Midshipman's log book, by Currey, 1876-1878, including service on HMS DUKE OF WELLINGTON, Flagship of Adm Sir George Elliot, Portsmouth, Dec 1876-Jan 1877, HMS ALEXANDRA, Mediterranean Fleet, Jan 1877-Aug 1878 and HMS CRUISER, Mediterranean Fleet, Aug-Sep 1878; papers and plans relating to anti-submarine warfare, 1913-1915, including typescript draft text of lecture by Currey entitled 'Hints on organised coast defence v submarines' [1914]; fifty six manuscript naval signals, Aug-Dec 1914, including signals to R Adm, 5 Battle Sqn from the Admiralty on support to be given to operations by Chatham Royal Marine Force at Ostend, Belgium, 26-27 Aug 1914, signals relating to the loss of the battleship HMS AUDACIOUS to a mine in the Atlantic, 27 Oct 1914, and signals ordering RN battlecruisers HMS INVINCIBLE and HMS INFLEXIBLE to sea, 4 Nov 1914 (prior to the Battle of the Falklands Islands, 8 Dec 1914); journal and signal book kept by Mid Richard Reynell on board Currey's flagship, HMS PRINCE OF WALES, 1914-1915.
Zonder titelCopies of diaries, 1911-1916, covering his flying training, 1911-1914, his service with the Royal Naval Air Service in the UK, [1914]-1915, Gallipoli, 1915, Bulgaria, 1915, and Egypt, 1916. Copy of account of his imprisonment in Turkey, Mar-Jul 1917, written in [1917], with newspaper cutting describing conditions in prisons in Constantinople, [1917]. 'The story of the men and aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm', illustrated pamphlet prepared for the Directorate of Navy Recruiting by the Central Office of Information, dated 1985.
Zonder titelJournal, 1935-1939, covering his service in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), 1935, UK, 1936-1938, including his court martial after the grounding of HMS SCOUT, Jan 1938, and the Far East, 1938-1939.
Zonder titelPapers of Major General Anthony John Deane-Drummond on 22 Regiment Special Air Service (SAS) Operations in Muscat and Oman, 1958-1959, comprising reports, operational instructions, correspondence, signals and situation reports. Including reports on the death of Cpl D Swindells, operational patrol led by Sgt Herbie Hawkins (Hawkins was awarded the DCM and the operation became known as the "Battle of Hawkins Hump"); letters from Maj John Watts, commanding D Sqn, 22 SAS, including account of patrols led by Capt Peter Edgar de la Couer de la Billiere; report on attack on Akhbat, Oman, and deaths of Troopers A Bembridge and W Carter; report on reconnaissance operations on the Jebel Akhdar, Oman, Feb 1959 by Capt W J Spreull; draft of report by Deane-Drummond on Operations by 22 SAS Regiment in Oman, Nov 1958-Feb 1959
Zonder titelPapers, 1814, 1857-1963, of Field Marshal Sir John Greer Dill and his family. Papers relating to Dill's family and family estates date largely from 1857-1953, but include press cuttings, 1814. The collection mainly comprises papers, telegrams and photographs relating to Dill's life and military career, dating from 1901-1944 but particularly from 1914 onwards, and includes correspondence and other papers concerning his service as General Staff Officer 1, 37 Division, and General Staff Officer 1, Operations Branch, General Headquarters, British Armies in France, Western Front, World War One, 1917-1918, notably instructions to 37 Division, 1917; 15 Division Operational Orders for the Battle of Arras, 1917. Official and some personal correspondence and notes, 1916-1939, including record of the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1919; lecture notes relating to Dill's service as Chief Instructor, Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, 1920, and to his promotion to Lt Gen, 1936; letters from Captain Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Maj Gen Sir Sydney Frederick Muspratt, Maj Gen Arthur Cecil Temperley, and Maj Gen John Dudley Laverack, 1926-1939; correspondence with Field Marshal Sir Cyril John Deverell, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, relating to Dill's service as General Officer Commanding, Palestine and Transjordan, Sep 1936-Jul 1937. Official correspondence relating to Dill's command of 1 Army Corps France and Belgium, 1939-1940, principally including correspondence between Maj Gen Sir Henry Royds Pownall, Chief of General Staff British Expeditionary Force (BEF), and Lt Gen Ronald Forbes Adam, General Officer Commanding 3 Army Corps, Sep-Oct 1939; correspondence between Dill and Maj Gen Hugh Royds Stokes Massy, Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff. and Chief of General Staff Maj Gen Henry Royds Pownall, Oct 1939; correspondence with US Gen George Catlett Marshal, Chief of Staff US Army, relating to Joint Planning Committee, Mar 1940; correspondence on liaison arrangements between the French and British armies in France, Oct 1939, and letter to Dill as Chief of Imperial General Staff, from Lt Gen Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, General Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Command, Nov 1940. Typescript report relating to imposition of economic sanctions against Ireland due to the refusal of permission for the use of Irish ports by the Royal Navy, Nov-Dec 1940, with letter from Maj Gen Hubert Jervoise Huddleston, General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland District, to Gen Bernard Paget, Chief of Staff, Home Forces, explaining the need for an appreciation of the political situation in Ireland, Jun 1940. Semi-official letters, diaries and notes to Dill as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, War Office, London, 1940-1941, including letter from Rt Hon (Arthur) Neville Chamberlain, Lord President of the Council, Aug 1940, official diary of tour of the Mediterranean, Feb-Apr 1941, correspondence congratulating promotion to Field Marshal, 1941; copy of personal minutes of Prime Minister, Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, May 1941; notes on Dill's visit to Paris, France, with Prime Minister Churchill, including diary of events, May 1940; typescript notes on telephone conversation with Rt Hon (Robert) Anthony Eden, Secretary of State for War, Nov 1940; correspondence with Field Marshal Rt Hon Jan Christian Smuts, Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Pretoria, South Africa, Nov 1941,Gen Bernard (Charles Tolver) Paget, Commander in Chief Home Forces, Nov 1941, Lt Gen Arthur Nugent Floyer-Acland, Secretary to the Secretary of State for War, Nov 1941. Letters and notes relating to Gen Sir Archibald Percival Wavell, Commander-in-Chief India, including notes on operations in Greece, the defence of Egypt, Palestine and Crete, Sep 1941, and personal letter from Lt Gen Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Command, regarding Prime Minister Churchill's negative attitude to Gen Wavell, May 1941. Four albums of photographs relating to Placentia Bay Conference, Newfoundland, Canada, Aug 1941, official visit to Canada, Aug-Sep 1943, and the Casablanca Conference, code name SYMBOL, Jan 1943, including the Prime Minister, Churchill, aboard HMS PRINCE OF WALES and aboard USS AUGUSTA 1941.
Zonder titelRecords of the Saint Giles in the Fields Parochial Charities, including minutes, accounts, cash books and receipts, reports, and correspondence. Includes registers of applicants for outpensioners and almswomen (1907-1934), Medical Register, Infants (1910-1914), Register of scholars (1882-1917), School Admission Registers (1884-1913) and School Log books (1862-1935) and Journals.
Zonder titelPublications of the Christian Economic and Social Research Foundation, on subjects as diverse as drink offences; theft and the victims of crime; taxation; shopping centres; violence; social problems of youths; family problems; alcohol advertising; road safety; and licensing legislation. The majority of the publications are concerned with alcohol and the control of drinking.
Zonder titelRecords of the Mornington Lodge of Instruction Number 1672; including minutes 1944-1959, agendas 1977-1985, annual returns 1935-1983, applications and instructions for new members 1943-1952, and correspondence 1947-1992. Also financial accounts of the Treasurers 1906-1948, members accounts 1900-1953, subscriptions 1944-1975 and a file of manuscript lectures by Horace Cox 1952-1953.
Zonder titelPapers of the Ilford Jewish Primary School, formerly the Stepney Jewish Primary School, including deeds; correspondence; Governors and Management Committee meeting minutes and papers; Buildings Committee minutes; minutes and correspondence relating to the Jewish Youth Club; minutes and correspondence relating to the move from Stepney to Ilford; and records relating to construction including papers of the architect, plans and maps.
Zonder titelRecords of the Royal Association for Deaf People. The collection contains a wealth of information relating to the development of work with Deaf people over the 19th and 20th centuries in London and south-east England, including relief of the necessitous poor in the 19th century, the establishment of Deaf church communities from the 1880s and the early promotion of Sign Language as a recognised form of communication in the 1850s by Reverend Samuel Smith.
The records include:
Corporate records (LMA/4172/A) in relation to the Association's Trustee Committee, Standing Subcommittee, Executive Committee, Building Committee, Spiritual Subcommittee, Personnel Committee, Property and Personnel Sub-Committee, Finance and Fund Raising Committee, Public Relations Subcommittee, secretary's correspondence, annual reports, agreements, permanent year end papers, annual general meetings, Board of Trustees papers, and Essex Deaf Council.
Financial and Staff records (LMA/4172/B) consisting of accounts, legacies, salaries and expenses, and Staff meetings Minutes, and administration.
Records of Saint Faith's Home (LMA/4172/C) consisting of minutes of the Management Committee, accounts, and registration.
Branch and Mission Church records (LMA/4172/D) in relation to Croydon Branch, Saint Barnabus Church in Lerwisham, Saint Matthews Mission and Saint Paul's Hall in Walworth, Woolwich Deaf and Dumb Mission in Beresford Square, Saint Bedes in Lambeth, All Saints in Croydon, Saint Saviours Chapel on Oxford Street, Saint John of Beverely on Green Lane, All Saints in West Ham, and Saint Cedd in Romford.
Printed Material and photographs (LMA/4172/E) consisting of press cuttings, magazines and newsletters, events material and talks, photographs, posters/leaflets and advertising material, staff resources, and historical notes.
Audio-visual records (LMA/4172/F) consisting of videos and audio cassettes.
Electronic records (LMA/4172/G) consisting of documents saved on a CD.
Property records (LMA/4172/H) in relation to 120 Selhurst Road in Croydon, 26 Harold Road in Essex, and 4 The Drive in Middlesex.
Zonder titelRecords of the Army and Navy Club, including Committee and Annual General Meeting minutes; annual reports with printed members lists (1847-1933); annual statements of accounts and other finance; Members admissions, deaths and resignations, members accounts and payments, candidate books, and newsletters.
Zonder titelRecords of the Metropolitan Benefit Societies Asylum, later known as the Metropolitan Benefit Societies Almshouses, including:
Administrative Records include minutes of the General Committee 1828 to 1965, Donors and Subscribers half yearly meetings 1844 to 1861, Monthly meetings 1883 to 1902, the Management Committee 1959 to 1984, House Committee 1839 to 1973, and Building committees 1853 to 1866 and 1953 to 1955.
Finance Records consist of Annual Statements 1963 to 1981, Accounts both income and expenditure 1831 to 1983, Registers of Donors and Subscribers 1835 to 1981, Annual returns 1975, 1979, 1980, and a rent book for Balls Pond Road 1905 to 1930.
Printed Material contains publications such as rules of the Almshouses 1855, 1926 and 1955, The Almshouse Gazette 1965 to 1990, and typescript notes about the history of the MBSA, plans of the Almshouse 1956 to 1980's and some ephemeral items which include a Warden's Diary from 1945 and a schedule of deeds and documents handed to trustees on 17th December 1878.
Zonder titelRecords of the Standing Conference for Local History, later known as the British Association for Local History. The records comprise: minutes and related papers 1949-1982; Regional Meetings correspondence and related material 1968-1973; subject files covering a large number of topics 1949-1981; general correspondence and papers 1938 - 1981; correspondence and papers regarding publications by the Standing Conference/National Council for Social Service 1951-1982; copies of publications 1950-1983; and The Local History Recording Scheme files which originated from an early NCSS scheme and cover certain counties 1935-1979.
Also minutes 1982-1996, correspondence 1979-1994, administrative files and papers 1981-1997, and editorial files relating to the publication The Local Historian 1970-1990.
Zonder titelRecords of the Maccabi Union of Great Britain, 1943-2002. Please note written permission from the depositors is required to access these records.
This collection reflects how the Maccabi organisation functions on an international, European and national level. The hierarchy of authority is evident in the way the series of records have been organised. The Maccabi World Union, International Maccabiah Committee and European Maccabi Confederation are represented in the holdings mostly through official reports. However, although the records for the Maccabi Union of Great Britain start with the official minutes of what was to become the National Executive Committee, it is the personal correspondence from key figures in the Union, for example Eric and Beryl Rayman, which greatly enhance our understanding of this organisation.
It is apparent from the records that the Maccabi Union GB has many related parts to it. This demonstrates the level of organisation involved and fund raising necessary to run a major youth movement. The Maccabi Foundation, an independant body, has, as its main purpose, a funding function for Maccabi activities. This itself was previously linked to a company called Maccabi Stadium Limited. The Maccad Agency Limited, also no longer functioning, charged commission from companies to advertise in Maccabi Union publications. This commission was most likely ploughed back into the Union's activities.
The Maccabi Century Club took over the activities of the Sportsmen's Century Club in 1992. This club was founded by generous, wealthy men who ran one fundraising event per year at the Dorchester Hotel. The "Century" referred to the fact that this stag dinner function cost 100 pounds per head for 100 people. By 1992 the cost of the ticket had risen to 500 pounds and the number of attendees increased. Fine speakers, fine food and wine and top names in cabaret ensured a memorable evening. Over 33 years these dinners raised over 1,000,000 pounds to keep the Maccabi movement alive. The Maccabi Century Club continued this work with a slightly altered structure, that is, that the fundraising work is shared with the Maccabi Centurions. This Club is no longer operating.
By far the most comprehensive series of records is that of sports events and games. The Maccabiah is covered from the 3rd to the 16th Games. A set of photographs of the 1950 Games is of particular interest as it shows not only the opening cermonies in Israel but members of the team from Great Britain and the competitors as they take part.
The involvement of the Maccabi Union Great Britain in the Maccabiah, European and North American Games is known to us mainly through the personal papers of Ken Gradon who served the Union in many capacities. Ken Gradon was a key figure in the development of the Maccabi Union because he has served at all levels. He was, among other roles, President of the Maccabi Union Great Britain, Honorary President of the European Maccabi Games, a member of the International Maccabiah Committee on a personal basis, nominated to stand for committees of the Maccabi World Union and standing on the British Maccabiah Organising Committee.
The photographic collection includes meetings, conferences, dinners and other events held between the 1940s and 1960s with particular reference to Maccabi Association London depicting speakers, audiences and assembled groups, the Jewish Welfare Unit ambulances, and the opening of the Maccabi running track at Hendon Stadium in 1953. Among the ephemera there are football league trophies, sports caps and T-shirts, commemorative pennants, banners and plaques.
Besides the Maccabiah, individual sports are represented through the files of affiliated sports groups such as the Maccabi Southern Football League and Wingate Football Club, as well as the Union's own records of certain sports and their annual tournaments, such as table tennis, athletics and cricket.
Zonder titelRecords of London Youth Matters, consisting primarily of administrative papers including committee minutes and reports; general filing on a variety of topics; financial papers and a small number of publications.
Zonder titelRecords of the Uxbridge Choral Society. The collection consists of minutes, general and concert administration, finance, printed material including programmes and posters and some photographs of rehearsals.
Zonder titelThe papers of Peter Tatchell includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, posters, leaflets and publications on the following topics: Aids/HIV research, vivisection and animal rights, homophobic violence and policing, the age of consent, media portrayal of homosexuality, negative comments on sexuality by 'personalities', homophobic lyrics and the music industry, international politics, green socialism, Labour and politics, Members of Parliament and 'outing', the Bermondsey By-election, the Greater London Assembly, Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders' stances on homosexuality, the law and sexuality, the prosecution of homosexual acts, and the employment of homosexuals in the armed forces.
Zonder titelPhotograph of Chinese seamen, their captain and other staff on an ocean liner, 1940s.
Zonder titelPersonal papers of Jo Yiu Cheung, seaman, comprising photograph on board an ocean liner, and portrait in front of a Buddha statue.
Zonder titelPapers of Islington Chinese Association, including general administrative records, annual reports, and printed material including event programmes, brochures and newsletters.
Zonder titelAlmost all papers relate to George Meering's experience in World War One. They comprise typewritten contemporary accounts of his war experience and as prisoner held by the Turkish, correspondence (including letter from General Edmund Allenby), newspaper articles, photographs of regiment and nurses, dinner invitation, medals and other memorabilia.
Zonder titelRecords of the Charity of Sarah Leheup including appointment of trustees, minutes of the trustees, trust deeds, dissolution, correspondence and bank books showing state of accounts.
Zonder titelLetters from Mary Ward (also known as Mrs Humphry Ward) relating to the establishment of a school for Invalid Children at the Passmore Edwards Settlement, Tavistock Place (later known as the Mary Ward Settlement).
Zonder titelRecords of the parish of Saint Mary, Keeble Street, Summerstown, including registers of baptisms and marriages; registers of church services; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; papers relating to the construction of a new church including faculties and plans; and records of the Slate Club.
Zonder titelRecords relating to the family of Boyle, Earls of Burlington and Cork, and of the family of Fairfax, Barons Fairfax of Cameron. Papers include notes by Sir Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork, on the rise of his family (copy of a document of 1632); commissions of Henry, Lord Fairfax as Colonel of the Regiment of Foot, West Riding, Yorkshire, 1679 and 1685; appointment of Thomas, Lord Fairfax, as Deputy Lieutenant for West Riding and York, 1700; papers of Richard, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork, including records of the management of his estates in Ireland and Burlington Gardens, London, legal papers, and correspondence, 1724-25.
Zonder titelLetters and papers relating chiefly to Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) in his work at the Navy Office 1660-73 and at the Admiralty 1673-9 and 1684-9, and also to the family of Richard Pepys (c 1589-1659), first cousin to the diarist's father, 1642-1689.
Zonder titelFinancial records of the Aircraft Insurance Committee.
Zonder titelRecords of the Building Society Indemnities Committee, comprising minutes.
Zonder titelRecords of the Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association, comprising a deed of constitution.
Zonder titelMinute book of the Home Office Vehicles Pool.
Zonder titelRecords of the London Fire Engine Establishment, including Committee minute books; out-letter book; annual accounts and registers of fires in London, which contain information relating to fires attended by the London Fire Engine Establishment, including date, time of discovery, place, name and profession of occupier, possible cause of fire, details of insurance, who raised the alarm, who put out the fire, which engines attended, and what was damaged.
Zonder titelMinute book of the London South African Insurance Committee.
Zonder titelRecords of the National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved Societies comprising copy of constitution, minute books, reports of the proceedings of general meetings, and related papers.
Zonder titelRecords of the Wholesale Chemists and Allied Trades Protection Association, comprising Trade Advisory Committee minute book; prospectuses, and papers relating to the insolvency of a specific company.
Access is restricted to records less than 30 years old where specified and 24 hours notice is required for access to all the records.
Zonder titelRecords of the British Bankers' Association, including General Council, Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting minute books; annual reports; financial accounts; papers of Committees including the Foreign Exchange Committee and the Fiscal Committee; public relations papers including press releases and circulars; papers regarding bank employees; papers regarding the EEC Banking Federation; rules, regulations and other papers relating to membership; and papers relating to various matters of interest to the banking community including income tax, security, fraud, liquidity, clearing house payments, inter-bank cooperation, legislation, bankruptcy, credit, audits and taxation.
Restricted access to later records.
Zonder titelRecords of the Central Association of Bankers, a society promoting the interests of banks, comprising annual reports and accounts; minutes; circulars and reports.
Restricted access to later records.
Zonder titelRecords of the Coal Factors' Society, beginning in 1761 and consisting of minutes, attendance books, letter books, rules and regulations, an account of market dues at the Coal Exchange, financial records including ledgers and cash books, factors' day and entry books, factors' and meters' postage books, an alphabetical list of ships giving gross and net tonnage, lists of named ships with total monthly cost to each factor, comparative lists of the highest prices of best house coals taken for each, contracts made with various persons for the supply of barges, beams, weights, a Tilbury signal code book, and newspaper cuttings. There are no records for the period 1790-1831.
The collection also includes a register of names, destinations and owners of ships, and weight of coal shipped from Newcastle, 1702-4, Ms 30689, which had been found amongst the archives of the Coal Factors' Society and Coal Meters' Committee. It predates both bodies and appears to have been collected as a curio.
Zonder titelMinutes of the British Radio Cabinet Manufacturers Association.
Zonder titelAccounts ledger of the Edible Oil Association. It is held off-site and requires 24 hours notice for access.
Zonder titelLondon Oil and Tallow Trades Association records comprise: minutes, 1910-22 (Ms 23230-3); scrapbook of notices and letters etc, 1910-16 (Ms 23234); ledgers, 1921-67 (Ms 23235); and cash books, 1935-60 (Ms 23236).
Zonder titelLondon Cattle Food Trade Association records comprise minutes, accounts and a register of samples.
Zonder titelLondon Copra Association records comprising minutes of committees, general meetings and the board of appeal; and financial accounts.
Zonder titelLondon Port Area Grain Committee records comprise: minutes, 1939-1954 (Ms 23216); and minutes of the establishment sub-committee, 1951-1954 (Ms 23217).
Zonder titelNational Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers records comprise: general meetings minutes, 1920-1927 (Ms 23237); executive committee minutes, 1920-1926 (Ms 23238); and Hull area members minutes, 1939-1954 (Ms 23239).
Zonder titelNational Federation of Corn Trade Associations records comprise: constitution and bye-laws, 1918 (Ms 23208); minutes and notes for meetings, 1918-1958 (Ms 23209-12); and accounts, 1955-1972 (Ms 23213-14).
Zonder titelPapers of predecessor companies of London Transport. More information regarding each company can be found in the separate sub-fonds entry for that company.
Aylesbury and Buckingham Railway
Baker Street And Waterloo Railway
Central London Railway Minutes
Central London Railway Correspondence, Contracts, Reports, Etc.
City And South London Railway
City And South London Railway
Charing Cross, Euston And Hampstead Railway
Earls Court Grounds Limited
Edgware And Hampstead Railway
Great Northern And City Railway
Great Northern Piccadilly And Brompton Railway
Hammersmith And City Railway
Hounslow And Metropolitan Railway
Harrow And Uxbridge Railway
Hammersmith And City Railway
Kingston And London Railway
London Electric Railway
London General Country Services (Buses)
London General Omnibus Company
Lots Road Power House
London Passenger Transport Board
London And Suburban Traction Company (Tramways)
London Transport Board Reports And Accounts
London Transport Executive Files
London United Tramways
Metropolitan And Metropolitan District Joint Railways
Metropolitan And District Electric Traction Company
Metropolitan District Railway
Metropolitan Electric Tramway
Metropolitan And Great Central Joint Railways
Morden Station Garage
Metropolitan And St Johns Wood Railway Company
Metropolitan Tower Construction Company
North Metropolitan Tramways
Railway Equipment And Construction Company
South Metropolitan Electric Tramways
Tramways M.E.T. Omnibus Company
Underground Electric Railways
Union Construction Company
Union Surplus Lands Company
Whitechapel And Bow Railway
Watford Joint Railway Committee - Metropolitan And London North Eastern Railways
Watford And Edgware Railway
Wembley Park Estate Company
Also bus companies comprising:
A1 Bus Company
Acme Pullman Services (Buses)
Alberta Omnibus
Amersham And District Motor Bus And Haulage Company
Associated Omnibus Company
Atlas Omnibus Company
C W Batten And Company Limited (Buses)
Bracklin And Vandy Limited (Buses)
Britannia Traction Company
Brixton Motor Omnibus Company
Bucks Expresses (Buses)
Cambrian Coaching And Goods Transport Limited
Cambrian Landray Coaching Limited
Celtic Omnibus Company
Central Omnibus Company
Chesham And District Bus Company
Cosgrove Omnibus Company
Criterion Omnibus Company
Dangerfield Limited (Buses)
Direct Omnibus Company
District Omnibus Company
Dominion Omnibus Company
East Ham Omnibus Company
Empress Omnibus Company
Fleet Omnibus Company
Florence Omnibus Company
Gearless Motor Omnibus Company
Grafton Omnibus Company
Grangewood Omnibus Company
Green Line Coaches Limited
Haywood And Nowell Limited (Buses)
Horseshoe Traction Company
Invicta Traction Company (Buses)
Jockey Omnibus Company
Lea Valley Omnibus Company
Legion Omnibus Company
London Road Car Company
Lonsdale Omnibus Company
Loveland Omnibus Company
Mcmahon Omnibus Company
Marathon Omnibus Company
Mason Omnibus Company
Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Company
New Central Omnibus Company
Northern Omnibus Company
Nulli Secundus Omnibus Company
Olympic Traction Company
Omnibus Proprietors Limited
Overground Limited (Buses)
Edward Paul Limited (Buses)
Pc Omnibus Company
Priest Brothers (Buses)
Primrose Omnibus Company
Ra Motor Services
Charles Randall Limited (Buses)
Reburn's Motor Services
Shamrock Traction Company
Skylark Motor Coach Company
Silver Star Omnibus Company
Superbus Limited
T And W Omnibus Company
Tottenham Hotspur Omnibus Company
Tower Carriers Limited
Unique Omnibus Company
Victoria Road Car Company
Vivid Omnibus Company
W And P Omnibus Company
Watford Omnibus Company
Wellington Omnibus Company
Western Omnibus Company
White Star Omnibus Company
London And South Coast Transport Limited
National Omnibus And Transport Company
Zonder titelRecords of the Great Northern and City railway, comprising Board meeting minutes and General meeting minutes.
Zonder titelRecords of the Kingston and London Railway Company, comprising Joint Committee Minutes.
Zonder titelRecords of the London General Omnibus Company, including minutes of Managers Committee meetings, General Board meetings, and the Conseil de Surveillance; reports to Shareholders; Guard Books containing newspaper cuttings relating to early omnibus services and particularly to the last horsedrawn service, photographs, Omnibus and Tramway Guides from 1878, lists of company's stables and premises, time-keepers' books, rules and regulations of the LGOC, checkers' rules prior to 1891, sample tickets and so on; press cuttings; London General Omnibus Company rules and regulations; photographs; list of premises; timekeepers' books; volume containing manuscript copies in French and English of the Deed of Constitution, Statutes and so on of the company, together with prospectus of the Compagnie Generale des Omnibus de Londres; monthly reports relating to Coach Factories and Traffic; Traffic Circulars and financial records including ledgers, journals, and cash books.
Zonder titelRecords of the London and Suburban Traction Company, including minutes of Board Meetings; minutes of General Meetings; minutes of Stockholder meetings; and traffic reports.
Zonder titel