Affichage de 86 résultats

Description archivistique
ARMITAGE, Doris M (d 1974)
GB 1249 MS 6899 · 1911-1974

Papers of Doris M Armitage, 1911-1974, comprising 2 letters from Fanny Davies, 1911 and 1930, mainly in regard to lessons; 4 letters, 1960, 1961 an undated, from Helen Henschel with thanks for appreciation of Henschel's talks and her book When Soft Voices Die (London, 1944); postcard from Ethel Smyth, 1925, with thanks for appreciation of Smyth's books; letters regarding bequeathal of Armitage's papers to the RCM.

Sans titre
COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, Samuel (1875-1912)
GB 1249 MS 6916, MS 6924 · c1897-1903

Letters (16) from Samuel Coleridge-Taylor to Edith Carr, (one dated 1897, remainder undated) mainly relating to his musical activities, publication of his recent works, repertoire for violin and orchestral parts for Carr's performance, the Handel Society; photocopy of photograph of Coleridge-Taylor, with dedication to Carr, 1902; printed letter (signed by Coleridge-Taylor) to a Mrs Prince inviting subscriptions for the Coleridge-Taylor Orchestral Concerts, Croydon, 1903-1904, with receipt for same, and photocopy of handbill for Central Croydon Choral Society concert featuring Coleridge-Taylor's cantata Meg Blane, 28 Mar 1903.

Sans titre
Society of Women Musicians
GB 1249 Society of Women Musicians · 1892-1974

Papers of the Society of Women Musicians (SWM), 1911-1972, including annual reports, 1914-1972; minutes, 1967-1973; book of members elected and resigning, 1920-1960; fixture cards, 1915-1971; memorandum and articles of association, 1930; programmes and handbills of concerts, recitals and lectures organised by the SWM, 1912-1972; notices to members, 1911-1972; programmes of Ivimey Concerts, 1966-1971; papers relating to the foundation of the society in 1911, its constitution and initial membership, comprising correspondence, minutes, notes; correspondence on engagement of women with professional orchestras, 1920, 1928-1929; correspondence with speakers for lectures, 1933-1971; correspondence relating to BBC women's conference, 1936; correspondence with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music regarding the appointment of women examiners,1937-1956; various correspondence relating to the SWM presidency, membership, SWM library accessions, celebrations of SWM golden jubilee, 1961 and diamond jubilee 1971; news cuttings on the deaths of K Dorothy Fox, 1934, Marion Margaret Scott, 1953, and Katharine Emily Eggar, 1961, with related correspondence; printed material including The Music Student: special number devoted to the subject of women's work in music, May 1918; pamphlet of meeting in commemoration of Marion Margaret Scott, Jun 1954; press cuttings books relating to women musicians and the SWM, 1892-1964; correspondence relating to the dissolution of the SWM and donation of its records to the Royal College of Music, 1973-1974.

Sans titre
GB 1446 MS 48 · Collection · 1905

Papers of Mary Edith Durham, 1905, comprise Albanian ballads collected between May and June 1905, including Voyvoda Milosh of Drobnjak and the maiden. MS 47/2 also includes a basic Albanian/English dictionary.

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SS Brochure for Christmas 1934
GB 1556 WL 1478 · 1934

SS Brochure for Christmas 1934 was created to celebrate a Kameradschaftsabend (evening of comradeship) at a coffee house in Bremen on 15 December 1934 for a mobile SS unit based in Bremen, Sturm 2/ 14 SS-Motorstandarte and contains texts of speeches; Christmas songs; the Panzerwagenlied (tank song); list of speeches and advertisments for business in the area.

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Missal for the use of Friars Minor
GB 0103 MS LAT 19 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century: Missale Fratrum Minorum (missal for the use of Friars Minor), with some musical notation.

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Medieval choirbook
GB 0096 MS 910 · 14th century

Leaf from a choirbook dating from the 14th century.

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Smoldon, William L.
GB 0096 MS 930 · 8th century-20th century

Photographs and photostats, many annotated, and manuscript material relating to early church drama, covering 8th-16th century manuscripts collected from throughout Europe. The collection includes a manuscript of the song Doochary with music by Smoldon. The Music of the Medieval Church Dramas by W. L. Smoldon, edited by Cynthia Bourgeault was published by Oxford University Press in 1980.

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Elvey family and Skeats family
GB 0096 MS 944 · c1815-1840

Compositions by Stephen and George Elvey as well as Highmore Skeats, the younger and the elder, c1815-1840?

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Hogg, James
GB 0096 SL V 14, SL V 15 · c1800-1821

SL V 14 contains holograph letters, 1800-1821 from James Hogg to William Laidlaw and Sir Walter Scott. SL V 15 is a notebook, c1813, containing a manuscript of a collection of Scots ballads entitled The Jacobite and National Songs of Scotland, mostly written by James Scott, with notes made by Sir Walter Scott.

Sans titre
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP93 · 1960-1992

The records of Musica Reservata comprise original notes, company minutes, correspondence, lyrics and programmes, 1960-1992, notably including manuscript and typescript notes and proofs compiled by Michael Morrow describing the development of Renaissance music for talks, lectures and his published works, [1960-1985]; minutes of the company Council, 1972-1978; company reports, 1972-1974; rehearsal notes, itineraries and tour plans, 1972-1974; correspondence with Michael Morrow and others, mainly concerning the organisation of concerts including fees, 1960-1981; assorted manuscript and typescript lyrics of early modern music, [1960-1980]; programmes and leaflets advertising Musica Reservata performances, 1960-1989; press cuttings on early music, including reviews, 1971-1989.

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Edwards, Evangeline Dora
GB 0102 MS 145609 · Created c1932-1943

Papers, articles, texts and lecture notes, c1932-1943, largely undated, of Evangeline Dora Edwards, relating to her work and interest in Chinese language, literature and history. The material reflects her particular interest in the T'ang Dynasty (AD 618-907). Lecture notes cover topics such as T'ang poetry, the history of the early T'ang, the social life of the T'ang Dynasty and secular schools of music founded by Ming Huang (AD 713-752) of the T'ang Dynasty. Also includes a typescript article entitled 'Development of Drama before the T'ang Dynasty' (1933). There are several Chinese texts in the collection, some with English translations.

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GB 0074 LMA/4422 · Collection · 1925-1992

Records of the Uxbridge Choral Society. The collection consists of minutes, general and concert administration, finance, printed material including programmes and posters and some photographs of rehearsals.

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GB 0074 ACC/2370 · Collection · 1871-1985

Records of the Royal Choral Society. The archive is divided into seven sections: administrative records, including a series of individual concert files; financial records; membership records, which include attendance registers and audition files; concert records and programmes; publicity records including posters and newspaper cuttings; files of printed musical scores, arranged by piece, and including programmes for concerts featuring the work; miscellaneous records, which comprise information and programmes relating to other choirs, magazines of the society, or which include articles on the society or choral singing in general, and photographs of choir members, soloists and conductors.

Highlights of the collection include a comprehensive, although not complete, series of concert programmes from 1873-1985, including the programme for the last concert to be held in the Queen's Hall before its destruction during World War II. There are also manuscript copies of "Eryri" by Alun Hoddinott. This piece was composed for the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1969 and the collection has a copy both of the original score, for 16 soloists, chorus and orchestra, and the revised version for baritone solo, chorus and orchestra.

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PROKOFIEV, Lina (1897-1989)
GB 2217 LP · [1920-1987]

Papers of Lina Prokofiev, [1920-1987], including personal material such as copies of letters written by Serge Prokofiev; copies of correspondence between Lina's family and Prokofiev, [1931-1938]; copies of financial material, 1929-1935; correspondence and official papers relating to Lina's attempts to leave the Soviet Union and later to remain in Europe, [1973-1978]; personal correspondence of Lina, 1974-1989, with correspondents including her children and grandchildren, authors writing books on Prokofiev and Lina, and musical societies and orchestras requesting permission to perform Prokofiev's works; business correspondence, [1977-1985], regarding the setting up of the Serge Prokofiev Foundation and the collection of archival material, as well as legal matters relating to the Prokofiev estate and Lina's autobiography; papers relating to Lina's visit to the USA in 1976-1977, including schedules, correspondence, press cuttings and programmes; material relating to Lina's performance as the narrator in Peter and the Wolf at the Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts, 1984-1985; family photographs. The collection also includes transcripts from taped interviews with Lina covering topics such as her family background, the early life and musical training of Serge Prokofiev, Prokofiev's composing methods, health, politics and relationship with his children, the public reception of Prokofiev's music, Lina and Prokofiev's courtship and marriage, and life in Soviet Russia; texts of articles and broadcasts by Lina, [1982-1984], on topics including Prokofiev's relationship with Stravinsky, and the writing of Romeo and Juliet and the Third Piano Concerto; articles by various authors relating to Prokofiev, [1976-1977, 1980-1982]; pamphlets, press cuttings and articles relating to Prokofiev's life and work, and to performances of his music, [1975-1987]; copies of the Moscow News, 1934-1935; and pamphlets, published works and cassettes concerning Christian Science.

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PROKOFIEV, Serge (1891-1953)
GB 2217 SP · [1915]-1936

Papers of Serge Prokofiev, [1915]-1936, mainly comprising private and business correspondence relating to the performance and publication of Prokofiev's compositions. Much of the collection consists of personal correspondence concerning his working relationship with other artists including conductors Albert Coates, Sir Henry Wood, Sergei Koussevitsky, Hermann Scherchen, and Ernest Ansermet; soloists Joseph Szigeti, Pablo Casals, Robert Soëtans and Fyodor Shalyapin; composers Igor Stravinsky, Nikolai Miaskovsky, Maurice Ravel and practically all French composers of the 1920s and 30s; theatre directors Vsevolod Meyerhold and Alexander Tairov; the Director of the Ballets Russes, Serge Diaghilev; poets and writers such as Konstantin Balmont and Vladimir Maiakovsky; and chess grandmaster José Capablanca. The papers also include financial material such as bills and accounts, legal papers and correspondence concerning concerts in the USA, France, Italy, Spain, England, the Soviet Union and Germany; and the publication and copyright of Prokofiev's work. Individuals and companies with which Prokofiev dealt in these matters included musical societies such as the Aeolian Company in the USA, Concerts Populaires de Bruxelles, and Concerts Pasdeloup in Paris; music publishers such as Breitkopf and Härtel in Leipzig, Russicher Musikverlag in Berlin and Edition Russe de Musique in Paris; and Soviet music publishing and arts authorities including the State Publishing House, the Moscow and Leningrad conservatories, and the Direction of State Theatres. There is also correspondence regarding the composition of ballets and operas, notably The Love for Three Oranges, Chout, the Fiery Angel and Le Pas d'Acier. The remainder of the collection consists of diaries, personal notes and press cuttings relating to Prokofiev's work.

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ANDREWS, Herbert Kennedy (1904-1965)
GB 1249 Andrews · 1950-1965

Papers of Herbert Kennedy (H K) Andrews, 1950-1965, comprising typescript and proofs of his The Technique of Byrd's Vocal Polyphony (Oxford University Press, London, 1966); papers, 1957, relating to 'Fourteenth-Century Polyphony in a Fountains Abbey MS Book', Music and Letters, 39 (1958) by Andrews and Robert Thurston Dart, with offprints of article, correspondence between Andrews, Dart and Eric Blom, editor of Music and Letters, and including photographs of Fountains Abbey Ms 23; typescript notes and correspondence, 1963-1965, regarding the music publications of William Byrd and library sources of the same, with offprints and notes relating to Andrews' article, 'Printed Sources of William Byrd's ''Psalmes, Sonets and Songs''', Music and Letters, 44 (1963), and including a photocopy of the superius part book of Cantiones sacrae by Thomas Tallis and William Byrd (1575); notes and correspondence with Dart, 1960, regarding A ballet on the death of the cardynall', manuscript in Ripon Cathedral Library, with transcriptions and photographs of the manuscript; typescript of his articleCounterpoint, harmony and tonality' for the Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia, with related correspondence on the withdrawal by Andrews on its publication, 1953; typescript of his The formation, fulfilment and decline of the classical language of music', Cramb lectures, University of Glasgow, 1954; manuscript of hisThe interpretation of 16th century polyphony', Crees lectures, 1963; manuscript and typescript of `The editing and perfomrance of English vocal polyphony of the late 16th century and early 17th century, first chapter only of an unpublished book.

Sans titre
COLLES, Henry Cope (1879-1943)
GB 1249 Colles · 1938-1939

Papers of Henry Cope Colles, 1938-1939, as editor of the Fourth edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Macmillans, London, 1940), comprising correspondence with contributors of articles and subjects of articles, including particular accumulations of correspondence with Eric Blom: Alfredo Casella: Sir Henry Walford Davies; Richard Capell; Alfred Einstein; Edwin Evans; Arthur Henry Fox Strangways; Francis William Galpin; Anselm Hughes; Macario Santiago Kastner; Alfred Loewenberg; Gustave Reese; Percy Alfred Scholes; Marion Margaret Scott; John Brande Trend.

Sans titre
DANNREUTHER, Edward George (1844-1905)
GB 1249 Dannreuther and MS 1083 · 1900-1904

Papers of Edward George Dannreuther, 1900-1904, including manuscript of 'Bach's chamber music', undated; typescript and manuscript notes of 'The Romantic movement from Weber to Wagner', published as 'The Romantic period', volume 6 of the Oxford History of Music (1905); manuscripts by Dannreuther of various works by Franz Liszt and part of 'L'enfance du Christ' by Hector Berlioz; manuscript music by James Friskin (1886-1967), student of Dannreuther; notebook of Edward Dannreuther, recording names of his pupils and pieces of music each was studying, 1900-1904 (MS 1083).

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DUNHILL, Thomas Frederick (1877-1946)
GB 1249 Dunhill · 1912-1944

Papers of Thomas Frederick Dunhill, comprising personal and business correspondence, 1912-1944 (mainly 1931-1940), including correspondence relating to performances of the comic opera Tantivy Towers by Dunhill and Alan P Herbert; notebooks of lectures by Dunhill, including 'British music of today', lecture for the Royal Albert Institute 11 Mar 1913, 'Sir Hubert Parry' to the British Music Society 8 Mar 1922, and 'The importance of the British composers of the later 19th century' to the Society of Women Musicians, 7 Jul 1922; musical notebooks; lists of Dunhill's compositions; manuscripts of articles and talks by Dunhill, including 'The chamber music of Anton Dvorak', and `English comic opera'; correspondence with the BBC regarding talks by Dunhill, including a version of Dunhill's Tantivy Towers for broadcast, 1937, 1941, 1945; correspondence regarding finances of the Musicians' Benevolent Fund, 1937-1938; correspondence with B W Smith and F J Whitmarsh on their proposed operetta 'Something in the city', 1937-1939s; cuttings of articles by or on Dunhill, 1915-1938; programmes featuring Dunhill's music; obituaries, 1946.

Sans titre
VIOTTI, Giovanni Battista (1755-1824)
GB 1249 MS 4118 · 1798-1905

Papers of or relating to Giovanni Battista Viotti, 1798-1905, comprising a manuscript autobiography 'since his entry into the world until 6 Mar 1798'; manuscript by Viotti on the origin of the 'Rans des vaches', the Swiss mountain melody sung or played to summon cows, recording his own experience of hearing it in Switzerland, undated; holograph will of Viotti, 13 Dec 1822; 5 manuscript letters from Viotti to Caroline Chinnery, Baron de la Ferté, Monsieur Cailheux, Madame Simon, and Monsieur Choron, 1798-1822; 9 letters from Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge (1774-1850), on musical matters, c1813-1817; letter from George Canning to Mrs Chinnery, on the death of George Chinnery, 31 Oct 1825; letter from Samuel Rogers, poet, [to the Chinnery family], undated; portraits, sketches and prints of Viotti and the Chinnery family; article by E van der Straeten on Viotti, from the journal Die Music, 1902; various letters, 1885-1901 to Edward Heron-Allen on the provenance and content of his collection of Viotti material.

Sans titre
Landowska lecture notes
GB 1249 MS 4771 · 1929-1930

Notebook of Liz Karger (née Rosenberg) on lectures made by Wanda Landowska, 1929-1930, including notes on performance of various keyboard pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

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MILNER, Anthony Francis Dominic (b 1925)
GB 1249 MS 5866, MS 6995 · 1951-1985

Programmes, press cuttings, articles and transcripts relating to the composer Anthony Milner, used by James Siddons in his Anthony Milner: a Bio-Bibliography (Westport, CT, 1989), comprising scrap books of reviews of Milner's music and articles by or on Milner, 1951-1960; press cuttings relating to Milner's liturgical compositions in regard to the introduction of English in the Roman Catholic liturgy, and Milner's views of the translation of the order of mass into English, 1964-1970; music programmes (with some reviews) of concerts featuring Milner's works, 1958-1985; reviews and press cuttings of Milner's work and performances, c1958-1979; brief biographical notes on Milner, and schedules and itineraries of his lecture tours of Canada and USA, 1964-1985; transcript of 'Anthony Milner on his 50th birthday', a talk on 'Music weekly', BBC Radio 3, by Hugh Wood, 11 May 1975; 'Anthony Milner - a comment on his work' typescript article by Stephen Dodgson (MS 5866). Three published articles by Milner, with covering to Sir Keith Falkner, on the problem of the vernacular in the Roman Catholic liturgy, 'Music in a vernacular Catholic liturgy' paper read to the Royal Musical Association, 4 Jan 1965; 'The instruction on sacred music', Worship vol 41 no 6 Jun-Jul 1967; 'Music and liturgy', The Month, 1965-1966 (MS 6995)

Sans titre
DOLMETSCH, Rudolph Arnold (1906-1942)
GB 1249 MS 5972-5973 · 1929-1980

Papers of Dolmetsch, including press cuttings of reviews and programmes of concerts by Dolmetsch and the Dolmetsch family, the death of Dolmetsch in 1942, and later performances of his works with related correspondence, 1929-1980; draft of a talk on conducting; his The art of orchestral conducting (Bosworth and Co, London, 1942), with newspaper cuttings of reviews; notebooks containing catalogue of his music library, lists of works and performances of his works, compiled by Dolmetsch and his wife Millicent Dolmetsch, 1930s-1960s.

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HILL, Rev Arthur du Boulay (c 1850-1937)
GB 1249 MS 6007 · c1906

Notebook containing various writings on chants and chanting compiled by Rev Arthur du Boulay Hill, comprising manuscript paper by Hill on chanting, 6pp; printed article 'Congregational singing in church' by Dr A Madely Richardson, read at Beckenham, 14 Jul 1906; manuscript notes by Hill on `Observations on chanting' by the composer Robert Lucas Pearsall (1795-1856), probably taken from the transcription by William Barclay Squire, musicologist (1855-1927) published in Sammelbände der Internationalen Musik-Geselleschaft, 8, 1906-1907; brief biographical details on Hill.

Sans titre
CARRITT, Reginald Graham (d 1980)
GB 1249 MS 6894 · 1934-1962

Papers of Graham Carritt, comprising letters to Carritt, 1935-1962, mainly relating to his recitals, including letters from Gerald Finzi, Finn Hoffding, Yrjö Kilpinen, Jan Masaryk, Robin Milford, Edmund Rubbra; programmes and cuttings of Carritt's lecture-recitals, 1934-1937.

Sans titre
GB 1249 MS 6956 · 1881-1924, 1954

Papers of Marianne Armstrong, comprising letters from 'celebrity' friends and acquaintances (mostly of a minor nature in regard to Rowe's compositions or activities), including Lady Mary Benedict, 1881-1885; Sir W S Gilbert, 1911; Pauline Chase, 1906; James Glover, 1906; Isabel Jay, 1906-1907; Marie Lloyd, 1907; Lady Ada Mansel, 1907; Edna May, 1907; Emmuska, Baroness Orczy, 1911; George Robert Sims, 1907; Vesta Tilley; Mary Moore Wyndham, 1916; Louis Bleriot, 1909; Prince Francis of Teck, 1910; Directory of the National Training School for Music, Jul 1877; An address to the scholars of the National Training School for Music by J Stainer, Principal, 27 Sep 1881; The Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Royal College of Music, 1896; letter from Dmitry Shostakovich to Sir Malcolm Sargent, regarding interpretation of his Fifth Symphony, 1954; photocopies of biographical articles by Armstrong on her parents and herself, and photocopies of her will and solicitor's correspondence in regard to the foundation of the RCM Carlotta Rowe Composition Scholarship and the Marianne Rowe Singing Scholarship and the bequeathal of her papers to the RCM.

Sans titre
LAMBERT, Constant (1903-1951)
GB 1249 MS 6961-6966 · 1929-1955

Correspondence of Constant Lambert (personal and business in relation to music), 1930-1950; papers relating to a proposed biography of Constant Lambert by Angus Morrison, comprising unfinished drafts for the book and related correspondence from Angus Morrison, Dora Foss, Edward Sackville-West, J McKay Martin, Maurice Lambert, Kit Lambert, George G Harrap & Co, 1953-1955; notes on Constant Lambert by Angus Morrison; letters from friends, acquaintances and musical organisations about Constant Lambert, principally to Angus Morrison in response to Morrison's requests in the national press for information on Lambert, 1954-1955; miscellaneous biographical notes, sketches and articles on Constant Lambert (articles etc), 1929-1951; Constant Lambert: various verses and poetry.

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Sacred Harmonic Society
GB 1249 Sacred Harmonic Society · 1832-1878

Annual reports of the Sacred Harmonic Society, 1832-1878.

Sans titre
Wessex Philharmonic Orchestra
GB 1249 Wessex Philharmonic · c1939-c1945

Papers of or relating to the Wessex Philharmonic Orchestra and its conductor Reginald Goodall, mainly comprising correspondence with composers, singers, musicians, orchestral managers, agents and artists, relating to the foundation of the orchestra, performances of the orchestra during World War Two, the hiring and dismissal of musicians, the arranging of concerts, discussion of programmes (including music by Britten, Elgar, Poulenc, Rubbra, Sibelius, Vaughan Williams, Walton and many others), payments and disbursements made, arrangements for accommodating visiting soloists and conductors etc, mainly addressed to Maisie Aldrich, with a large number of letters from Goodall, and others including Adrian Boult, Harriet Cohen, H C Colles, George Dyson, Anatol Fistoulari (about Anna Mahler), Beatrice Harrison, Arnold Haskell, Julius Isserlis, Gordon Jacob, Eileen Joyce, Kathleen Long, Reginald Morley, Albert Sammons, Malcolm Sargent, Kendall Taylor, Ralph Vaughan Williams.

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Book of psalm and hymn tunes
GB 0096 MS 439 · [1800-1825]

Manuscript book of psalm and hymn tunes, written in the early 19th century, with later, possibly 20th century additions.

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Antiphoner and noted Missal fragments
GB 0096 MS 639 · 12th century-13th century

Three vellum leaves, formerly paste-downs in the binding of of Omnia Opera by Angelo Ambrogini, called Poliziano (Venice, 1498), which was rebound in the twentieth century (Ref: Incunabula 1498 Strongroom), details as follows:

  1. Leaf from a noted Missal, of Hereford Use, with part of the epistle, gradual, gospel, offertory, secret, communion and post-communion of the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, and the introit, epistle, gospel and secret of the 4th Sunday. The antiphons 'Timebunt gentes', 'Dextem domini' and 'Mirabantur omnes' have their musical notation. The fragment was written in Hereford, England, in the late 12th century. It is inscibed and extensively annotated by Maurice Birchinshaw (d 1564), and inscibed by Nathaniel Evans in the 17th century. It was later used as a cover for a manorial extent, and inscibed in a 16th-17th century hand 'A court of [surve]igh for the mannour of Much Markl (i.e. Much Marcle, Herefordshire], 35 of Eliz [1592/3]', and 'Extent of survey de Man. de Mark[le]'.
  2. Bi-folium from an Antiphoner, with responds and versicles for the following feasts: St Mary Magdalene (22 Jul), St Peter ad vincula (1 Aug), St Laurence (10 Aug), Assumption of the Virgin (15 Aug) and Octave of the Assumption (22 Aug>). The fragment was written in the late 13th century.
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VENTO, Mattia (1735-1776)
GB 0100 KCLCA Vento · [18th century]

Sheet music book containing 'Sonata by Signor Vento', presumably Mattia Vento, written in manuscript for voice and accompaniment by an unknown writer; also containing a printed page of musical terms, a manuscript poem and a sketch of a country house. Undated [18th century].

Sans titre
GB 0097 FIRTH · Collection · 1902-2001

Papers relating to Sir Raymond Firth's research and professional career, including field notes and papers relating to Firth's research on the Tikopia, the Malayan peasantry and the New Zealand Maori; field notes and papers relating to Firth's studies of London kinship; texts of lectures and seminar papers delivered by Firth; subject files compiled by Firth; papers relating to relating to Firth's involvement with various academic and professional institutions, including the Association Of Social Anthropologists, the Australian National University, the Colonial Office, the Colonial Social Science Research Council, the West India Social Survey, and the London School of Economics and Political Science; correspondence, including correspondence with Bronislaw Malinowski and other professional colleagues. The collection also includes field notes, diaries and other papers relating to Rosemary Firth's research on the domestic economy of the Malayan peasantry.

Sans titre
Collins, Walter
GB 0102 MS 380566 · 1891-1892

Photocopies of papers, 1891-1892 and undated, of Walter Collins, comprising his journal, 1891-1892, covering his journey by sea and the overland journey to Lake Victoria, and his work around Kampala delivering goods to various missions, also describing the political situation and fighting between tribes, and the homeward journey; notebook, 1891, containing poems by Collins inspired by Biblical verses; undated notebook containing notes by Collins on Uganda; two books produced by the Church Missionary Society, 1892 and undated, on Uganda and its history, including published sketches; undated printed songs or hymns.

Sans titre
Baké, Dr Arnold Adrian
GB 0102 PP MS 21 · Created c1932-1961

Papers, c1932-1961, of Dr Arnold Adrian Baké, comprising notes on Indian music and folklore, in addition to songs in various Indian languages and translations in English and Dutch.

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