donors for Great Ormond Street Hospital, comprising: GOS/6/1 Lists and Registers, comprising GOS/6/1/1,Register of Life Governors, 1852-1890; GOS/6/1/2, Register of Life Donors, 1898-1908, with the Hospital's supporters since 1852; GOS/6/1/3-5, General Register of Donations and Subscriptions, January 1891-1900; GOS/6/1/6-7, Register of Life Governors, 1889-1908, with details of their date of joining since 1852, and Register of their Letters of Recommendation for patient admissions; GOS/6/1/8, Register of Donors under 30 Guineas, 1890-1897, with details of their donations since 1852, and Register of their Letters of Recommendation for patient admissions.

GOS/6/1/9, Register of Legacies, 1855-1893, including GOS/6/1/10-11, Registers of Wills and Bequests, 1884-1908; GOS/6/1/12, Register of Legacy Notices, 1903-06; GOS/6/1/13, Annual Register of Subscriptions, 1938; GOS/6/1/14, Financial Secretary's Report Book on Donations, 1923-1925; GOS/6/1/15-38 Correspondence concerning legacies to the Hospital, 1910-1948; GOS/6/1 /39, Legacies correspondence, loose copy Wills and related Probate information, 1909.

GOS/6/1/40-41 Sampled correspondence concerning personal and organisational donations to the Hospital, 1951-1959 and 1965-1969; GOS/6/1 /42-43, Deeds of Covenant, 1936-1953; GOS/6/1 /44, Register of Wills, 1934; GOS/6/1 /45-46, Register of Gifts, 1914-1941; GOS/6/1/48, Register of Ladies Applied to for Patronage, 1910; GOS/6/1/49 Register of Donors for Borough of Holborn Rebuilding Fund, 1933-1934; GOS/6/1/50, Appeal Book for Restoration of Hospital after Wartime bombing, 1945, autographed by members of the Royal Family, the British and United States' Governments, and leading Hollywood actors, actresses and producers; GOS/6/1/51, General Register of Donations, 1965-1971; GOS/6/1/52, Register of Donations to the Samaritan Fund, 1915-1917; GOS/6/1/53-54, Register of Legacies and their Subsequent Administration 1884-1948.

GOS/6/2-4, Major Patrons and Benefactors, comprising GOS/6/2/1-5, Gifts from the Royal family, correspondence regarding opening ceremonies, visits etc, 1872-1977.

GOS/6/3, The W. H. Barry Bequest (gift by William Henry Barry of the Hospital Chapel, and its Endowment for Services in Perpetuity), comprising GOS/6/3/1-6, Service Registers and Bequest agreements with Clergy, 1891-1963; GOS/6/3/7, Correspondence concerning the administration of the Barry Bequest, 1926-1960, including the arrangements for the appointment and transfer of Clergy, discussions on the use of the Chapel for Nonconformist services, the financial administration of the Bequest, a copy of W. H. Barry's Will (1892), and a pedigree of Barry family.

GOS/6/3/11-17, Chapel Baptism Registers, 1866-1988 *; GOS/6/3/18-19, Chapel Prayer Books, 1875; GOS/6/3/20, Order of Service for Hospital Chapel, 1875; GOS/6/3/21Certificate notifying his family of the Baptism of a named patient, 1917, GOS/6/3/22, Certificate of Christian baptism, 2002.

Sir J M Barrie and Peter Pan Copyright Gift GOS/6/4/1-2, Correspondence concerning gift of Copyright of Peter Pan to the Hospital by Sir James Barrie, with subsequent letters and press-cuttings, 1930-1977; GOS/6/4/3, Manuscript text of Barrie's speech to Guildhall Dinner on behalf of the Hospital, with annotated typescript copy, 1930; GOS/6/4/4-6 Correspondence from Sir J. M. Barrie 1929-1932; GOS/6/4/7-8 Membership and Subscriptions Register for the Peter Pan League, and correspondence, 1937-1949.

GOS/6/4/9-189, Correspondence concerning the administration of the Peter Pan Copyright gift, including correspondence with publishers, film companies, theatres, television companies, producers of overseas and foreign-language editions, 1929-1981;( /65 includes 2 letters of J M Barrie, correspondence with Barrie's Secretary, Cynthia Asquith, and reminiscences of the circumstances of Barrie's copyright gift by Hodder's Chairman, 1930-1972, /137 includes details of litigation with the Disney Corporation, 1962-1965; GOS/6/4/190, Correspondence between Lord Callaghan of Cardiff and Sir Cyril Chantler on the circumstances of the 1988 Peter Pan copyright extension to the Hospital, and the assistance given by Lady Callaghan; GOS/6/4/191, Set of Peter Pan commemorative stamps issued by the Royal Mail for the Hospital's 150th Anniversary year, 2002; GOS/6/4/192 Agreement with Samuel French Ltd regarding the licensing rights for amateur stage performances of Peter Pan, 20 October 1977; GOS/6/4/193 Hospital Charity's 'Activity List' of Peter Pan Centenary activities, 2004.

GOS/6/5 Commemorative and Endowed Cot Bequests, including GOS/6/5/1-5, Registers of Special Cots, 1868-1932; GOS/6/5/6 Register of Named Cots and Donors, circa 1930(updated, with amendments to 1968); GOS/6/5/7 Indexed volume listing Named and Endowed Cots, circa 1945; GOS/6/5/8, Register of Commemorative Plates at the Hospital, with information on the circumstances of the commemoration, circa 1955.

GOS/6/5/9-133 Correspondence files on the naming and sponsoring of individual commemorative cots, c 1920-1970, also including general files on the naming and listing of cots, 1936-1969, and files on the design and use of commemorative cot-plates, 1936-1956.

Miscellaneous Fundraising, GOS6/6/1- , including Fundraising dinners 1887-1890; GOS/6/6/7-9 The Imperial Coronation Bazaar, 1902; GOS/6/6/10, Correspondence and Reports concerning fund-raising for the Hospital by the Metropolitan Hospitals Sunday Fund, 1903-1906; GOS/6/6/11, File concerning advertising for special appeal on behalf of war-injured children from Europe, 1914; GOS/6/6/13, Correspondence concerning Appeal for the Children's Hospital City (a proposed new country Hospital under Great Ormond Street auspices), 1921; GOS/6/6/14/1-6, Correspondence concerning the commemorative naming of Wards, 1924-2000; GOS/6/6/15, Correspondence with overseas Donors, 1924-1969; GOS/6/6/16, Correspondence concerning Garden Party at Marlborough House in aid of the Hospital, 1931; GOS/6/6/17, Typescript texts of short stories submitted by Authors without fee for Appeal Fund; GOS/6/6/18, Correspondence concerning the Hospital's Ladies Association, 1937-1938.

GOS/6/6/19, Book of Gratitude, produced by the Hospital to record leading benefactors, 1940; GOS/6/6/21, General correspondence concerning Legacies to the Hospital, 1959-1964; GOS/6/6/23-26, Correspondence concerning the establishment and implementation of the Sir Denis Browne Memorial Fund (for Travelling Scholarships for clinical staff), 1967-1975, including Minutes of the Fund's Committee; GOS/6/6/29, Deed of Grant of Annuity of £120 between the Hospital and Reverend Joshua Wilson Coombs of Nice, in return for endowment of cot in memory of his daughter.

GOS/6/6/30*, Deeds of Covenant to the Hospital, with related correspondence 1934-1957; GOS/6/6/34, Papers relating to Sotheby's Auction of Hospital artworks at Hopetoun House, 1983, including portrait of Margaret Henley (the original inspiration for Wendy); GOS/6/6/3,5 GOSH Fundraising department's Corporate Pack, 1997; GOS/6/6/36, Survey of gifts of over £500 received by the Hospital since 1937, compiled prior to joining the National Health Service in 1948.

GOS/6/7/1-40, Wishing Well Appeal papers, 1985-1989; GOS/6/8/1, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity fund-raising literature, 2002; GOS/6/8/2 Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity Newsletter, 2003- date.

Great Ormond Street Hospital
GOS/1 · 1852-2000

Records of Hospital Committees of Great Ormond Street Hospital, 1852-2000, comprising: GOS/1, Annual Reports of the Committee of Management and Board of Management, 1852-1947; GOS/1/2 Minutes of the Committee of Management and Board of Management, 1850-1948 (includes the Provisional Committee Minutes Book, 1850-1852, text of Charles Dickens' 1855 speech on behalf of the Hospital, and the award of Honorary Governorship to him in 1858, a letter from Dr Jenner at Osbourne House in 1862, and a letter from Dr Jenner on gift of toys by the Queen in 1876.

GOS/1/3, Minutes of Board of Governors’ Meetings, 1869-1982; GOS/1/3/4- 25, Board of Governors Minute Books,1948-1982; GOS/1/4 Administrative and Executive Committee Minutes, 1938-1952; GOS/1/5/1-19, House Committee Minutes 1867-1938; GOS/1/5/20-44, House Committee papers, 1892-1921; GOS/1/6/1-57 Medical Committee Minutes, 1852-1971; Joint Medical Executive Committee, 1972 -1982.

GOS/1 /6/58, Transitional Executive Committee Minute Book, 1968-1969; GOS/1/6/59- 73, Executive Medical Committee Minute Book, 1971-1982; GOS/1/6/74-92 Medical Committee Papers, 1894-1936.

GOS/1/6/2, Comprising the Minute Books of the Divisional Subsidiaries of the Medical Executive Committee, known as the Cogwheel System, 1971-1990, including the Division of Physicians, the Division of Surgeons, the Division of Radiologists, the Division of Anaesthetists, and the Division of Pathologists.

GOS/1/7 Minute Books of the Joint Committee(on Medical Appointments), known after 1950 as the Medical Appointments Committee, 1894-1965; GOS/1/8 Finance Committee Minutes, 1858-1982; GOS/1/9 Building Committee Minutes, 1876-1981, Building Sub-Committee Minutes; GOS/1/10 Nursing Committee Minutes, 1922-1981; GOS/1/11 Policy and Development Committee Minutes, 1964-1977; GOS/1/12 Research Committee Minutes, 1946-1977; GOS/1/13 Medical Ethics Committee Minutes (including registers of cases for members' consideration), 1969-1984; GOS/1/14 General Medical Staff Committee Minutes,1971-1983; GOS/1/15 Establishment Committee Minutes, Establishment Committee Minute Book, 1948-1951.

GOS/1/16 Junior Staff Committee Minutes, 1930-1933; GOS/1/16/2 Junior Staff Training Committee Minute Book, 1972-1977; GOS/1/17 Doctors' Clinical Club Minutes (including non Great Ormond Street staff), 1875-1896 (includes photographs of annual excursions); GOS/1/18, Private Nursing Committee Minutes, 1917; GOS/1/19 Private Wards Administrative Committee Minutes, 1938-1947; GOS/1/20 Advisory Committee on Nursing Education Minutes,1970-1976; GOS/1/21 Cross-Infection Sub-Committee and Group Infection Committee Minutes, 1964-71982; GOS/1 /22 Organ Transplant Sub-Committee Minutes, 1964; GOS/1/23 Tumour Committee Minutes, 1965-1969.

GOS/1 /24 In-Patients After-Care Trust Minutes, 1913-1938; GOS/1/25 Social Services Committee Minutes,1949-1968; GOS/1 /26 Almoner’s Committee Minutes, 1918-1949; GOS/1/27 Committee of Chairmen Minutes, 1951-1952; GOS/1/28 Pensions Committee Minutes,1931-1933; GOS/1 /28/2 Pensions Committee Standing Orders, 1931-1945; GOS/1/28/3 Pensions Sub-Committee Minute Book, 1928-1931; GOS/1/29, Investment Sub-Committee Minutes,1958; GOS/1/30 Medical Workshop Committee Minutes, 1959-1968; GOS/1 /31 Catering Committee Minutes, 1945-1967;
GOS/1/32 Laundry Committee Minutes, 1952.

GOS/1 /33 Managing Committee Minutes, 1885; GOS/1/34 Reception Committee Minutes for Opening of New (South) Wing, 1892-1893; GOS/1 /35 Imperial Coronation Bazaar Committee Minutes,1902; GOS/1/36 Sub-Committee for the Management of Festival Dinners Minutes, 1857-1863; GOS/1/37 Appeal Committee Minutes, 1908-1909; GOS/1/38 Appeals Council Minutes, 1935-1941; GOS/1 /39 Peter Pan Sub-Committee Minutes,1954-1966; GOS/1 /40 Special Appeal Committee Minutes, 1930-1937; GOS/1/41 Centenary Sub-Committee Minutes, 1948-1952.

GOS/1/42 Local Government Committees on Hospital Reconstruction: GOS/1/42/1Reconstruction Fund, Borough of Holborn Committee Minute Book, 1933-1934; GOS/1/42/2 Reconstruction Fund; Borough of St Pancras Committee Minute Book, 1931-1933; GOS/1/43 Co-ordination Committee Minutes, 1939-1945; GOS/1/44, Law and Publicity Committee Minutes, 1931-1939.

GOS/1/45 Minutes of the London School of Paediatrics, 1941-1945; GOS/1 /46, League of Remembrance Minutes, 1946-1982; GOS/1/47 Institute of Child Health Staff Case Conference Minutes, 1947-1962; GOS/1/47/2; ICH Case Conference papers and GOS/ICH Training prospectus, c 1980-1990s. (These items came from Professor Aynsley-Green’s office.)

GOS/1/48 Sub-Committee on Nursing, Domestic Services, and Supplies Minutes, 1961-1963; GOS/1/49 Minutes of the Select Committee on Metropolitan Hospitals; GOS/1/49/1 Minute Book of the Select Committee on Metropolitan Hospitals, 1889; GOS/1/50 Kampala Sub-Committee (also known as Assistance to Hospitals in Uganda) Minutes, 1957-1969; GOS/1/51/1-4 Agenda Books for major Hospital Committees, 1908- 1935; GOS/1/51/5 Register of Committee Members, 1947-1956.

GOS/1/51/6 File, miscellaneous Committee resolutions, memoranda, membership lists and correspondence, 1903-1942; GOS/1/51/7 Volume containing signatures of Board of Management and Medical Committee members, circa 1940; GOS/1/52 GOSH Health Records Committee Minutes and Reports 1998-2000.

Great Ormond Street Hospital
CH · 1869-1924

Records of Cromwell House, Highgate (Great Ormond Street Convalescent Branch), CH/3 Financial Records, comprising CH/3/1, Highgate Ledger, containing maintenance costs for Great Ormond Street Convalescent Branch (provisions, salaries, rents etcetera), January 1896 to December 1900; CH/3/2 Cromwell House Wage Book (for Nurses and Servants), September 1869 to December 1910.

Visitors' Books and Report Books, comprising CH/7/1, Cromwell House Visitors Book, 1869-1918, (with leaflet on Regulations for Admission.); CH/7/2 Matron's Report Book, November 1911- May 1922.

Correspondence, comprising CH/8/1 Letters and Press Cuttings Book re Cromwell House, 1867-1873 (includes plan of Dead House, staff memoranda, correspondence on patients and management, leaflets and advertisements about the house produced by the hospital, press cuttings and illustrations. draft regulations and maintenance proposals); CH/8/2 Report of the Sub-Committee on the desirability of retaining Cromwell House.

Patient Registers, comprising CH/9/1, Patient Admissions Register, 1869-1883; CH/9/2, Duplicate Admissions Register, 1869-1880 (with letter from Catherine J. Wood on staffing problems at Cromwell House, dated 9th May 1878); CH/9/3, Patient Admissions Register, 1883 -1891; CH/9/4 Patient Admissions Register, 1893-1898; CH/9/5 Patient Admissions Register, 1904-1910; CH/9/6 Admissions Register to Chronic and Surgical Wards, 1870-1904; CH/9/7 Duplicate Admissions Register to Chronic and Surgical Wards, 1870-1880; CH/9/8 Register of Out-Patients, 1884-1888.

Great Ormond Street Hospital
GB 2180 TCS/F/02/088 · sub-fonds · 1952-1981
Part of The Children's Society

Records created and used by Corfield House Home, Rustington, Sussex. Includes the following: Minutes of the local committee, 1965-1981; Gifts books, 1968-1978; Admissions register, 1952-1981; Registers of punishments, 1954-1981; Visitors books, 1952-1971.

Corfield House Home, Rustington, Sussex
GB 2180 TCS/F/02/094 · sub-fonds · 1893-1968
Part of The Children's Society

Records created and used by Bradstock Lockett Special School, Southport, Lancashire. Includes the following: Annual reports, 1956; Minutes of the local Finance Committee, 1959-1966; Correspondence regardiing the building and running of the home, 1893-1923; Head teacher's correspondence, 1966-1967; Plans of the home, [1900]-1967; Admissions registers, 1901-1968; Local case files, 1948-1965; Registers of nursing staff, 1948-1965; School log book, 1917-1968; Registers of punishments, 1901-1923; Medical report books, 1964-1968; Staff salaries books, 1966-1968; Nurses' salaries books, 1961-1968; Petty cash books, 1965-1968; Inventory books, 1955-1968; School attendance summary registers, 1953-1964; School attendance registers, 1964-1968.

Bradstock Lockett Special School
GB 2738 RCPCH/002 · sub-fonds · 1943-2013

This collection is comprised of records of the various Awards and Fellowships that have been issued throughout the College's History.

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
GB 0505 RHC RF100-186 · 1863-1971

Material relating to Thomas Holloway and his family, 1863-1965, including a press cuttings book kept by Holloway, 1863, pamphlets printed by the Governors of Royal Holloway College relating to the life and works of Thomas Holloway, trade literature for Holloway's pills and ointments, reports and addresses on the Holloway Sanatorium, and a catalogue of title deeds relating to Thomas Holloway deposited in Surrey Record Office. Reminiscences, memoirs, verses and novels relating to Royal Holloway College, 1911-1969, notably manuscripts and taped reminiscences by former students of the College, a printed copy of Dolores ( Blackwood and Sons, London and Edinburgh, 1911) by Ivy Compton-Burnett, speeches given at various special College dinners, and manuscripts of College songs and verses about members of staff and students. Press cuttings, articles and obituaries, 1876-1970, extracted from newspapers and journals, on Royal Holloway College, including articles on the College buildings, members of staff, the Council, the College Departments and women's' education in general. Drawings, prints and watercolours, [1879]-1908, of staff, grounds and buildings, mainly sketches of the College buildings used for a promotional brochure, 1895. Ephemera relating to Royal Holloway, [1880]-1965.

Royal Holloway College
GB 0505 BC RF110-176 · [1780]-1987

Reminiscences, 1899-1984, of Bedford College and its staff, including correspondence, proofs and notes created by Dame Margaret Jansen Tuke during the writing of A history of Bedford College for Women, 1849-1937 (Oxford University Press, London, 1939); reminiscences by Norah McNaulty of Bedford College from 1912-1962; copy of Many a good crusade (Macmillan, New York, 1954) by Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve. Press cuttings concerning Bedford College, 1849-1987, mainly relating to Bedford College history and buildings, including a centenary issue of The Unicorn, a dissertation on the Teacher Training Department from 1892-1919, and cuttings relating to the merger. Drawings and sketches, 1861-1951, of buildings and staff of Bedford College. Ephemera, [1780]-1956, including copies of inscriptions and tablets throughout the College, examples of different stationery used by the College administration, various items of Bedford College uniform, and manuscript notes by Florence Nightingale on India.

Bedford College
GB 0347 D118 · Collection · 1845-1963

Records relating to property in Falcon Terrace, Falcon Road, Duffield Road, Este Road and Lavender Terrace, including plans, title deeds and rent books.

Please contact the Archive for further information
POST Collection · 1636-[2010]

Records relating to the operation, policy, development and social impact of the British Post Office from 1636 to the present day. In addition to the provision of postal services, the Post Office's responsibilities have included telecommunications between 1868 and 1981, broadcasting until 1961 and selected banking and financial services. This collection was Designated as an outstanding collection by the MLA in October 2005.

Post Office
GB 0074 LMA/4231 · Collection · 1935-1985

Collection of material relating to the singer and civil rights activist Paul Robeson, including a large number of recordings on tape and vinyl of Paul Robesons' wide repertoire of songs and a series of reel-to-reel tapes including interviews and radio programmes made with Robeson; and letters and photographs and a series of scrapbooks (put together by Ken Goodland) of newspaper cuttings charting the life and career of Paul Robeson.

COL/RG · Subfonds · 1285-1685

Recognizances of debts, 1285, 1291-1296, 1298-1299, 1309-1311, 1313-1317, 1345-1346, 1363-1364, 1377-1393.

Recognizances of freemen and sureties, [1436-1497]

Miscellaneous recognizances on bonds, [1612-1685].

Corporation of London
GB 0114 MS0108 · c 1690-1763

Recipes and accounts notebook, c 1690-1763, comprising a manuscript volume of recipes or receipts, for conditions including colic, dissentery, scalding, consumption, and scurvy; and wages and farm accounts, 1703-1763.

Recipe Book Collection
GB 0120 MSS.7722-7731 · 18th century-19th century

A small collection of English medical and cookery receipt books, assembled from several sources, 18th-19th century.

GB 0120 MSS.4130, 4131 · Collection · 1745

Recensus scriptorum celebriorum, seu Delectus autorum libris et lucubrationibus suis magis illustrium, ex Romano-Catholicorum, Heterodoxorum, ac Gentilium virorum ordine, compendiosa relatione perspicuus, ad cognoscenda et dignoscenda authorum nomina, libros, scripta, statum atque aetatem, anagnostae publico ac privato accomodus ex variis recentioribus conscriptus. At the end of the second volume are lists of Roman Emperors, Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, Kings of France, Spain, Hungary, Bohemia, and England. The latest date is that of the coronation of Francis I, husband of Maria Theresa, as Emperor 4th October 1745: Philip V of Spain, who died in 1746, is entered as still reigning. Items on the Papal Index [1681-1734] are marked in red. Each volume is stamped on the sides with an unidentified coat of arms, and lettered P.A.M.N.

Recensus scriptorum celebriorum
GB 0813 POST 103 Series · Series · 1694-1854

The POST class is comprised, for the most part, of Entry Books of correspondence which contain authorities for acceptance and payment of monies by probate of wills, letters of administration, powers of attorney, bankruptcy, appointment of assignees, incidental payments, packet boat expenses and warrants for payments of annuities.

No further information available
GB 0074 ACC/1122 · Collection · 1566-1832

Receipts for various taxes paid in Middlesex, 1566-1724; also certificate by Lord Berkeley that he has examined the accounts of John Billington, Chief Bailiff and Clerk of the Peace in the Tower Liberty, 1762; printed list of members of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors, 1783 and letter from Sir Robert Peel concerning his intention to offer himself as a candidate for the County of Middlesex, 1832.

GB 0114 MS0236 · 1814-1965

Papers relating to Edmund Belfour, 1814-1965, comprising a photocopy of a receipt signed by Belfour, for the body of Martin Hogan, for dissection by the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 24 Jan 1814.

Belfour , Edmund , 1790-1865 , Secretary of the Royal College Surgeons of England
GB 0103 DELMONTE · 1846

Two certificates, 1846, of subscriptions for shares of the Real Del Monte Mining Company [Mexico?].

Real Del Monte Mining Company
GB 0099 KCLMA Real Deal · 2001

Comprising one videotape of observations, recollections and reflections upon the Vietnam War by veteran Marc Levy entitled The Real Deal, 2001, running time 26 mins; including combat photography, archival footage and readings by Levy. The film was submitted to various film festivals and has been used as a teaching aid in schools.

Levy , Marc , fl 1970-2003 , writer
GB 0114 MS0127 · 1826

Papers relating to the San Carlos Royal College of Surgery in Madrid, 1826, comprising a manuscript translation into English of Real Cedula de S.M y Senores del Consejo, en que se aprueben, y mandan observar las ordenanzas formadas para el gobierno economica y escolastico del colegio de cirugia est ablecido en Madrid con el titulo de San Carlos. Ano 1787. En Madrid. En la Imprenta de Don Pedro Marin.The title translates as The Royal Letters Patent of H.M. and the members of the Council, in which the laws formed by the Economic and Scholastic Government of the College of Surgery, established in Madrid by the title of San Carlos, are approved of, and ordered to be observed. Ano 1787. In Madrid. Printed by Don Pedro Marin.

Willimott , John , fl 1826 , translator
GB 0074 F/RE · Collection · 1921-1964

Household financial account books of the Dowager Marchioness of Reading, for London and country residences including 65 Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge, London and Twyford Lodge and Cumberland House, Sussex. Also photographs of 65 Rutland Gate, London and Twyford Lodge; and portraits of Lord and Lady Erleigh.

Isaacs , Lady , Stella , 1894-1971 , nee Charnaud , founder of the Women's Royal Voluntary Service
GB 0074 CLC/B/192-34 · Collection · 1896-1926

The Reading and District Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Company records comprise a policy register 1896-1918; and a ledger 1896-1926.

Reading and District Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Co
GB 0097 READER · [1970-1990]

Papers of William Joseph Reader, [1970-1990], including research material for business histories written by Reader, notably notebooks containing references, files of notes relating to the company and the themes of the history, and printed company material for businesses including Grand Metropolitan, Philips and Drew, Macadam, Napier and Son, Huntingate, Bowater, the Institute of Electrical Engineers, Metal Box, Unilever, the Weir Group, Foster Braithwaite and ICI; notes for history books on the First World War and the Victorian era; audio cassettes of interviews for business histories; lecture notes, seminar papers and correspondence regarding Reader's work for the Business History Unit, LSE.

Reader , William Joseph , 1920-1990 , Dr , historian
GB 0074 LMA/4430 · Collection · 1895-1980

Records of Reader Brothers, builders, 1895-1980. The collection consists of three main types of record: There is administrative material which includes both the 'formal' records of Reader Brothers (Builders) Limited, such as the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Minutes of meetings, Registers of Members and records relating to shares; as well as various accounts ledgers, cash, petty cash and wages books, diaries and notebooks.

Secondly there are files, planning applications and other legal documents - some with plans attached.

Then there are books and other printed material related to the building trade and lastly there are plans and drawing of housing projects undertaken by the company.

Reader Brothers , builders
Reade, Sir Thomas
GB 0096 MS 26 · 1611-1642

Account book, 1611-1642 containing around 7000 entries relating to the manor of Barton, Berkshire, and Brockett Hall, Hertfordshire, giving prices for food, clothing, wages, education.

Reade , Sir , Thomas , 1575-1650 , Knight , of Barton, Berkshire
GB 1697 A.READ · 1972-1975

Papers of Professor James S Read, 1972-1975, consist of agenda, minutes, papers, reports and related correspondence of the Advisory Committee on Legal Education.

Read , James S , fl 1953-1997 , Professor of Comparative Public Law
GB 0097 READ · Collection · 1935-1969

This collection covers Read's fieldwork among the Ngoni of Malawi, 1935-1939, her work on education and nutrition in India 1958-1960, her teaching, and her published works.

Read, Margaret, 1889-1991, social anthropologist
READ, Margaret (1889-1991)
GB 0366 MR · Collection · 1900-c1982

Papers of Margaret Read, comprising travel notebooks and diaries, dating particularly from the 1940s onwards; photographs, including albums of overseas visits and tours, dating from 1919, particularly in Africa; personalia; drafts of published and unpublished writings; correspondence.

Read , Margaret , 1889-1991 , social anthropologist
Read, John, (1908-1993)
GB 0120 PP/JRE · c 1930-1994

The material in this collection is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It covers the period from the late 1920s to 1994. The bulk of the material dates from the 1950s to the 1970s and the collection is dominated by Research material. Section A, Biographical, is slight. It includes two obituaries, incomplete lists of publications, and a little material relating to Read's early career in New Zealand. There are also some undergraduate notes from Derby Technical College and University College Nottingham from the late 1920s to 1931. Section B, Research, is by far the largest component of the collection. It is also the most comprehensive, covering Read's entire research career from his postgraduate study at Caltech, work with L.H. Gray at the Mount Vernon Hospital in London and research while Hospital Physicist at the London Hospital, to his move to New Zealand in 1950 and ongoing work up to retirement in 1974. Following Read's own arrangement, the section is divided into a number of sequences. In addition to postgraduate notes from the early 1930s, there is a run of notebooks for the period 1936-1974. The notebook entries are detailed, with dates and often times of experiments, descriptions of techniques and results.

The largest component of the section is Read's chronological sequence of folders identified by year and (generally) also by topic. The contents of the folders may include manuscript data, drafts of publications, correspondence on work in progress, supply of chemicals, figures, calculations and graphs. The remainder of the section comprises Read's alphabetical sequence of folders, chiefly extensive notes on the literature; a general series of folders arranged by research topic - mostly undated research notes and data; documentation of research on E. Coli carried out with C. Cowell, 1965-1967; and a little miscellaneous material. Section C, Publications, includes documentation relating to Read's book Radiation Biology of Vicia Faba in relation to the General Problem (Oxford, 1959), a number of miscellaneous drafts and a set of his offprints 1934-1976. Section D, Lectures, is not extensive. The material, drafts and notes relating to lectures delivered, is from the 1960s. It includes 'The physics of radiotherapy and radiation biology in the early 1930s', Read's John Strong Memorial Lecture of 1961 and a sequence of numbered lectures, probably relating to a course of seminars in radiobiology delivered in 1962. Few of the other drafts have any indication of occasion upon which they were delivered or of intended audience. Section E, Societies and organisations, is also slight. There is material relating to nine, mostly New Zealand, organisations. They include the British Empire Cancer Campaign Society, with material chiefly relating to terms of employment; the New Zealand Department of Health Dominion X-ray and Radium Laboratory, with papers and correspondence on radiological equipment, supply of radioactive substances, monitoring of radioactivity etc; and the New Zealand Medical Physicists Association, of which Read was chairman in the early 1970s.

Section F, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of correspondence with individuals and companies, covering a wide range of topics, including laboratory equipment and chemicals, progress of research, visits, the launch of new journals, as well as social and personal news. There are a few extended sequences. Correspondence of particular note is that with L.H. Gray, G.E. Roth and H.C. Sutton, and companies including George W Wilton and Co Ltd, Kempthorne Prosser and Co. and W and R Smallbone Ltd. The correspondence postdates Read's relocation to New Zealand and continues up to retirement in 1974. There is also an index of correspondents.

Read , John , 1908-1993 , radiobiologist
GB 0074 CLC/B/187 · Collection · 1952-1969

Records of Read, Hurst-Brown and Company, stockbrokers, comprising ledgers and associated papers, 1952-1969 and a general ledger and balance sheets of Read, Hurst-Brown and Company Service Company, 1957-1963.

Please note that the archive is subject to a 40-year closure rule which means that permission must be sought from the donor for access to material less than 40 years old. Readers wishing to consult restricted material should consult a member of staff.

Read, Hurst-Brown and Co , stockbrokers
RCOG Update
GB 1538 RCOG/N5 · Fonds · 2006-2007

Printed copies of the email bulletin 'RCOG Update', Sep 2006-Dec 2007.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 1538 RCOG/C9 · Fonds · 1985-2007

Records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) Joint Group on Ultrasound/Standing Joint Committee of the RCOG/RCR, 1985-2007, including agenda, minutes, papers and correspondence from the Joint Working Party on Ultrasound (1986-2007). Also contains published material, papers and guidance on issues such as training and safety in the use ultrasound (1986-1998).

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 1538 RCOG/C8 · Fonds · 1967-1984

Records relating to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' (RCOG) involvement in two National Birthday Fund for Maternity Services (NBTF) surveys, and also cover a period, between 1969 and 1973, when the NBTF engaged in unsuccessful negotiations with the RCOG for the Trust's integration into the College. They include original data collection forms for the 1984 'Birthplace' study.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RCGP Research Units Records
GB 2134 ARE · Fonds · 1957-1993

Correspondence, reports and minutes generated by Royal College of General Pracitioners Research Units: A RE A Birmingham Research Unit; A RE B Scottish General Practitioner Research Support Unit; A RE C Manchester Research Unit.

Royal College of General Pracitioners Research Units
GB 2134 ACE G · 1952-1993

Most although not all of the material relates to the 1950s and 1960s when the College was at its height of research activity.
Research Committee minutes A CE G 1 - Minutes of meetings of Education and Research Committee (1952-1953), of Research Committee (1953-1975), and of Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976); Research Committee papers A CE G 2 - Supporting papers for meetings of Research Committee (1953-1969) and Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976).

Research Committee circulars A CE G 3 Progress reports, 'Blunderbus' letters, Between Ourselves, consolidated comment circulars and related material (1955-1969).

Research Committee general correspondence ACE G4 (1953-1978); Chairman's [Dr Pinsent] correspondence ACE G 5 (1952-1970).

Policy Subcommittee papers A CE G 6 Papers, including minutes of meetings, agendas, reports and correspondence, of the Policy Subcommittee of the Research Committee (1964-1965).

Research Foundation Board minutes A CE G 7 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of Research Foundation Committee (1960-1961), of the Research Foundation Board (1961-1974) and of the joint meetings of the Research Foundation Board and the Education Foundation Board (1960-1976); Research Foundation Board papers A CE G 8 Supporting papers for meetings of Research Foundation Board, including duplicate minutes and agendas, reports, applications and some correspondence (1960-1971).

Clinical Research Ethics Committee minutes A CE G 9 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of the Clinical Trials Ethical Committee (1981-1989) and of the (renamed) Clinical Trials Ethics Committee (1989-1993).

Oral Contraception Working Party papers A CE G 10 Reports and correspondence of the Oral Contraception Working Party, later called the Oral Contraception Executive Committee (1965-1970). See also papers ARE Manchester Research Unit.
Hospitals and Preventive Medicine Working Party A CE G 10 Papers of Working Party on Relationship of General Practitioners with Hospitals and Preventive Medicine. (1959-1961).

Psychiatry and the General Practitioner Working Party A CE G 12 Reports and correspondence (1956-1958).

General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel A CE G 13 Minutes, agendas and reports of General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel (1968-1974).

Records Unit A CE G 14 Reports and correspondence of the Records Unit (later the Records and Statistics Unit) Working Party (1954-1965).

Epidemic Observation Unit A CE G 15 Reports and correspondence of the Epidemic Observation Unit, based in Dr. G. Watson's Surrey practice (1954-1963) See also papers ARE Research Units.

Research Symposium papers A CE G 16 Reports and correspondence concerning College research symposia (1955-1968).

Diagnostic indices A CE G 17 Diagnostic indices developed by Research Committee (c.1962-1968).

Research Registers A CE G 18 Register of members' interests and participation in research, and central register of faculty research. (c.1953-1970); Research Register papers A CE G 19 Reports and correspondence concerning research register (c1953-1969).

Measles investigation papers A CE G 20 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into the complications of Measles (1953-1958).

Respiratory disease investigation papers A CE G 21 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into respiratory tract disease and acute chest infection, including chronic bronchitis (1953-1960).

Tonsillectomy Study A CE G 22 Reports and correspondence of tonsillectomy study carried out by the North Midland (Sheffield) Faculty (1953-1961).

Morbidity Survey A CE G 23 Reports and correspondence concerning first national survey of morbidity (1953-1965). [See ARE A5-7 Papers of Birmingham Research Unit for later Morbidity Surveys].

Congenital Deafness Investigation A CE G 24 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into congenital deafness (1954-1955).

Obstetric Card A CE G 25 Reports and correspondence concerning development of obstetric diagnostic record card (1954-1964).

Prescribing Habits Study A CE G 26 Reports and correspondence concerning prescribing (or therapeutic) habits (1954-1960).

Pink Disease Investigation A CE G 27 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Pink Disease [babyhood mercury poisoning] conducted by the South-West England Faculty (1955-1956).

Asthma Investigation A CE G 28 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into asthma in childhood conducted by Welsh Faculty (1955-1959).

Farmer's Lung ACE G 29 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Farmer's Lung conducted by Dr F Staines (1955-1961).

Pernicious Anaemia ACE G 30 Reports and correspondence concerning study of pernicious Anaemia (1955-1960).

Epilepsy Investigation ACE G 31 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into epilepsy and convulsive disorders of children under five years old (1955-1968).

Virus Disease A CE G 32 Reports and correspondence concerning Dr. R. Pinsent's paper on virus disease (1955-1956).

Headache investigation A CE G 33 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty into headache (1955-1956).

Research Techniques A CE G 34 Reports and correspondence concerning study of research techniques, including the 'Family Folder' and the 'Portfolio Plan' (1956-1957).

Herpes Zoster Investigation A CE G 35 1956 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by Midland Faculty into the use of Vitamin B12 in the treatment of herpes zoster (1956).

Diabetes Survey A CE G 36 Reports and correspondence concerning a proposed survey conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty on diabetes (1957).

Daffodil Dermatitis Investigation A CE G 37 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by South-West England Faculty into daffodil dermatitis (1956-1957).

Hypertension study A CE G 38 Reports and correspondence concerning studies ofhypertension variously conducted by Dr. A. de la Mallett, Dr. D. Wheatley, the Northern Home Counties Faculty, and the New South Wales Faculty (1957-1960).

Pharmacopoeia Revision A CE G 39 Reports and correspondence concerning revision of the British Pharmacopoeia (1953-1962).

Intercontinental Medical Statistics ACE G40 Reports and correspondence concerning Intercontinental Medical Statistics (1958-1961).

Operational Research survey A CE G 41Reports and correspondence concerning survey of operational (or organisational) research in general practice (1959-1963).

Persantin trial A CE G 42 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Persantin' by Dr. L. Hunt of Pfizer Ltd. (1959-1960).

Drug Addiction Working Party A CE G 43 Reports, correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Drug Addiction Working Party (1959).

Alcoholism study A CE G 44 Correspondence concerning proposed study group on alcoholism, including material regarding the Joseph Rowntree Social Service Trust's Steering Group on Alcoholism (1959-1960).

Flumidin trial A CE G 45 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Flumidin' organised by Bayer Products Ltd. (1959-1960).

Cancer Study Group A CE G 46 Reports and correspondence of Cancer Study Group (1960-1967).

Glaucoma survey A CE G 47 Correspondence concerning glaucoma survey (1960).

Tamar Valley Soil study papers A CE G 48 Reports and correspondence concerning study of the consequences for human health of the mineral composition (particularly lead concentrations) of soil in the Tamar Valley (1963-1964).

Hernia study A CE G 49 Reports and correspondence concerning study of hernia conducted by Dr. E. Gancz of the South-East England Faculty (1963-1966).

Roadside Lead survey A CE G 50 Reports and correspondence concerning comparative study of levels of lead concentration in roadside privets near Newcastle, Falmouth and Tavistock (1963-1966).

Multiple Sclerosis study A CE G 51 Reports and correspondence concerning study of multiple Sclerosis.

Air Pollution study A CE G 52 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of air pollution in London and Sheffield (1964-1966).

Linkage study A CE G 53 Correspondence concerning studies of linkage of medical records conducted by the College Records Unit (in North Staffordshire) and the Northern Ireland Faculty (1964-1966).

Mental Illness survey A CE G 54 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of mental illness (1964-1965).

Nurse referral study A CE G 55 Reports and correspondence concerning study of general practitioners' patterns of nurse referral (1964-1967).

Nutrition in Pregnancy survey A CE G 56 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of nutrition in pregnancy conducted by the College in conjunction with the Ministry of Health (1964-1966).

Records Summary Card A CE G 57 Reports and correspondence concerning development of a records summary card ('S' card) by the College Records and Statistical Unit (1956-1968).

Diabetes Survey Working Party A CE G 58 Reports and correspondence of Diabetes Study Working Party (1962-1968).

Congenital Abnormalities survey A CE G 59 Reports and correspondence concerning a survey of congenital abnormalities (1960-1966).

Epsom College survey A CE G 60 Papers concerning health survey of Epsom College schoolchildren (1965).

Nutrition and Disease study A CE G 61 Reports and correspondence concerning a 'longitudinal' study of nutrition and disease, particularly dietary sugar, conducted by Prof. J. Yudkin (1965).

.Trace Element Uptake study A CE G 62 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral trace element uptake in vegetation conducted by the College in conjunction with the Chester Beatty Research Institute (1965-1966).

Schizophrenia study A CE G 63 Reports and correspondence concerning study of schizophrenia (1966-1970).

Welsh Soils Discussion Group A CE G 64 Reports and correspondence of Welsh Soils Discussion Group of University College of North Wales (1967-1971).

Urban Mineralization Study A CE G 65 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral composition of the soil in the Birmingham urban area (1972).

Viral Diseases in Pregnancy study A CE G 66 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of viral diseases in pregnancy (1972).

Meldon Reservoir study A CE G 67 Reports and correspondence concerning mineral trace elements in the Meldon Reservoir (formerly West Okemont Valley) (1968-1972).

Scientific Foundation Board A CE G 68 Records relating to the Scientific Foundation Board. (1976-1993).

Royal College of General Practitioners
GB 2134 ACE E · 1955-2000

Records generated by committees concerned with the granting of College fellowships, awards and other honours:
Minutes, papers and correspondence of Awards Committee 1955-1989[ACE E1-3] and Committee on Fellowship 1966-1997[ACE E4-5; E12-14].
Papers relating to the administration of specific awards e.g. Baron Dr Ver Heyden De Lancey Memorial Award 1977-1995 [ACE E7]; Butterworth Medal 1955-1983 [ACE E8]; Undergraduate Essay Prize 1963-1990 [ACE E9]; Pfizer Postgraduate Grant 1956-1966 [ACE E9]; Nuffield Postgraduate Fellowship 1964-1969 [ACE E 10]; Upjohn Travelling Fellowship 1957-1982 [ACE E11]; James Mackenzie Prize 1961-1966 [ACE E15]; Kuenssberg Prize 1979-1986 ACE E16]; Stanning Overseas Fellowship 1971-1981 [ACE E17]; Sir Harry Jephcott Visiting Professorship 1971-1990 [ACE E18]; Wolfson Foundation Overseas Travelling Professorship 1971-1985 [ACE E19]; Astra Research Award 1977-1989 [ACE E20] and Duphar Research Award 1978-1987 [ACE E21].

Royal College of General Practitioners
GB 2134 AFE · Fonds · 1953-2001

Records generated by faculties in English regions, including correspondence with central departments.

A FE A Midland
Records of Midland Faculty. [Existing faculty, 1998]

A FE B North Midlands
Records of North Midlands Faculty.
The North Midlands Faculty, based in Sheffield, was renamed the Trent Faculty in 1975. At some date after this a subfaculty in Leicester was created. Trent Faculty ceased to exist in October 1983, when the area was divided between three faculties, Sheffield, Leicester and Vale.

A FE C Sheffield
Records of Sheffield Faculty.
[Existing faculty, 1998]. The Sheffield Faculty was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983. See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty).

A FE D Leicester
Records of Leicester Faculty.
The Leicester Faculty was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983. A Leicester subfaculty existed previously.
(See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty) for other documents relating to this area before 1983.)

A FE E Vale of Trent
Records of Vale of Trent Faculty.
The Vale of Trent Faculty (Nottingham) was one of three faculties which replaced the Trent Faculty in 1983.
See AFE B (North Midlands, Trent Faculty) for documents relating to this area before 1983.

A FE F East Anglia
Records of East Anglia Faculty.

A FE G Wessex
Records of Wessex Faculty.
This faculty was established in 1964, covering the counties of Dorset, Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands and southern part of Wiltshire (these areas previously being parts of the South East England and South West England faculties).

A FE H South West England
Records of South West England Faculty.
Part of the faculty merged with part of South East England Faculty toform the Wessex Faculty in 1964.

A FE J Tamar
Records of Tamar Faculty.
The Tamar Faculty was formed in 1980

A FE K Severn
Records of Severn Faculty.
Severn Faculty was formed in 1980.

A FE L North West England
Records of North West England Faculty.

A FE M Yorkshire
Records of Yorkshire Faculty.
The Humberside (previously Hull and East Yorkshire) Subfaculty of the Yorkshire Faculty became a separate faculty in 1988.

A FE N North East, North England
Records of North East England, later North of England Faculty.
[Existing faculty, 1998]. The North East England became the North ofEngland Faculty in November 1973. A subfaculty was formed in Cumbria in 1976, which became a faculty in 1984.

A FE P Cumbria
Records of Cumbria faculty
Cumbria was formed as a subfaculty of the North of England Faculty in 1976. It became a faculty in 1984. See A FE N. A FE Q Merseyside and North Wales, Mersey
Records of Merseyside and North Wales Faculty, subsequently the Mersey faculty. [Existing faculty, 1998]. The Merseyside and North Wales Faculty was founded in 1954. From November 1987 when the North Wales subfaculty achieved full faculty status, it became the Mersey Faculty.

Royal College of General Practitioners.