Mostrando 119 resultados

Descripción archivística
HANS, Nicholas (1888-1969)
GB 0366 NH · Colección · 1906-1969

Papers of Nicholas Hans, including drafts of published works and manuscripts of unpublished essays and other writings; notebooks, including from his time at the University of Odessa, 1907-1912; correspondence, 1925-1969; personalia, including certificates and letters of reference and appointment, 1906-1969; papers relating to his position during the Russian Revolution of 1917; papers relating to teaching, 1948-1966; conference papers, 1936-1966; some collected papers by colleagues.

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PAYNE, Joseph (1808-1876) and family
GB 0366 PA · Colección · 1797-c1882

Small group of papers of Joseph Payne (1808-1876) and of his family including his sons (Joseph) Frank Payne (1840-1910) and John Burnell Payne (1839-1869) and his father-in-law the Rev John Dyer. The collection comprises Joseph Frank Payne's personal copies of the volumes of his father's work which he edited, namely Lectures on the History of Education (1892) and Lectures on the Science and Art of Education (1883); bound copy of Joseph Frank Payne's Harveian Oration, entitled 'Harvey and Galen', 1897; manuscript journal of Joseph Payne, Jan-Apr 1825; sermon given by Edward Steane on the death of the Rev John Dyer, 1841; printed testimonials in favour of Rev John Burnell Payne, candidate for the Profressorship of English Literature and History at Owen's College, Manchester, 1866; photograph of Joseph Payne; printed sermon given by William Steadman on the death of the Rev James Dyer, 1797; family notebooks, 1821-1828, some on literary subjects; correspondence, including of John Burnell Payne with Mrs Lewes [George Eliot]; various notes, journal entries, reflections and verse in different hands.

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RENDEL, Margherita (b 1928)
GB 0366 RL · Colección · 1965-1988

Papers of Margherita Rendal relating to two research projects, namely:'Graduate Administration in Local Education Authorities', 1965-1968, including material relating to project administration; correspondence and memoranda; interim and final reports; sample questionnaires; information about the survey program used to analyse the data; coding lists; sample punch cards. Also included is a file of correspondence and papers relating to The Committee on the Management and Staffing of Local Government (the Mallaby Committee), 1965. 'Survey for UNESCO of Courses and Research in Political Science, Law and Related Disciplines Concerned with the Role and Status of Women', 1979-1982, mainly comprising a series of individual folders for over seventy different countries or regions containing published and unpublished material relating to women's studies and the women's movement in each area; correspondence with local contacts in educational institutions and women's organisations; some answers to a questionnaire; and research summaries. Also included are some general publications and memoranda relating to UNESCO; card indexes of local contacts; and drafts of the final report. Also included are a small number of papers relating to the Institute of Education Department of Educational Administration in the 1970s, especially relating to a course run jointly with the London Business School on 'Management in the Education Service'; and circular letters of the Education in Human Rights Network, 1988. There is also a file relating to the Confederation for the Advancement of State Education, 1960s and a small amount of material concerning a study of educational administration in Derbyshire, 1967.

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RAINBOW, Bernarr (1914-1998)
GB 0366 RW · Colección · 1940s-1990s

Papers of Bernarr Rainbow, [1940-1998], including photographs, personalia, music manuscripts, sound recordings, drafts of published and unpublished works, and a small amount of correspondence.

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Schools Curriculum Award
GB 0366 SCA · Colección · 1982-1992

Records of the the first four rounds of the Schools Curriculum Award, 1982-1992, including papers of Professor John Race Godfrey Tomlinson, founder and Chairman of the Trustees; submissions from schools; assessors' reports; administrative papers; examples of the works of art awarded to successful schools.

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GB 0366 SV · Colección · 1950s-1980s

Papers of Harold and Pamela Silver, mainly research material for An Educational War on Poverty including: audio-cassettes of 41 taped interviews and some manuscript interview notes, 1981-1982; published and unpublished reports, articles and research papers relating to educational programmes and initiatives in the United States and Britain, 1950s-1980s; correspondence and papers (mainly photocopies) of A.H. Halsey and Michael Young relating to the National Educational Priority Area Projects, 1967-1972; articles, reports and correspondence relating to the report of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) Committee of Enquiry into Primary Education, Children and Their Primary Schools (The Plowden Report), including some papers of Maurice Kogan, 1963-1987.

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National Union of Women Teachers
GB 0366 UWT · Colección · 1904-1961

Extensive collection of records of the National Union of Women Teachers, 1904-1961, including minutes of the Council and various committees, conference reports, branch records, correspondence, press cuttings, handbills, pamphlets, posters and photographs. There is also a large series of subject files on particular issues, individuals, organisations and campaigns documenting the wide range of the Union's interests. These include, for example, papers concerning women's organisations such as the Six Point Group, the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, the Women's Freedom League, the Open Door Council, the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries and others and educational groups such as the English New Education Fellowship and the Workers Educational Association. There is also a series of collected biographical material on a wide range of individuals.

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World Education Fellowship
GB 0366 WEF · Colección · 1920-1980s

Records of the World Education Fellowship's central administration, including officers' correspondence, constitutional papers, minutes and committee papers, 1929-1970s; files relating to individual regional sections, 1930s-1970s; records of international conferences, 1921-1972; files concerning special projects, 1942-1968 and relations with UNESCO, 1948-1973; audio-tapes, including conferences and personal reminiscences, 1959-1971; publications, pamphlets, and newsletters, including the journal The New Era.
Records of the English New Education Fellowship, [1940s-1980s], including minutes, correspondence, administrative and subject files and publications.
Minutes of the Home and School Council of Great Britain, 1929-1950s.

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WILSON, Ronald Haig (1917-2005)
GB 0366 WIL · Colección · 1945-2005

Papers of Ronald (Ronnie) Wilson, mainly relating to his career in adult education in Germany and England, 1945-2005, including: biographical information on Wilson, 1992-2005; papers related to his work in post-war Germany, 1945-1963; papers regarding his career in adult education in the UK, 1950-[2003]; writings and papers by Wilson and others on various subjects regarding adult education in Germany and the UK, educational reconstruction in post war Germany, 1947-2002; conference papers collected by Wilson from Anglo-German conferences, German adult education conferences, and other conferences on adult education mainly after his return to the UK, 1952-2002; general correspondence, 1952-1996; papers regarding prominent adult educationalists, 1947-1999; and photographs, 1952-2003.

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German Educational Reconstruction
GB 0366 GER · Colección · 1943-1958

Records of German Educational Reconstruction, 1943-1958, including minutes; correspondence, administrative and policy files; bulletins, reports and memoranda; files on conferences, meetings and group visits; material relating to a wide range of other organisations; and press cuttings and collected publications.

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GB 0366 ABB · Colección · c 1940s-1980s

Photographs, mainly covering the period 1940s-1980s, including black and white and colour prints, contact strips, negatives, glass plates, and slides. These document the exteriors and interiors of school and college buildings, both during construction and after completion, and include images of furniture and equipment, and of activities in schools; microfilms of plans and drawings; some related papers such as plans, schedules, notes and correspondence.

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FYSH, Amelia (c 1922 - ) (nee Bullen)
GB 0366 AF · Colección · 1942-2008

Papers relating to the work of Amelia Fysh (nee Bullen), mainly at Beech Green Nursery School, Aylesbury, Bucks. Much of the material relates to her work on the relation of children's drawings to their development and includes originals and photocopies of the children's drawings, photographs of the children playing and working at the nursery school, and Amelia's research notes, papers and correspondence regarding her efforts to get the work published. The collection includes a copy of her publication 'Discovering Development with the 3-5s: a longitudinal study, 1964-1973', published c1997.

There are a number of personal files relating to Amelia's own education, her career in education provision, and her research into child development in other countries. These latter papers appear to have been created on an ad hoc basis during her travels abroad. There are also a number of publications regarding child development, pre-school education and education for children with learning and physical disabilities.

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BURDEN, Charles Henry (1869-1957)
GB 0366 BDN · Colección · 1906-[1935]

Letters from Charles Burden to his wife, 1906-1907, sent from a tour of schools in Canada and the USA; photographs of Burden during his headship of Beverley Grammar School, Yorkshire, [1912-1935].

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Burnham Committee records
GB 0366 BUR · Colección · 1972-1987

Correspondence and papers of Brian Rusbridge, Secretary to the Burnham and Allied Commitees, 1972-1987, including minutes of the meetings of of the Primary and Secondary and Further Education Management Panels, 1979-1986; minutes of meetings of the Primary and Secondary Committee, 1976-1987; notes on meetings of the Primary and Secondary Committee, 1984-1987 and of the Further Education Committee, 1982-1986; verbatim transcripts of the Primary and Secondary Committee meetings, 1972-1980 and of Education Committee meetings, 1979-1983; files relating the Committee of Inquiry into Teachers' Pay (the Houghton Committee), 1974-1975.

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Child Development Society
GB 0366 CDS · 1942-2004

Records of the Child Development Society, 1942-2004, comprising administrative material relating the management of the Society, including the constitution of the Society, 1942-1994; minutes and circulated papers of meetings of the Executive Committee and Annual General Meetings, 1988-2003; correspondence of Annabel Lewis, Chair of the Society, from members of the Society and external bodies, 1996-2004; membership lists, 1993-[2000]; material relating to events held by the Society including programmes, literature, publicity, and correspondence, 1985-2000; promotional literature including the Society's newsletter and leaflets advertising the Society, 1972-2004; and miscellaneous material, including a note book, press cuttings and articles, 1992-[2002].

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REYNOLDS, Cynthia (1928-2008)
GB 0366 CR · Colección · 1945, 1963-1985

Papers regarding Cynthia Reynolds career as an advisory teacher for the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) including, writings by Cynthia Reynolds, including reports for the ILEA and published writings, 1970-1983; papers regarding home economics curriculum development in secondary schools, 1945, 1968-1983, including sample syllabuses and exam papers from across the UK and overseas, development of in-service courses for teachers, ILEA publications and general files on curriculum development with reference to home economics; papers regarding the development for parenting courses in secondary schools, 1963-1985, including development within the ILEA, developments outside London and writings about parenting courses; Health and Nutrition education publications from the ILEA and other local education authorities, 1972-1985; ILEA lower school projects in home economics, 1979-1983; papers regarding home economics in further education, 1972-1985, including Reynolds MA dissertation; and general publications on home economics education.

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GB 0366 DG · Colección · 1933-1992

Papers of Dorothy Ellen Marion Gardner including annual reports of the Child Development Department at the Institute of Education, University of London, 1933-1958, and notes on its establishment and functioning; newsletters of the Child Development Society, 1950-1992; pamphlets relating to child development issues, 1945-1960; correspondence and papers relating to reading skills, [1962-1963]; correspondence and papers relating to Dorothy Gardner's memorial meeting and fund, 1972-1976.

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STOTT, Denis Herbert (1909-1988)
GB 0366 DS · Colección · 1940s-1970s

This collection includes notebooks from early in Stott's career, [1940-1959], and a collection of Stott's published papers, 1950s-1970s. The notebooks comprise a numbered series of 25 notebooks mainly containing notes on diverse topics from a wide range of authors, with a subject index compiled by Stott himself; a notebook entitled 'lecture notes' on statistical method and one on 'statistical formulae'.

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TAYLOR, Duncan
GB 0366 DT · Colección · 1948-1973

Scripts, with annotations, for various children's history series, broadcast by the BBC in the 1960s-1970s comprising: Stories from World History,1948-1973; Contemporary History, 1968-1970; Stories from Scottish History, 1964; Peoples of the World, 1971-1972; Great People of History, for Nigerian schools, Dec 1961; Religion and Philosophy: Archaeology and the Bible, 1955; Europe since 1945, (Study on three; Radio Three, 1968-1969); History 1917-1967 (BBC Schools Television, 1969); Human Rights, 1968; Britain in the sixties (Study on three: Radio Three, 1970); For the Middle Years on Romans, 1973; recording for Radio Enterprises, including a script for 'Drake sails round the world', Nov 1970, with a script from the World History Series on the same topic, 1967. Papers relating to the making of children's history series including on 'Recordings for Scandinavia' , including scripts, and notes, 1951-1965; list of titles of past programmes, with names of scriptwriters. List of programmes and schedules, 1938-1972; comments on and suggested alterations to 'How things began: Roman Britain II', with 2 scripts on Roman Britain, 1956-1957; working file for 'Talks for Sixth Forms: The History of Science', including journals, press cuttings and notes [1948-1956]; 'Ancient Greece', including extracts from reference works and press cuttings; 'Cook's second voyage (Radiovision)', including notes, drafts of scripts, key to pictures and photographs of the recording studio; 'Lincoln frees the slaves', including notes on picture sources, background and draft script, 1972. Radio Times articles by Duncan Taylor about the BBC Broadcasts to Schools, Sep 1950-Jan 1952. Publications including, Modern History: notes for the teacher (BBC Sound Broadcasts to Schools), 1944-1963; History I: notes for the teacher (BBC Broadcasts to Schools), 1944-1957 and Stories from British History: notes for the teacher (BBC Broadcasts to Schools), 1957-1966. Talks and other publicity material including 'Initiation, planning and production of a school broadcast', a talk delivered to H.M.I.s' conference [May 1949] and 'BBC talks and articles', containing published articles and notes for talks by Duncan Taylor on BBC Schools Broadcasting, [1960-1969]. Notes for intended contributors to 'Stories from World History' and 'Stories from British History', Jan 1962.

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GB 0366 EH · Colección · c1906-1950s

Small group of papers reflecting the career of Ethel Martha Hatchard (née Smith), a woman teacher who combined teaching with family commitments, c1906-1950s. The papers comprise personalia relating to her education and career, including school reports, correspondence relating to courses attended, letters of appointment, documents relating to pension arrangements, examination papers, and a manuscript career outline. Also included are a notebook from North London Collegiate School for Girls, containing notes from needlework lessons, 1907, and examples of teaching materials for reading and arithmetic, c1950s.

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FRY, Isabel (1869-1958)
GB 0366 FY · Colección · 1878-1958

The collection mainly consists of a set of Isabel Fry's personal diaries and notebooks dating from 1878-1958. These are supplemented by letters to her friend Eugénie Dubois, c1930-1958, and a few publications and photographs. The diaries reflect all aspects of her life and career including her teaching activities and educational ideas; her preoccupations with political and social affairs, including political reform and emancipation in the East and in Turkey and Persia; her friendships with liberal intellectuals; and her involvement with anti-militarist movements, slum clearance, socialism and feminism. Also included are details of her relationship with her family, friends and their wider social circle.

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GB 0366 GDS · Colección · 1872-2005

Papers of the Girls' Day School Trust (GDST) and it predecessors, 1872-2005, including corporate records, 1872-2002; shareholders records, 1872-[1950]; financial records; papers relating to the central governance of the schools, 1920-2000; papers relating to the general central administration and organisation of the schools; papers relating to curriculum and teaching; papers relating to inspections and examinations; papers relating to scholarships and prizes; papers relating to school property; papers relating to staff; papers relating to students and pupils; papers relating to current schools, 1873-2006; papers relating to former schools, 1873-1997; papers relating to teacher training; published histories of the trust and of individual schools; publicity material; papers relating to events; photographs; papers relating to the Friends of the GDST; papers relating to alumni; artefacts and historical information.

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Networks for Informal Adult Learning
GB 0366 IAL · Colección · 1984-1988

Correspondence, memoranda and reports of Edward Rosen, Director of the Networks for Informal Adult Learning, 1984-1988.

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GB 0366 IE · Colección · 1890s-1994

Records of the Institute of Education, University of London, 1890s-1994 (Ref: IE), including the London Day Training College Local Committee and Council, 1904-1931 (Ref: IE/TCC); Jubilee Lectures correspondence, 1904-1952 (Ref: IE/JUB); the Islington Day Training College, 1906-1917 (Ref: IE/ISL); examination records, 1909-1970s (Ref: IE/EXN); the University of London Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/TCD); the Institute of Education Delegacy, 1931-1948 (Ref: IE/ULD); the Committee of Management, 1948-1987 (Ref: IE/COM); the Council, 1948-1982 (Ref: IE/COU); the Senate, 1987-1992 (Ref: IE/SEN); the Committee of Principals, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/CPR); Directorate material, including annual report files, 1933-1980 (Ref: IE/ARP), collegiate files, 1925-1975 (Ref: IE/DCO), files of Sir Percy Nunn, 1923-1936 (Ref: IE/TPN), the papers of G.B. Jeffery, 1940s-1950s (Ref: IE/GBJ), subject files, 1950s-1980s, and letter books, 1906-1926 (Ref: IE/PLB); Secretariat day files, 1948-1984 (Ref: IE/DLB), and subject files, 1960s-1990s, and memoranda books, 1907-1937 (Ref: IE/MEM); the Central Academic Board, 1949-1987; the Meeting of Staff and the Academic Board, 1909-1982 (Ref: IE/CAB, IE/ACB, IE/ABD); the Department for Overseas Students, 1930s-1980s (Ref: IE/DOS); visitation files, 1949-1971 (Ref: IE/VIF), and papers of the Visitations Sub-Committee, 1948-1969 (Ref: IE/VSC); the Conference of Local Education Authorities, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/LEA); the Domestic Subjects Group of the Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/DSG); research material collated by C. Willis Dixon during the writing of his history of the Institute, 1930s-1970s (Ref: IE/DIX); the Committee on Facilities for Practising Teachers, 1949-1978 (Ref: IE/FPT); the Centre for Teachers, later the INSET Office, 1950s-1990s (Ref: IE/CFT); the Colonial Department, later known as the Department of Education in Tropical Areas, the Department of Education in Developing Countries, and the Department of International and Cooperative Education, 1935-1980s (Ref: IE/COL); the Department of Child Development and Educational Psychology, 1972-1987 (Ref: IE/CDE); the Department of History, Humanities and Philosophy, 1980s-1990s (Ref: IE/HHP); the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, 1980s-1990s; the Music Department, 1980s; the Library, 1923-1980s, the School Relations Office, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRO); the Policy Advisory Committee, 1970-1983 (Ref: IE/PAC); the Joint Committee in Education, 1975-1982 (Ref: IE/JCE); the Joint Degree Committees, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/JDC); the Joint Professional Committee, 1977-1983 (Ref: IE/JPR); the Interim Joint Planning Committee, 1982-1987 (Ref: IE/IJP); the Academic Policy Committee, 1983-1987 (Ref: IE/APC); the Audit Committee, 1991-1993 (Ref: IE/AUD); the Computing Policy Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/CPC); the Joint Planning Committee, 1988-1994 (Ref: IE/JPC); the Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities, 1987-1993 (Ref: IE/EQO); the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/FGP); the Investments Sub-Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/ISC); the Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools, 1980s-1990s; files relating to Institute publications, 1940s-1980s (Ref: IE/PUB); the Institute of Education Society, 1980s; student records, 1902-1980s (Ref: IE/STU); John Adams Hall, 1980s; the Institute Nursery, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/NUR); research files, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRF); staff records, 1912-1933 (Ref: IE/SFR); the Senior Common Room, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SCR); photographs (Ref: IE/PHO); Library Committees, 1923-1977 (Ref: IE/LSC); Student Associations/Unions, c1950-c1979 (Ref: IE/SAU); Teacher Training Enquiry [1970-1971] (Ref: IE/TTE); papers of Richard Goodings, c1890s-1960s (Ref: IE/RGO); buildings and estates records (Ref: IE/BLD); charters and statutes (Ref: IE/CSS); History of the Institute Panels (Ref: IE/HIP); records of Peter Newsam (Ref: IE/NEW); records of Peter Mortimore (Ref: IE/PEM); Personnel Department records (Ref: IE/PER); records of a Centre for Higher Education Research project on quality assurance in higher education (Ref: IE/QUR).

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LAUWERYS, Joseph Albert (1902-1981)
GB 0366 JL · Colección · c1920s-1980s

Extensive collection of personal and working papers reflecting many aspects of Joseph Lauwerys' varied career, including science education, educational broadcasting, international co-operation and understanding and comparative education. They include correspondence files, mostly dating from the late 1940s onwards; lecture notes, articles, conference papers and other published and unpublished writings; files relating to societies, associations and organisations; material about post-War reconstruction and the founding of UNESCO; files relating to specific overseas visits and tours; and collected papers on the educational conditions in many different countries.

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LIGHTFOOT, Martin (1942-1999)
GB 0366 LI · Colección · 1980s-1990s

Papers of Martin Lightfoot, mainly relating to his career from 1981 onwards. They include papers concerning his work for the House of Commons Select Committee on Education and from his time at Brunel University. The latter include lecture and teaching notes on public and social administration, school management, equal opportunities and education, multiculturalism in education and educational politics and government; material relating to the research projects 'Expectations of Higher Education' and 'Recreating Education: London and Education Reform'; and some general papers relating to the work of Centre for the Study of Community and Race Relations and the Educational Policy Centre. Also included are papers reflecting Lightfoot's general interests in race relations, public administration and education, including a small amount of material relating to his membership of the Education Reform Group.

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BURDEN, Reverend Michael
GB 0366 MB · Colección · 1979-1992

Papers of Rev Michael Burden, 1979-1992 comprising MEd Thesis, 1979: 'An experiment in humanistic education - a personal education curriculum for spiritual and moral development', (1 vol.); 'Your future in Hull', workbook and handbook for a scheme in conjunction with Humberside County Council, relating to the future employment of pupils at the Sir Leo Schultz High School, Hull, (2 vols); 'An investigation into spiritual development: being a short report of sabbatical study, Jan-Mar 1992', undertaken at the North of England Institute for Religious Education, Durham University; typescript draft of 'A curriculum for personal growth', (9pp)and typescript draft of 'What is meant by spiritual development?', (7pp).

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The Moot
GB 0366 MOO · Colección · 1939-1949

Papers of The Moot, mainly consisting of Sir Fred Clarke's set of the circulated discussion papers, 1939-1942; also an incomplete run of the Christian News-Letter, 1939-1949.

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ISAACS, Nathan (1895-1966)
GB 0366 NI · Colección · 1913-1966

Papers of Nathan Isaacs, 1913-1966, including lectures, unpublished writings and notes, publications and correspondence concerning his psychological and philosophical work.

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SPEARING, Nigel (b 1930)
GB 0366 NS · Colección · 1962-2002

Papers of Nigel Spearing relating to education and government, 1962-2002, including files on educational provision for children with special needs, 1960s-1970s; educational reconstruction, 1979-1980; Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) reorganisation (especially relating to the amalgamation of Holland Park, Isaac Newton and Ladbroke schools, 1980-1981); examination reform, 1978 and the Socialist Educational Association (SEA), 1990s.

Annotated published government sources on educational matters, including briefing papers, draft bills, Hansard and related press cuttings on topics including: the comprehensive system, 1965; London education, 1972; the Education (No. 2) Bill, 1980; assisted places, 1980; the abolition of the HMI, 1991; and school governing bodies, 1999.

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GB 0366 SCC · Colección · c1966-1980

Records of the Schools Council for Curriculum and Examinations, [1966-1980], comprising large series of registered files of the Council, including signed minutes of committees, papers relating to particular programmes and projects, administrative, subject and policy files

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SIMON, Brian (1915-2002)
GB 0366 SIM · Colección · 1940s-1990s

Papers relating to the life and work of Brian Simon, 1940s-1990s, including memoirs from Simon's time at Kurt Hahn's progressive school at Salem; talks, articles, reviews, lectures and other papers by Simon; correspondence, [1952-1990], including with Caroline Benn and Norman Morris; press cuttings, 1967-1989, chiefly comprising obituaries and biographical material (of others); working papers, chiefly in preparation for the following publications by Simon: Studies in the History of Education, 1780-1870 (1960), Education and the Labour Movement, 1870-1920 (1965), The Politics of Educational Reform, 1920-1940 (1974) and Education and the Social Order, 1940-1990 (1991); papers relating to the National Union of Students; papers relating to visits abroad; publishers' correspondence and personal photographs and scrapbooks.

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SMITH, R T (fl 1970-1994)
GB 0366 SM · Colección · 1970s-1990s

Papers of R T Smith, comprising a small collection of printed material relating to his work as an HMI, with the Schools Curriculum Award and in other educational fields in Wiltshire and neighbouring counties, 1970s-1990s.

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WEITZMAN, Sophia (1896-1965)
GB 0366 SW · Colección · c1937-1960s

Papers of Sophia Weitzman, comprising lecture notes, mainly about the history of English education in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, drafts and some printed material about the teaching of history c1937-1960s.

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THOMAS, David Hylton (b 1910)
GB 0366 TH · Colección · 1870s-1990

Published and unpublished papers by David Hylton Thomas on industrial schools, 1980s; notes, drafts and correspondence relating to his research, 1970s-1990, including some personal accounts and notes of interviews with ex-pupils and others connected with industrial schools; copy of Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 1854-1933: An Annotated List of the Reformatory and Industrial Schools Certified by the Home Office, 1854-1933 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic, 1986), with manuscript annotations and corrections by Thomas; drafts of an unpublished book entitled 'Children from the Streets and Slums: the Home Office Schools of England, Scotland and Wales, 1854-1933'. Also includes a print of the Certified Industrial School, Chester, 1870s and a programme for the Christmas entertainment, 1892.

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GB 0366 WVR · Colección · 1943-2001

Papers of Sir Toby Weaver, including articles and papers, 1943-1996; a sample of the day-to-day work of a civil servant (DES) in 1968; miscellaneous copies of articles and papers by and about Weaver, Hansard reports, and DES establishment lists, 1973; analysis and review of the DES programme on Higher Education, 1971-1972; books and articles about and by Weaver; papers on the development of higher education policy, 1963-1973, relating to the Robbins Report, binary education system and the creation of polytechnics, including a calendar of main events and copies of key papers; biographical material, 1961-2001; cassette tapes containing talks by Toby Weaver, 1960s-1990s; 3 reel-to-reel tapes containing same.

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GB 0366 BA · Colección · [1948]; 1956-1993

The collection includes George Baines' correspondence and papers re his work at Brize Norton, 1962-1966 and school magazines from Ashwell County Primary School, 1950s. However, the majority of the papers are those of George and Judith Baines relating to their work at Eynsham County Primary School, 1960s-1980s. These include administrative papers, teachers' guides, teachers' record books, school magazines, building plans and press cuttings. Also included is a copy of the episode of the BBC television series, 'The Expanding Classroom' which featured the work of George and Judith Baines at Eynsham School. The film was made in the summer term of 1969 before the first new school building burnt down. The collection contains many examples of children's work, mainly from Eynsham County Primary School, but also from Brize Norton, including project books, creative writing, audio tapes of music, art work, including block printing, and work with fabric. The project books each include some mathematics, scientific obeservation or experiment, creative writing and art work and were bound in block-printed covers designed and executed by the children. Also included are texts of lectures and lecture notes; papers relating to courses and workshops; correspondence re visits, including overseas connections (Iceland, Canada and the USA), 1960s-1980s; papers relating to George and Judith Baines work with students at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincolnshire, 1980s. There are also slides and photographs of staff, pupils, activities, displays and field study trips at Eynsham County Primary School; of Judith Baines' work at Strathmore Infant School; of George Baines' work at Brize Norton; of tours and visits to Gambia, Canada and Iceland. There is also a small group of photographs, memorabilia and correspondence relating to Robin Tanner (1904-1988).

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BERNSTEIN, Bernard Basil (1924-2000)
GB 0366 BB · Colección · [1950-1990]

Papers of Professor Bernard Basil Bernstein from the 1950s and 1960s include: notes; lecture notes; published and unpublished papers; research grant applications; a small amount of correspondence; and personalia, including certificates. Later papers (from c1980 onwards) consist of correspondence with colleagues and students worldwide about research and other matters; files relating to research proposals and the administration of research and teaching at the Institute of Education; offprints of published articles and unpublished papers by Bernstein and others.

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GB 0366 BFE · Colección · 1947-2001

Records of the BFES/SCE Association, 1947-2000, comprising:
Material relating to the Association such as minutes of the Executive Committee, 1968-2000; minutes of AGMs, 1996-1999; membership lists; Executive Committee lists; papers and photographs concerning annual reunions; videos relating to SCEA and BFES work.
Material concerning the SCEA, including booklets and official information regarding vacancies at certain schools and conditions of service.
Publications of the Association and its predecessors, including the BFES Gazette, the SCEA Bulletin and the BFES/SCE Association newsletters and magazines. The collection also includes individual copies of other army and educational publications.
Memorabilia collected from members of the Association relating to their work with the BFES in Germany, Cyprus, Hong Kong and Aden, notably photographs (and copies) of staff, students, school buildings and student activities; newspaper cuttings relating to individual schools and events; programmes of school events and musical and drama productions; official documentation such as driving licences, vehicle registration, ration cards and club membership; audio tapes; notes on geographical areas, climate, and members of teaching staff; annual reports and teaching schemes.
Research material on the education of service children, including typed official reports and newspaper articles.

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TANNER, Robin (1904-1988)
GB 0366 BTA · Colección · 1920s-1988

These papers relate primarily to Robin Tanner's work in education and not to his activities as an artist and etcher. They include lectures, addresses and conference papers together with photographs of accompanying displays, 1950s-1980s; a small group of papers relating to individual schools, 1930s-1980s; some publications; a little correspondence, mainly from the 1960s-1980s; slides of works by young people taught by Tanner in the 1930s; and personalia, including poetry and prose anthologies, some neckties and a cassette recording of a talk by Heather Tanner and Dietrich Hanff on 'Life in the Tanner Household'.

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College of Preceptors
GB 0366 COP · 1847-2008

Administrative records of the College of Preceptors and College of Teachers, 1847-2008. Including constitutional, legal and membership records, 1847-1998; published calendars and registers, 1880-1940 and 1972-1987; Council records, 1848-1979; committee records including the finance committee, 1874-1966; examinations committee, 1885-1958; Education[al] committee, 1874-1919; Affiliation Committee, 1919-1920; special committees, 1885-1967; Executive Committee, 1931-1946; academic board, 1968-1981; Finance and General Purposes/Educational Times Committee, 1913-1980; House Committee, 1957-1964; Advisory Boards, 1955-1980; and Constitution Committee, 1979; financial records, 1874-1944; examination records, [1860]-1962; press cuttings, 1914-1974; papers regarding conferences and events, 1896-1945; publications, 1847-2010; administrative papers of the College of Teachers, 1997-2002; photographs and illustrations, [1754-1990s]; and papers and photographs relating to award ceremonies, 1973-1992. there is also a small amount of mixed-media material and information relating to historical studies of the College.

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SCHILLER, Louis Christian (1895-1976)
GB 0366 CS · Colección · 1909-1986

The collection includes Schiller's notebooks, his working notes, scripts of his lectures, articles and essays, correspondence concerning engagements and with colleagues and students, material relating to his involvement with courses for teachers, personalia, printed material and photographs. Schiller's notebooks mainly contain working notes and the text for his lectures which provide evidence of his educational ideas, for instance, on the teaching of numbers, the importance of freedom and creativity through art, craft and movement activities, on reading, writing and conversation.
Also included are the notes and papers of Schiller's wife, Mrs Lyndall Schiller, including diaries of their daughters' childhood development. These records of Lyndall were deposited along with those of her husband and as much of them relate to matters that were of interest to both of them they have been retained within the collection of her husband's papers.
In addition the collection contains papers of two of Schiller's students who attended the 'Course on the Education of Children in the Junior School' organised by Christian Schiller at the University of London Institute of Education, 1959s. These include some wooden mathematical teaching apparatus.

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Development Education Association
GB 0366 DEA · 1980-2005

Papers of the Development Education Association (DEA), 1980-2005, comprising papers about the DEA launch; slides, photographs and videos; Council papers; Executive Committee papers; publications and magazines; conference reports and organisation papers; papers of affiliated committees and working groups including the Inter Agency Committee, the Small DECs Committee, the Formal Sector Working Group and the Information Resources Group; papers and reports from the independent DECs that form part of the overall network; funding plans and material; papers relating to projects and initiatives; staff recruitment and training information; papers of the NADEC Committee; discussion papers about the Global Education Network (GEN); and NADEC responses to the Education Reform Bill and the Gladstone Report.

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Education in Human Rights Network
GB 0366 EHR · Colección · 1985-2005

Papers of the Education in Human Rights Network, 1985-2005, including minutes with associated papers (emails, correspondence, announcements), 1992-2005 and copies of the Human Rights in Education Newsletter, 1991-2004.

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