Mostrando 16246 resultados

Descripción archivística
LAWSON, John Bateman (1922-1997)
GB 1538 S29 · 1991

Copy of Lawson's "The export of British obstetric traditions", a Hugh McLaren lecture delivered to the Birmingham and Midland Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society in 1991, and communications on the subject from C A Carlaw, Olive Frost FRCOG, Hugh Philpott FRCOG, and Coralie Rendle-Short FRCOG.

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GB 1538 S31 · 1933

Private case records of Keith Vernon Bailey, bound in one volume, relating to cases treated by Bailey at Altrincham General Hospital, Cheshire, during 1933.

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GB 1538 S4 · 1970-1974

Papers, 1970-1976, consisting of biographies of lives of the Fellows collected by Sir John Peel for his book The Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1929-1969 (Whitefriars Press Ltd, 1976), including notes and correspondence.

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SAVAGE, Wendy Diane (b 1935)
GB 1538 S41 · 1985-1986

Photocopies of papers relating to the dispute between Professor Wendy Diane Savage with the London Hospital and the Tower Hamlets Health Authority, 1985-1986, in regard to the enquiry into Professor Savage's competence.

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GB 1538 S42 · 1954

Copy of J M Munro Kerr, R W Johnstone and Miles H Phillips (eds), Historical Review of British Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1800-1950 (E & S Livingstone Ltd, 1954), inscribed on the flyleaf by the editors and the contributors.

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BUSCHBECK and SCHMIDT: aquarells
GB 1538 S5 · 1930s-1940s

The series originally comprised a collection of four albums containing c. 480 watercolours or aquarells by H Hoheisel of various gynaecological conditions, with patients' names, date and details of the condition, plus the legend presented by Dr Schmidt, 1930s-1940s. Some copies of published articles, in German, are also provided with the legend. There are also some mounted aquarells with details of medical condition only.

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GB 1538 S50 · 1913-1921

Photocopies of: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Obstetrical Forceps and Obstetrical Instruments in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1913, and A Descriptive Catalogue of Gynaecological Instruments in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, compiled 1913-1921, by Alban Doran.

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GB 1538 S51 · 1816-1893

Correspondence, prints and papers of Alexander Russell Simpson, 1816-1893, comprising letter from Matthews Duncan, 22 Oct 1881; letters from Professor Eriole F Fabri of Modena, Italy, 1882-1883; letter from Professor G Brown, 5 Feb 1883; letter from Professor Dr Litzmann of Kiel, Germany, with translation by Dr George Selby, 8 Feb 1883; letter from Professor Michel Fari of Padua, Italy, 10 Feb 1883; letter from Professor T Habbertfma of Utrecht, Holland, 12 Mar 1883; letter from Professor D Eugene Hubert of Louvain, Belgium, 15 Mar 1883; letter from Professor Zweifel of Erlangen, Germany with translation by Dr George Selby, 15 Mar 1883; copy of part of a petition to the Members of the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh by James Hamilton, 15 Jan 1816; print of a drawing of Abbotsford, the seat of Sir Walter Scott, by Thomas H Shepherd, undated; paper given by Ian Cope to the Australian Society for the History of Medicine, entitled "The Other Professor Simpson of Edinburgh, Professor Sir Alexander Russell Simpson, 1835-1916", undated; "Address to the Medical Graduates In The University of Edinburgh" by Simpson, 1 Aug 1878; papers by Simpson (unless stated otherwise) comprising "Head-Flexion In Labour", 26 Feb 1879; "Axis-Traction Forceps", 21 Jul 1880; "The Uterine Sound", 9 Nov 1881; "Hydramnios: and the Source of The Liquor Amni", 31 May 1882; "Again on Axis-Traction Forceps: and On the Basilyst", 11 Jul 1883; "Extra-Uterine Gestation" by William Alexander Freund , 27 Jun 1883; "Case of Caesarean Hystero-Oophorectomy or Porro's Operation", 12 Mar 1884;"Keller and Crede, Presidential Address Delivered Before the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society", 9 Nov 1892;"Prolapse of the Female Urethra", 10 May 1893.

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GB 1538 S6 · 1676-1901

Letter from Eliab Harvey, later Sir Eliab Harvey, nephew of William Harvey, to William Garnay, 28 Apr 1676; correspondence between Wertheim Williams and Probyn Williams regarding anaesthetics, Nov 1900-Jan 1901; letter from Edward Jenner to Mr Hulme concerning vaccination, 26 Oct 1812; correspondence between James Matthews Duncan and Joseph Lister concerning the use of chloroform, 6 Mar 1875-18 Aug 1877; lease of rooms to British Gynaecological Society by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London., Feb 1890; gift of Edward Protheroe-Smith; letter of Florence Nightingale to Heywood Smith concerning lying-in institutions, 10 May 1876.

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Fothergill Club
GB 1538 S63 · 1957-2000

Papers of the Fothergill Club, 1957-2000, including minutes of meetings and other administrative correspondence relating to attendance of and arrangements for meetings, administrative papers relating to the organisation of overseas visits, and papers relating to recruitment and membership matters.

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GB 1538 S67 · 1960s-1980s

Papers of Thomas Lewis, 1960s-1980s, including papers relating to Lewis' tour of the Soviet Union visiting obstetric and gynaecological facilities, including the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Leningrad Medical School, Feb 1978; papers relating to abortion law reform including correspondence, press-cuttings and other papers, including on the views of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; lectures; speeches; unpublished papers; offprints and myomectomy films.

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GB 1538 S69 · 1853-1892

Letters to Robert Sydenham Fancourt Barnes, 1853-1892, including from the following: Etienne-Jules Marey; Sir William MacCormac; Sir Thomas Spencer Wells; Jonathan Hutchinson; Alexander Simpson; Giuseppe Chiarleoni; the Société Impériale de Médecine, Constantinople; Francis Neugebauer; William Smoult Playfair; Charles Warner; John Hall Davis and Alfred Meadows.

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GB 1538 S91 · 1773

Manuscript notes taken from a course of lectures on midwifery by Dr Lowther, Nov-Dec 1773 entitled 'Heads of a course of lectures on midwifery delivered at Dr Orm's Theatre by (the now) Doctor Lowther, in the months of Nov and Dec 1773 taken down in common running hand by his pupil, I Knolton'.

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GB 1538 S96 · 1897-1898

Casebooks relating to surgical cases in Bristol Royal Infirmary comprising casebook entitled 'Crosby Leonard Surgical Cases', 1897, detailing 8 cases including renal calculus, fibroadenoma of breast, prolapse of uterus, scirrhus of breast, inguinal hernia, vesical calculus, ovarian cystoma and fractured patella and casebook entitled 'Suple Surgical Cases', 1898, detailing 8 cases including fibromyoma of uterus, stricture of uterus, ovarian cystoma, tubercular arthritis of knee, hydatid cyst of liver, perforative appendicitis, acute bronchocele and scirrhus of breast.

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PHILLIPS, Miles Harris (1875-1965)
GB 1538 S97 · [1888-1960]

Papers of Miles Harris Phillips, [1888-1960], chiefly comprising reprints of articles by Phillips with accompanying research material, reprints of articles by others and correspondence. Includes reprints, correspondence, diagrams, case notes and other papers relating to articles and lectures by Phillips on topics including constriction rings, Sims' posture, puerperal fever, obstetric shock, caesarean section, the death of Princess Charlotte in childbirth, 1817, biographical histories of famous obstetricians including Thomas Denman, Percival Willughby and William Smellie and the history of obstetrics; drawings and photographs of gynaecological pathological specimens; records of the Gynaecological Visiting Society including reports of meetings and obituaries of members; papers relating to the Departmental Committee on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity, 1928-1932, including letters to Phillips from Neville Chamberlain; papers relating to Historical Review of British Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1800-1950, by J M Munro Kerr, R W Johnstone and Phillips (Livingstone, 1954) including correspondence and publisher accounts; Phillips' letters to the Lancet, and the British Medical Journal, 1924-1938; photostats of illustrations in The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrole Parey (1634); papers relating to the court case Marshall vs Lindsay County Council: a claim for damages for negligence, 1933; papers relating to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists including a history, memoranda and annual reports; photostat copies of letters from William Smellie to Peter Camper, Dr Clephane and Dr Pitcairn, [1750-1759] compiled by Phillips; correspondence with American obstetricians, 1936-1938; reprints of obstetrical articles with accompanying card index, complied by Phillips; notebooks containing analysis of Percival Willughby's cases in his Observations in Midwifery; index complied by Phillips of the cases in Smellie's

Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery and John Glaister's notes for his biography of William Smellie Dr. William Smellie and His Contemporaries, (Glasgow, 1894), including copies of legal documents relating to Smellie.

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GB 1697 A.BARR · 1989-1994

Papers of Ruth Deech, Principal, St Anne's College Oxford and a member of the Inquiry team, relating to the Committee of Inquiry into Equal Opportunities at the Inns of Court School of Law, chaired by Dame Jocelyn Barrow (Barrow Inquiry), 1989-1994. The records do not comprise the official papers of the Inquiry, which are held elsewhere, and do not form a complete set, but they do include the bulk of the material. Most secondary source material collected during the Inquiry, such as information comparing the BVC with other jurisdictions, is not included in the papers but is listed in the Final Report of the Committee. The records consist of terms of reference and background to Inquiry, 1993-1994; direct observations of teaching and assessment, 1993; background information collected by the Inquiry, 1992-1993; information on admissions policy and procedures, 1991-1994; student questionnaire, 1993; information on assessment and review, 1990-1993; information on course content, 1990-1992; documents relating to staff training, 1992-1993; documents relating to student welfare, 1989-1994; collection and analysis of teaching materials, such as course outlines, practical training exercises, instructors' teaching packs, ICSL manuals, and printed material, 1990-1993; consideration of complaints of individual students, 1993; Interim Report of the Committee of Inquiry, 1993; CLE/ICSL response to the Interim Report, [1993]; Final Report of the Committee of Inquiry, 1994.

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GB 1697 A.CLEA · 1971-1995

The Archive of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association consists of Secretary's correspondence and papers, 1971-1991; papers of Professor William L Twining as a CLEA officer, 1973-1994; papers of Professor James Read as CLEA Chairman, and other papers, 1974-1995; CLEA Newsletter, 1974-1995; CLEA Directory of Schools of Law in the Commonwealth, 1979-1988; miscellaneous CLEA publications and offprints, 1978-1992.

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GB 1697 A.IALS · 1934-2000

Papers of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), 1934-2000, consisting of historical files, 1934-1995; correspondence and papers of IALS Directors, 1946-1987; correspondence and papers of the IALS Secretary/Librarian, 1936-1984; Secretary/Librarian's building and maintenance files, 1947-1975; IALS Secretary's new buildings files, 1959-1982; IALS Secretary's estimates files, 1949-1985; accounting records, 1947-1950; IALS Secretaries' policy and general files, 1971-1988; Assistant Librarian's correspondence and papers, 1980-1988; IALS Library sample records, 1960-1995; plans of IALS buildings, 1946-1974; photographs and portraits with related correspondence, [1960-1989]; printed and published papers produced by or concerning IALS, 1989-2000.

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Library: Sample Working Records
GB 1697 A.IALS 10 · 1960-1995

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Library samples of working records, 1960-1995, comprising: IALS: Notes for Readers, 1960, 1972; sample gate signing-in books, 1975, 1985, 1995; index to foreign periodicals - payments record, 1979-1984.

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GB 1697 A.IALS 12 · [1960-1989]

Photographs and portraits with related correspondence, [1960-1989], consisting of a photograph of a portrait of Sir David Hughes-Parry, Director 1947-1959; photograph of the Rt Hon Lord du Parcq, member of the Committee of Management, 1948-1949; photograph of a portrait of Sir Norman Anderson, Director 1960-1976; photograph of Sir Norman Anderson; studio photographs of K Howard Drake, Secretary and Librarian 1947-1967, with negatives and covering letter, 1972; photograph of K Howard Drake with Dr William B Slim, Foreign Law Librarian, Los Angeles County Hall Library; photographs of the interior of the IALS Library, [1960-1969]; photographs entitled 'University of London redevelopment: Law Institute'; photograph of IALS building taken from Bedford Way; photographs of IALS taken from Russell Square, 1985; album entitled 'Official opening of Charles Clore House Thursday 1 April 1976 by H M Queen Elizabeth, Chancellor of the University of London', 1976; correspondence relating to the acquisition of some of the previous photographs, 1989; photographs of H M the Queen Mother at the opening of Charles Clore House, 1 April 1976; photographs, papers and glass slides concerning the 40th anniversary visit to the IALS of the Chancellor, HRH the Princess Anne, on 23 October 1986; album of photographs of the 9th International Congress of the International Federation for European Law, 25-27 September 1980.

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Secretary/Librarian papers
GB 1697 A.IALS 3 · 1946-1984

Correspondence and papers of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Secretary/Librarian, 1946-1984, primarily comprise a selection of the general and administrative files of K Howard Drake, with a small amount of correspondence of W A F P Steiner and J A Boxhall. 'British Museum' file, holding correspondence of Drake and Steiner, 1947-1972; 'General correspondence' file relating to Library acquisitions and binding, 1956-1967; 'General correspondence' file on cataloguing and indexing procedures, 1965-1967; 'International Association of Law Libraries: course in law librarianship, Luxembourg, 1966', Drake's file as President of the IALL, 1965-1966; 'International Association of Law Libraries: Uppsala, 1966', Drake's file as President of the IALL, 1965-1966; correspondence between Drake and Elizabeth Moys, Acting Librarian, University of Lagos and later of Glasgow University Library, 1962-1968; 'Nuffield Foundation', correspondence and papers relating to grants to the IALS Library, 1946-1970; 'Standing conference of librarians of the libraries of the University of London', correspondence, 1954-1969; 'University Grants Commission: annual returns', 1948-1965; 'Library policy', draft policy statements, background papers, Library Committee minutes, 1947-1984; correspondence with the Library, Osgoode Hall Law School, Canada, 1949-1961; lists of current legal research topics, 1949-1966; correspondence and papers relating to the K Howard Drake memorial fund, 1968-1975; Secretary/Librarian's telephone directory; printed Finding list of primary source materials for British and Irish Law held by London libraries compiled by W A Steiner (IALS, 1974).

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Accounting Records
GB 1697 A.IALS 7 · 1947-1950

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies accounting records, 1947-1950, comprising accounts book, Oct 1947-Jan 1949; Library accounts book, Feb 1949-Jan 1950; monthly accounts other than Library, Feb 1949-Jan 1950; petty cash accounts and credits, Feb 1949-Jan 1950.

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Legal Skills Research Group Papers
GB 1697 A.LSRG · 1987-1994

The papers of the Legal Skills Research Group are the LSRG files of Professor Terence Daintith, Convenor of the LSRG from 1989 to 1994, and Director of IALS. The records consist of agenda, minutes and papers of the Group, 1989-1994; papers relating to funding, 1988-1994; administrative records, 1989-1993; Convenor's correspondence, 1988-1994; documents and papers relating to legal skills, 1987-1994.

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MARSH, Dr S B (Stan) (1926-1998) Papers
GB 1697 A.MARSH · 1968-1995

The papers of Dr Stan B Marsh, law teacher, consist of Ormrod Committee agenda, minutes and papers, 1968-1971; Advisory Committee on Legal Education, agenda, minutes and papers, 1980-1988; manuscript material, 1985; pamphlets and offprints relating to legal education, 1975-1995.

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GB 1697 A.SALS · 1997-1999

The papers of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies consists of the monthly journal of SALS Amicus Curiae ("Friend of the Court"), Oct 1997-April 1999. At present no information is available on the extent, content and accessibility of the administrative records of SALS or its predecessor.

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Socio-Legal Studies Association Archive
GB 1697 A.SLSA · 1989-1997

Papers in the Socio-Legal Studies Association archive comprise the correspondence and papers, 1989-1996, of founder member and Chairman, Professor Martin Partington; the papers consist of his copies of agenda, minutes and papers of Executive Committee meetings, plus his own files of correspondence as founder member, fund raiser, organiser of the 1990 conference and Chairman; minutes, agenda and papers of Annual General Meetings, 1990-1994; papers and proceedings of annual conferences, 1993-1997; papers relating to the response of SLSA to the Economic and Social Research Council review of socio-legal studies, 1993; complete set of the Newsletter, 1989-1997, and Directory of Members, 1995-1997.

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GB 1697 A.TWIN · 1961-2006

Records relating to Prof Twining's work for specific professional bodies and to research projects, predominantly focussed on the areas of the history of legal education and the teaching of legal education.

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GB 1753 BAI · Colección · 1910-1974

Papers of Leslie William Alfred Baily, 1910-1974, comprise typescript copies (some autographed or annotated) of scripts for BBC radio programmes, notably the Scrapbook series, 1925-1970 and undated; correspondence, 1924-1974, including programme ideas and requests for source information; newspaper cuttings and magazines, 1910-1957; some photographs and printed material; The Yorkshire Radio Book by Leslie Baily, 1933-4.

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Polytechnic Rambling Club
GB 1753 PRA · Colección · 1886-1960

Records of the Polytechnic Ramblers and Polytechnic Rambling Club, 1886-1960, including photographs, 1889-1950s, some undated, among them an album, 1896-1905, and a photograph showing members in the Lord Mayor's Parade, 1938; papers gathered by members for an exhibition on the 75th anniversary, 1960; and a glass commemorating the 75th anniversary [1960].

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LOURIE, Dora Leba (b 1888)
GB 1753 PTA 4 LOU · 1914

Typed transcript of a diary, Jul-Aug 1914, written by Dora Leba Lourie, recording a trip via Liverpool to London, Paris, Switzerland, and the return via Boulogne and Folkestone, recording hotels, sights, acquaintances and impressions, and including references to the outbreak and early stages of World War One. The trip to the continent was a tour arranged by the Polytechnic Touring Association of Regent Street Polytechnic. Also including addresses, accounts, and miscellaneous other personal notes.

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Royal Polytechnic Institution
GB 1753 RPI · Fondo · 1837-1881

Records of the Royal Polytechnic Institution (RPI), 1837-1881 and undated, comprising:

Leases of premises, 1838-1876, including no 5 Cavendish Square; prospectus, 1837; correspondence and papers concerning the foundation of the Institution, its provisional committee, shares, status and affairs, 1837-1839 and undated, including its charter, 1839, and papers on arbitration on a dispute between W M Nurse and the Institution; correspondence and papers relating to activities and affairs of the Institution, 1838-1842 and undated, including documents on the alleged infringement by the Institution of a patent for a diving dress, 1838, and an agreement with W H F Talbot permitting the use of his patented photographic process, 1841; photocopy of a letter from Robert Longbottom, RPI Secretary, to Samuel Morse, 1846; copy of charter, 1852; letter concerning a school visit to the RPI, 1858;

Catalogues of the Polytechnic Institution (copies), 1838-1840, and Royal Polytechnic Institution, 1844-1845; programmes for 1861, 1876, 1878 and 1881; bound volumes of RPI programmes, 1873-1878; reports, 1879-1880; particulars and conditions of sale of the RPI premises, 1881;

Books by authors associated with the RPI, including various publications by John Henry Pepper: The Boy's Playbook of Science, 2nd edition, 1860.; Popular Lectures for Young People and Half Hours with the Alchemists, 1st edition, 1855; The Playbook of Metals, 1st edition, 1869 and Cyclopaedic Science Simplified, 1st edition, 1869; The Book of The Lantern by T C Hepworth, 2nd edition, 1889; Memory by William Stokes, 2nd edition, 1888 and Rapid Writing by William Stokes, 4th edition, 1873; issues of various contemporary journals containing information on or advertisements for the Institution [1839]-1845, some with illustrations, among them scientific equipment, including four parts of the London Polytechnic Magazine, 1844, six parts of its continuation, The Polytechnic Review and Magazine, 1844, and five parts, 1845; advertising poster, 1840;

Book of press cuttings relating to the Institution from 1842, many lacking details of their source; five tokens bearing the name of the Institution, 1840; photogenic transfer made at the Institution, 1840; a ceramic plate fired at the RPI, 1866;

Illustrations and photographs of illustrations from 1840, some undated, including the great hall and other shots of the interior and exterior, 1843, and demonstrations, including the diving bell.

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BAKER, Alice G (b c 1923)
GB 1753 RSP 4 4 BAK · c1942-1944 [1999]

Papers of Alice G Rigden (subsequently Baker), comprising three notebooks, c1942-1944, containing manuscript notes and diagrams on electrical subjects, all marked 'restricted', from her ATS training; and a brief typescript memoir [1999] of her service in World War Two.

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Red Shift Theatre Company
GB 505 RSTC · Colección · 1982 - 2007

The collection contains administrative papers relating to Company contracts and internal and external correspondence; financial papers relating to budgets and funding, miscellaneous personal papers of the Company's director, Jonathan Holloway; production records including scripts, technical notes, rehearsal and production notes and directions, stage directions, information on casts, and tour and venue information; audiovisual recordings of productions; promotional, marketing and educational-outreach material; press-cuttings and reviews, photographs of named and un-named actors and productions; publications inspiring Red Shift productions; a study of the Company's production of 'The Love Child'; and an untitled script.

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GB 0097 ADA LEIGH HOMES · 1880-1952

Papers relating to the activities of the British and American Ada Leigh Homes and Hostels in Paris, 1880-1952, including Directors' minute books, 1880-1953, which also contain some correspondence, receipts, lists of Directors and Council members, photographs of properties in Paris and Neuilly-sur-Seine, and a portrait of Ada Leigh; minute books of the Council in Paris, 1899-1931; notice and agenda of the 77th Annual General Meeting, 5 Dec 1950; legal documents, 1924-1958, notably copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, with revisions and annotations up to 1933, a copy of a special resolution to change the name of the Association, 1924, agreements between the Land Law Company Ltd and Ada Leigh Homes concerning the tenancy of a room in 32 Mowbray House, London, 1936 and 1945, typescript lawyers' notes relating to the will of Ada Leigh, 1951, and a document concerning advice from the Charity Commissioners relating to Ada Leigh Homes, 1958; correspondence, 1940-1946, with the Rev W H F Couldridge, Chaplain of Christchurch, Neuilly-sur-Seine, concerning his expenses and pay following his evacuation from France following the German invasion of Paris; correspondence, 1945, concerning insurance policies and taxes on properties in Paris; correspondence relating to the sale of Christchurch, 1949, including copy legal documents in French, a statement on the history and purpose of the Ada Leigh Homes, and press cuttings; bound account books, 1923-1957, including a journal of daily expenses, 1923-1953, a ledger showing income and expenditure, 1933-1939, a cash book, 1939-1945, and a petty cash book, 1940-1957; insurance papers, 1931-1950, relating to the London Office and the Paris hostels, with details of damage to buildings during the German occupation of Paris; endowment papers, 1937-1947, namely deed of covenant forms for donations to the Ada Leigh Homes, and lists of contributors and contributions to the Endowment Fund, 1939; receipt books and bank books, 1927-1957, notably 7 books of receipt book stubs showing donations, 1948-1956, and several volumes containing returned cheques, 1947-1957; a note from the Charity Commissioners concerning the purchase of shares by Ada Leigh Homes, 1929; financial vouchers and receipts, 1945-1956; financial material relating to the Paris hostels, 1949-1950, including statements of accounts for the household at Wagram Hostel, and correspondence with banks and solicitors; general financial file relating to property held by Ada Leigh Homes, 1947-1950, notably typescript notes relating to the Christchurch Endowment Fund (taken from the 1932 Directors minute book), bank statements, bills and receipts from solicitors, and correspondence and estimates concerning the refurbishment of Christchurch Presbytery in 1947.

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GB 0097 ARC 001 · 1845-1846

Two letters from Karl Marx to (Christian Johann) Heinrich Heine, written in Brussels in Mar 1845 and Apr 1846, the first requesting material from Heine for a radical periodical published by one of his friends [possibly the Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher (German-French Yearbooks) for which Marx was co-editor at that time], and the second concerning Heine's book on Ludwig Börne, the leader of the German radicals in Paris (Ludwig Börne, eine Denkschrift, written in 1840).

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GB 0097 ASHDOWN · Colección · [1970]-2006

Papers of Jeremy John Durham (Paddy) Ashdown, [1970]-1999, including material relating to the working of the Liberal Democrat Party (including files on the merger of the Liberal and Social Democratic Parties in 1988), campaigns, and relations with related Liberal groups, such as campaigning within ethnic minorities, the Liberal Youth and Student Office, the Liberal Movement, the European Liberal Democratic and Reform Parties, and Liberal International; material relating to Social and Liberal Democrat and Liberal Democrat conferences, 1989-1993, comprising programmes, agenda and correspondence; files relating to the administration of party political broadcasts and press releases, 1988-1992; papers relating to general, by, local and European elections, 1988-1993, including the 1991 report on general elections, and the European Election Task Group and ASLDC reports on local government elections; files on parliamentary procedure, 1989-1992; financial and administrative papers of the Liberal Democrat Party, 1986-1992, notably relating to fund raising; material concerning the organisation of local parties, 1988-1993, including those in Scotland and Wales; Liberal Democrat correspondence, 1982-1993, mainly with party members; constituency correspondence, 1985-1994, relating to Yeovil; general correspondence, 1983-1994, with members of the public, on subjects including animal rights, the arts, blood sports, capital punishment, constitutional and electoral reform, defence, education, energy, the environment, Europe, foreign affairs/policy, health, housing, human rights, legal aid, minority rights, the Poll Tax, taxation, trade and industry, and transport; correspondence relating to issues in individual constituencies, 1988-1994; files of information and correspondence on particular subjects, 1984-1993; personal material relating to work by Paddy Ashdown, 1983-1994, including books, articles, speeches and details of programmes; files on the employment of staff in Paddy Ashdown's office, 1984-1992. Also: files created by Ashdown as leader of the Liberal Democrats, c1991-1999 (AccNo: M1981); Paddy Ashdown's diaries, July 1988-April 1997 (AccNo: M3059); personal and party correspondence, 1987-1998 (AccNo: M3322); diaries and emails, 1999-2006 (AccNo: M3348).

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GB 0097 BAECE · 1910-1973

Papers of the National Society of Children's Nurseries, 1908-1973, including NSCN policy documents and detailed reports on child education, 1914-1950; minutes of the Council, 1928-1973; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1935-1959 and 1970-1973; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1919-1939; minutes of the Training Committee, 1942-1946; minutes of the Crêche Committee, 1908-1934; minutes of Honorary Secretary's meetings and meetings of representatives of affiliated nurseries and homes, 1921-1939; minutes of the Advisory Board, 1941-1944; records of the Group Committee on the Training of Nursery Nurses, 1942-1945; Examiners minutes, 1943-1946; minutes of the Sub-Committee on the syllabus for the Child Welfare Course, 1946; minutes of the Editorial Committee, [1946]-1958 and 1969-1971; minutes of the Policy Sub-Committee, 1968-1970; minutes of the Conference Sub-Committee, 1961-1965; papers of the Policy Statement Sub-Committee, 1962-1963; reports of Annual General Meetings, 1930-1950; Press cuttings, 1940-1941, relating to NSCN and individual nurseries; NSCN pamphlets, 1960-1973; correspondence, 1973, relating to the winding up of the NSCN; account books, 1948-1964, and petty cash books, 1954-1966; register of members, 1932-1965; attendance register of Executive meetings, 1970-1973.
Papers of the Nursery School Association of Great Britain and Ireland, [1920]-1967, including material deposited by Grace Owen, former Secretary of the NSA, 1923-1948, notably papers from local groups, [1920-1939], correspondence with individuals and organisations, 1921-1925, NSA notes, correspondence and publications, 1925-1948, and correspondence to Owen from individual members, the National Union of Teachers and the NSCN, 1927-1935; correspondence and memoranda relating to the Slum Clearance Campaign, 1933-1934; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1940-1976; minutes of the Annual Meetings and Delegate Council, 1942-1947, and Delegate Council minutes, 1948-1964; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1936-1960; minutes of the Buildings Advisory Committee, 1943-1968; minutes of the Course and Conference Committees, 1936-1967; minutes of the Joint Committee of Council of Superintendents and Head Teachers of Infant Schools, 1937-1944; minutes of the Teacher's Council, 1945-1954; minutes of the Medical Advisory Committee, 1944-1971; minutes of the Education Sub-Committee, 1937-1938; minutes of the Evacuation Sub-Committee, 1938-1939; Nursery Centre Scheme Committee, 1941; Silver Jubilee Committee, 1948-1950; Private Nurseries Committee, 1954-1962; minutes of the Publications Committee, 1936-1967; NSA Annual Reports, 1929-1973; research documents on child development, 1920, 1947-1950 and 1972; NSA pamphlets, 1930-1964; NSA newsletters and newsheets, 1941-1974; material relating to Rommany Road Nursery School, West Norwood, 1919-1968, including minutes, legal documents and correspondence.

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GB 0097 BASSETT · c1920-c1960

This collection contains the personal papers of Reginald Bassett, and consists of notes for addresses and speeches on politics, articles on politics, and lectures on political theory, international relations and economics. There are also smaller quantities of correspondence, Labour Party material, press cuttings, and essays on politics and social problems.

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GB 0097 BENNETT · 1977-1981

Papers relating to Conservative Councillor Nicholas Bennett's activities in Lewisham, 1977-1981, mainly concerning the problems of local residents.

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GB 0097 BERNAL · 1939-1966

This collection covers Bernal's involvement with the peace movement and contains notes on conferences, speeches, and resolutions from conferences of the World Peace Council and the British Peace Council, with press cuttings, pamphlets and correspondence relating to these organisations.

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Papers of Sir William Henry Beveridge, Chairman of the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry, relating to the Commission, 1925-1926. Includes details of the structure of the industry, the nationalisation of mines, profitability, royalties, distribution and profits, transport, output and hours of work, wages, the Labour Co-Partnership Association, the cost of living and family allowances, recruitment, safety, welfare and housing; memoranda of evidence; a plan of the report and drafts of sections; press cuttings concerning the coal strike of 1926, compiled by Jules Menken; and general statistics used for research.

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Central and Local Government reports and pamphlets collated by Sir William Henry Beveridge, 1886-1914, relating to the causes and incidence of unemployment and its possible cures, such as labour exchanges, benefits and relief, and including material created by the Charity Organisation Society, provincial Distress Committees (Birkenhead, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Burton-upon-Trent, Coventry, Dudley, East Ham, Edinburgh, Great Yarmouth, Halifax, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth, Reading, Sunderland, Warrington, West Ham, and Wolverhampton), various London boroughs (Bermondsey, Bethnal Green, Camberwell, Chelsea, Deptford, Finsbury, Fulham, Greenwich, Hackney, Hammersmith, Hampstead, Holborn, Lambeth, Lewisham, Paddington, Poplar, Marylebone, Saint Pancras, Southwark, Stepney, Stoke Newington, Wandsworth, Westminster, and Woolwich), the Central (Unemployed) Body for London, and the government of Great Britain. Includes reports and pamphlets on unemployment written by individual authors, for which there is an index.

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GB 0097 BOOTH · 1885-1905

Working papers of the Survey of 'Labour and Life of the People' and 'Life and Labour of the People in London' by Charles Booth 1886 - 1903 comprising the original survey notebooks and papers: interviews, questionnaires, statistics, reports and colour coded maps describing poverty.
The papers and the original survey notebooks reflect the three areas of investigation undertaken in the survey: poverty, industry and religious influences.
The poverty series interviewed School Board visitors about levels of poverty in households and streets. The survey also investigated trades of East London connected with poverty: tailoring; furniture and women's work.
The industry series comprises interviews of employers, trade union leaders and workers for each trade and industry and questionnaires concerning rates of wages, numbers employed, details of trade unions and domestic details (food, dress and circumstances etc) which were completed by employees and trade union officials. The following trades and industries are covered by the survey: building trade; wood workers; metal workers; precious metals, watches and instruments; sundry manufacturers printing and paper trades; textile trades; clothing trades; food and drink trades; dealers and clerks; transport and gardeners; labourers; public service and professional classes; domestic service. Case histories of the inmates of Bromley and Stepney workhouses during 1889 and people who received outdoor relief from the union were also transcribed.
The religious survey includes reports of visits to churches and over 1450 interviews with ministers of all denominations including Church of England, Methodist, Presbyterian, Jewish, Roman Catholic. Salvation Army officers and missionaries were also interviewed. The reports of the interviews contain printed material relating to the churches. Questionnaires were also completed as part of the survey. The investigation went beyond documenting religious influences and incorporates a description of the social and moral influences on Londoners' lives.
The Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899 are probably the most well known documents which survive from the survey. The Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899 are twelve sheets colour coded by social class and poverty from black [semi-vicious] to yellow [middle and upper class, well-to-do]. The maps cover an area of London from Hammersmith in the west, to Greenwich in the east, and from Hampstead in the north to Clapham in the south. The working and printed copies of the maps are contained within the archive.
The social investigators accompanied police around their beats in London in order to update the existing street-level information for the Maps Descriptive of London Poverty 1898-1899. The reports of the walks are known as the 'police notebooks' and contain descriptions of London streets. All the notebooks have been digitised.
Other papers include an inventory undertaken in 1925 by Thomas Macaulay Booth, son of Charles Booth; additional manuscripts concerning the survey: circulars, statistics etc and booklets collected during the survey.

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GB 0097 BOTTOMLEY · 1944-1983

This collection contains correspondence, papers, notes for speeches, pamphlets, circulars and press cuttings relating to Bottomley's visits to Burma (for the Panglong Conference) Kenya, Ghana, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Ethiopia and Rhodesia. There are also articles and correspondence concerning the Rhodesian situation and race relations, photographs of official occasions, including press and official photographs of British Commonwealth occasions, many showing Arthur Bottomley, 1950s-1960s, and a diary of the Parliamentary Delegation to India in 1946.

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