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Hay, Matthew (1855-1932)
GB 0120 MSS.2789-2796 · 1882-1884

Papers of Matthew Hay on chemistry, 1882-1884, in particular its application to the life sciences; nitrogen compounds and their use in treating angina pectoris comprise the largest subject. One item (MS.2796) is produced in collaboration with Sir David Orme Masson (1858-1937).

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Hockley, Frederick (1808-1885)
GB 0120 MSS.2842-2843 · Coleção · 1829-1868

Two manuscripts written by Hockley, each a transcription of an older text, 1829, 1868: 'Four experiments of the Spirits Birto, Agares, Bealpharos and Vassago. Comprising the Forms of Conjuration, Circles, Lamens and Obligations, or Bonds of Spirits-as hath often been proved at the instant request of King Edward the 4th of England'. Author's holograph MS. Text within red rules, pen-drawn coat of arms of Hockley on title, illustrated by two small pen-drawn figures. Produced in London; and 'Book of Good Angels'; transcriber's holograph MS. A transcript of an anonymous ancient book of invocations and talismans, illustrated with two magical figures, and 14 figures of the 'characters and seals of Angels', pen-drawn and coloured in water-colour. Produced in London. 1868.

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Hodgkin, John (1857-1930)
GB 0120 MSS.2845-2850 · Coleção · c 1900-1925

Material relating to John Hodgkin's collection of cookery books, c 1900-1925, including glossaries on animal joins and types of fur and skin.

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Holden, Henry (1662-1710)
GB 0120 MSS.2863 and 8956 · Coleção · late 17th century - early 20th century

Commonplace book by Henry Holden (MS.2863), plus notes by A W J Haggis of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum (MS.8956) summarising the volume and comprising a contents list and some transcriptions.

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Holmes, Edward Morell (1843-1940)
GB 0120 MSS.2867-2932 and 7961, WMS/Amer.145-148 · 1876-1930

Notes and extracts on vegetable materia medica, botany, etc. (with the exception of MS.2882, which deals with British insects, and MS.7961 which consists of general correspondence). The plants discussed include species from Africa, Asia and the Americas. Many of the pieces are drafts of lectures (to bodies such as the Royal Botanic Society) or of papers later published in journals such as the Pharmaceutical Journal, Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, etc. Some items include inserted correspondence.

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Jadioux, Alphonse (c 1785-1864)
GB 0120 MSS.3010, 3011 · Coleção · 1815

Traité des fièvres. The general title, and that on the spine is 'Leçons de Médecine'. The work is probably incomplete, as at the end of the second volume is 'Fin du tome second': it appears to be a student's notes of lectures, probably given at the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. On page 416 of volume one, the date 1814 occurs, which is stated to be 'l'année dernière'. Produced in Paris.

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Jermyn, Emily Harriott (1793-1824)
GB 0120 MSS.3074-3077 · Coleção · 1818

Emily Jermyn papers, 1818, comprising: 'Botanic etymology, or an attempt to derive from their original language, and to explain the names and terms, generic and specific, used in the Science of Botany: and to determine from such sources their proper and correct prosody. With short biographical notices of such eminent persons whose names have been honored in their adaption to plants: and many anecdotes ... relating to their cultivations, properties and uses. Author's holograph MSS. An exhaustive work which must have involved enormous labour: it is unpublished.' Produced in Sibton (Suffolk).

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GB 0120 MSS.3172-3173, 5316-5320 · 1797-1842

Papers of Dominique Jean Larrey including personal correspondence (1770-1855) and a journal (1813-1814). Correspondence by him to his wife, daughter and son, and letters to him by various correspondents. The papers originate mainly from his journeys and campaigns with the army, including: France, Germany, Italy, Egypt Prussia, Russia, Poland, Austria, Spain and Austria. In addition MS.3173 is a resumé by Larrey's son of his career 1766-1814.

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Lazerme, Jacques (1676-1756)
GB 0120 MSS.3192-3197 and 3199-3202 · 1729-c 1755

Notes of lectures of Jacques Lazerme, physician, 1729-c 1755.

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Guttenberger, Eberhard ( -1518)
GB 0120 MSS.324-326 · 1505-1517

Lectiones in primum librum primi Canonis Avicennae, a Gerardo Cremonensi translati, 1505-1517.

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Lettsom, John Coakley (1744-1815)
GB 0120 MSS.3245-3249, 5370 · 1766-1812

Personal papers and correspondence of John Coakley Lettsom, 1766-1812, including medical papers and pamphlets by Lettsom, newspaper cuttings relating to him, or subjects that interested him. Letters from various correspondents, mainly from the medical profession. The papers reflect his primary interests in 'Quacks and Quackery', clinical medicine, pathology, materia medica, variolation and vaccination. Many relate to the business of the Medical Society of London, of which Lettsom was President. There is also a fragment of an autobiography of his life as a as a student, MS.3245.

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Lillie, Denis Gascoigne (1888-1963)
GB 0120 MSS.3259-3285 and 5252-5254 · 1824-1915

MSS.3259-3285 comprise chiefly scientific material; they include student notebooks on zoology, botany and geology (MSS.3259-3280); scientific logs from the British Antarctic Expedition (MSS.3281-3283), specifically a biological log (MSS.3281-3282) and a log of whales sighted (MS.3283), both spanning 1910-1913; an address delivered in 1913 to the New Zealand branch of the British Medical Association on Mendel's principle of heredity (MS.3284); and some notes on fish and fishing (MS.3285). MSS.5252-5254 comprise more personal and more miscellaneous material. MS.5252 is a scrapbook kept by Lillie, containing news cuttings, photographs and miscellaneous papers, spanning the period c.1845-1910 and including cuttings (with portrait prints) on science and scientists, 1845-1901; caricatures by Lillie of lecturers and staff at Birmingham University, 1904-1905; geological photographs, 1907-1909; family photographs (including a group class portrait at United Services' College, Westward Ho!, c.1892); and ephemera from Cambridge, 1909-1910. MS.5253 comprises cuttings from newspapers and illustrated magazines, spanning 1910-1914 and mainly relating to Robert Falcon Scott's British Antarctic Expedition. Finally MS.5254 comprises correspondence and very miscellaneous papers from the period 1824-1938 (plus some undated material) among them letters to his grandfather John Lillie D.D. (1806-1866), and to his maternal relatives the Macaire family, and letters to Lillie from E.A.N. Arber, Caroline Oates and others.

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McCormick, Robert (1800-1890)
GB 0120 MSS.3356-3382 and 8682 · 1824-1860

MSS.3356-3382 comprise journals and memorandum books documenting the various phases of McCormick's career, as follows: MS.3356, sketchbook relating to West Indies and South America voyages, 1824-1825; MS.3357, journal of voyage north of Spitsbergen in the Hecla, 1827; MS.3358, notes of lectures on natural philosophy by Robert Jameson (1774-1854) at Edinburgh University, 1830-1831; MS.3359, diary of voyages to West Indies and South America, 1830-1832; MS.3360, half-pay diaries (7 volumes), 1830-1838; MS.3361, diaries covering 1823-1830, fair copy; MS.3362, sketch book covering voyages in North Sea and West Indies, 1832-1833; MS.3363, diary covering blockade of Dutch coast and voyage to West Indies, 1832-1834; MS.3364, diary of a walking tour in Devon (apparently part of a longer journey of which the other journal volumes are not extant), 1834-1835; MS.3365, diary while fitting out the Antarctic expedition of the Erebus, 1839; MSS.3366-3368, diaries written during the Erebus Antarctic expedition (15 volumes), 1839-1843; MSS.3369-3370, meteorological and ornithological logs respectively of the Erebus Antarctic expedition, 1839-1843; MS.3371, half-pay diaries (4 volumes), 1843-1845; MS.3372, memorandum book on Arctic discovery, chiefly compiled during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1848-1852; MS.3373, diary while fitting out the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852; MSS.3374-3380, diaries written during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853; MSS.3381-3382, meteorological tables and sketches respectively, made during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853. MS.8682 comprises loose miscellaneous material, chiefly printed, relating to various phases of McCormick's career: evolving versions of his Narrative of a Boat-Expedition up the Wellington Channel in the Year 1852 (London: Eyre and Spotteswoode, 1854), plus testimonials, printed items by other authors including the Arctic traveller Dr. Richard King, publisher's advertisements and newspapers.

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McDonald, Donald Percy (1886-1959)
GB 0120 MSS.3385-3386 · 1956

Typescript signed with holograph additions and corrections entitled "Our Fathers that begat us, and other papers on the history of Medicine", by Donald Percy McDonald with a Foreword by Professor Sir Francis Fraser [1885-1964]. Inserted loose are 8 photographs intended for illustrations for the printed book. Included is a typescript letter signed by the author dated 11 July 1946 referring to an illustration of a surgeon's instrument-case belonging to Lord Lee of Fareham [1868-1947], with an initialed note of permission to use it by the owner in red crayon. Produced in Littlehampton.

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Manson, Sir Patrick (1844-1922)
GB 0120 MSS.3417, 6129-6132 and 7245 · 1856-1922

The collection comprises case notes of patients in Amoy and Hong Kong, correspondence, including a typed copy of one to Sir David Bruce (1855-1931) and some miscellaneous papers; the correspondence includes some letters neither to nor from Manson but kept by him, including one from David Livingstone (1813-1873) to his family. Particularly noteworthy is MS.6133, typescript copies of letters from Ronald Ross to Manson written during the former's period of malaria research in India (1897-1899).

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Martin, Christopher (1866-1933)
GB 0120 MSS.3466 and 6886 · Coleção · 1887-1930

Collection of papers chiefly on gynaecology, plus file of documents relating to the surgeon, Christopher Martin (certificates, letters, biographical information), 1887-1930.

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Megaw, Sir John Wallace Dick (1874-1958)
GB 0120 MSS.3521-3523 · 1922-c.1925

The collection centres on tropical medicine. MSS.3521-3522 consist of general notes on tropical medicine and on museums of tropical medicine; MS.3523 consists of an interleaved copy of Megaw's The first laws of health, considerably expanded.

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Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph (1791-1865)
GB 0120 MSS.3666, 3860-3867, 5371-5372, 5979-5981 and 7406, MSL.MS.129 · 1807-1864

The collection covers both Pettigrew's medical and antiquarian activities, which are intermingled in the material's arrangement. The medical items include correspondence with many medical figures, medical jurisprudence (an Anniversary Oration delivered to the Medical Society of London), corpulence, hydrophobia, medical observations by army officers in India, and an autobiographical memoir of the philanthropist and prison-reformer James Neild (1744-1814), transcribed by Pettigrew and incorporated into his life of John Coakley Lettsom M.D. The antiquarian items include material on Kett's Rebellion, Hindu deities, the library of the Duke of Sussex and correspondence with the Italian antiquary Giovanni Spano (1803-1878) and Gaetano Cara, as part of Pettigrew's role as Vice-President of the British Archaeological Society. Types of material held include notebooks, loose papers, correspondence and diplomas.

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Notes on astronomy 1888-1903
GB 0120 MSS.3694, 3695 · Coleção · [1905]

Notes on astronomy, 1888-1903. The date 1905 occurs on p. 173, and the eclipse of that year is mentioned on p. 1214: on p. 1213 the year 1910 is spoken of in the future tense.

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O'Farrell, Thomas (1843-1917)
GB 0120 MSS.3704-3708 and 6795-6800 · 1873-1906

The collection chiefly comprises scrapbooks compiled by O'Farrell on military and medical subjects. Specific topics that can be extracted include: cases at Jhansi and Hazaribagh military hospitals (MS.3704); medical officers and regiments serving in India (MS.3705); the Volunteer Medical Association (MS.6795); the Sudan campaign, 1898 (MS.6796-6797); and Malta (MS.6799). In addition there are two printed items relating to O'Farrell (MS.6800).

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O'Neill, John (1837-1895)
GB 0120 MSS.3715-3716 · Coleção · 1883-1894

Commonplace book, 1883-1894, containing etymological entries, including many of medical, scientific and anthropological interest. Compiler's holograph MSS. A remarkable compilation, based on very wide reading; the entries are in alphabetical order. Pasted inside the upper cover of the first volume is a stamped envelope, post-marked 'Edinburgh. Nov. 7. 1891', addressed to 'John O'Neill Esq. Trafalgar House. Selling, nr Faversham', and he is presumably the compiler of this collection. A John O'Neill 'Of the War Office' is entered in the B.M. Catalogue, and in the London Library Catalogue as the author of Night of the Gods; cosmic and cosmogonic mythology and symbolism 1893-1897. On the verso of the first leaf of Vol. I, the compiler states: 'I began to copy my rough notes into this book in January 1883'. The latest date found in the text is December 1894, on the verso of the fifth leaf from the end of Vol. II.

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P X: medical receipts
GB 0120 MSS.3734-3735 · Coleção · 1685-1725

Secreti medicinali. A collection of medical receipts: the first volume mainly in Italian, with a few entries in Latin; the second volume in Italian and Latin, with additions by other hands. Titles within a pen-drawn ornamental border. Vol. I is entitled 'Secreti medicinali'; Vol. II was apparently originally entitled 'Secreti di medicina', but some additions were written in, so that it now reads 'Experimentati/Secreti de Medicina/Raccolti/Per sanare molti mali e/conservare la Sanità'. A considerable part of this volume seems to be by the same hand as the first volume. Volume I is in four Books, and the compiler's initials are given in Receipt No. 77 of the first book: 'provato de me X.P.' and in the next entry: 'che io X.P. ho veduto l'efetti'. The date 1685 occurs on fol. 10 of Book II, and 1699 on fol. 28 of the last Book. Volume II is in two Books. The second has an engraved historiated title-page, with a blank space inscribed: 'Secreti di Medicina Anno' 1699. This book contains 533 numbered receipts. Facing No. 438 is a rough pen-drawing of a distilling apparatus: opposite No. 438 is an inserted printed broadside advertising 'Il vero Balsamo Aureo di Lorenno, chiamato Balsamo Divino' printed at Modena, but undated. This folio sheet has been cut down and folded. This remedy, and an 'Acqua Triacale' by the same Lorenno, are entered as Nos. 438 and 439 of the MS. The latest date in this volume is 1725, in the margin of Receipt No. 530.

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London chemist: prescription-books
GB 0120 MSS.3975-3993 · Coleção · 1845-1888

Collection of prescription-books of an unidentified London [Islington?] Chemist. From an entry inside the fly-leaf of Vol. 10, it appears that these prescription-books were commenced in 1835. The name of the firm responsible for this collection has not been ascertained, and has not been found in any of the volumes, but from the names of physicians appended to many of the prescriptions it seems to have been in Islington or in that part of London, for a large proportion of these are associated with the Islington Dispensary. Among these are many entries for Henry Bateman, FRCS [1806-1880] who was surgeon and later consulting surgeon to that institution. [Cf. Obituary notice in the Lancet 1880, ii, p. 874.] Pasted inside the upper cover of Vol. 18 [1861-1863] is a cut-out signature of Florence Nightingale [1820-1910]. Pasted inside the upper and lower covers of Vol. 27 [1884-1888], are two printed advertisements of J. Ramel, Crosby Hall Chamber, 24 Bishopsgate St., who describes himself as a 'Sanitary India-Rubber and Chirurgical Instruments Manufacturer and Importer'. One of the lists includes contraceptives. They are here entered as 'F.L.s', priced at from 6/6 per gross: there are also 'Marguerites'-for use by women-at 2/- each. Produced in London.

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Recensus scriptorum celebriorum
GB 0120 MSS.4130, 4131 · Coleção · 1745

Recensus scriptorum celebriorum, seu Delectus autorum libris et lucubrationibus suis magis illustrium, ex Romano-Catholicorum, Heterodoxorum, ac Gentilium virorum ordine, compendiosa relatione perspicuus, ad cognoscenda et dignoscenda authorum nomina, libros, scripta, statum atque aetatem, anagnostae publico ac privato accomodus ex variis recentioribus conscriptus. At the end of the second volume are lists of Roman Emperors, Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, Kings of France, Spain, Hungary, Bohemia, and England. The latest date is that of the coronation of Francis I, husband of Maria Theresa, as Emperor 4th October 1745: Philip V of Spain, who died in 1746, is entered as still reigning. Items on the Papal Index [1681-1734] are marked in red. Each volume is stamped on the sides with an unidentified coat of arms, and lettered P.A.M.N.

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Recupero, Carmelo
GB 0120 MSS.4172-4174 · Coleção · [1745]

Institutionum medicinae pars prima [-sexta]. Vol. I. Economia animalis. Pathologia. Vol. II. Semilogia. Hygiene. Therapeutica. Vol. III. Praxis medicinae specialis. Apparently the author's holograph MSS., and perhaps the text of lectures. Produced in Catania?.

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Rouelle, Guillaume François (1703-1770)
GB 0120 MSS.4281-4282 · Coleção · 1762

Cours de Chimie. Rédigé d'après les Leçons de Mr. Rouelle et transcrit en 1762. The half-title of Vol. I is 'Cours de Chimie. 1761'. The second volume is headed: 'Cours de Chymie rédigé d'après les Leçons de Mr. Rouelle, et transcrit en 1762. Commencé le IIe fevrier de cette présente année sur les cahiers de Mr. Vincent de Billi, venus de M. Huet par M. David qui les tenoit de M. Diderot'. At the end of the volume is a note: 'Mr. Rouelle a fini son Cours de Chymie ce 29e mai 1762 ... et il l'a commencé le 16e novembre 1761'. Produced in Paris.

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Royen, Adriaan van (1704-1779)
GB 0120 MSS.4307-4311 · mid-18th century

Dictata in Materiam Medicam. These MSS. are probably scribal copies of lectures written for the use of students. Produced in Leyden, mid-18th century.

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Laufenberg, Heinrich von (1391-1460)
GB 0120 MSS.438-439 · [1475-1907]

Laufenberg's work on "Versehung des Leibs" followed by an anonymous "Practica" (assigned to Barthomolaeus Salernitanus). Original 15th century volume plus early 20th century transcript by its then owner, Theodor Engelmann.

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Schneller, Joseph von (1811-1885)
GB 0120 MSS.4423-4463 · 1837-1885

Holograph manuscripts of publications by Joseph von Schneller, notes, and some material by other persons collected by von Schneller, 1837-1885.

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Silvester Family Papers
GB 0120 MSS.4599-4602, 5869-5870 · 1844-1905

Personal papers of the Silvester family, 1844-1905 including (auto)biographical details of the three, copy correspondence, and diary entries. Specifically: T H Silvester's notebook includes personal and professional details, there is also a draft medical paper on venous bruit; Paul de Hookham's papers are an autobiography; whilst Henry Robert Silvester's papers mainly relate to his work on the resuscitation of the apparently drowned or asphyxiated.

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Smith, Robert William Innes (1872-1933)
GB 0120 MSS.4640-4643 · c 1925

Biographical and bibliographical notes by Robert William Innes Smith collected for 'English speaking students of Medicine at the University of Leyden.' Author's holograph MSS. Produced in Sheffield, c 1925.

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GB 0120 MSS.4669, 4670 · 1796

La Clavicule ou la Clef de Salomon, Roi des Hébreux et fils de David, traduite de l'hébreux, divisée en quatre livres. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon. Traduites par Mr. Pierre Morissoneau, Professeur des langues orientales et Sectateur des Sages Cabalistes. With other tracts on Magic. Illustrated with numerous pen-drawn magical figures, talismans, etc. in gold, silver and colours. In Vol. I the text is in red, black and green: in Vol. II the text is in similar colours, and facing the title-page is a folding figure of a magic Circle in red and green, the text in red. In both volumes there are historiated ornaments, vignettes, tail-pieces, etc., by the calligrapher who signs himself on the title-page of Vol. I 'J. S. Fyot, Écrivain. 1796'.

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Tubby, Alfred Herbert (1862-1930)
GB 0120 MSS.4858-4862 · 1896-1920

Manuscripts of the first and second editions of Alfred Herbert Tubby's work on deformities, mostly author's holograph; and of his memoir of the First World War, A consulting surgeon in the Near East (holograph).

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Valleteau de Chabresy, T. R.
GB 0120 MSS.4898-4900 · Late 18th century

'Leçons sur l'astronomie sphérique', illustrated by numerous pen-drawn diagrams and figures. The MS. is written with very wide margins, and contains the complete course of 54 lessons.

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Wallich, George Charles (1815-1899)
GB 0120 MSS.4962-4970 · 1860-1898

The collection centres on Wallich's work on biology, particularly marine biology, and his belief that other figures in the field were ignoring or plagiarising his discoveries. As well as his notes, it includes a collection of offprints by Wallich (MS.4969) and a collection of offprints by other scientists, with Wallich's comments (MS.4970).

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Hill, Alfred Bostock (1854-1932)
GB 0120 MSS.5165-5177 · 1876-1932

Scrapbooks of A B Hill, 1876-1932, mainly relating to his career in public health, containing newscuttings, programmes of events (especially dinners and conferences of societies concerned with public health and local affairs in the Birmingham area), and miscellaneous papers.

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Fordyce, George (1736-1802)
GB 0120 MSS.5279-5280 · 1782

Notes on lectures on materia medica by George Fordyce, taken down by John Bannister, and dated London, 28 June 1782.

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Society of Noviomagians
GB 0120 MSS.5305-5307 · 1608-1905

Proceedings of the Society of Noviomagians, 1833-39 [Vols 2-3], consisting of letters, papers and minutes bound together with inserted documents and loose papers.

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Haggis, Alec William James (1889-1946)
GB 0120 MSS.5328-5355, 8280-8282, 8285-8287 & 8662-8663 · c 1937-1946

Papers and research notes of Alec Haggis relating to medical history. Many relate to Haggis's research into medical licensing in England and Wales prior to the Act of 1858.

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Manor House Asylum
GB 0120 MSS.5725-5726 and 6222-6227 · 1870-1925

Records of Manor House Asylum, 1870-1925, comprising six casebooks relating to male and female patients and one of voluntary boarders, both male and female. There is also a file of correspondence to members of the Tuke family and others. The collection includes undated material.

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HFCS · Coleção · 1683-1847

Letters Patent appointing Commissioners, 1811-1837; qualification books, containing signatures of Commissioners acknowledging their allegiance to the sovereign, 1812-1847; standing orders of the Court, 1812-1826; minutes, copies of warrants, and presentments, 1683-1688; minutes of the Commissioners, 1716-1847; General Committee minutes, 1813-1847; Committee of Accounts minutes, 1813-1847; Committee of Works minutes, 1818-1847; entries of bonds and contracts, 1814-1841; specifications for contracts for new sewers, 1839-1847; description and particulars of sewers built by contract, providing name of contractor, place, length of sewer, 1821-1837; out-letter books, 1812-1847; in-letter books, 1840-1847; petitions for new sewers, 1812-1848; petitions for drains from houses to sewers, 1812-1848; clerk's monthly reports upon sewers ordered to be built upon contributions being paid, 1842-1847; complaints and applications from householders and others, 1813-1848; Surveyor's order books, 1812-1846; Surveyor's report books, 1811-1847; financial records, 1812-1849; rate books, 1779-1848; a collection of the public statutes relating to sewers and the local acts for Holborn and Finsbury Division, 1830; registers of sewers, 1849; maps and plans, 1745-1846.

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LMA/4008 · Coleção · 1866-1976

Records of the London Central Mission Methodist Circuit, 1866-1976, including records of the circuit itself and the records of the following constituent churches and missions: St. John's Square Church, Clerkenwell (LMA/4008/SJS); Islington Central Methodist Church and its predecessors (LMA/4008/ICMC); Haggerston Church (LMA/4008/HAG); Maidstone Street Church/Harbour Light Church (LMA/4008/MSHL); Camden Street and Camden Town Churches (LMA/4008/CAM); Kings' Cross Mission, Crestfield Street (LMA/4008/KCCM); Kings' Cross Mission, Charlotte Street/Carnegie Street (LMA/4008/KCCS); Caledonian Road Primitive Methodist Church (LMA/4008/CRPM); Caledonian Road Wesleyan Methodist Church (LMA/4008/CRWM); Mayfield Road, Dalston Church (LMA/4008/MRD); Penton Hall/Twyford Hall Church (LMA/4008/PHTH); Railton Road, Herne Hill Church (LMA/4008/RRHH).

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LMA/4008/CRPM · Subarquivo · 1950-1976

Records of Caledonian Road Primitive Methodist Church, 1950-1976, including notes concerning collections required from church; letter from London County Council concerning church site; Trustees' minute book, correspondence, invoices and receipts; leaflet concerning church anniversary celebrations.

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LMA/4008/HAG · Subarquivo · 1944-1958

Papers of Haggerston Methodist Church, 1944-1958, including Trustees minutes; correspondence relating to war damage and proposals for redevelopment in the local area; London County Council plans for redevelopment of Benfleet Place; and correspondence regarding the appointment of a deaconess.

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LMA/4009/AR · Subarquivo · 1865-1932

Records of the Archway Road Methodist Church, including register of baptisms, 1865-1897; Leaders' Meeting minute books; financial accounts; Trustees' Meeting minute books; Trustees' correspondence and notes; papers of the Missionary Society and papers of the Sunday School.

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LMA/4009/HR · Subarquivo · 1843-1939

Records of Hornsey Road Methodist Church, including registers of baptism, 1843-1939; register of marriages, 1867-1913 and financial accounts.

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LMA/4009/KTC · Subarquivo · 1866-1933

Records of the Kentish Town Circuit, Methodist Church, 1866-1933, comprising Quarterly Meeting minute book; financial accounts; bills for work carried out and a resolution regarding church members serving in the Armed Forces, 1916.

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LMA/4039 · Coleção · 1936-1970

Visitors book (includes signature of George Lansbury, Member of Parliament and leader of the Labour Party 1931-1935), 1936-1969 and typescript "A Brief History of Cedars Lodge" by Brian Morley of Southwark Council, 1970.

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